Sunrise, part 3: Connection

Story by Zrephel on SoFurry

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#4 of Sunrise

"Is there any particular way you'd like me to aid you in fulfilling that desire?" Azuriel asked, smiling.

"Hmm... Nah, just keep lying on your back like that." Ryn took a solid grip on Azuriel's loose fur, knowing she wouldn't hurt him by doing so, and hauled herself a short distance up the gentle slope of his belly. Carefully, she reached down to position his tip at her quite-slick entrance, scooting forward onto it - and then immediately pulling away again, hissing through her teeth. "Hhah! Okay, right, you're really hot in more ways than one. I can... I think I can handle it, if I'm expecting it." Ryn repeated the attempt, and with more care and a bit of flinching, managed to slide a few inches onto the tapered tip. "Ohh. That's, actually that feels pretty nice once I get used to it. I'll have to try heating up my toys sometime." She slid herself forward another few inches, closing her eyes and savoring the feeling of being filled. "Mmm, that's good. You're already as thick as the knot on that big purple toy you like, and you just keep going." Azuriel murmured something contented-sounding in response, and began producing the subsonic rumble that Ryn now recognized as his purring. Ryn giggled. "And you vibrate, too! Enjoying yourself, I take it?"

"Quite so," he replied, curling his neck forward a bit to peer down at her. "And, moreover, enjoying you enjoying me. I find your enthusiasm for me very delightful."

Ryn looked up and gave him a bashful grin. "I mean, you *are* the sexiest being I've ever met. I want you to feel good, too, you know. But if enjoying myself is the best way to do that, I'd better just keep indulging myself, right?" She dug her claws into the dragon's impenetrable hide, pulling herself further forward, gasping and biting her lip at the familiar hot, stinging sensation of stretching herself to her limits. Azuriel made a quiet noise of concern, but Ryn shook her head. "'S alright, I'm alright. I like a bit of pain. And I definitely enjoy a challenge." Ryn glanced down to check her progress. "And gods are you ever that," she murmured. She was barely a quarter of the way down his length. She gritted her teeth and pulled herself down another inch, trembling a bit. "I've got this," she gasped through shallow breaths, though she didn't sound very sure of it herself. Ryn tried another push - and immediately pulled back, retreating until only the tip remained in her. "Aanh! Ow ow ow, ow."

"Are you all right?" Azuriel asked, heartfelt concern in his voice. "I truly do not wish to hurt you, even in so passive a manner."

Ryn whimpered. "I'm... I don't know." She wiped away a few tears of pain and frustration. "I just... I really, really want this. More than anything." She turned to look towards Azuriel's face. "Can you do some celestial magic or divine intervention or something to make me able to take it? Is that allowed?"

Azuriel scowled as he considered the question. "I could of course take on the form you met me in, though I suspect that would not satisfy you." Ryn shook her head. "The scope of my intervention, as you put it, is constrained by my part in the Covenant. Though my powers are diverse and substantial, I cannot use them to alter your natural form. My purpose as an emissary here is to awaken and nurture life, not to tamper with it." He paused. "There does remain a possibility that lies within my purview, however." Ryn's expression brightened a little, and he continued. "I am able to enhance that which you already are. In this case, I could greatly empower and energize your body's natural healing processes. You've been able to expand your capability so far by pushing slightly past your limits and then allowing yourself to heal; I could accelerate the pace of that cycle to a matter of moments."

Ryn wiggled, now quite excited. "Like a superhero regeneration factor?"

"Something like that," Azuriel replied with a smile, but then took on a more solemn expression. "There are likely to be permanent consequences, however. That earring you have, there: your body has been forced to heal around it, and it has become changed as a result. I expect that something similar may occur in this instance. I do not know if that outcome would be acceptable to you."

Ryn considered that for a moment, and then exclaimed, "Oh! You mean, I'll stay stretched out, able to take things your size all the time? Fuck yes, I want that! I want as much of that as I can get! You had me worried there, but that's like, 'side effects may include winning the lottery forever' levels of not-even-close-to-a-problem!"

Azuriel chuckled. "Very well, then. That sounds like unambiguous assent to me." He pressed a claw to the base of her neck, and a ripple of golden light washed over her body for a moment. Ryn's eyes widened.

"Whoa. I feel like I just ran a marathon, slept for a month, and then woke up and ate a dozen balanced breakfasts. You certainly did something to me. Back to it, then?" Without waiting for an answer, Ryn shoved herself back down onto the dragon's thick shaft. She moaned with pleasure at the abrupt sensation of fullness, and then dug her claws in and pushed herself down to the point that had caused her to retreat before. She winced, and then gasped. The sharp pain of forcing her body past its limits immediately faded to a dull ache, and then satisfying comfort. She took a deep breath, and shoved onward another inch, with another quiet gasp followed by a loud moan. "Oh gods yes this is good," she said, her voice wavering with pleasure. Azuriel rumbled in agreement beneath her. Ryn soon fell into a rhythm, pushing herself further down, pausing to rest and savor ever-more-intense sensations of fullness, making increasingly loud and ecstatic noises each time.

Azuriel seemed to be feeling things just as intensely, rumbling and moaning along with her. "You're... mrrrh... making quite some progress, there," he managed to gasp out during one of Ryn's rests. Ryn opened her eyes to check her progress - now halfway down the dragon's length - and grinned with delight as she saw it.

"Ooh! Look, Zuri," she said, rubbing her lower belly. "I've got a tummybulge! Like that fox guy whose videos I've always been envious of, the one with the striped socks. Never thought I'd be able to manage it." But Azuriel seemed too busy making pleasured noises to respond, and Ryn laughed as she realized why. "That feels good, does it?" she said, rubbing more vigorously, and the happy sounds from the dragon redoubled. "Ooh, actually, it really does," she added, getting caught up in the unusual and intense sensation herself, rubbing and squeezing in different ways. "I hadn't ever thought about... mmmh..."

After several minutes of these sensory explorations, and incoherent noises on the part of both dragon and lynx, Ryn gathered her wits enough to resume her downward endeavors. "No reason to stop now, right?" Soon enough, she was nearing Azuriel's knot, her thighs spread wide by its size, the dragon's girth now rounding her out quite considerably. The altered position, and by now the incredibly intense tightness as well, made it hard for her to make additional progress. After a few ineffectual grabs and flails, she decided she needed a different approach. "Hey, Zuri? I seem to have run out of leverage, here. Can I get a shove?"

Azuriel took a moment to respond, lost in his own pleasure. "Hm? Oh. By all means." He peered down at her, with a loud purr. "Oh... You look and feel amazing there, Ryn." He pressed his claws to her shoulders, but hesitated, noticing the considerable depth he'd reached. "Perhaps you should lean back a bit. I would prefer to avoid colliding with your xiphoid process."

"I'm not totally sure what that is, but from the way you say it it sounds like the sort of thing you shouldn't ram a huge dragoncock into, yeah. So, sure." Ryn relaxed her arms, laying back onto the dragon's soft bellyfur, her weight half-suspended from the massive presence inside her. She pulled her legs back to get out of the way of his knot. "Go for it."

Azuriel pushed. Ryn yowled in pained pleasure as the top of his knot slammed against her entrance, and he echoed her with an exuberant growl of his own. "Skies above, Ryn," he gasped. "You feel incredible." Ryn wasn't sure whether he was referring to his pleasure or hers - and perhaps for him, they were one and the same - but in any case she could only muster a vague whimper of agreement, her senses as overwhelmed as they were.

A quiet moment passed, with the two of them simply savoring the intense physical connection they shared. The slightest motion of either of them was enough to elicit gasps of pleasure from both. Eventually, Ryn found her voice again. "Gods, Zuri. I never imagined I could feel so perfectly full like this. Well, okay, I have imagined it. Like, pretty much every night. But I never thought it'd be possible." She turned her head, nuzzling the side of her face against his soft fur. "What did I ever do to deserve this?"

"You accepted my invitation. And then you asked me to do it," Azuriel stated simply. "It is something that we both wanted. There need not be any more justification than that."

"Really that simple, huh? Well, you said you had all the time in the world, and I certainly don't have anything that's more important than being here with you right now. If you want to keep making a kitty's wildest dreams come true..." She turned and looked up at him, her eyes gleaming in the light of the rising moon. "There's plenty more wild dreams where that came from."