Being What You Eat

Story by iconmaster on SoFurry

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In this story, Dave is finding his way home when an imposing goo-dragon, Rukai, tries to eat him. Neither party quite expects what happens next...

This is a little Christmas present for my dear friend, FA: rukaialenimu . You're a great dragon, Rukes, and I hope things look up for you!

Dave stumbled down the dark alley, hardly able to see in the low light. The grey dragon had come down this narrow passage every day after work, but it was different today- He had to work overtime, so he got out in the dead of night. He looked around him with slight fear as he continued on his way. At night, this place had a much more sinister feel...

A rustling noise made Dave jump a little, making him look around more at his surroundings. He could see nothing... He shrugged. Must have been a rat or something. He slowly continued forwards, ever the more cautious. Being cautious here couldn't hurt, after all. Soon, Dave picked up his pace, trying to leave this alley as fast as possible. He turned the corner, and then was stopped in his tracks.

He let out a sharp eek and fell backwards as he found himself in contact with a solid, furred shape. In the dim light, he could make out a towering figure! It looked draconic, with teal and violet fur... At least, that's what Dave thought he saw in the low light. The figure grinned and talked with a slick, rumbling voice.

"Rrrrff... Hello there~"

Dave scrambled to get himself off of the ground. This figure looked a bit imposing to him... "Sorry! Didn't see you there."

As Dave attempted to step past the dragon, he put a hand on Dave's shoulder, coming down hard. Dave stifled another eek as he froze.

"No problem, hrrrf. Name's Rukai. Yours?"

"Uhh... Name's Dave."

Rukai grinned a large, toothy grin. As he spoke, Dave noticed a dim violet glow escape from his maw. "I'm glad I found you here,you know."

Dave once again tried to move past Rukai, but he stiffened his arm, making it impossible for the grey dragon to walk away without being assertive. Dave grinned nervously as he spoke. "Heh... Now why do you say that?"

"Well, I have a bit of a... Problem on my hands, see."

"I'd be glad to help..." Dave looked around him for a second.

"Goooood." Rukai licks his lips, much to Dave's dismay. Rukai started walking deeper into the alley, all but forcing Dave to follow along. "See, I've been hungry all day."


Ruaki moves his hand lower, squeezing Dave's middle. This made the grey dragon struggle weakly. "And gosh, do I love tasty dragons..."

Dave struggled even harder now, suddenly realizing: This punk was going to have him as a meal! He had gone out late at night, and had now fallen prey to one of the predators he had heard about walking the streets. Dave considered his options...

"So let's go back to my place, won't we, hon?" Rukai let out an evil smile as he dragged Dave along. "Any funny business, and you're waterdragon pudge even sooner, got it~?"

Dave tried to fight back, but Rukai's grip was very strong. After a second, he fell limp and allowed himself to be moved by the waterdragon's vorish will. He whimpered and sighed.


"No buts." Rukai licked his lips and continued.

* * *

"Rrrrf. Now I eat dinner in peace~"

Rukai threw Dave onto an unfamiliar couch in what Dave presumed to be the waterdragon's home. Dave tried to get up, but a heavy, thick Rukai was already on top of him, pinning him down. Rukai had a bit of a chubby belly, and Dave could feel it squish against his body. His captor gave a slow lick across his muzzle, making Dave flinch and blush.

Dave grinned nervously. "H-hey! Rukai! Have you considered..."

Rukai shooshed him, putting a hand to his muzzle. "I'm only considering how good you'll taste, hrrrf."

Suddenly, Dave's grin changed from nervous to devilish. "Have you considered how easy of a meal you've been to catch?"

"W-what? You're the m- Urrrgh!"

Dave took his chance to knee Rukai hard, sending him reeling.Dave took this chance to free his arms, pushing against the waterdragon and gripping his shoulders. Dave wasn't about to fall to a predator... Because he was one himself. Some back-alley maneater wasn't about to consume him!

Rukai struggled in turn. It took Dave a lot of effort to keep in control- this was a strong one! He had to be fast in order to ensure his plan didn't backfire. He opened his jaws, took that teal muzzle, and grabbed it with his long tongue. In seconds, Rukai couldn't speak, only mmmrphing as Dave's powerful throat muscles took hold. With a swallow, the eating process had begun.

The shoulders were always the hardest part for Dave. Double so when they prey didn't want to be prey! Dave's maw stretched to large proportions as he pushed against Rukai, making sure his prey didn't push back too hard. Dave moaned in pleasure as he tasted the fur, greedily swallowing Rukai down.

He quickly noted that this prey of his was oddly... Soft. He couldn't feel any bones in his body, yet it was obvious Rukai was well-built! Still, he kept swallowing, gulping, and licking down his prey. Dave could feel his neck bulge with noisy contents as it continued, the huge shape filling him out soon enough.

It was a slow process for the smaller Dave, swallowing and swallowing... Soon, the waterdragon's arms were pinned, and the resistance was basically nil. When Dave finally reached that thick gut, he felt his prey... Getting even softer? Suddenly, he didn't taste fur any longer. He tasted a rubbery substance!

Dave saw the legs and tail of Rukai in front of him change. They became less well-defined, more... Goopy. He quickly found they were easier to gulp down in this state! It's like they were melting in his mouth... Dave was offput by this unexpected change, but continued. The final bits of Rukai practically threw themselves into Dave's mouth, making him mmmmmph in surprise. Soon, Dave slurped up a long, thick tail, making the end of Rukai.

Dave thought he could hear a chuckle from his stomach as Rukai disappeared from the world outside a grey-scaled belly. In response, he pushed on his gut. It was full, squishing on and around the couch, dark grey belly plates stretched out. It was soft, letting his paw sink in several inches, but he couldn't feel any hard shapes in there. Did he just eat a goo creature in disguise?

Dave shrugged, and sagged into his massive belly. Either way, he won this battle... And got a lovely meal. He figured he couldn't walk at this point, eating a meal larger than he was, so he decided he'd just crash in his prey's place tonight. Dave let out a long belch and rested his head against his soft gut. He was going to have a lot of extra weight in the morning...

* * *

Dave yawned and stretched, slowly getting off of the couch. His hands quickly went to his middle, though, when he found it strangely hard to get up. He felt a new, thick layer of pudge beneath his scales, wobbling all over as he shook it. He felt at least 100 pounds heavier...

His belly now sagged over his hips, swaying as he walked around the apartment. He could even feel a second chin forming! Dave had become fat. He sighed and made his way for the kitchen. Prey always had so many calories on them... And of course he was tempted so to gurgle them all away into dragon pudge! Seeing that Rukai had a fridge, he opened it, peering inside. Empty. Dave chuckled, figuring he didn't need the food, as he looked around some more.

There wasn't a lot of interest. Dave sighed and flopped back on the couch. He began to idly wonder about the events of last night. Rukai wasn't the average prey at all... He was more like something he'd be doing experiments on at work, to be honest!

Work. The word began to shake loose some thoughts in Dave's head. What day was today... A Thursday...? Oh no. Dave's eyes went wide, and he snapped his head around, looking for a clock. He had to go to work today! Dave found a digital clock, reading "9:05". He was already late!

Dave huffed and got off the couch as quickly as his new girth would allow, making it ripple and slosh slightly. He was out the door, more than likely to never come back to his prey's home... But all the grey dragon could think about was how he was going to fit in his lab coat.

* * *

He arrived at work panting and tired. He had booked it, making him only... A half hour late. Dave groaned as he finally managed to stuff his gut in his tight-fitting lab uniform. The buttons strained, grey scales visible through, but the thing fit! One small victory for the fat dragon. He huffed and made his way down the hall and to his laboratory.

Dave scowled as he saw his lab assistants stare at him. Alaina, a tall fox, was the first to say something. "Looking swell today, Dave. Had a nice dinner last night?" she said, giggling.

Fourier, his other assistant, also chimed in. "Mhm, should have invited me!"

Dave laughed. He stopped laughing, though, when his stomach took a moment to gurgle loudly, making him blush. "Augh, you guys. Yeees, I might have ate more than my fill..." He always hated it when they made fun of him. He'd have to get back at them somehow... But for now, he had to work.

The day was a boring day of experimentation and recording results... Boring except for having to work around his girth, that is. His assistants kept talking about it as the day went on. Tried, Dave was very glad to get his lunch break. By noon, he was starving!

Dave thought about his current size as he entered the break room. He was hardly ever hungry the day after eating someone... He was usually digesting them for days afterwards. But here he was, starving! He quickly opened the break room fridge.

Dave swore softly when he realized he hadn't brought anything to work! What was he going to eat? His eyes darted across the fridge. There was microwave burritos, some tupperware, a box of pizza... All someone else's, Dave thought glumly. But he licked his lips as he looked on...

As if his hands were beyond his control, he took out a burrito. "ALAINA" was written in black pen across the foil-wrapped side. Dave noticed this, but it was as if he was possessed. He unwrapped the thing... And swallowed it right there, not even heating it first. With a few powerful gulps, it was gone, making an oblong bulge in his throat.

Dave stared at the discarded foil. What did he just do? His stomach growled, making him go for another microwavable. He was so, so hungry... He couldn't stop himself from unwrapping it and eating this one, too. He had to eat, he thought! He had to!

With a snarl, the hungry dragon grabbed a plastic container and shoved it into his maw... Whole. Plastic and food alike plopped into Dave's gut, making it bulge slightly. From there, he began to practically tear the fridge apart, taking out every last thing and shoving it into his maw.

This went on until the fridge was bare. Dave groaned and slumped against the appliance, grabbing the discarded wad of foil from earlier and chewing it in his mouth. He was still so hungry... The feeling clouded his mind. He needed more. MORE!

He slowly got up. Now, his gut was almost double its original size, halfway to the floor, bulging with odd shapes and sloshing as he walked. He waddled out of the break room, holding his gut, moaning and gurgling. "Urrrgh... So hungry..." he moaned as he found his way over to the lab's cold storage.

This walk-in freezer held perishable items for experiments. Right now, it held something Dave wanted so badly- Meat. Once for feeding their carnivorous test subjects, it was now for only one thing in Dave's addled mind- His consumption. Without hesitation, he walked into the cold place and grabbed a huge hunk of meat hanging from the ceiling.

He tore into the frozen meat, quickly chewing it up and adding it to his bulk. He groaned as his belly touched the floor, sagging outwards as he grabbed more to eat. Another hunk, then another fell to Dave's gluttony, making him moan, sputter, and swallow every last bit.

As Dave was gnawing on a cow's leg, he heard someone walking behind him... Then a gasp. Looking around, he saw Fourier standing there, in utter shock. The lab assistant dropped his clipboard in shock. "Dave? What the hell are you doing?"

Dave looked at Fourier... And licked his lips. Yes, maybe this one could sate his hunger... He got up and began waddling towards him. "Urrrgh... Come here!"

Fourier shrieked and tried to run, but the immensely fat dragon somehow found the strength to lunge. He was soon caught under hundreds of pounds of dragon belly! Fourier struggled, but it was no match for the hungry Dave. He shoved his assistant's head in his mouth, swallowing quickly. Inch by inch, he got sucked up into Dave's throat, making it bulge. Soon, his stomach bulged more as well!

Dave could hear moans coming from Fourier as he kept gulping, until there was nothing left of him. With a belch, Dave got up, his belly even bigger now. He felt intense struggling going on within, making Dave groan in pleasure... But he still felt HUNGRY!

Snarling, he made his slow way out into the hall again. His progress was even slower now, his belly rivaling his own size. But he somehow went on, scanning for the one thing he wanted... Alaina. Food.

He found her, rummaging around in the chemicals cabinet, back turned to the grey dragon. Dave's stomach decided to let out a long, low gurgle, making her turn around. But by then, it was too late.

Alaina's eyes went wide as she saw Dave leap at her feet. With a shriek, she fell down. "Hey, you glut! What do you think you're doing??"

Dave responded simply. "EATING!" with a growl, he opened his jaws wide and slurped down her footpaws. With powerful gulps, she slowly disappeared... Not that she didn't put up a fight. In fact, she fought hard! But a starving Dave was a match for no one.

Soon, all that was left was her head, slowly getting gulped down as well. She grumbled profusely. "Dammit, Dave..." was all he heard before that tongue closed those jaws shut, pulling in her muzzle and swallowing. Glllllllp. All gone.

Save sighed and fell over onto his gut. With two people squirming inside, Dave finally felt sated. With a gurgle, he hugged his belly, utterly spent. The haze slowly lifted as the food coma set in, making Dave wonder. Why was he so ravenous?

Suddenly, Dave's throat felt full of... Something. With a gack, he began to retch, feeling this presence in his innards grow... And push outwards! He tried to hold it in, but it was a powerful force... He couldn't stop it as it burst out of his maw. It was a goopy dragon's snout, purple and blue in color...


Dave eeped in distress. So this being was goo after all! And he had stayed dormant in there? Horror began to creep over the dragon as he put the pieces together. Rukai had caused his unrelenting hunger... And the gooey dragon had only grown from this, hadn't he? Dave started to emit a muffled whimper.

"Had a nice snack, babe?" the snout erupting out of Dave's own maw said. "Good, because it's all my snack now... See you as my pudge, dear~"

Dave couldn't do anything as the snout liquified once again... Spreading out and covering his muzzle! His hands flew to his face, trying to pry off the goodragon, but it was no use. His world went dark, tinged violet, as goop covered his eyes. Rukai spread from his hands to his arms, groping around them and pinning them to Dave's sides. Slowly, inch by inch, the thick substance encased Dave, replacing all sensation with thick warmth one inch at a time.

Soon, Dave was encased in a ball of goo... Waterdragon goo. As the time passed, Dave moaned in distress. The passage of time was incalculable, all of his senses deprived. And then he started feeling all soft and mushy... Dave knew this was his end; to become waterdragon fat. Rukai had won.

* * *

Purring happily, Rukai got up off the floor. What a lovely meal Dave had made... What a silly dragon, he thought. One should always be prepared to be what they eat!

He licked his lips and sloshed his new gut around. It sure was hefty... He let out a satisfied sigh and walked down the lab corridor. Now, to eat everyone else here... He was still hungry, after all~

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