Hand of Hell: Chapter 5, Leasherria

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#15 of Discontinued

Here's the fifth chapter, I've left mystery in this one though you can put two and two together to figure out what happened. I'll circle back to it and let you all know what really happened in one of the next chapters till then, enjoy and let your mind wander.

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Charging back through the forest, ducking under low branches as Quest spurred her horse on as fast as she could, with the rest of her group charging after her calling out for her to slow down since she suddenly turned and raced off without a warning. Quest and the group had been moving back at a slow pace after leaving Eric to his fate, but now Quest was racing back toward Taberzan with the group in tow. Shouts of anger came from the group and calls for Quest to stop were being thrown aloud as Quest broke through the tree line and into view of Taberzan. Quest upon making it out of the forest immediately froze at the sight in front of her, the group bursting from the forest a few seconds after her and quickly pulling their horses to full stops at the sight of Taberzan.

The once proud city was set aflame, fires roaring and black smoke pouring into the sky, screams of terror, anger and pain filling the city and villagers and guards alike flee for their lives trying to escape the flames and the death around them. The six furs near the forest just stared at the burning city in amazement, all unable to do anything but stare. Their horses jumped and neighed in fear as the large Taberzan castle burst into flames, a black and purple mix of dark fire bursting form the doors and windows engulfing the entire fortress in fire. Screams rang out from the city as the black fire spread from the castle, turning everything it touched black and letting it crumble to the ground as ash, Quest and the others waited for the screams to die down though the fires roared on.

Quest was the first to move; spurring her horse into a slow walk toward the city, seeing that the castle walls had crumbled in several places and the main gate doors had been set ablaze and had fallen from their hinges, leaving only large piles of ash in their stead. Leaving their horses behind at the front gate as the fires continued to roar, not wanting to be thrown, they moved into the town on foot. Each of the furs had to cover their nose and muzzles with pieces of cloth, even though the air from the forest line had been thick with blood and burnt flesh it was almost unbearable inside of the city walls.

Quest led the group through the main city streets, Taberzan was once a fortress that had built its high walls around its village to protect its people, however, it couldn't withstand an attack from the inside such as this. Its walls surrounded the entire city in a circular fashion, with the villagers being the main first level with the trade stores, the second were the noble living quarters then finally in the town square stood a large statue then the castle.

Quest led her group through the blood stained streets, bodies of women, children, villagers, guards, humans and furs littered the streets, some fallen in friendly fire in the panic and others burned to death, many having been killed from the toxic fumes that rose from the buildings. Stepping over the bodies and moving toward the castle, only to stop as they passed a burnt building and came into view of the statue that once stood in front of the castle as a tribute to the Holy Orders Grand Master, but now lay in rubble.

The pedestal where the statue once stood had been smashed and now on top of it sat a human. Eric was sitting calmly there with his elbows resting on his knees and his head turned upward, his eyes gazing up into the blue afternoon sky even as the smoke from the city blackened the area for miles. Quest was the first to step toward Eric, stepping over some bodies to get close, seeing his solemn expression and dull eyes, eyes that showed nothing inside as if his body was there but his mind had faded, like that of the dead. She looked around cautiously before calling out Eric's name, this seeming to bring Eric back though only his eyes shifted to fall onto Quest, which sent a chill up her spine but her attention was quickly shifted from Eric to something behind him, a white form slowly standing up.

White wings were the first thing that caught Quest's attention and soon a body followed, showing a tall dragoness standing beside Eric as he gazed lifelessly at Quest, Quest in turn stepped back as she looked over the dragoness who smiled at her in amusement. The dragon was beautiful to Quest, she had never seen a more beautiful dragon in her life and the fact that she was completely naked let Quest look over her body without any resistance, her beautiful white scales glowing dimly as the black and normal fire shined against her.

Quest didn't know how long she had been staring at the dragoness, though soon she felt her mind beginning to fog and then she suddenly felt as if she was out of place. Closing her eyes and shaking her head from right to left to try and clear her head before opening her eyes, she realized that she was indeed out of place. Quest was now lying on her back in a large lush bed, her paws being shackled together over her head, the bed itself was large enough to fit several people comfortably with a large crimson fur blanket that felt amazing on Quests aching hips and shoulders.

Looking around slowly and seeing what was around her, she was in a large room that looked as if it belonged to a wealthy noble. It was furnished with crimson tapestries and banners, fine oak tables and desks, large chandeliers holding torches that burned with the black fires though illuminated the area like normal flames were held high above the smooth rock floor that was covered in crimson carpets. Quest pulled at her shackles, finding that a chain held her paws firmly over her head to the headboard of the bed. Looking up she saw a red canopy hanging overhead and found that if she was able to she would defiantly make off with some of these expensive looking belongings.

However as she began to try and twist her paws around and slip from the shackles an amused giggle caught her attention, immediately lifting her head and looking down her form she saw the white dragoness standing at the end of the bed with an amused smile on her muzzle. She was dressed in a crimson gown that was nearly see through and hung loosely on her form. The blood red gown only brought her beauty out more, her glowing crimson eyes and white irises scanning over the bound raccoon like a hungry predator and Quest found herself shivering slightly under the woman's gaze.

The dragoness's smile widened slightly before she slowly moved from the foot of the bed to the left side, and sitting on the edge leaned over Quest slightly, reaching out and caressing her cheek with her clawed paw. Quest, watching the dragon intently found herself leaning into the dragons caress unconsciously, her mind was blank, she just knew that being near this woman calmed her in a near scary way. The dragoness smiled and pulled her paw back, cupping the racoon's muzzle lightly before speaking in a soft and seductive voice,

"You're the one who took Eric in and kept him safe." Quest, however, at the mention of Eric seemed to snap from her daze.

Quest's eyes narrowed at the dragoness as her mind began working and her expression quickly turned to anger. "Get your hands off 'a me" she demanded, ripping her muzzle to the side to keep the dragon from touching her but it only seemed to amuse the dragon and cause her to giggle. Quest growled, baring her teeth at the dragon "I said get off, who are ya anyway and where's Eric?" Quest demanded, but the dragon only smiled and petted the coon's head, running her claws through her long hair and Quest felt that same calmness beginning to come over her.

"You're a strong woman able to protect what's dear to me, as for your questions my name is Leasherria and Eric is safe but now you need to worry more about yourself my dear," Leasherria said with a smile leaning down and slipping her lips against Quests.

Quest in return struggled hard, trying to push the dragon away from her, her arms pulling hard against the shackles around her wrists and thrashing her legs, finding that her ankles were also bound together as well. Quest tried to throw her head to the left to get her lips free only to find her body relaxing in the dragon's kiss. Her lips were warm but her breath was cold and soon Quest found herself lying still with the dragoness's forked tongue inside of her maw, wrapping around her own smaller tongue pulling the coons tongue into her long snout where they begin lashing against one another.

Leasherria's eyes watched the smaller female below her as she continued the kiss, turning her head from the left to the right, letting their tongues rubbed against one another's at a different angle, her left paw moving down and running along Quest's right side, feeling the curves of the coon, making her squirm slightly in response. Leasherria's paw slipped down feeling over the raccoon's ass lightly before her paw slipped back around and hiding itself between Quests legs, making Quest moan softly in protest and begin to try and push the dragoness's paw from between her legs, rubbing her thighs together to try and keep the dragon from touching her most intimate place.

Leasherria slowly pulled away from the kiss but kept her paw between Quests legs, her fingers moving around and rubbing against her sex through her pants, finding it so arousing as the raccoon continued struggling to keep from being touched, so helpless when it came down to it, so vulnerable. Slowly standing herself up and turning herself around, letting her gown slide from her body, her crimson gown slowly cascading down her curves before pooling on the ground around her foot paws, she looked over her shoulder and smiled seductively as she saw Quest's eyes locked onto her body, unable to pry her eyes away.

She turned around and ran her tongue over her lips. "The things I'm going to do to you," with that Quest suddenly felt something change, she felt cool and upon looking down at her body she realized that her clothing had suddenly disappeared, now fully naked with her paws bound and a beautiful seductive dragoness ready to prey upon her. Leasherria wasted no time in leaning back over Quest and locking lips once again, pushing her long tongue into the raccoon's muzzle wrapping her tongue around Quests once again, her left paw slipping down to the small of her back making her arch up and immediately rubbing herself up against Quest.

Quest was unable to do anything against the dragoness Leasherria, her touches made her heart pound and her kiss made her blood turn to fire, she felt so hot that even her worst heat couldn't compare and it was only getting worse as Leasherria began rubbing around her tail base, her other paw gripping her ass firmly and her tongue lapping against hers. Soon Quest found herself whimpering softly into the kiss as Leasherria pulled her lips away, pulling her tongue into the air where they continued lashing against on another's, Leasherria and her own drool washing over her muzzle and down her cheeks matting her soft fur but only making her crave more.

Hearing her whimpers made Leasherria smile and only want to torture the poor little raccoon more, breaking the kiss and slipping her left paw up to rub over her lower stomach making Quest arch her back and whine out, begging to be touched by anything as her juices flowed down from her sex soaking the blanket beneath her. Lifting her self up and slowly crawling down the raccoon's body, kissing her neck making her whimper, licking over her breasts causing her to moan, nibbling over her stomach and watching her quiver before finally finding the end of her snout buried firmly against a raccoon sex.

Quest whimpered, squirmed, moaned and began whining aloud as she felt a warm scaled nose and mouth rub against her sex causing her to buck her hips smearing her juices all over Leasherria's snout, looking down her body at Leasherria and whining as best she could without outright begging, which in truth she wasn't far off from doing.

Slipping her paws up, rubbing over the raccoon's lean but muscled thighs and pushing her snout firmly against Quests sex coating the end of her snout with the coon's juices, hearing her whine made her smile and then slip the tip of her tongue out to lightly lap over the outer folds of the raccoon's sex. Collecting only a few droplets of her sweet nectar then driving her tongue into her needy passage all the way to her womb, making Quest buck and cry out in absolute pleasure having never wanted something so bad in her life.

Bucking her hips firmly against the dragoness's snout as she began thrusting her tongue in and out of her sex, Quests eyes clenched shut as her juices slopped against the dragons tongue, Leasherria's long appendage pulling on her inner walls over and over, the thin tips lashing against the barrier to her womb nearly tickling her and causing jolts of unfamiliar pleasure to run up her spine.

Watching the raccoon as she twisted her head left then right attacking Quests inner passage from different directions, sending different amounts of pleasure through her but all very powerful, to the left side caused Quest to have more of a high pitched cry while the right drew out longer more intense moans. Slipping her head back and running the tips of her forked tongue against the top of her passage making Quest suddenly tense and grit her teeth as a new area was explored, her paws clenching around the chain that held her shackles, her toes spread wide and digging into the blanket while her legs tried to spread wider for Leasherria.

Quest continued crying out as Leasherria lashed her tongue around inside of her though a thought had begun to creep into her mind, she could feel the build of her orgasm but that's all there was to it, she couldn't feel the release coming or even begin to feel anything hinting to an orgasm save for the building pressure in her lower stomach. Thrashing her head to the left and right with clenched eyes before they open part way, her tail lashing around beneath her as her paws struggle hard to get out of the shackles, her maw opened wide with her tongue hanging out as drool runs down her already wet muzzle. As minutes roll by her moans begin to turn to whines as her release still wouldn't come, the build still growing and the need to climax becoming nearly unbearable, tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she tries to pull her legs and arms free, pulling her head up and gritting her teeth firmly.

Leasherria continues playing with Quest her tongue finding special little places that neither Quest nor any male could have ever reached, the slender tongue and two forks of the dragoness tongue causing so much pleasure that it was slowly shifting toward pain. Looking at Quest's face as she tensed made Leasherria smile, knowing what she wanted and could tell she wanted it so bad. Slowly pulling her tongue from her sex and drawing it into her muzzle, running it around the inside of her maw taking in the sweet taste before swallowing and moving up onto her knees.

Smiling to Quest before slipping her paws down to rub over her stomach and sides. "You want it don't you my pet," Leasherria asked while leaning over the bound raccoon and Quest immediately started whining in agreement.

"Yes, you know what I want please give it to me," she pleaded, leaning up and nuzzling into the dragoness's neck licking and kissing over her scales with begging whines.

Smiling and lifting her head, enjoying the attention to her neck before reaching up freeing Quests paws, which immediately wrapped around her neck pulling her close. Using one of her foot paw's talons to slide the leather strap that bound Quests legs, she immediately ground her self against Quest, which Quest returned in full.

Quest panted heavily, this was too much for her to handle and Leasherria was already one of the most beautiful creatures she had ever seen, she wanted to run against her and really wanted a release that she knew only Leasherria could give to her. Pushing Quest against the bed and grabbing her right leg, lifting it into the air causing her to roll over onto her left side with her legs opened wide for Leasherria, moving up and pressing her sex against Quests, firmly holding her leg tight against her chest.

Licking her lips and quickly starting to grind her hips up and down, rubbing her scaled sex up against Quest's already soaping wet one, Leasherria's sex quickly becoming wet with her juices flowing and mixing with Quest's, which made the coon moan out in pleasure as her already highly sensitive sex was stimulated in a way that she knew would give her release.

Grinding their hips together, Leasherria panting heavily through her smile as Quest moaned and writhed in pleasure, her paws digging into the thick fur blanket as her hips bucked on instinct, her right leg pressed up against Leasherria's chest with her foot paw hanging in the air toes spread wide as Leasherria ground her hips up and down in a perfect motion to make Quest cry out.

Soon Quest began crying out louder and louder before her body tensed completely, her toes curling and her mouth wide open letting forth a loud cry of pure pleasure as the most intense orgasm ripped down her spine sending a large spray of her juices from her sex drenching Leasherria's sex. Leasherria smiled and leaned down seeing Quest tense up then cry out in orgasmic bliss, her head tilting back and her body shivering completely as her sex clenches sending her nectar into the air, panting softly and leaning down with a soft smile blowing a black mist into the air that immediately floated to Quest's neck.

The black mist lightly caressed Quests neck fur wrapping around her neck though Quest couldn't even feel it, she was numb from her orgasm, she didn't want to move or be touched, just to lay there and cover her sex with her paws so no one could touch it. Staring at the headboard in her dazed state before her ears perked at the audible sound of metal locking against metal and a weight hanging against her neck pulling her head down to the bed slightly.

Blinking as her body suddenly felt out of place again, she blinked again and then staggering back, quickly being caught by her friend Rock as she tripped over a piece of scorched wood. She looked around, seeing that she was once again in Taberzan with her friends looking at her strangely, all wondering what had made Quest freeze then stagger back like that.

Looking back toward the statue, seeing Eric still sitting there with his solemn expression and dull eyes, picking herself up and calling out his name firmly which seemed to catch his attention as his eyes softened and he turned his head to look onto her. Blinking once then standing and brushing his backside off before jumping from the pedestal and moving toward them like nothing was happening around him, no fire, no corpses, no distant screams of pain or terror, just like everything was normal.

Quest looked Eric over as did the rest of the group, seeing that he didn't have a mark on him, no cuts or scrapes, no bruises or even any ash from the burning buildings, he was perfectly fine and clean which put the entire group off. Steeling herself and moving toward Eric Quest opens her maw to speak, only to blink as something behind Eric catches her attention, a group of surviving guardsmen quickly running from behind the destroyed and burning buildings.

The guardsmen were disorganized and quickly fell into two poor lines, each fur and human armed with crossbows and all immediately aimed at Eric and the six furs, no order was given as the group of guardsmen just aimed and fired. Quest immediately turning, as did the other furs to try and get out of the way or find some cover but deep down they know that there was no avoiding being hit from the bolts since it happened so fast. Eric, however, didn't move, save for lowering his head with a shadow covering his face before he turned to his left, throwing his left arm straight out as he did.

Eric's movements were swift and as the group of furs jumped and dived to the ground kicking up dirt he merely stood there with his left arm extended. Quest and the others blinked after a moment, finding that there was no pain from being pierced by crossbow bolts, they didn't feel pain nor blood and they quickly recovered and got to their feet with all eyes on Eric afterwards.

Standing there, Eric's face still covered in a shadow before a figure appeared behind him. Large wings seemed to have sprouted from Eric's back, however another body slowly came into sight, white scales and a slender feminine body, glowing crimson eyes with white irises and a playful smirk on her snout. Eric's head lifting slightly showed his eyes had shifted to those of the dragoness's standing behind him, his lips pulled up into a playful smirk, his stance was also like the dragoness's, left arm slowly lowering as the dragoness's did, his movements mimicking hers just like a mirror image.

Quest stared in disbelief as she recognized the slightly transparent dragoness as Leasherria, her right paw slowly moving up to rub over her neck, feeling an unfamilar weight around her neck but her fingers only brushing against her soft neck fur that had always been there.

Turning the dragoness gazed at the guardsmen with the same amused smile, raising both her paws straight out over her head as did Eric, black flames forming in Eric's and Leasherria's paws and by now the guardsmen who attempted a sneak attack were trying to run away in fear. Leasherria thrust her paws forward and both Eric's and her flames spiralled from their hands and towards the fleeing guardsmen.

The black and purple flames engulfed the guards and their voices rang out in the most horrific tones that were twisted in pure pain and agony before they fell to the ground. The black fires continued to eat away at their bodies, flesh, armor and clothing, all slowly being eaten away by the fire and soon strange mist formed from the guards. The mist took on the shape of the guards but they were quickly engulfed by the flames and their horrific screams ripped from their throats once again, Quest and the others staring with mixed expression, confusion, fear, sadness, disgust but all doing nothing but watching.

After the white mist that had taken the shapes of the guards, Eric and Leasherria turn to look upon Quest and her group who all continued to stare with their mixed emotions. Leasherria's eyes met with Quest's and the weight around her neck began to feel heavier and a voice entered her mind.

"A strong willed woman, serve him well," with that Leasherria's image faded into nothingness.

Quest blinked as the words echoed in her mind and faded, just as Leasherria did. Eric now standing there, his eyes reverting back to normal and the same solemn expression masked over his face, though it seemed to be mixed with a calm sense of relief. Eric looked to Quest and the group once again before he started toward them once more, passing Quest without a word though a soft smile formed on his lips as he did.

"Leasherria's gifts are beautiful, aren't they."

Spinning around, she looked at Eric as he passed by the group, moving toward the main gates of Taberzan and leaving them standing around confused and worried. Quest blinked once before slipping her right paw up and rubbing over her throat for a moment before moving after Eric to leave what was once Taberzan.