Cat Burglar

Story by Zeeb on SoFurry

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Click 'Perfect!' The balcony door swung open without a sound. Slender black claws eased it fully open and then closed it just as quietly. Soft moonlight spilled through the small panes of glass, illuminating the room beyond and casting a long shadow across the carpeted floor. Isis padded lightly into the condominium and looked over everything inside. There were plenty of nice things here. Plasma TV, Stereo with surround sound, two game systems a worn in brown leather couch with remote control resting on the arm. A bunch of different items attracted Isis's gaze, but she knew that, with the height of ten stories under her paws, nothing too big could be taken. Smaller things like that painting on the wall and the contents of the cabinet she spied in the next room containing swords, all of those would do rather nicely. There were small valuables littering ground and furniture in the condo, plenty of which could be placed in her bag and whisked away without trouble. 'So much to choose from,' Isis thought eagerly, 'I'm sure whoever lives here won't mind if I help myself to a couple things.'

The feline got to work. Valuables from each room were systematically grabbed, examined and either placed in the sac or back on the shelf or counter. Electronics, jewelry, common goods and shiny trinkets. They all found their way into Isis's black paws for examination. Isis was a black cat. If it wasn't obvious enough already, she was also a burglar! One of the few active cat burglars in the city. Her job was easy enough and there were always little perks to playing the burglar game. She went 'hunting' every night and came home with goodies to spare. It was so easy sometimes that she even got bored once in a while. The moonlight cast shadows on every surface of the condo as she padded silently from place to place, stealing objects and placing them into her bag with equal silence and delight. It wasn't until she spotted a nice looking piece of art that Isis believed she'd get a decent haul. Whoever lived here wasn't much for expensive or shiny things smaller then her paw, but that changed quickly as she looked at the red marble sculpture, sat on a simple black pedestal in the corner. Marble always fetched good prices to collectors and she knew a couple would enjoy the style this one had. Isis slipped across the room so quietly she might have appeared as a black furred ghost instead of a feline. She had it in her paws in seconds without any kind of trouble. She turned to go, delighted to find such a nice little item to sell and gaze into the next room. And dropped the sculpture. The noise was deafening! As quiet as she'd been, the moment she looked into the next room, a meep escaped her lips, followed quickly by the nasty shattering of stone. The carpet did nothing to soften the impact since she'd left it behind in the other room. Hard red marble spilled over the floor like broken glass, sending shards and dull slivers across the hardwood floor. 'Don't move! Maybe they won't wake up. You've gotten lucky before, so be quiet and stay still!' Isis thought quickly. She didn't move, instantly imitating the statue she had held moments before, now in pieces all over the floor. The owner's bed lay right in the next room, with the owner sleeping in it! Isis cursed herself for not being careful enough to hear him breathing in the silence, but then began to relax. If he was going to wake up he'd have done it already. That was a loud noise that few could sleep through. Isis breathed a quiet sigh of relief, realizing her luck had prevailed again and given her a heavy sleeper instead of an owner with a baseball bat. Isis relaxed and popped her neck before blinking. Curiosity, one of the felines best and worst attributes, suddenly got the best of her. With the moonlight shining into the bedroom and across the sleeping creature under its blankets, she could make out a shape under the covers. A human? Isis stopped and examined the scene before her.

It was a human alright. A male with curly black hair. He was fast asleep, snoring every so lightly. Isis pondered for a moment before turning her eyes across the bedroom around her. Isis thought about snatching some from this room as well, but paused when something caught her eye. A container of Ambien sat on the nightstand, half empty. Isis padded to the foot of his bed and spied the abandoned cap on the floor. 'Looks like someone isn't waking up anytime soon!' The human shifted then. He moved onto his back beneath the thin blanket and the sight made Isis gasp, barely stifling a giggle. Her 'host' was propping a tent! A soft moan escaped his lips he wriggled around until he was comfortable once again. Isis thought 'He must have been having a rather good dream...' Then another thought popped into her head. Isis wasn't one to cause extra trouble when she could help it. Her main tactic for encountering an owner when she did her job was to cut and run and it was a perfectly sound technique. However, her curiosity had once again gotten the better of her. She flexed her claws and licked her lips. Isis grabbed the blanket between her claws and pulled them away from the sleeping human. She had to stifle an even bigger giggle when she spied his erection. The man, though quite asleep, was sporting a solid hard-on. Her eyes locked onto it for a long time, seeing it throb and pulse with a life of its own. Isis swallowed and pushed her eyes across the rest of his body as well. She examined him from the foot of the bed and, strangely, liked what she saw! She wasn't a human lover by any means. A good male feline, or even female, was enough to sate her desires most of the time. Occasionally she'd grab a canine and yiff for a while too. But she'd never had a human before, never had the chance. Usually she was too busy robbing their homes to take notice. Now, however, Isis suddenly wanted to learn more about the slumbering human before her. From what she could see, he was well developed. The muscles adorning his frame were solid, but very lean. The kind of build a swimmer usually developed after years in the pool. He was toned and had a flat tummy and nice strong looking arms. His legs were nice too, even though his skin was visible under a layer of curly dark hair that matched his scalp. Then there was his manhood. Isis couldn't help but smile. She estimated him to be around seven inches and sturdy. Isis figured three fingers in width matched his girth. Surprisingly, not a single hair covered his genitals! She looked at his cock, head tilted at the curious sight of a hairless crotch. All the pink, soft skin covering his impressive rod and sac just beneath seemed slightly out of place without a bunch of hair to go with it. "Alright Isis." She said whispered to herself, sure that he wouldn't hear her, "What are we thinking here? You've broken in, found the owner, pulled back the covers, see he's naked and hard as a rock and...What? Are you really thinking about this?" To answer her own question, Isis smiled. Her white teeth shone brightly amid her glossy black fur in the moonlight before she reached for her shirt. Her claws slipped the material over her head without a sound. The black cargo pants followed next, then her bra and panties leaving Isis stood naked at the foot of the human's bed. She eyes him cautiously before bending down, setting a paw on the mattress. When he didn't wake she added the other one and half her weight. He still didn't wake. The feline finally slipped onto all fours with the human and crawled over his body, keeping him squarely under her. Isis couldn't help it when she got a much closer look at his penis. "Meow!" She whispered at the sight of it. His cock was hot, hard and begging for attention. Had she not seen the Nyquil, Isis would have suspected he knew she was there from the strength of his erection. She giggled, taking less care to be silent with the slumbering human. She bent low and let the head of his cock slip between her breasts, tickling the sensitive man flesh with her soft black fur. He moaned softly, but nothing more. Isis was free to do whatever she wanted. For a long time she stayed there on her paws and knees and simply stared at the man. Had he awoken he would have had quite a fright! A big pair of green slitted eyes roamed his face, drinking in every detail from his hair to his nose to his chin. Long black hair matching her coat shined in the moonlight as she inspect her sleeping specimen. Then she slipped further down and investigated his chest with a single claw. She lazily traced circles over each nipple and sternum, then leaned in and licked over his left pectoral. He tasted clean and, now that she was paying attention, smelled clean too. This guy was a rather nice specimen...'For a human.' Isis wondered why she was doing this. Why was she touching this male, examining him? Why was she naked on top of him, on his bed, in his home, without him knowing? A good question, but she already knew the answer. Cocking an eyebrow and looking at his lidded eyes, Isis shivered at the taboo pleasure of watching him sleep, totally unaware that he was being straddled by a drop dead gorgeous feline. Taking this guy in his sleep was almost like stealing from him, but way more fun! A new smile crept over Isis's lips. Her tail curled itself around his erection. She guided her body on top of his, letting her full weight register on his frame. He shifted, moaned, and stayed deeply asleep. Oh, this was going to be fun! Isis brought two claws to her lips and licked each, then slipped both of them between her legs. She ran the saliva over her the lips of her sex, moistening up the entrance to her body. Isis shuddered as she brushed over her budding clit, sending a shock up her back. Isis moaned and closed her eyes, now confident he wasn't going to wake up. With Isis straddling his chest and her tail around the man's erection, she began to play with herself. Each of her two claws pleasured the pink lips of her cunny, getting them nice and slick. She felt her core warm up, spreading heat through her body and limbs. She lifted her paw and licked each finger again, slathering them with saliva and reached down to press them against her sex. This soft pink lips, surrounded by jet black fur, resisted her weakly before collapsing. Isis pushed her fingers inside, clenching around them as they tickled her sensitive walls. She moaned again, arching her back and breasts into the air above the sleeping human. Isis pumped those two digits in and out of her pussy for a few minutes, enjoying the naughty sight of her juicy cunt rubbing against his naked chest and smearing her fluids across his flesh. Oh, she was being so bad! Once she was good and ready, her pussy tingling and hot, she moved into her knees with his cock trapped between her legs. The swollen head pressed against her cunt as she removed her tail, forcing her to purr excitedly. Isis crossed her arms behind her head and let gravity do its job. The sound of her lips parting in the pale, moonlit darkness, was like music in her ears. She moaned in glee at the heat of his cock and pressed herself onto him, stretching wide around the impressive tool. Isis didn't stop, didn't open her eyes, and didn't regret this decision for an instant as she impaled herself. She felt the full girth of him when she settled around the base of his cock, hilting his rod in her sex until she rubbed her swollen lips against his hairless crotch. Isis sighed, deeply satisfied with the sensation of this man's cock inside her pussy. She felt him throb, pulse, his heartbeat registering against her clutching vaginal canal. She loved it! Isis opened her eyes, still amazed that he was sleeping, but didn't care. Her target was pleasure and she aimed to please. She tensed her legs and lifted until he nearly popped out. She could tell he was slick with her juices now as she slipped down to the hilt again, much less resistance encumbering her this time."Nnngh, that feels so good!" She said quietly before raising up and slipping back down again. The wet slurp of her pussy brought a smile to her muzzle. Now she was having some real fun! She kept the pace slow and assumed a steady rhythm. Up, down, up down, just taking her time, no need to rush. Isis kept herself under control and bounced on the man's penis over and over, slowly increasing her speed every minute or so. She brought her claws down and cupper her breasts, biting her lip as the tip pinched and teased each sensitive nipple until they hardened. "Oh yeah...nice and easy." She moaned in delight. Isis rode him twenty. Full. Minutes. Each stroke on his cock sent shudders through her body and eyes a flutter. She moaned openly, getting louder with each plummet onto his cock, abandoning caution for ever increasing pleasure. She bounced eagerly on his cock, wondering for a split second what it would feel like to have him cum right this very second. Isis only had a moment before a tingling in her loins caught her attention. Oh, Goddess she was getting close! The black feline picked up the pace, appeasing her body's desires. This was so good, felt so fantastic! How could she want this to end? Maybe she could try this again sometime? Isis smiled at the idea but left it aside when she gasped. Her vaginal walls were starting to twitch! Isis was getting REALLY close! All at once Isis let go of her inhibitions and pounded the human straddled beneath her! She slammed her hips up and down and up and down, faster and harder and harder until the wet squelch of their sexes and smacking thighs filled the room. The entire time she moaned, grasping at her chest and mewling in delight as she brought herself to the cusp of orgasm. "Oh...y-yes...just...a...little...more!" She moaned hotly between desperate gasps. Isis fucked her human lover harder and harder. Her claws left her breasts and planted instead on his chest to ride him like a pony. She felt it coming, reaching from inside her body to grab her senses and heighten them. Isis reached her climax amid frantic gasps of "Yes!...Yes!...Yes!...YES!...YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!" All at once Isis twitched and mrowled uncontrollably. Her body spasmed and clamped down on the sleeping human, face tight with concentration as the orgasm crashed into her like a tidal wave against a solitary beach stone. She felt her pussy lock onto him and ripples massage his cock, coaxing the seed hidden in his balls to erupt inside her. And erupt it did! The human groaned and arched, forcing his cock as deeply as it could go before he came. His cock throbbed once, twice, and then exploded! Rope after rope after rope of hot, white cum painted her walls until she screamed in ecstasy, overcome not by one, but two orgasms! Isis came so hard she saw stars swirling in her vision. The white waves of pleasure washing over her were the best she'd ever had! Not a single male had made her cum so hard, let alone twice at once. Her body convulsed wildly and she gasped for air as if she'd run a marathon. So much pleasure threatened to overwhelm her, push her into unconsciousness right beside the sleeping human. Isis was sorely tempted to do that as she came off her apex, but knew it was a bad idea. She settled back, letting his cock pump the last of his sticky cum into her pussy, watching it ooze from between their sexes and drip between their thighs on to the bed. Staying on top, his cock buried inside her, Isis enjoyed his warmth while it lasted. Eventually the human's shaft softened and he slipped out wetly, leaving her pussy to drool fluids and cum from both of them. That was, single handedly, the best sex she had ever experienced and, as Isis lifted herself off the human, she kissed him deeply on the lips. "Thanks honey. I hope you enjoyed it too." Isis grabbed her clothes and slipped into the bathroom. She took a five minute shower under the same hot water he'd probably used earlier and washed away the sweat, fluids and cum from her body. She took her time drying her hair once she stepped out, along with the rest of her fur. When she was spotless once again she tossed the towels into the hamper and got dressed. Five minutes later she was standing over the human with his wallet in her claws. All the other items in the house had been returned to their proper places and now she simply held his I.D. between her claws. "Hmm...Well Toby. I think I'm going to hang onto this for a while." Isis murmured with a smirk. Without another word she closed the wallet, placed the I.D. in her pocket and turned away. She slipped out the same way she'd entered: without a sound. There was no sign that she'd even come into his condo. Perfectly spotless. Toby groaned, feeling his senses return to him slowly. The morning light shone bright through his window, flooding the room with warm sunshine. He stretched, got out of bed and brushed his teeth. He took a shower too since there was a funky smell that kept reaching his nose. He didn't notice the strands of hair being washed away beneath his feat. The human left the bathroom soon after and got dressed. He was about to go get breakfast when something caught his eye.

On the table lay a pink sticky note. There was writing on it. As Toby walked over and picked it up, he read what was written in elegant, flowing script. Hello Sexy,

I had a good time with you last night. I might have to drop in and steal another session in the future. Don't worry, next time you might be lucky enough to wake up. Just your friendly neighborhood cat burglar saying "hello."

Sincerely, Isis

Two Diamonds in the rough.

This is my first story. All characters are mine etc. all the normal rules yadda yadda. I hope you enjoy it! Based on an encounter on SL! -AFfurre] The Phat Cat Jazz Club was very busy tonight. The owners had gone through a lot of extra trouble to make...

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