a devil scar

Story by kid of chaos on SoFurry

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#11 of strags adventures

As I neared the tree springs I sensed something. Something... wrong. I landed by a row of trees stretching as far as the eye can see.

‘Something is not right here' I thought.

‘Just be careful' fira pleaded

‘When haven't I?' I replied

‘First time you met devil.' Bahumat said quite quickly

‘Hey. It not my fault he was holding back. Then that made me cocky.' I thought loudly at him. I placed my paw onto a tree and whispered "force of the forest" the trees started to move slowly and when there was big enough gap I went though only to be met by a face I didn't want to see.

"Well, well, well. Look how decided to show up." A dark figure said leaning against a tree to my right with its sword by it side.

"It's good to see you got EVEN uglier, devil." I taunted and he picked up the sword and lunged at me. I just stepped forwards to miss the shining metal. "Now, now. Let's not rush into battle. Question, where is darkus?"

"he is at the most peaceful place in tall plains" devil replied.

"But this- oh. Since your here this place isn't peaceful."

"Well done. Do you want a medal?"


"by the way, how is that Pathic lapras of yours doing?" he asked

"alive and kicking"

"But how, we killed it."

"didn't the demons see the rings it had on it flippers? They are called phoenix down rings. By killing the wearer, it breaks and gives the wearer 1hp but they are knock-out though."


"shall we?" I asked making my sword appear and crouching down low with one hind paw straight out to the side with the other paw bent and my left forepaw on the ground with my right paw with sword straight out the side.

Devil picked up his sword and placed it against his forehead the blunt edge on his forehead. He dashed forward and I leapt forwards. Our sword met with a clash and we struggle to beat the other. I put a paw behind my back and made a small chakram (a round weapon with spikes around the edges and a cross in the middle to hold it with (a weapon used by axel in kingdom hearts)). I brought it round and slashed devil's side and he weaken his push causing me to push him away.

"Weapons master, weapons master this is legend" I whispered into my COM link while devil was picking himself up. But there was no reply, only static.

" don't think about calling your friends because I put up a commutation dome around this area." He laughed

"so that what I felt."

"Correct. So it just you and me." I got back into my battle pose now with my left hand with my (just grown) chakram in the air. He got into his and I threw my chakram at him and my chakram spun in the air.

"Ignite!" I shouted and the ends of the spike on the chakram lit up with fire. He lowered his sword to block it. While devil was putting up with that I leapt into the air and onto a tree above him making no noise at all.

Devil push the chakram away and the fires stopped he looked around.

"Where did he go?" he asked angrily. I jumped down with my sword held high and slashed downwards at his back.

"never turn your back to your opponent," I whispered in his ear before slashing sideways making a side slash on his back and sending him into a tree. He got up and I called my chakram back only to make it disappear leaving me with my trusty sword. I stomped on the ground and a earth pillar shot up from under devil sending him into the air. I jumped up to meet him.

When I was level with him, I started to attack. I first when up a bit then straight forwards and did this in different directions until there was a mark similar to this: *. When I finished making the mark, I when about 5cm from devil above the centre of the mark. I plummeted downwards and when though devil, leaving my sword in the centre of the mark. I felt a pulling force which tried to pull me in the direction to devil's hand but I ignored it. I landed on the ground (which was about 2-3 metres away) and got into a kneeling position. As I started to get up, my sword exploded which sent devil flying to the same tree he crashed into before which cased the tree to fall, just barely missing him.

When I was standing, I raised my right arm into the air and my sword came to my hand without a scratch on it from the explosion. Devil got up and started to fade away.

"that was weak. I'll have no problem defeating you." He smirked

"come on. You didn't defeat me this time. Did you?" I asked

"no. Because I didn't use the power of the three key crystals." He relied which made my face look shocked.

"The-! YOU GOT THE CRYSTALS?!?!?!?!?!?!" I shouted but it was too late. Devil was gone, but not for good.

As I made my sword disappear, my COM link went off.

"Legend, legend, this is weapons master, do you read me?" came a panicked voice

"Loud and clear." I relied.

"Good. A group of dragons have ganged up on cynder and they have knock out spyro. You clone has disappeared and we are dealing with a group of demons at the moment. oh and the guardians have gone to a secret dragon village"

"k. You handle the demons, I got the dragons." I relied angrily. As if I can't get more angry, actually, I can and I was about to unleash it on the group who have attacked cynder. I teleport straight away.


I appeared in the middle of cynder and a group of 8 dragons. 2 fire, 2 ice, 2 earth and 2 electric dragons. As I appeared, a fireball was fired and it hit me instead of cynder and I didn't have a happy look on my face. Some of the fire from the attack attached to my scales over my neck, elbows and knees.

"aw look. Miss darkness got a protector." Mocked an ice dragon.

"‘please, save me from these awful dragon.'" Said a electric dragon trying to do cynder voice.

"oh. Thank you." Whispered cynder and I turned to her

"no sweat. I was just looking for lunch." I said back to her and turned back to the dragons. A crowd was quickly developing.

"Ooooh. I'm SO scared" mocked the other ice dragon

"hay man, your fire has stayed on him for some time now." Whispered the other fire dragon to the dragon that shot the fireball.

"Cool." He said in awe. The flames on me suddenly roared and I dashed forwards quite fast.

"ancestors he fast!" yelled a earth dragon and I struck the two fire dragons. The fire dragons got down on their knees.

"I see. Let's see how well you do against ice!" shouted both the ice dragon s and they shot ice spikes that merged together to form a massive spike.

"there is no way that he can survive the ice brothers merge spike. If that hits, he dead." Exclaimed a crowd member. A grin appeared on my face.

The ice spike hit my chest hard but I barely move one inch. I ripped the spike out of my chest and everyone gasped. At this time, spyro began to stir but not awaking.

"MY ANCESTORS! He should be dead!" yelled the fire dragons slowly recovering.

"I die hard." I said. I crushed the spike in my hand and the flames on me die out.

"I think I know how to beat him." Whispered a earth dragon and the other earth dragon and the electric dragon got into a huddle. "I think we have to use thundering boulder."

"great idea. If someone, barely, stands up to the ice spike, then they can stand up against thundering boulder." Cheered the other earth dragon. The dragons broke the huddle and the two earth dragons formed a merged earth boulder, then the two electric dragons shot electricity at it. Now it was a live wire.

"please. Give me a challenge." I mocked and the boulder set off only to be raised into the air by a earth pillar and destroy when it slammed into the ceiling. This time spyro awake and saw me fighting.

"St-st-strag?" he moaned and slowly got up only to be tackled by cynder. Everyone looked shocked.

"he strag?! The legendary dragon?!" exclaimed everyone.

"yes." I answered and the gang of dragons crawled to my feet.

"we're sorry. We didn't mean to. We thought cynder was evil and so was spyro because he tried to protect her." Cried the dragons.

"now. I'll let you off with a physical warning. Stand up." I ordered and they followed. A brown sword with scars covering it appeared in my hand. I slashed down the left side of the dragons' faces just missing the eye, drawing blood. "now. Every day, you will a pain when I have hit you for a hour. This means a bit of a sentence will be marked by the scars. When it is done, it will say ‘I am weak. I was defeated by strag.' This pain will stop your whole body and it will happen at times you don't want it to happen. Like while you're fighting. Now begone!" and the dragons rushed off as fast as their legs will carry them.

I started to lose my balance.

"STRAG! Are you ok?" asked cynder as she and spyro came rushing to me.

"yeah. I used too much energy today." I replied panting hard.

"but that was a small fight." Spyro pitched in.

"but I battled devil today. I'll tell you when I get up. Night-night." I answered him as I disappeared and reappeared on my bed, fast asleep.

the dark arts

I thing before I start. I am FUCKING ANGRY today. \*\*\* A week past since malefor/colin became good and I was in the training room with my sword drawn and a floor of dummies at my feet. ...

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more thing to worry about

I closed my book and called the guardians and spyro in. "yes?" Cyril asked, I pointed to the screen. "but that can't be malefor, he is in that machine thing." Said a confused spyro. " I know but that is malefor dark spirit. The machine is a power...

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eventful day

"great, warfang is under siege... again." I moaned. Just then a call came though on my COM link. "strag, warfang is under siege... again." The voice moaned. "I would usually say ‘thank you' but not when a crow just came and gave me a note saying...

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