Moments Like This

Story by Kiyoshi on SoFurry

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**Moments Like This

By:** Kiyo - 9 May 2006

Disclaimer: Faolan was created and owned by Kitora, and Kiyo is my character, (c) me.

Notes: I just had to play through a fantasy of this character. Kitora, if you read this, Faolan pwns... and I hope you don't mind I put him in this situation. :)


Kiyo groaned slightly as he walked into the dark apartment. He closed the door behind him and set his "mail bag" that contained some work papers and his laptop on the kitchen counter. As he walked back to his and his mate's room, he slid off his shoes and shirt, and worked on his pants as he walked to the bathroom. He turned on the lights in the bathroom, and slid his tail through his pants as he finished taking them off.

Kiyo was an anthropomorphic dragon. He was nineteen years old, and he was a little over six feet tall. His fur is an orange color, while his wingflaps, belly, and hair were all gray. His eyes were a brilliant golden color. His hair fell to about his neckline, and was somewhat wild and untamed. His wings reached up to a little past the horns that reached from Kiyo's eyeridges, and fell to his ankles.

He slid off his boxers as he turned on the water for his shower, and as he waited for it to heat up he examined his body. He had been working out a lot recently, as well as exercising outside of the Gym. It was a normality for him and Faolan, his mate, to take walks in the evening after they both got off of work.

He slid one of his clawed paws along his toned and slightly muscled chest and belly idly, and then he saw the steam beginning to rise from the bath tub. He pressed the switch to engage the shower, and watched the steam rise faster. He climbed into the shower, not bothering to close the door to the bathroom hoping his mate could come home and catch him in there.

He stepped into the water flow and slid the translucent door closed. He closed his eyes as the water flowed through his hair, slowly soaking it and pressing it to his draconic head and neck. He turned in circles for a moment, letting the warm water cover him completely.

He then stood with the water hitting the base of his neck, murring softly to himself. The hot water began to loosen the muscles on his neck and shoulders, and slowly down his back.

He then heard the door to the apartment click open, and he smiled to himself, keeping his eyes closed. He heard a slight rustling, the floor creaking as a certain someone walked to their room to hopefully take their clothing off, then heard the footsteps head towards the bathroom. He pretended to not notice as the door slid open, and the water flow stopped to his back.

He felt a slight pressure on his tail as Faolan's foot brushed against it as he put his legs on either side of Kiyo's tail. He then wrapped one arm across Kiyo's stomach, and met that paw with another one that came across the top of one of his shoulders, lightly hanging them there. He then rested his head on Kiyo's free shoulder, letting his brilliant blonde hair get drenched in the water and mix in with Kiyo's gray hair.

Faolan was a beautiful anthropomorphic dragon. He was around six feet tall, and was a few months younger than Kiyo was. His fur was a light blue and his chest/belly was white, and he had no wings. His hair which was just as wild as Kiyo's fell to his mid-back, and his front bangs were dyed blue, which matched his eyes. His muzzle was significantly different from Kiyo's in the respect that it was a shorter. Almost flush with his face. He had horns that extended from the back of his head, but his were thicker at the base than Kiyo's were. His ears were also a bit further away from the horns than Kiyo's.

He smiled as he opened his eyes and saw the blonde hair that had spilled over his shoulder, and brought a paw up to meet Faolan's, and clasped one of them. Faolan relaxed, and leaned into him slightly, letting his dragonhood rest against the top of his tail. Kiyo shuddered slightly, and couldn't help but be aroused by this. He leaned his head back and gently kissed Faolan's neck, licking slightly at the water trickling down his mate's fur.

Faolan met Kiyo's muzzle with his own and kissed him. Kiyo melted in his grasp and leaned into it, feeling his own dragonhood becoming erect.

Faolan then smiled at this, and reached over for the soap and wrapped it in a washcloth, and then started to wipe it across Kiyo's chest. Kiyo turned around to face him and leaned against the back wall as Faolan began to clean him.

He slowly worked from his chest, to down his arms, carefully getting the full limbs. He then worked down his belly and paid special attention to his more private area. He even worked the area with his paw to "make sure the soap settled in". Kiyo let his mouth slightly fall open as he became engulfed in ecstacy.

Faolan worked his way down Kiyo's tail, brushing his tailbase with a thumb digit, and then washed over his legs. When he finished this, he gently turned Kiyo around and washed his tail, then massaged his way up his back, working his wing joints, massaging them as well. Faolan then smiled, and pressed his muzzle into Kiyo's upper back, and nuzzlelicked his way up his neck into the base of his hair.

Kiyo turned around and hugged Faolan to his soap soaked body tightly, kissing into his neck firmly, wishing the moment could last forever. It was uncomfortable his throbbing manhood to be pressed into Faolan's stomach/side area, but it felt great to realize that Faolan's erect member was pressed into his knot from below, teasing his tailhole.

Faolan ran his paws through Kiyo's hair now, letting his claws press into his scalp, being careful to make the experience as enjoyable as possible without cutting him.

Kiyo gently licked at his neck.

"Lemme get this soap off of me..." He tried to speak, but it didn't come out loud at all. Faolan nodded slightly, and smiled as he backed away. Kiyo quickly got under the water and started to rinse himself off.

After Kiyo had his back to him, Faolan grinned to himself and knelt, gently playing with Kiyo's knot with his clawtips. Kiyo shuddered and almost fell back against him.

"Hold on buddy! I'm almost done!" Kiyo laughed as he finished getting the soap off of him. He turned off the water, and climed out of the shower first. Faolan followed him, and then Kiyo gave him a towel, then took one for himself. They both quickly dried off, then killed the lights to the bathroom as they hurried back to their room, where they closed the door behind them.

Faolan immediately latched onto him, rentlessly kissing his muzzle and neck. Kiyo practically yelped in surprise, and fell back on the bed, murring VERY loudly as Faolan explored his chest, occasionally nipping at either of his ears or kissing his lips breifly. Kiyo felt his throbbing dragonhood now against Faolan's groin, and fought for dominancy.

He rolled over, and started to ride against Faolan's thy, letting Faolan's dragonhood slide against his knot. He then positioned himself above Faolan, and eased onto his member, gently teasing his own tailhole by kneeling down and then back up. Faolan then grasped his shoulders, and gently pulled him down, making Kiyo moan in pleasure, Faolan himself closing his eyes and gasping for air.

Kiyo then began to bob up and down as Faolan grasped Kiyo's member and began stroking it. As Faolan stroked him quicker, he moved around quicker on top of him. Kiyo squeezed his rear every now and then, severely intensifying the experience for them both. Soon Faolan's stokes turned into pumps and Kiyo couldn't contain himself anymore, and neither could his mate.

He felt a sudden warmth inside of him as Faolan released, panting loudly for breath now. Kiyo released into Faolan's paw, and he sat there for a moment, basking in the afterglow. He then slid off of Faolan slowly as his mate cleaned the mess off of his hands with a tissue or two, and tossed those into a wastebasket to retrieve later.

Kiyo slid in beside his mate, who wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling into his chest affectionately.

"I love you, baby..." Kiyo whispered between breathes into his mate's ear.

"I love you too, Kiyo." Faolan whispered back, leaning up to kiss Kiyo on the muzzle. Kiyo graciously accepted it, and explored Faolan's muzzle with his tongue for a moment, unable to hold it for long due to the lack of oxygen in his body at the moment.

As Kiyo held his lover in his arms, he gently stroked a paw down his bare back. Faolan closed his eyes now, quickly falling asleep against him. Kiyo held onto him a little tighter, snuggling the slightly smaller dragon to his body.

"Sweet dreams, love.." Kiyo whispered into Faolan's ears as the blue dragon drifted into sleep. As Kiyo laid there, holding his mate in his arms, watching him closely as he slowly breathed, he began to fall asleep too.

He was so happy that he had ended up with such a dragon boy. He wished moments like this could last forever, but unfortunately this was the first night in what seemed like forever that they had really gotten into it. Work had kept them both extremely busy.

Kiyo rested his muzzle against Faolan's neck, closing his eyes, and laid there, gently breathing in the scent that was his lover.

"I love you... good night.." He whispered gently to the blue dragon. He then draped one of his wings around them both, and fell asleep, very relieved that tomorrow was Saturday and they could spend however long they wanted cuddling in bed.