
Story by Mongol the Flygon on SoFurry

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#3 of Pokemon One Shots

"Feel free to do with her as you wish." A large female bird like figure said to another large bird, "You do understand what I am asking of you, and if you do," Her talons gripped around his cock, "I will reward you," She licked her beak, "Handsomely." And she squeezed his cock.

"Yes my love, I will do this for you." The male said, walking out of the cave, "The Great Master of the Northern Skies always gets what he wants." And with that the massive gray bird took off, watching the skies for his prey.

A large blue bird flew through the sky, her large wings taking her though the clouds. Articuno flew into a large white cloud and sat on top of it, looking down ate the beach bellow. Her thoughts still lingered on her mate, Zapdos, she flew faster to see him sooner. She saw a large shadow over head and payed little attention to it. It was large gray bird.

"There is my prey." It said, before swooping down at Articuno.

The large, blue bird was flying on, unaware of the danger. Articuno felt something grab her wings and drag her to the ground. "AH!" She said as the attacker dragged her to the ground, she looked back and saw what it was. It was the Great Staraptor, Master of the Northern Skies. and she tried to squirm free.

"Sh sh sh." Staraptor said, wrapping his wings over het front and caressing her chest and muffling her beak. "Don't try and escape, or it will be worse."

She tried to scream, but she couldn't through his thick feathers. when they got closer to the ground, he removed his wings and slowed their descent. They landed on a small beach surrounded by sharp rocks and hills. "HELP!" She screamed, trying to flap her wings and escape, but her wings hurt too much to flee.

"Quit your screaming." He said, walking over to her, he grabbed her face and lifted it up to his until they were only inches away. "Don't waste your breath, you will need it." He placed his beak on hers and opened her's, and pushed his tongue into her mouth. He pulled away, leaving Articuno shocked and scared as he walked behind her. "Now lets begin." His claws grabbed onto her legs, and spread them, causing her pussy to begin to leak.

Articuno then felt something poke her butt. Though she already knew the answer, she asked the question anyway. "W-what are you going to do with me?"

He chuckled and said, "Have my way." Staraptor thrust his cock between her ass, hot-dogging his 2' 4" cock. After he did that, he spread her pussy eve more, making her leak more, forming a small puddle in the sand. "It seems you are already wet, well, I don't like to keep a lady waiting." He wrapped his wing around her mouth and said, "And you seem so very eager."

Articuno whimpered and she felt the tip of his cock touch her pussy's lips. Then he forcefully shoved his entire length into her. Articuno moaned into his wing as she felt the unwelcomed invader stretch her and reaching her womb. It had been a long time since she had felt this full.

"Just relax, I don't want to have to hurt you." Staraptor let his cock sit in her moist tunnel, it was cold, but a type of welcoming cold, and VERY tight. He grunted as he tried to pull out, but she was so tight that it was hard to. "Wow, you are as tight as a virgin Articuno, you mate must be very small." Staraptor gloated, beginning to thrust into her. "Tell me, how small is Zapdos, me must be pretty small to leave you this tight."

Staraptor was right, Zapdos was very small, though Zapdos are only 5'3" (yeah I was shocked too), he was an electric type and they have small members, he was only 1'9". Articuno felt his cock slam into her g-spot, and she yelled "OH YES RIGHT THERE!" And she yelped in pleasure as he continued to rape her.

Articuno's tunnel squeezed his cock tightly, making it hard for him to thrust into her hard. A moan bubbled from Articuno's mouth as he thrust into her, the last few inches of his cock reappearing for a moment before being swallowed again by her warm, wet tunnel. And then again...and again...and again, his pattern began picking up speed with each thrust until her cries grew louder as the great bird's pride slammed in and out of her sex.

She hated to admit it, even to herself, but she was actually beginning to enjoy Staraptor raping her. NO, she though, Zapdos is the only on... her thoughts faded as a large wave of pleasure hit her. No, I am going to make sure that I hate this, and he was still hammering her ass. she grunted and moaned as she felt her pleasure began to build.

Staraptor repeatedly thrust into Articuno's moist tunnel, loving the beautiful sound of her moaning. Her slippery and moist hole hugged and squeezed his cock, showing she was going to cum soon. Articuno fought to hold back her imminent orgasm, but moaned out loud any way. "Oh, you pussy feels so good, why hold it back I know you are loving this."

Staraptor's words struck her, as much as she wanted to hate it, she couldn't go on denying it, she loved this. She loved having a powerful male hold her down, him thrusting his cock forcefully into her, but mostly she loved that fact that he was so large. His massive member pulverized her womb, after nearly 3000 of Zapdos's miniscule cock, it felt good to be filled so much, but she still held back, feeling her pussy tense up and here her grunt, he realized hat she was doing and pulled out of her. A small dribble of her juices poured out.

Without Staraptor's great appendage in her, Articuno's pussy began to burn with need, she felt only one more thrust would make her cum. Articuno began to squirm, trying to rub her pussy on anything to ease pain, but Staraptor was holding onto her legs too tight so she couldn't move. Articuno buried her face in the sand and screamed.

Staraptor was also feeling the need to continue, as he had blue-balled himself, and her swollen pink entrance almost seemed to call him in, but he wanted to make her to tell him to. "All you need to do is tell me to keep going and I will." As a little motivation he teased her pussy.

She moaned into the sand, and after a few seconds she said into the sand, "Plmmmze fhhhhk nne."

"I'm sorry what was that?" He brought his head closer to hers.

She lifted her head out of the sand and said, "Please, fuck me!" The need had gotten to intense and she needed release. Articuno whimpered and began to cry, and squirm more.

"Now was that so hard to say?" He asked, and he grabbed onto the front of her wings and lined himself up. "Quit squirming, I'll be gentile, er." He rammed himself into her, she moaned out loud and her love tunnel contracted and she came. Her juices washing over his cock, and leaked out of her opening. "Well, someone seems to be enjoying herself." Articuno began to sob quietly. Rubbing the side of his head of hers, Staraptor said, "Oh, don't cry, I'll let you go soon." Staraptor then began to thrust into her again.

Staraptor was thrusting into her forcefully, but not enough to cause her pain, with each one her body lurched forward, and she felt her cum still in her womb flowing back and forth. She felt her breathing speed up and her pussy began to contract again.

"Wow, you are already close to cumming again? You must be really loving this." Staraptor said, still penetrating her repeatedly, and his breath too was beginning to speed up as well. He then slammed his pride into her tunnel, hilting himself and making her tunnel incredibly sensitive due to how close she was. With Staraptor's massive appendage still in her, she could feel every pulse, every throb, every twitch of the meat pole.

She moaned exceptionally loud when he pulled his cock out slightly and pushed that small length back in. It took every scrap of self control for Staraptor to not pound the female beneath him, but when she moaned again, he lost it. He released her wings and grabbed her waist with his claws, and turning her around, rotating her on his cock, sending shock waves of pleasure through her body. Looking her in the eyes he said, "Get ready, cuz now the real fun starts." He pulled out so only his tip was still in her. He slammed himself back into her, hitting her g-spot and making her moan. He heard her begin to pant as his hot member resumed splitting her icy cold lips. Articuno moaned as the Staraptor pounded her ass, her juices leaving a slick coating on his cock. Her pleasure was making her loose control of herself, she didn't want to look at Staraptor, so she looked the only way she could, down and all there was to see was his cock plunging in and out of her love tunnel. Articuno tried to look away, but she couldn't. Her pans and moans grew louder, and Staraptor began to thrust into her harder. His dick twitched and throbbed he felt his climax approach, and he could tell Articuno was getting close too. Sweat dripped off her body and her pussy began to contract more around the invader, and instinctively wrapped her wings around his body and pulled him closer.

Pressed right up against her body, Staraptor thrust hard into her and she screamed in pleasure as she came. Starptor was right next to her ear and he felt like he lost an eardrum. Articuno rode out her orgasm, loving the feeling of Staraptor still thrusting into her as she came. Staraptor was unable to hold on, he groaned and all his pen up seed burst into her core.

Articuno felt wave after wave of hot avian seed be pumped into her womb. This continued for several minutes or Staraptor thrusting and pumping his cum into her, "So. Much. Cum." Articuno aid out of breath. The massive amount of sperm not only filled her womb but every thing from her vagina to her ovaries, her abdomen was so distended that she looked pregnant, thankfully legendries can't get pregnant.

After Staraptor had finished pumping every thing in his balls into her, he flopped off her and landed next to her and looked at her. Panting the Staraptor said, "Wow, that was great, I'm going to enjoy having you as a fuck-toy for a while." He closed his eyes and began to rest.

Articuno tried to get up, but her insides were so full of cum that it was painful to try and get up. She tried to get her wing out from under Staraptor's body. After she freed her wing she got up and ran while flapping her wings franticly.

Her flapping awoke Staraptor, who immediately got up and chased her, when he reached her he tackled her and pinned her. He looked her in the eye and he looked PISSED! "I DID NOT SAY YOU COULD LEAVE! My mistress told me o hurt you, humiliate you make you suffer, but I didn't. I was being nice because I happen to find you quite beautiful and I don't want to hurt some thing so beautiful, but because of this, I will do that to you." He cawed loudly into the air and three other pokémon, all a large as he was, a Charizard, a Houndoom, and a Pidgeot, all of them with massive hard-ons. "Let me introduce you to my friends." Articuno gulped nervously as Staraptor go off her. "So who wants to go first?"

"Me." The Charizard said, he grabbed her white chest fur and picked her up, then he pushed her against a wall of rock. He licked his fangs and said, "My, my you are a pretty one, I'll try to not hurt my toy to much." Charizard forced her down to his waist, and directly in front of her was Charizard's red, hot dick, now Articuno got a better look at his dick, it was 2'7" with a large knot at the base. "What are you waiting for?" He said impatiently, before he forced it into her mouth.

"Ghmm fhthnb." She felt the massive member snake its way down her small beak and into her throat, its heat drying her throat. She tried to get the burning organ out of her mouth, but she couldn't because Charizard was holding her head in place. After a few seconds he let go and she gasped for breath, and looked for water to quench her parched throat.

"Does Arti want something to drink?" Charizard said mockingly, she nodded, "Well, keep sucking and you will."

She hated it and she knew it was demeaning, but it was the only thing she could do, so she wrapped her beak around the appendage and licked it ferociously, trying to get him to cum. Her tongue twirlted aroun the tip, her eyes fixed no the cock in front of her, she saw Charizard's massive balls swing under his legs, almost hypnotizing her. As she obediently bobbed her head, sucking on the Charizard's cock, she traced her tongue across the ridged bottom of the length, and she couldn't help but feel a small amount of her juices spill out.

Charizard grunted slightly and thrust into her mouth, some of his pre-cum leaking out

Articuno greedily lapped up the spicy liquid,it was burning hot, but she didn't care. Charizard grabbed the back of her head again, and roared loudly. The bird felt his cock throb and twitch, so the tried with all her strength to push against his two hand and catch his pay-load. she felt large spurts of his thick white cum blast into her mouth. It was extremely spicy and hot, but the thirsty female gladly excepted it, gulping down his cum. After about two minutes of cumming, the dragon took his cock out of her mouth. "Thank you." She said quietly, but Charizard heard her. After she swallowed the last bit of his cum, she licked the tip of his cock, wanting to get all of it, he jacked off, letting the last few drops land on her longue, and also for something else.

Charizard lifted up the legendary, and pushed her up against the wall, putting his arms under her wings for support. Articuno felt something poke her pussy, so she looked down and gasped in shock that his cock had re-hardened already. "What, didn't you know that I'm a fire dragon?" He said," And the thing about us it that we can fuck all day." The beast smiled and grabbed his pride with one hand, guiding it to it's next destination. Articuno felt the tip enter her, and it burned, he was impatient and in one thrust, he shoved most of his length into her. "Oh," She moaned loudly, feeling the smoldering length cut through her icy cunt. She screamed in pain and pleasure, he was much longer and thicker than Staraptor, she was thankful that he had loosened her up, of Charizard may have ripped her in two. Articuno looked down, expecting to see his whole length buried in her, but it wasn't, nearly 7 inches were left out.

"Damn bitch, you are TIGHT!" He said, trying to cram the rest of his dick into her. He then managed to shove the rest into her.

"AAAAAHHHH" Articuno screamed, she felt Charizard's cock pushing out against her stomach. Charizard didn't give her a chance to adjust, he mercilessly pounder her. She felt Charizard's colossal balls smashing into her ass. "Please, *pant*, be genTLE!" Charizard slammed into her g-spot incredibly forcefully. Her moans getting incredibly loud.

Charizard felt his balls tighten, and knot swell. He thrust into her with increasing strength until he forced his knot into her. Articuno threw her head up in pleasure when she felt Charizard's colossal knot be forced into her pussy lips, and it was still inflating! He felt her tight pussy trying to push it out, but the dragon pulled out so only his tip was in her, and he slammed the whole length into her, "YES, TAKE IT ALL LIKE THE SLUT YOU ARE!" She wrapped her wings around him to hold on to him and then the whole knot was stuck in her, but he wasn't done yet. He still thrust into her, Articuno felt she was getting close and began to grind against him. Her breath sped up, and she felt his cock get MUCH hotter, nearly scorching her tunnel. He roared, and his scalding seed blasted into her. The boiling liquid quickly filled her empty womb, Articuno thought, if Staraptor's load was a 7 this was a 10.

Articuno moaned in pleasure and pain as she felt more and more of his seed be pumped into her body, but the hat was too much. "Please pull out, it hurts." She pleaded, feeling the burning seed scorch her tunnel.

"I'm sorry, but until I deflate, I'm stuck balls deep in your lovely, chilly tunnel." He said, letting out a laugh, and he stayed in her for several minutes, enjoying the way her pussy contracted and squeezed him until his knot deflated and he pulled out of her.

Charizard's seed gushed out of her and Articuno fell to the ground, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. "Please, no more." Articuno begged, out of breath.

"Oh sweetie, we aren't even close to being finished." Pidgeot said, and he flew over to her and carried her to the center of the beach. "this is going to be," He got behind her and bent to her ear, "fun. "And he laughed manically. A shadow fell over her, and she saw Staraptor standing over her, his cock hard. "It looks like your pussy has been a bit over used, but what about your ass?"

"N-" She opened her mouth to protest, but Staraptor shoved his cock into her mouth, she felt Pidgeot's cock tip slide on to her ass.

"Its so plump and firm, I can't wait to fuck it." Articuno tried franticly to say something, but Staraptor's large organ prevented her, and then Pidgeot slapped he ass, watching it jiggle. Pidgeot began to push his length into her, but she was very tight, "Damn it Articuno, have you ever taken one in here?" She mumbled and shook her head. "Then it looks like I'm the first." He tried to force the rest of his cock onto her, and after nearly 3 minutes, he finally did. Meanwhile, Staraptor pounded her mouth, her tongue furiously working to get Staraptor close but before Pidgeot could even get started, Staraptor blew in her mouth. Articuno choked on the seed that Staraptor pumped into her. Staraptor pulled out of her beak and shot one more stream of cum on her face. Pidgeot grabbed her legs and pulled some of his member out, and pushed it back into her. He started slowly at first, only pulling out some of his member , then he sped up, pulling out more and more until he was thrusting into her painfully.

She knew Pidgeot was larger than Staraptor, and because he was in an even tighter hole, the pain was nearly immeasurable, she began to cry again. "Please stop, IT HURTS!"

"Well you made it cum to this, you struggled against me, and now you need to deal with my brother." Staraptor said.

She sobbed and felt thee massive cock in her ass continued to force its way through her body. Pidgeot thrust with ever increasing strength, making the legendary pokémon beneath him his bitch. He twitched and throbbed in her as her plump butt tightened around him. He grunted and panted as he continued to rape her ass, "My my Arti, I'm gonna enjoy fucking your ass a lot more in the future, its so soft and *grunt* tight." After a few more thrusts, Pidgeot moaned as he blew in her ass.

Articuno felt his cum fill up her ass, and then force its way out of her ass. She heard Pidgeot put out with a loud pop. "Please no more." She pleaded.

"How about ,"no"." Charizard said, "I still want a piece of that lovely ass."

"Yeah, and I haven't even gotten a turn with her." Houndoom complained.

Articuno felt Charizard's claws grip her wings, and got on top of her. "He lowered his face next to hers and said, Don't worry, you will love this." She felt his tongue snake its way into her mouth and kissed her, "You will just be burning with passion when we are done." He lifted his hips and repeatedly stabbed at her ass, before finally penetrating her, she grunted as she felt the dragon's large dick enter her, then he flipped her over, so her back was on top of his chest. "Ok boss, she's already." He licked her neck, and bit it lightly, eliciting a moan from her. "Hey guys, I think she's starting to warm up to me." And then me hade his cock heat up.

She felt two cocks prodding her pussy and she saw both Pidgeot and Staraptor were going in, at once! They both pushed into her, when both pushed into her, her stomach bulged out several inches. She was about to scream, but Houndoom shoved his length into her mouth, he was the smallest, 1'2", but it still filled her throat. The hell hound's shaft was squeezed by her throat, and she wrapped her tongue around it to speed up the pleasuring. All four were pumping into her with different speeds, stretching her more than she could have ever imagined, but giving her an unimaginable amount of pleasure. Houndoom's canine cock forced its way through her throat and she felt his balls slap her face, and saw his knot begin to swell. All four began to grunt more and thrust harder into her. All four member twitched and they all thrust into her one final time, sending all of them into a mind numbing orgasm. Charizard lifted her up, and thrust his knot into her ass, she screamed in pain but Houndoom's cock muffled it. Staraptor and Pidgeot pumped her pussy full of their seed, Charizard let out a river of searing cum and Houndoom let out hot jets of cum into her throat. Spurt after spurt, jet after jet, they began to pump their toy full of their cum. After several long minutes of cumming, they finally got out of her, leaving the one beautiful legendary a cum covered mess. The left, planning their next fuck session.

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