In the Garage

Story by JaketheCoon on SoFurry

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WARNING: This story contains acts of rape. If you don't like this, then don't continue. Written by my friend, smounged1989. Enjoy!

Jake sighed as he clicked away on his keyboard. The slim short Raccoon's eyes drifted down to the small clock in the bottom right hand corner of his computer monitor. He groaned as he saw the digital numbers click over from 9:59 p.m to ten o'clock. His normal quitting time was six. But due to one of his co workers messing up on a big project then leaving claiming he wasn't feeling well, the young Raccoon had no choice but to stay late to first correct the mistake and then get caught up on all the missed out progress.

For another forty five minutes the young male typed away, growing more and more irritated. All the while muttering a string of curses under his breath. Most of which were aimed at the lazy overweight badger whose fault this all was. Finally at fifteen till, he typed the last few keys, saved his work and shut his station down.

Groaning and scrubbing at his face, Jake let out a long tired sigh. Rolling his head on his shoulders he felt a series of pops and cracks which made him moan in relief. Grabbing his bag and hefting it onto his shoulders, he quietly made his way through the maze of cubicles. Stopping at the dull steel doors of the elevator. Hitting the button on the wall he stood to wait for the cab to arrive.

While he waited, Jake pulled out his phone and began scrolling through his news feed seeing if any of his friends were up to anything interesting. He was part way through reading an article he had been tagged in about an upcoming movie when the ding of the elevator rang out. Stuffing the phone back in his pocket he got in and hit the button for the garage.

The ride down was thankfully quick. Less than sixty seconds after the doors closed they dinged and opened again showing him the small tiled room beyond. Stepping out he readjusted the shoulder strap of his bag and made his way past the small security desk set against the side wall. A Lion of medium height and build sat behind the desk. A pair of headphones in his ears and his golden eyes looking down at his phone. The supposed security guard didn't even look up as Jake made his way across the small lobby.

The Raccoon rolled his eyes and couldn't understand how someone like that could get a job working in security. He was thankful that the office building was located in a decent part of town. Otherwise he would of been really worried about the security of the place. Despite that he was happy to see that it wasn't the other security guard wasn't on duty at the moment. Not that he had anything personally against the large wolf that normally worked the overnight spot. But he had always felt a bit uncomfortable with the way the guy would look at him.

There had been one evening, again when he was working late, that he had been stuck in the elevator with the guy. The ride had seemed to take an hour. During that time not a word had been said between the two of them. But Jake had seen from the corner of his eye the look the tall well built wolf had been giving him. At the time the Raccoon had thought the guy wanted to eat him or something.

Jake often found himself wondering at the ever present bandanna the wolf wore. It covered the right side of his face so that no one could see the fur under it. A hole was cut so his right eye could see through. But the most unusual feature about the wolf, was the pair of dull horns that were set on top of his head between his pointed ears.

Shaking his head to get the image of the burning green/gold eyes out of his mind he pushed his way through the glass doors that lead to the underground parking garage. His footsteps echoed off the concrete walls and floor. A nervous chill ran up his spine as it always did in places like that. He could never shake the feeling that someone was following him. Walking faster he walked down the rows of empty spaces, every now and then he would see a car that had been left overnight, either by someone working even later than he had been. Or someone who had got a ride from a friend and decided to just leave there car until the next day.

Jake had to walk down a small flight of stone steps into the sub parking area in order to get to his car. Normally when he arrived in the early morning the upper level was packed full leaving only the bottom level for him to park in. A sudden sound made his heart stop and steps falter. His ears perked up and twitched trying to catch the sound again. It had sounded like a second pair of heavy foot steps. Looking around he saw that no one was around. Only a handful of other abandoned cars waiting patiently for their owners to return for them.

The air was still, the smell of old oil and the rubber of the tires the only thing his semi sensitive nose could pick up. For a moment he thought he heard a soft growl echo from one of the dark corners of the garage. Gulping slightly he fished around in his pocket for a moment pulling out his keys. Clutching them tightly he started power walking to the back of the row. His eyes fell for a moment on his small beat up red car. It wasn't anything new or fancy, but it got him around and in a pinch could hold up to five people as long as someone didn't mind sitting on the hump in the middle of the back seat.

When he got to the driver's side door he Jake stuck the key in the lock and turned it. The tell tale click of the doors popping open was like music to his ears. Throwing himself into the driver's seat without paying attention to anything else he closed the door with a loud echoing bang and let out a sigh of relief. Sticking the key in the ignition he turned it only to hear the grinding and loud whining of the engine trying to kick over. Jake's eyes went wide as he tried it several more times to no avail.

Groaning he slammed his fists on the steering wheel and swore loudly. Looking up from the dashboard his eyes drifted out the front windshield. It was then he noticed that the hood of his car was popped open slightly. Tilting his head he tried to remember if he had opened it earlier and hadn't shut it all the way. With much trepidation he opened the door and slowly stepped back out. His eyes darting around in search of any sign of something or someone trying to sneak up on him.

Moving around to the front of the car he grabbed the hood and after a moment of groping for the hidden latch managed to open the hood all the way. Looking inside he instantly saw what was the problem. Somehow, he really didn't know about cars so it didn't strike him as overly odd, one of the power cables attached to the battery had come undone. Careful not to touch the metal bit, Jake fit the socket end back over the thick metal nub on the top of the battery. Letting out a sigh he let the hood fall shut again this time making sure it was closed all the way.

With a little less fear he stepped back into the driver's seat. Closing the door Jake turned the key once more. WIth a roar the engine jumped to life much to the Raccoon's pleasure. He really didn't have the spare money to take it into a shop. With a happy smile on his face, Jake reached up to adjust the rearview mirror. As the mirror turned to reflect the back window and part of the back seat he froze.

A wordless scream came to his lips as a pair of glowing green and gold eyes peered back at him from the back seat. Before he could do anything else Jake felt a long strong arm wrap around his neck and throat. It squeezed tightly cutting off his air. A deep growl filled the inside of the car. Jake's feet kicked wildly every now and then hitting the gas pedal causing the engine to roar for a moment before whinning back down to a low rumble. The pressure around his throat intensed and after a moment small black spots began to dance across his vision. His struggles began to grow weaker and after a moment they died away completely. As soon as he stopped struggling the grip on his neck vanished. The sudden rush of cold air stung his abused throat causing him to cough and gag.

Jake thought he heard a deep rumbling laugh from the back seat, but the sound of his heart pounding in his ears kept him from being sure. His vision began to return to normal. He couldn't move his body much however. The shock and the strain of being choked prevented him. From his slightly fuzzy vision he saw a large paw, with fur as black as the night reach from behind him. It took a firm hold of his shirt and with apparently little effort pulled him out of the driver's seat and through the space between the two front seats.

The movement jarred him and caused him to yelp in pain as he was pulled into the back seat. There was a blur of movement followed by more pain. The next thing Jake knew, he was laying belly down across the back seat. HIs face half buried in the worn and torn fabric of the back passenger's side seat.

A heavy weight pressed over his back grinding him deeper into the seats. Whining as his body protested the pain, the young Raccoon tried to fight back. He pushed back against the weight on top of him. A deep growl was the reply followed by a tight pressure on the back of his neck and head. The pressure there grew steadily until it felt like his head was going to pop. Then, the voice came.

"Don't you fucking move."

It was deep and rumbling like a thunder storm. Jake could hear the heavy panting coming from whoever was above him. Another deep chuckle sounded out. The weight on him shifted a bit more and a moment later Jake felt the warm wet lips of his attacker pressed against the sensitive fur of his right ear.

"You think you can just walk around all the damn time, shaking your tight little ass at every guy who walks past huh?" The voice growled low. "You think you can do that shit day after day for a year and expect no one to ever get you for it?"

Jake felt dizzy, he didn't know what the guy was talking about. As far as he could remember he never did anything like that. Or if he did it definitely wasn't on purpose. The weight above him shifted again, this time in a rocking motion. Jake felt something large and hard press against the top of his ass right above his fluffy tail. A gasp caught in his throat as he realized that whoever this was they were grinding their crotch against him. From the feel of it, the guy was packing a serious tool.

"Well, tonight's the night slut. You're going to get what you've been asking for. I'm gonna give it to ya and you're going to love every fucking moment of it."

Another hard grind against his rear. This time Jake had to fight a small moan. He couldn't let this guy know that he was enjoying this, even if he was scared to death. Part of him, the part he kept hidden from the world, was thrilled at the idea of being taken against his will. He had shared this secret only with friends he had made online.

"P-please..." He begged. "P-please... don't."

The grip on his neck and head tightened even more causing him to cry out.


Jake gasped and cried out as the guy violently bounced his head off the back seat several times. The action hurt only slightly, it more so made the Raccoon's head spin and forced him to close his eyes or else he would of been sick. The grip on his head left suddenly, much to Jake's surprise. Both of his attackers paws returned further down his body as they wiggled their way under his waist and began pulling and fidgeting with his belt. Jake was in no condition to even try to fight back at that moment. His head was still spinning and he knew the best thing for him to do was go along with what the guy wanted.

Even so, he couldn't help but turn his head slightly to the side to try and get a look at whoever it was that was about to rape him. He saw a flash of dull red, the color standing out like a beacon against the pitch black fur. Golden/green eyes glared down with a burning fire as the large male worked to strip Jake of his belt and pants. Then above there, nestled between the pointed canine ears, was a pair of dull pointed horns.

In that moment, Jake knew exactly who this was. If the red bandanna covering the side of his face wasn't enough, the horns set on top of his head where a dead give away. It was then that Jake realized that the looks the wolf had always given him were ones of lust. All that time the large male had wanted to do just this exact thing to him. A shiver ran through him at the thought.

Jake shivered and bit back a low moan, he couldn't deny that he had in fact been harboring a heavy lustful crush on the large bulky wolf. Seeing him every day stretching the fabric of the security guard uniform he wore gave him several embarrassing erections over the year. The hard almost glowing eyes often times making their way into his dreams followed by very intense very erotic visions of just such a situation.

He had to fight to keep from calling out the wolf's name, a deep fear of what the horned wolf would do if he knew the raccoon knew who he was settling deep in his chest. There was a soft click followed by a satisfied growl. Then in one swift motion, Jake found his pants suddenly pulled down around his ankles along with his tight fitting underwear. The swift pull of the fabric over his fluffy tail stung as the appendage was violently ripped out of the hole in the back of the pants.

He whimpered slightly as he felt the cool yet still heated night air wash over his exposed rear end. The large paws returned to his rear gripping and squeezing his tight and firm ass cheeks. Biting his lower lip, Jake couldn't stop the whimper of pleasure as his cheeks were tugged apart them mashed back together.

"Heh... I knew you were a slut the first time I saw you. I bet you dreamed of this when you went home at night didn't you?" The deep rumbling voice said filling the whole inside of the car. The springs of the back seat creaked as the massive bulk on top of the raccoon ground against him once more pushing that unbelievably large bulge into his tender rear. "Yeah... you can't wait to have my big thick dick buried in that tight little ass of yours!" The wolf said, his voice husky with lust. "Well don't you worry, I'm going to give you what you want."

The weight on Jake's back lessened slightly as the wolf lifted his midsection up off the small male. The sound of shifting fabric and a zipper being pulled down came out before the heavy scent of arousal and musk filled the inside of the car. Jake could almost feel the heat coming off of what he pictured was a mighty canine member.

A rough paw gripped his tail at the base and jerked it up and to the side leaving the valley between the perky furred ass cheeks unprotected. He whimpered again as he felt the first touch of the wolf's hard member. The flared head pressing against the crack of his ass. The slickness and heat of pre soaked into the fur where the member touched. It held there for a few moments oozing more and more slick goo into the crack.

Then with a slow steady thrust forward Jake felt the thick length push into his tender valley. It didn't take more than a second for the head to press against his hot puckered hole, the pre instantly soaking into the sensitive flesh there. The grip on his hips tightened as the wolf loomed over him the weight focusing more on his upper back allowing the larger male to lift his hips and aline his shaft for a perfect aim.

"Here it comes little slut."

The growled out words where the only warning given. With a hard thrust and a loud wet pop the wolf's thick cock head breached Jake's small tight puckered hole and buried what felt like half a baseball bat into the raccoon's tight inner passage. Jake threw his head back and screamed as loud as he could as the pain of the invading member set every nerve on fire. His scream was cut off by a massive meaty paw clamping down around his short blunt muzzle. The grip was tight and kept him from opening his mouth in any way.

This didn't stop Jake from continuing to try and scream. All that came out however was a muffled pain filled groan followed by several high-pitched whines and whimpers. The wolf above him growled and moaned in pleasure as he felt the tight heat of the small raccoon wrap around the first half of his thick shaft. Already he could feel his large knot starting to swell. Baring his teeth in a fierce snarl he pulled back his hips drawing out a few inches.

Pausing for only a moment he growled deep and shoved back in hard. More of his length vanishing into the almost too tight puckered hole of his victim. The new section of his shaft drew out another loud muffled cry from Jake who tried as best he could to relax and loosen himself for the rutting wolf. What followed for the next several moments was more of the same. The wolf pulling back slightly only to shove back in hard. Each time pushing in more and more of his thick member. After the third time Jake felt completely drained of strength. His body laid there limply under the larger male resigned to letting the big guy do whatever he wanted to him.

Jake could feel hot tears running down his cheeks as more and more of the thick shaft ripped into him. Finally with a shuddering moan from above him and a weak whimper from himself, Jake felt the massive knot of the canine press against his twitching ass cheeks. The wolf's dick felt like a steel rod buried deep inside him. Each small movement made him whimper weakly in a mixture of pleasure and pain. The wolf's hot humid breath rushed over his pinned ears.

"Time for the fun part..." The deep voice said. Jake felt his weak muscles clench up at the words. Then even more so as the thick shaft began to pull itself out from his sore and tender hole. Gasping as best he could he felt what must of been nine inches of thick wolf meat slowly pulling out of him. Each inch that tugged at his sensitive inner left behind a dull ache of emptiness. Bellow Jake, he could feel his own much smaller member leaking and pressing hard into the rough fabric of the back seat. He couldn't believe how turned on he was. He had fantasized about this very thing happening but never in his wildest dreams did he think it would be this intense.

The wolf stopped his exit when just the flared head of his shaft was left inside the raccoon's pucker. Then with a hard firm snap of his hips he buried the whole length back inside. Jake gasped and moaned as a tidal wave of pleasurable pain rushed through him. The seat under him creaked with the force and the whole car shook on its shocks. Again the wolf pulled back until only the head was left inside and again he snapped his hips forward rocking the car and forcing several ropes of pre out of Jake's own member.

Slowly the pace began to increase. In and out the wolf thrust himself. Each time pulling out until only the head was in then thrusting back in until his large knot was grinding into the raccoon's pucker. At some point the wolf had let go of his muzzle allowing Jake to moan and whimper at full force. There was no more screaming of pain or begging for mercy. Just carnal pleasure. A dull wet slurping sound began to fill the cab of the car as the wolf's pre completely slicked up Jake's inner tunnel allowing the large thick shaft to push in and out with great ease.

The wolf's heavy cum filled balls slapped down against Jake's thighs with each in thrust sending a new wave of pleasure through the smaller male. He could almost feel the heavy load of seed inside them sloshing around. Jake didn't know how long the wolf pounded into him and in all honesty he didn't much care. It could've been five minutes or five years. All that mattered to the raccoon and to the wolf was the sinful pleasure of the now.

Finally Jake could feel a slight change in the wolf's movements. His thrusting was becoming more and more jerky as well as the force behind them growing more powerful. The raccoon could picture the large black furred balls of the wolf starting to pull up in preparation to unleash their might load.

"Don't think I'm done with you yet slut!" The wolf's voice came out broken and even huskier than before. "You haven't taken all of me yet!"

Jake's eyes widened with shock and fear. His heart skipped several beats at the implication of the wolf's words. Before he could voice his fear he felt it. The extra hard down thrust. The grinding of that massive knot against his puckered hole. The slight painful stretch of his hole. The wolf was going to shove that softball-sized knot into his small tail hole!

"N-No! P-please!" Jake managed to grunt out between thrusts.

If the wolf heard him he didn't show any signs. His thrusting just kept getting more and more violently hard. Each in thrust stretched the raccoon's hole even more as the wolf was determined to cram his massive knot inside. Jake began to beg and cry as the pain grew each and every time. On one particularly hard thrust, he felt a good few inches of the knot stretch his hole out and enter him. He felt like his ass hole was being ripped open.

There was so much stretching and so much pain Jake thought that if he lived through it his hole would be completely ruined for anyone else. The pressure vanished for a moment before returning in full force. This time even more pushed it's way in and made him cry out. In the middle of his cry Jake felt a searing pain in his throat followed by the warm trickle of blood. The next cry came out hoarse and wheezy and sent a jolt of pain through him as his torn vocal cords tried to make sound but couldn't.

The wolf's hips pulled back until just the tip of his cock head was pressed against Jake's pucker. A low rumbling growl filled the car and the two of them could feel the tension of that moment. They both knew that this time, it was going to happen. With a roar and powerful thrust the wolf shoved his dick into the broken and abused hole. The tight ring of muscle stretched around the shaft and once it hit the base of the knot it continued. The puckered hole stretched and stretched as the wolf continued to press forward. Jake gasped and yelled as much as his broken throat would allow. Then with an audible pop, the knot pushed fully into the raccoon and locked the two of them together.

A loud howl erupted from the wolf's maw as the tight embrace of the inner passage wrapped around his most sensitive part. His shaft swelled thicker and gained an extra inch in length as the blood in it swelled. Deep inside the raccoon, the wolf's member twitched and leaked heavily. Then like a dam breaking, a torrent of hot wolf seed gushed out of the swollen red head of his cock.

Jake gasped and couldn't help but moan as he felt the liquid heat of the wolf's cum flood through his insides. Each throb and pulse of that shaft sent another large thick rope of cum deep into the raccoon's bowels. Jake felt as if it was dumping out right into his stomach. He could almost taste the bitter seed in the back of his throat. Over and over again the wolf's shaft pulsed and erupted inside of the raccoon. The two locked together and unaware of anything else other than the feeling of heat and passion.

By the time the canine's shaft began to slow its gushing to a slow trickle the two were both panting heavily and their heart's pounding like jackhammers. Jake let out a tired worn out groan. His body covered in sweat causing his fur to stick to his slender frame outlining every curve even through his work shirt.

Above him, the wolf's tongue lolled out the side of his long muzzle as he panted trying to catch his breath and calm his racing heart. His shaft still rock hard and buried deep inside his forcefully taken lover. Running his tongue over his teeth and lips and sighed heavily and leaned his head down biting at Jake's ear. The action caused the raccoon to whimper and gasp.

With a deep rumbling chuckle the wolf suddenly gave a hard tug with his hips. His still swollen knot pulling painfully at the raccoon's over sensitive tail hole. Jake yelped in pain and felt a fresh wave of tears slide from his blurry eyes.

"D-don't." He wheezed out.

"Shut the fuck up..." The wolf replied. "I ain't got all night to spend tied to your slutty ass. Maybe next time."

With that he gave a hard firm pull and with painfully agonizing slowness his knot began to pull out of Jake's pucker. The smaller male cried and begged in his weak broken voice, the pain more than he could bare. The wolf ignored him and with a loud pop pulled his red rod free. The shaft still pulsed and oozed a small stream of cum out. Thick clumps of seed clung to the red flesh. Chuckling the wolf grabbed the base of his cock and began rubbing the mess into the fur of the raccoon's rear end. Tilting his head, the wolf pulled the messy cheeks apart and looked happily down at his work.

The ring of muscle was fire red and swollen. The once tight ring now a gaping hole of cum filled pleasure, for the wolf anyway. With a chuckle and smirk he let go of Jake's ass and gave it a hard painful slap. The raccoon cried weakly, his whole body awash with a deep aching pain. The strain of the brutal pounding added with the immense pain of the knot being pushed in and then pulled out left his body completely drained.

He could feel his eyes falling shut despite his efforts to keep them open. The last thing he remembered before passing out into darkness was the shifting of weight above him and a deep rumbling laugh.

Jake's return to the waking world was slow and groggy. His vision was fogged over and his head was pounding like someone was hammering a nail into it. Likewise his throat burned every time he tried to swallow, which caused him to cough hard which caused even more pain. Finally there was the sensation in his backside. A deep burning throbbing pain that seemed to course up from his hole through his stomach and into his chest.

The raccoon's body felt so beaten and broken that he didn't want to do anything other than continue to lay in his bed and never move again. The raccoon paused as he realized the last part of that thought. Shifting slightly he felt the mattress under him, he could feel its familiar give from the spot he had worn into it from years of laying in it. He tried to remember, his head throbbed making it hard.

His eyes snapped open; the memories came flooding back to him. Work, the garage, the burning eyes. Gasping hard he began to cough as his torn throat ripped open anew. Shifting as much as he dared he rubbed at his eyes trying to clear the sleep gunk from them. Once he was able to see again he lifted his head up and looked around. He was in his bedroom, in his bed. How had he gotten there? He didn't remember driving home; the last thing he could remember was falling into darkness in the back seat of his car after. He shivered as the all too familiar flash of those golden/green eyes came to him. He vaguely could remember the deep rumbling voice talking to him in that darkness. What had it said?

After several moments of trying to remember Jake gave it up, thinking was making his head hurt even more. Gathering what little strength he had he pushed himself up and out of bed. His legs wobbled and shook as he stood and slowly made his way to the bathroom. Each step sent a jolt of pain through him as his tender hole stretched and shifted. His cramped muscles protesting their movement and more than once threatened to stop working and collapse him to the ground.

By some miracle though, Jake managed to make it to the bathroom and with the last of his strength and will fell into the bathtub. Clumsily he kicked the plug into the tub drain and, using his feet, managed to turn on the water so the tub would fill with the hot soothing water. The sound of the gushing water soothed the ache in his head and the rising water eased the soreness from his body. Leaning his head back he sighed heavily and let every inch of him melt into a puddle.

When he opened his eyes again, Jake realized that he must of dozed off for a few minutes. The water, which had been just at his ankles, was now up to his chest. Reaching out with his foot again he quickly turned the nozzles off before the tub overflowed. He was in no condition to do any cleaning.

Sighing heavily again he was about to shut his eyes and doze off once more when a small flutter caught his eye. Looking he saw a small piece of paper taped to the tile wall of the tub a few inches from him. It was folded but even so he could see the dark marks of writing on the inside. Thankfully he had managed to keep one of his paws out of the water.

Reaching out he plucked the fluttering paper off the wall and carefully unfolded it trying to keep it dry. It was a single page written in black ink in a neat hand. It read;


10:30 p.m be ready. Leave door unlocked or else."

There was no signature but Jake didn't need one to know who left it. His eyes shifted from the note to the small clock on the counter by the sink. He had to lift himself up slightly to see the digital numbers. It read six in the morning. He sighed and sank back into the warm steaming water. He had the whole day to recover. A smile slowly spread over his muzzle as his shaft began to grow under the water.

"Don't worry Shade, I'll be ready for you." His broken voice croaked out as his eyes fell shut and he drifted off to sleep.