Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 119

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#119 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Art Used In Preview By http://theexileking.deviantart.com/art/Serperior-303822139

Chapter 119 - Through Mountains And Emotions

For several hours, Chris steered the carriage through the twists and turns of the path through the mountains, enjoying the scenery of the towering masses around him while Rapidash enjoyed his exercise, showing a determined look whenever they went along upward portions of the road and smirking whenever he crossed the peak of these sections, catching his breath whenever he trot along flat and downward stretches. "This reminds me of when my journey first started. It was a heck of a trip getting past the mountains that surrounded the village I lived in. Though it wasn't so bad I guess, especially when I came across this hot spring a bunch of Pokemon were using." Chris chuckled. "It's kind of like we're doing the same thing all over again in a way. Heading through mountains, seeking out an onsen..." he point out. "After everything we've been through, it's like I'm leaving a second life behind, like we're starting all over again..." he added, looking up at the sky. "We've been through so much... And finally we're all at peace. Enjoying some quiet time, taking it easy." he smiled. "I can focus on making sure they enjoy themselves again, planning things that will form memories they'll hold onto forever, and they can focus on getting some well deserved rest, on being normal girls with normal lives. No danger, no chaos..." he nodded before yawning. "Man, it's so quiet I'll doze off if I'm not careful." he laughed, Rapidash glancing back silently before giving the carriage a sudden jerk forward, causing Chris to jolt in surprise before smirking. "Don't get smart." he chuckled, the stallion showing a smirk of his own in response. "Although, there was a lot less white and way more green on the mountains I crossed way back then!" he grinned.

Continuing along, eventually the girls began stirring within the carriage, with Serenity letting out a wide yawn only to have Rose roll over and incidentally stick her foot on the Pokemon's mouth, making Serenity jolt and blink wide eyed before looking at her mouth and suddenly gagging, shoving Rose away causing the rabbit to snort and shoot up with a "wuzza...?" as Serenity coughed and showed a sickened look on her face. "That gross..." she muttered, both girls showing a groggy look on their faces while yawning. Sitting up herself, Serenity stretched before touching her horn, reverting her body back to its concealed form and rubbing her eyes. Looking around, she noticed Chris had vanished, scratching her head before facing Alicia and giving the snake a nudge. "Hey, up!" she ordered, causing Alicia to jolt and grumble. "Wonder what time is?" she asked as Rose rubbed her eyes and stretched as well. "Dunno. I have a feeling we slept in pretty late though." the rabbit point out before crawling up to the control panel, opening the door and looking the buttons over. "I... Think it was this one?" she muttered, pressing one causing the tinted covers over the windows to retract, causing rays of sunlight to gradually shine in and expand. Hitting Alicia's face, the snake winced and grumbled once more before raising her head with a yawn, rubbing her eyes with a vine and looking around in a daze. "That was good sleep." Serenity sighed, laying back with a plop. "No joke. I feel pretty good! A lil' groggy, but good." Rose smiled with another stretch. "It wasn't the worst night. I slept rather well myself. Like a baby really." Alicia smirked before looking outside the window, squinting from the brightness.

"It appears we're on the move..." she point out, causing Serenity to shoot up on alert while Rose nodded. "We're in the mountains now... Wonder how long we've been going?" she asked as Serenity warily made sure Chris was the one controlling the carriage, clutching her chest with a sigh of relief. "My my, aren't we anxious today?" Alicia asked, making Serenity scowl. "Strangers come out of nowhere. Never know what can happen. Not hurt to be safe." she affirmed. "I guess I understand. The way those humans showed up last night was pretty crazy." Rose nodded. "Still, they turned out to be nice people! And the whole flying thing was pretty cool!" the rabbit grinned. "Indeed, it was certainly an experience to remember. I doubt there's any other in the world that can say they went around the world in a spaceship from another reality." the snake giggled. "I like that Ryoko pirate. Way she see humans was good." Serenity smirked. "Yes, you enjoyed your talk of hurting, and killing them in particular." Alicia scowled. "I proud of it! It nice to share common hate for change, have good laugh." Serenity nodded. "I don't think Chris supports that though." Rose point out with a nervous laugh, causing Serenity to slump. "I know." she grumbled. "That why humans lucky he around. He only reason I not rip heads off. Some humans not so bad, I admit that, but most we see not worth letting live. Feel like more humans we meet, more I want to..." she paused, making a snapping motion with her hands. "It too bad all I get to do was torture humans back on ship. But was still fun while lasted. I needed that." she smirked, Rose and Alicia looking at one another and shaking their heads. "You leave me alone." Serenity scowled with her arms crossed.

"You know... None of us are throwing up today either." Rose suddenly point out, Serenity and Alicia looking at one another before looking at their stomachs. "Huh, you right. I feel okay." Serenity nodded, rubbing her torso. "It's nice, finally having that phase behind us. There was still the incident the other evening, but beyond that I've felt rather well compared to several days ago." Alicia smirked. "Guess as long as we take it easy we'll be okay. Maybe it was just a bug after all." Rose shrugged before Serenity jolt and blinked with a surprised look. "Eh? Something wrong?" Rose asked. "Feels funny." Serenity replied, looking down and rubbing her lower torso. "Funny?" the rabbit blinked, tilting her head. "Mm. Right here. Stomach feel different. Just tiny bit though." Serenity nodded, poking her stomach. "Maybe eat too much. Gain weight?" she pondered. Looking down, Rose curiously felt her stomach as well, pressing various places before showing the same surprised look. "Hey, me too!" she replied, Serenity blinking at her with a "really?" kind of expression. "Ha!! Making pigs of yourselves is finally starting to show, is it?" Alicia scoffed, causing the girls to scowl. "Hey! It's not like we can help it. You know how his cooking is! Especially when we get Puffs on top of it!" Rose argued, Serenity showing a daydreaming type of look while muttering "Puffs" in a hungry manner, the rabbit looking at the Pokemon before doing the same herself. "Those things are so good." she giggled. "I suppose the food HAS been more than plentiful, especially when it comes to meals such as what we had the other night." Alicia nodded, glancing toward her underside and casually rubbing it with her vine.

Smirking as she felt her slender form, the snake suddenly paused wide eyed when she felt a portion toward the underside of her stomach showing a subtle growth as well, making her twitch an eye with slight sweat on her face. "What wrong? Snake getting fat too?" Serenity grinned smugly. "Sh-Shut up!! It's not my fault!!" Alicia snapped. "You say we pigs. You bigger, that mean you eat more." Serenity point out, crossing her arms with a satisfied smirk. "You not able to make fun of us now." she nodded. "The food on the ship was pretty good, and they really treated us good that last part of the trip. Top that off with the stuff Chris has given us ever since we arrived here and started out on our own... It's no surprise that we're starting to pay for it I guess." Rose chimed in with a nervous smile. "The stews, lots of sweets and stuff..." she began counting with her fingers. "That just means we have HIM to blame. It's not our fault!" Alicia scowled. "Yeah! He give too much good stuff! Always put in front of face! Impossible not to eat..." Serenity agreed, poking her fingers embarrassed. "Well, we don't really do much to object. We see it, we eat it. So it makes sense he'd see that as a sign of him doing something good. Plus we DO kinda enjoy all the spoiling too." Rose reminded. "Then he shouldn't do it!" Alicia affirmed. "You'd rather him not give us all that stuff?" the rabbit asked. "W-Well no. But in moderation!" the snake explained. "Shouldn't we be the ones moderating how much we eat? I mean, it's not like he makes a big pot of stew and tells us to eat every drop... In fact he kinda encourages leftovers." Rose reminded. "Stop sticking up for him!! Not help!!" Serenity snapped, rubbing her stomach with a groan.

"Quite right, we should be in the right here. We're the victims!" Alicia agreed. "We're... Victims of good food?" Rose smiled with slight sweat on her face. "I don't think I mind being a victim then." she laughed. "Besides, it's not like he's said anything about it. I doubt he even notices we've put on a little so do we really have to worry that much? It's just a sign to watch ourselves better." she nodded. "I-I suppose." Alicia scowled. "But he keep giving good stuff. Not able to watch self when food smell and taste so good..." Serenity sulked. "Especially when it comes to Puffs, those things are so good I fork a bag down in no time." Rose sighed, rubbing her stomach with a satisfied smile. "Then perhaps we should at least cut them out of our diet by telling him we don't want any m...!!" Alicia suggested, cut off when Serenity and Rose snapped with a simultaneous "No!!" in response causing her to jolt. "Hey!! What's going on in there?!" Chris suddenly shout, causing the girls to jump in surprise. "N-Nothing!! We're fine! Just talking!!" Rose assured. "Y-Yeah! Not worry! Good morning!" Serenity laughed nervously. "Morning...? It's in the afternoon now. You girls slept clear through that part of the day. It's past one already." Chris point out, causing them to show a surprised look. "Really? Why didn't you wake us?" Alicia asked as they gathered at the window behind him. "Well, figured you girls deserved a good rest. You're always getting up when I do, and after everything that happened yesterday and all, I thought it'd be pretty mean to make you get up when you looked so comfortable. I figured a day of sleepin' as much as you wanted couldn't do any harm." he explained. "Anyways, wadaya think? We've made some pretty good progress while ya' rested up!" he added, the girls looking around curiously.

"It's certainly different. There's actually something to look at compared to the nearly barren locale we were in the other day." Alicia nodded. "It's really pretty." Rose added, pressing her face against the windows as she watched the towering mountains slowly crawl by. "We're pretty lucky. They keep the path through here maintained even better than the ones leading to the border, so the trek is even smoother. Still gotta be careful though, what with all the upward areas. Some of the turns are pretty narrow too. Right now we're on a pretty straight path so it's smooth sailing for the time being." he chuckled. "If you girls wanna step out I could stop for a minute. Anyone wanna ride with me?" he asked, Serenity and Rose responding with an abrupt "me!!" with their hands up and pressing against each others side. Laughing, Chris nodded before stopping the carriage on the side of the road, climbing down from the seat as Serenity donned her coat, looking at her stomach for a second and wrapping the fur around her while Rose put her dress back on, doing the same before pushing it down and adjusting it. "Self conscious, are we?" Alicia asked as the door began to open, causing the snake to jerk a blanket over her lower half despite the size of their stomachs being barely noticeable. "You one to talk." Serenity sneered. "Shut up." Alicia sneered back, the two growling at one another as Chris poked his head in. "And how are my lovely girls today?" he grinned, causing them to jolt blush slightly. "We fine." Serenity scowled while glancing toward Alicia, causing Chris to blink in surprise. "That's a nice response." he smiled nervously, the Pokemon quickly shaking off her agitation and smiling. "Sorry, not mean to say that way." she apologized as he offered her a hand.

Guiding her out, Chris gave Serenity a peck on the cheek as she passed, causing her to jolt wide eyed and show a wide smile. Reaching his hand back in, he did the same for Rose, offering her a kiss on the cheek making the rabbit giggle. "Well then, guess that's that." he nodded, Alicia showing a surprised look on her face as he shut the door before looking down with a somber expression. Scowling, she grumbled under her breath before the door opened back up, Chris climbing in and giving her a kiss on the cheek as well and grinning. "Come on, I'd never leave you out." he assured, the snake looking at him wide eyed before a blush spread across her face. "Wh-Who said I felt that way?!" she snapped, only for Chris to poke her nose with a "boop!" making her jolt. "You know I love you." he smiled, teasing the snake as he backed out of the carriage and closed the door again. "Sorry for letting your heat out!" he apologized from outside the door as the snake blinked in silence, continuing to blush before glancing away with another scowl, only for it to slowly give way to a smile. "You're forgiven!" she replied, watching as he returned to the drivers seat. Following behind, Serenity and Rose suddenly paused, looking down at themselves curiously. "Say. You feel...?" Rose asked. "Funny?" Serenity replied, finishing her sentence and getting a nod from the rabbit. "You know, kinda FUNNY, funny?" Rose added, Serenity nodding. "Feel it when walking." she point out. "You girls coming?" Chris asked. "J-Just a second! Taking in the view!" Rose smiled nervously before she and Serenity backed away against the side of the carriage, the two looking at one another for a moment before facing down, Serenity slipping her hand in her coat while Rose put her own up her skirt, the two feeling themselves for a moment before they both flushed wide eyed simultaneously.

"W-Wet?" Serenity asked, pulling her hand out of her coat and looking at her fingers. "S-Same here." Rose nodded, doing the same before the two faced one another. "You remember doing anything?" Rose asked. "I-I not do anything." Serenity answered, shaking her head. Looking at one another for a moment, they jolt when Chris called for them again. "Taking in the view is great but I don't wanna throw Rapidash off his game!" he affirmed, the two quickly wiping their hands off before joining him in the drivers seat, this time sitting together on the same side of him. "Huh, that's new. You girls bonding?" he asked. "Y-Yeah. We thought it couldn't hurt to sit together." Rose smiled. "We not take up this side long. I get on other side soon." Serenity assured. "Oh, that's not a problem! Sit together as long as ya' want!" Chris grinned before making Rapidash continue along the road. After a moment, Serenity manipulated her psychic energy so Chris wouldn't be able to hear their thoughts as they spoke among themselves, the two glancing at one another before looking at Chris curiously. "You think he did something to us in our sleep?" Rose asked. "I not sure. He do that to me in past. Maybe he do it again?" Serenity replied, answering the question without thinking causing Rose to look at her in shock. "H-He did stuff to you like that?!" she asked, causing Serenity to flush wide eyed. "I-It only one time!!" she panicked. "S-So does that mean he has a thing for doing stuff to girls in their sleep...?" Rose pondered. "Maybe. He do it to me in past, so it possible he keep doing it, even do to you." Serenity point out before suddenly scowling with her arms crossed. "Maybe he mess with snake in her sleep too." she grumbled.

Looking at Chris together, the two blushed with a scowl on their faces, both aroused and agitated from the thought of being messed with in their sleep. "I want that when awake, not when I not even know it." Serenity pout. "I-I dunno how to feel about it. In a way it's actually kinda hot but at the same time... Kinda makes you feel left out when you don't even know anything happened." Rose point out. "I let him do anything when he want. He not have to do stuff when I sleeping! It not fair!" Serenity complained. "He really does have a dirty side, huh?" Rose asked before blushing and fidgeting. "K-Kinda makes you wonder what he did to us in our sleep that made us that way." she added, Serenity glancing at Rose with a raised eyebrow before thinking about it herself, finding her own face reddening. Looking at the two, Chris noticed how flushed they'd gotten, suddenly reaching out making Serenity freeze wide eyed. "You girls sick?" he asked while touching Serenity's forehead making the Pokemon stutter, the feeling of his hand against her as inappropriate thoughts of him ran through her mind causing her heart to race before quickly pushing his hand away. "I-I fine! Not worry!" she assured, having expanded her psychic range making Chris blink in a bewildered state. "Boy, you're emotions sure are swingin' today." he smiled nervously as the Pokemon scowled. "It your fault. Dirty." she replied while crossing her arms. "D-Dirty?" Chris asked, suddenly raising an arm and sniffing himself making Serenity and Rose blink with a collective "uhh..." in response, slight sweat on their faces as he put his arm down. "I think I smell fine. That's kinda rude you know..." he scowled before focusing on the road ahead.

Looking at one another, Serenity and Rose gave Chris a curious look. "...Maybe he didn't do anything?" the rabbit asked. "I not know. I not get that way for no reason. He had to." Serenity muttered, having retracted her psychic between the two of them. "I guess so. I mean, I was pretty soaked. I've never woken up that way before unless we'd done something." Rose nodded, the two looking at one another and suddenly feeling awkward about discussing their arousal so casually. "H-He not admit anyway even if ask so guess should drop it." Serenity point out. "Y-Yeah, it's not like either of us really mind, right?" Rose asked, the two looking at one another before facing Chris. "...Do we?" both asked simultaneously, having a hard time with the subject. "You know, I've already started planning the stuff I wanna do when we get past the border!" Chris suddenly spoke, causing the girls to jolt and face him. "What with the Aurora Festival being like Christmas basically, that means it's going to be a first for all of you in a lot of ways, and I wanna make it the best firsts possible!" he grinned with a thumbs up. "You and Alicia have been around during the holidays Rose, but you've never really been much of a part of it, if at all. So this is gonna be another chance for me to shine and really show you girls how awesome life with a real family can be! I'm gonna go the whole nine yards for ya'!" he added excitedly, causing the girls to smile. "...I guess it okay." Serenity nodded. "Yeah. He does too much to let the one selfish thing he does bother us. And judging by the way we were when we woke up, at least it's something we can all enjoy!" Rose grinned. "...Do you think he made us do that thing humans call orgasm in our sleep?" she asked, both of them suddenly blushing as they began imagining what he could've done to them, finding themselves fidgeting slightly before showing a flushed look of discomfort on their faces as they created a difficult situation between their legs.

Looking back, Rapidash had a bit of a nervous sweat going on. Despite thinking Chris was the cause of their states, although he had fondled them in their sleep, the fact of the matter is it was mainly the stallions actions, making the horse now wary of them as he faced forward with a grunt and continued pulling them along. "You girls gotta pee or something?" Chris asked, raising an eyebrow as he noticed them rubbing their thighs together. "N-No! We okay!" Serenity laughed nervously while waving a hand. "Yeah, no worries." Rose nodded, both showing slight sweat and a blush on their faces. "Maybe you girls weren't ready for the altitude or something?" he pondered. "Alidood?" Serenity asked. "No no, altitude, it's something that can bother you if you go to high up. It can make you lightheaded, stuff like that." Chris explained. "Didn't think we were that high though." he muttered. "It's okay. It's not that either. We're just, uh, excited!" Rose smiled. "Excited?" Chris replied, raising an eyebrow before smirking. "Yeah, can't blame you after the way I've been hyping up the festival." he nodded, the girls looking at one another and biting their lips. "This is gonna be a long trip." Rose muttered. "I feel same. I wanna do it." Serenity replied, having once again retraced her psychic between them. "Knowing he's probably doing things to us in our sleep is kinda like torture during times like this. Even if we don't mind, it's still not fair." Rose sighed before blushing. "Though... The thought of it being torture is kinda hot too. Just thinking of Chris teasing us, toying with us, leaving us constantly wondering if he's had his way with us, our thoughts consumed by thinking of the things he might be doing to our clueless, helpless bodies, what if he knows that we know, and he's forcing us to imagine what he's doing to us when he violates us every night...? Not caring if we want it or not and selfishly making us his playthings." the rabbit began, falling into her own twisted side. "He's probably training our bodies to respond to every touch and whisper he makes whenever we sleep. Just think about how he probably helps himself to our taste, our scents. The places he shoves his face and tongue... Exploring our bodies, every inch against our will. And the sweet nothings me may whisper in our ears to twist our minds into mush. Maybe he even puts his thing inside us and..." she went on, getting all the more hot and bothered while Serenity flushed and found it difficult to breathe properly herself, clutching her chest.

"Chris, the human we thought so nice and pure, he's abusing his poor, innocent, clueless Pokemon every night, toying with us until we don't have a shred of resistance left. Training us to be the perfect females who become nothing more than horny animals whenever he touches us and speaks, females that can't think of anything else but our lust for him. We're having our bodies invaded, we're being left soaked and he knows it... Probably licking us every night like candy, slyly shoving himself into our bodies like nothing more than holes needing filled. So hot... So hot...!!" Rose squealed, breathing heavily and fanning herself as her nostrils flared and her thighs fidget, Serenity having to use every ounce of willpower she had not to go into a flustered frenzy herself as she squeezed her thighs together as tightly as she could, feeling the throbbing of her heart clear through her horn. As the rabbit went on with her masochistic ramblings, Serenity suddenly snapped with a loud "SHUT UP!!" before grabbing Rose and relentlessly shaking her. "Shut up!! Shut up shut up shut up!!" Serenity repeat, her mind spinning as she flushed hot enough for steam to rise from her face. Due to being outside of Serenity's psychic, all Chris suddenly heard was her screaming in her Pokemon tongue, Rapidash looking back while Alicia slithered up to the window. "W-Woah!! Hey!!" Chris panicked, suddenly yanking the carriage to the side of the road before pulling the two apart, Rose landing with a plop on the seat next to him with a groggy noise while he held Serenity in his arms atop his lap. "Easy!! What's the deal?!" he shout as Serenity flailed. "It not fair!!" she snapped, fighting his grasp only for her eyes to widen when Chris yanked her back down onto his lap. "ENOUGH!!" he ordered, his tone causing Serenity to freeze and show an anticipated look on her face. "I thought you girls sitting together was a good thing but if you're gonna randomly snap and try strangling each other then stay on your own sides!!" he lectured, sitting Serenity down next to him opposite from Rose.

"Crap you two, stuff like that could send us right over the edge of a cliff on this trip, so don't do that!" he affirmed. "What's the deal? You two were sitting as silent as could be, then out of the blue you start shaking the living hell outta her and screamin' your lungs out!" he lectured, oblivious to their conversation as Serenity faced away with a groan. "J-Just go!! Keep moving!!" she replied, too flustered to speak to him properly. "I-It's nothing. It's my fault really. I just said some stuff and went too far. I'm sorry." Rose apologized with a nervous smile. "S-Said what now? You two haven't said a word!" Chris point out. "Now this is interesting. Serenity retaliating against Rose?" Alicia chimed in. Looking back, Rapidash showed an uncomfortable look, facing forward with an "ah geez" expression on his face and letting out a sigh of sorts. "I really don't get you girls sometimes. Just when I think you're really coming together it's like you fall apart all over again." Chris sighed as well. "I-I sorry." Serenity apologized. "Me too. You see, Serenity made it so you couldn't hear what we were thinking. B-But we weren't talking about anything bad! I just kind of said some stuff that made both of us feel a little too..." she paused, facing down and fidgeting. "Hot, was all." she added, glancing away. "Hot?" Chris asked, the rabbit continuing to glance away. Turning his focus to Serenity, she too was glancing away, fidgeting just the same and biting her lip. "I take it this "hot" discussion was about a certain thing that we haven't done much of?" he asked, both facing down and groaning simultaneously. Getting this reaction, Chris scratched his cheek with slight sweat on his face, recalling what Ninetales said.

"...I'm uh, also guessing this all came about because you feel repressed?" he added, both girls leaning their heads back with a drawn out "ye---es!!" in a frustrated tone, tossing their hands in the air before slumping them at their sides. "We not help it!! In mood like crazy out here!!" Serenity complained. "I-It's just that we're so alone now compared to before. Plus we're so close and all, especially in the carriage. It's really, REALLY hard not doing, well..." Rose paused, feeling uncomfortable complaining. "We not doing anything!! All we do is ride carriage, then eat. Ride carriage, then eat!!" Serenity went on in the rabbits place. "I want DI---!!" she added, pausing with a jolt when Chris covered her mouth. "I get it!! I get it!!" he panicked with a blush on his face. "I-I'm sorry you girls feel so pent up like this." he apologized while backing away, sitting between the girls with a nervous look on his face. "W-We're sorry. We know you're already trying to do a lot of stuff for us. It's just..." Rose paused, facing down and fidgeting. "Since end of boat ride, we feel funny. Always in mood, more than ever. It get worse and worse, but we still not do anything. It hard to hold back." Serenity explained. "It driving us crazy. We want bad. You not do much about it." she pout. "Th-That's why we really liked what happened at the inn so much! That was amazing! No matter how Alicia felt, we really loved it!" Rose affirmed, the snake scowling from the remark. "We get it. You not want to hurt snake, you want her happy. But wanting snake happy make us NOT happy! We want more of what we get at inn! Lots more!" Serenity affirmed, leaning her face toward Chris with a determined blush. "We... Want... MATE!!" she emphasized.

Flushing all the more, Chris's eyes bulged in surprise. "G-Geez... You girls ARE repressed." he replied. "That big DUH!! I at point I not care how we do or where we do. If snake not like mating and you not want to hurt her then we go behind tree and mate! Find big rock and mate! Go under carriage and mate! If not want her to see, plenty of places she not see!" Serenity affirmed before grabbing Chris's coat. "Just put it in already! I so desperate I sleep in naked form last night!" she point out. "D-Damn! E-Easy there!" Chris panicked, coaxing her into releasing him. "Y-You're turning pretty savage about it." he added, tugging his collar nervously. "I-It's actually natural for our kind. Pokemon aren't like humans, we've gone over this. No matter how we live together, there's just some stuff that will never be the same between us. And when it comes to our kind, we can't handle not having stuff like that as well as your kind can. It's a necessity that, without, we lose it eventually." Rose explained before sulking. "We're sorry for putting another problem over your shoulders when you've already got so much weighing you down. But when it comes to mating, once we start, if we stop it can get pretty crazy inside of us. We barely do it and when we do, it's just not holding us over very well." she apologized. "Might I add my thoughts into this instead of others speaking for me?" Alicia chimed in. "Uhh, go ahead?" Chris nodded warily. "I've no problem with mating. And truth be told, my feelings are the same as theirs. I admit I've no interest in doing such a thing WITH them, but between the two of us, more would certainly be appreciated." she confessed. "Y-You girls choose some pretty random times to come out with stuff like this." Chris smiled nervously.

"We're sorry, really we are. We all know how much you deal with, like I said. We didn't have this problem until we got to the valley. Before now it was something we wanted, but didn't really mind not having so much. But lately it's almost all we can think about. And the way you keep doing nice stuff for us, the way you keep being so sweet and all, the things you keep saying... Enduring all of that, without any mating, you can see why it'd start driving us a little crazy." Rose point out. "Want to mate, and you do stuff, say stuff, that make want to mate more. We not saying have to do it every second of day, but come on. It unfair that only mate one time a week if lucky! We young!" Serenity affirmed. Looking at the girls, Chris gulped with a quiet "whoo boy" in response to his predicament, tugging his collar as a sudden sweat came over him despite the cold. "I-I uh..." he muttered, continuing to look at them before facing Rapidash, the stallion jolting and facing away with a nervous "not my problem!" look. "W-Well uh..." Chris added, Serenity and Rose letting out a sigh and slumping by his sides. "Sorry. Had to get off chest." Serenity apologized. "Yeah, we don't mean to be selfish. Like she said, you keep doing nice stuff for us already. Guess being this way makes us seem a little spoiled." Rose added. "I-It's not that it makes you spoiled or anything. I'm just overwhelmed by how badly you want it. That's not a bad thing though!" he assured. "Then we do it?!" Serenity shot up excitedly. "N-Not yet!!" Chris panicked, making her scowl and slump with her arms crossed. "But soon! I promise, soon!" he affirmed, reaching in his coat and pulling out his Pokedex, bringing up several screens.

"I-I didn't wanna say anything about it because I figured you girls might think of me in a bad way for it, but what you're goin' so crazy over is actually the reason we're going to the onsen." he clarified, all three giving him a curious look before Serenity and Rose leaned toward him to look at the Pokedex, Alicia having a peek for herself from behind. "This place is like a hotel too in a way. You can stay nights in your own room, and it turns out some rooms have private hot springs for guests to use, connected right outside of em', so uh..." he paused, scratching his cheek shyly. "I thought we'd do that stuff while we stayed there, to make up for the lack of it on the way. Figured it'd be more, I dunno, special and romantic and stuff. I didn't wanna spoil it but I think it's something worth spoiling so you can settle down a little." he smiled nervously. "I prefer doing that stuff at the times I feel are right, times that will have the most impact, make the best memories. I mean, sure, doing it behind a tree or something would settle you down in the moment, but it would wind up being pretty forgettable. I like it when our, uh, private life has more of a special zing to it, ya' know?" he affirmed. "I uh, I wanna, you know, as bad as you do. It's not like I don't." he nodded. "Like this morning. While you girls were still sleeping..." he paused, Serenity and Rose looking at him in surprise before glancing at one another with a "we knew it!!" kind of smirk as he showed an embarrassed look. "Since you girls confessed all that, I guess I'll fess up that I kinda touched you a little. Serenity had her chest exposed, and Rose had her butt sticking out of the sheets... So I uh, grabbed you two and felt you up a little." he revealed shyly.

"I-I know it's kinda selfish doin' that, but when a guy sees that kinda stuff you can't expect him not to do anything." Chris scowled. "Then when I was sitting by Alicia..." he added, the snake blushing wide eyed. "You touched me in my sleep?!" she asked. "N-No!! N-Not exactly!!" he panicked. "I was changing my clothes and when I sat next to you, ya' kinda started shoving your face between my legs, guess you felt the heat from there or something." Chris explained shyly. "I-I wanted to put it in your mouth but instead I moved away and hurried out of the carriage. So don't think I'm not in the same boat as all of you. Between you girls showing off your bodies and Alicia rubbing her face all over my..." he paused, looking back at the snake as she flushed. "I-I get the frustration, okay?" he affirmed. "We wondered why we were so wet after we got up." Rose point out, Chris giving the rabbit a curious look. "When we walk out of carriage, we notice it all sticky between legs. You touch us, make us really wet." Serenity added with a blush. "It not fair to touch when we not know it." she scowled. "S-Sorry!" Chris apologized with a nervous sweat. "I-It's okay!!" Rose assured before facing down. "That's another thing we were talking about. We decided..." she paused before glancing at him shyly. "If you want to do stuff to us in our sleep, we don't mind... You can." she nodded, causing Chris to flush and gulp. "U-Uhh... R-Really?" he asked, turning to Serenity causing her to glance away shyly. "It not fair, but my body belong to you, so can do whatever want with it. I not have right to say no, I already give to you." she nodded, fidgeting with a blush. "Help self." she added. Looking at the two, Chris felt his pulse shooting up into his throat, tugging his collar once more before looking back at Alicia.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - One Word Too Many https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Uq2h5GEn9I

"Oh don't you DARE!!" she warned, causing him to jolt from her tone. "Those twisted females might give you permission to do any and everything you please but I've a little more dignity and class than that! Go fooling around with me and you'll not get any favors in return!" she warned with her nose up, causing Chris to blink in surprise while Serenity and Rose scowled at her. "D-Don't look at me that way! What you're giving him permission to do is no different than letting him ra...!!" the snake snapped, cutting herself off when realizing what she was about to say and noticing the suddenly guilty look on Chris's face and the shocked, jaw dropped expressions on Serenity and Rose. "I-It's uh..." she stuttered, abruptly reeling her attitude back as the girls faces showed "You did NOT just go there..." while Chris smiled nervously. "That's why I think it's best we only do stuff at the right times." he responded with a nod. "Like she said, it's a dignity and class thing! You've gotta prepare the right scenery and stuff. The right atmosphere... Think out what you're gonna do and all. You girls deserve the best, especially when it comes to when and how we do that kinda stuff! It's wrong to treat you any different!" he affirmed before making Rapidash continue along once more, the stallion uncomfortably focusing on his task while Serenity and Rose gave Chris a saddened and disappointed look, Alicia glancing away silently within the carriage. "Stupid snake. We try to break him out of shell. You push him back in!! Why you never shut up when need to?!" Serenity lectured, manipulating her psychic so Chris couldn't hear. "He's still feeling bad over the inn... We wanna help him get over that. Why do you have to keep him feeling guilty over every little thing?" Rose asked. "He tell you he sorry. He get you present, give you speech from heart. You know he love you. Then when we try to make life more spicy, make it so we do stuff more, you STILL butt in and ruin it all!! I get so sick of you and attitude!!" Serenity snapped, the two cornering the snake as she faced away nervously.

"He never gets to do anything selfish really. I know normally being that way is wrong, and maybe we should be against him doing things to us in our sleep, but deep down I can't help but feel he deserves to be selfish at least that much. Even if it's our bodies he's being selfish with... Every moment he's awake he's always focusing on us. Showing us good times, giving us good stuff. I don't see anything wrong with just letting him focus on himself, at least just a little. Compared to how selfish we probably seem, him doing stuff to our bodies when he gets frisky feels like the least we could allow. He does hold himself back a lot out of respect. And at least it's a mutual benefit too..." Rose point out. "Rabbit right! You not have right to wear necklace or badge he give you if want to keep being mean to him! How you live with self I not know." Serenity added. "If he want to be selfish, if he want our body, it wrong to get mad over. Should be happy he want us! But no---o, snake have to get attitude, have to put him on leash and control. He never control you, why you feel need to control him?! Why you never let him have what HE want?! Why always what YOU want?!" she snapped, Alicia looking at the two and stuttering nervously. "I-I don't know!! It just feels wrong okay?!" she argued. "If him touching you is wrong, then you being here wrong. After everything he do, way you STILL act is what REALLY wrong!!" Serenity replied harshly. "You say you sorry, but you ever really MEAN it? Or you just say sorry so you not feel as bad for way you are?" she asked, causing the snake to inch back. "I-I'm not really one for this kind of arguing. I don't like any of us putting a knife in the other. But when one of us ruins things for all of us... It does get a little aggravating." Rose affirmed.

Looking back, she saw the snake hanging her head, showing an agitated yet somber look at the same time making the rabbit show a guilty look. "We're not saying you're in the wrong for how you feel about things. If there's stuff you don't want Chris doing to you, it's your right to make that clear. It IS your body, and even when it comes to him, you have every right to set limits on what he does with you." Rose agreed, Alicia raising her head and glancing at the rabbit. "Chris really is a good guy. He listens, and when he knows something bothers you, he respects that. You can tell him anything and he'll take in every word. The problem is... When you tell him things, you do it in a way that really hurts him, that bothers him. You make him depressed and the way you say things makes him restrict himself too much. You actually make him afraid of touching any of us. You make him feel like he's some kind of sick person... That's terrible." Rose point out, causing Alicia to lower her head again. "You not like things we like. I get that. I not have problem with that. But what I do have problem with is when you hurt him, make him not want to do things with ANY of us because YOU not like it. Because of you, he not do anything to us when you around. Because of you, he not free to love and show love way he wants." Serenity lectured. "You not like something not mean you have right to ruin time for all of us. Attitude you have, way you talk to him, you stress him out. Make him unhappy. It not take long before he feel you not mean it when you say sorry too at rate you going." she warned. "He do something wrong, you not leave it at slap on hand. You drag out, push his face in ground. What kind of person have guy do so much to help, just to be so mean to him in return?" she asked.

"Telling someone you're sorry is the same as telling someone you love them. You can say it as much as you want, but a person will eventually pick up on whether you really mean it or not, and if you say it too often, it can lose its meaning, its importance." Rose agreed. "We're not saying you have to start letting him do anything he wants to you. What we're trying to say is... You've got to start softening the way you say things to him. Now and then you'll contain yourself, but you always wind up letting your mouth get the better of you. You get too excited and you don't think about what you say until it's already too late, and you're left in the state you are now. Ashamed of yourself." the rabbit point out. "I-I'm not...!!" Alicia snapped, only to pause and face down. "See? Snake feels bad. You feel bad for what you say, think of how bad Chris feel. I know what you almost say. You almost say he rape us. He know you almost say that too. Imagine how bad it make him feel knowing you think that way! Now we lucky if he do anything at onsen place because of mouth you have!" Serenity lectured. "He love so much. He do so much for us. Then when he want to touch us, when he want to be just little bit greedy, he have to be called rapist by girl he love?! He have to think he terrible person?!" she asked, Alicia's agitated expression turning all the more somber and guilty. "He not the sick person, YOU sick for way you manipulate him and make feel so bad!!" Serenity sneered. "I not care if you not like things. I not care if you tell him things you not like. But when you make him sad, when hurt him by what you say, when make him avoid US too, that when we have problem, BIG problem, and it reach point soon I not put up with anymore." she warned.

"I-I don't want it to get to the point anyone gets hurt or pushed away, but I have to admit it's getting out of hand the way he winds up hurting so much because of whatever he does you happen to dislike, because of all the things you keep saying in the moment. It's great that he helped you get your pride back, it's great he helped you overcome so many things. But... Using what he helped you gain against him, that IS kinda cruel Alicia." Rose nodded. "If there's something you don't like, if there's something you don't want him doing, then tell him. Just... Do it in a softer way from now on that doesn't leave him in pain, in a way that doesn't make him feel like a freak." Rose affirmed before she and Serenity looked at Chris as he focused on the road ahead, showing an excited and child-like grin as he point out a nearby Abomasnow being followed by a trail of Swinub, the bulky Pokemon likely babysitting them making the girls show small smiles as well, the two of them leaning against his sides causing Chris to blush slightly and scratch his nose with a shy look on his face. "S-So, you girls ARE enjoying the ride, right? You're not too mad at me?" he asked, the two inching back and facing down with guilty looks before shaking their heads. "We sorry we give you hard time. We really like trip! Valley really pretty!" Serenity smiled. "Yeah! Don't worry about that other stuff. We still get to see lots of great things, eat good food and all. We're really happy!" Rose assured with a smile of her own before Chris glanced back toward Alicia. "You're not having too bad a time?" he asked nervously, the snake continuing to hang her head while lost in thought causing Chris to show a nervous look before facing forward with a slightly worried groan.

Seeing this, Serenity showed a concerned look before glancing back at Alicia in agitation, flicking her finger causing her psychic to snap against the side of the snakes face making her jolt and look around, noticing Serenity motioning toward Chris in a "say something!" manner. "D-Did you say something?" Alicia asked, causing Chris to blink in surprise before looking back. "Y-Yeah, just asked if you weren't having too bad a time." he smiled nervously. Looking at him for a moment, the snake faced down before nodding. "I'm fine. Nice scenery." she replied. "I'm sorry about what came up in the conversation. I've never done anything to you in your sleep, honest! Scouts honor!" he assured. "I feel bad about doing stuff to the others in their sleep as-is so..." he added. "I'm uh... Sorry for being such a pervert. Guess that's a pretty messed up thing to be into, huh...? Pretty freaky!" he apologized with a nervous laugh, trying to put a joking tone into the topic while looking at the others before sitting in a slightly slumped position while focusing ahead as the carriage moved along. "Sorry girls." he apologized with a slight cloud seemingly forming over his head, now feeling like a molester despite his front. Raising up again, Alicia looked at Chris's back as the others gave him worried looks, Serenity and Rose panicking while supportively rubbing his back and assuring him it was fine, both smiling as the snake glanced away, thinking back on how he'd served and bowed to her on the ship before her apology. Remembering how she'd wanted them to be more equal, she began remembering how she'd used her larger size to smack him away at the inn over what he'd done, sending him flying away from her with her tail and ignoring him afterward, save for expressing her displeasure with him.

"S-Seriously! We not mind! You do that whenever want! I love when you enjoy body! Help self!" Serenity coaxed. "Y-Yeah! I think it's pretty hot! It's a good thing!" Rose added, the two trying to keep Chris from sinking into too deep a slump. "Think about it! You know I've got some pretty out there stuff I like too! You accept what I'm into so you deserve the same treatment! If anything, your kink fits what turns me on perfectly! We all have that kind of side to us!" Rose affirmed. "That right! And we saying it okay! You have permission, so you can do it much as you want. It make us happy you want us! It fit kink things I like too!" Serenity nodded, both trying to convince him from going back into his shell, smiling as Chris glanced at them, showing a slight smile himself. Looking at the group, Alicia listened to their support while thinking back on her outbursts, especially the most recent which caused her to label him one of the worst things a woman could, especially a woman close to him. Looking down at her badge, the girls words echoed in her mind. Remembering smacking him with her tail again, the snake looked herself over and let out a groan, thinking of the praise he'd recently showered her with, from her looks to being a deity to humans despite how she'd hit him and treated him over a drunken romp. And after being told such a thing, she responded by telling him his fetish made him a rapist. Showing a tear in her eye, Alicia plopped her face into a pillow with another groan of guilt, remembering how he'd vowed to avoid the others in an intimate way just to satisfy her, and although it made her happy initially, the snake thought of how further repressed it made him just to make her feel better, restraining himself all the more despite her own inability to do so.

Continuing to think back, the snake began playing a balancing game in her mind, what he'd done compared to her, how he's acted in comparison, and the like, resulting in a dilemma where the more Alicia recalled the past, the more her own misdeeds tipped the scale in her direction, and although the way Chris was in bed with her at the inn may have been against her liking, she was the one who sent him flying and could've broken his bones, despite holding herself back which was a thought that had her hitting her forehead against the pillow in frustration. With the girls words continuing to echo in her mind and her own guilty thoughts welling up, the more she recalled all the praise he'd given and all the catering he'd done toward what she wanted, the more frustrated she became despite her belief of having improved. For some time, while Serenity and Rose coaxed and encouraged Chris, supporting his desires and emphasizing their approval in an effort to return his former energy and smile, also in the hopes of spicing up their time together, Alicia wrestled with her inner demons, once again putting herself in the middle of a fight between Chris and her instinctual pride, with her feelings toward him and her nature against the situation between them leaving her at a difficult crossroad of sorts, where in one direction, her affection for Chris would lead her against her better judgement and personal whims, resulting in approving and catering toward immoral things she was against that would please him and the others at the cost of her pride and dignity, while the opposite direction steered her along the path of her own ideals, a path she'd followed for the most part since evolving which would in turn grant her the life that catered to her preferences, yet knowingly caused rifts and trouble between them, a path she'd already known to result in Chris's unhappiness for the sake of her own.

Eventually, she finally gave in with her face remaining in a pillow, the snake grumbling in frustration while Chris and the others sat outside, the mood finally having returned to a brighter one as they point out different Pokemon and landmarks they passed along their way, the two busily continuing to keep him distracted with smiles on their faces and his arms within their own. Looking up from her pillow, Alicia scowled at the two, not so much out of anger toward them, but frustration that they'd cleaned up an issue she caused with him, scoring points for themselves because of her own missteps. Raising her head, Alicia knew her limitations and expectations would only continue to frustrate and harm things between them. Despite all of her objections and resistance, deep down the snake felt an annoying envy within from how carefree the other girls were, how they expressed themselves easier and how they could so easily offer Chris such an intimate and absolute ownership over their own bodies with no regrets, and not only that, but support his claim over them, an act the snake had attempted to dip her tail into, yet hadn't fully accomplished, leaving her feeling cast out from the deep connection the others were making with him that she felt the two of them lacked in comparison. Despite them sharing a common intimacy, she couldn't deny the difference in the level between herself and the other girls, having firmly kept her distance in areas where they only sought to get closer. Although she garnered a sense of superiority over the other girls for her self control, and it made Chris see her in a more challenging and mature light in ways, at the same time it made the girls superior over her as well, something the snake now begrudgingly acknowledged.

As they continued to travel along, Alicia kept her focus on Chris as she thought things through, warily debating her actions before she finally made her way up to the window behind him, pushing it open and pausing before biting the back of his coat and giving it a tug. Jolting, this made Chris blink with a surprised "eh?" before looking back, seeing a shy look on Alicia's face as her eyes looked up at him with his coat still in her mouth, almost like that of a puppy in a strange way causing him to blush in just the slightest way. "S-Something wrong?" he asked, causing her to glance away before releasing him. "I-I uh..." she struggled. "About, you know, my response earlier..." she replied in a quiet and nervous manner, Serenity and Rose looking back before facing away silently. "Oh. Yeah. Sorry again." Chris nodded, scratching his cheek with an uncomfortable look. "D-Don't say that." Alicia replied while glancing away. "I just want to say... I change my mind." she added with a nervous blush. "Uhh, huh?" Chris asked, his expression quickly changing to one of confusion. "A-About that stuff you're into! I-I suppose..." Alicia tried to answer. "Umm, don't force yourself?" Chris smiled with slight sweat on his face. "I get it. Won't come up again." he assured with his hand up in a "promise" manner. "I-It's not that!!" Alicia snapped, causing him to jolt in surprise. "I mean, it IS that, but not the way you think!" she affirmed, facing away while blushing all the more. "I-I've been... Unreasonable, I suppose." she confessed. "So, whatever you do. Just... Do whatever." she added, Serenity and Rose glancing at her while Chris tilt his head curiously. "G-Geez!! Do I have to spell it out?!" she snapped. "Sorry!! You're not making much sense!!" Chris panicked.

Facing down, Alicia was seemingly steaming from her predicament, letting out a humiliated groan of sorts. "I-I'm referring to your manner of copulating!" she clarified. "C-Copulating?" Chris asked, looking at her for a moment before showing an "ohh!!" look on his face and nodding. "GAH you're so...!!" the snake snapped, quickly biting her lip and taking a breath. "N-No, I mean..." she sighed before glancing away. "I've been... Reconsidering a few things, about our relationship." she explained while looking up at him. "I-I don't wish to fall behind the others, nor' do I wish to keep hurting you, or holding you back. So..." she paused, facing down nervously. "I-I'm admittedly not as good, nor' as comfortable with certain things. But if you'll allow me to work my way along, I'll try to do better with you in that regard." she assured. "The whole fiasco at the inn, I'd like to apologize. F-For hitting you, mainly." she went on while looking up again. "No matter my thoughts toward the night before, it was wrong of me to attack you, even if holding back. Especially with the size I have now. No harm was done on your part, but my response COULD have hurt you, and for that, I apologize. Hitting you, that was an overreaction." she repeat as Chris gave her a somewhat surprised and shocked look combined. "I-I don't ENTIRELY dislike the thought of what happened. Nor' do I entirely dislike you copulating in whatever manner you choose." she added while glancing at the girls. "If you must do something, then that is your right. But... Forgive me if I still prefer privacy should it come to US doing something." she finished before letting out another groan. "Th-That's all I have to say!!" she suddenly snapped. "I-If you wish to be a dog in heat, then so be it. Do what you want!" she added before retracting her head and shutting the window, facing away with her head down and a humiliated flush on her face. "I said it. I said it..." she groaned before flopping her face down into a pillow and muttering "goodbye dignity" to herself.

Continuing to look back at the snake, Chris sat wide eyed with his mouth slightly agape, the girls blinking in surprise themselves. "U-Uhh..." he muttered, raising a finger to say something only to lower it and slowly face forward, looking like a deer in front of headlights himself this time while sitting in silence. Looking at one another, Serenity and Rose shrugged in an "okay..." kind of manner. After a moment, Chris shook his head, responding with an "alright then" and a "whoo" kind of expression before snapping the reigns lightly so they picked up pace, continuing to make their way along through the border while each of them processed what had just occurred...