DOMINATION And submission

Story by Joshua_Rabbit on SoFurry

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#1 of Domination Series

A story by Joshua_Rabbit. All characters and places are Copyright protected to me. Please feel free to distribute this story but give proper credit where credit is due. THIS IS AN 18+ Story.. if you are not 18, please leave now... further more this is a Homo-Erotic story, if this offends you again please leave. Otherwise enjoy =) * * *

DOMINANCE & submission

Part-1 Everyone knew about the slavers, and the threat they posed. They would collect unsuspecting civilians and whisk them away to market or other places where they could ply their trade for money. This threat never seemed to bother the people of Seccnia though. A small town on the edge of a forest seemingly balanced on the edge of a cliff face. They had never seen the slavers everyone heard about, and most figured that they where just stories to keep unruly children behaved. Seccnia was about to get its wakeup call. Charlie M. Thistleworth the Third was his full name but Charlie hated the long pompous sounding name with all his heart. He preferred to be called Charl, and it seemed to fit his personality a lot better then the longwinded birth name he was given. He was a fine looking young wolf, with a lithe build. Not as physically strong as most of the men he knew, but he was faster. His fur was a rich brown color, with white running from the insides of his thighs, and across his belly and chest. It was a color scheme many of his friends envied about him. His best friend everyone just called Max. He was a huge young stallion; everything about him was in massive proportions from muscles to hooves. His fur was close trimmed and jet black. Max and Charlie did everything together, and they didn't really mind who knew. They had tag teamed a few females and even did one or two at the same time. Many furrs had thought they were homosexual from the way they hugged every time they met each morning and again when they parted. Many didn't realize the kind of friendship it takes to be so comfortable with someone. Today was like many others for Charl and Max they met with the traditional hug smirking at the look they got from an old female cat that was walking by. "So Charl you ready to head out to the woods? A couple days to the east this time, I have a feeling we can break through that damn forest and maybe contact the next town!" Max seemed very happy about this prospect "If we're lucky" Charl shrugged at his own comment "Well no sense wasting the whole day here let's be off then!" Max practically shoved Charl out of his skin as he picked his small pack and slung it over a shoulder. Charl just looked at the huge Stallion wishing he had muscles like that, and then slung his own pack onto his back. Near dusk they both decided with an unspoken agreement to stop for the night. Charl's legs burned and he was dog tired. Max looked as if he had done nothing more then walked a few feet, even though they had covered many miles of forest in one day. Pulling his blanket out of his pack Charl threw it on the ground, thinking how cold he was going to be that night. While he was pondering the cold Max was staring at the wolfs back and an involuntary shudder swept through him at what he was about to tell him in the next day. "Hey Charl... I have an idea so we don't get too cold tonight" Max started lamely. After a moment of silence Charl annoyed started "Well?" "We could sleep together... you know, I mean next to each other" Max tried to keep the lameness out of his voice, and was worried that his slight blush might show under his face fur. Charl seemed to ponder this for a moment and gave Max a weird look. "Ok but you better not try anything without buying me a few drinks first!" Charl laughed and punched Max on the arm playfully. Laying his blanket out fully over the ground he laid down on it and waited for Max to lie next to him and spread his blanket over them. Max could feel something stir as he looked down at the lithe wolf on the ground staring up at him, and thought about something else to suppress it. Lying down next to the wolf he spread the blanket over them both. "Cozy eh... heh..." Max stuttered out. "Whats the deal? You're acting kinda strange Max." Charl turned and looked at Max folding one arm under his head. "Nothing, im just tired I guess" Max smiled "Yeah right! HA! You tired... "Charl laughed sarcastically at Max. With that Charl rolled over his tail tickling Max's side. Max's mind was racing; he couldn't believe what he was going to tell his friend... and not just any friend his Best friend... the only one he could trust with anything. There was no denying the feeling he had for Charl though, he had thought about it for many weeks and could only come up with one solution. After a while Max drifted off to sleep as well, only to wake up as Charl rolled in his sleep and wrapped an arm around Max's waist his muzzle resting on Max's chest. Smiling to himself he wrapped one of his massive arms around Charl pulling him closer gently and fell back asleep. Max was awoken with a shocking start as he was hit across the side of the face with a wooden rod. Dazed but not otherwise hurt Max bounded to his feet and took a quick survey of what was going on. Charl was tied up and unconscious against a tree. There were three robed and hooded beings approaching him with the wooden canes, the one that had hit him awake swung again. Deflecting it with his forearm Max twisted his arm and snatched the rod from the man with his strong arm. Flipping it over he swing the rod like a bat, smashing it into the beings hood, making a wet crunch the being then collapsed to the ground twitching but not otherwise moving. The other two looked at each other then back to the horse. They both pulled out small crossbow looking mechanisms "Stop! Or ill kill your friend" the small creature sneered out. "Ill kill you both if you touch him!" Max screamed at the creature feeling helpless Pulling out a ring from his robe the creature threw it on the ground. "Snap that around your neck or ill shoot your friend in the chest right now!" It pointed the crossbow at his friend for extra emphasis. Torn at what to do Max dropped the rod and picked up the metal ring in his hands. Looking at his unconscious friends and the small creatures jabbing there crossbows at Charl "NOW!" they screamed in a high pitched frenzy. "For you Charl" With that Max snapped the metal ring around his neck. **************************************************************** Max's head felt like a drum and there was some insane monkey pounding on it, opening his eye just a fraction felt like someone was pouring molten lava into them. What is going on, where am I, went through his mind as he set thinking he heard a voice not too far off. "This is the one?" a bass voice said "Yes sir, the other one is in there too... but he hasn't woken up yet" a sneering voice said. With that Max snapped his eyes open despite the pain of the sunlight shining in on his face, to see Charl lying against him sleeping. Letting out a sigh he felt his neck, the hard metal ring was still there... and there was one on Charl's neck now. Hopping to his feet he shook Charl gently "Hey buddy, wake up, Charl" Max looked at the unresponsive Charl praying he wasn't hurt and laid him down on the ground. Hearing a key being put into the door Max leaped behind the door waiting for whoever it was to come in. The door opened and a small man walked in looking around "where is that damne..." His words were cut off as max smashed his hands against his back, and then immediately fell to the floor grasping at his neck unable to breath. "Yeah you bitch!" the little man regained his balance and walked over to the gasping stallion, kicking him in the side. "You wanna be the hero? Fuck around? Huh?! Answer me... oh wait you cant.. your dying now... that is unless I say you don't" the little man sneered at the choked horse. Max's vision was beginning to dot with colors and blackness and tears were streaming down his face as he reached for the little sneering man unsuccessfully. "Enough!" the bass voice said and slapped the little man "Release the hold now" "Fine..." the little man sighed as his fun had been ruined. Max Sucked in a huge lungful of air and lay gasping on the floor. "I like his energy, what of that one on the floor over there?" The bass voice asked the man "Meh we found them bedding together, ive just kept that one asleep as he woke the first day, this brute took it hard though" "Ill take them both then" the bass voice said and a twinkle came into his eye. ************************************************************ Several hours later Max and Charl arrived at the Man's House. It was a huge Victorian with gardens and a wall. Max and Charl looked at each other wondering what was going on but glad they were still together and didn't have to face whatever was coming alone. "Here we are slaves, my grand house. Do come in" the man stated flatly "S-Slaves?!" Charl asked bewildered by the mere sound of it. Max had assumed the worst since in the cell and was unsurprised by it. "Why of course.. Why else would I have spent over a thousand for the both of you?" the man chuckled slightly "Now enter the house" a hard edge crept into his voice "And don't question me again" Max simply got up and pulled Charl along to the house. Walking up the steps and entering through the front door the man closed it behind them. "All right slaves, I can't wait any longer, I want a good show... right here on the floor!" he snickered in glee Both Max and Charl looked at him confused, but not really wanting to ask a question for fear of the metal rings around their necks. Sighing loudly the man looked at them "I see im going to have to train you both heh, a task I shall enjoy immensely but for now I mean, Get to it... I want to see you both make love" Charl and Max both looked at him shocked, and Max's mind started racing again. "But... im not gay!" Charl blurted out "Haha! That's not what the jailor told me... he told me that he had found you both Bedding together on the forest floor!" the man looked at him without compassion "Now Wolf before you get started.. Because I know what I want to see now, I want to see you suck your friend off. I think you should both know my name. You may both call me Master, or Master Belview" Belview looked at them both for a moment waiting for them to get started. Max's mind just kept repeating "Ohmygod Ohmygod!" Charl looked at the man with harsh eyes "No! im not gay, im not going to suck on some dudes cock! Id rather die!" Charl spit out at Belview. "Is that so? Heh, two with such spirit this is nice, what a deal for me. Ok wolf, suck your friend off or ill kill HIM!" with that the man made a single hand movement and the horse fell to the floor gasping, the ring choking him again. "Stop! You bastard stop!" Charl screamed looking at Max's contorted face. "I wouldn't waste your breath screaming at me... your friend is dying.. you know how to save his life... or maybe you would rather see him die?" The man let out a single laugh. "This cant be happening!" Charl yelled not knowing what to do, in his mind he was always told it was wrong to be gay, but this was his best friend and he didn't want him to die, not like this, not at all! Rushing over to Max he undid his Trousers, throwing the belt aside ripping the pants down to his ankles and stopped looking.... Max was properly proportioned, he was gigantic was a better way to put it. "Ok ok! Stop choking him, ill do it!" Charl yelled flustered at how fast things were moving. "Then start... ill let your friend continue to choke until im satisfied your going to listen" belview stated. Max's mind was blank, and his vision was tunneling into a small dot, the blackness was closing in, then the ring loosened slightly as he felt his shaft stiffen from unknown attention. After a few gasps of air Max looked down bewildered to see Charl Licking along his growing shaft. "wha?" Max got out weakly "No talking out of you Horse, unless it's a gasp. Or ill just choke you again" Belview sneered, and sat down watching the wolf work the horsemeat with his tongue. Max leaned back unsure of what to do, it felt so good and it was what he had always wanted... but not this way. While he was thinking, his brain started to shut down the thinking centers as Charl continued to lick up and down his now hard shaft. Charl moved his muzzle over Max's massive cock and let it penetrate his lips, moving his head down he took the shaft into his mouth, sucking on the tip. Trying not to think about what he was doing, Belview came over to Max and put his Hands on the back of Charl's Head. "Thrust it down his throat" Belview said as a teacher would to a student and pushed down on Charl's head roughly forcing the horse cock down his throat gagging him. Max's eyes looked up at the feeling; the gagging around his cock made him even harder and made him gasp slightly. Letting Charl move his muzzle back up, he kept his hands on the back of his head pushing him down onto his cock faster. Charl's eyes had started to tear up and they fell down his muzzle and fell to Max's thighs as he was forced down upon his cock that was beginning to twitch in his mouth and throat. Not wanting to stop for fear of the man killing his best friend he tried to loosen his throat to better accept the huge girth of the horse. Max's breaths began to come out in short gasps as Charl moved up and down his shaft faster with the aid of his hands pushing down. With a loud whinny and a final thrust Max put the base of his shaft into Charl's throat as he exploded into his stomach. Load after load of horse cum flying down his throat and gagging Charl more. Charl not able to hold in all the cum gurgled around the cock as cum fell down and across Max's balls. After a few more moments Max released Charl's head and lay back enjoying the afterglow. Charl sit up tears streaming down his face but a hard edge in his eyes as he looked at belview. Cum was all over his muzzle and Belview chuckled as he looked at the wolf. Walking over to Charl, Belview leaned down and kissed the wolf on the lips, licking off the cum. "Tomorrow is my turn, for tonight you are both free to do as you please, however if you try to leave the house those rings will kill you. The room you both will SHARE" Belview put emphasis on this word "is upstairs in the attic. Feel free to practice with each other all you want, ill expect you both ready to go when I feel like using either or both of you though." With that Belview walked through a central door in the hall and closed it behind him, leaving Max and Charl looking at each other and then at Max's still hard Cock. "I have something to tell you Charl" Max said "I think im gay" Charl just shook his head tiredly and stood up sweeping his hair back on his head. "Lets go upstairs and go to bed... im tired" Charl held out his hand and helped max stand up. "I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a long day." That is where I will end the first story of DOMINATION And submission. If you liked it please feel free to leave a comment, as I will read and respond to them =) The next story will be out as soon as I can finish writing it.