A Heated Break From the Cold

Story by Vantani Fraye on SoFurry

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Ah yes, another winter themed short story, filled with romance and other explicit acts. Sorry for the time it took to write this. Work has been crazy for this wolf during the holiday week, so I barely had time to actually sit down and write. The city has slowed down a bit, so hopefully you'll see some more work from me soon!

As always, please leave a comment and let me know what you think! Hope you all enjoy and are having a great new year so far!


Tiff shouted at his friend as the coyote slid by him on his snowboard and sprayed a shower of snow all over the tiger. The tan coyote just flashed him a smug grin as he continued his descent down the slope. Tiff's goggles that covered his eyes were now clouded with snow, and he attempted to clean them off while still in transport. Unfortunately, he lost his balance and yelped as he fell flat into the deep snow. He growled as he sat up and unhooked the restraints from his ankles on his own snowboard. His green eyes glared at the coyote who slid up next to him.

"Seriously Kieron? What the fuck was that for?" Tiff growled angrily as he attempted to brush the snow off of his coat.

"Sorry. I couldn't resist." Kieron replied as he stifled a laugh. "You okay?"

"Do I look okay to you?"

"What? Kitty doesn't like getting wet?" Kieron now laughed without any hesitation. "You'll be fine. It's just snow."

"I hate snow. And being cold and wet." Tiff grumbled as he stood up and brushed his pants off. "Are we done for today?"

Kieron frowned and let out a fake whine. "It's not even four yet. We've only been out here for five hours."

"I think five hours is plenty. I can hardly feel my paws." Tiff replied as he flexed his paws a few times. "Besides, I'm starving."

"Fine." Kieron sighed. "I guess I'm getting hungry too."

Tiff reached down and picked up his snowboard off the ground and cradled it in his arm.

"What, you walking the rest of the way down?" Kieron asked.


"Well that's no fun."

"Well if I wasn't soaking wet and cold, I would probably ride the rest of the way down." Tiff replied as he elbowed the coyote in the ribs.

"Ow. Fine, fine, you've made your point. Stop being so grumpy." Kieron grinned as he hopped out of his own snowboard.

"You owe me for this, which means you're paying for dinner tonight." Tiff commented as he started walking.

"I suppose that's fair."

The two made their way down the slope they had been snowboarding down for the past five hours. This was Tiff's first time doing such a thing, and it wasn't exactly the first activity on his "fun" list. Kieron had begged for him to go this year though, so he did it for the coyote. It was a four day getaway at the resort they were staying at, and Tiff had spent the last two days falling and tumbling down the hills. Tiff had never felt so bruised and banged up in his life, and he used to play college football. He did a little bit better today though, and actually moved on to the intermediate level hill, which was quite steeper and more hazardous than the first hill he had started on.

"Come on. Admit it. You're having fun." Kieron said with a wide smile.

"I was having fun, until a certain coyote made me fall."

"Am I going to have to listen to you bitch all night about this?"

"Not until I get some food in me." Tiff replied with a grin.

They reached the bottom of the slope and made their way through the crowds to the entrance to the resort. Tiff had to admit, he was quite impressed by the resort. It looked like a giant log cabin, and was nestled in between a large frozen lake and beautiful snow-tipped mountains. The resort had a heated swimming pool, sauna, three restaurants, two bars, and a pretty impressive workout room. Tiff had made a mental note about working out prior to arriving at the resort, but he didn't know how sore snowboarding and falling would make him.

"So where are we eating? The steakhouse? Or are you in the mood for some country style food?" Kieron asked as he licked his muzzle.

"Steakhouse sounds great to me. What about you?" Tiff asked as he pulled open the door that led into the lobby of the resort.

"I could go for a juicy steak." Kieron replied as he stomped the snow off of his boots.

"Then the steakhouse it is."

Tiff shed his winter coat off as he walked towards the elevator, Kieron following behind him. He pressed the button to call the elevator and rubbed his chilled paws together. Kieron slid his own coat off and tucked it under his other arm. The elevator dinged and the doors slid open a minute later, and Tiff stepped aside to let two otters and a fox through.

"Pretty busy today." Tiff commented as he stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to their floor.

"Well, it's the week before Christmas. It's the last week this place is opened before it closes until the new year." Kieron replied as he rubbed his nose.

"Makes sense."

The elevator stopped on the third floor and the two made their way to the room. It was a nice spacious hotel room, fitted with a king bed, electric fireplace, a couch, and a gorgeous bathroom that Kieron could not stop talking about.

"Finally. I can get out of these wet clothes." Tiff sighed as he started to strip off his damp sweater and shirt.

Kieron chuckled as he stripped out of his own clothes and smoothed his fur down. His winter coat had fully grown in, so his brown fur looked a little more ragged than usual. His chest was a soft patch of white surrounded by his brown fur.

"Are you taking a shower first?" Tiff asked as he stripped out of his pants and tossed them aside.

"Nah. I'll wait until tonight." Kieron replied as he waved a dismissive paw at the tiger.

"The steakhouse is a nice restaurant though."

"That's why I brought deodorant and cologne." Kieron replied with a smug smile as he took his own pants off, revealing a tight pair of black briefs that clung to his toned hips.

"Fine. Suit yourself." Tiff replied as he gathered up more formal clothing and walked to the bathroom. "I'm taking a quick one. You better be somewhat dressed and ready to go by the time I come out."

Kieron just scoffed in reply as Tiff closed the bathroom door behind him. He turned the shower on and sat on the marble counter as the water heated up.

There was a certain reason why Tiff had agreed to go on this trip with Kieron. He saw this as the perfect opportunity to ask the coyote to officially be his boyfriend. He had spent the last couple of months trying to muster up the strength to ask him, but always got cold feet and backed out when the opportunity came. This was a perfect place to ask Kieron. They were far away from any distractions, such as work and school. Still, Tiff was apprehensive about asking. They had been best friends since high school. They both knew about each other's sexuality, and that only strengthened their friendship. It was at the start of college when Tiff started to have different feelings for the coyote. They spent almost every day together. They shared a dorm room together, attended the same classes, even ate every meal with each other. The only time when they weren't together was when Kieron went to work at the university's coffee shop in the morning for a few hours.

Tiff sighed and stepped into the shower, relieved at the warmth of the water that soaked his fur. It wasn't the part of asking Kieron to be his boyfriend that made him so nervous. It was the part of watching how Kieron would react to it. He was afraid of Kieron not wanting to take their relationship any further, and that would cause a sense of awkwardness between both of them. They were best friends, and Tiff didn't want to ruin that relationship by trying to pursue something further. His mind was almost made up on not even asking Kieron, but then he remembered he didn't come here just to fall down a hill countless times and freeze his tail off. Just the thought of asking the coyote made his chest feel tight, and he couldn't even imagine how awkward the next day would be if Kieron denied his request.

Tiff growled in frustration as he cleaned his body. His muscles screamed in protest at every strained movement he made. He finally gave up on trying to scrub his back and turned the water off. The bathroom floors were heated, which Tiff was more than thankful for. He quickly dried his fur with a towel and slipped a clean pair of briefs on. The restaurant they were going to was quite fancy, so he had made sure to pack a pair of black slacks and a red long sleeve dress shirt. He slid the pants on, making sure they were free of any lint or wrinkles, and then buttoned up his shirt. He inspected himself in the mirror before he opened the bathroom door.

"About time." Kieron said as he stood up from the bed. "I was ready to go ten minutes ago."

Tiff looked the coyote up and down, who was dressed in a pair of black dress pants, a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up just past his elbows, and a gray vest over the shirt. A polished pair of shoes finished the outfit.

"Uh...you look...nice." Tiff said as he chose his words carefully.

"Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself." Kieron replied as his tail wagged behind him. "Ready?"

"Lead the way."

They made their way back down to the lobby level of the resort and walked to the restaurant. The place seemed quite busy, but luckily there was a table for two available. Tiff inhaled the delicious aroma of grilled meats and steaming potatoes as he followed the fox host who greeted them. He took his seat across the table from Kieron and ordered a beer while the coyote ordered a glass of Moscato wine.

"It's a good thing we packed some dress clothes. Otherwise I don't think they would let us in here if we just wore jeans and a shirt." Kieron said as he looked around the dining area.

"It is quite fancy." Tiff replied as he played with the silverware.

The tiger didn't know when would be the right time to ask Kieron. Should he just get it over with now before they ate? Or should he wait until they had finished their meals? If Kieron said no, it would be quite the awkward dinner, so Tiff bit his tongue and decided to wait until their meals had been finished.

"Hey. You listening to me?"

Tiff snapped out of his thoughts and blinked at the coyote. "What? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

"I asked what you are going to get." Kieron asked with a smile as he pointed to the menu. "Prime rib, sirloin, New York strip, filet? I might have to go with the filet."

Tiff snorted. "Of course you would go and choose the most expensive cut on the menu."

"I'm worth it though. Oh, look at the sides too! What do you think? Baked potato? garlic mashed potatoes, french fries, or vegetables?"

Tiff smiled as he folded his paws in front of him on the table, admiring how energetic his friend was acting over something as simple as dinner. That's why he loved him so much. He was always so happy.

"I think you should get whatever you want." Tiff replied as he looked over his own menu.

"I think I'll have to settle on the filet with a baked potato." Kieron replied as he closed his menu and licked his muzzle.

The waiter, a white rabbit, came back with their beverages and set them on the table. Tiff and Kieron both ordered their meals and the rabbit scurried off again. Tiff picked up his beer and took a sip as Kieron sniffed the wine in his glass.

"So you're enjoying your time here?" Tiff asked as he set his beer down.

Kieron took a sip of his wine before answering. "I'm having a great time! It's even better that you showed up, even though I know you hate the snow."

"Well, I figured I might as well come along since football is over." Tiff shrugged.

"Well I'm glad you did." Kieron flashed a wide smile. "It really means a lot to me."

The two chatted about the day and plans for Christmas break until their meals arrived and placed down in front of them. There wasn't much conversation as they started eating, only quick comments about how juicy the steak was or how rich the garlic potatoes were. Tiff started to relax a little as the dinner went on, but the thought of asking the big question towards the end of the meal was still in the back of his mind. He was especially dreading it when he looked down at his plate and found it to be almost completely empty.

"I'm stuffed." Kieron said as he dropped his fork and sighed softly. "I don't know about you, but that was possibly the best steak I've ever eaten."

Tiff nodded in reply as he rubbed his paws together, trying to work himself up to ask the question. Kieron looked at him with a curious gaze as he rubbed his ears.

"It looks like you want to say something." Kieron said. "What? Are you disagreeing with me?"

"N-no...I..." Tiff stammered, his claws digging into the wooden table.

It was now or never.

"Listen Kieron...I-I have to ask you something. Something that's not exactly easy to ask." Tiff finally sputtered out.

Kieron's ears perked up straight. "Uh...okay, yeah. What is it?"

"I...well...I'm not even sure how to explain this..." Tiff could feel his heart beat faster in his chest. "Listen...I...well, I mean...you...shit."

"You uh, need some help there?"

"No! I-I just don't know how to say this!" Tiff growled in frustration.

Tiff felt like his heart was going to explode out of his chest. His tail lashed behind him and his claws kept going in and out as he tried to think of the words he had rehearsed so many times before today. He was frozen though. His mind had drawn a blank, and he was just sitting here, sputtering out words like an idiot.

"Listen Kieron. I like you, okay? And not just a strong like as a best friend. I mean, you are my best friend. But lately I've felt different about you, like a good different. I really like you. Do you know what I mean?"

Kieron cocked his head to the side as his hazel eyes searched his.

"What I'm trying to say is...I want to be more than best friends, okay? I really like you in a romantic kind of way." Tiff continued. "Do you understand what I'm asking now?"

Kieron's muzzle slowly spread into a grin.

"Tiff Pierce, are you asking me out on a date?"

Tiff sighed loudly. "Yes. I am. I am asking you to be my boyfriend."

Kieron chuckled softly as his tail wagged behind him. "And it took you that much effort to ask me? Were you afraid I would say no?"

"Yes! That's exactly what I was afraid of!"

Kieron laughed again. "Oh Tiff, I knew you were up to something. I knew when you agreed to come on this trip with me that something was up."

Tiff blinked at the coyote. "Really? Was I that obvious?"

"More obvious than when you were trying to hide that you were gay." Kieron replied with a sly grin. "I've asked you to come on this trip for the last three years, and you refused to every time. You wouldn't just agree to come this time, unless you were planning something."

Tiff rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah...I guess when you put it that way, it is quite obvious."

"I think it's adorable." Kieron replied as he rested his muzzle against his paw.

"So...what's your answer?"

"Tiff, I couldn't imagine being with anyone else but you." Kieron said as his eyes sparkled. "I've felt the same way about you for a long time, I just knew you would be the one to make the first move if you were interested too. I would love to be your boyfriend."

Tiff felt the weight on his mind disappear, and he couldn't help but give a heavy sigh of relief.

"So did you actually know what I was going to ask you?" Tiff asked as he relaxed back in his chair.

"Not exactly, but I figured it was going to be something along the lines of dating me. I mean, come on Tiff. We've pretty much been dating since the start of high school. We do everything together."

"Yeah, you got me there." Tiff looked down at his paws on the table. "So, what do we do now?"

"Well first, let's pay the bill, and then I'll show you what to do next." Kieron replied with a grin.

Tiff had barely made it through the door to their room when he suddenly felt the coyote's muzzle press against his shorter one. His eyes opened wide with surprise at the sudden kiss and almost lost his balance as Kieron pressed his body against his. It took a few seconds for Tiff to realize what was actually happening and he finally returned the kiss to his new boyfriend. He had to admit, it felt extremely awkward sharing such a passionate kiss with his best friend. His brain hadn't completely registered Kieron was now his boyfriend, and he felt his face flush with heat. Kieron didn't seem too bothered by the awkwardness though as he continued the deep kiss, his tongue rolling over Tiff's, exploring every inch of his muzzle. Tiff was barely aware of the coyote's swift paws as they unbuttoned his dress shirt and stripped it off of his muscular frame. Tiff started to relax a little more, and started to feel his arousal grow. His paws moved to the coyote's own clothes and he quickly slid the vest and dress shirt off as they moved to the bed. Kieron sat down on the bed, breaking the kiss with a gasp.

"Wow." Was all Tiff was able to say as Kieron smiled up at him.

Kieron turned his attention to the tiger's belt and quickly unbuckled it. Tiff remained standing in front of Kieron as he felt the coyote's paws loosen his pants and watched them drop to the floor. He felt his face flush even hotter as the bulge in his red briefs showed how worked up he really was. Kieron just smiled as he gently rubbed his paw against the bulged fabric, causing the tiger above him to sigh softly. Kieron circled his paws around to Tiff's toned rear and firmly squeezed the muscular glutes in both of his paws.

"Fuck, you have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." Kieron chuckled as he rubbed his paws all over Tiff's backside.

"What? Really?" Tiff laughed. "How long?"

"Every single day you would walk into our dorm room in those tight football pants of yours." Kieron replied as his paws moved back to the front of Tiff's body. "I'm surprised you've never caught me staring whenever you bent over or you got changed."

"I must not be very observant." Tiff rumbled as he gently pushed the coyote down onto his back on the bed.

His paws moved to Kieron's pants, and he slowly removed them, enjoying the slow reveal of black briefs the coyote had been wearing that evening. He felt the coyote shiver against his touch as his paws ran up the tan thighs and gently glided over the bulged fabric. He gently moved himself over Kieron and straddled him, trapping the smaller coyote between his firm thighs. He leaned over so his muzzle was level with Kieron's, and smiled as the coyote's face blushed softly.

"Well it appears I've been pinned by a tiger." Kieron said as he teased his groin against Tiff's.

Tiff ignored Kieron's comment and instead pressed his muzzle against the canine's for a second kiss. This kiss was much less awkward than the first one, and Tiff made sure he was the more dominant one this time. Their breath came out hot and heavy against each other as their tongues wrestled over each other. Tiff broke the kiss first and panted heavily as he smiled down at Kieron underneath him. His arousal was so strong right now that it felt like his briefs were about to tear. He sat up just enough to remove his briefs slowly in front of Kieron. The canine licked his muzzle as Tiff's fully erect member came free from its prison.

"Quite impressive. Never saw it like that before." Kieron joked as he moved his paws to the tiger's shaft.

Tiff huffed softly as his member jumped at the coyote's soft touch. Kieron gently stroked his paws up the shaft, giving a gentle squeeze around the length. Tiff couldn't help but give a small growl of pleasure as his member throbbed in Kieron's paws. He realized the coyote was just aroused as he was, and he made quick work of sliding the canine's briefs down to his thighs. He returned the favor and gently fondled the canine's member in his own paws. It was Kieron's turn to moan softly in pleasure, and he felt the heat in his paws as he rubbed his thumb over the sensitive tip. They spent a few minutes exploring each other's lengths before Tiff felt like he couldn't control himself anymore. He had to know what it felt like to have his cock in that canine muzzle. He sat up further and allowed the tip of his member to bump against the coyote's nose. Kieron knew what the tiger wanted and didn't hesitate. He took that long tongue of his and trailed it up from the bottom of Tiff's length up to the very tip. Tiff growled softly at the pleasurable sensations that ran through his body. Kieron gave the tiger's member a few more slow licks before he took half of the length into his muzzle. Tiff closed his eyes and moaned at the warmness that surrounded his muzzle. His paw rested between the canine's pointed ears for support. Kieron suckled on Tiff's member hungrily, savoring the taste and muskiness of the tiger. His tongue twirled around the shaft as he bobbed his head up and down. Tiff started to feel unsteady and allowed himself to gently rest on the coyote's chest, making sure to not put his full weight on Kieron's chest. Kieron continued sucking, his tongue running across the tip of Tiff's cock. Tiff growled lowly and gently started thrusting into the coyote's muzzle. Kieron stopped bobbing his head and allowed the dominant feline take control. He could feel the tiger's length slide in and out of his muzzle, and tried to control his gag reflex as he felt it plunge further down his throat. Tiff was huge though, and after a few strong thrusts, Kieron couldn't help but gag softly around the thick shaft. Tiff rumbled above him and continued thrusting though, and Kieron shut his eyes as he did his best to allow his throat to relax. The tiger had taken full control now, and Kieron could do nothing but keep still as the feline's member continued to thrust in and out of his muzzle. He gently cupped the tiger's muscular rear in his paws and gave them a gentle squeeze. The thrusts became faster and more erratic, and Kieron felt like his jaw was about to lock up. He couldn't hold back gagging anymore, and thick saliva started to coat the tiger's cock. With a final thrust and a roar, he felt the hot member throb in his muzzle, followed by the warmness that spurted from deep inside the feline's full balls. The sudden orgasm surprised Kieron, and he did his best to not choke as he swallowed the tiger's muskiness that coated the back of his throat. Tiff finally pulled out of his muzzle, and Kieron coughed and sputtered as a string of semen dangled between his muzzle and the tiger's still erect cock.

"S-sorry. I should've warned you." Tiff panted. "You okay?"

"Y-yeah. Just wasn't expecting that." Kieron coughed as he wiped his muzzle, his tongue slightly slimy from the tiger's seed.

Tiff was still hard though, and Kieron knew the tiger would want more. Without saying a word, Kieron gently wriggled out from underneath Tiff and turned his body around. He got on all fours and raised his tail in front of the tiger.

"Really? You sure?" Tiff asked as his eyes went wide.

"I've never been so sure of something in my life." Kieron replied with a lustful grin. "Now get over here and don't keep me waiting."

Tiff smiled and scooted his body closer to the canine's rear, his paw firmly grasping the base of Kieron's tail. Kieron kept his eyes forward and stared at the wall as he waited to feel the pressure of the tiger's length slide into him. He suddenly gasped in surprise as he felt something warm and rough slide across his entrance. He blushed hotly as he looked back to find the tiger's muzzle buried between his two toned cheeks.

"O-oh! You sure-ah!- are full of s-surprises tonight!" Kieron yelped as he felt the rough feline tongue prod his exposed entrance.

Tiff didn't reply as he continued rimming the coyote, making sure everything was slick and wet for what was to come. Kieron was panting hotly now, his thighs trembling in pleasure at each lick Tiff gave. Tiff gave a final few more licks before he withdrew and rested his strong paws on the canine's toned hips.

"You ready for this pup?" Tiff rumbled as he allowed his member to rest between those perfect cheeks.

"Oh yes, please." Kieron begged and moaned.

Tiff grunted as he steadied his cock and started to push. His member was quite slick and easily slid inside Kieron. The coyote moaned loudly now, and his paws gripped the sheets of the bed as he felt himself spread open for the tiger's girthy length. There was little pain as Kieron felt the tiger's member completely fill him, and he couldn't help but show surprise at how easily he took the tiger's entire length. The thrusting began, slow and steady at first. Small whimpers of pleasure escaped Kieron's muzzle as he arched his back.

"You're doing great pup. Just relax. I won't hurt you." Tiff said soothingly as he rubbed the canine's back.

Tiff continued thrusting in and out, breathing heavily as he watched his member glide in and out. Kieron was dripping from his own unattended member, causing a damp spot to appear on the white sheets beneath him. Tiff fixed that problem and wrapped his paw firmly around the coyote's member, eliciting a loud moan of pleasure from Kieron. He slid his paw up and down the canine's length, in rhythm with his own thrusts. He felt Kieron squeeze around his shaft, causing Tiff to growl in intense pleasure. The whines and barks of pleasure that came from Kieron drove Tiff crazy with lust, and his thrusts soon became faster and harder. His thighs slapped against Kieron's rear with each inward thrust. He gripped Kieron's hips tighter for better leverage as he continued to drive his hips forward and backward. A lustful haze clouded Tiff's mind, and he was barely aware as he felt the coyote's body shudder underneath him. He continued sliding his paw up and down the canine's member, and didn't slow down as he felt it throb in his slick paw. He gave the knot a squeeze and was barely aware as Kieron cried out in pleasure. The coyote's body shuddered against him as Kieron reached his orgasm. Ropes of seed streaked across the sheets underneath him as his cock throbbed hotly in the tiger's paw. The contractions from Kieron's orgasm pushed Tiff over the edge, and he let out a deep growl as his own warmth spurted out of his throbbing member and coated Kieron's insides. Intense waves of pleasure ran through Tiff's body, sensations that he had never felt before. His orgasm soon diminished, and reality came rushing back to him. He panted hotly as he shakily leaned over Kieron's body, giving a small lick on the canine's neck ruff.

"Fuck." Kieron panted as he looked back at his lover.

Tiff let go of Kieron's slick member and smiled. "I don't know about you, but that was the best sex I have ever had."

Kieron laughed softly. "I'm going to have to say the same thing."

Tiff huffed softly as he slowly pulled out of Kieron, wincing slightly at the sensitivity. Kieron gasped softly as he felt the tiger's length slide out of him.

"Kinda didn't think about doing this somewhere else." Tiff commented as he eyed the sticky mess they had made on the sheets.

Kieron winced slightly as he turned over on his back. He would definitely be sore tomorrow.

"Don't worry about it. Room service will take care of it tomorrow."

Tiff sniffed at the muskiness in the air. "Yeah sure, but they're definitely going to know what happened in this room."

"Oh I'm sure we're not the first to have sex in this room." Kieron chuckled.

Tiff smiled as he reclined down next to the coyote. "I suppose you're right."

"Of course I am. So stop worrying." Kieron replied as he ruffled Tiff's fur on his chest.

"I'm not worried. It's just going to be embarrassing if we have a de-scenting charge on our bill." Tiff growled playfully as he rubbed Kieron's sticky member.

"Ah, okay, okay, you're right! Stop that!" Kieron laughed as he squirmed away from the tiger's paw.

The two basked in the afterglow in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the warmth of each other's body pressed against each other.

"It's getting late. We should really get some sleep for tomorrow." Kieron broke the silence as he rested his head against the tiger's chest.

"Can't we just sleep all day?" Tiff asked as he ruffled the coyote's long ears.

"I'm not going to waste our last day here sleeping." Kieron protested. "We need to get a few more hours in on the slopes."

"Oh fine." Tiff sighed. "I guess we can do that instead."

"I'll make it up to you that night." Kieron smiled as he playfully nipped Tiff's chest.

"Well I guess that's worth it then."

Kieron pressed his body against Tiff's as he nuzzled into the warm fur of the tiger. Tiff's eyes were heavy with sleep, and Kieron himself felt exhausted.

"So were you really that nervous to ask me to be your boyfriend?" Kieron yawned.

"Mm sure was." Tiff mumbled.

Kieron smiled as he closed his eyes. "Well just wait until you propose to me."