Holiday fun

Story by Mattydb on SoFurry

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 This is to Holiday Lurker however when commenting be nice and give criticism if it's something bad like misused punctuation or somewhere needs to be tell me nicely like say something like good story overall but bad punctuation dont be rude please or ill just tell my stories to other yiffers to write because I have good ideas but bad writing, and now on with the show.

 Cam awoke when the alarm went off, it was eight pm and he didn't really want to get up for work. Dave walked in with a plate of spagetti, and Cam loved Italian food he knew the smell anywhere. Dave chuckled as Cam grabbed the plate and scarfed it down. Dave said, "You're welcome love but next time don't eat so fast you will get a bad stomach ache" Cam took the napkin he had and wiped his maw of excess sauce. He got up and walked over to the trash can and threw away the napkin, He noticed Dave get closer and so he turned around and did a surprise kiss to the unexpecting wolf. Cam murred into the kiss and Dave moaned. They stopped kissing what seemed like an eternity to them. The clock read 8:05 and Cam sighed, knowing he had to go to work. Cam grabbed some clothes from the dirty pile and he started buttoning up his shirt when he had to stop because a familiar hand started rubbing at his chest. Cam moaned but pushed the hand away and finished dressing. Dave said, "You're no fun love... you don't need any clothes with me" Cam just stuck his tongue out as he was getting his pants on. Dave said, " Better be careful before a cat swipes it or a certain wolf you know "Cam just chuckled, and stuck his tongue back out. Dave grabbed it and laughed. They started heading to the car when they were stopped by their neighbor, Mr. Stepensteim came out and greeted them. Dave said, "Not now Mr. Stepensteim we have to go get this fine fox to work" Dave noticed the disgusted look on the bear's face as he was walking away, They got in the car and drove off. ###   The car got to the club around 9:15 and Cam was fifteen minutes late. Cam looked at Dave kissed him and said, "Bye love you can go now" Dave gave him a confused look and stayed put in the car. Cam started walking and got to the door of the club when his boss Mr. Reginald stood there, and Cam fell to the floor a second later. Cam said, "Sorry I am late Mr. Reginald it won't happen again". ###   Mr. Reginald said, "That isn't good enough you dumb fox you will pay for your third lateness" he punched towards Cam, and he fell down even harder and hit his back on the ground with a thud. Dave put the car into park, and turned it off and ran to his foxes side. He lifted him up rubbed the dirt off him and hit Mr. Reginald straight in the face, ###  Dave said, "No one touches my fox that way espiecally some large stupid ursine like you" Mr. Reginald looked at him then lifted him off the ground, and threw him hard hitting head first into the dumpster. Mr. Reginald laughed and started heading inside when Cam charged him and he fell to the floor this time it was Cam's turn to furiously attack his boss. Mr. Reginald laughed barely being hurt and pushed him off and played role reversal. ###     Mr. Reginald said, "Don't try me fox your my best slut in this club I won't fire you but my dirty acts will make you wish you were" Cam sighed and just put his ears back in a submissive manner. Dave came out of the dumpster at that time and noticed his fox under the rather large bear and he got out and pushed the bear off. Mr Reginald laughed and said, "Ok he isn't fired even at all the trouble you guys given me but hes my little slave and  I can do as I please" Cam shuttered at what his boss just said. Cam started crying and punched Dave and just went to the car. Mr. Reginald walked over to him before he reached the door and stopped him. He said, " Were do you think you're going you are mine for the night you little slut". Cam just whimpered and followed Reginald to his office. ###      Dave came rushing in in the middle of Cam sucking off Mr. Reginald, and he said, " Get off my boyfriend you dirty old bastard" He grabbed cam and pulled him away. Cam accidently scraped his teeth against the ursine's member and Mr. Reginald screamed. Dave laughed and said, " You deserved that and by the way he quits" Cam looked up at Dave and cried. They left the club and a few of his friends knew what had happened. They came over and comforted him. They knew that Mr. R knew the submissive side of foxes and loved to do more things then one. They looked at Dave and after a few minutes of hugging and saying their goodbyes they let them take off. ###    They got to the house around eleven and Cam was already sleeping as they pulled into the driveway. Dave didn't want to wake Cam but knew it would be very unwise to sleep in the car. He lightly shook Cam and said, " Wake up hun were home" Cam woke up slowly and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. They walked inside and went to the sofa in the living room and just crashed for the night. ###   The morning came pretty fast it seemed and Cam awoke. He tried not to wake Dave but failed miserably. Dave squirmed just a bit before going back to sleep, He tossed and turned for a few minutes before finally going back to sleep. Cam chuckled as he watched his wolf, he went to the kitchen and started cooking. He made all of Dave's favorites by the time he was done. He had made Bacon, Eggs, Sausage, Ham, Steak, and added pancakes. ###   Dave woke up after smelling his favorite foods. He noticed Cam was sitting on him, Cam said, " Merry christmas hun here is your breakfast but remember for dinner we have our families coming over". Dave just sighed, but he just sat there for a quick second before thinking what that will be like. He figured it was best not to wonder and ate his food. Cam was already in the kitchen finishing the dinner he needed to make. Dave heard a thud that came from the kitchen, He rushed as fast as he could to find his fox covered in flour. Dave just chuckled and Cam glared at him. Cam said, " Well don't just stand there help me up and get this crap off me" Dave laughed at this point and Cam said, " Fine don't help me up" Dave knew he was getting irritated so he went to help and just kept his maw shut. ###    After they cleaned up the mess Dave asked, " Komt honing wanneer onze families vanavond aan"? Cam looked at him surprised, Dave said, " I learned some dutch since you have been away" Cam smiled and just started to walk away. Dave caught up to him and said, "Was u denk dat u lief gaat"? Cam looked at him and sighed. ###  Cam said, " To awnser your first question our families are coming over at eight and to the second im going to clean myself because I have flour in all the wrong spots". Dave laughed and walked back into the living room to watch tv. Cam sighed heavy and thought to himself. He just shrugged it off as he walked to the bathroom to take a shower. ###   Dave started skipping through channels as he normally does when he found the mom song and heard some lyrics.Get up now Get up now Get up out of bed Wash your face Brush your teeth Comb your sleepy head Here's your clothes And your shoes Hear the words I said Get up now Get up and make your bed Are you hot? Are you cold? Are you wearing that? Where's your books and your lunch and your homework at? Grab your coat and your gloves and your scarf and hat Don't forget you gotta feed the cat ###  Dave laughed and yelled for Cam to get down. Cam put a towel over him and ran downstairs. He saw Dave laughing at the tv and turned to it when he heard the other lyrics. Don't play rough Would you just play fair? Be polite Make a friend Don't forget to share Work it out Wait your turn Never take a dare Get along Don't make me come down there Clean your room Fold your clothes Put your stuff away Make your bed Do it now Do we have all day? Were you born in a barn? Would you like some hay Can you even hear a word I say? Answer the phone Get Off the phone Don't sit so close Turn it down No texting at the table No more computer time tonight Your iPod's my iPod if you don't listen up Where you going and with whom and what time do you think you're coming home? ###  Cam laughed and started humming with the song. When the song was over Cam asked, " Who sang that"? Dave just shrugged and rewound the channel so he could relisten to it. Cam smacked him upside the head, and said, "Did you forget we have to get ready for the dinner tonight"? Dave sighed and nodded. Cam laughed and went to finish his shower. ###  Dave finished the work Cam started and sighed, but was happy it was over. Cam came into the kitchen after Dave finished and Cam asked, " Did you finish the work"? Dave just nodded. Cam skipped over to Dave and kissed him. Cam broke the kiss and said, " Let's take a nap" and Dave agreed with a simple nod and they went to the bedroom. They got into the bed and took their nap. Cam's dream was very weird. He heard his mom yelling at him, " You're too old to act this way, It must be your father's DNA, Look at me when I am talking". Cam didn't know what it meant but he woke up with a shake. He noticed it was only an hour before the family was there and he needed to set the table cloth and the holiday plates and utensils. ###    The doorbell rang and Dave overheard it, He ran downstairs and went to awnser the door. He noticed that everyone had arrived. Cam came over and said, " Welcome everyone and sorry my house is a little dirty". The mothers laughed realizing he became what every wife says. He noticed his twelve year old brother and hugged him. Cam then said, " Whats that"? Daren looked down and was tapped on his nose by Cam. ###   Caren, Cam's mom said, " You're too old to act this way, It must be your father's DNA, Look at me when I am talking to you". Cam was starting to freak out and ran upstairs. Dave looked at his frantic boyfriend and looked at his family. Caren said, " Go see what's wrong we will be ok down here". Dave shook her hand and went upstairs. ###   Dave noticed Cam still freaking out when he went over to him. Cam said, " I am ok just freaking out hun I think I can foresee the future". Dave looked at him and was a little concerned. Cam said, " Tell the family I will be right down and that I am fine" Dave nodded and left the room. ###   That is my story and if you would like to comment please be a nice comment not rude and if its to criticise i would love it so i know what to look for.

Coming clean

This will be a story progession for a little holiday fun lots of surprises to come. ### The alarm went off and I quickly shut it off, The time was five a.m. I heard my phone go off, I let it ring two times and then awnsered. The ringtone I Died in...

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The Holiday Lurker

Contains m/m rape and happy ending so please read on if you would like to and if you are under 18 reading this don't get caught. ### Â Â Hi my name is cam, I am a reddish-Orange fox who lives in New york. You think my life may be a...

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friends or more?

###    The alarm rang at five am and I was very tired. You could see my hesitation in getting up. I hit the alarm on the desk and rubbed my eyes. My name is Sasumi and I am a Orange reddish fox with an ordinary life. I woke up...

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