Scientifically Seduced

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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#15 of Draccy RPs

This is an old play I did with my big dirty blue that I cant believe I never uploaded!

In this scene Sargon has been doing his best to get Draccy's tail for some time but when she's resolute in saying no, sometimes it helps to have access to unusual drugs to help shake things up.

I'm not ashamed to say I've pawed to this story more times than should be allowed so hopefully most of you will enjoy this at least 1/80th as much as I have c.c

D: is Myself, S: is Sargon

If you DO enjoy it 1/80th or more;VOTE if you read it.COMMENT if you enjoyed it.PAW if you loved it!

D: She huffed softly, straightening her dress and realigning the lab coat for at least the dozenth time. She knew she was fidgeting but over the past few weeks it had become increasingly difficult not to and she didn't know why. Today everything felt particularly strange; her eyes seemed to linger on things while her mind wandered only to snap back to reality several minutes later in confusion. There was also this uncomfortable flush of warmth that would give her pause but more to observe the sensation than anything else. The symptoms had grown worse little by little and if they didn't subside soon she'd have to consult a physician. The elevator stopped, doors sweeping open- this was /his/ floor. She disliked the large blue drake that worked in lab 8, he was a brazen wolf with very low regard for females. She was just glad she didn't have to work with him, not directly anyway. His analytical abilities were second to none so she needed him despite his personality. She really didn't want to confront him today but she'd been putting off the reports for several days now and they couldn't wait any longer. The floor was quiet as always with only the soft hum of perfectly calibrated machinery to distract her wandering mind. She didn't remember walking down the hall or taking any turns to get there but suddenly the large double doors stood before her. Clearing her throat, she lifted a paw and knocked.

S: Soft huffing and moist sounds didn't penetrate the thick doors to the blue dragon's office. Blue scales were roughing against red scales as a thick grey hemipene disappeared under a tail again and again. The dragon beneath him was in charge of the mail room, which placed him in the power structure far below Sargon's level. And he had taken to reminding the lesser male of that quite regularly. He red dragon's own lengths were out, but not at all firm, as he did not enjoy these visits at all... but he had little choice about it. Sargon stopped and looked up suddenly at the wrapping at his door. He recognized her knock immediately. He stepped back from the red scaled male, immediately drawing his lab coat back into place and making himself proper again. The mail room clerk has entirely happy for the interruption, and, after getting his own clothing back into place, immediately fled through the opening as Sargon opened the double doors. He smiled toothily, "Dracasis. Do you have this week's reports? They're quite late!" He steps to one side and looks over the dragoness, not taking any care to hide the lust in his eyes for her. "Come in."

D: The black dragoness watches the smaller male skitter by her, her neck arching back some as he disappears around a corner and off to his duties. With a bit more clarity of mind she might have been thinking more about why he was here but as it were she was trying to determine why his scent had caught her attention. At Sargon's invitation, her snout scrunched up in a slight scowl but she paid little heed to him, stepping candidly into the lab. Her eyes made a full circuit of the area, finding little out of place before turning to the large blue male. She paused once again, eyeing him over. He was larger than she, despite her level of status it was hard to ignore that fact and it wasn't until her eyes met his that she cleared her throat and looked away, reaching into her pouch to produce a clipboard lined with papers. Normally she'd have retorted to his comment about being late with a reminder of her rank but resigned from it this time for some reason. "There's a lot of work Sargon and I've been having trouble concentrating. If that's all I should continue my rounds." She spoke plainly; the scent she'd caught was in here too, her head turning with nostrils flared.

S: Sargon took a moment to assess matters as she stepped into his office, and he took his sweet time closing the doors. He had gotten pretty close to cumming in the red dragon, and he hadn't liked being interrupted. But his mood had improved quite a bit as he realized who it was... She had a tail he actually desired, rather than one to merely get his rocks off. He'd call in the mail room clerk whenever he needed to relieve some stress so he could think, but this... this... Yes, he'd been working on her for some time. She failed to his see his charms, and he wasn't apt to let that get in the way. She had a habit of bringing her lunch with her each day so that she didn't have to break from work to go out and eat. And he had been seeing to it that a certain fertility drug would make its way into those lunches. Oh, its use wasn't novel. There had been news broadcasts about a new sort of 'date rape' drug... and warnings about what it would do in higher doses than the manufacturer had intended. Not that it was intended to force females against their will, or even had that affect, for that matter. It was merely a side effect of the increased fertility the drug was designed for. He took the papers from her and looked through them quickly. "These are full of mistakes," he rumbled. He didn't know if they actually were, but it was certainly plausible considering how much of the drug he'd given her. "We're going to have to go through this line by line."

D: She seemed quite distracted as if, for a brief moment she'd forgotten he was even there but when the quality of her work was put into question, she seemed to snap out of it. "What? That's not possible." She reached out and snatched the clipboard from his hand, flipping through pages as she turned and wandered toward a nearby desk. With her back to him he could clearly see the more prominent arch to her tail, he'd hardly noticed it by the tiny increments day by day but now it was clear. With her mind momentarily focused, she collected a pen and began scribbling computations on the border to check her work. "No, that's fine. You're just not accounting for y-variance." She spoke, almost as if to herself. "Mmm... but Argos-string might be an issue." Her tail swayed slightly from side to side now, the pretty dragoness distracted in a way you've never seen before.

S: Sargon watched her. She had been difficult to break so far. Her ability to concentrate despite the drug was considerable. But he had been patient, confident that he would be adding her little vent to his collection within the month, if not sooner. He already had several of the females (and males) in his section, but he was hunting bigger game now. And her rank in the company definitely made her bigger game. He had been increasing the dosage slowly... and by now, it was over twice the recommended safe limit. Would she really rather die rather succumb to his advances. It seemed preposterous to him. He knew that deep down, she wanted him... he was merely letting that urge out. Ha ha! He snickered to himself for a moment... he knew full well that wasn't true. But it made a good story. He was going to fuck her, and that was that. And judging by the way she was acting now, she might just be ready for it. He stepped beside her facing the desk and set his fore paw over her shoulders as he laid his wing over her. His underpads traced slowly along her neck as he ostensibly looked at the documents with her. "More than might be an issue. This math is wrong. Look here..." He pointed with his other fore paw, lifting himself to half lean against her side to hold himself up. "Xf should be equal to Xg, not Yf. Are you really having that hard a time thinking?"

D: The distracted dragoness didn't shove him off, push him away or growl in distaste at his closeness. He could feel the tension of her muscles beneath that powerful exterior and... was that a purr coming from her throat? Her eyes narrowed at the point of script. "I... wait what?" She tilted her head to the side with confusion and began rewriting the whole line in slow delicate strokes. She was warm to the touch and silky smooth, her scaly hide regularly oiled and polished to give her a lovely sheen. It could be wrong... she kept telling herself it wasn't but Sargon was one of their strongest analytical minds and it was worth double or triple checking if he said so. Though it was hard to concentrate with the way he was touching her. It didn't really register that he *was* touching her, only that it was distracting. "No, it's still Xg because of the recursive loop from here." She pointed to a different area of the calculation. "It's a cumulative curve, not exponential."

S: Sargon shook his head. "Look. It's pretty clear you've been under a lot of stress lately." He put his fore paw down on top of the paper, covering up her equations he knew to be correct. "Frankly, the sorts of mistakes you're making right now could cost you your job. Especially if you're going to hang on to them." He pushed the reports away to the corner of the desk, then set his paws back down on the floor as he stepped in front of her... purposefully brushing his side along hers as he did so. "Now, I know we've had our differences in the past. But I don't want you to get in any sort of trouble, you understand?" He sat his haunches against the edge of the desk as he faced her and lowered his snout down to rub his long chin along the ridge of her snout in a dominant/protective draconic gesture. "I can fix this for you so nobody else will know about it. I just ask that you do me one little favor in return..." He unfastened his bottoms, letting them hang up a little beneath his belly... not enough to reveal anything, but enough to be obvious. Particularly as the fabric had been obviously strained by two long lumps already. "And I think you know what that little favor is, don't you?" As he said that last, he nudged downward with his chin to guide her snout toward his underbelly.

D: But... that didn't make sense! She bunched her eye ridges together in concentrated thought, making a disgruntled noise and reaching fruitlessly for the paper as it was slid away but stopped with a huff when he moved around before her. Looking up at the large male with dubious regard, she couldn't help the soft rumble that flowed from her throat at the smoothly played gesture. The idea of doing any sort of favor of any kind for Sargon would have been immediately repulsed even a few days ago but here with a dominant male hovering over her with the strong musky scent of an aroused drake clouding her mind, it seemed plausible that she could make a concession. Her hesitation seemed eased by the gentle but direction he gave her, the closer she came to the core of his lust the harder it was to resist. After another moment, her curiosity got the better of her and her head dipped away from his own, sniffing at the alluring scent between his thighs. It wasn't hard to find the source after she'd stuck her head under his lab coat, the thick grey spires jutting hard out beneath his belly. She had to take a step closer to get within range but this was certainly the source of that lovely smell. On impulse her tongue slid across its surface. There was a disquieting flavor left behind, unbeknownst from the tail he'd been nailing earlier but after a few more inquisitive licks she began more eagerly cleaning the devious male.

S: Sargon drew in a breath as he felt as much as saw her snout nuzzle down into his bottoms and start licking along the particular length that had just been stuffed under the red male's tail bare not 5 minutes before. He shifted to pull his bottoms down further and draw his lab coat open more so that his lengths would be free for her to use her snout on him. "That's right. Clean it off," he rumbled as she tongued more and more over his used, dirty length. He gripped her horns and guided her maw down over it, demonstrating to her how to suck it... as if the scientist weren't smart enough to know this. Her name was on all these company patents. And he was going to use her to wipe his dick off.

D: He could feel the tension in her neck as he took hold but with the same slow patient persuasion he'd been using for weeks he managed to get that deep black muzzle around his used cockflesh. It would have been hard for her to imagine sucking any male off in her own company quarters and of those, ridiculously imposable for that drake to be Sargon but here, just before lunch she had her lips wrapped around his shaft, muzzle deep on his cock and oddly enjoying the sensation. By now there was no trace of the other male left, the dirty flavor replaced by the pure masculinity that she was freely rubbing into her tongue, tainting her breath with the heady scent of a devious aroused drake. She could feel the warmth in her belly flutter and flare now making her thighs hot and tight with a need she didn't yet understand. She'd been in heat before but this was a sensation beyond the natural realm and it felt... very good right now.

S: He took his time stuffing her maw over and over again. He'd waited weeks for this, and he was going to enjoy every second of it. It wasn't likely he was going to get her to do this twice... but he only needed it once. He would use her and discard her just like the trashy dragonesses he'd hire in the alleyways from time to time. And she'd never tell anyone what she'd done, no matter what she might figure out about it later. He'd always have this to hold over her quietly when their eyes met in the hallways. He leaned forward more and started thrusting more firmly in her maw... his lips drawing back as he growled out... and then a hot jet of cum spattered in her maw... followed by another and another... the big male releasing copiously... and making her... letting her... eat all of it.

D: There was something about the whole activity that pleased the black dragoness on a subconscious level, something she'd never admit to as he took up a regular rhythm of driving himself into her maw. With her tongue laying over her teeth to protect his shaft, that left her throat open for him to invade and he took every opportunity to make sure her neck bulged with his lust. The sudden sensation of something thick and wet being released nearly caught her off guard as the large shaft stiffened and flared sending thick sticky ropes of the stuff down her gullet and back some to make sure she could taste his virility on that lulling tongue of hers. There was hardly a drop wasted as she kept her lips sealed tightly around his pulsing flesh, draining him as best her hormone befuddled mind could manage.

S: Sargon reveled in the afterglow of releasing into her maw. He'd done that sort of thing many times, but this was special. This one was lowering a female from her high perch to remind her just what she was again. When it came down to it, the female of the species had only one purpose to fulfill. "I want just one more little favor from you," he whispered in her ear. "You see, I didn't realize it before. But you're in heat. Did you know that?" He'd thought about doing this without her knowledge. It'd be safer and easier to get her to agree to. But on further reflection, he wanted to hold this over her... for her to actually know she was being mated for real and not be able to summon the will to resist it. Oh yes, that's exactly what he wanted to have in his eyes for her whenever she uncomfortably walked by him in the halls. He stepped aside from the desk and gestured to it. "I want you to take off your dress and bend over my desk. Do you think you can do that for me?"

D: She huffed as he withdrew, a thin string of tainted saliva dangling from her chin for a moment. His comments confused her but so did a lot of things today. She wasn't in heat, that was... not for some time. Her eyes followed him as he stepped to the side, reaching out to caress her haunches. Krrr... that felt nice. Lazily she licked her lips, focus shifting from his eyes to his crotch. "To... take off my dress?" The idea seemed wrong somehow but he simply smiled as he pet her with a nod. As if looking through her own garment, her paw reached back and took hold of the edge of her lower half and with his sultry encouragement, she drew it back. It felt good to be released from the hold of those garments the touch of his paw against her bare skin only helping her decision and bit by bit he watched her strip for him. When her lower half was lying at a crumpled heap beneath her hinds, she let her paws roam freely over her naked self for a time before hooking her coat and upper half, drawing it free as well. It felt very strange, looking at herself like this but also very refreshing. Her self-absorbed distraction came to an end as he nudged her rump, the poor girl seeming to just now remember the other half of the request and, turning back to look at the desk, she hopped up as if blissfully unaware of her actions.

S: He stroked over her possessively as she did his bidding, sliding off the fabric of civilization she pretended to be part of. Reducing her from renounced scientist to a naked hen waiting to be bred. He even needed to remind her what she'd been asked to do with a little swat over her haunches, her mind so far enveloped in her needs. "Yes. You're in heat, and you've been wanting to mate, don't you remember?" He didn't slide off his own clothing... instead letting it contrast her nakedness that much more strongly and symbolize her loss of her former role. "You came into my office and seduced me." He stepped behind her, setting each of his larger hind paws behind hers with a somewhat wider stance. "I agreed to secretly give you a clutch to raise. Don't you remember?" He guided his unspent hemipene to tease along her vent... just taking the moment to fully appreciate how pretty she is... especially under the tail... before simply stuffing himself into her. He worked his bare shaft into her with little regard for her comfort and rumbled his pleasure.

D: None of it really made any more sense than Xf to Xg but whatever argument she might have put up was shoved to the side as the large male stepped forward, pushing her tail up out of the way to give his dirty shaft full access to her unprotected slit. She gasped in soft shock as he plunged deep inside, forcibly spreading her tender nether lips around his engorged flesh oh-so casually. Her strong muscles constricted tightly but the devious drake would have none of it, his hips coming flush with her own, driving himself inside her a few times to make sure he was fully wedged inside before taking a moment to enjoy the slick wet innards of this cute little plaything. Her foreclaws curled around the far edge of the desk as he forced himself upon her, nothing left to protect her hot deep undertail from attack by the spear of flesh between his legs. She still didn't remember the conversation about giving her tail to this dominant male but at least now with his cock reaching deep into her belly, she understood why she would have...

S: Sargon smiled toothily as he started to rock haunches, working his cock back and forth inside her... savoring the feel of her soft channel. He was planting memories for her that this was all her own idea. It wasn't the first time he'd used this particular drug on a girl, and he was familiar with how it distorted things for them. Later she would remember that she'd flung herself at him, and though surprised, he'd gone along with it. It would add to her embarrassment and help insure she wouldn't look into the matter too closely. He was going to make her pregnant, and leave her thinking it was her own idea. The lone complication to his plan was the amount of the drug he'd had to use. She'd been resistant to safe doses, and he'd had to give her more than double the limit. The drug was designed to force a barren female into heat, but at such high doses it would do more than that. There were ten or twelve times the usual number of eggs waiting for him as he pounded into her with slowly increasing pace. It was going to be painful for her to lay them, and she was likely to die in the process. But that was her own fault for denying his advances so sternly. If she had simply raised her tail earlier, all of that could have been avoided. But what was done was done, and he was going to use her for his pleasure regardless. Well, in point of fact, it wasn't quite done yet... if he stopped now, it would spare her. But he could feel himself getting close. "I'm going to cum inside," he growled, taunting her.

D: Her eyes closed, chest fluttering with excitement as the large male continued relentlessly driving his hemipene all the way in. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew she was being used, that something was very wrong with every aspect of this whole encounter but each time that fat log of flesh penetrated her pussy working deep between those child bearing hips, those thoughts were shoved aside as easily as her tail had been. The sensation of being lorded over, of being bred without regard made her tingle with dangerous excitement- the extent of that danger simply unknown to the poor female. She could feel his motions becoming harder and more aggressive as he neared his peek, the blue drake roughly pounding his clutch into the poor hen. There was nothing she could do in the grip of her strongest instincts as she moaned whorishly feeling the tension in her loins reach critical mass. With a startling gasp her eyes shot open wide as her vaginal muscles suddenly tensed and relaxed, then did it again, the sensation so shocking she could feel her muscles trembling around the thick shaft buried deep inside. Every part of her was vulnerable and the large male knew it, giving him the perfect opportunity to go ahead and knock up this pretty little hen just to help satisfy that little itch he'd been harboring...

S: Sargon growled out, and then immediately lowered his volume... his doors were thick, but not so thick that he didn't have to keep it down. Silent or not, the great blue dragon was shuddering against the had-been-scientist... pulsing rope after rope of seed into her. He held himself deep inside her in order to get her as pregnant as possible, even knowing it would lead to distending her belly that much further... and increase the chance of mortality. But it felt good to do, so he did it. It was just natural... that part of things, anyway... even if her side wasn't entirely so. That just wasn't his problem. Even if she survived, she'd never be pretty again. The cameras in his office were making the last recording of her being fucked while pretty. And he would savor watching these moments with her again later. He could watch the video and try to decide when the precise moments were that his sperm fertilized each egg within her. Even the thought that she might die from it turned him on more. All for his whim and pleasure.

The Swell of Spring

The black beast strolled casually though the blooming field, her dark overture making her rather obvious amongst the bright whites and yellows that surrounded her. The fur fluffed male didn't pay her much mind, even between kin territory was rarely...

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Political Negotiations

D: It was always hot and noisy and smelly and dirty down here. The highborn dragoness disliked coming down to the engineering level but circumstances dictated action. Elguest was going to propose to the council tomorrow and she needed to know the...

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Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

H: Hylda shifts lightly as she sits in her seat, huffing quietly as she waits for her name to be called...her tailtip twitching softly. Her family was new to the area here, and this was her first time at this dentistry...and had some deep tooth work to...

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