College Days

**College Days By:** Kiyo - 15 Jan 2006 [Exveemon / Flamedramon] **Notes:** _Alternate Universe - School Scene. Furry-ish; Shounen-ai/Slash. Exveemon and Flamedramon grew up as best friends, went to the same schools, did the same stuff,...

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Making Waves

**Making Waves By:** Kiyo - 03 June 2006 **Notes:** _Toy, Digimon, Accidental popping_ **Disclaimer:** _I don't own Flamedramon._ Flamedramon returned home early from work one hot summer afternoon, and found himself with nothing to do....

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I Think I Love You

**I Think I Like You By:** Kiyo - 21 March 2006 Flamedramon x Exveemon **Notes:** _AU; Figured I'd give these two a good start. Somewhat. :)_ **Disclaimer:** _I don't own Digimon._ Exveemon grinned when he walked through the door to his sixth...


You Won't Fall, I Promise

**You Won't Fall, I Promise By:** Kiyo - 20 March 2006 Flamedramon x Exveemon **Notes:** _AU; Title came from lyrics in the song I was listening to earlier today. Lyrics are at the bottom of the page. I thought of this while I was sitting in the...


Moments Like This

**Moments Like This By:** Kiyo - 9 May 2006 **Disclaimer:** _Faolan was created and owned by Kitora, and Kiyo is my character, (c) me._ **Notes:** _I just had to play through a fantasy of this character. Kitora, if you read this, Faolan...

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A World of unknown tails (ch1)

Story by John H, Pierce, Aka Kiyoshi Yamaru. All names are Copywrite and created from the Mind of the owner, and shall only be used under permission of the Creator, if anyone wishes to know more, E-mail me at...

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A World Of unknown Tails ((ch1))

Alright everyone, the next part to My story I'm wirting, I know it's been a while sicne I posted up but I've gotten alot more time to write up the rough draft and then type it up here, that and i'm out of Writers Block. As usual to all who are...

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