Evergreen Estates: Watchers and Homecuming

Story by Lunairea on SoFurry

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Dusk was falling over Evergreen Estates, a place you've always assumed to be just like any other gated community. Dull and quiet multi story homes with large yards, and the occasional water feature. Plenty of privacy if a resident wanted, but nothing of real interest.

That is, until a friend of yours let slip a little rumor. One that if even partly true, was several steps above irresistible. Of course you were hooked from the get-go. As per instructions, you've shown up outside the main gate. Several ten dollar bills tucked into a pocket your only company, aside from the night watchman.

The well built Doberman eyeing you suspiciously from his post, a booth set into the 10 foot high brick wall, next to a heavy iron gate. The only way in and out of Evergreen Estates. You shift nervously as the seconds tick by, the dog's eyes narrowing as he reached for his belt.

A heartbeat before you bolt, your friend jogs up. They wave happily to watchman, "Hey Frank, easy-up there! This is my buddy I told ya about, we're here for the eh, heh, 'sightseeing' if the offer still stands."

The Doberman smiled, suddenly seeming much more friendly. "Of course it does. Provided that your 'buddy' there knows the rules."

Your friend turned to you, deadpan serious for a moment. "Number one, forty bucks to get in. Number two if we're not out by midnight, when Frank's shift ends, we're on our own. And the guy on the next shift is a real badass. Numbers three thru six. No vandalizing property, entering homes, excessive noise, or recording devices. Got that?"

Nodding you pull out four bills, which your friend then hands to Frank, along with their own payment. After briefly counting the money, the Doberman smiles again and fishes out a set of keys. He steps out of his booth and unlocks the gate, which slides a few feet to the right, opening up a narrow gap. "Welcome to Evergreen Estates."

Following your friend inside the gate, they lead you up the street. Passing several very nice houses, you are eventually brought to one that is surrounded by a tall wooden fence. Your friend walks along it for a bit, and stops alongside a section that is just like all the others. They give you a sly grin as they push on the boards, which to your surprise swing silently open.

The lawn is covered in grass lush enough to pass for carpet, and as you walk in your eyes are drawn to the house. There is a small crowd gathered in the growing darkness at the back of the home. Getting closer your friend eagerly jogs up to the others, receiving a few half-hearted greetings. It's a pretty divers group, furs and humans, male and female, all gathered around a wide bay window.

Unable to see what held their attention, you try to politely squeeze in. You manage to catch a few snippets of conversation.

"Started early tonight, did she?"

"Bitch is going crazy in there."

"Gawd I'd love to tap that."

"Bet if we got inside..."

"You know we can't."

"We can dream."

You've managed to worm your way in, uncomfortably close to the others. But one jaw dropping look inside, you couldn't care less if you were standing on hot coals.

The interior was well lit, giving everyone outside a perfect view in. You don't notice or care about the hardwood flooring, nor the bookshelves built into the walls. The grand fireplace and entertainment center don't hold your interest, despite their high quality. It was the leather couch, or more accurately, the beauty on it that held every voyeuristic eye.

She was an artic vixen. Her exquisitely feminine form covered in fur that could have made new fallen snow look grey. Spread out as she was on the couch, her watchers got a clear look between shapely legs. Her thighs were matted and damp, as was the cushion beneath. All eyes locked onto her hands as they furiously rubbed and pumped at wet folds.

Her head was thrown back, exposing a tender throat as a half strangled cry escaped. That lovely rear arched up, as a small jet of feminine fluid splattered on the window. Your eyes bulged as your fellow watchers hooted and catcalled at the vixen, who kept on attacking her dripping nethers as if nothing had happened.


There was no relief, no satisfaction. I hadn't felt anything close in over three months, but that wasn't from lack of trying. Even as I panted heavily, I brought a hand up from its futile work. Wet, sticky strands of pleasure clung to my fingers, which I made a great show of licking and sucking clean. With a saucy wink to my audience, I switched hands. Each soaked finger got a turn in my muzzle, pumped slowly in time with those buried in my desperate cleft.

I could hear their slightly muffled cheers and calls, but all I could see were sets of glowing eyes outside my window. Every one of them focused on me. Gods, it sent shivers down my spine. Just as my lovingly cruel mate knew it would. I moaned loudly at the mere thought of him, wishing for the millionth time that he was here.

Business had sent him overseas to a series of conventions three months ago. Unfortunate circumstance left me home alone. It wouldn't have been so bad, if before leaving he hadn't locked up every remotely phallic or pleasure giving device in the house, without my knowing. He had called me once he was at the airport, and jangled the keys on his end of the line. I was upset at the time, but had thought I could deal with it.

Then my heat hit. And for a week I was trapped in the house, alone. But I had made it thru with some measure of sanity, and learned to crank up the AC in the future.

The second was worse. I was a bedraggled mess at the end, longing for my powerful husband.

This was my third cycle without him. And after only a few hours it felt as if the previous two had joined together, and come back with a vengeance. I... I just couldn't stop. There was a fire in my veins, blazing from my core that would no longer be fooled by my own touch. I'd lost count of the unfulfilling orgasms, but going by the sheer wetness down there, it had to be some obscene number.

My clean hand grasped at my breasts, tweaking and mauling for every scrap of ecstasy that I could. While a thumb ran around my abused clit, and two fingers assaulted my g-spot. I cried out again, arching as my fluids were sent flying once more to a randy cheer from my watchers.

I was panting so hard that my tongue had lolled out in a lewd display of wanton need. And still my hands worked almost with minds of their own, never letting up on the attack for a second. But it just wasn't enough. If anything, it made my heat worse. On their own accord, my hips started a truly vulgar dance. Thrusting and grinding uselessly against my hands, only dimly aware that one had left my chest for wetter fields.

I screamed again, not in pleasure, but in frustration and the beginning of pain. Even with the house at a cool 40 degrees, I felt like I was quite literally on fire. My body writhing out of control every inch of me demanding to be touched, but my hands couldn't leave the source of this flame. Eventually I slipped down to the floor, my tail pinned uncomfortably under me. Still in full view of those outside.

My heart was racing, mind spinning wildly. Another primal call ripped from my throat, one of pleasure and desperation as I made a royal mess of the floor. The air so tainted by the scent of my sex, that every breath only served to remind me of my need. To fan the raging inferno within me even higher.

The thought sprang from that heat, that if I could only open the door I'd have a herd of willing shafts and tongues. I came again at the mere thought of such an act. But that tiny rational part of me knew it couldn't happen. I couldn't betray my friend and lover like that. Besides, it was doubtful that I was even physically capable of stopping long enough to work the knob, much less the locks.

I lost track of time after that. Barely aware that as I rolled on the ground, climaxing over and over, that I was slowly working more and more of my own fluid into my fur. Once pristine, my pelt had become matted and soaked almost from paw to ear. In my lusty haze, I neither knew nor cared about the fact.

Only that I NEEDED more.

I actually began hallucinating. Faceless, nondescript men gathered around me, stroking their wonderfully hard cocks. I cried out like an insane feral, willing to do anything for them. But they did nothing. Tears were running down my face from the intensity of it all, the burning maelstrom within me consuming and twisting all thought an emotion.

There was only the hellish lust. I lost myself to it. It... it was just too much for me. Once I surrendered fully I found a strange sort of, clarity. As if my mind detached itself from flesh, retreating into a quiet insanity amid the firestorm. I still felt the need, was still aware of their eyes on me. Of my body's wild, frenzied attempts to put out the flame, only serving to stoke it higher.

Time had no meaning for me. Dimly, oh so faintly, I heard something. 'A howl? Was that me? No, no it wasn't. Something else. Someone... he always howled to me when he came home.' What disconnected part of me that could think, couldn't do it well. Seeing, and hearing things now? Was this how I'd die? 'Death by masturbation in front of voyeurs, that'd be a first I bet.'

I heard a voice, but it was so distant, too far passed the maelstrom for me to understand. I felt hands on my wrists; they tried to pull mine away from their task. They succeeded for a moment, and I snapped. That tiny part of my mind was incinerated. There was nothing left but lust. My body fought with a blind fury, it would die without anything tending the fires.


You stood outside with the others, transfixed by the spectacle before you. Many of those around you were openly pleasuring themselves. And you were starting to make a mess of you own pants, even though you were too busy watching to touch yourself.

A loud howl rent the night, startling you and your fellow watchers. No one moved, save for the frothing soiled beauty inside. Passed the couch a movement draws you eye. Your heart stops for a moment. There in the house stood what could have arguably been the largest, and certainly strongest wolf you've ever laid eyes on. His golden eyes had a wild light to them, and his nude form was cloaked in what could have been darkness itself.

As this powerful male bound over the couch to land with a heavy thud by the vixen, you briefly wondered if the beast would charge the window. He could have shattered it without even trying. But luckily for you and the other watchers, his focus was the same as yours.


I had driven hurriedly for over an hour, luckily avoiding law enforcement, on my way home from the airport. I knew my wife's cycle almost as well as she did, I knew what tonight was. Which explained my hurry really. I stopped only briefly as Frank opened the gate to Evergreen Estates, and passed me a heavy burlap sack. Just from hefting it into the passenger seat I could feel that my idea had turned a tidy profit for me and the Doberman.

It was a quarter passed eleven when I pulled into the garage. Leaving my luggage and the money in the car I made a beeline for the door, howling my arrival as I always did. Already pulling off my tie and the jacket of my tailored suit as I reached for the knob. I knew full well what awaited me on the other side of that door, but that didn't make me any more prepared.

The scent of my girl's heat hit me full on with all the force of a freight train. Eyes dilated as my nostrils flared, in an instant I was achingly hard. I ran through the house tearing my clothes off as I went, ripping a few holes in my haste. Not that I cared right then. My nose drew me to the back room, and I was vaguely aware of glowing eyes in the window.

But by god, it was so strong here! The scent of her season hung in the air, thicker and far more tempting than any perfume. It set my heart pounding, my shaft demanding to be buried at the source. With a great leap I cleared the couch.

And then I saw her, my vixen. She was on her back writhing in the most erotic fashion imaginable, crying out like a pureblooded feral. My wife had made such a large wet, undoubtedly sticky mess that she'd actually managed to cover herself in her own cum. No male ever had a sexier welcome.

"Master's back slave, my beautiful bitch." I growled as I fell on her, gripping her wrists and pulling them away from my prize. She caught me off guard as she snarled and snapped at me, trying to claw her way free. I wasn't having any of that as I flipped her over, letting go of her wrists so she could catch herself.

On her hands and knees, I forced her shoulders down and slipped my knees between hers. Keeping my snarling bitch pinned I spread her legs open with my own. I had kept her waiting far too long, and wasted not one as I hilted brutally in her with one thrust.

The change was immediate, from snarling hellcat to subordinate slut in a heartbeat. From where I held her pinned she whimpered and wined piteously. Oh, how I'd missed that sound! And damn it all if she wasn't tighter hotter and wetter then I ever remember her being. It felt like she was trying to squeeze the life out of me, in the bets possible way.

I didn't hold back. My pace was rough and brutal from the start, and only became more so every time I sank into her all too welcoming depths. She was silent a moment, before letting loose an unearthly cry that went far passed delight. I could feel her heavenly tunnel clenching and fluttering against me as she thrust herself back as much as she could. Our hips met with sinfully wet slaps, barks moans and yips erupted from her, voicing her approval and goading me on.

My hands slipped around her, cupping the firm yet yielding flesh of her breasts. Squeezing them firmly, I pulled her upright. I had to pull out for a painful moment, to which she let out a heartbreaking whine. Shoving her against the window I startled our audience, and hooked my elbow under one of her knees. I lifted my arm and her leg, planting that hand against the window for support.

I groaned happily as I slammed back into her, and she welcomed me with ecstatic yips. Pinning her to the window with my body, I was free to use all my strength to fuck my bitch as she so plainly needed. The sheer force of my thrusts traveled thru her smaller form, causing the window to rattle and shake noisily. Not that anyone could hear it, the way my wife was screaming. She was clenching me so tightly it was almost difficult to keep moving, despite the plentiful trickle of her nectar I could feel running down my leg.

With such a willing beauty, whose lusty scent I'd been breathing for some time now, my knot began to form sooner than I'd like. My wife seemed to love it though, as it popped in and out of her with decadently wet slurps. Growling furiously I worked all the harder to ram myself into her, and pressed my nose into her neck to grab a deep lungful of that scent.

I bit her. My teeth dimpling, but not breaking the skin between her neck and shoulder. My mating bite always drove her crazy, and it was no different this time. My bitch's moans went up several octaves and took an airy quality. Her hands clawed at the glass as she squirmed before me, uncaring if the whole world saw her in this moment.

Then we were locked together, my knot swelling too large to escape her grasp. There as no room for proper thrusting, so I ground powerfully against my mate, stirring her insides. She didn't cry out, only able to tremble between my body and the glass. I released her from my bite and tossed back my head with a mighty howl, claming her for all the world to hear.

I erupted into my mate, a miniature river of wolf spunk rushing into her fertile womb. My orgasm seemed to draw on and on, filling my bitch several times over. She began to swell slightly, my excess seed remaining trapped behind our tie. I groaned and shuddered contentedly as it slowly wore down. Lowering her leg I heard my wife sigh in unmistakable relief, before she went limp. My body and the window the only things keeping her upright.

Carefully I let us both sag to the ground, still tied together. One good look at her told me she was out like a light. I laid down on my back, letting her use me as an impromptu mattress. Feeling a little weary I decided to indulge in some post-sex napping; knowing that once my knot went down we'd be at it again.


You can only look on in speechless, slack-jawed envy. Your pants are defiantly feeling wet and uncomfortable now; as those around you finish up and secure there own clothes. Your friend walks up beside you, slapping your shoulder playfully. "Some show eh? Definitely worth the trouble. Maybe you and I coul- aw hell!" Your friend had caught sight of their watch, the time reading 11:58 pm. "We've got two minutes!"

The exclamation sparks a mild panic in you and the others. All at once everyone was bolting. You and your friend are jostled harshly the group runs pell-mell towards the front gates.

Luck has truly been on your side tonight. You and your friend make it out of Evergreen Estates with just a few moments to spare. And as you lean against the brick wall, catching your breath. You're already planning to make the run again.

The End?