Carpus delicti - II

Story by AdalwinAmillion on SoFurry

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Carpus delicti - II Erika woke up in the morning. 7:30? Already? Well, at least that is what she thought. But the only thing she felt was pain. Pain everywhere. All the swimming yesterday must have really exhausted her muscles and she got really bad muscle ache. She turned around; facing the side where her alarm clock was placed on a small table text to her bed. She slowly opened her eyes and immediately sat up in horror. 9:30? She was damnly late for work! Indeed, she worked as a cashier in a supermarket, nothing special, and the pay could be better as well, but she loved the job, as customers normally were quite gentle and nice to her; which annoyed her colleagues a little bit. But she had to get up now! Erika swiftly got out of bed, undid her bra in which she slept almost so quickly, that she almost ripped it off. She then rushed into the small bathroom of her apartment. She got her precious canine fangs clean and left the bathroom again; no time for a quick shower. She jumped into her clothes and rushed downstairs with the keys of her car; paused, then rushed up again, locked her door and almost jumped down the stairs and out of the door. Her car's lights, which stood conveniently right in front of the apartment, blinked as she unlocked her auto from afar, almost barged against an old bear, (The crooked youth of today!!!) and finally opened the door and sat in. Now, as she finally had time to breath, she realized as she looked into the mirror that her fur was all scrubby! But, oh well, she had to move on now, otherwise she would risk something worse than just a pay cut. She started the motor and began to drive. On the next crossing she had to turn right, then wait at a traffic light, which normally stood on red for about 52 years, then she had to turn left to get onto the highway. All of these things done, she finally got to relax for a moment. The highway was not too crowded to that hour, since normal people are already at work... And she had the whole lane for herself. She opened her window and let her tongue hang out in the wind, which felt quite amazing, she thought. The sun shone again and otherwise this could become a very good day; well at least that is what she was hoping for. I mean, could the day get any more worse? The answer came abruptly as Erika could hear a sudden police siren howl behind her, a quick look into the mirror revealed an electric board which read "PLEASE FOLLOW". She gulped and knew: This was her end.

She was really afraid of the police, especially of those cops who had to patrol the highway! Normally, they would be really mean to her, which would lead to an even higher fine when Erika rebelliously stuck her tongue out to them... When the police car drove off in front of her, she changed lane right behind the car, while almost dying in front of the wheel. Already trying to figure out, whom she would give all her belongings if she died in the next few seconds or so. Now, the sun started to tease her by shining right into her face; growling a little, she turned over the blind and followed the police. The car lead her to a parking lot of a small diner, to her amusement one where they sell doughnuts. This somehow brightened that dark situation a little bit, she turned off the engine, and sat there, feeling quite cold as if her blood refused to flow through her veins, that's how scared she actually was! After a few seconds, one of the cops stood in front of her window. His blue uniform scared the poor wolf even more, his badge, which reflected the light added some scariness, too. She slowly opened the window, but she got blinded by her friend Mrs. sun again, who shone right into her face. She looked up into the cop's face and was surprised. The sun hid behind the head of the cop and revealed an angel; It was Carpus who looked down into her face.

He began to blush across his whole face upon seeing his friend from the beach again! He was visibly embarrassed that it was just him to pull her over. "Uhm..." he began to speak, trying to get his sentences straight, but failed miserably; trying to hide his embarrassment as he looked away. "Ma'am... Do you know why we pulled you over?"

Erika however did not care about his stumbling, she listened carefully to his words; in fact, she did not believe that her new friend was a real cop! She lowered her big ears in fascination and let her tongue hang out a little; as this is what she always did when she listened closely to something. "No." she simply replied to his answer; still having this shine in her eyes as if she looked upon an angel.

Carpus was a little bit startled by her calm reply; he saw her being quite fearful just a few seconds ago. Did he, as a person, really calm this lady down...? "Ma'am, I am afraid, I.. I..."

"Officer!" a loud, roary voice went threw the air. Erika became frightened and hit herself behind the door of the, which looked rather cutely in the eyes of Carpus, who began to blush even more.

"Yes, Sergeant...?" he looked back to the patrol-car, where a large tiger male was doing his paper work; at least, that is what Erika could see through the mirrors.

"I ordered you to fine this lady, do not disappoint me!" he roared at poor Carpus, who shrieked a little; backing off of the car and almost losing the pen he had held all the time. "Do I really have to do everything on my own? Come back here and file the ticket!"

Carpus, of course, did as he was ordered, which deeply disappointed Erika, not only was she much more comfortable working with Carpus, but she already was scared of that tiger. He looked like he spent his entire life at the gym!

Returning to the car, where his boss had left his paperwork to Carpus, who had to watch how strictly his sergeant Cheng Powell was to the poor wolf. He was that cop who took his job quite seriously; Carpus always thought he was a sadist, as he liked to be cruel to the people he pulled over.

Powell's voice echoed through the whole parking lot, as Carpus could see from afar that Erika was slowly retreating into her car; well, at least that was what he would have done, too, in her place.

Erika indeed was afraid of the tiger, trying to act as harmlessly as she could to avoid even more trouble; nor did she want the cop to devour her with her beautiful bushy tail!

"Wolters!" he barked back at the Carpus after a while, who immediately got over to the car of Erika and handed her the ticket.

"Now let's go, before you waste even more of my precious time on this planet!" he literally pulled Carpus back to the car, where they got in and left the parking lot.

Still not realizing that the hell had finally frozen over and she was free, she took a closer look at the ticket: 25 bucks? You must be kidding me, she thought, looking closely and read carefully what the ticket said. She already wanted to put it away, as she noticed something written on its back, she knew that this was not normal. Looking at what it said on its backside, she had to blush deeply again, for there the orca had left his number and a little note, which said: "Call me!"