love from the office

Story by Angel the vampiric on SoFurry

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"Ladies and gentlemen i have a notice for you all this evening will be our annual office party" the room erupted into speech and murmours

"allright everbody i look forward to seeing you later" the tiger walked back into his office the sound of typeing and chatter filled the room, the elevator pinged and out walked an attractive lion his fur was aubern brown and his eyes were cerulian blue, his stride full of power and his shirt straining around his muscle, he walked past a couple of desks and stopped at on, he dropped a file onto it and smiled at the femm sat there.

"Hey Nat i need you to bring up this furs info for me apparently he's over four weeks late on rent and needs a lone" she looked at the file and opened it she was an attractive lioness with silky golden fur, she had attractive blonde hair, her eyes were a deep shade of amber, she wore a simple and seductive black work dress, she picked up the file and opened it typeing in his details into her computer she sighed

"tell him no he can't he isn't four weeks over he's four months and our policy states that nobody can apply for a loan if the person in question is over one month late sorry"

"no need to apologize to me Nat it's his fault not mine or yours.....anyway I was wondering whould you like to go to the party later with me, from what Chaz has told me it's gonna be allright this year?"

"I don't think I'll be going I can't enjoy things like that sorry..and anyway whos Chaz?"

"my half brother, well how about we go out and get something to eat instead then or stay home and watch a movie?"

"your not gonna give up are you Earn?"

"not my species babe so I'll meet you at yours say half six?"

"sure see you then".

He picked up his file and walked away from her desk purpously dropping his file so she could get a good look at his body when he picked it up she smiled at what she saw, an attractive lion bending over in tight jeans and a shirt that could burst at any moment, Natalia sat at her desk wondering what he looked like underneef his shirt she closed her eyes and envishoned his body, his protective layer of abdominals, his chiseled chest and his arms like towers of strength her mind slipped into dirtier thoughts she envishoned him slowly traceing his leonine tounge down her slim body to her sweet velvet folds slowly and teasingly licking and sucking on them, genetly purring into her body as she moaned with him in synch she snapped back to reality when her thighs felt moist she blushed gasping at her lack of controal she placed her hands over her pelvis and closed her eyes breething rapidly she slowly opened her eyes and saw the time

"thank goddess shifts over" she stood up slowly and walked past the other workers smileing and saying goodbye and see you monday you know useuall office talk she grabbed her bag and ran for her car.

She reached the car and pulled out her keys placeing them in the lock and turning it slowly, unlocking it she stepped inside her smart car she tried going eco friendly but the car was so crap she was getting rid of it tomorrow sighing with relief she drove away, she switched on her radio and adjusted the channel she stopped on her favourite station and the presenter said

"allright everbody this next song is dedicate to Natalia from Earnest he says your favourite tune for your ride home and he looks forward to seeing you later " the song Utopia by within temptation came on the radio she lost herself in the relaxing words

"why does it rain, rain, rain down on utopia?, why do we have to kill the idea of who we are?" she sang along with the song smileing at Earnest's thoughtfulness she pulled up to her home as the song ended she felt strangely empty from not haveing Earnest to sing along with he blew her away when they wen't out with friends years ago she had been coaxed into singing and chose a song she liked he heared the intro and when the male part came on he stood up and sang along with her they got a standing ovation from the crowd and gave the encore they desired with my bye bye beautiful by Nightwish she had been blushing when he put his arm around her and bowed together she stepped from her car and walked to her front door opening it and walking inside.


It was six and they agreed to meet at half past Natalia was stepping into her room from the shower and found her cloths from her wardrobe a skirt made of denim and a light blue low cut shirt, she pulled on a pair of high heeled shoes and her leather jacket she sat on her sofa settleing to wait after putting on the album lovelorn by leaves eyes she breathed slowly and stedily as the song Elegy came on

"silent tears of a women makes the warrior cry" she sang along to the song and envishoned Earnest in armour covering his left arm and a large sword strapped to his back his smile piercing her shield of coldness and she felt for another time the warm embrace of her inner fluids on her thighs

"crap ill need to shower again" she went to walk upstairs and someone nocked on the door

"crap he's here" she stepped down and opened the door smileing at the enticeing sight before her there stood Earnest smileing at her she stood aside and welcomed him in asking him to wait in the living room for her to finish getting ready. She ran upstairs as he made himself at home he walked into her front room and looked around, her walls were a deep red with white daydo rail along the bottom and middle of the wall, she had a large mirror on one side of the room and a fireplace underneef it the fire slowly roaring as the wood burnt inside it, he turnt and looked at her music collection mostly Nightwish, Within temptation, Xandria, Leaves eyes and varying others some Meatloaf, Three Days Grace, a bit of Bullet, some Paramore, Lostprofits and some Evanesence good taste he thought to himself grabbing a cd and putting it into the cd player after he chose a track the intro blared out, fight me by Xandria she came downstairs and smiled

"good choice i allways thought you were a Xandria person" he smiled and tapped the seat next ot him she sat slowly in her armchair across the room from him and listened to the lyrics

"come and, try to, fight me, you will, never, break me" he checked his watch and smiled standing up and offering his arm to her she snapped back to reality thank god she hadn't let her mind wander and fix on another fantasy involving him and her falling into deep carnal passion she coudn't have another shower now, she smiled and stood walking past him to the door and outside he joined her and she locked the door, they walked down the drive and got inside his car a mustang as built as him he walked past her and held the door open she stepped inside and put on her seat belt he walked around the other side and did the same starting the engine it roared as he took off down the street. She felt the vibrations through his leather seat covers she closed her eyes in pleasure purring slightly in time with the continuel roar of the engine Earnest looked at her said

"are you allright?"

"fine just listening to the radio" the song Amaranth by Nightwish was playing he smiled shook his head

"bull you were puring, probably from the feel of the engine on you body correct" she looked shocked he had read her like a book but when she went to counter his words she lost herself in his eyes she licked her lips hungrily and touched his arm with her hand he smiled at the warmth of her touch

"I would look into your eyes but im still driveing"

"how about we take the second option then a nice movie and some take out at home?"

"my place or yours?"

"well you've seen my home so..."

"mine it is then hope you like soppy films that's all I've got" she smiled a male like him sat watching something like that, no he had to be lying he more than likely had cowboy films and some horror she didn't mind, she loved horror films especially if it gave her a reason to cuddle up to his muscly chest, she smiled

"I know a decent take out place on this side of town"

"cool just write down the name and number afterwards so I know where it is in future"


They drove for another ten minutes before reaching the take out place, a nice italian couple ran it serving homemade pizza and fresh drinks she smiled stepping out of his car

"what do you wan't on it?"

"anythings fine, whatever you want"

"such a charmer you definatly know what to say to a girl don't ya" he smiled as she walked toward the italian, her rear swinging side to side attracting his gaze toward her

"damn" his crotch agreed with him straining his jeans to their limit, he closed his eyes picturing her rump without the skirt blocking his path of sight, his hands slid slowly up her thighs to her stomach then to her brest slowly strokeing them under her shirt, her voice moaning in time with his movements as he slowly BANG the car door closeing and the scent of fresh pizza pulled his mind away from his tought there at his side sat Natalia holding a pizza box in her hands, she smiled at him, damn....her smile could melt the coldest heart he smiled back and carried on driveing.


They reached his house easily within five minutes, it was nice and cozy looking from the outside, it had a red brick wall out front and the door was painted blue, he stepped from the car and walked around to Natalia's side opening the door for her, her long legs streched out from the car, she smiled as he led her to his house, he pulled a key from his back pocket and placed it in the lock, he turnt it slowly and opened the door. The door led into a corridor, on the left were a row of coat hooks and couple of pairs of trainers, from the hallway their was a door leading to the kitchen and one leading to the lounge

"how about you go set up the dvd and I'll sort out this pizza" Natalia wispered into his ear seductivly without meaning to be, he let her walk past him, her hips swaying side to side, he took in the gloureous sight before him

"allright Nat, knife draws at the top on the left" she smiled and walked into the kitchen, it was quiet nice, warm and cozy, the walls were deep blue with a couple of picture frames, one held a picture of a group of furs, two wolves, a raven-wolf and Earnest, he had his arm around the raven-wolf, she was smileing and had her arm around his waist they were all smileing, in the background was a beautiful snow capped mountain, she smiled and pulled open the draw pulling out a knife, she opened the box and cut into the pizza severing the slices from one another, she picked up the box and walked into the living room. Earnest was sat on the sofa with a blanket over him, he had remouved his shirt and his muscles were bulgeing as he breathed in and out, Natalia stood in the door frame and eyed his muscles hungrily, he turnt to look at her, she blushed as he licked his lips , he tapped the space next to him

"come on Nat sit here" she obediantly sat next to him, he covered her in the blanket, the soft cotton rubbing her skin along with his hands, she laid her head on his chest, she felt his muscle against the side of her face

"who's the girl?, in the photo in the kitchen"

"thats an old friend of mine she and the wolf stood behind me in the photo are a couple and well she invited me to go sking with them.....that was three years ago so I'd say she was 18 now"

"18 are you serious?"

"deadly, Scar's only 23...nice fur I'll introduce you to them some time" Natalia began watching the film, he had lied and put on a horror film, it started quietly with a femm getting changed in her room, then as if from nowhere a man appeared holding a knife covered in blood, the femm screamed makeing Natalia jump out of her skin and grip Earnest tighter.

"Hey you okay?, youve gone pure white" Natalia looke into his eyes with her amber jewels

"sorry but can we maybe change it, I'm not a fan of horror films" Earnest nodded and stood up from the sofa switching the tv back to sky, picking a good film they decided on My Sister's Kepper it was almost finished but damn did they cry Earnest's tears slipping into her mane of blonde fur makeing parts clutch together, Natalia was crying into his aubern chest fur every so often wipeing her eyes with a tissue she had got earlier on to dry their hands after eating, the films credits rolled over the screen

"well that was...different I see what tv guied ment when it said that this film whould make even grown males cry...but damn that was unexpected" he loocked at the femm curled up asleep in his embrace, her golden mane still clumped together in places, Earnest bent down his head and kissed her almost undetectable, however he had put too much force into it and she had awoken in his lap with his lips to her head

"um...what are you doing?"

"SHIT Nat don't do that" Earnest jerked back violently

"okay so the horror didn't get you but I did........thanks my self esteem just went crashing through the floor" she turnt her head away from him, sitting up and out of his embrace, which he immediatly rectified

"look Nat I whould like to say something...well..I whould like to ask you whether you'd like to go out sometime, and I mean to a proper resturant, not the pizza at home treatment" Natalia smiled shakeing her head a little as she said

"sure, I'm surprised that you didn't figure out I loved you by just the fact I had two showers to get the fluid of my thighs" that caught his attention

"what?" she blushed, curseing silently under her breath, she shoudn't have said that, as if senseing her discomfurt he grabbed her hands and held them in his

"hey it's okay believe me I had the same thoughts earlier thank god I was sat down or I would have been screwed" Natalia drew closer to him until their lips locked together in a passionate first kiss, and I mean really her first kiss with him, well her proper first kiss, of course their had been some drunken accidents but neither fur minded much. Earnest smiled

"Nat I'd love to do something with you but I fear that if put wrong I will lose you" Natalia put her finger over his lips

"shush my dear just lead me ok" her eyes willed him on.


Earnest carried her up the stairs, he kicked open his bedroom door, he walked inside and layed her onto the bed

"my dear you are beauty incarnate" Natalia was laid on her back on his bed, her shirt was raised above her thin layer of abdominals, her skirt was around her ankles, her white lace knickers were slowly being remouved by Earnest, his strong hands carresing her thighs as he pulled down her white lace, his hands slowly began moveing up her body, his thumbs were drawing small sensual circles on her abdominals, his hands met the base of her shirt, he stood up over her, pulling her back off the bed and into his arms

"I love you Nat....oh how long have I waited for this moment?" she smiled as she lifted her arms to assist in the remouvel of her top, exposeing her bra, a simple piece of white lace, his hands lifted her high enough so she could wrap her legs around him

"don't worry baby I'll make things up to you" he remouved his belt and unzipped his jeans, they fell to the floor, her hands found their way down from his neck to his boxers, she grasped the black cotton and moved them downward toward the floor, getting them halfway and leaving gravity to do the remaining work, she replaced her arms around his neck drawing him into a passion filled kiss,

"oooohhhh" she moaned as Earnest began to kiss her neck, he slowly worked his way down her body, unhooking her bra in the process, he let the bra fall to the floor revealing her 36 b brest, he cupped them with his palms, slowly strokeing her nipples in synch

"that feels so good....oh don't stop" Earnest moved his tounge to her brest, he gave her an agoniseingly slow lick, his leonine tounge slowly flicked back and forth over her pink, erected nipple

"Earnest please...stop...I need to feel you now" Earnest lowered the pair onto his bed, he was laid on the top and Natalia was squeezed underneef him, she felt his 8 inch memeber on her stomach, she slowly pushed him down toward the bottom of the bed, his member was now in line with her begging, drooling snatch, she squeezed his shoulder, a signal to thrust upwards, he did so, forceing his full majesty into her in three swift moves, she grabbed onto his back, clinging for dear life as he filled her with such unimaginable pleasure

"oh shit, Nat, your so tight, I've never felt such pleasure" she locked her legs behind his back, holding him in her, he felt her breath in his ear

"Earn I love how you feel, please go faster, make me feel like your bitch" he sped up his thrusting, his tail was swinging side to side in bliss, Natalia wrapped her tail around his nutsack, carresing gently the orbs inside it, Earnest groaned softly as Natlaia continued to carress his nuts

"shit Nat I can't last much longer" Natalia gave a small, affectionate lick to his cheek, she wispered in his ear

"cum with me" she screemed her pleasure to the rooftops, he roared in lust, his neck craneing as he screemed into the sky, he shot wave after wave into her tight, crammed passage, his balls were slamming into her rear, his tail went erect as he slowly stilled his humping, he stopped his hips, his hot member still pulseing inside her sacredness

"Nat this feels so right, I can't let you go" she shushed him, slowly she lowered her legs and rolled him onto his side, they were still joined in her sacredness, he rolled them over again, now she was ontop and laid on his chest, his hands found her thighs, he slowly carresed them, Natalia drifted in and out of conciousness until she fell asleep on his chest.


The sunlight crept into the window, dareing to shine on the scene inside, Natalia was sleeping peacefully alone, the door was open, the smell of bacon could be smelt upstairs, Nat slowly stirred, the smell wakeing her, she stood from the bed finding a bathrobe laid out for her, she pulled on the soft cotton coating, she tied it to prevent it from falling down not that it mattered to Earnest, she slowly walked downstairs, the soft cotten trailing along the wooden floors

"mourning my darling" she cooed from the doorframe to the kitchen, Earnest put down his cooking to face her, he walked forward, he was wearing nohing, he pulled Nat into his arms and kissed her hungrily for a few minutes, the smoke alarm went off killing the passion

"crap" Earnest grabbed a teatowle and fanned at the alarm rapidly, little did he know that he was putting on quite the show for her, his biceps curling as he fanned the smoke away, the alarm stopped ringing, he put down the teatowel

"ok" he said turning back to her and once again pulling her into his arms "where were we?" Nat giggled as she felt his hands move up her back, she felt his left hand in her hair, the other found the belt to her robe, he pulled it away without a second notice, the soft cotton gown fell to the floor revealing Natlia's body, her slim, semi muscled body, Earnest started to slowly lift her into his hold, takeing the hint she wrapped her legs around him, his hands now carressing her backside, she smiled as she felt his arousal on her warm, welcomeing slit

"do it now, push inside me, take me" he smiled and thrust up into her, his hands landed on the kitchen side, her breath echoed around his ear, her screems of pleasure tingled with the slightest pain, she was in hevan

"so primal today Nat, if I'd have known I'd have stayed in bed" she giggled but was cut short by a quick moan, he thrust harder into her, the smell of blood as she clawed into his back, the taste of orange juice on his lips and the feeling of the cold counter beneath her backside, she kissed him deeply, her soft folds parted for him each time he thrust into her

"shit Earn, you feel so good" she was so close, suddenly the door opened, in walked a tall tiger, his deep orange fur wrapped around his muscled body, Earnest gasped and grabbed the dressing gown, he covered Natalia with it to save her modesty

"for fuck sake Chaz you could nock!"

"I know but then I'd miss out on all the fun" Just another working mishap.
