Jingle My Bells

Story by speedingz on SoFurry

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So here's a slightly late Christmas gift for my awesome, sexy mate HolidayPup. Sorry it's late, mate! Hope you enjoy it, it's a silly little thing but I was having issues coming up with anything good heh. Hopefully you guys enjoy, and a very Merry Christmas to you all (if that's what you celebrate, if not, Happy Holidays should cover the rest!).

Rudolph sighed, scratching his antlers sharply on the wall of his stable. The loud scraping echoed through the empty building, filling the air with something other than the crackling of the braziers keeping the place warm. He had never felt so... Weird... Before. His thoughts were coming sluggishly to his mind, as though they were swimming through molasses. Despite this, he had never felt so attuned to his surroundings before. The slightest sound would cause him to fling his head back and forth; the slightest sensation would drive him crazy. His tempter was on edge, and it was starting to wear on him.

The full grown buck tossed his head again, pawing at the hay at the bottom of his stall. Although he wasn't confined to his stall per say, he still wasn't being allowed out of the building for now. The big guy had some _interesting_policies for this time of year... Interesting for those old enough to partake in them, but hellish for young bucks like Rudolph. So while the rest of the herd was out making the most out of the season, he was trapped here with nothing but his own frustration to keep him company. Every now and then, he could smell a whiff of something on the breeze... Something wonderful, something which made him excited to his core without knowing why. Sure, he knew what it was, but that didn't help.

_ Goddam rut,_ he grumbled to himself. Don't worry, there's always next year! Next year, Rudolph, next year! Patience! _ He snorted. _Patience, my ass. Everyone else was out there, having the time of their lives, and here he was, stuck away. He didn't even have anyone else of his age to keep him company in this stable. Even more annoying, his damned nose had been acting up again, just like it used to when he was younger. It would flicker on and off intermittently, for no apparent rhyme or reason. The nose was just another thing to add to his list of frustrations.

Perhaps the most irritating part of it was the near constant state of arousal he'd been in the entire time he had been cooped up in there. Even before the rut had started in full swing, when he'd still been allowed to mingle with the others, the first scents of the coming rut had started to fill the air and it had been a common sight to see bucks walking around with their shafts hanging out in the cool air. Rudolph had not been immune to that; before rut he had rarely thought of using his own tackle for anything but pissing, but as soon as it started it had sprung out like a lewd jack-in-the-box, throbbing and leaking like the rest of the herd.

Ironically, although the does smelled amazing, their anatomy had done almost nothing for Rudolph on a mental level. However, the sea of horny bucks had been candy to his eyes. At pretty much any time of day he could look around, and more likely than not his eyes would be met with thick, long, and drippy cocks, pinkish-red flesh glistening in the light. The thought of wrapping his lips around one and sucking the other down to the balls had scarcely left his mind that entire time.

And now I'm stuck in here. Can't even reach my own, with this stupid halter on.

_ _

Reluctantly, Rudolph lay down on the soft hay, shifting his body to allow his cock room. He let his eyes drift shut; almost instantly visions of rock-hard bucks filled his brain, and as he drifted off to sleep he felt content for the first time in days.

But that feeling wouldn't last long.

Rudolph's heavy head jerked up as the slam of a door echoed down the long hall. _Dinner? _At least there was still something in the day which caught his interest.

Hoisting himself up on his long legs, he sighed as he felt his erection dragging on his belly fur. Even sleep won't get rid of the damn thing. Still, he poked his head out of his stall, looking down the long hallway towards the door. Dinner!

Indeed, his dinner was being brought in, courtesy of one of the stable hands. A tall anthro dingo, he was fairly new, but Rudolph had still talked with him quite a few times and liked the fuzzy man. "Hey Bandit," he called, nodding at his helper.

"Rudolph!" Bandit pushed the wheelbarrow holding the reindeer's leafy meal to a stop in front of his stall and gave Rudolph's nose a quick pat. "How you doing, buddy?" The dingo's dark eyes drifted down for a moment, and then snapped back to Rudolph's own as a wry grin spread across his muzzle. "Sorry friendly, I've only brought some food... No randy bucks hidden at the bottom of the wheelbarrow."

Rudolph blushed, nose flashing dimly. He had talked with Bandit a few times, but he still hadn't quite gotten used to how forward he could be. Nor how incisive. "Bucks? How about does?" he asked half-heartedly, not quite buying even his own assertion.

Bandit smirked, turning around and beginning to scoop the vegetables out of the cart and into the reindeer's trough. "Call it intuition," he said, chuckling. As he worked, his tail swayed idly behind him, seemingly of its own accord.

If anything, Rudolph's blush only deepened. "Am I that obvious?"

"Well, I don't know if anyone else noticed, but you weren't exactly looking around much. The does didn't even get the time of day from you... Clearly, you had something else on your mind!" The russet dingo gave Rudolph's revealing nose a pat. "You're not exactly inconspicuous with this thing either..."

Snorting, Rudolph stared at Bandit's fingers for a moment, going slightly cross-eyed before refocusing his eyes on the stable hand. "Fine, fine, I'll admit it." He pawed nervously at the ground. "Just... Please don't tell anyone?"

Bandit nodded, giving him another pat. "Never you worry, my fine glowing friend." He scooped the last of Rudolph's dinner into his trough, then dropped an apple on top. "Anything else you need, pal?"

"Not unless you have any of those horny bucks hiding in your pocket," Rudolph said, grimacing. "What a stupid rule."

"Ah come on, it's not that bad, right?" Wagging a little, Bandit gave him a wink. "Can't you just... Help yourself out?"

Bells jingling, Rudolph shrugged in his harness. "This fucking thing is too tight, can't really reach back there." He gave the straps a baleful glare. "Besides, it's not even close to the same thing. I just want to..." Shrugging again, he blushed. "You know. Someone else. Not just a lonely thing."

While he was talking, Bandit gave him an odd look, one he couldn't quite decipher. "What's that look for? I can't help it! It smells so damn good..." His hips thrust forwards involuntarily, pointy cock smearing pre on his own belly. "Ooooh... You know, I can probably figure something out by myself if you want to take off."

"You know..." Bandit paused for a moment, looking around. "Hold on." Walking off away from Rudolph's stall, he pulled the wheelbarrow back with him to the door.

Rudolph could see he was doing something with the door, but he couldn't quite see. Craning his head around the stall wall, he furrowed his brow. "What's up, Bandit? What're you doing?" He could smell something in the air, something new... Something... Enticing.

_ _

"Well..." Bandit slowly walked back; Rudolph could now see that he had propped the wheelbarrow up against the door. "If you're stuck in here, and are needing a little relief, I figured I could help you... If you're interested?" Sauntering back to the reindeer's stall, he pulled off his thick jacket, dropping it in a pile with his mitts and toque. "Well?"

There was nothing Rudolph could do but nod, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape at the offer. "Rrr.... Really?" He blushed as he felt his cock throb, pre falling in steady drips to the floor. "Are you sure?"

Bandit's sultry grin was all the answer he needed. "What, you think this is my first rodeo?" Waggling his hips at the reindeer, he stripped out of his uniform, leaving him bare as the day he was born.

Instantly Rudolph's eyes were drawn downwards to the burgeoning sheath tucked in the dingo's tan belly fur. So like my own, and yet... The faintest outlines of a knot were already distending the base of the furry tube. So that's a knot...

Suddenly unable to help himself, he leaned forwards and shoved his face up against Bandit's stomach, inhaling deeply. Again, so like the others, but... Not, he thought with a shiver. The dingo smelled little like his behooved compatriots, but at the same time there was a very different scent to him. Wild, he thought, that's the only way I could describe it.

_ _

A moment after Rudolph poked his head forwards though, Bandit pushed him back lightly with a chuckle. "This is about you, big guy, not me!" Still, he couldn't help but give his sheath a couple tugs for the reindeer's benefit, heavy balls bouncing. Grinning as Rudolph's nose lit up like a candle, he undid the gate latch and swung it open, stepping into the stall. Falling to his knees, he inhaled sharply before whistling in disbelief. "Whew boy..." he muttered incredulously, "That's quite the cock you're packing there, Rudolph!"

The dingo's paws upon his low dangling balls silenced any answer Rudolph had been going to make. Bandit's hands were gentle, rolling them back and forth, but clearly the dingo had been around balls before. It was almost too much stimulus when Bandit took his long red cock into his paws; he bit back an entirely too-feminine groan and tried to prevent his hips from driving forwards. Gritting his teeth, he was even less prepared to feel the dingo's warm tongue wrap around his tip.

Looking down between his legs in disbelief at the pleasure, he watched as Bandit gently ran his tongue up and down Rudolph's throbbing length, unable to deny a whimpered sigh that escaped his muzzle. The devious canid's delving tongue wrapped around his tip, licking up the copious pre before making the journey back to the base. What truly made him gasp though was the feeling of a warm tongue slipping into his sheath, stretching the furry skin and giving his cock competition for space. If he wasn't entirely hard by this point, he was suddenly hard as a rock, mind quickly slipping away in the euphoric bliss enveloping his most private organ. "Bandit... Oooh..."

Bandit popped up for a moment, grinning at him with pre streaking his muzzle fur. "You enjoying that?" His grin only widened as Rudolph emphatically nodded back. Getting back to his hands and knees, he crawled right under Rudolph's stomach and wasted no time taking the first few inches of reindeer cock back into his muzzle.

At that, Rudolph couldn't help but thrust involuntarily, and even though Bandit gagged slightly, he made no move to pull away. "S... Sorry there, Bandit," he said through gritted teeth, forcing his hips to still. "It's just... It feels so good!"

The only reply he got was the dingo plunging even deeper on his shaft. Astonishingly, Bandit slid his muzzle along up until the tip of his pointy cock was jabbing at the back of his throat, and then pushed forwards again, letting it slip down his throat. It took all of Rudolph's willpower not to thrust his hips forwards; grunting, he instead appeased his fuck-happy hips by letting them rock forwards slightly, gently pushing more into Bandit's suckling muzzle until he felt the dingo's lips press up against the opening of his sheath.

He couldn't even come close to describing how good it felt. He had suckled on his own shaft once or twice, but the angle was always awkward, and he never really knew what he was doing anyways. Bandit's suckling lips and roving tongue simply took his breath away. The dingo would lick at the base, pull his head back all the way down his shaft until only the tip was still enveloped in velvety warmth, and then dive back down, tongue trailing all the way. It worked Rudolph up into the most horny state he had ever experienced.

Rudolph could feel every few seconds his cock would pulse out another spurt of pre cum, the pulses starting to come faster and faster. He knew he was big, big for a reindeer from what he had seen, and certainly big for the dingo who he knew he outweighed by a fair margin at least. Bandit was huffing through his nostrils on every upstroke; he could feel the warm air tickling at his sensitive shaft. The dingo's own scent was starting to fill the air too; Rudolph could only assume that Bandit was as horny as he was, or at least close. He hadn't thought that the situation could get any hotter, but knowing that it was another male, smelling the wonderful musk, just added a whole other layer to it.

In what felt like only seconds, Rudolph could already feel his heavy balls pulling up tight to his body. The urge the thrust, to sow his seed in the fertile field of Bandit's muzzle, became unbearable, and with a grunt he let his hips pick up a little speed from the gentle rocking they had been doing before. Annoyingly, the little silver bells on his harness started jingling quietly, and then louder and louder as he worked into it, but he couldn't make himself care.

As Rudolph sped up, Bandit caught the drift, pulling back so that the reindeer was only embedded in his muzzle. Rudolph was okay with that. He was okay with pretty much anything at this point, so long as he could get his rocks off! Shifting back and forth, the stable was filled with the sounds of his rut, heavy clip-clops of his hooves on the wood, light sucking and slurping sounds from below him, and his own increasing grunts and moans.... And the damn jingling of those horrible bells.

Suddenly, Bandit both started fondling Rudolph's balls and gave his pointy tip a loving, lingering lick before diving back down on it, and that was all it took. Letting out a wild bellow, Rudolph drove his hips forwards in one last jingling push and exploded. He had never experienced an orgasm that strong before, and it was almost more than he could handle. The cum rushed from his cock in thick spurts, coating the inside of Bandit's muzzle; Rudolph could hear him gulping furiously, but it was clearly too much for him judging from the splashing sounds. One hand still massaging Rudolph's balls, Bandit wrapped the other around his throbbing shaft and stroked it up and down, coaxing out even more seed.

Finally, after what felt like a lightning-struck eternity, Rudolph felt Bandit pull back from him, and regretfully took a step back as well, feeling his cock fall free of Bandit's white-striped muzzle. He waited a moment for Bandit to stand back up before nuzzling at his face, feeling his own sticky mess rubbing against his fur. "That was amazing Bandit..." Looking down, he grinned. It looked like Bandit had enjoyed it as much as he had, or at least close. The dingo's not-inconsiderate reddish length was out on full display for him to see, knot fully swollen and spurting little jets of hot pre. He couldn't help but snake his tongue down to lap at the tip, tasting his salty fluids as they splattered across his tongue. Astonishingly, he was still horny; his cock hadn't even started shrinking and he already felt he could go again.

Apparently Bandit noticed that too. With a smirk, he reached a hand down under Rudolph's chest and gave his still-throbbing cock a half-hearted rub. Looking Rudolph straight in the eye, he pulled his hand back and licked at the thick white glob that had been left there. "You look like you're still itching, pal."

Rudolph nodded, too horny to be embarrassed. "Any way we could... Do this again?" he asked hopefully, a smile on his face.

Bandit grinned. "I've got just the thing for you..." He looked at his watch quickly; Rudolph hadn't noticed it was still on, and hoped he hadn't ruined it. "I've got another twenty minutes before I'm due back, so I figure we can get another in."

Rather than get to his knees this time though, Bandit instead turned around and leaned up against the stall gate, tail flicked to the side. "How about we change it up this time?"

Approaching the dingo slowly, Rudolph gave him an appraising look-over, flaring his nostrils and inhaling deeply. The scent of male musk absolutely filled the space; Rudolph was for once happy that there was no one else in the stable, he wasn't sure quite how he would explain this to anyone else. "Are you sure?" he asked, sniffing lower at the dingo's presented rump. "I won't hurt you?"

Bandit chuckled. "Trust me, if I can take my mate's cock, knot and all, I'll be fine." He patted at his rump. "It's all yours!"

With no further hesitation, Rudolph leaned down and sniffed directly at the presented tailhole. It was clean, but so much of that sharp musk he had been smelling since they began was emanating from that one spot. It was intoxicating; he couldn't help but stretch his tongue out and lap at it. He found that the clenched ring spread apart slightly under his onslaught; pushing forwards, he slipped his tongue past the tight muscles. This earned him a deep groan, and even as the dingo's ass winked around his tongue, he could hear an extra strong splatter of pre striking the hay.

Delving with his tongue, he pushed deeper until he found the little nub he had been looking for, the one he had heard about. Apparently the rumours weren't wrong... From the first contact, Bandit gasped and started thrusting his hips backwards into Rudolph's muzzle. The dingo moaned and grunted, hips dancing uncontrollably as he ground himself back on the reindeer's heavenly tongue. Rudolph loved the reactions he was getting from his friend. Digging a little deeper, he assaulted Bandit's prostate with everything he had.

Suddenly, Bandit pulled forwards a bit, trying to escape his writhing tongue. "Rudolph..." Bandit gasped, "Stop, stop, you're... Ngh... Gonna make me cum already." Regretfully, Rudolph pulled his tongue free of the dingo's now-slick hole and gave the surface a last lingering lick. "I don't want to cum yet..." Rudolph dipped his head down, and it became immediately apparent that the dingo was mere seconds from exploding. His knot was fully engorged, bobbing and drooling copious amounts of pre. His balls were tight up against his body; as he watched they dropped down a little more.

"Damn, that was good though... You've got a serious talent!" Bandit panted slightly, clenching his tight pucker and feeling the slick saliva Rudolph had left there. The dingo took a couple deep breaths, visibly trying to calm his rebellious body before patting at his rump again. "That offer is still open though, as lovely a distraction as that was!"

Finally, Rudolph could no longer deny what his little head was telling him to do. Rearing up on his hind legs, he walked forwards awkwardly and wrapped his front legs over Bandit's shoulders, resting half on the dingo and half on the stall fence. Pulling himself in tighter to the smaller male beneath him, he shivered as his throbbing shaft slapped against the dingo's soft back fur. Shuffling his hips, he dragged it down until he felt it pop down below his tail and then pushed forwards again. The feeling of slick heat told him he had hit his mark. Taking Bandit's gasp as a cue, he pushed forwards slightly.

Immediately, the tip of his penis was enveloped in silky heat. As good as Bandit's muzzle had felt, this was... The next level. Everything about it... It was even hotter than his muzzle had been, and far, far tighter. Rudolph tried to go slowly, but it was almost impossibly hard to not thrust his entire length in at once. Bandit stifled a gasp at the abrupt penetration, but didn't pull away - if anything, he just spread his legs wider to give the reindeer better access. The saliva leftover from his previous tongue bath in Bandit's tight passage served as a perfect lubricant, along with his own copious pre. Still, even as the reindeer's cock slid in centimetre by centimetre, it took effort on his part to slip past Bandit's tight ring.

After a few moments, Rudolph felt his sheath pressed up against the dingo's tailbase. Pausing, he nuzzled lightly at Bandit's neck. "You okay there, pal?"

Bandit gave him a somewhat forced grin through gritted teeth, nodding. "I'm good... Just give me a sec to get used to it."

Rudolph was content to let his cock remain wrapped up in the dingo's velvety tunnel for the moment; the experience was by far the most erotic thing that had ever happened to him, and in his own mind he still was half sure it was all a dream, and that he would wake up any moment covered in his own fluids.

At Bandit's eventual nod, Rudolph began slowly pulling back. His tunnel was tight, and the reindeer could feel it closing up even as he pulled back, trying its hardest to force the thick intruder free. The way his muscles constricted, squeezing tight around his cock... It was amazing.

Withdrawing his cock back until just the tip remained, Rudolph stayed poised like that for a moment savouring the experience before shoving back in quickly. His heavy balls slapped up against Bandit's own with a meaty thwap, and Bandit let loose a guttural groan even as those damned bells rang again. "Fuck..." was all he could say, but somehow that summed the entire experience up. Rudolph was more than happy to do that, even if that hadn't been what Bandit had meant.

With a few more ragged thrusts, Rudolph began working into a steady rhythm with Bandit. He bucked steadily at an almost frantic pace, balls slapping up against Bandit's rear on every thrust, swaying pendulously on the back swing even as his bells jingled. Bandit on the other hand began to thrust back against the reindeer's thick, deep-delving cock, letting his experienced ass do the talking. Evidently Rudolph was doing something right, judging by the grunts and moans coming from below him; pausing for a moment, Rudolph ducked his head to the side and looked under Bandit to see his cock fully knotted and dripping once again.

He had never felt as exhilarated before in his life, not even when claiming Bandit's muzzle. His balls were drawing up tight to his body, and his shaft felt hard as a rock. It felt like he was on fire with pleasure; every thrust was a whole new level of ecstasy. Rudolph leaned forwards and shifted his angle slightly; leaning down and panting next to Bandit's own panting muzzle, he was rewarded with an even louder moan as he drove his member in once again. Clearly, that last had struck his prostate... Rudolph drove in again in the same location, and got another loud moan and an audible spurt of pre from the dingo. His muscles tightened up suddenly as he spurted, clenching tight on Rudolph's throbbing cock. He was clearly approaching his own orgasm, even as Rudolph approached his.

Suddenly, the sensations rocketing through Rudolph's brain seemed to double, and even as he thrust again they got even better once again until he felt numbed by the pleasure. Ancient instinct took over at this point; all thought for Bandit's well-being went out the window, as the desire to sow his seed took full force. "Fuuuck... Bandit..." Rudolph grunted, feeling his balls bounce off the dingo's ass again and again. "I'm there... Oh god..."

Even though he was basically gone at that point, he had the presence of mind to aim his thrusts for that sweet point again. As the euphoria rose, so too did the chorus of yips and moans from below him, along with pressure at the base of his cock. The dingo clenched even tighter as his own orgasm overtook him, and with a moan that turned howl, he turned his muzzle to the roof as his cock exploded all over the hay.

That extra tightness was all it took to send Rudolph over. Bellowing even louder than last time, the pressure at the base of his cock suddenly evaporated as orgasm exploded through his body. The first of his seed spurted from the tip of his cock deep into Bandit's tight passage, bathing his tapered tip in slick, sticky jizz, and reality faded away as the most primal of feelings took total control. Tailhole winking, Rudolph bucked a couple more times, and then left his cock embedded balls-deep in Bandit's collapsing tunnel. Thick ropes of sticky semen painted the inside of Bandit's ass with no sign of stopping, even as the musky scent of Bandit's own seed filled the air.

Finally, after what felt like almost eternal bliss, Rudolph's cock spurted the last couple drops of seed into Bandit's well-used hole, and with a reluctant sigh he slipped backwards off of Bandit's back to fall tiredly to the stall floor with a loud jingle. As his cock slipped free, a veritable flood of thick cum flowed free, pouring down the dingo's quaking legs and matting up his fur. Leaning down, he gave a few licks at Bandit's splattered ass, letting his tongue play with the dingo's still-bobbing balls before nuzzling at his side.

Bandit slowly stood up from his former position, legs shaky and ass full. "Man..." he said with a grin, "Now that was fun." He gave the reindeer's harness a pat, shaking his head as the little silver bells jingled joyously. "These notwithstanding."

Rudolph gave him a tired grin back. "You're telling me?" Nudging at Bandit's side, he lapped lightly at the dingo's engorged, still-spurting cock before Bandit' pushed him back.

"Cut it out," Bandit laughed. "I don't think I can take any more right now..." Reaching a hand back to his ass, he felt just how wide it had been forced open and grinned. "Methinks my mate will just be getting blowjobs for the next few days... I'll be lucky if I can even walk after this." He took a couple of hesitant steps, and true to his fear he was walking... Well, like he had his ass fucked by a freight train. "Gonna be a fun story to tell him though!"

"Thank you for... For everything," Rudolph said, nuzzling happily at Bandit's matted muzzle. "I can't tell you how much I needed that."

He wasn't even shocked at this point when Bandit reached under his body, hefting his significantly lighter balls gently. "I'll say..." Grinning, Bandit slowly strolled back to his clothes and started putting them back on, ignoring the mess for now. "I'm just glad I could help out!" Pulling his jacket back on, he gave Rudolph a pat on the nose. "Anything else I can do for ya, while I'm here? I've gotta get running, but if there's anything quick?"

Rudolph shook his antlered head, yawning widely. "I think I'm going to have a nap, personally. You've already done a lot for me!" He paused for a moment, and then got a hopeful expression on his face. "Do you... Do you think we could maybe do this again some time? Rut is gonna be going for quite a while..."

Bandit grinned. "You bet, friendly." Wagging his tail, he slowly limped back to the door, shifting his cart from in front of it and strolling tiredly out. "Just call if you need anything," he called before the door slammed closed in the wind. Rudolph laid his head down, for the first time in the week fully sated in every way. Closing his eyes, sleep was on him almost immediately. For once, the dancing, horny bucks in his mind's eye didn't annoy him.


As the door to their room slammed open, Speed looked up from his meal. He had to stop and stare for a moment, spoon halfway to his lips, and then he smirked and stood up. "Well..." he said, raising an eyebrow, "Looks like someone was putting in a little overtime." Strolling over to where Bandit was limping in through the doorway, he ran his finger through the dingo's matted muzzle fur. "I'm going to assume that this isn't water."

Bandit stuck his tongue out at Speed as he hobbled across the room, then collapsed onto the sofa. "Let's just say I helped out a friend..."

"Rudolph?" When Bandit nodded, Speed chuckled. "Thought so. Poor guy looked pretty horned up... I would've given him a hand if I had a chance." He raised an eyebrow again, noting Bandit's overall sticky condition, now that he had stripped off some of his clothing. "Have fun?"

"Oh, you better believe it... He's a pro." Bandit grinned, tapping his mate on the nose. "Maybe we can both go see him tomorrow?"

Nodding, Speed licked his lips. "Sounds like a good plan." He licked at Bandit's muzzle, and then widened his smile. "Tastes like one too." Draping an arm around Bandit's shoulder, he leaned up against him. "We can just take it easy now though, I've got nowhere to go, and you look like you need a little recuperation time." Giving his mate a sultry grin, he said, "But later, you're all mine."

Bandit's only response was a loud snore. Damnit, Speed thought, resting his head against the dingo's own. Maybe later will have to wait. He squeezed his mate's warm shoulder, pulling himself in closer. But that's okay. This will do, he thought with a smile.

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