Nowhere to go but up

Story by carbonkitty on SoFurry

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#2 of fresh start

             Roy had been on edge for days. He hadn't heard from Kaytlin for alm...

Roy had been on edge for days. He hadn't heard from Kaytlin for almost a week now and he wasn't sure if that was good or bad. The cops hadn't kicked in his door yet and no one at the school had said anything so he had started to calm down. His neighbours still rushed inside at the sight of him but he'd had too much on his mind to care. Somehow Alex had managed to get a hold of his email and had sent him a message yesterday. Alex was the reason he'd gone to jail and though he knew keeping in contact with him would only end poorly for both of them, he couldn't abandon his oldest friend. Besides they could talk to each other all they wanted the only stipulation to their reintroduction to society was that they weren't allowed in the same province for the next two years. Unlike Roy Alex hadn't been as lucky. His sentence was supposed to be double what Roy's had been but according to the email he got Alex had been released early after he willingly donated a kidney to a local hospital. He now worked as a nurse at that hospital for his program. Now that he was out Alex was apparently just trying to make sure everyone was ok.

He was sitting at his computer in his boxers thinking of send a reply before spending the rest of his Saturday unpacking the last of his junk. A knock at the front door ruined his train of thought and without realizing what he was, or rather wasn't, wearing he went to the next room to see who it was. Thankfully for his long standing paranoia when he answered the door he cracked it just enough to see who was outside without letting them see in. Which was good because standing on his door step was the wife and youngest son from the house across the street. "yes?" He kept his voice flat hoping it would encourage them to come back at a better time. Unfortunately the squirrel on the other side of the door was too determined to let it bother her.

"Hey there! I'm Joy we live just across the road and were wondering if you would like to come to a barbecue next Sunday." Roy was completely thrown for a loop both from the invitation and how cheerful Joy was so early in the morning.

"Uh sure what time?" He didn't really want to go but he hadn't been able to think up an excuse fast enough.

"five thirty good for you? We'll take care of everything ok?"

"Alright I'll see you then." She just smiled and left dragging her son along with her leaving Him to wonder what he'd just got himself into.

Aside from dreading his plans for next weekend Roy's day went by pretty well the last of his stuff was unpacked and he'd managed to send a reply back to Alex wishing him well and hoping to see him as soon as he could(which preferably would have been a very long time). It's not that he didn't like Alex, they were almost like brothers, but whenever they were together he always managed to talk Roy into doing things he always regretted later. For example four bank robberies and a few kidnappings to list a few. For the second time that day Roy was brought back to reality by a knock at the door this one a little lighter than this mornings.

Making sure he was presentable this time before opening the door he was a little more to see who was standing there this time. In a dark red school uniform a few sizes too small and platform boots stood Kaytlin with a very sheepish grin. She pushed the door open all the way and threw herself at him wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him in for a very long and very deep kiss. He moved his hands down to her fit little rump which was only half covered by the tiny skirt. Disappointedly he found she was wearing panties this time, not that they'd be there for long. She pulled back for a breather and tried to lean in to follow her but her small had on his chest stopped him cold. Kaytlin looked back over her shoulder and called to someone standing just out of sight. "Get in here and close the door Becca."

Form the darkness just outside his door a young white rabbit shyly came in and softly closed the door behind her. The girl roughly the same age as Kaytlin wore a tube top and tight jean shorts, made only tighter by her slightly round figure. Dozens of thoughts and questions where spinning through Roy's head all at once but one thing was very clear to him. He knew exactly what was going to happen or at least he thought he knew. The little fox wiggled loose of his grip and went and grabbed a backpack from the other girl and walked past him into the living room beckoning the two to follow. By the time he'd joined them the backpack was already almost half empty and a number of items fought for space on his already littered coffee table.

Some of what had been laid out Roy knew how to use some of it he'd never seen before but could easily tell they were a girls only affair, and the rest he hoped they wouldn't have time to show him what they where for. They all just stood silently for a few seconds before Kaytlin laid out the introductions and the game plan. "Roy this is Becca my best friend. Becca this is Roy the guy I told you about. Now then her parents are out of town till Wednesday and my parents think I'm spending the weekend at her place instead we're going to spend the next few days here. If that's okay with you?" As if she had to convince him further she'd finished her question by reaching down and rubbing him through his jeans. He was in a little more control of himself this time and didn't cave as easily as she'd thought and for some reason he didn't understand tried to make a deal.

"Only if you two help clean the house after." Not even giving it a thought Kaytlin pushed him back into his brown leather arm chair with an ok and a broad smile. Before he'd stopped bouncing on the cushion she'd wrestled his pants down to his knees and started working on his boxers. They where half way down when she stopped and looked over at her friend, she jerked her head toward Roy and yanked his boxers down the rest of the way. Becca came over and knelt down in front of him, her whole face bright red and her eyes were glued to the prize Kaytlin offered to her. The two shuffled over so Becca was right in front of him and the other could watch over he shoulder. Taking him in her had she leaned forward and kissed the tip, her ears dropped behind her head and she looked up to Roy for approval and his smile melted away her tension. For the first time since she'd walked through the door a smile crept across her face revealing a set of teeth whose colour matched her fur almost perfectly.

The young rabbit set to work flicking her tongue over the head a few times and then slowly kissing down his length. He jumped a bit when she made it down to his base and took a nip at his sac. He had a had time believing that just minutes ago she was too afraid to even make eye contact with him. She licked her way back up to the end and pulled back for a second to admire it then wrapped her mouth around the end slowly pushed down onto him. As she slowly moved up and down his shaft Roy leaned his head back and let out a huge sigh. Clearly this was too much for Kaytlin to bear, he cast a glance over to see her bitting her lip and playing with the edge of her skirt. He was about to suggest something when she less than subtly pushed her way in beside the other girl and joined the fun. Greedily they fought over every inch of him until Becca put a stop to it. As soon as Kaytlin stopped for a breather the rabbit grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled the fox down to the floor on top of her. As the two busied themselves with each others bodies Roy slid out of the chair and on to the carpet behind them. With the length of her skirt the way it was Roy had the best seat in the house if not for the purple thong everything would be perfect. He took a finger and rubbed her mound through her already soaking panties. When this didn't give him the result he was looking for he pulled them to the side and buried his snout deep inside her to lap at her juices. This sent a quiver through her body resulting in a moan and a lift in her behind and tail. He took hold of the latter with

his left hand and lifted her rear up a little more and slid his prick along her lips before plunging into her sex.

Becca could feel the power of Roy's thrusts through Kaytlin, though it wasn't the first time they'd done something like this it was the first time with a third person and she couldn't wait for her turn. Her friends hands where under her shirt fondling her breasts while her tongue was practically pressed against the back of her throat. Her own hands had wiggled their way into her shorts and she was exploring herself when the other to stopped for a moment. Before she could figure out why, the other girls dripping pussy hovered into view and she could feel two sets of hands working her shorts and panties. At first everything was going along as usual the familiarity int her friends taste and smell, her usual spots being worked over by someone who knew their way around. When Kaytlin moved away though a new sensation swept through her body like a wave. Roy pushed all the way into her and she squealed into the body on top of her. He started out slow but began to pick up speed quickly each time he pulled almost completely out of her then rushed all the way back in. When he was all the way in she felt completely full and still wanted to scream for more but now Kaytlin had sat up trapping her underneath so all she could do was moan and continue to explore the other.

Kaytlin looked down in wonder as Roy's dick repeatedly disappeared inside her friends now very red and very swollen lips. She felt a caress on her most sensitive area meaning Becca needed air so she leaned forward to oblige. At the same time though the body under her began to shake and let out another high pitched squeal as her friend climaxed violently. Becca lay there breathing heavily as Roy slowly pulled out of her. Quickly leaning forward not a drop of Becca's love juice hit the floor as Kaytlin manoeuvred to quickly clean up anything that dripped out. Roy moved up to let the exhausted young girl lick him clean then moved back to Kaytlin. With Becca on the couch watching the fox had more room to get comfortable. Which she did forcing the larger wolf onto his back and sliding down his pole. She pushed herself up then let herself fall back down on him the slap of her ass against him made her want more so she did it again and again picking up speed as he took hold of her waist and started pulling her back down. At this pace it didn't take long for her to reach her limit, her body shook and she screamed out in pleasure. The tightening of her body around his penis brought a wave of extacy Roy hadn't felt in a long time letting it out in a loud howl. Knowing what would happen if he didn't out of sheer will it seemed he managed to hold it in until he pulled out of the ravaged young girl shooting his load all over he belly and chest. Eagerly the other girl rejoined them cleaning her friends uniform and her dripping cunt.

After they'd cleaned up and showered Roy made up the guest bed for Becca then joined Kaytlin in his bed. They laid there silently for a few minutes her naked body slumped across his before Roy had the courage to ask. "Why did you come here?" She lifted herself up on her hands to look him in the face.

"To see you duh." Obviously not quiet the answer he was looking for and fairly certain there was more to it he decided to push the subject.

"why?" Now she crawled up snuggled down beside him resting her head on his right shoulder and running her fingers along his chest.

"Don't laugh but even during what you did to me on Monday I felt safe with you." He wasn't sure what to say to that so he just said the first thing that popped into his head.

"Well then I will always be there for you." Before she could say anything else he leaned in with a deep kiss to drive his point home while simultaneously praying they never got caught.