Belial: Two-Headed Monster

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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Belial: Two Headed Monster

By Von Krieger

Altiora held her mistress close; her large and black-scaled body curled around the green haired young woman. Sleep came easy to the human, the rigors of the day coupled with a cup of her favorite tea, and her loving pet coiled warmly around her always served to bring her swiftly into the realm of dreams.

The twin-headed serpent carefully gripped the still hot cup with one mouth, placing it on the nightstand. She stroked her mistress' emerald hair gently with the tip of her tail. Her feelings for the girl were strange ones, a mix of affection, attraction, and adoration mixed with subservience, obedience, and more than a little fear. But most prevalent was love. She loved her mistress; she always had. It was woven into the magic that had transformed her into what she was, before she was Altiora, when she had been two, been Altira and Altora.

She remembered the last day she had been two, arriving at her mistress' tower. She had been sisters, twins. She had been dark elves before, but she barely remembered them. They were beautiful, gorgeous individuals, with their dark skin and their light hair. Masters of transformation magics, the dark elves took humans and their lighter skinned and tempered cousins as pets, altering their forms into whatever they desired. A handful, like Altira and Altora, also applied those same magics to themselves. They were a relative rarity; identical twins. Each was a perfect mirror of the other; even their parents had been unable to tell them apart. When they were of age to perform their own magics they had altered themselves so that they would be forever their own creature, unable to be confused for the other.

Altira, the elder by several minutes, had given herself a long, sinuous, serpentine tail. Altora, the younger, had added a dusting of silver scales upon her dark chocolate skin, to match her hair. United in one flesh, Altiora had both these attributes, though her tail was much larger and longer. It had replaced her legs.

Even now, ten years later, perhaps more, she could remember the taste of the potion that had been forced down her throats, thick and sweet to the point of disgust. She could remember the feeling as her flesh turned to fluid, flowing around the chains, trying to lunge at her captor.

Oh how she had hated the chains, the humiliation, of being captured, bound, and eventually altered by creatures who were by birthright hers to play with as she liked. The collars and chains had cut them off from their ability to cast spells, and thus unable to reduce the humans that had abducted them into any of the harmless sextoy shapes that they so richly deserved.

She remembered the first time she saw her mistress, a young girl barely out of her teens, admiring the twins through the bars of a cage, one of several, all containing proud and mighty individuals of Altiora's former race, sold like the slaves they had once gleefully taken.

The serpent remembered her struggles as her components had been lead from their cage and into a cart, as if they were common livestock. The cart had taken them to the place where they would become one, within the tower of the sorceress who had purchased them.

All their wrath, all their hatred, all their memories of things before, all had been cast away forever once the potion began its proper work. The twins had left the chains behind, but their forms did not allow them to cast, they could not speak, could not move their hands properly to form the intricate signs needed to wield the power.

They had lunged at their captor, and she had smiled. She gripped each sister around the wrist, and brought their flowing forms together. The moment they touched, nothing else mattered. There was arousal, there was pleasure, and there was the presence of their mistress, petting them, stroking them, shaping them into the creature that would grow to be Altiora.

Her two necks had elongated, allowing them to find one another, muzzles pressing forward as tongues entwined in a passionate kiss. Four arms roamed over their united form, caressing their heavy breasts, joining with the caresses of their mistress as she guided their change, sculpting them like living clay. Four large breasts became two massive ones adorning a single chest. They felt so good, so sensitive; they had given Altiora much pleasure over the years.

She hummed happily, shifting the grip of her coils on her mistress, tightening ever so slightly. She could not harm her mistress, oh no, and she never would. The girl was almost like a child, needing guidance and training in the magical arts, even after so many years. She was an alchemist without par, and a fantastic flesh-shaper, but she could not manipulate the powers to induce transformation on her own.

The green haired girl moaned softly in her sleep as Altiora's scaled form rubbed against her bare skin in the ways she adored, and then some. Her mistress had a name, Altiora knew, but it never stuck. To the great serpent she was always 'Mistress.' She curled her long necks around, using her mouths, lips, and tongues to add to her mistress' enjoyable dreams. She would awaken feeling wondrous, reborn.

The serpent's cock began to quickly grow erect, and she coxed it into her mistress' sex. It was not that of a serpent in the least, it looked very normal in fact, save for its immense, equine-like size. Her mistress adored it. Apparently she had been the victim of a prank in school, a feud over the affections of a young man. Unlike most, her mistress' change had not been terribly disfiguring, glaringly obvious, or indeed much of an impairment to her life at all. It merely meant that your average male would be completely unable to satisfy her. "Like a hot dog down a hallway," her mistress had said.

Altiora had been made to be the perfect fit for her mistress. The sorceress had been reduced to tears the first few times her pet had mated her. The green haired girl had clung to the serpent, telling her how she was a perfect fit and a wonderful creature. Of all the time the mage had spent shaping Altiora's form, the single part that had the most time spent on it was her cock.

Oh it had felt so wonderful, the mage's fingers sliding over the sisters' bellies as they merged, coaxing them together at the hip; squeezing them closer and closer together until they became one flesh, with a single sex between them. The mage had slipped her fingers inside, whispering magical words to turn female into male, slowly coaxing the twins' tunnel outward, transforming it into a thick, powerful cock.

There had been no sensation greater before or since that rivaled the feeling of the chilly tower air upon her emerging member, huge, proud, and purple. Their new testicles and sack popped free from the slit that had once been their sex, sealing shut forever. Her mistress had coaxed it outward, making it grow larger and larger, thicker and thicker, using extra mass from the union of two beings to create a cock for the one that the two would in time become.

Then were the touches that would make her truly a serpent. First had been the arms, all four of them were massaged and caressed, blissfully merged into their main flesh. Muscle and bone alike were smoothed out; eliminating most traces of a humanoid female form, save for the breasts and a slight roundness where their hips had been. Hair fell away, elven ears were smoothed away, no longer appropriate on reptilian faces.

Then had come the removal of their legs. Altira's tail was bent downwards, the twins' four legs kneaded into it, gentle tickles as their mistress had reached within, taking the pattern of their ribcage and continuing it downwards, into a long, serpentine tail. Internal organs followed suit, confirming to the new pattern already present. They had coiled around their mistress, forked tongues lapping playfully at her neck, coils wrapping around her for the first time.

The three made love for the first time, the human and the conjoined serpents all enjoying in wondrous physical bliss. As the aftershocks of the last climax faded, Altora softly hissed her thanks, only for her muzzle to be clamped shut by the mage's hand.

"Hush," she said, "Beasts do not talk. While you serve me, you are a beast, and do not speak. While you serve me in performing tasks, you are a creature of magic, but obedient and quiet. You will speak only when I ask." The sorceress demanded.

Altira and Altora bowed their heads, nodding their understanding. They gave voice to only a handful of words from then on. She had stood and beckoned for the two to follow her, only for the serpent to fall flat upon its faces. She had laughed then, a cruel twinkle in her eyes, tempered by a sudden lust in her loins.

"It will take time for you to learn how to work your new body. But you need no experience to perform one task: pleasure me." She had growled, seizing the head that was Altora and pulling it down to her loins, then seizing the other and putting it to her breast. The twins did their best to obey, cleaning their seed from their mistress' sex and pleasuring her with the carnal arts that all dark elves learned from an early age; how to please the female form in a large variety of ways.

It had taken months and many bumps, bruises, and scrapes. They never truly got the hang of motion in their new form. At first progress as hampered by their oversized assets, they were unable to lift the combined weight of their tits from the floor. Their mistress' mockery had stung more than any blow. She had given them the perfect form, and they were unable to draw upon its potential. Weeks passed before their back grew strong enough to lift their breasts from the ground, making it easier to slither forward for a few paces, before the strain grew too much and they crashed back against the floor. Mistress had laughed, she had found it amusing. In time they had grown strong enough to slither with what had been their upper body held off the ground; then and only then had they proven themselves to be more than a beast, worthy to assist their mistress with chores, and eventually lab work. It took further months before their two heads and necks could work with dexterity, functioning as their hands once had. After a year in ownership, they were still a comical sight, their slithering lopsided, uneven, jerky. Each sister controlled precisely half of their shared body, and it took effort from both to slither. They tripped over themselves constantly. Both muzzles had scars from their attempts at cooking and cleaning. The sisters did their best, trying to cope with their new form, trying to please their mistress, trying to help one another.

Isolation does strange things to the mind. Despite being one flesh, Altira and Altora were almost unable to communicate with one another. They could not break their mistress' command. Every day they tried harder and harder to please their mistress, to be able to assist her in the lab; it was their dream, being more than a clumsy maid and sex-toy.

They had cried every night as they lay in bed, after their mistress was asleep. Every night they pleasured her, using tongues, snouts, scales, breasts, cock, and tail alike, doing whatever their mistress asked of them. And then when the human's body was satisfied, too tired for more, the two bathed her, made her a cup of tea, and snuggled into bed with her.

It was the greatest thing in the world, to share a bed with their mistress. The green haired girl slept every night wrapped in their coils beneath the covers, using their breasts as a pillow.

The sisters had grown since their transformation, their serpentine form growing longer and thicker. Within a year they were twice their original length, which doubled once more the following year. It had not helped their clumsiness. Now they merely damaged more of their mistress things when their slithering went awry.

They cried themselves to sleep every night, wanting nothing more than to be able to serve their mistress as best they could. Differences in personality between Altora and Altira slowly faded. For each day in their mistress' service, the few remaining patches of their past grew a little more cloudy, a little less defined, each day dimming them ever so slightly until they were nothing more than a comfortable blur. All that remained was identical desire to serve. By their third year in her service, Altira and Altora's thoughts had become one. It would be another year before their two minds fully merged, making them truly one creature with one flesh, rather than one body with two minds.

The twins never achieved their dream of becoming their mistress lab assistant. Their mentally united self, Altiora, was the one who achieved this. She had been so grateful when she had been allowed beyond the heavy wooden door that marked one end of her world. All that existed was nestled between the door to the lab and the front door. She had forgotten what the outside had looked like by the time two had become one. The tower windows were almost always shut, the heavy storms that occurred year round assured the storm shutters would always be shut tight. The sun was not a ball to her, merely rectangles of wonderfully warm light that brought delicious heat to her black, brown, and lavender scales.

Altiora had been her mistress' assistant for two years before she had seen the outside of the tower again. It had brought tears to her four eyes, so beautiful was the outside world. The green haired girl had scowled at her pet. "What's wrong with you," she'd asked with an annoyed sigh.

"The sun is so bright..." her pet had replied, only part of the truth. That day, completely by mistake, Altiora had found that she could lie.

Even a score of years later, Altiora still found herself awed by the sun, the trees, the flowers, the nearby town and the market contained within it. Her mistress placed so much trust in her. Even though the potion had assured complete loyalty, Altiora was still proud that her mistress trusted her enough to go to the market on her own. Over the years she had come to depend more and more upon Altiora, having her cook, clean, make purchases, even mix her potions and perform the magical rituals that she used to bring in money. Altiora took care of her mistress now, her mistress did not take care of her.

The girl had taken ill two winters past, and had never truly recovered. Despite Altiora's efforts she had become thin and frail. She ate little, had headaches. As Altiora worked, she found memories of her twin pasts returning, giving her knowledge of magic and sorcery. She'd learned much of alchemy from her mistress, and in time she'd learned the answer.

All the work with ground herbs, strange powders, and all the like had poisoned her mistress. Without a few remedies to keep her condition stable the sorceress would have succumbed to her illness long ago. Even Altiora had thought that she would be lost the previous spring, when she'd fallen down the tower stairs and broken one leg. The serpent had set the break as best she could, fetching the few healing potions that were on hand, but they weren't enough. Her mistress had been knocked unconscious by the fall, and slept for days. Her leg had grown infected, and her sleep had grown fevered.

Altiora's heart had broken as she remained by her mistress' side, unable to do anything. She had to obey her mistress. She was not allowed to mix things in the lab on her own, she was not allowed to cast spells without permission either. She had gone over everything her mistress had instructed her, searching frantically for a loophole.

She found none.

The green haired girl eventually stopped breathing. For a moment there was no mistress to obey, Altiora could do whatever she wanted. All her memories flooded back, all the old magic of the twins. She latched onto the spells she needed, easily translating the needed motions to her serpentine form. She'd poured nearly everything she had into the healing spells, all the memories that she had regained were lost again, this time for good. They were burned away to fuel the spell to bring her mistress back from death.

It had worked, just barely, but it had worked. The girl had taken a breath, and then another, her fever broke, and her sleep restful for once. She had woken several days later, and had given Altiora permission, in the future, to do what was needed to assure that she would survive. The serpent could do whatever she liked to attend to her mistress' well being.

The fever had wasted her away even further, but she was eating again, even if Altiora had to carry her around the tower upon her powerful back. The serpent had even rigged up a harness to carry her. But the human was still fragile, still unable to do much of anything for herself, still so tired...

Altiora moaned softly, her seed flooding her mistress' belly. The old curse assured that those muscles would always remain strong. The serpent withdrew her member for the last time, the seed being all that the potion needed to complete the spell.

The girl whimpered as the sensations of change spread throughout her body, making her pale body soft and malleable, like clay. Serpentine coils undulated, coaxing nearly useless arms and legs into the torso, smoothing it out into a single mass. The girl's head and neck altered on their own, emerald hair falling away, no longer needed as pale skin vanished beneath jade scales.

Altiora's heads bent down, forked tongues kissing and caressing her mistress' flesh, just as the girl's hands had done a decade before. She drew her out into a smooth, sleek, serpentine shape. Altiora had been born from the mass of two large dark elves, her mistress' new form would only have her own mass to use.

Ever so carefully she coaxed the long neck and head to divide, to become perfect mirrors of one another. Two throats gasped softly with the pleasure of the change. The girl's small breasts were pushed into the form, meant to return when her body was larger, her back strong enough to carry them.

A tongue slipped inside the girl's sex, teasing and caressing, coaxing what was female into what was male. Altiora had no need to give voice to the words; she remembered all that her components had learned as dark elves, their gift to the creature they had given their existences up to become.

The shemale serpent smiled. She was doing this in part for her mistress, in part for herself, and in part for those two frightened sisters who had been lead up to the tower in chains a lifetime ago.

The emerald serpent's new manhood emerged from her sex, aching and throbbing, enough to awaken the former sorceress from her slumber. Her four eyes blinked sleepily, looking around, coming to rest upon the ornate bottle placed beside her teacup on the nightstand.

Altiora curled a tongue around her mistress' member, caressing, stroking, loving, until the new shemale serpent could hold back no more, erupting for the first time in masculine climax.

She was so tiny, so fragile. Altiora had long since thought of her mistress as little more than a child. She had long since become her mistress' mother in what she did, caring for her, providing for her, and now she would truly be her daughter, raised in the proper tradition.

Altiora uncoiled, her massive body tenfold the length of the tiny new serpent.

"Wh-what...?" she hissed through unfamiliar, dual mouths.

"Silence!" hissed Altiora, wrapping her tail around both muzzles. One of her heads lowered itself to the floor, picking up the enchanted robe that had belonged to the sorceress. It had always been too long for her, to loose and baggy. But on Altiora it fit perfectly, covering the entire part of her body that she carried upright, her heads poking through the sleeves.

"Beasts do not talk. While you serve me, you are a beast, and do not speak. While you serve me in performing tasks, you are a creature of magic, but obedient and quiet. You will speak only when I ask." She hissed at her former mistress.

Her daughter would learn all the lessons Altiora had. It was likely a bit cruel, but ultimately necessary in order to be just like her mommy. The former pet had been instructed wonderfully about how those of her race were to behave.

She pulled the wriggling serpents towards her still erect and dripping shaft.

"It will take time for you to learn how to work your new body. But you need no experience to perform one task: pleasure me."

All that she was, all that she had been... all were satisfied.