A Broken Speedo

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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On the way back from a day at the beach, Aiden finds himself on the wrong side of the law. Thankfully the officer who pulls him over seems more than willing to overlook the matter... for the right incentive, of course. :)

This story was written for Shakal. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults. :3

A Broken Speedo

Aiden had been at the beach all day, and in the water for the majority of that time. As such, despite this having been his perfect idea of a relaxing day off, the fisher cat was fairly exhausted while he drove back along the highway towards home. The late afternoon sun was shining in through the side windows of his old truck, and the heat upon his dark furred body was doing nothing to aid his attempts at remaining wholly focused and awake while driving. Time after time Aiden felt his concentration slipping, and though it was only for a split-second, not long enough to cause him to swerve or anything like that, he knew that the more time passed, the more likely it was he was going to become a real danger on the road.

He had to get home. Quickly.

The weary male and his truck were perhaps twenty, twenty-five minutes from home at most when he heard saw the lights flashing behind him, and heard the whooping shrill wail of a siren give a quick burst. He checked his speedo, and groaned as he saw that it was jammed. Only then did it occur to him just how fast he was going; how rapidly he was passing cars on the carriageway alongside him. Cursing under his breath, Aiden slowed immediately, and even as the firm voice of a police officer rang out from the speaker system of the highway patrol car behind him, he was already pulling over to the side of the road.

"Pull over, turn off the engine and place your hands upon the wheel."

Shaking his head in frustration at his own stupidity, the fisher cat did precisely as instructed. He watched out of his mirrors as the cop car pulled over behind him, and out of the passenger side door a large, beefy wolf emerged. Aiden's cheeks flushed beneath his dark fur, and he chuckled as he thought to himself that if nothing else, one upside to the end of this day would be having that imagine stored away in his memory for the next few months. Fuck, the officer was hot. A stud amongst studs, big and powerful, but also handsome as all hell with lush grey fur that bore strands of white, black and tan brown within it upon his face.

The officer approached the car slowly, and when he was alongside and saw that Aiden was doing as instructed, he motioned for the fisher cat to wind down his window. The lithe figure of the mustelid male, far smaller and more sleek in frame than the wolf, nodded obediently and did so as fast as he could, rolling down the window by its hand-crank set into the side of the door. One of the cop's eyebrows rose as he saw Aiden performing the task manually, and glanced back and forth across the well maintained exterior of the truck, clearly not having realised it was quite so old as now seemed to be the case.

"Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?"

Aiden swallowed. He knew what his answer had to be, but this was a situation he hadn't had to deal with in his adult life. The last time he'd spoken to a police officer had been when his family's home was broken into while they were on summer vacation, and then it had just been to list the items that had been taken from his room; his computer, his consoles and the various games of which his parents knew very few of the names. Clearing his throat, he tried to sound as natural as possible in his answer, which of course resulted in it sounding about as dumb and forced as possible.

"I... u-uh... maybe? It might have... b-been my speed, Officer... u-uh..."

He winced, and glanced at the name badge resting prominently upon the officer's uniform shirt. Hurriedly, he corrected himself.

"Officer O'Donnell... s-sorry..."

The wolf just rolled his eyes, clearly realising he wasn't dealing with a hardened criminal here. Leaning forward, sticking his handsome face through the open window, he peered at Aiden's dashboard. At the speedo of the truck, which even now, at a dead stop and with the engine off, had it needle pointing directly at twenty. A dry chuckle escaped the wolf, and his head withdrew, only to be replaced by a large, beckoning paw.

"License and proof of registration please, Sir. Is this old thing legal to be on the road?"

Hurriedly fiddling with the always stiff catch on the passenger side glove box, Aiden nodded shakily.

"Y-yeah. She's always got something breaking, but normally she runs just fine. This was the first I noticed of the speedo not working, Officer, I swear. I'm a good driver. No tickets. No fines. Oh man, I c-can't believe this... ah! There. H-here..."

Handing the paperwork to the wolf, Aiden sat back in his seat, panting as though he'd just run a half marathon. Again the wolf stared at him with an eyebrow raised, before nodding and turning on the spot.

"Sit tight, Sir. I'll just go check these over."

The following three minutes were the longest of Aiden's life. Every second of them his gaze was rooted to the rear view mirror, peering back at the cop car and trying to see through the sun's glare which shone upon its windows to gain any perspective whatsoever on how the officer within was reacting to that which, as the fisher cat had already stated, was a perfectly spotless driving record. He shifted in his seat, still clutching at the steering wheel for comfort and something to do with his hands as much as because the officer hadn't given him anything else to do instead. Eventually though, as the officer re-appeared from his patrol car and began to wander back towards the driver's side door of his truck, Aiden gasped a sigh of relief. Hopefully soon, even if it did cost him a ticket, all of this would be over. Needless to say after stress like this, he wouldn't have any trouble staying alert for the rest of the ride home.

Calmly and casually, the officer returned to the passenger side window and handed back Aiden's documentation.

"Okay Mr Jenkins, all your paperwork seems to be in order. I'm going to have to write you up a ticket, as well as file paperwork compelling you to get that speedo fixed. If you're stopped again, and it seems as though you haven't taken action to remedy the issue, you'll be up in court and facing possible jail time as well as a driving ban. Do you understand?"

The fisher cat nodded, unable to hold back a soft, urgent whimper as he did so. Again the officer shot him a curious, almost amused look. He glanced up and down the length of the seated male; checking out his lithe, twinkish frame. The wolf's tongue slipped out from between his lips, and he licked them slowly, leaving them glistening with his saliva.

"Alright, good. Now, if you'll just step out of your car, and follow me round to the passenger side."

Aiden's cheeks flushed, but without thinking he did as the officer was asking him. He gently opened the door of his car after Officer O'Donnell had moved aside, and stepped carefully out onto the roadside, cars zipping by on their way to and from wherever they had spent their own days. His face got redder and redder beneath his deep brown fur, and another louder whimper of bashfulness escaped him as the wolf gave a low growl of what seemed to be approval.

"Come from the beach today, did we?"

From where he had observed Aiden until now, the wolf had only been able to see the male's upper body through the truck's window. His t-shirt, his arms, his head. Not what lay below. Not the towel upon which the twinky male was sitting to absorb any remaining moisture from his body that had spent much of the day in the water. Nor indeed the rather meagre swimwear that covered the fisher cat's crotch; clinging to it rather tightly in a way that outlined the gentle curves of his modest ass, and the compact bulge of his package.

With a bashful smile, and a feminine giggle that he was infinitely ashamed to hear escape him as soon as it happened, Aiden nodded.

"Y-yes, Sir. Sorry I'm not more appropriately dressed. I didn't think there would be any need."

As he followed the wolf around to the other side of his truck, away from moving traffic to where he presumably had to sign some sort of documentation in a slightly safer spot for them both, Aiden couldn't see the wry grin creeping across the lupine officer's features. He could however practically hear the giddy smirk upon the wolf's face as the police officer addressed him once more.

"Oh, don't apologise Mr Jenkins. You're actually dressed perfectly for what I need from you."

What happened next happened so fast, and yet so clearly and obviously, that it left Aiden both stunned and amazed at his own stupidity. The idea of disobeying this police officer had never once crossed the fisher cat's mind, so as he was told to stand facing the passenger side window of his truck, that was precisely what he did. As he was told to place his hands behind his back, that was precisely what he did. And when he felt the cool metal of handcuffs encircling his wrists, tightening and locking his hands behind himself, he couldn't do anything more than give a soft, confused gasp by way of retaliation.

"H-hey... w-wha? Am I... a-are you arresting me?"

The fisher cat turned, placing his back against the car door, and his eyes bulged as he stared at the lupine officer. Officer O'Donnell's hands were fumbling with the zipper of his black uniform pants, unfastening the button that bound them, and reaching into the gap opened up at the front of his still belted uniform to fumble with something within. Before the handcuffed male's eyes, he watched as the wolf pulled out the still somewhat soft, but thick and meaty length of his cock. One of the wolf's hands massaged and squeezed at the length of reddish pink flesh, and before Aiden's eyes it began to stiffen and swell. Only then did the officer chuckle, shaking his head at the wide-eyed mustelid.

"Not unless you give me a reason to, no. In fact, I'm actually offering you the chance to avoid a ticket. To get away scott-free, so long as you promise to get that speedo looked at by a mechanic. And all you have to do... well, I'm sure you can think of something I might want right now."

Licking his lips, the wolf grinned as he stroked his rapidly hardening cock. Cars continued to flash past on the highway close by, but hidden behind the fisher cat's truck both the officer's exposed cock and Aiden's own skinny, swimwear clad figure were under no risk of being caught out.

"Of course, I don't want to think you don't have a choice. Say the word... say you're not interested, and I'll do this by the book. I'll take those cuffs off, I'll write you a ticket, and we'll go on our way knowing that you're a few hundred dollars less well off, and I'll finish off my shift with a hard-on like steel trapped inside my pants while I drive."

The fisher cat whimpered, and shuddered as he stared at Officer O'Donnell's now almost fully erect cock. It was huge. Thick, hefty, more than he could have handled even if he'd had his hands to work with as well as his mouth. Aiden had a girlfriend. He was happy with her, and hadn't ever imagined cheating on her. So why now... with a man, with this man and in this situation, was he so tempted by what he was being offered. Not for the lack of a ticket. Not because of the money he would save. But simply, and completely, because of the thick, throbbing cock resting in the wolf's hand.

"D-do... do I need to be cuffed? If I was... g-going to... take your offer?"

Grinning from ear to ear and giving a satisfied growl as he heard the temptation thick in the fisher cat's soft voice, the police officer shook his head. Behind him, his bushy tail swept gleefully from side to side.

"No. You don't need to be. The cuffs were just so you didn't take a swing at me when I made the offer. I tend to be a fairly good judge of character when it comes to this sort of thing... but occasionally I accidentally ask someone who doesn't take kindly to the idea of barter between two intelligent, reasonable men."

Aiden relaxed slightly, and was about to turn, expecting his handcuffs to be removed, when the wolf continued to address him.

"But... I would like to keep you cuffed, if you're going to participate. See... I love a good blowjob, and there's nothing worse than a lazy guy who promises to suck you off, but then does half the job jerking you with his hands. So, Mr Jenkins, do you think you're ready to make your choice?"

The fisher cat shuddered once more, and nodded to the police officer before him. Officer O'Donnell stepped forward, stroking his cock that was already drooling pre, and raised an eyebrow in playful curiosity one last time.

"Then either show me your hands, or show me your muzzle, and we'll get started."

Again Aiden nodded, and with a soft grunt as he lowered himself as gently as possible onto his bare knees, let his muzzle fall wide open. He felt the cop's hands grasp gently at the sides of his dark furred head, saw the beefy stud of an officer grinning down at him with delirious joy, and then, before he could even think about granting the wolf permission to proceed, he felt the thick length of the lupine male's cock humping against his cheek, and seeking entry to the fisher cat's delicate, hungry maw.

Deep, happy gurgles were soon escaping the fisher cat as he found that thick cock slipping into his mouth, pushing deeper, humping at his face as he slurped and suckled upon it. Aiden had no idea what he was doing, but he'd received his share of blowjobs and knew what he liked, so simply tried to replicate those motions and ministrations upon the burly male before him. It didn't take long however, thanks to the lupine officer's own moans and grunts of delight, for Aiden to realise that experienced or not, he apparently knew exactly what he was doing.

"O-ohh... fuck... you suck cock like a pro. If I h-hadn't already checked your record against your license... aah... I'd be convinced you did this professionally."

Cars drove by as the officer complimented the man sucking his meaty member, but with Aiden's truck between them and the illicit scene the wolf knew he had nothing to worry about, and no reason to hold back. More and more hungrily he bucked against the fisher cat's eager muzzle, letting Aiden's tongue dance around the length of his shaft as he pressed its tip to the back of the male' throat. He could feel the lithe body kneeling before him moving against his own actions; Aiden trying to bob his head, to take in yet more of the cock being fed to him. The cuffed male before him was into this, and not just because he didn't want to have to pay a fine. He was really, really into this, and that was a fact of which the officer was going to take full advantage while he could.

The more greedily and gleefully Aiden worked the wolf's cock, driven to ever greater excitement and passion by the sounds of the cars rushing past them and the increasingly load moans and snarls escaping the pleasure-stricken cop, the more he was aware of his arousal alongside Officer O'Donnell's own. The fisher cat could feel his cock, smaller and thinner than the wolf's own by a considerable margin but still a rock hard five and a half inches of pure manhood in its own right, straining within his swimwear. He could feel his pre-cum leaking into the water-resistant fabric of the garment that had been tight even before he had gotten hard, and with every moan and grunt from the officer before him, his own cock throbbed between his crotch and the fabric against which it was pinned.

Before too long there reached a point where Aiden was moaning and whimpering around the cock in his muzzle almost as loudly, if not a little louder, than the wolf receiving the blowjob in question. And when, to his horror, Officer O'Donnell took an abrupt step back, dragging his cock free before it could pour its hot load down the fisher cat's throat, a desperate wail of lustful pleading escaped Aiden's lips without a moment of hesitation or embarrassment.

"O-ohh god, no! Please... please, l-let me... aaah... let me suck you some more. I can do better. I can make you c-cum... I swear."

Shuddering and placing one arm against the side of the handcuffed twink's truck for support, the lupine officer panted as he grinned down at the begging, painfully needy fisher cat.

"Fuck... y-you're eager. I like that. But don't worry, m-mmhh... Mr Jenkins. I'm not ending this prematurely. I'm not stopping until you've taken every drop I have to give inside you."

His sharp eyes roamed up and down the trembling, kneeling male's body, and froze as they landed upon the tight, straining bulge of Aiden's swimwear clad cock.

"Under the circumstances though... I thought I might offer you... well, let's call it a renegotiation of our deal. You can suck me off, and I'll live up to my end of the bargain as I promised. Or... if you prefer, I could take care of things another way."

The fisher cat shuddered, staring up at the wolf with desperation etched into his face.

"A-another way?"

He hoped he knew what the officer meant. He was silently begging for the wolf to say the words he wanted to hear. But he couldn't admit it. Couldn't say that he wanted it until he knew it was an option. Not because he was ashamed, but because he wanted it so badly that if he made that hope known, and found it was not a possibility after all, he would have been absolutely devastated.

It didn't take a detective to figure out that what Aiden wanted and what Officer O'Donnell was offering were the same thing though, even if neither one of them had said it in so many words. Thus without telling the fisher cat what was in store for him the police officer dragged the twink of a man to his feet, and pushed him firmly against the warm metal and glass window of the passenger side of his car. He moved in close behind the smaller male, Aiden almost a couple of feet shorter than the seven foot lupine, and grinned as he rubbed his thick, saliva-glistening cock up against the backside of the cuffed male's swimwear.


Unable to control himself, Aiden shrieked with desire as he felt the wolf's cock rub up against his ass. He felt the male's large, gentle hands hook a couple of their thick fingers around the fabric sides of his meagre attire, and cried out louder still, grinding back against the hot erection resting between the cheeks of his rump.

"Y-yes... ohh god, please... do it! F-fuck me!"

That plea was all it took, and with a deep snarl from the wolf, Aiden yelped as the studly cop tore his swimwear off of him with a rapid flick of his clawed fingers and a loud, sharp ripping of fabric. He heard his clothing dropping to the floor between his increasingly spread legs with a dull thud, and had to bite his lip to hold back an even louder, more gleeful howl of delight as the wolf's thick, saliva and pre-cum lubed cock pressed between the firm cheeks of his ass, and probed at the virgin hole which lay there like it had been waiting for this moment its whole life.

Still bound by the tight metal rings of the officer's handcuffs, Aiden's fingers flexed and his toes curled down into the asphalt beneath them as he felt the pressure against the pucker of his ass building. He gasped, pressing his face into the glass, thrusting back against his truck with his head and shoulders, and gave a strained cry of joy as he felt himself being spread open by the wolf. The hot, thick, glistening cock of the much larger man was driving itself into him. Slowly yes, but not nearly a slowly as the fisher cat had previously imagined, which was to say not at all. And the more of the wolf's cock that slipped inside of him; the wider he was spread and prised open by the police officer's erection, even that slow, steady rhythm of the wolf's thrusting became faster. More urgent, and less restrained, much to Aiden's already fevered and still building ecstasy.

"A-aah... yes... harder. Fuck me. _Fuck me! Yes _!"

It wasn't long before it felt like the whole of the wolf's cock was lodged deep inside of Aiden, the lithe figure of the fisher cat stuffed gloriously full of the cop's manhood. His toes scrabbled at the ground as he was lifted off his feet by the force of the wolf's thrusts, the whole of his truck squeaking and groaning as it was rocked by their lustful motions. The harder the wolf fucked him the more gleeful and unrestrained Aiden's roadside whimpers and howls became, and the louder and more gleefully the fisher cat opened himself up to the wolf, the harder and more shamelessly rough Aiden was treated by the officer of the law.

Officer O'Donnell hadn't been lying to Aiden when he said he'd done this many times before, but never had he met a man quite like Aiden. He'd met guys who obviously got off on what he'd done with them. He'd even found them back at the same stretch of road, speeding, weaving or otherwise attracting the attention of the law, only to be appalled when they were pulled over by a different highway patrol officer and promptly arrested on the spot. But never before had he met someone who seemed to revel not just in the act itself, but the whole situation. His authority. His size. Even the public, exposed nature of where they were seemed to be feeding into Aiden's lust rather than tempering it. He could see the fisher cat staring through the glass of his passenger side window, eyes bulging, almost hoping to be caught and seen by one of the cars racing by alongside where they were parked. The whole scenario seemed to have awoken something in the twink of a man wrapped around his cock that the cop strongly suspected had been lying deeply dormant before. And though for Officer O'Donnell this was just a way to pass the time during dull highway patrol shifts and alleviate his arousal while on the clock, even he felt a little pride and personal excitement in being able to get quite such an extreme, joyous response from the man he was fucking.

"Time to earn your freedom... to pay off your fine, y-you... ohh... you needy slut..."

Growling fiercely into one of Aiden's ears, the wolf picked up the pace of his thrusts to a whole other level. His still clothed thighs slapped roughly against the fisher cat's bare ass, and as the vast majority of his cock slipped in and out of the twink's tight but now lewdy stretched out ass, he could hear the thick slurping of his own pre-cum and Aiden's own saliva acting as lubrication for this fevered pounding. Officer O'Donnell was huffing and moaning loudly by this point, and Aiden was squealing and whimpering louder and more blissfully than ever. But when the wolf's right arm reached around, and grasped at the small, twitching cock belonging to the fisher cat between his trembling body and the paint job of his truck, both of their cries rose to heights far beyond anything they had achieved up until that moment.

"O-o-oohh... Officer! I'm... ahhhhh! I'm g-gonna...!"

The fisher cat's ass clenched tighter than the wolf had believed possible as he wailed to the man pounding his prostate senseless, and mere seconds later a strangled wail escaped Aiden as his cock began to throb urgently within the cop's grip, hot ribbons of cum lashing out over the paintwork of his truck's passenger door. An ear splitting howl utterly overrode the volume of Aiden's own cries however, as the sensation of Officer O'Donnell's cock being massaged and squeezed that much more vigorously by the thrashing, trembling mustelid proved more than he could handle, and his own balls began to empty their much larger, more potent load out into the backside of his latest traffic stop.

"Yeah! Aaahh yes... take it! Ah! Fuck, y-yeah!"

Officer O'Donnell didn't let up for a moment, thrusting and practically bouncing Aiden atop his thick cock right up until his own orgasm had run its course, and there wasn't a drop of cum left that hadn't been poured out into the fisher cat, now left to begin leaking out from around the tight seal of his cock and the smaller male's well worked ass. Nor did he release his grip on the significantly less large erection of his roadside companion, in fact, until Aiden's own peak had passed. Indeed, even for a short while after they were both done, almost a full minute by his count, he rested there against the truck with the twink's body trembling between him and the vehicle in question. Not seeking to do anything, or say anything, or prove anything further to the other male. Just enjoying the feeling of being close to the fisher cat, and listening to Aiden's soft, breathless gasps as they fought to recover from the intense fury of their shared orgasm.

Only when the police officer pulled out of Aiden's ass, leaving the fisher cat shuddering and whining as his gaping ass was left feeling desperately empty while he unfastened the twink's cuffs, was it truly over. Calmly, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, Officer O'Donnell slipped his spent but still swollen cock back into his uniform, pausing only to wipe it clean and dry on the soft fur of Aiden's backside before stowing it away. He hooked his handcuffs back onto his belt, and gently, affectionately patted the lithe figure of the other man on the rump. A few droplets of thick white cum fell from between the fisher cat's cheeks as he patted them; his own juices starting to leak out from between Aiden's legs, and he chuckled warmly as a longing, happy moan escaped the owner of that leaking ass.

"Better get back on the road, Mr Jenkins. Wouldn't want to be picked up for indecent exposure, would we? And... drive safe, drive slow, okay, until you get that part fixed."

He paused, mid-way through turning back to his patrol car, and for a second or so stooped down. Picking something off the road, the wolf grinned as Aiden shakily turned to face him, cheeks flushed, eyes wide with bashful gratitude. The fisher cat's muzzle fell open, but before he could say a word the cop simply dropped what he'd picked up into the twink's hands, and began to walk away towards his own vehicle.

Aiden could only watch, transfixed, stunned, and perhaps a little bit in love with this impossible, wildly inappropriate cop as Officer O'Donnell drove away. He stood there by the side of the road, naked from the waist down, for perhaps thirty seconds longer. It was only the sound of a horn that roused him back to reality, and through the passenger side window the fisher cat watched the horn's owner, a very familiar police highway patrol car, rolling along on the opposite side of the highway. His cheeks flushed, and he gave a strained, embarrassed whimper as he realised at long last that he was just standing alone now, bottomless and with cum drooling from his ass, on the side of the road. Dragging his passenger door open rather than risking encircling the car in his current state, Aiden slipped inside. He yelped softly as his tender ass hit the chair, and only then, as he shifted it from one hand to the other to close the door behind him, peered down at what the cop had handed him.

He stared down at what rested in his hand; loose, empty and damaged beyond repair. Its fabric still slightly damp with the residue of his earlier pre-cum, and it sides torn by the force with which it had been ripped from his body. The only tangible memory of this day that would remain once he'd showered, and once his car had gone in for repair. The only treasure he could hold onto, to remind him of this day; of the impossible, inexplicable, incredible thing that had happened to him here.

So long as he could look at this, and think back to what had happened today, Aiden couldn't imagine his life ever being the same. Something had been awakened within him, and he felt compelled to explore it. To indulge it. To further discover what it could mean for him, and what it could allow him to experience.

And all because that which rested in his hand; his torn, once tightly fitted swimwear, stained with his arousal.

All because of a broken speedo.

By Jeeves

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