Laika - The Party

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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Laika - The Party

S.M. Wolf

_ Laika and all characters contained within the story are © S.M. Wolf. Trouble's Tales and all characters contained therein are © Kittiara and their respective owners._


How does a free society evolve to become a society of slave owners?

How is freedom subverted to establish an underclass of slaves?

How does slavery become so common the sight of a naked sex slave performing in public causes neither comment nor concern?

And what makes a society change to the point where the lower class views hunting for new potential slaves to be a good source of income?

Those are some of the questions I often ask myself as I read works such as Kittiara's Trouble's Tales.

This is the first of five or six intermittent stories meant to partially explore some of these questions. For familiarity, I have borrowed Kittiara's Elysium again. This tale is set about 75-100 years before Trouble's birth. In the interest of â€efficiency†and â€economyâ€, a system of penal training camps were recently instituted. They were to take vagrants and minor non-violent criminals and turn them into workers for homes, farms and factories. Those wishing to hire a worker would pay the government the equivalent of the cost of training the fur.

Instead the training camps became the predacessors of the Academy and its brethern.

The female black bear lay on the hard mattress. Her dark cinnamon brown fur contrasted with the stark white cover of the mattress. Her master had blindfolded and gagged her, but Laika could still hear the guests arriving in the other room.

Two months ago Laika had made a terrible mistake. Hungry and desperate, she had stolen food from a local grocer. The police had caught her. She was given an administrative trial. The judge found her guilty of course. Instead of sending her to prison, he had sentenced her to be sold after training as a slave to pay for the goods she had taken and the cost of her upkeep to the state.

Training had consisted of being repeatedly beaten and gang raped into submission by the guards. At first she had been tied tightly as they took their pleasure with her. Even the slightest movement, sound or sign of resistance meant a beating. Later the bonds were removed, but the beatings became worse. After a month she had been beaten down to the point where she would simply remain still as any male did whatever he chose to her.

On her last day at the training center they riveted a heavy metal collar around her neck. It had one hasp in front and a second in back. Laika had cried in fear as the red hot rivet was inserted in the hole and pounded flat. They took her to the main hall. It was one of the few permanent structures at the newly built camp. The hall was rapidly filling with the other slaves and guards. She could see the slaves being bound and left chained to the wall,

Laika's turn came. Her paws were tied behind her and secured to a ring set in a stone wall. A large ball gag silenced her. Finally a blindfold was placed over her eyes.

Laika could hear the noise grow steadily as more and more furs joined the milling crowd. There were too many to be just the slaves and guards. Buyers must be at the training camp. She could hear several furs walk by her. Some stopped; most did not pause. Even blindfolded she could feel their eyes upon her naked body and smell their lust.

â€Here is the one I was referring to,†a voice said from somewhere just in front of her. Laika recognized it as one of the guard captains, a nasty gray wolf that liked to beat the females while his knot tied them to him.

A large, strong paw took her muzzle and turned her head from side to side. She did her best not to flinch. The stranger’s paws roamed over her body. She was crying behind the blindfold and ball gag, but the stranger continued his inspection of her body.

The blindfold came off. Laika blinked several times in the sudden, harsh light of a spotlight illuminating her body. In front of her was a huge polar bear. He towered over her and the wolf. He was frowning at her.

â€Fair. She is only fair,†the polar bear commented to open his bidding.

â€But she is the only ursine here today,†countered the wolf as he sought to improve his bargaining position.

The dealings went on for several minutes, but when it was done Laika’s lead was in the paw of the polar bear, and he had paid off her debt plus given the state a healthy profit. She was now his to do with as he pleased.

In the time since he had bought her, her master had not been cruel to her. He had given her good food and drink. After the training camp her weight was down considerably. It rebounded nicely until her slightly zaftig figure returned. He required her to mate with him every night, but he did not beat her or otherwise abuse her even when she had earned a punishment. Overall he was a good if somewhat indifferent master.

Early today he had announced he was giving a party and she was to be the main source of entertainment. In the spare room he had setup a mattress on the floor. On the sides were two sofas. Chairs were placed at the ends of the mattress. At one end of the mattress a ring had been set in the floor.

â€Lay down!†he ordered Laika.

Laika obeyed her master even though she was scared. The ring had a short but heavy piece of chain that ended in a heavy-duty clasp. Her Master secured the back hasp of her collar to the ring. Four pieces of leather were wrapped about her paws and feet as mittens and secured with straps to stop her from even trying to scratch anyone. He inserted a ball gag into her mouth. One strap held it in her mouth while a second wrapped around her muzzle and forced it shut. He slid a fleece-lined blindfold over her eyes. Her world was reduced to darkness.

He left Laika laying on the mattress for some time as he prepared for the party. Several times she heard the doorbell ring. Each time a new voice was added to the group in the living room.

Laika was brought back to the present by the sound of multiple furs entering the room. She could hear their feet and hooves on the rug. They sat down around her. She shivered in dread at what she knew was to come.

Instead of raping her, the males continued to talk about sports, their jobs and other minor items. Laika could hear them laughing and enjoying each other’s company from somewhere above her. She was not sure if there were seven or eight furs surrounding her. Two voices sounded almost the same but came from slightly different locations off to her left. She felt several feet and hoofs graze her body as she lay quietly on the mattress hoping against hope that she would somehow be forgotten.

The mattress bounced. Someone had sat down beside her head.

â€Looks like I get to be first tonight,†a bass male canine voice commented from beside her head.

A nose touched hers briefly. She could smell his canine breath. He started to kiss her face unhurriedly. She felt his weight shift. He had to be straddling her on all fours.

His muzzle trailed down her neck to her breasts. He paused briefly to lick and nip her tits. He continued down her front side.

The canine repositioned himself. He seemed to be kneeling beside her legs. He took Laika’s legs and spread them. She recalled the terrible rapes at the training center and prepared herself for his penetration.

Laika screamed into her gag not in pain but in surprise. The wolf’s tongue had trailed over her labia and flicked over her clit. He continued to work hard as he went down on her muff. She had been a virgin when she was sent to the training center. No male had ever tried to pleasure her in this or any other way. She was totally unprepared for the waves of pleasure she felt coming from her crotch.

The canine paused for a moment and asked, â€Do you like that, Slave?â€

Laika was surprised because he actually seemed to care about the answer. She shook her head yeas.

â€Good!†he replied. She was shocked to hear real happiness in his voice.

The canine continued to lap at her cunt. Around them the laughter and the conversation died down as the males watched the show on the floor. Laika felt the canine shift again. His knees pressed against her inner thighs and forced her legs even further apart. She felt the tip of his shaft brush up against her pussy lips. She was surprised when he slowly and gently inserted his cock into her in slow, gentle thrusts. The guards had always brutalized the slaves with hard, deep thrusts into their unprepared orifices. He instead was playing it out and allowing her body to adjust to his penetration. Despite herself she felt pleasant warmth growing in her crotch.

The male repeatedly buried his shaft in her and withdrew. Laika lay like a piece of dead meat underneath him. Despite her growing pleasure, she was afraid that if she moved she would be beaten.

The male did not seem to care. He continued his almost lazy thrusting for many minutes. Finally unable to take it any more, she gave a small thrust upwards as he descended into her again.

â€Good, just keep up with me now,†he whispered into her ear.

The canine picked up his tempo. She responded to each of his thrusts with a small one of her own. She was afraid her master would see and punish her, but the canine continued to quietly encourage her with whispers in her ears. After many minutes she was giving almost as good as she was getting.

The canine’s body stiffened. Laika felt a hot stream of jism fill her cunt. It was too much for her body. She groaned into her gag as an orgasm shook her body.

The canine continued to cum for several minutes. He had not buried his knot in her, so he was able to thrust repeatedly into her pussy. Soon, though, he slid out of her. A few more licks to her face, and he was gone.

The conversation between the males resumed as if nothing had happened. On the mattress Laika lay recovering her strength. She was surprised that mating with the canine had been so pleasurable. It was the first time she had truly enjoyed a coupling.

Laika was roused from her reverie when another male lay down on the mattress. He stretched out full length on the mattress. His body pressed against her entire right side. She swallowed hard.

The male said nothing. Instead Laika felt a rough tongue begin to wash her face. It appeared this male was some sort of feline. He was very deliberate as he worked his tongue all over the exposed portions of her face. He even worked the tip of his tongue around the edges of her ball gag and into her mouth.

Laika felt him roll over onto her. His tongue never stopped licking her, but he shifted his aim upwards to he ears. As he drove the tip of his tongue deep into her left ear, she felt his penis slide into her pussy. The spines along his conical penis made a pleasant sensation as he entered her. He withdrew and thrust again quickly. The combination of cock and tongue was electric. She screamed as she climaxed again.

Laika heard the male laugh deep in his throat, but he did not slow down either his thrusts or his tonguing. He finished her rapidly, but she could not complain. She had a second orgasm just as she felt him climax deep within her.

Laika was left alone to regain her strength again. This time she was breathing hard behind her gag, but not just because of her physical exertions. Unlike the training camp, she was actually getting aroused. The males were taking their pleasure from her, but they were also giving her pleasure in return. It was the first time she had ever experienced anything like it. Despite her fears and inhibitions from the training, she wanted more.

Laika smiled when she felt the mattress shake again. She half turned her head to the left when she felt more movement on her right. Confused, she turned her head back to the right.

â€Don’t be afraid,†a gentle voice said from her left.

â€We won’t hurt you,†another, similar voice said from her right.

They started to run their paws over her body. They played with her tits and stomach. They nibbled her hair and neck. She could hear an occasional glancing blow of horn on horn above her. She felt hooves rub against her lower legs. She guessed the males were a pair of twin bucks, probably antelope from their size and what she could feel of their horns when they grazed her body.

The two bucks started to get serious. Laika felt their paws grope her body harder. They turned her over onto her left side. The buck behind her lifted her leg and pulled it backwards. The buck in front of her grasped her breasts and squeezed. She moaned into her gag.

The buck before her let go of her breasts and reached down to spread her labia. She tensed as he thrust his long, thin penis into her. It met little resistance as ten inches of cock disappeared deep within her,

â€One down; one to go,†the buck behind her whispered into her ear.

Laika clenched her paws into fist. She expected the second buck to violate her vagina as well. The guards had done so several times. Each time she had been left a bloody mess.

â€Here, use this,†her master said from somewhere above Laika’s head.

â€Thanks,†the buck behind her replied.

Laika heard a flip top popping open. It sounded like some sort of cream was being dispensed out onto the buck’s paws.

One paw grasped her tail and lifted it away from her ass hole. A second paw slid into the crack of her ass and covered her tail hole with a cold fluid. Instinctively she clenched her ass cheeks.

â€Cold?†the buck in front of her asked in a concerned voice.

â€Don’t worry, I’ll warm it up quickly,†the buck behind her whispered in her ear.

The buck in front of her started to gently stroke her breasts. He was acting almost distracted, though. Clearly he was waiting for his partner.

The buck behind Laika rubbed the cream all over her ass hole. His fingers pressed against her pink anal ring. She bit down hard on the gag. Some of the guards had preferred anal rape, and she had been a frequent target of their desires. She expected to feel him forcing his fist up inside her any second.

Instead he gently inserted a single well lubricated finger inside her rectum. He slid it in an out repeatedly, pausing several times to add more lubricant. As her anal muscles loosened, he added additional fingers until three fingers were gently pushing open her tail hole.

Laika felt the buck behind her let go of her tail and roll slightly away from her. She could hear the lubricant being dispensed again. He must have been coating his cock.

The fingers disappeared from her rectum. In their place Laika felt the tip of a living cock pressing against her anus. Both bucks grabbed her firmly and held her as the one behind slowly slid his cock into her butt. He paused frequently and allowed her to adjust, but soon she was sandwiched between the bucks.

The two bucks nuzzled Laika and stroked her pelt while their hard shafts lay buried deep within her body. Once her breathing started to return to normal, they withdrew their cocks slightly and thrust back into her in tandem. Behind her blindfold her eyes opened wide at the pleasurable twin assaults upon her most sensitive regions. Involuntarily she groaned as they again withdrew and thrust.

The twins worked her over carefully but thoroughly. At times they would work in tandem. Other times they would work in opposition â€" one thrusting while the other withdrew. Yet other times one would pause while the other picked up the pace. Their actions were driving Laika mad with desire.

They kept Laika on the edge of a fourth orgasm for many minutes. She was panting hard and screaming into her gag trying to ask them for release.

â€Do you want it?†the one in front asked her.

She shook her head yes vigorously.

â€Are you sure?†the one behind her teased.

She again shook her head and whined.


The two bucks thrust together hard and fast into Laika’s body. The twin pistons driving into her set her off even before she felt copious amounts of cum filling her fore and aft.

The two bucks finished up quickly. She was left with an empty feeling when they withdrew and returned to their seats.

This time as Laika was left alone to regain her strength she squirmed a bit. The truth was she did not want to rest. She wanted another male.

The chain attached to the back hasp was disconnected.

â€Over onto all fours,†a high pitched male voice said from a bit above her head.

Quickly Laika turned over and got onto her paws and knees. The chain was secured to the front haps of her collar. She felt small paws working at the buckles of her ball gag.

â€Remain silent,†the male commanded her.

From his voice and the size of his paws, Laika was guessing this male was a mouse.

Laika could hear him stroking his cock. She wondered what he was planning. Most likely he intended to take her doggy-style.

â€Open your mouth,†he commanded her.

Unsure of what was happening, Laika complied. She felt a thin hot shaft slide into her mouth. She tried to retreat, but the chain stopped her.

â€Now suck me off,†the mouse commanded Laika.

Laika had never given oral sex to a male before. The guards had been afraid that the female slaves would bite them in a violent retaliation for their treatment. Desperately she tried to remember the few whispered comments she had heard at high school and later at the training camp.

Laika closed her lips around the male’s penis. She started to suck on his shaft like a straw. After a moment, she tentatively licked him.

Laika felt him place his left paw in her hair and grab her head. He withdrew his prick from her mouth.

â€You have never given head before, have you?†he evenly asked.

Unaccountably embarrassed, Laika shook her head no.

She heard him chuckle.

â€It is not too hard.â€

Laika felt the tip of his prick brush against her lips.

â€To begin with, lick the tip of the penis. Start on the bottom and work your way around the knob with the tip of your tongue. Use long licks and plenty of saliva as lubrication as you…â€

The mouse acted like a professor, quietly instructing her how to pleasure him. Soon Laika was licking his entire shaft. She took it deep into her mouth and gently played with it, rolling his dick around in her mouth. At his suggestion she concentrated on the top of his shaft to draw out his pleasure.

The mouse’s breathing grew ragged and his comments broken as Laika gently sucked on his shaft while rolling her tongue around the knob. She paid particular attention to his foreskin. She would slide the tip of her tongue under the flap of his foreskin and run her tongue tip as far around the edge as she could.

Laika’s tactics soon had the desired effect. The mouse’s body stiffened. A stream of hot fluid filled her mouth. She had heard that males had a strange fetish that the female drink all of their cum, so she swallowed rapidly. The hot, salty fluid tasted unpleasant, but she kept swallowing anyway out of fear of being beaten and forced to swallow the semen of all the males if she let even a single drop escape her mouth.

The mouse finished cumming but remained kneeling in front of Laika, gasping for breath. She felt his paws lifting her head. He turned her muzzle from side to side.

â€Good, you swallowed it without being told. Do not worry about the taste. You will find that it is an acquired preference. Now roll over onto your back again.â€

The mouse shifted the chain back to the rear hasp on her collar. He inserted and secured her ball gag again. He left her lying on the mattress. She licked the inside of her mouth repeatedly to try to get rid of the last of the mouse cum. She did not like the taste, and performing oral sex on him had left her largely unsatisfied. Still, giving pleasure had its own rewards of sorts. She was pleased that she had performed well even though she had no experience. She might even come to enjoy the act as part of a mutual pleasuring.

Laika did not have to wait long for her next partner. A sixth male slid onto the mattress and pinned her beneath his body.

â€I hate to tell you this, but I’m built for speed, even in screwing around.â€

A rough tongue trailed up through her cleavage. Laika shivered as the edges of his tongue and whiskers attached to a blunt muzzle lapped against her sensitive breasts. Apparently another feline was mounting her.

The male worked quickly but efficiently to cover the interior of her breasts with licks from his strong tongue. The rough surface sent thrills through her body every time he lapped her sensitive skin.

He used his feet to spread her legs. Laika eagerly helped and opened her legs wide. She felt another male prick graze against her labia. The tip penetrated her effortlessly and six inches of feline prick slid into her hot cunt.

True to his word he worked fast. As soon as he was in he started to ram his cock into her with short, sharp thrusts. Laika did not mind, though. She wanted to climax so badly it was almost tangible.

A minute later both of them came hard. Laika arched her back and lifted her flanks clear of the mattress as waves of pleasure swept over her body. She could feel her partner’s back arch as well as hot jism started to fill her cunt. He rapidly resumed both his thrusting and licking. Just as her first orgasm started to subside, he brought her to another climax in a devastating back-to-back combination that left her lying drained on the mattress.

When he was finished, he gave her a few more licks on the face before climbing off her body.

This time the conversation did not resume, and she was not allowed to recover her breath. Instead Laika immediately felt the mattress start to quake. Whoever this strange male fur was, he was huge. He knelt over her tummy. She could feel his tail covering her crotch and thighs. Instantly she knew it was a horse. From his size, she was guessing that he was a draft horse like a Belgian or Clydesdale.

Laika trembled beneath him and whimpered into her gag. She had seen what a stallion could do to a mare at the training camp. No doubt she would be ruined for life by this stud.

A deep male voice came from well above her head. â€Be still. I am only going to play with your boobs, not mount you. The worst thing that is going to happen is your face is going to get soaked.â€

Laika felt her breasts grabbed in the stallion's paws. He kneaded them gently. When she quieted some, he pushed her breasts together until they met and formed a tunnel. She felt his prick slide between her breasts. The feline had left her cleavage unusually sensitive. The hot shaft rubbing against her tits quickly worked her into a sexually excited state again.

Laika felt the horse’s prick swell and lengthen further. His testicles bounced against her stomach as he shifted back and forth. The heavy knob of his penis struck against her chin with each thrust. He was grunting now with each thrust as he got closer to his own climax. She was surprised to find her own body responding. The pleasurable sensations of the stallion's cock rubbing against her breasts and her state of arousal were combining to send her over the edge again.

The stallion watched Laika closely. When she gave a strong moan and her body quivered beneath him he knew she had achieved another orgasm. He could stop holding back. He gave a couple of quick thrusts and ejaculated hard.

Her face and hair were drenched in a torrent of hot cum. It got everywhere. Worse, the stallion did not stop cumming. He kept spraying more and more jism with every forward thrust. She could hear the other males including her master cheering the stud on.

Laika panicked when the cum got into her nostrils, but a helping paw quickly wiped her nose clean. After the stallion was done she felt him lean over her.

â€Here, let me do that,†he said to someone. She felt a wet towel wipe away the semen covering her and the mattress. His paws were strong but gentle as he carefully cleaned not only her face but her hair as well as possible. She would need a long, hot bath to get everything out.

As she lay beneath him, she wondered about the past two hours or so. She had been raped by seven males. Each had used her in a different way. But unlike the training camp, she did not feel violated and humiliated. Each had taken the time to pleasure her as well as themselves. At the training camp, she would have gladly crawled away and hid. Here, her entire body felt like it was suffused with a warn glow, and she felt ready for much more.

Was this what sex was suppose to be like?

The stallion dismounted. Laika felt large ursine paws removing her ball gag.

â€Yes or no, did you enjoy this?†her master asked.

Laika wet her lips.

â€I enjoyed it, Master, but I want more…â€

Laika’s words trailed off as she heard the many sharp intakes of breath from the assembled males. Belatedly she realized she was only supposed to reply yes or no.

â€Mercy, Master!†she cried out in distress.

The assembled males just laughed.

The ball gag went back into her mouth, and was tightly secured again.

â€You have been a very bad girl, and I will have to punish you later,†her master informed her in a cool voice. She trembled at the thought of his wrath.

You know…,†one of the bucks started.

â€â€¦She really deserves punishment from all of us…,†the second buck continued.

â€â€¦Since she interrupted all of our fun,†the first buck finished.

â€And what do you suggest, friends?†her master asked.

There was a lot of whispering back and forth. Laika shivered as she waited to hear what these males had in store for her punishment.

The wolf finally spoke.

â€How about each of us gives her a good spanking?â€

Laika screamed into her gag. She remembered the beatings at the training camp. Sometimes the guards would tie them bent over a table or chair as they beat them with a cane or paddle for hours. Some of the females never fully recovered.

â€Agreed!†her master said.

Laika felt herself being turned over by many paws. The chain was shifted around to the front hasp of her collars. She was forced down to her knees and forearms. Tears streamed down her cheeks from beneath the blindfold. The males grabbed her body and held on tightly. She was trapped until they chose to let her go.

â€Time for your punishment to begin, Slave!†her master told her.

The males grew still and quiet. She felt her master's paw strike her left flank. The sound of the blow filled the silent room. Her body twitched, and Laika screamed into her gag. The many strong paws held her in position.

It took several seconds for Laika to register that the blow, while fairly loud, had caused virtually no pain. Shocked and puzzled, she half turned her head towards her master.

â€Get your head back around, Slave! You have a lot more spanking like that to endure,†he told her coolly. There was just a slight hint of an underlying laugh in his voice, though.

Laika turned her head back around. As promised, her master began to systematically strike her flanks, upper thighs and buttocks. He struck just hard enough for the blow to lightly sting but not hard enough to cause real pain.

At first Laika did not understand what was happening. After the tenth or so blow, though, she began to feel a little warmth from her ass. It was not unpleasant and definitely not what she was expecting. By the twentieth blow she was wriggling her bottom back and forth to encourage her master to strike. Somewhere around the thirtieth blow she was groaning and begging for each blow.

â€Looks like she is ready now,†her master said to the other males.

He mounted Laika from behind with firm, strong thrusts. She responded by thrusting backwards hard to meet him. His thighs and abdomen smacking into her ass made a loud sound, but neither one cared. They continued to mate frantically, each satisfying both their own sexual needs and their partner’s.

Laika felt him grab her hips and squeeze hard. A final powerful thrust by her master sent both of them over the top. White hot jism coated the inside of her cunt as she climaxed in a single long, drawn out orgasm.

Her master recovered first. He rolled off her and said, â€Have at her.â€

A deep feline voice said, â€Me first.â€

The first feline took up position beside her flanks. She was scared at first, but, just like her master, he struck only hard enough to excite her, not hurt her. After a dozen or so blows she surprised herself and the males by cumming loudly.

The male shifted around behind Laika. He covered her as if she were a feline female coupling with him. His long canines lightly dug into the back of her exposed neck as he carefully clamped down on her neck to hold her in place beneath him. He shoved his erect cock deep into her sopping wet cunt with a single hard thrust. He worked slowly, gliding his prick in and out of her with long thrusts whiles his paws played with her breasts and cunt. His spines stimulated the sensitive interior of her vagina. Together they climaxed again.

The other males each took a turn spanking Laika. None hurt her, but her ass and upper thighs took on a very warm red glow. While one spanked and mounted her, the others would stroke her fur and nibble at her body. Their strong paws held her tightly in place throughout her ordeal, but never hurt her.

Some of the males took their pleasure in her dripping cunt. Others used her tail hole. Somehow she knew the two bucks switched orifices. She was not sure which she preferred from each. The second feline, likely a cheetah, showed his speed and economy by mounting her and spanking her simultaneously. The spanking was perfunctory, but the rapid thrusting of his cock deep into her cunt was most satisfying. The horse pushed her legs together and used her thighs as a substitute equine vulva after giving her a long spanking. His cum covered her stomach and breasts when he came hard again.

The canine mounted Laika last. He gave her three dozen quick love taps on her lower curve of her buttocks just above her thighs that sent thrills through her over stimulated crotch. She felt him shifting to squat behind her. He thrust his long, thick cock deep within her tail hole. She felt his knot grow. This time he buried it deep in her rear end. The hard mass swelled and lodged just inside her anal ring. They were tied together.

For the next ten minutes Laika felt him filling her ass with his hot cum. He stroked her back and sides first before reaching underneath her and sliding two fingers deep into her open cunny. She grunted as he fingered her. He shifted his hand and suddenly he was stroking her clitoris. As he rubbed it, it quickly grew until it became fully engorged. He tweaked it just a little bit. Fireworks exploded on the inside of her eyelids as her body experienced yet another orgasm.

Eventually even the canine was spent. His prick shrank, and he rolled off of her. The males got up and left the room. She could hear the water running as they showered and cleaned up. They talked loudly about the night and her. All were pleased and in good spirits. For some reason, she was warmed deep inside by that thought.

One by one the males left until only she and her master remained. He returned to the room and removed her blindfold and gag. He unwrapped her paws and feet. He snapped a lead onto the front hasp of her collar and detached the chain.

â€Come,†he ordered her while giving her lead a quick tug.

Her master led Laika to the bathroom and allowed her to bathe. He even helped her by soaping and rinsing her back. Once her pelt and hair were cleaned, he took a large towel and rubbed down her entire body to dry her fur.

Afterwards he took Laika back to his bedroom. She lay on his bed. He attached the lead to a ring in the wall above the headboard. He turned off the lights and joined her on the bed.

As they lay together in the dark room, Laika was surprised to hear her master ask, â€Did you like tonight?â€

Laika was in a quandary. In the heat of the moment, she had said she had enjoyed what happened. Now, if she answered yes, she would be admitting that she had indeed liked being gang raped by seven unseen and unknown male furs plus her master. And yet…

The males had been careful not to hurt her even when she was being â€punishedâ€. The guards at the training camp had been brutal and cruel. Both her body and mind bore scars from their abuse. These furs had given Laika physical pleasure she had been unaware was possible. The guards had purposefully instilled fear and mindless obedience with each mating session. Not once had she achieved an orgasm when they mounted her. Tonight she had experienced repeated climaxes and had, in fact, been left wanting even more.

Would she want something like this to happen to her again? That might be a good way to judge the evening. The warmth in her crotch and the sudden need to shift her body answered that for her.

â€Well?†her master asked.

Laika had to be truthful.

â€I liked tonight, Master,†she replied in a whisper.

Her master rolled over towards her and took her in his arms.

â€We were hoping you would. We know it will be a long time before the damage done in the training camp is undone, but hopefully tonight will begin your recovery,†he said quietly.

Laika’s body went rigid. She had never spoken to him of the tortures she had endured at the paws of the guards.


â€The news services got a few tips. They started reporting on the camps â€" the types of furs hired, the overcrowding, the total lack of clothing, the mental and physical torture, and everything else you went through. They went live with the stories about a week ago. It was a great shock to the general populace.

â€When the new system was implemented it was suppose to be a simple, low cost method of punishing furs for minor infractions of the law. The furs in the system were supposed to be trained to help around the house or as a worker in industry. I was shocked when they blatantly stated that you were actually a sex slave when I went to pick up a live-in housemaid.

â€I did take advantage of the situation to see if they were telling the truth or not. I chose you since you were the only bear of any type available that day. I did take you to my bed and mate with you a few times before I found out the full extent of what happened to you. I did not understand why you just lay there like a piece of dead meat while I tried to pleasure you.

â€After the news broke, I asked my friends for help. The horse that was here tonight is a psychologist. There are no good answers to how to help furs given the type of treatment you received. The so-called 'experts' run from the subject, so I had to press my friend into service and try our collective best to help you. He said the most useful thing he could think to try was to show you that there were alternatives to what you were subjected to during your 'training'.

â€So we decided to try to bring your own latent sexuality to the surface and satisfy them. I found several friends with a wide variety of experiences that were willing to help tonight and in the future.â€

Her master laughed.

â€I am good, but I lack the type of stamina you need.â€

â€Will I see them again in the future, Master?†Laika asked timidly.

â€If you wish, they are all willing to continue helping,†he replied.

â€They were trying to show you that there were pleasurable alternatives to the brutality you suffered in the training camp. They will also teach you how to respond and pleasure a male of your choosing.â€

Her master’s voice took on a wry tone as he added, â€We gathered you had at least some enjoyment tonight from all the noise you were making behind your gag.â€

Laika laid her head on her master’s shoulder. She was not sure how to respond. Tonight had been so different from anything she had ever experienced before. For the first time in her life she had enjoyed coupling with a male. And not just one, but eight. Twice! Her mind reeled at the implications and promises of continuing to mate with these males.

After several minutes of silence her master added in a concerned voice, â€If you want, we can stop.â€

Laika raised her head and shook it no.

â€No, I- I want to learn more about the pleasures of sex.â€

Laika had to swallow at that open admission of desire.

â€What happened to me in the training camp…

â€Intellectually I know there is more to sex than what I was forced to endure in the training camp, but emotionally and even physically I need to learn that.â€

Laika paused for several moments.

â€I was a virgin when the judge sent me away. I never had a boyfriend that I wanted to go 'all the way' with. The first night they took our clothes and then they took their pleasure. They yelled out when they found a virgin so all of them could satisfy their rut with her. I think there were ten furs that raped me that night.


Laika paused for several seconds as she remembered her time on the mattress tonight.

â€Tonight I was raped, but not in the same way. I actually_liked_ what happened! And I think it did help some.

â€And I did not want it to stop,†she admitted.

Her master pulled Laika close and held her tight. She could smell the light musk of his body. As they lay there, she felt the banked fire in her loins begin to flare again. Tonight had shown her that sex could be highly pleasurable instead of the cruel torment she had learned in the training camp. She wanted to experience more of that pleasure tonight.

She started to nibble her master’s left shoulder. When he did nothing to stop her, she grew bolder and started to lick and nibble his exposed throat.

â€Are you sure-†he asked.

â€Yes!†Laika replied lustily.

He took Laika's paws and wrapped them around his body. She squeezed him tight. They started to nuzzle each other’s face and neck. She could feel his penis slowly stiffen. The tip began to dig into her abdomen.

He rolled her over onto her back. Laika started to let go, but he moved her paws back to his waist. He hovered over her for a moment, supported on his paws and knees. His head dropped and gave her a quick but passionate kiss. She responded as best she could, but she lacked the knowledge and experience to do it properly.

His hips descended, and the tip of his cock grazed her slit. She moaned loudly in pleasure as the touch of his member sent electric jolts up her spine to her brain’s pleasure centers. Without thinking she instinctively gripped his waist tightly and pulled him down towards her. His cock slid into her waiting cunt.

He reached down and brought Laika’s right leg up and around behind him. She shifted her left leg around and caught his body in a leg scissors. He grinned down at her.

He started to thrust languidly, barely moving his hips. Laika would have none of that, though. She used her arms and legs to lift her hips up to meet his thrusts hard. Soon they were moving quickly in a frantic rhythm of pleasure.

Laika did not even try to hide her enjoyment. She knew her master wanted her to relish this act. She gave a full throated howl as her orgasm shot through her body. Her master rammed his cock deep into her with increasingly hard thrusts. Soon she heard him grunt and felt the inside of her cunt filled with hot polar bear cum.

When he was spent Laika let go of him. He rolled off and lay beside her breathing hard. She was also out of breath from all of the physical exertions of that night.

â€Rest now, Slave. We can have more fun tomorrow,†he whispered into her left ear.

She snuggled up against the warmth of her master and closed her eyes. The events of the night played out again as she started to drift off to sleep. It was not a play she minded watching again and again.