Eternal bond Chp 5 (Old)

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#5 of Eternal bond (Old)

Erik and Gena give Edward and Amura a great time.

There is so much going on in this story, and so many acts are taking place that I just couldn't fit all the tags into the keywords so here are the rest of them: KNOT, ORAL,ORGY,VAGINAL.

There, with that done I have to say that I hope you all like the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Oh and if you aren't 18... Shoo! Now that that didn't work, shut your door and lock it, I do NOT wanna know that you get caught pawing to my story, though that is kinda kinky... Now for anyone who hasn't ran away with your tail between your legs.... *Pounces and licks your cheek*

With love and care,

~~FurryForlife~~ §~§


Eternal bond Chapter 5

I awoke to wetness on my tail hole. I blinked and made sure that I didn't have an accident, when that was cleared I looked to see that Amura was still asleep, her mouth was opened a little. As lifted my head to see what was making my tail hole wet I saw that it was dark outside; I felt the wetness cross my tail hole again, but this time I felt a sand papery tongue with it, I checked to see that Amura was still asleep right next to me, and looked again to see a dark shadowy shape at the base of her bed.

I jumped slightly causing the shadow to look up and I saw that it was Erik. This caused Amura to stir a little, but she didn't wake. Erik looked up and grinned, seeing that I was awake, he put his finger to his lips indicating that I should be quiet, and then gave one more lick to my tail hole, causing me to shudder. He started to slowly crawly up the bed and laid himself next to me, pushing his warm body against my bare back. He leaned his muzzle up to my ear and started to whisper:

"I've seen you staring at me." I whimpered a little, though I can't say why I did. He chuckled softly and continued "You look at me like a child looks at a toy they want..." His voice was soft and velvety; as I listened to it I seemed to be melting. I got this warm feeling inside of me, the kind that seems to take hold of your guts and twist them. I felt my cheeks grow hot as the tip of my member poked free of its sheath.

I turned my head to look at him, but I couldn't bring myself to meet his eyes so I stared at his nose instead; it was cute like Amura's but instead of being pink with black splotches, it was black with pink splotches. I saw a grin spread across his muzzle and he lifted my chin a little and caught my eyes; my whole body tensed up as I stared into his eyes, I couldn't look away from him. His eyes weren't entirely black as I had previously thought; he just had very large, dark irises.

They were closed in much the same way Amura's had been back in the kitchen, God only knows how long ago. I felt my ears grow red and the blush on my cheeks grow deeper. The smile on his face was smug, as if he knew I was helpless to resist him.

He leaned and licked my lips and then forced, if you would call my feeble resistance something that needed to be forced, his tongue into my muzzle, invading the recesses of it. I moaned slightly around the tongue, and then started to return the kiss, thrusting my tongue into his mouth causing him to give a surprised ‘Mmff', causing me to smile inwardly.

Amura rolled away from me and I roll toward Erik, pressing my body against him. He seemed a little shocked at my eagerness, but accepted it quickly. He reached the paw that wasn't on my chin down and gripped the tip of my member, and then started to rub it softly, coaxing more and more of it out each passing moment. He broke the kiss and I whimpered like a child that just had a sucker ripped from his mouth, which was kind of what happened, he slid down a little and started to give little love bites to my upper neck, causing my to moan softly as he did so.

He pulled he head back and I looked down and our eyes met; he said "And here I was thinking that I would have to use a little force to have my way with you." He mock pouted and then said

"You take all the fun out of the challenge."

I giggled and murmured "It's not like I could resist you, acting the way you have, so it's kinda your fault too."

He gave a conceding look and simply said "True." And then scooted down to my crotch and looked at my member. "Not bad..." He murmured, causing me to blush as I realized that my member was completely un-sheathed. He gave a quick lick to the tip of my cock and I jumped a little, not expecting him to do so.

‘What else would he be doing down there?' I chided myself silently, I was cut short of my thoughts as he took the tip of my member into his warm muzzle and started to suck on it softly while stroking the rest of the shaft with his silky paw. I closed my eyes and absorbed the pleasure, and then I realized I wasn't only feeling my pleasure, the familiar sense of Amura's too.

‘Why would she be feeling pleasure... she's asleep.' I thought to myself. I opened my eyes and turned my head and gasped as I saw Gena between Amura's legs and lapping at her slit.

My attention returned to myself as Erik gave little growl as he saw I was ignoring him, and then he gave my developing knot a hard squeeze which in turn caused me to not only buck my hips, but to jump with it as well. Erik fell back spluttering a little and mumbled "Well I won't do THAT again." And I laughed. He returned his hot muzzle to my member and took the whole thing into his throat. I gaped as he did so and he, I think, grinned around my cock, kind of hard to tell.

He started to bob his head up and down, swirling his sand papery tongue around my shaft as he did so and I moaned loudly.

He snaked his fingers in between my butt cheeks and probed my still moist tail hole with his finger, causing me to shudder. He looked up at me and caught my eye, and silently asked for permission, to which I nodded and he shoved his digit into my tight hole and I gave a squeak. He probed with another finger and without warning shoved it deep inside me. That one hurt a little.

I moaned in both pleasure and a little pain as he continued to bob his head up and down my shaft at an even faster pace. A third digit found its way to my tail hole and before I could protest he shoved it into me along with the other two. I cried out in pain as I felt my tail hole being stretched beyond its pervious limits. He reached his other paw behind me and rubbed my lower back softly, comforting me, and then pushing his finger deeper until the struck something deep inside of me and a wave a pure bliss shot through me.

He grinned, I think, again around my cock and continued to rub that spot; I felt some pre shoot out of my cock and coat the back of his throat. He started to purr, sending pulses down my member, and more pre shot out of it. He continued to massage at spot deep inside of me and I moan loudly,

I heard the sound reverberate throughout the room.

I managed to gasp "Erik... I'm..." He nodded and I released my load into his muzzle coating the inside with pump after pump of my seed. He continued to suck for several moments after I finished, eager to get all the seed he could.

He took his muzzle off my member and looked up at me with a grin playing across his face. He said "You taste good, sweet and tangy." He made a show of licking his lips and I grinned tiredly, still trying to recover from my orgasm. I laid my head back and relaxed, but Erik had other ideas. He shifted his fingers inside of me causing me to snap my head back up, "Tisk tisk, you don't think that we are done with you yet, now do you?"

I asked "We?" and he grinned and pointed to the other side of the bed where Amura and Gena were and I shook my head in disbelief as I had forgotten she was here. I sat up and watched Gena skillfully administer to Amura's needs; Amura was squirming under her as she lapped at Amura's slit, running her tongue up and down, occasionally stopping to concentrate on a little nub at the top of her slit. From the look on Gena's face it seemed that she was enjoying herself nearly as much as Amura was.

Gena drove her tongue deep inside Amura and rubbed her thumb on the little nub at the top of Amura's slit. Her other hand was busy working on her own slit, pumping her small digits in and out so fast her fingers were nearly a blur.

Erik rubbed that spot inside me one more time and then removed his fingers, leaving me with an empty feeling. He crawled over to Gena and batted her fingers away from her slit and lowered his head and drove his tongue inside her, much in the same way that Gena was doing to Amura. I briefly worried about that fact that they were brother and sister, but was interrupted by Erik gesturing with the hand that wasn't rubbing Gena's nub to Amura; I caught his drift and crawled to Amura and took one of her perked up nipple into my mouth and the other with my paw.

I alternated between sucking on the nipple and gently nibbling it and I tweaked the other one between my fingers. I heard Amura gasp and her back arched while her body started to quake with an orgasm. She started to call out "Oh! Oh! Oh!" in beat with what I was guessing was Gena's finger driving into her; within a few seconds I heard Gena cry out under Erik's administrations. I continued to pleasure her nipples until her arched back fell to the mattress.

I raised my head to see that Gena was resting her head on Amura's inner thigh, still panting heavily, her tail flicking back and forth. Amura was laying still her chest still heaving and her eyes weren't quite open.

Erik popped his head up from behind Gena and I saw he had his eyes closed because they were covered in Gena's juices. He grinned and asked "A little help here?"

I laughed and crawled over to him and took his muzzle in my paws to steady his head and ran my long candid tongue over his face, cleaning off his eyes and the rest of his muzzle. He pulled his face away while pushing mine away, saying "God, your tongue is so friggan long and wet."

I just giggled and he took his paw and groomed the fur that my tongue had thrown askew. He looked at me like he wanted to ask me a question but was afraid to ask, so I took his paw and pulled him close to me and met his muzzle with mine. We kissed deeply, but nothing as passionate as it is with Amura and I. He put his paw on my chest and gently pushed me down onto the bed and crawled on top of me. He looked into my eyes and I found myself lost in his eyes again. He looked away from my eyes and a look of self-consciousness crossed his face, I briefly thought about how it didn't suit him and he looked at me again and then asked

"Did you like my fingers inside of you?" I nodded and I felt my face crease into a worried look "Would you like me to... fuck you?" It took several moments to process what he just asked; I saw a worried look across his face, yet another look that didn't suit him, and then I said

"Yes, yes I would like that very much Erik." I can't say why I wanted to do this, I knew it would hurt, but I wanted Erik to enjoy himself as much as I have been, that was when I noticed his member standing to attention, about 5 inches long and somewhat thick, I gave a worried look at it and he said

"It's ok, I brought some lube." He clambered off the bed and dug through his cloths and brought a bottle out and squirted some onto his paws, and rubbed up and down his cock. He looked at me and gestured for me to turn over and raise my tail, so I got on all fours and lifted my tail high while the tip of it twitched in anticipation, he squirted a little more onto his paw and pressed his fingers up against my tail hole.

I gasped loudly and jumped as I felt the cold gel against my pucker. He giggled cutely behind me and squeezed my right butt cheek. He pushed one finger into my hole, but I felt almost nothing, he pushed a second finger in, I felt a little pressure that time. I braced myself for the pain of the third, and when he finally pushed it in I winched, but the pain wasn't as bad as the first time, only a little bit was there.

He took his fingers out and I whimpered. He positioned his dick at my entrance and asked "Are you ready?" and patted my lower back reassuringly.

I nodded and said "As ready as I'll ever be." He laughed and started to push his member into me slowly, I gasped as I felt him filling my up more so than I thought possible.

He stopped when he was about half way in and let me adjust to his size; the feeling of fullness was amazing, I simply loved the feeling; I murred as he started the second half of the process. He hilted himself and I gasped as I felt his hips meet my bottom.

He sat still for a few moments, waiting for me adjust fully to his size; while waiting he reached around and wrapped his silky paw around my now hard cock and started to gently stoke it. I let out a little moan as he gripped my knot and began to pull out slowly.

I whimpered slightly as I felt his member leaving me, partially from the pain, but more from the feeling of emptiness it left me with. I felt myself clench down as he squeezed my knot again, causing him to moan. I could feel every centimeter of his cock as he pulled out of me, and I loved it.

When just the head was in he quickly plunged back in and brought it out again, and then repeated himself several more times, each time causing my to moan as I felt every bit of his cock inside of me.

"Hey hon, can you flip over?" I obliged without dismounting his member. He locked eyes with me and grinned saying "I like it better when I look into my partner's eyes." I nodded agreeing; I too liked it better, because when I looked into his eyes my mind went blank, only pleasure existed in there.

He started to pick up his pace, pumping into me faster and faster, rocking my body as well as my mind. He angled himself slightly and as he pumped my tail hole he started to strike that spot inside of me and I let out the loudest moan yet and I felt most pre shoot out of me and land on my chest.

Over and over again he stuck that spot and over and over again pre shot out, covering my chest. I felt him start to lose his pace that he set and his panting got heavier, his purr deeper. He leaned down and kissed me deeply, snaking his tongue around mine, drawing it into his mouth. My tail wrapped itself around his waist, vainly trying to keep him from pulling out of me.

He pulled out and pushed himself deeper than he had before and dug the tip of his cock past that spot and started cum, spraying his hot cum inside of me, filling me up and it washed over that special spot. Between the senses of fullness, the warm cum being pumped into me and the kiss that he had drawn me into, it was all too much and I cried out, which was muffled by his muzzle and his purring. I covered our chest and stomachs with my cum. Shot after shot, I thought that I would never finish. I counted 6... 7...8 shots and I relaxed. He grinned as he said

"My my, you really were pent up... that or you just enjoyed that a lot." I laughed weakly and said

"I believe it was the latter that was amazing..." I paused as my mind recalled something. "Does that make my gay?" He looked at my with a blank look and then roared in laughter. "What?" I asked, feeling my ears grow hot as I pouted.

"It's just... You were basically drooling as you left the kitchen yesterday, you came up here and fucked Amura senseless and you are worried about being gay?"

I hadn't thought about that at all and it caught my off guard. "Well... well..." I stuttered "It's just... well I enjoyed you fucking me as much as I enjoyed fucking Amura; I simple loved the feeling of having you inside of me..." I blushed as I realized how honest I was being.

He reached the paw that wasn't holding him above me up and stroked my muzzle and I instinctively nuzzled into it. "No, it doesn't make you gay; just bi like Gena and I, and after seeing how much Amura enjoyed herself, her too." He smiled warmly and I felt myself get lost in it for a second.

My brow creased and I asked "Bi? What does it mean to be bi?" Erik giggled and said in a matter-o-fact tone

"It just means you feel that you can love both boys and girls, both physically and emotionally." I felt something deep inside my chest grow warm, I closed my eyes and opened them again after a second; The forces that I saw when I looked at Erik were nothing compared to what Amura does to me, but they by far eclipse anything that I have seen other than her. I felt a slight tug at my being toward him, which hadn't happened to anyone besides Amura.

I grinned as I blinked again and the light, aura, force... whatever it was... was gone. He saw my grin and asked why I was grinning

"You obviously mean more to me than anyone besides Amura now." His face was shadowed by confusion for a few moments so I tried to explain what I saw and his face dawn some comprehension and he said

"That sounds a lot like what my mother talks about when she is in her mind, what she sees when she is out of it." I blinked, confused. And then I realized that his mother was Alice... He saw it in my eyes and nodded.

"Do you know what happened to your mother?" I asked softly. He nodded saying

"I know the she tried to do what you and Amura have done, and lost her sanity for it." His voice was sad, but firm.

I felt a tear come to my eye as I said softly, almost not hearing myself say it. "She tried to do it with my daddy... and he died for it." A few tears rolled down my cheeks and he wiped them away.

"I didn't know that..." He lay down on top of me and wrapped his arms around me and squeezed my tightly and I felt my juices squish between us, but I didn't care. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed, feeling the loss of his dad again and knowing Erik has suffered as much or even more than I have.

We laid there for what seemed like an hour and dozed lightly. Suddenly I heard a voice to my left saying "Well as cute as this is... I might ask you to get off... and out... of my love." We both looked over to see Amura grinning with her head craned to see that Erik's semi-soft dick still inside my tail hole.

Erik and I looked at each other and grinned, and suddenly we were laughing. Amura and Gena, who had come back into the room from going to the bathroom I assumed, stared at us obviously confused. We laughed again and I said

"I honestly can't say what is so funny, it might have something to do with the fact that you and Gena seemed to have enjoyed yourselves as much as we have." They started to grin and Erik butted in saying

"You three want to have some fun?" I looked at his face and he had a very mischievous smile on it.

"What kind of fun?" I asked with great curiosity. Erik grin turned sinister and he said

"Why, the sexy kind." My ears as well as my member perked up as the mention of that. I looked to see Amura grinning and Gena had a grin on her face that matched her bothers.

"What might this entail me doing?" I asked.

Erik replied in an innocent tone "Nothing that you don't enjoy already." He made a gesture for Amura to get on all fours and for me to mount her, of which we both complied immediately. I wrapped my paws around her waist and positioned my member at her entrance and pushed in without as much as a warning, causing her to yelp in surprise. She looked back at me in mock surprised, and I stuck my tongue out at her and started to draw my hips back for another thrust but I felt a paw on my lower back. I looked back and saw Erik grinning behind me, his cock covered in lube and then it struck me. He wanted to fuck me while I fucked Amura.

I gained a big goofy grin and lifted my tail for him to enter me, which he did without hesitation, shoving his entire length into me and I yelped in the same way Amura had, surprised by not harmed. He didn't wait very long and started to pull out and shoved himself back in again, pushing me forward into Amura with more force.

Amura turned her head to see Erik behind me and grinned, I saw Gena crawl up to Amura and take her head into her paws, and pull it down onto her slit, at which point Amura got the point and started to lap at her slit. I giggled, but it was cut short as Erik adjusted his angle and was hitting that spot again, and was turned into a groan of pleasure.

He was thrusting into me at a steady rate, so I decided to start thrusting into Amura, and after some trial and error it was at a steady pace of both of us thrusting.

I was in pure bliss, having the best at both ends, with every thrust from Erik more pre shot out of me causing Amura to get slicker and my knot was starting to bang against her lips, slipping in a little and then back out. Erik was panting heavily behind me and I felt his hot breath on my neck; I inhaled it and his scent and started to go nuts from the smell.

I felt the purring that was wracking from both Amura and Erik coursing through me, vibrating everything from my tail to ears. I moaned out and tried as hard as I could to not come right then and there, determined to outlast Amura and Erik, maybe even Gena, but I doubt that I can do that.

Erik's pace started to falter and his panting grew even heavier; I felt Amura clenching down on me and her tail was flicking around rapidly, thrashing against my back.

Amura lifted her head and called to me "Eddy! Push it in! Please!" her tone was needy and desperate, so I shoved my knot inside her and ripped it out quickly. She gasped as I felt her start to orgasm around my cock, and I shoved myself back in and stayed there, unable to pull out again, so I pushed as much as my knot would allow me.

Erik growled and bites down on the back of my neck lightly to keep from screaming, and shoved himself as deep as this position would allow and released his load into me, splashing across that spot and my senses went wild, I moaned and shot my load too, filling Amura up with shot after shot, unable to believe that I still had this much cum inside me, or that was inside me. I coated her tunnel with my hot cum, none getting out thanks to my swollen knot.

I felt Erik slump against my back, dozing within moments. I leaned forward and laid across Amura's back and she collapsed too, leaning on Gena's inner thigh and using it as a pillow. I saw that Gena was already asleep, her chest heaving from her orgasm. I grinned as I realized that I had outlasted them all, even with my getting the best of both ends.

I closed my eyes and was soon asleep thinking about how much they all meant to me now.