t.S.S.C. - 1. Malefor X Cynder

Story by Talon_Fire on SoFurry

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#2 of The Spyro Sex Chroncles!!

Cynder struggled against the chains that bound her. Her and Spyro had lost...they had lost the battle with Malefor...they had lost their freedom...they had lost everything...

When she had awoken in her chains she had instantly been in fear for her mate's life, for he had been no where in sight. That fear still crawled within her veins. She recognized the master bedroom of the temple, now Malefor's floating fortress which represented only doom and despair, which Ignitus the head guardian had once called home and had occupied on many nights. She waited in fear of what Malefor had planned for them.

"Rise and shine my sweet beautiful," said a voice. Cynder rose, she had not realized she had fallen asleep. She began trying to ram herself at him in anger when she saw who it was.

"You have no right to call me that you two-faced lying bastard!" Screamed Cynder. The male only chuckled.

"My my, Cynder...still as feisty as you were since you hatched," said Malefor. A new fear grew in Cynder, a cold, cold, dread. His voice had lost that rough evil tint, now is was smooth and alluring, almost seductive. It was too casual...far too casual. She didn't like what she assumed was his plan. He was a male with natural urges after all...and being cooped up for years probably hadn't lessened the sexual vigour and wants of a male dragon.

"Let me out of this prison...NOW Malefor!" said Cynder, trying to sound intimidating.

"This isn't my prison Cynder...," Cynder shivered as he spoke, his voiced smooth and most likely intending to seduce her, "...It's my bedroom. Don't you remember how we used to play all those fun little ‘games' before that purple whelp stole you from me? You used to like them...," Cynder shivered again, this time because he was actually managing to entice her own precious wants, her eyes grew even bigger when she realized the problem she had now, "And I can tell," Malefor took a large whiff of the air, "That you are not only anticipating, a rematch, but that you're also looking forwards to it."

Cynder moaned, her heat getting the best of her female-weaknesses. "M-m-m-master...," she moaned and cringed as pain shot through her nether-regions. Her heat was driving her towards him...his body, his own needs, his beautiful sparkling eyes, his well-exercised biceps, his core-hardened pectorals and abs, his beautifully muscled legs, and she drooled as she thought of what was between them...NO! She couldn't think like that...she couldn't...but that didn't mean that she didn't want to. "Master...," Cynder moaned, "I neeeeeeeeed you!" Malefor stepped towards her, the chains fell away from her with a thought from his mind. Cynder rolled over, exposing herself, all dripping wet luscious three-inches of the slit that would soon open to his sexual advances. But Malefor decided to try something he hadn't tried out before. He bent down and strongly inhaled her scent. It drive him mad, it was like a drug, he needed it, and she needed him. He rubbed his long hard length against her slit, opening it slightly. Cynder moaned; it was pleasuring both him and her, but only a little, it kept up a constant rate of pleasure that refused to rise or fall. Cynder's mind sprouted an idea as she saw a small condom like thing nearby. Her tail entered it and she found it was a cushioned-condom. Cynder smiled even more at the thought of what she was about to do. Malefor moaned louder as he felt something at his tail-hole. He had never had a male enter him before, but he didn't refuse the offer, he was driven too lust-mad at the moment. Cynder pushed the cushion and her tail farther into his tail-hole. He groaned and moved back against it. Seconds later his warm seed sprayed onto Cynder's chest and neck. She caught whatever of the viscous white-fluid fell near her mouth. She licked her lips and murred at the taste.

"You like that don't you, you little slut?" said Malefor. Cynder only smiled as he chose one of the dirtiest of pet names for her. She nodded in response to his question. She opened her eyes to be greeted with the sight of his dripping cock. Cynder moaned, her paw going reflexively to her vagina nd beginning to pleasure herself; the thought of what the long hard (Now partially white) piece could do her only making her hornier and hornier by the second. Malefor appeased her sexy way of asking for his rod by thrusting it into her mouth. Cynder moaned hungrily around Malefor's length, desperate for the taste of his seed. Malefor continued to hump at the young female's mouth, loving the skill with which she sucked and toyed at his length. Cynder grew a naughty thought (She's sucking on an evil dragon's dick and only now she would call something naughty? What does that say about how horny she is?); she stuck her tongue slowly into the slit on his rod. Malefor released a moan at the feeling. Cynder coiled and uncoiled her long tongue inside it, stretching it slightly. The inside of Malefor's dick grew red with slight irritation, having never had anything other than seed or precum in it. The mix of pleasure and pain sent a new thrill through Malefor, as he neared his release he began thrusting deeper into the dragoness's throat until her moans were muffled. With a groan, Malefor released the pent-up juices deep into Cynder's throat. Her tongue still within his rod, Cynder could taste every drop of cum that came from his cock. Spurted wouldn't have fit the way the seed flooded into her, in Cynder's mind, a more proper description would be that it flooded into her like a torrent.

Cynder moaned in bliss; Malefor had bent down and fed his tongue into her moist pussy. Her fantasies of what the horny muscular male might do to her had served to make her considerably wet, Malefor could see the puddle of juices on the floor between her legs. Cynder's vaginal passages sucked on the male's tongue, drawing his spit into her tunnel causing her to shiver.

Only a few seconds later did the onslaught of cum slow to a stop. Cynder's stomach had been bloated slightly from the volume of seed that she drank.

t.S.S.C. - 2. Malefor X Cynder 2

Cynder lay on the bed in Malefor's room, he was currently interrogating another prisoner. She remembered her first sexual moment with Malefor, those were some of her favorite tasks... FLASHBACK: Cynder walked into her master's throne room. She...

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