To Keep Warm [Raffle]

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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It's 4 AM and I gotta snooze, so here's copied from FA:

Since I'm not longer allowed to do ACTUAL raffles through Patreon, I decided to change my $10/month tier so that patrons under that choice will qualify for a "raffle-type" story every now and then, which has the same setup as the old raffle stories.

This dirty snep asked for a fun prey-on-pred story where the captured pred gets filled with piss & cum. I decided to do a little bit more than that, though, and he ends up tied to a post in the middle of a sheep village for the herd to make free use of him. A rather large ram has a full bladder for him, and then this ram's sister - a really forthright ewe - comes along and joins in. She's not about to let her brother go off without getting off, though.


The snow leopard squirmed against the wooden post, his breath puffing out in hot little clouds that floated up, hung in the cold air, and then dissipated, one after another. This wasn't at all how he'd planned or expected today's hunting to go. It was supposed to be fast and simple, just like every other time: seek prey, find prey, catch prey. The hunter shouldn't be the one to get caught, but...

He tugged on the bonds keeping his wrists tied above his head, ropes chafing painfully into his thick fur. It was because of that fur that he'd embarked in little more than a loincloth and shoulder sash today, but the prey - his tail flicked to think of that word - had stripped him of all of that and put him on display in the center of their little settlement. And to think it had looked so unimposing from the boughs of a tree atop the nearest hill, right at the edge of his vision. He could almost see the spot at which he'd crouched when planning his attack.

Fang and claw - that had always been the way he'd preferred to do things. Because of that, though, he had to get in nice and close when hunting, and sometimes that caused problems. Soot-colored spots had a tendency to stand out against stark white snow, especially if his prey somehow managed to find their way behind him... today's quarry had been sheep. If one knew, they all knew.

This was true for just about everything. It had been a small group of five or six that had managed to strip the snow leopard down and tie him up, and yet, the entire village - more than a few houses set up in lines around this center plaza, each holding who knows how many - seemed to know as soon as the sun had started to make its slow rise above the horizon, which it would never complete.

The leopard had dozed off at one point, but - found himself awoken promptly. Whiskers twitched and nose wrinkled as soon as it started, even before he felt it in his fur: before him had stood one of the villagers, a tall, slim ram, coarse pants tugged halfway down his thighs and soft shaft held between his fingers, foreskin half-rolled back. A stream of piss, bright yellow in the light reflecting off the snow, coursed out from the end of that cock - and directly over the snow leopard's bare chest, quickly soaking into his thick fur. Sure, steam steadily rose up off of it like his own warm breath, but it took a few seconds for him to truly feel the heat of it - and once he could, he really could.

That wasn't all, though. It wasn't just the idea and principle of having a sheep, of having his own prey, empty its bladder onto him: it was how it made him squirm and swallow and lift himself up along the post, how it brought a warmth to his muzzle, ears, and body apart from the natural heat of the mark. That first ram had been too sleepy to notice, but the second one certainly did not let it go: instead, he grinned and intentionally soaked as much of the snow leopard's front as he could, and then let the last of his mark drip out directly against the cat's bulging sheath and growing length.

Part of the reason for his squirming lay in how he could still smell the mixed odors on himself, seemingly magnified by the cold, still air. There had been more than just those two in the morning, but as the day dragged on, the number of sheep that had to empty their bladders fell... which left the snow leopard where he struggled now, what little snow around him that hadn't melted tinted as murky yellow as his fur. It had to be some sort of punishment for him hunting them, or for failing - this public usage and humiliation... really, there was nothing worse to a predator than bearing the scent and mark of the prey he had attempted to catch.

About half an hour ago - or so he assumed, judging by the feeling of the piss in his fur; this particular snow leopard rather enjoyed the scent (and taste) of his own mark, and as such, had many times in the past rolled onto his back and relieved himself into his own muzzle and across his neck and chest - a ewe had come along, too, one of the first females of the village who had paid any attention to him. She had walked up, hooves crunching quietly in the worn snow before him; she'd stood in front of him, one hand on her hip, and eyed him up and down, nose twitching with the odor wafting up from his fur; and then she turned around, bent over, braced her hands on her hips - she wore a long skirt and nothing underneath - and sprayed her own piss out across the snow leopard's muzzle, steadily moving back as her stream weakened until his nose pressed up against the warm flesh of her lips and the last drops of her piss rolled down along his tongue. Not that he was trying to catch them, of course.

Once more the snow leopard tugged on his bonds, lifting himself up a little. A glance down along his body past the matted and yellowed fur showed that recalling these thoughts had the same effect on him as the original actions did: pink barbed flesh peeked out of the end of his plump sheath, glistening with both the moisture of his arousal and the remnants of the sheep who had doused that particular part of him. Honestly, the waiting was the worst part, since the warmth of the piss quickly dissipated in the cold air and just chilled him even deeper than before.

If only he'd thought to get a good drink from the river before setting out this morning... though, something told him his stomach and bladder would nevertheless soon be full. Even now, another ram sidled out of one of the nearby huts and stepped over, head held high.

This one stood both taller and wider than the others who had "visited" him, shoulders wide and faint ripples of muscle visible even beneath the thick curls of his wool. That wool served him well: he wore a loincloth of coarse undyed fabric and nothing else, though he did carry some things in his hand at his side. As he came closer, he lifted them up and let them run through his fingers: a sash and another loincloth.

Then, the large ram stopped in front of the snow leopard, the wide bulge of his hanging shaft coming about even with the captive's eyes, and close enough that he thought he could feel the heat radiating off of it. He held the pieces of clothing up in front of the leopard's moss-green eyes.

"These are yours, yes?"

The leopard swallowed - and squirmed yet again as this caused the dry taste of piss to roll down his throat. The morning mark had a tendency to be the heaviest: before that first ewe came another ram, this one with short horns that barely pierced through the wool atop his head. That_one hadn't rolled his foreskin back, instead choosing to let the yellow stream out through the overhang of skin - and this snow leopard parted his lips to get a little taste of the mark, just for his own pleasure. However, the sharp salty tang quickly overpowered him, and he closed his mouth and eyes to receive the mark however that sheep intended... and yet he could _still taste that particular mark on the back of his throat.

One thing he had discovered in his short time tied to this post was that each of these sheep, ram or ewe, had a different taste. Embarrassed (and frustrated) as he was, he couldn't help but wonder about _this_ram's taste. His eyes remained focused on the clear outline of that shaft.

"Yes," he answered, a little shakily. Even at this distance, even with so many different spices of urine soaked into his fur and the morning musk of this large ram before him, the leopard could still faintly pick up his own scent on the rags.

"Mm." The hand holding that clothing came down to the ram's front and swiped his own loincloth to the side, bringing into view his suitably impressive length. Thick, meaty, uncut like all the other males who had come by, though this one's skin only covered most of his head. The tip, flesh pink and soft, remained uncovered - save for when he idly rolled that supple foreskin forward and then back... forward and back with ease. The scent of it wafted against the leopard's nose every time, only making him squirm a little more. "And your name?"

He swallowed, eyes remaining fixed on the shaft before him. "Kieran."

"You belong to us now, Kieran." The big ram switched hands, holding the leopard's clothing out in front while keeping his cock, foreskin forward, aimed with the other. Another moment... and then he, too, got to relieving himself, first with a few drops to the ground and then in a stronger stream directly against the cloth. "Hunter who can't catch his prey - what good is that out there? Doing us both a favor, really. We'll keep you fed, and - clearly - hydrated..."

Kieran watched as his garments quickly soaked through with the ram's piss, starting to hang down and drip liberally... and then - taking him a bit by surprise - the large male tossed the sopping clothing atop his captive's muzzle, heavy, warm, wet, rich with musky scent. He wasn't anywhere close to finished, though: his stream remained strong and full, and with his other hand now free, he reached forward and kept the leopard's muzzle in place in front of him.

Pale golden yellow as opposed to the rich amber of the others who had used him before; lighter scented (after all, it was all he could smell, what with this freshly-drenched cloth draped over his nose), less of a bite and edge to the taste. The ram didn't force him to keep his maw open, but still the snow leopard did, tongue hanging down out of his mouth to catch the stream in full. If he tilted his head back and pursed his lips forward, he could let the piss gather in his muzzle, hot and salty and bubbling faintly and-

-and the ram noticed, and closed the distance between slightly-uncovered head and waiting lips. His slick foreskin rolled back a little against those lips as he pushed forward, hand remaining tight behind round fluffy ears - all the while his piss continued to flow out and fill up the leopard's muzzle, giving him no choice but to swallow down again and again.

With each swallow the taste came stronger and stronger, hot dry spice overwhelming all of the others on his tongue just by sheer volume; Kieran glanced up at the muscled stomach directly above and in front of him, at the same time bringing that thick cock further into his muzzle. Stream remained strong and fast, the warmth and salt quickly washing over his tongue and filling his cheeks no matter how much he swallowed. Sizeable bladder, sizeable length... sizeable sack hanging beneath the base of that cock, plump and full. Were Kieran's paws not bound above his head, he might have reached forward and gotten a feel for it. Maybe he'd have to drain that as well.

Right as he thought he would lose control of the piss filling his muzzle and belly, the ram turned to the side and instead marked his already-soaked shoulder and chest - and in turn causing him to splutter and cough on his current mouthful. Swallowing the mark wasn't so hard; the lingering taste afterwards, the warmth bubbling in his stomach and slowly spreading through his body... Kieran tugged on the ropes again and straightened up, still fully aware of his own arousal as he leaned over to receive the ram's piss against the clothes still draped over his nose.

Another ewe, this one about as tall as his current 'patron', crunched towards them. She wore nothing but the wool on her body, as white as the snow blanketing the ground and the tops of the houses - and even that couldn't hide the wide curve of her breasts, full and heavy with nipples fresh pink, and a few more rows down along her chest and belly. Kieran swallowed as he looked her over, for a moment forgetting about the warmth coursing down his chest and only further soaking into the fur of his sheath and sack.

"Who's this?" the ewe said, reaching up to drape her hand over the ram's shoulder. Eyes blue like the midday sky, rarely seen at this latitude past the ever-present cover of smooth grey clouds, traced up and down the snow leopard's yellowed body - and remained focused at the twitching erection between his legs.

"Nobody worth worrying about." The ram angled his stream back to the snow leopard's lips, for which he lifted his muzzle... and then had to lean forward, as it finally started to weaken. Kieran could still taste that mark on every breath, even after he'd shaken the last of his drops into the snow between his feet. "Was a hunter. Now he's just good for being marked - let him know he's lower than the prey he tried to catch."

The ewe licked her lips and took a step forward - and just as Kieran started to lean forward to nuzzle up between her legs (that _had_to be what she wanted, right?), she knelt down and reached a hand out against the wet fur of his head to stopped him. He looked at her past the piss-soaked clothing across his muzzle.

"Well," she mused, and picked his loincloth off. She lifted it to her nose and, while still keeping those blue eyes on the leopard, took a deep drag of the scent - and then licked her lips and tossed it into the snow. "Someone - some_thing_, I should say - good enough for my brother's use is good enough for my own." Then she turned to the ram above him, at first paying no mind to his thick cock hanging down and dripping slowly right beside her muzzle. Kieran could see her nose twitching, however. "May I?"

The ram - her brother? - crossed his arms in front of his chest, making no move to cover himself up. He had stiffened up a little when he first slid into the snow leopard's muzzle, but had since had time to soften back up. "Go ahead. I'm sure he'd like to wear as many scents as as that fur can hold; just look at him..."

"Oh, it's a different need I'd like to relieve."

There was nothing Kieran could do other than squirm against his bonds as usual. This ewe, down on her knees, moved forward towards him - and just continued coming, until she straddled his thighs and grinned wn at him, the heat of her body joining the warmth of the piss soaked into his fur. If she lowered herself at all, the snow leopard could feel her slick, supple lips sliding down over the tip of his cock, just as wet with the ram's mark as the rest of his body... and causing him to groan and lift his hips up, just a little further into her.

A little breath worked its way out of her muzzle, then, as she continued to slowly lower herself down onto him, one arm draped forward across the leopard's soaked shoulder. The ram continued standing a little bit behind and to the side of them, arms still crossed in front of his chest, thick cock starting to twitch and stir gently with watching his sister ride this poor captive - until she reached back with her other hand, and lifted that length up. Its girth filled the palm of her hand, and the last of his clinging drops of piss rolled down through her curly white wool. Kieran raised his eyebrows, but said nothing: the feeling of slick, moist flesh squeezing down along his hard length kept his words buried beneath little noises of pleasure.

"Damn..." the ewe breathed, still sliding further down onto the snow leopard. He could feel each of her little clenches and twitches, only making him buck upward and throb again and again; it didn't seem to bother her at all that the mark in his fur had started to soak into her_wool. Part of him wondered if she actually _liked it... and then, that part was silenced: she lifted her wrist to her mouth, sucked off the small drops of her brother's pale gold piss, and then leaned over to lick the rest off of his cock. "If only I'd woken up half a minute earlier. Good thing I caught you before you left, though... you can help me out, brother."

A small chuckle pulsed through his body. Now, Kieran couldn't take his eyes off the way the ewe worked against the end of her brother's cock, slipping that tongue beneath the slick foreskin and squeezing her lips on the slowly-growing head and length, all the while maintaining eye contact with him above her.

"Yeah?" he replied, the relief of his freshly-emptied bladder (and growing arousal) plain on his voice. "What - just gonna have me stand here and let you do your thing?"

The ewe turned back to Kieran, though continued to squeeze and stroke the ram's slowly-growing cock in one hand. "Just like usual. As for you, little kitten..." Here she leaned in close enough that his whiskers twitched against her tense breath, faintly scented with the same piss that coated the back of his own tongue. "I bet you get cold, huh? Nice and warm and wet and then... cold, once that warmth goes away..."

The snow leopard's ears perked upright and his tail slapped against the wooden post to which he was tied. As this ewe churned her hips on him, her rump pressing down against his thighs as she sank fully down onto his length, she leaned forward and - and pressed her muzzle against his piss-soaked fur, first taking in another deep breath of the myriad smells there. A shiver coursed down through her back, her arm tightened around his shoulder, she let out that breath in a low shuddering moan, she squeezed around his cock... and then she dragged her tongue up through the yellowed fur, face briefly scrunching up with the taste but then turning to one of raw enjoyment.

And, then, she stopped holding back. After that one nuzzle and lick, she pulled herself up until only the little barbs of Kieran's head remained between her lips, and then promptly sank back down onto him - and did so again, and again, and again. Her other hand worked in the same rhythm along her brother's length, rolling his foreskin back and forth as he continued to harden up beneath her fingers and push his hips forward... and Kieran could only squirm against his bonds, thrust gently upwards, and watch.

Not that he was complaining too much. It's just that - the force with which she rode against him, grinding forward and down onto his cock, made his thighs hurt a little. Of course she didn't notice, however, with those blue eyes of her squeezed shut, her jaw hanging open. She continued to tilt her muzzle back towards her shoulder, just to lift her nose up underneath the hanging tip of her brother's cock as it stiffened up.

Kieran's eyes made their way up to that ram - the ram with the large, curved horns; with the muscle-contoured stomach; with the thick uncut cock - his foreskin had naturally rolled all the way back now that he throbbed at his full size, though slid sleekly forward with his sister's hand; and with the bladder that had just recently transferred almost all of its contents into the snow leopard's belly.

The pressure and rhythm of having this very much in-shape ewe grind down into his lap and pull back up, again and again, caused the leopard's bound wrists to tug on the rope until it creaked against the post behind him. He dragged in breath after breath, only to have this breath repeatedly pulled out of him in a sweet, low moan: her slick, wet heat was a welcome change from the icy chill of the day, magnified by his soaked fur. He swallowed, but could not keep his mouth closed: his lower jaw hung open, breaths coming on through his nose under the soaked sash still over his muzzle, and puffing out into the cold air past parted lips.

She didn't even look at him, though, as she used him for her pleasure. Instead, her blue eyes remained fixed on her brother's thick cock in front of her muzzle, tongue tracing over the ridged rim of his foreskin again and again and drawing out the little beads and drips of slick pre.

This ram gave another little buck forward when the ewe's lips and tongue settled back against him, but this time, she didn't stop there: as she rode Kieran she dove further down on her brother's hard cock, tongue keeping him slick with saliva and tight lips rolling smoothly over his skin. Her chest rose and fell, rose and fell with uneven impatient breaths, and at one point, she unhooked her other arm from around Kieran's shoulder and rubbed a pair of fingers against herself, right above where the snow leopard's length sank up into her.

At one point Kieran made a quarter-second of eye contact with the big ram, and then just as quickly averted his gaze... and instead focused on the ewe bouncing in his lap, full breasts mirroring that motion as she continued to take his full length, roll her hips forward - it was _that_that made his breath catch in his throat, every time - and then pull back up to his barbed tip and repeat, over and over.

Her brother had taken a step to the side and forward to make it easier for her to bob along his length at the same time, and had gotten to stroking himself as well, one hand running along what of his length remained out of her muzzle while his other remained on the back of her head. Just like it had been when Kieran drank down his mark.

With every press down into his lap, every new scent ground into his fur, every dripping cock tapped against his lips or pair of legs spread around his muzzle, Kieran could feel himself rise closer and closer to the edge of his climax. No telling how long this ewe would go on, though: at one point she shuddered all over, sucked in a shaky breath through her nose, and pressed firmly down onto the leopard and squirted her own orgasm out across his already-soaked stomach... but then got right back to riding him fast and hard.

She moved her muzzle back to swirl her tongue beneath the rim of her brother's foreskin, and he just continued working at himself, his stroking causing that slick skin to touch against her tongue, bunch up a little at first, and then roll up over it - until he, too, tensed up. His hand tightened on her head, his entire body stiffened, the veins along his cock stood out-

The ewe kept her tongue braced against the underside of his head with her mouth stretched open, as steady as she could keep it while slapping her hips into Kieran's lap. One more breath, and then - a thick white rope of her brother's cum across one side of her muzzle; a second to her lips and nose; a third, fourth, and fifth streaking out over her waiting tongue, each with less speed and force than the one before.

That done, the ram let his cock hang against her tongue as he caught his breath... and then let it go again. After she swallowed down the load he had given her, she closed her lips on the end of his drooling head and suckled the rest out - and then shuddered again, tensed up, and wetted Kieran's belly again with the juice of her second peak, warm as everything else that had been emptied onto him so far.

As it went, it was this last clench around him that finally pushed him over the edge, too, scents of sharp piss, female arousal, uncut cock, and smooth cum rich in his nose. Of course there was little that the snow leopard could do: he clenched his paws, he gritted his teeth, he bucked his hips up with enough force to lift teh ewe up off the ground a little, and then - breathed out a series of shuddering moans, each with another spurt deep into her.

Her satisfaction could clearly be seen on her face. Without rising off of him, she picked the remaining soaked sash off of his muzzle - he'd actually forgotten about that, even with the tang of the ram's piss on every inhalation. With time the heat of it had left, quite apparent when the ewe pressed it down between her legs to the base of Kieran's length still buried in her... but it didn't remain cold for long. Once more he squirmed against his bonds as the moisture and warmth of her emptied bladder spread through the cloth and dripped down his fur, joining the settled pool beneath him.

"You're spoiling him," the ram grumbled, crossing his arms in front of his chest again. Still he did not cover himself back up with his loincloth - not that anybody seemed to mind. Kieran hadn't noticed, but now he could see some of the other sheep peering through the windows of their houses at the scene, and some that had stopped outside to get a better look. One of them was the ewe that had bent over in front of him and grinded herself against his muzzle earlier this morning; she worked a couple of fingers up between her legs, her unsteady breath repeatedly rising up into the air in clouds of hot mist.

"Well..." This time when the ewe churned her hips, a tense yelp worked its way out of the snow leopard's mouth. Her grin widened. "It's only fair. We drain ourselves, and - I drain him. Yes? I think I'll... wait until I can milk him again. Or..." She lifted the freshly drenched-again cloth to her nose and held it there for a moment, her blue eyes drifting shut. Another shudder rippled through her body. "He'll have to empty his bladder at sometime, won't he, brother? I know you: you gave him a hell of a drink. Would be a bit of a waste for all of that to just end up in his fur instead of... in another belly, wouldn't you think?"

There was only pleasure glittering in those blue eyes of hers. Kieran licked his lips, swallowed again, and risked a nod of assent. The big ram shook his head; the slightly-smaller ewe, too, flicked her tongue out over his lips.

If this was punishment, then - the snow leopard figured he should have gotten caught sooner.