Running From Lions

Story by Asherkun on SoFurry

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#1 of Running From Lions

I just wanna start off saying that this has been a project for almost a year and a half and this is only the first chapter. I got really sidetracked from this due to lack of interest at the time, but I am attempting to reboot it SO PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. Also, this version does NOT have the italics or bold on so whenever FA gets back up check it out on there for the correct version as I don't know how to upload the full version (that includes bold, italics, and the like) on this site.

Running From Lions

By Asher H.

I ran faster than I've probably ever run before. Ally-ways surrounded me as I pushed my tired body through the maze of foreign lands. How stupid are you for coming into this part of town Diesel?! Really fucking stupid if you get caught... The snarling from behind me grew louder every yard it seemed. No matter how fast I tried to carry my small body, they appeared to catch up with lightening speed. Around another corner and then I meet chest first with a brick wall. Dead end...shit.

Quickly, I stood and tried to catch my breath. Over my panting I heard the roaring voices and rumbling footsteps of my attackers. After only a few seconds they're in front of me, their triumphant smirks almost as intimidating as the look of hunger in their eyes. Loudly, I gulped and shuffled back against the wall. The two lions advanced towards me slowly. How could someone actually I silently asked myself as the two very large lions began closing the final few inches of space between us.

"Kobi, look what we've got here?" the more masculine lion asked, his scent roaming past my nose.

"Dinner?" The second lion responded, licking his lips teasingly.

The larger lion took his eyes off me for a few seconds to give his companion a nasty glare. This gave me a ray of hope, from his response I could tell I wasn't going to be eaten, or at least not yet.

"No you dolt! We've got a new toy." With this said, Kobi's eyes lit up, joy written all over his face.

"Ohh..well in that case, I call first dibs. Last time the toy was so loose I kept falling out of him, Jay." Kobi grumbled.

"No skin off my bones, just don't break him this time. We wouldn't have had to run after this thing if you would've controlled yourself with the last one." The now named Jay replied.

Both lions turned their focus back on me, or rather, where I should've been. As they argued, however, I took my only chance to escape. By the time they realized I was gone, well...I was gone. Even though I was a good distance away, I heard them roar in frustration as their "toy" got away. After a yip of praise to myself, a smile beamed across my muzzle. No one has yet to catch this foxy, and I'll be damned if anyone ever does.

After a few more minutes of running I slow to a halt and sniff the air around me. No indication they're around, so I found (carefully mind you) a bath house to go relax in. Half the furs-scratch that-most of the furs in town are Gay and since everyone knows just about everyone, there's yiff everywhere. It's hard not to go into Altus Valley and catch the scent of cum. That's why I always venture there. It's so lonely in the forest; everyone tends to get tired of a smooth talking, fast, creative, and not to mention fast fox who tries to get laid all the time. There's no personality in the forest, it's so dull and boring.

Now, in Altus Valley, everyone gets along with everyone. It doesn't matter who you are as long as you're not poor or a straight up asshole. Most Furs find it hard to get into AV-what with the 10ft. concrete walls surrounding the city, multiple guards, etc.. However, me being me, I found the perfect way in. As the guards switch out, they leave the city unprotected for exactly 20 seconds every few hours. Sure, for most that'd be quite a job, but not for this kitsune. I just jump my merry butt over the wall and have my way with every one I please.

Once inside the bath house, I took off my pants and jockstrap and left them in the cubby hole by the entrance, snagging a towel as I moved onward. The beautiful aroma of musk was definitely in the air and almost instantly my fox-hood started to rise out of its sheath. As I make my way to the sauna I say hello to a few of the others I've 'hung out' with before and they return the greeting with a smirk and a wink. Oh yeah, today's gonna be good I thought to myself as I pushed open the door to the steam room.

"Well well well...looky at what we 'ave 'ere gents! Diesel's back in town!" A lion by the name of Onyx called out in a very hot British accent.

At first glance I thought it was one of my earlier attackers, but once I saw the tribal tattoo on his left hip I let slip a sigh of relief.

"Onyx, you scoundrel! I haven't seen you in two weeks-where the bloody hell have you been!?" I exclaimed while giving my friend a hug and groping his huge lion meat.

"I went out of town on a job mate. Construction pays so where it goes I follow." he chuckled as I took a seat next to him, his paw resting on my knee.

"Well that's good that you're that much richer." I half joked and half sneered.

What I wouldn't give to be able to stay in this place! All the people I've met don't seem to mind me sneaking in, although I've also given a blowjob to every one of them, among doing other things, so that might be why. Onyx offered to let me stay with him, but I don't know him that well and I have no idea as to what that'd entail. Granted, I know him better than most of the furs I've met here.

"Oi, c'mon. Don't be loik that, I've offered you room and board wif me mate." he said, giving me a sad look.

"I know," I sigh. "But you're someone I sleep with and that's about it. I don't want my living with you to be based off that." A sour look on my face now, my foxhood creeping back into its sheath.

Onyx, taking notice of this, grinned and moved his paw over my sac and started massaging my ball.

"Oi, don't stress on the unimportant. You came 'ere to take yer mind offa things. So enjoy yourself D." He said as he placed his paw over my sheath and started rubbing.

"Ah..o-ok..." I moan out as my fox-hood reemerged into the open.

"There ya go..." Onyx smirked.

Before I knew what had happened, my head was being forced into his crotch, my dark shaggy hair being pulled on. The smell made me shudder in extacy, his 9 inch uncut cock pressing against my muzzle fully erect.

"Isnot gonna suck itself now is it? Get to work!" Onyx ordered, tightening his grip on my headfur.

"Yessir," I mumbled against his cock before lightly licking the head.

"Good boy...oh.." he whispered as I engulfed as much of his cock as I could in my muzzle; which happened to be all but half an inch.

My paws found their way to his ball sac and tail hole, slowly massaging both. Onyx let go of my hair and repositioned his paw on the back of my neck, forcing me to go up and down at his will. A hearty moan escaped my throat as he started bucking his hips, his cock going deep into my muzzle causing me to gag slightly. After a while of this he lifted me off the bench and onto his lap, facing the entrance and mirror. As he put his paw under me, working at my semi-tight tail hole I took a second to look at us in the mirror.

My small but toned white furred chest visible through the steam. As well as my shaggy black headfur and gold hoop earring I have in each ear. I noticed that he, too, was staring at our reflections; His gold eyes staring intently at my cerulean ones. Another moan escapes me as I feel a finger slip inside me and a paw wrap itself around my pulsing, uncut, 7 inch fox cock.

"Yer tighter than I remember, Dies. Has it been awhile?" He asked as he worked another digit in me.

" could say that..." I respond. "But, I'm ready whenever you are. I'm kind of...a hu-hurry" I managed to moan out as he slipped two more fingers in me.

"Oh yeah...yer about to get the yiffing of a life time mate!" he called out as he hefted me onto his lion-hood, pushing me down and making me take it all at once.

"Ohhhh...FUCK!!" I shouted in both pain and extacy.

He didn't waste any time, pulling me almost completely off of his cock and then slamming me back down on it repeatedly. Everyone in the building could hear us, there's no doubt about that. Onyx hugged me close to his body and started a more rhythmic thrusting, after a few more to finish getting me lose, rather than tearing my tail hole in two.

"There...we go," Onyx panted heavily. "I missed ya Dies. You've got the finest tail hole in this whole city! Probably...ohhhh......mmm.." he trailed off as I reached my left paw behind me to cup and rub his huge balls as I started to paw off with my other.

As I worked my magic with both my paws and tail hole the smell of everyone's musk thickened in the air. All of the furs in the bath house were probably getting off on us. Every few seconds I hear moans, purrs, murrs, and groans of all sorts from right outside the doorway. While Onyx pummeled my insides my cock went crazy. Never had so much pre leaked out; in fact it had started to drip down off of my balls onto the sauna floor. Unfortunately, Onyx took notice of this between his roars and massive thrusts.

"We can't 'ave you wastin' none of that now can we lad?" He whispered into my ear as he licked my muzzle and grabbed me gently by the scruff of my neck. "Now get down 'ere and lick it all up loik a good lil' cumslut!" My lion friend suddenly shouted at me as I was hoisted off of the plump cock that warmed my insides and tossed onto the floor.

Before I could even move to try and get up I was being positioned on all fours, my face right in front of my leaked juice. I hadn't smelled myself in a long time and it was then that I realized why every fur in this town wanted to yiff my brains out. I probably have one of the strongest and most intoxicating musk's and jizz out there. As I gingerly licked up my mess Onyx let out a low hearty chuckle.

"Hold on a tick there lad, I got a little something extra for you." He said as heads peeked into the room.

Onyx took notice of this too and motioned for all those that could see us to move in to the room for front row seats of our apparently highly acclaimed exhibition show. As everyone gathered around Onyx walked around to face me, his musky lion-hood dangling in front of my muzzle.

"Now then gents, I am going to humiliate this young bloke in front of you by marking 'im with my piss and then make him lap it up along with his pre and cum. Any of you who wish to join me feel free to do so, and don't be afraid to use that muzzle of his for your wishes," Onyx encouraged and everyone cheered and started to paw at their meat. "I promise you, he's a very skilled fox- not just your run o' the mill cock-warmer. Enjoy."

As one of my closest and only friends announced all this to everyone present, it took me a moment to register. I didn't fully understand what was happening until I felt something hot, wet, and refreshing splash across my muzzle. My eyes opened wide as saucers and my mouth hung agape while Onyx spurted his fluids all over me. After a few seconds the others started to gather around me in a circle, still pawing and patiently waiting for their turn at me.

Onyx let out a hefty sigh of relief after standing over me for a good 3 minutes before walking around to my rump again. As he did that a husky of great length and thickness stepped up to me, his cock throbbing in his paw while he gave me the greatest smirks I've ever seen. He was maybe six feet tall and extremely hot. From his blond fauxhawk to the jockstrap around his knees- everything about him made me tremble in anticipation. I really hope he sticks that in my muzzle so I can show him exactly what Onyx was talking about. I thought while licking my piss soaked lips.

"Open up slut," his voice was low and full of lust, making my cock twitch even more.

I did as he asked and just as I got my mouth as wide possible I felt the hot stream hit me with a great force. It tasted surprisingly good; not too salty and not too strong overall. While the husky made me guzzle down his urine the rest of the crowd closed in around me. There were maybe seven or eight furs not counting Onyx and the gorgeous hunk in front of me filling my stomach with his filth. Suddenly I felt a stream hit me right on the tail hole only to hear Onyx grunt with relief as he emptied himself all over my backside before bucking into me with no remorse.

I let out a loud yelp as I felt him fill the other half of me up. When I tried to turn my head around the steam filled room to get a look at everyone I was slapped back into place by the husky.

"Did I say you could move bitch?" He asked and without waiting for a response he grabbed the underside of my muzzle and forced his big canine cock in me, knot and all. "Don't stop sucking until I cum or you'll regret it!" I heard the lust filled husky say before he started bucking his hips deep into my face.

Every fur around was making noises of pure extacy as they watched what was happening. They'd probably never seen anything quite like it, although that didn't stop them from joining in and trying something new. Each and every cock in the room began to squirt out steamy yellow streams of urine, drenching every last part of me. I couldn't stop myself from moaning and ejaculating all over the floor under me. A few of the furs behind me mumbled something to Onyx and I felt him withdraw from my rectum.

Before I knew what hit me I felt TWO very large cocks plunge deep into me. One had a knot and the other had barbs on the shaft. They began humping into me with such ferocity that I felt the knot pop in. Just as they got nice and settled inside of me and continued to fuck me senseless, the husky in my muzzle began thrusting with such force that I actually began to choke! I hadn't choked on anything in years! Then, I felt it. He came in thick ropes all the way down my throat and boy did it taste superb.

Slowly and not wanting to, it seemed, he withdrew from my maw and patted me on the head before walking away to wash off. Three more took his place; a stallion, dragon, and dingo stepped forward grinning like Cheshire cats as they waved their thick meats in front of me.

"Who gets to go first?" the dragon asked which made my cock start to throb out of its sheath again.

" about two at a time?" the stallion suggested as he shoved his cock and the dragons in my maw all the way to the hilt.

I could do nothing but moan as they began bucking into me and crying out in pleasure. Meanwhile the two behind me began picking up pace before screaming out and unleashing their semen into my tail hole. The cat slipped out with no problem but the canine was stuck until he untied, which would take a while considering he was probably looking around at all the hot guys using me and wanting to use me. I could feel the cum dripping slowly out of me, some of my very own leaking from my fully erect cock again.

The stallion and dragon began making out and touching each others balls before my maw filled up once again. This time though I couldn't hold all the cum and ended up coughing a bunch of it out into the puddle of cum and piss in front of me.

"Aww...looks like there's more for you to clean up when everyone's done with you, poor kit." the dragon said as they snickered and walked away. "Oh, by the way, you've got the best muzzle I've ever had. Come see us sometime newcomer, we live just up the street." he continued. "The name's Carl," the studly equine said.

"And I'm Drake," the dragon added before they winked and walked off to clean up too.

I almost laughed but was stopped short by a dingo roughly shoving his dick into my wet and sticky muzzle. From my left a bear stepped forward and slid his plump dick in too.

"Ya feels amazing even though your in here with me. Fuuuuuck this guy's gotta good thing goin' for him." the bear half spoke half moaned to the dingo.

Just as they began humping into my face I felt the canine behind me finally start to unswell. That was until Onyx decided to thrust back into my loose rump. Then I felt the knot re-inflate. The two of them began making out loudly and thrusting ferociously together while I was also taken roughly from the front. A few minutes later, after lots of moaning, grunting, and dirty talk all four came simultaneously; as did the last two on my sides. Never had I been so cum covered in my life. It was too much to deal with and I came harder and more then ever before.

There was so much jizz inside me (or urine, this was a first for that but I fucking loved it) I thought I was going to burst. You could definitely tell I had something in me with how inflated my stomach was. After everyone pulled out and left, except for Onyx, I just about passed out on the dirty floor beneath me.

"Nooo no no you don't," Onyx cooed in my ear softly. "You've still got a mess to clean up, and quite a big one at that. I don't think a fox has ever cum as much as you just did. Now lap it up bitch." He said as he gently pushed my head down towards the floor even more with his foot-paw.

Sighing slightly from exhaustion I opened my mouth and began to lap up all the fluids in front and under me. After a good six minutes I flopped over ontop my back and closed my worn out eyes. I felt a claw jab me in the ribs and I hopped up in surprise.

"The fuck!?" I shouted and clutched my side.

"Sorry mate, just sor'a figured you'd wanna clean yourself off after all that. After do kinda reek of piss." Onyx snaughed as he picked me up and took me into the bathing area.

It was almost closing time so we were the only ones left. I did my best to savior my time alone with the muscular lion, as I didn't know when I'd return. My ass was pretty sore after that endeavor. He gently placed me into the pool and began cleaning my fur for me so I did the same for him. We caught up, joked around, splashed around, and made out a bit before we got thrown out. It was twilight out, the stars somewhat visible as we walked out into the breezy night.

I turned to look at my friend and couldn't help but want to just bury my face into his chest and beg him to be with me and let me stay with him, but I couldn't do it. I dunno why, but for some reason it just seemed like we wouldn't work out aside from sex. I'm not one of those people that just rush into things, I like to take my time and get to know a fur, ya know? Though...not that I've ever had a significant relationship before. Everything I've ever done has either been for money or fun. Sad, I know.

Onyx's eyes stared me down, seemingly knowing what it is I long for. Yet, he says nothing; he just gives me a hug and tells me to call him before walking down Viore Drive towards his home. I let out a quiet sigh and begin my journey back into the forest for the night. For some reason the streets seemed particularly dark and cold that night. It almost spooked me to be out alone. Man...why do I have to be such a pussy...? I should've gone with Onyx..he makes me feel safe.. I thought to myself before turning onto Sheesha Blvd. and getting hit in the face extremely hard with something. I flew backwards onto my rump which made me cry out in pain from the ass fucking done earlier. Clutching my head I tried to open my eyes to see what happened before it happened again; knocking me onto the ground completely. The last thing I heard before being hit again and getting knocked out was 'We got 'em finally'.