Sunrise: Prologue

In a dim corner of a mostly-deserted diner, a lynx sat alone, staring contemplatively at the candle on her table and sipping at the last of her spiced tomato juice. She carefully blew out the candle again, watching the vaporized wax stream up from it...

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Sunrise, part 3: Connection

"Is there any particular way you'd like me to aid you in fulfilling that desire?" Azuriel asked, smiling. "Hmm... Nah, just keep lying on your back like that." Ryn took a solid grip on Azuriel's loose fur, knowing she wouldn't hurt him by doing so,...

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Sunrise, part 2: Consent

Ryn took a few deep breaths, trying to compose herself, excitement and anxiety fluttering in her stomach. She'd be doubting the reality of the situation, if not for the fact that the celestial dragon's presence in the world felt like the most real...

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Sunrise, part 1: Contact

After nearly an hour of hiking and climbing, Ryn at last pulled herself up over the lip of the mesa. "Whatever's up here had better be worth-- Oh. Oh, wow." Curled up on a large swath of incongruously verdant moss, basking in the mid-afternoon sun, was...

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