Rocky Start Chapter 6

Story by White66 on SoFurry

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#6 of Ari and Summer

Ari and Summer get one step closer to having thier first date and more than a couple of steps closer to each other. Secrets are revealed and shared, along with an unexpected evening that could lead onto much bigger things.

'How's your head?' Summer looked up from her desk to see Ari leaning against the door with a coy grin on her lips.

'Recovered I think.' Summer laughed. 'I can hear without that buzzing in my ears anymore. Which is something.'

'Tell me about it.' Ari grinned. 'My head was still buzzing at three in the morning. I think. I didn't get much sleep.'

'Well, you look great.' Summer smirked. 'Not sure I would if I had got that little sleep.'

'I hope it wasn't too much of a shock for you.' Ari said, her tone made it clear she had been worried about this. 'I know my first was pretty intense.'

The whole week had been pretty intense, Summer reflected. In the best way of course. Ari had been showing her a side to life she had rarely thought about, full on clothes shopping one day, bowling the next and so on, culminating in the concert last night. Not that all of it had been as full on. It still surprised Summer how many little places she knew to pick up a bargain. Local stalls, markets, backstreets shops that seemed to sell everything under the sun and then some. And she couldn't deny it had been fun. Ari had this way of making her feel at ease even when she felt out of her depth.

'No no.' Summer said quickly. 'I mean, yes, it was a bit..intense. But in a good way. I can't believe there were so many people were there.'

'Literally standing room only.' Ari laughed. 'She only added that date very recently. I was lucky to grab a couple of tickets.'

'Let me guess, queuing since the early hours to buy them?' Summer grinned teasingly.

'Don't be silly. It was only four o clock.' Ari chuckled.

'You really are crazy.' Summer shook her head softly.

'Hey.' Ari mock pouted. 'It was worth it wasn't it.'

'That's true.' Summer admitted.

'Well, I have to be getting on.' Ari said. 'Repairs don't do themselves. Unfortunately.'

'Reports don't write themselves either.' Summer tapped her folder. 'What do you say to a quiet lunch? If we can both get away?'

'Sounds like a date.' Ari grinned, walking away before Summer could even come up with a retort.

'See that you two are hitting it off.' Vylias said softly. Despite herself, Summer still jumped a little.

'You saw that?' Summer said as heat filled her cheeks, hoping that it wasn't noticeable.

'Was there anything to see?' He pressed, his tone already having made the switch towards fatherly rather than her superior.

'Honestly, I'm not sure.' Summer said. 'I'm just...not sure where this is going. Or could go. Ari..knows so much I don't know. Sees things in a way I never could. Or did. We've both lived here the same amount of time and yet she seems to know more about this city than I do. I know that I could have done as well, but I didn't.'

'And that bothers you?' Vylias asked.

'A little, yes.' Summer said.

'There is nothing wrong with learning something new, you know.' He clapped his hand on her shoulder. 'And I think this is something you needed.'

'How do you mean?' Summer asked.

'We all have to learn to see things different.' Vylias nodded, motioning for her to follow with a nod of her head, something Summer did without thinking or looking back at the hated paperwork. 'And to do that we need someone to teach us to see things differently. As a soldier, you didn't start out as good as you are now. You had to learn that from those who had done it before. It's the same with this. So let her teach you.'

'I don't know. Sometimes it feels so..awkward.' Summer sighed, now close to his side as they crossed the narrow corridor, slipping past the others moving on errands of their own.

'Are you enjoying it?' Vylias asked, his paw first resting on, then turning the handle of the door that had been his destination all along. 'That's the main thing. Try not to listen to your head but follow your heart.'

'And if my heart doesn't know what I want?' Summer followed him into his office, clicking the door closed behind her.

'You will.' Vylias said firmly.

'Well, this is easier.' Summer pointed to the map on the desk before her, already marked with the sights of the recent attacks. 'In a way. It's just so random.'

'I know.' Vylias followed her attention and train of thought. 'They never attack the same place twice. Or even anywhere close to it.' He tapped his claw on the map. 'Why though? Are they trying to confuse us? Keep us guessing?'

'If they are trying to keep us on the back foot, then why haven't the done more damage?' Summer asked. 'The first attack was their most effective. After that, all they have done is just damaged a few out buildings or vehicles that were down for repair anyway. All around the edges, easy to hit and flee very easily. And yet with a huge gap between them. If they were attacking more quickly I could understand. But they aren't. They have had more than enough time to collect more powerful weapons and equipment. Explosives even.'

'You might have something there.' Vylias agreed. 'Perhaps that's exactly why. Maybe we are just dealing with a small group here. Not just under equipped but not bold either. If they had fighters to loose, they might be attacking a little more aggressively. But I don't think they do.'

'So, we have a small opportunistic group.' Summer had been following his thinking. 'We need to make that work for us then.'

'Exactly. If I was them, I would be looking for a big target. So I think we have to give it to them. Something they can't help but attack. Then we will have them.' Vylias said with a grin.

'I know we aren't supposed to speak ill of officers it just me or is this guy a bit of a cold fish?' Ari hadn't moved from where she stood to ramrod attention, mimicking the pose of the rest of the tech devision around her. But even with her soft whisper, she was sure they would have heard her.

She just hoped that her frustration wasn't visible in the way she stood. She had always hated snap inspections and this one was no different. Especially given the work load that was already piling up. Secretly she wanted this to be over as soon as possible so they could all get back to work.

'Cold fish is putting it mildly.' Rumbled a reply from behind her, the voice reaching her from the back of the group. 'He hasn't even engaged with any of us. Seems he is more interested in machinery than people. Bet if we were officers he would at least show some sign we were alive.'

'I wouldn't count on it.' Summer joined in, moving to take position next to the assembled techs. 'He never had much time for people. Never has done. Not unless he needs something.'

'It's the Commander I feel sorry for.' Ari whispered. 'He is the one who is going to have to deal with him all day.'

'I wouldn't think so.' Summer continued. 'He won't be here long. He isn't one for long inspections. If he comes along somewhere, you can be sure he only wants to look at one thing.'

'You certainly seem to know a lot about him.' Ari asked as she watched him leave out of the corner of her eye. 'Did you serve together?'

'Not exactly.' Summer sighed. 'Not for lack of trying on his part. He's my father.'

Silence descended following that remark, just fir a second. Then Ari's voice joined in the echo of the rest of the squads reply. 'What?'

'He's my father.' Summer sighed as the group broke up the second the entourage left the hanger, seeing that their curiosity was waring with some sense they were intruding. And that hurt for reasons she didn't fully understand, like there was some distance there. 'We aren't exactly close. In fact, that was the first time we've seen each other in six months.'

'Wouldn't he want to talk to you?' Ari asked.

'Not unless it was at a time of his choosing.' Summer said. 'Everything he does is calculated. Planned. As you said, a cold fish.'

'Well, if you are done talking about cold fish, maybe we could talk about something more cheerful.' One of the techs that had hung around said. Summer had to search her memory before his name rose in her head. Klein, she thought it was. 'Some of us are going down to the Hooded Hare tonight. Pool Night, remember?'

Again, Summer felt adrift. True, they hadn't said they weren't talking to her. But hadn't said they were either.

'Of course, you are more than welcome too ma'am.' Summer was dragged back to the conversation in a heartbeat. 'The more the merrier they say.'

'Actually, we had plans.' Ari said quickly before Summer could even come up with a response. 'Much as I hate to cry off on Pool Night.'

'It's okay. Our rematch isn't going anywhere.' Klein said with a grin mostly cast at Ari. 'You two have fun.'

Summer watched him go curiously. 'What was that about?'

'I think he thinks we are dating.' Ari said with a gentle laugh. 'And most likely the others do too.'

'I see.' Summer said, suddenly not sure what to make of that, or how to respond.

'Are..we really going in there?' Summer asked in a part awed, part terrified whisper as she tried to take in the neon sign before her, proudly proclaiming it's existence and purpose in one word.

'What's wrong with it?' Ari asked, sounding both bemused and confused.

'Well, it's a night club.' Summer replied hesitantly.

'So, you can't say you have never been in one?' Ari asked.

Summer's face froze, her mouth moving silently, terrified the answer was plastered on her face. Which it seemed it was.

' haven't.' Ari's mouth twitched at the corner and she was grateful she didn't take her mirth any further.

'Not..exactly.' Summer forced her dry mouth to work.

'Well, there is a first time for everything. Come on. It will be fine.' Ari said as she looped her arm through hers.

That didn't stop anxiety and doubt warring inside Summer as they were admitted to the club, staying close to Ari with every step up the narrow stairway, hearing the steady beat of pumping music getting closer and closer. Anxiety that grew to a head until Ari lead her inside the club proper, across the threshold into a dimly lit room that was completely unlike what she had imagined.

'Not what you expected?' Ari clearly had read her expression perfectly. But then it wasn't like she was trying to hide it.

'Not really.' Summer hoped she didn't sound too out of her depth, her gaze again turned to her surroundings. Far from the dive she had been expecting, the low lit club actually felt..welcoming; the soft blue light adding a warmth to the otherwise plain decor. It certainly seemed to be relaxing the crowd of assembled furs by the long oak bar that dominated the back wall, most of them already gravitating to the dance floor. Something odd caught her eye but right now she couldn't process what it was.

'Let's get a drink.' Ari took her paw in hers and lead her over to the bar before Summer could say no.

'So..your first time in a night club?' Ari slipped into the small booth at the edge of the dance floor to let Summer follow suit a second later. 'I'm guessing there is a story there.'

'Mostly because of my father.' Summer said slowly. 'My life has been shaped by him. Which anyone can say I know. But he had my whole life planned out for me. And for a while I thought that was what I wanted. To be like him. I looked up to him, hung of his every word. For a time.'

'Doesn't sound so bad.' Ari observed.

'He was very strict too.' Summer continued. 'He made it very clear what I could and couldn't do. Who I could meet. Where I could go. He certainly wouldn't have approved of my being here.'

'So what changed? Something must have done.' Ari pressed.

'I wanted to live my own life.' Summer paused before she continued. 'Doesn't every child want that? I still looked up to him but I wanted to take my own path, to find my own way. And he couldn't handle that. When I was 18, he wanted me to enter officer training school, to train as a command cadet. I think he always had in mind I would command a platoon or an armoured devision. But the more I saw of the army, the more I knew I didn't want that. I could have had any post when I graduated. So I took a position leading a Scout Squad. He never really forgave me for that. Maybe I should have stepped out of his shadow sooner.'

'What would you have done if you had?' Ari asked.

'This.' Summer didn't even have to think about that answer as her arm swept over the club around her 'I'd have done this. Stuffed what he thought and said and just gone out and done what I liked. Got drunk, met a nice guy maybe. Who knows.'

'Drunk is overrated.' Ari laughed. 'So are guys. I never saw the attraction in flirting with them.'

'Funny place to come if you don't want to flirt with guys.' Summer observed.

'Do you see any guys here?' Ari countered.

Caught off guard by that question, Summer glanced around her quickly. Then did a double take. That was what she had missed earlier. But now that Ari had pointed it out, she couldn't avoid it. 'Is this a lesbian bar?'

'I prefer to think of it as a bar.' Ari swept her gaze over the club, and Summer followed her eyes over the flickering lights, the closely chatting couples, the bodies moving on the dance floor. 'Just like any other really.'

'So, how did you find out about this place?' Summer struggled to take all this in and the question helped ground her.

'I just..wanted to try something different.' Ari's voice came from far away, like she was lost in her memories. 'Have you ever felt that something isn't right in your life? That there is something you need to change but have no idea what or how to go about it?'

'I can't say I have. But I do know about feeling lost.' Summer said slowly. 'I..knew this guy a few years back. More than knew. I loved him. He was my first, not a crush or some passing fling but the first one I truly loved. I know, I know.' Summer nursed her drink silently for a second. 'It's stupid. It was stupid. And so was I. I was too caught up in it, too caught up in my feelings to see that he didn't feel the same. I loved him and would have done anything for him. The only thing he loved was the chase, the hunt. When he didn't have me, I was all he wanted; the prize he wanted to claim. But once he had me, his eye was already moving on. I wasn't interesting enough I guess. There was no challenge there any more. Men can be such jerks sometimes.'

'So can women.' Ari soothed. 'I've been through some bad relationships. Good ones too. Funny how the bad ones stick with you.'

'I know how that feels. How long has it been since you dated?' Summer asked.

'I haven't properly dated in..a few years.' Ari admitted. 'I'm not exactly on the shelf..but I don't heart doesn't seem to be in it.'

'More in it than mine.' Summer sighed. 'I wish I had your confidence. I just can't stop thinking that it might end last time. Couldn't stop thinking that if I got close, I would get burned again. Seemed safer to just..leave it alone.

'How has that been working out for you?' Ari asked, not curtly or cruelly just curiously.

'It's...I try not to think about it. But it's lonely sometimes.' Summer downed the rest of her drink. 'I sometimes want to this. Go out, drink, meet people. I manage the first two..just when I get to try third, I bottle it. I just freeze up and can't manage to string two words together.'

'Seem to be doing okay with me.' Ari observed.

'Funny isn't it.' Summer managed a short laugh. 'At least not all of me is broken then.'

'Don't you say that.' Ari rounded on her angrily, the pumping music hiding her raised tone from those around her. 'Don't you dare. So you've had a bad break. Doesn't mean you can't come back from this.'

'Easy for you to say.' Summer met her gaze. 'You'd know what to do. You could chat, talk, drink, dance..but me...'

'How long has it been since you danced?' Ari had stood, offering her her hand.

'Well, it's been a while.' Summer admitted.

'Too long.' Ari smiled. Come on.'

Summer didn't exactly know why but she followed her through the press of bodies, Ari somehow finding a space in the middle of the dance floor. It certainly felt that way to Summer, like all eyes were on her, even if no one was paying them any attention. And yet, she also felt safe in Ari's arms, her paws resting on her back as they swayed to the music.

She didn't know if it was that conflict or the growing awareness that they could well be the centre of attention or just because her head was spinning a little; but whatever the reason Summer couldn't manage to raise her head from where her gaze fixed upon Ari's feet.

At least until Ari cupped her chin, gently raising her gaze until their eyes met. 'Hey. I'm up here you know.'

Summer felt herself blushing, all her insecurities about dating returning. She was completely out of her depth here. She had never done this when she was younger, retreating into her books while her peers had been getting out an exploring the world around them. How different might things have been if she had just taken the plunge when they had? She certainly wouldn't be standing here completely bashful just because of the silly, crazy thought that Ari had been about to kiss her. With an effort she tried not to focus on the warm, gooey feeling in her stomach that thought illicited.

'I'm..sorry. This is kinda new to me.' Summer admitted. 'Not that it's not good. It's good new I guess.'

'I bet.' Ari laughed. 'I can't forget your face when the guys thought we were dating. It was priceless.'

'It certainly was unexpected.' Summer joined in the laugh.

'Still, I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable.' Ari said, sounding like she had been building up to asking that.

'It didn't.' Summer took a slow breath, steadying herself for what she was about to say. 'It's..not like I haven't been thinking about it.'

'About..what?' Ari whispered, suddenly uncertain, like she wanted to be sure before she continued.

'' Summer ventured. 'If there is an us. I mean..I'd like there to be. I think. It's confusing. I've never really thought about it before. I just don't know.'

'Maybe that's my fault.' Ari tightened her grip like she was afraid she was suddenly going to run away. Oddly that just made her feel safer. 'I know I rushed things before, seeing something I wasn't sure was there. Or maybe that I wanted to be. But I know I nearly scared you off. And I'd hate to do that again.'

'I'd hate that too.' Summer admitted. 'But I don't see why that should happen. So..why don't we try a date? See what happens?'

'I'd like that.' Ari smiled softly. 'I think it's time you had a proper date. Since I'm guessing your boyfriend wasn't much good at that kinda thing.'

Summer waited for the pang to grip her heart as it always did when she thought about him. But this time it was oddly absent. 'He wasn't really. Maybe that's why he let me go. He didn't know what to do when he had me.'

'Well, if I had you, I wouldn't let you go.' Ari whispered huskily, her nose brushing against hers, bringing her blush back as much as her words.

Summer just about managed to get the door to her apartment open, no mean feat when you have an increasingly heavy vixen resting on your shoulder. 'Okay, here we go. Little step and we are inside.'

'I'll take your word for that.' Ari winced sharply, her foot still not able to support her weight. 'And I'm really sorry about this.'

'Nothing to apologise for.' Summer said with a genuine smile. 'It's not like we planned this.'

That was all true. They hadn't planned to leave the club as late as they did for a start. She was sure about that. Just like she was sure that Ari was okay to drive. She hadn't had that much to drink. Just enough to slip as she was getting out of the car to walk Summer back to her house. A slip that had sent her tumbling to the side, her ankle not being able to support her weight. Which had certainly been the case when she had accepted Summer's help to climb back to her feet.

'How does it feel?' Summer asked as she pushed the door shut behind them. 'Does it still hurt?'

'A little.' Ari's second wince as she touched her foot to the ground spoke volumes about how much. 'Not as much as my wrist though.'

'Well, you sit yourself down and I'll get you some painkillers.' Summer said as she helped Ari towards the couch in a series of hobbling steps .

'Those things kinda make me goofy.' Ari sighed. 'But this time, I think you are right.'

'I'm really sorry for putting you to this trouble.' Ari's voice followed Summer into the kitchen.

'You already said that.' Summer replied lightly, passing the two small tablets to Ari with a glass of water. 'And it's really no trouble. I wouldn't feel right if I let you drive home like this. Now, get those down you. I'll try and find something for you to wear.'

'I'm okay.' Ari said quickly. 'I can sleep in what I have on.'

'Wouldn't hear of it.' Summer said firmly. 'I'll be right back.'

As sure as Summer sounded, it was all in her voice. Deep down, as much as she wanted to ignore it, part of her couldn't help thinking this was a mistake. That she was taking this too far, to fast and she.. 'Stop. It.' Summer pulled open the closet as if that would end it. 'She is just staying the night. Nothing more than that.'

Knowing that her doubts had just been pushed down not silenced for ever, Summer rejoined Ari with the bundle of cloth in one hand and the blanket draped over her other arm, a collection of pillows balanced precariously on top. 'These should fit you. And this is in case you get cold. Oh, I got some pillows for you too.' Summer hesitated. 'I could make up the spare bed for you. It wouldn't take long.'

'I'm not going to be a bother.' Ari said firmly. 'Anyway, with how I'm feeling, this will be fine.' Her paw patted the couch softly. 'I'm sure I'll be out like a light as soon as my head hits the pillow.'

'Well, I'll be upstairs if you need me.' Summer placed the pillows at the end of the couch, flumfing them with her paw. 'Seriously, just shout.'

'I will.' Ari surrendered to the soft pillows gratefully, her eyes already drooping. 'I had fun tonight. Really. I hope you did..too.'

Summer smiled as Ari drifted off with that word, her eyes sliding closed at the same moment. 'So did I.'

If Ari heard her, she had no idea but her face certainly rested in a smile she couldn't help think of as contented. She wasn't sure what came over her at that moment but before she could stop herself her lips brushed Ari's cheek. 'Sweet dreams.'

That kiss and the thoughts about what I could have meant lingered within Summer all the time she got ready for bed, clinging to her as she climbed under the sheets, leaving her lying restlessly. For a few seconds anyway. She would turn over, trying to get comfortable, only to roll back to where she had started in the first place. Eventually out of frustrated exhaustion more than anything, Summer finally succumbed to sleep; wrapped up in the thought that her bed felt far too empty.


So, I'm hoping that I'm starting to dial in the plot for this little piece now that I've actually sat down and worked out where this is actually going to go. Something I really should have done a lot sooner, instead of just throwing chapters together without having any idea where it was going to end. Which I have now. Another two chapters and this arc is done. And that is one of the, in hindsight, too many projects I took on ticked off my list.

Rocky Start Chapter 7 (f/f, romance)

The wind swept through Summer's hair, tossing her fiery locks about with wild abandon with the same harshness as the icy chill of the moor threatened to chill her to the very bone. Paying no heed to her thick clothing, it's cruel fingers sought to sink...

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Breaks are good

Mika had been laying awake since before the sun had even crept over the horizon, or half awake anyway. More of a light doze, drifting in and out of sleep. She had just wanted to saviour this moment. They hadn't been able to share many moments like this...

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Good things cum to those who wait (paid request)

The creak of rusty hinges broke the silence of the long corridor, that harsh echoing around the cold stone walls on all sides that had been empty until the tigress entered flanked on either side by a imposing bison. Each of them had the same stoic...

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