The Magnificence and Mishaps of Fortune

Story by Ciriaxis Draconis on SoFurry

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AN: Imagine if the first part of this story happened to you during a phone interview...I thought about it during mine, which might explain why I didn't get the job =D * * * They say the number 3 is a sign of good fortune. Well, that was what Korcho was taught. Good things usually come in three. The anthro orca awakened. The sunlight seeped through the navy shades, covering the bay window like a loose, silk shirt. Korcho threw of the covers and walked towards the window. He whipped the blinds open, pushing them forcefully to the sides. The morning sun gleamed its ray upon the smooth, muscled body. The black, waxy skin covered the orca's back along his tailfin. His front chest, belly, and around his eyes were of a grayish shade, fully exposed to the sun. Korcho wasn't shy. He stood stark naked in front of the bay window that gave a magnificent view of the ocean ahead. The newly risen sun raised just above the horizon, emanating a warm blend of crimson, orange, and gold along the infinite sea. A small group of dragonesses strolled along the beach, looking towards Korcho's beach home only to see a tall, built, naked orca standing mischievously behind the large window. The dragonesses pointed giggled to themselves, pointing at the well hung object between his thighs. The orca was feeling blessed. It felt amazing to live carefree on the beach. He didn't make much, though he loved his job as a skilled bartender. He recently applied as head bartender at an infamous beach night club, which threw the best parties every night on the beach, with 5000 anthropomorphs that attend daily. It was his dream job. He loved watching anthros slowly becoming intoxicated on the sandy dance floor, sometimes taking advantage of their drunken slumber for his own, nightly reward for his hard work. The job paid much better than his other bartender position he currently had. Korcho could use a little more pocket cash to support the one he would one day declare as his own, his love, his soul mate. An unusual sound of clawing at the door, sounding like a lost domestic dog stuck outside, startled Korcho out of his thoughts. The clawing paused, next an "ahem", and then he heard a formal knock at his door. Korcho curiously approached to the door, opening it to find a young red fox, dressed in a cute delivery uniform, holding a brown parcel. "Delivery for Mr O..." He looked down at the orca's large, exposed penis, dangling heavily below a pair of smooth, oversized testicles before slowly looking up along the slick, beefy body towards Korcho's round face. The fox gulped. "Hey there. Y'like what you see?" Korcho chuckled. The fox blushed, clearly embarrassed. "Uh...umm...package for Mr. O...Orcha...please sign here." He handed off the parcel, then pulled out a pen with one paw and holding an electronic signature device in the other. Holding the parcel under his arm, Korcho signed on the device, smirking naughtily at the young fox. "Yes, I don't have much of a creative surname, but ignoring that, I think I have quite a package for you." The fox swallowed. Korcho smiled. "I guess I underpaid the postage on this one. Well, cya later." The fox nearly scuttled away on all fours in fear as the orca shut the door, tearing the brown wrapping around the package. Styrofoam spilled carelessly on the floor as Korcho grinned, his face covered with glee. Good thing #1. Korcho planted that thought in his head. It was the newest model of its kind. Fat 4-inch thick shaft with a soft, silver finish on the head, the body curved slightly towards the gel handgrip on the end. The inside along the shaft was made from a rare titanium finish, still wrapped in a smooth, rubber lining to protect the metal inside from tarnish. Oh my, this wasn't a golf club. It was a limited edition 12-inch vibrator with a special vibrating mechanism inside that intelligently adjusts to the user's body for maximum pleasure. The thick, purple, lengthy shaft was just what Korcho needed to start his day. The orca sat in the middle of the living room, his back resting on the couch behind him. Spreading his legs wide, he grabbed a bottle of lube and squeezed its contents on his hands, lathering them. He stroked his semi-erect cock with one hand, coating its smooth surface while his other hand rubbed his tailhole sensually in a circular motion. While stroking his meat that quickly became erect with excitement, Korcho slowly inserted a finger digit in his tailhole, moving it slowly in and out. His tailfin flipped up and down with anticipation as he inserted another digit deeper within his walls, then three. Korcho moaned quietly as he probed his hole deep with his three digits, the other hand now grabbing the smart vibrator beside him. He lay on the floor with his legs spread open, as he circled the head of the dildo around his exposed ass. Gripping it, the orca inserted the head of the vibrator in, groaning under his breath as he felt the smooth finish warm his sphincters. He then shoved more of the purple toy into his ass, gritting his teeth and arching his back up as the shaft slid smoothly in, deep within his rectum. Moving the toy only slowly back and forth within his ass, Korcho pressed the switch button. The intelligent mechanism measured the temperature, muscle vibrations, and heart rate before adjusting its pulsing speed within his ass. Suddenly, the vibrator quickly thrust the whole length within Korcho, the plug on the end firmly squeezing his balls in between. The pulsating head lodged itself right on the orca's prostate, quickly beginning its cycle of spinning teasingly, then vigorously at the gland. Korcho grunted in pure ecstasy. His eyes were sealed shut with delight as his back arched high into the air, his hands furiously stroking his throbbing member. The pressure in his ass already sent electricity along his shaft as the orgasm hit the orca hard. Korcho moaned with sheer delight as the pleasure in his loins surged to unbearable levels. Cum exploded wildly into the air onto Korcho's neck and chest as the vibrator continued to jiggle pleasurably within his ass. He licked his brand off his lips and smeared the cum on his chest and belly, as he breathed heavily in after shock. Korcho wished the journey lasted longer, even thought the orgasm was absolutely sensational. His ass continued to tingle with enjoyment. The anthro orca opened his eyes wide with shock as the vibrator fucked itself in and out of his ass automatically, pausing deep within momentarily to pulsate its head on his prostate. He couldn't believe it. This thing was cleverer than he had thought. Again, Korcho groaned loudly in the air as he threw his head back with eyes rolling deep. His hands gripped the carpet below him, tearing patches of it as he thrust wildly in the air. The pleasures of orgasm surged through his muscular body like wildfire, his erect member beginning to throb painfully in the air. Finally, Korcho sighed loudly in relief. Another continuous load of orca sauce spurted high into the air, falling heavily onto the furniture behind him and onto the carpet with a loud "splat". Korcho continued to pant heavily, his recovery delayed unmercifully as the purple toy continued to slide in and out of his walls, the light friction of the invading object sending quick jolts of electricity around Korcho's body. 'Damn, this thing is smart...' Korcho thought to himself as another orgasm began to build furiously in his loins. 'Mmmmm...I guess this thing likes to keep the journey short.' The slow path to an orgasm is important, but who could turn down incessant rushes of pleasure that never ended? Once in a while wouldn't harm. Korcho breathed heavily to himself, until the phone rang beside him. He ignored it. Another ring. Something was telling him to at least check the caller. Using all of his strength to drag himself two feet on the floor to look at the phone on the tablestand, he read the caller ID. "Down 'n Up Anthro Nightclub" Korcho grinned. He pressed the switch on the vibrator. Nothing. The toy continued to lodge itself in and out of the helpless orca. Frantically pushing the button again and again, the phone continued to ring. It was a futile struggle. Korcho felt another burst of pleasure erupting from his loins, spilling more and more of his thick cum up along his arched body. Wishing he wouldn't orgasm every few minutes, Korcho gripped the cordless phone with his soaked hand and held it carefully beside his head. "H...hello...uhhhhghhhh..." A friendly, booming voice answered. "Hello! Mr. Orcha I presume? Such a creative surname for a cetacean like you! Anyways, this is John Ridea, hiring manager of Down 'n Up Nightclub. I just reviewed your application as head bartender, and we're on a quick move on hiring a fresh bartender for serving during our peak nights. Korcho simply moaned, gasping for air. "Sorry for the lack of warning, but we're really excited to hire you as soon as possible. I am just going to ask for a quick interview on the phone before scheduling a date for us to meet and discuss your job" the friendly voice said. Korcho knew he couldn't miss this chance. He frantically pushed the vibrator button, but it ended up thrusting much faster and deeper within the helpless orca. Hot, sticky fluids almost poured out of his aching shaft now. "S...sure....go right ahea..ughhh" "Is there anything wrong?" John asked. "! just trying to God ughhh...unclog my toilet!" What kind of lame excuse is that? Korcho silently cursed at himself. The ceaseless pleasure below him clouded his rational thinking, making blurt out the most unusual of things. "I see. Well, then let's get started shall we?" John beamed through the phone. "Why do you want to become a bartender?" Korcho gritted his teeth, still hopelessly trying to turn off the ruthless toy that thrust vigorously in and out of hit tailhole. "Uhh....mmmm....I...I always like servicing throughout the night...oh man...uhhh ....I u..use all my strength and skills to satisfy as many customers as possible...ahhhhh!" Another burst of pleasure. Another load of cum. Another groan from Korcho. His situation looked utterly hopeless. Korcho found it slightly humorous if someone had came through door at this moment, only to see a buff orca lying sprawled on the floor, covered in his own spooge while on the phone. He had also noted that his response came out utterly wrong. Laughing silently to himself, Korcho thought his interview would be over. He thought wrong. "Excellent! I'm sure you give excellent customer service. Now tell me, what makes you stand out against all of the other bartenders?" John said; his voice drenched with enthusiasm. Korcho swallowed hard. "Uh...I..I always give what cus..customers want quickly and with maximum efficiency, not wasting a single minute hammering them." 'Oh my, I really screwed up this time.' But John simply laughed. "Yes! That's the spirit! Getting customers intoxicated means more sales and more satisfied customers!" Korcho couldn't believe what he was hearing. His statements have become blatantly suggestive, but the hiring manager was swallowing it up. "So, how do most returning customers approach your services?" Korcho moaned in pleasure. He chuckled hopelessly to himself as he was doing a full phone interview with a dildo stuck all the way up his ass. "W..well, returning customers always tip me large sums of money wanting more of my services." Korcho grunted as the pulsating toy rubbed firmly against his prostate again, sending another instant organsm. "Ohhh my....uhhhhh...umm...sometimes if they tip me enough, I give them a nice shot of my special Korcho Cream Blend." 'Ok. That was too obvious. John had to have caught that.' "Oh wow..." John paused for a moment, the silence on the phone only broken by the near-quiet vibrations of the sex toy. "That is some work you're doing on that plumbing there. I think you should call a professional." Korcho couldn't believe it. "And yes, I've heard of your specialty drink! The notorious Korcho Cream Blend, that almost instantly knocks out a smaller anthro clear off her paws." 'No way. This guy is oblivious.' "One final question: which types of drinks do you specialize in? Having a type of label for brilliantly making certain types of drinks is extremely important for a head bartender. It gives them a brand so that consumers know what your bartending is really famous for." Korcho began to convulse on the carpet uncontrollably. The writhing toy already was fully accustomed to his body, knowing what buttons to press for the ultimate pleasure. "W...well...I'm good at Sex on the Beach" Korcho slapped his forehead in stupidity. "Uhh...mmm....I make a good 747, slider, white Russian, B-52, mudslide, Kingston Casualty, Happy Hawaiian, and more...ahhhh!" Another jet of warm cum. Korcho couldn't even count the number of instant, multiple orgasms this toy made him have. John simply beamed. "Sex on the Beach is one of our top selling drinks! And my, you're also specialized in creamy drinks as well! Good for you! I'm sure clubbers will adore your brand of cream!" Korcho shuddered. "W...well I always shoot a good load into every drink I make." 'This is ridiculous. Can I be any more obvious?' Korcho needed to end this. The vibrator poisoned his thoughts with suggestive responses. John laughed. "I'm sure you do. I'm sure customers love licking that thick liquid around their lips, wanting more and more from you." Korcho suddenly was in a rut of laugher and pleasure. John continued. "It's the employees like you that keep my business running smoothly. I usually keep a tight leash on most of them, but for you I'm sure you can provide for yourself by giving customers all you got. I wouldn't be surprised of some of them cum onto you!" Korcho blinked. John let out a dry laugh. "Oh, I wish I were young like you again. I used to pick up the all the ladies back when I was your age." Korcho tried to suppress his laughter. He said "come onto you" as in someone hitting on him, not the kinky way. This vibrator simply annihilates any sense in his brain. "Th..thank you sir." John smiled. "Well, you're more than perfect for the job. Oh what the heck, you're hired! Come see me in our main headquarters one mile off the beach coast and we'll set you up, ready to go for tonight." Korcho couldn't believe what he just heard, the second time already. Once again, he struck another orgasm. "Y..yess!!!!! uh...yes sir! I'll be there in an hour." "Excellent! I'll be looking forward to see you then!" John hung up. Korcho dropped the phone before glaring furiously at the vibrator that fucked him relentlessly. "When will you stop?" The vibrator suddenly halted. The lubricant dripped from Korcho's tailhole which was still half-stuffed with the purple thickness. Confused, Korcho quickly snatched the manual from the parcel, and read a disturbing line. --Smart Vibe is voice activated. The button is only to fool those who you wish to be sodomized to the mountains of pleasure over and over again, with only you in control.-- Korcho dropped on the floor with hysteria. At least he got the job, regardless of how unusual his phone interview went. He counted good thing #2. 'I wonder what the third is. Hopefully it won't be another slew of quick, sharp orgasms.' * * * They say bad things come in three. Well, that was what Lukas was taught. Bad luck strikes thrice. The ferocious lion awakened. The clock alarm blared gallingly, spilling its shrill sound in the air. Lukas lazily looked at the alarm clock beside him. ___ ___ | | | . |__| / | |__| . | / His eyes that were just opened in slits suddenly widened in shock. Lukas flung the covers off of him and dashed out of bed and ran into his closet. He rummaged wildly through for clothes to wear while his large, full dark-orange mane with black streaks shook carelessly in the air. Heaving piles of unironed clothes out of the closet, Lukas dashed again out the door, trying to slip into his pants while putting on his shirt. He tripped along the way, stumbling roughly on the floor. His cellphone fell hard on the kitchen floor of his apartment suite. It began to quickly play all of his voice messages like someone fast forwarding an episode of Alvin and the Chipmunks. BEEP Message one. "Lukas ma boi. Where are ya? Presentation starts in 15 minutes eh? You always told me this shit was important. Damn rig't it is! After this you get a hefty raise heh, heh, heh. Anyways just get yo ass over here." BEEP Message two. "LUKAS! Where tha fuck are ya? Two minutes before showtime. Get your furry ass in here asap!" BEEP Message three. "Holy shit you lazy ass mofo. You're already 12 minutes late. Stop jackin' off and get here NOW!" ... BEEP Message fifty-two. "Ok you little bitch. You pissed off the executives. They chewin' ma ass off now. Once ya get in here, report to my office so I can seriously give you a bitchin' of a lifetime!" Lukas winced at the profanity. His boss was obviously not content. An attractive lioness suddenly turned over in the bed to see her husband frantically dressing himself. "What's wrong baby?" she said lazily. Lukas picked up his briefcase in one paw, fumbling his keys in the other. "The fact that our species has a tendency to sleep for more than 20 hours a day, Marla." She turned over, pulling the covers back over her sleek, furry body. "Good luck baby." How encouraging. Lukas slammed the door shut behind him. After jamming his claw multiple times at the elevator button, he gave up and sprinted down the stairs, skipping six steps at a time. Finally arriving at the lobby, he burst through the doors and waved frenetically at the bustling street ahead of him. "Taxi!" Nothing stopped. Lukas let out an ear-splitting roar. "I SAID TAXI!" A yellow cab cautiously approached the intimidating lion on the curb. Shoving himself in then slamming the door shut, he nearly spat all of his saliva on the gryphon in the driver's seat. "2300 Miridian Avenue. Fast!" the panic-driven lion said. Sensing his urgency, the taxi driver zoomed off into the street, swerving between slow moving vehicles in heavy, downtown traffic. Lukas looked down at his wrist, noticing his watch wasn't there, but continued to look up and down at it as if it were there. The traffic lights ahead of him turned amber, then red. The driver, out of fear of having his head chewed off, padded the accelerator through the cities most dangerous intersection, dubbed the name "The Six Paths of Brutal, Vehicular Carnage" for being a six-way junction. The taxi zipped through the honking cars that barely missed the renegade taxi cab. Lukas was almost grateful that he had survived the Six Paths of Brutal, Vehicular Carnage, until a sports car suddenly t-boned the cab, nearly tearing it in half. Lukas' head whiplashed to the left, shattering the window into glittery shards. Nearly blacked out, Lukas slit his eyes open to see his right paw skewed grotesquely beside him. Blood tricked down the left side of his head, blinding one eye, the other bruised and began to swell. He managed to see the bloodied gryphon ahead of him, who laid his chest on the steering wheel, knocked out cold. The rustle of people opening their car doors and whispering began to surround the scene. Lukas managed to perk his ears before passing out. "Medico! Medico!" "Oui, il y a deux blessés dans la voiture. Vitement!" "Dar ke minkono jerkshg! Leon ei grifon sash teimo enjurai!" *** An awful stench filled his nose. Whipping his head left and right, the lion couldn't seem to avoid the pungent odor. His eyes suddenly opened wide with shock. White gloves circled unsettlingly above him holding smelling salts; his vision was blurred uncomfortably. A raccoon spoke with her silky voice. "Mr. Ekin. You're in the state of shock. Please remain as calm as possible while we inspect you for any further damages. You're lucky you survived such a crash. The taxi driver was taken into ICU, but his condition is quite stable and he'll be ok." Lukas grumbled. His cellphone in his shirt pocket began to ring the introduction to Beethoven's 9th symphony. It was his boss. "Sir, I'll take that. You can answer later." The medic said. Lukas writhed out of her grip, grabbing the cellphone from his pocket with his right paw. Roaring with pain, he fumbled it to his left and answered it. He recited his impeccable excuse for missing the meeting in his head. "Hello?" he cautiously said. "Well well, if it isn't Mr Sleepyfuck." A harsh voice answered. "Sir. I was just in a horrible car accident, so I couldn't make it today. I'm horribly sorry." The bear grunted. He swiveled his chair around to look at the scene below. "So you just got into an accident now huh? Looks like you're still Mr. Sleepyfuck." Lukas froze. He forgot his building was right in front of him. The skyscraper rose above the cloudy skies, but his boss could clearly see the streets below. "Hey fuckhead? You listening? Forget that raise you were gonna get. In fact, you can kiss your position goodbye. You lucky that I ain't firing your lazy ass. I guess I'll keep you around as my office bitch. Oh, and enjoy your pay cut. You start tomorrow." Click. Lukas sighed in depression. First the car accident, and now this. He counted the unlucky events that have occurred to him this day. Two. He didn't want to think about what the third was going to be. All he needed was some comfort. Marla would understand. He walked back towards the medic. "Ma'am, could you find an escort to take me back to my home? Sorry for acting like that before." The raccoon smiled. "Don't worry. You were in shock. I'll get someone to get you home safely. Take the day off and relax. Relieve that stress. Maybe spend time with your wife." Lukas had forgotten he had a single small braid from his mane that was a sign showing that he was married. "Thank you," he finally said. *** The elevator beeped, opening its rusted doors like a junkyard clamp. Lukas limped towards his apartment door, shuffling his keys carelessly with his right arm wrapped in bandage dressing. Turning the knob quietly, he peeked sheepishly through the door with his large head scanning his home. He wanted to surprise Marla, regardless of his mishaps he had already experienced. Slipping through the door and closing it gently, Lukas tiptoed past the kitchen and towards the bedroom. He heard Marla pleasurably moaning in the bedroom. Lukas smiled, imagining the look on her face if he caught her pawing herself. He would surely help her finish the task. Lukas slowly opened the bedroom door to see Marla on all fours, gasping for air as she rocked forward awkwardly. He froze, a frown covering his face. The lion continued to squeak the door open, only to find a large tiger plowing his thick meat deep within his wife. He held her hips firmly, bucking back and forth within her from behind. Marla simply squealed with delight as her vaginal lips was spread wide open and soaked with her fluids as the tiger continued to thrust within her. Lukas stared. He thought of himself simply tackling the filthy bastard ahead of him, digging his claws deep in his neck before chewing him up into fresh tiger meat; but he didn't. He felt like a cannonball was fired into his chest, his head becoming light with confusion. Lukas was surprised he wasn't angry; not a single ounce of anger at all. He just stared at the scene dejectedly, wishing for someone to comfort his shock. 'I guess I struck lucky number 3.' Lukas cleared his throat. "Ahem." Both the felines on the bed froze. The tiger's cock was still halfway up her pussy, dripping with cum. Marla's face was contorted with trauma. The tiger simply looked at the frightening lion before him. "Lukas..." she whispered. 'Well, at least I got that shocked face I was looking for.' Lukas smiled. "No, do continue. I rather enjoyed seeing you being plowed by this young fella. I guess I came home to catch the early show." Marla eyes began to water in embarrassment. The tiger looked humiliated. Lukas shuffled to the side of the doorway, letting enough room through it. "Well, you better go. I prefer not to have many uninvited guests today." Lukas said calmly, but with pure ice. The tiger pulled out with a loud slurp before shoving his clothes on and bolting out of the apartment. Marla lay on her side as tears streamed out of her eyes. "Lukas...I...I...I can explain." Lukas laughed. This scene was too scripted. Luck really screwed him over big time today. 'What next? I yell at her with all my might? Beat her around a little?' Lukas didn't feel an ounce of rage within him. He just wanted someone to help him forget this day. Something to drown his sorrows. "Go live with your sister for now. I need to think." Marla obediently ran into her closet, packing a few items for a hopefully temporary stay at her sisters. Lukas simply strolled off with his head down. He noticed a business card that lay creased on the floor with his crumpled clothes. Bending over to pick it up, Lukas read the bold letters. ---Down 'n Up Anthro Nightclub. Join the party today! Two-dollar drink night! Don't miss out the fun. Location: the beach, duh! Time: Any time baby!--- Lukas sighed softly. He needed time to reflect. Dressing in a summer shirt and slacks, the lion sauntered recklessly out the door, knocking over a table stand along the way. * * *

The sunset waves glazed across the serene ocean, its light shimmered under the rosy skies. The ocean stretched its claws over the sandy beach, only to quickly retract itself soaking anything within its grasp. Korcho stood under a large oval hut with a collection of rare liquor behind him. The maple finish that served as a countertop was well-polished, since Korcho had meticulously wiped it with an expensive wood stain. He wore a loose summer shirt colored in orange, Hawaiian flowers that was unbuttoned at the top to reveal his massive chest, as well as cargo shorts and sandals. The orca's round face stared lazily into the horizon as the club staff buzzed busily around the beach, setting up for another glorious night of sweaty dancing, drunken fun, and outrageous sex. Down 'n Up nightclub wasn't just some ordinary night club; its parties attracted furries from all over the world, especially the celebrities who often settled themselves under the lounge huts. "Tonight's gonna be an incredible." Korcho looked beside him. An attractive unicorn dressed in a revealing techi-colored transparent dress looked up at him with her azure eyes. "Let's see how good you are under a time constraint" she winked. "The boss says you're the best of the best bartenders out there." Korcho smiled at the challenge. "Well, I never tend to rush things. I like to serve everyone nice and slow, making sure I give them everything they want." She laughed slightly. "I'm sure you do like 'serving' others nice and slow." Korcho slapped himself in the forehead. The charade never seemed to end, even after his lovely, uncontrolled masturbation marathon he had this morning. "For a unicorn that has a name with only vowels, you've got quite a mouth there. I could simply grunt with a ball gag in my mouth, and still be able say your name." Aeyeia gave an offended look while she put a hand on her hip. "The Y's not a vowel in this case, and it's not my fault my parents decided to mash together a name for me, forgetting that other consonants exist. "Well, I guess I'm not that better off either. My surname happens to be my species, only with an extra H. Really makes me unique." Korcho chuckled. Aeyeia threw her head back slightly and laughed. "Well, I'm still curious of your bartending skills. Maybe after this is done, you can really show me your 'nice and slow service.'" Korcho sighed. He wished she was a nice, muscular male unicorn instead of the sleek, gorgeous feminine one in front of him. "Sorry, I swing for the arrow these days." "Aww. I had a thing for big, burly orcas. I'll still give you a great time if you give me a chance" she growled seductively. Korcho tilted his head slightly to the side. "I'll take a rain check then." Aeyeia simply beamed. Korcho was quite surprised his colleague was already hitting on him, even after they just met. 'I guess I'm one sexy orca' he chuckled to himself. The moon slowly became visible in the darkening skies, revealing itself after a timely slumber. Furries started to pour in the club and the music quickly became louder. The bass rumbled across the beach as most of the furries stood outside or sat inside, socializing merrily to each other. Korcho and Aeyiea shuffled around the bar as customers began to crowd around the area. Both looked undoubtedly professional as they spun bottles around the tips of their digits while pouring various types of liquor into shot glasses and cups. The music continued to blast painfully out of the speakers as a few tipsy furries began to dance on the dance floor. A timberwolf approached the Korcho while he was in the middle of mixing a drink. His stern, yellow eyes stared at the busy orca as he tapped his shoulder. Korcho turned. "It's your break soon. After you're done, I'll cover you" the wolf said. Korcho nodded. As he walked out of the bar hut, he noticed a lion sitting alone on the sand. His mane blew lightly with the night winds with his head looking directly at the full moon. His tawny skin illuminated with the moonlight as his tail shifted around slowly side to side, the tuft leaving a small trail in the soft sand. The orca approached the beast to take a closer look. He noticed the ferocious yellow eyes had been drained of its energy with his maw twitching occasionally like a domestic cat would do. "You alright?" Korcho asked. The lion looked up. Korcho had never seen anyone, especially a lion with his usual tough ego, look utterly depressed. "You work here? Could you do me a favor and bring me a bottle of Murian's Absolut? I tip well." Lukas said as he slowly turned his head back up, facing the moon. Korcho frowned. A small shot of the drink would easily knock a smaller furry out. Even large furries have trouble handling a few ounces of the drink. Nodding, he turned back to the bar and brought out a rather large bottle of the drink. Lukas thanked him and began clawing at the cork after handing Korcho some money. He stared at his palm. The lion had overpaid almost 10 times the cost of the bottle. Korcho opened his mouth, but the lion interrupted. "Keep the rest as tip. Thanks for your help." He mumbled and tipped the bottle high in the air, chugging half of it in one go. Korcho stared. He felt deeply sympathetic for the lion who was already starting to sway clumsily from side to side as he stroked a paw back along his mane, ruffling it up. A tuft of his mane was mangled more so than the rest. Korcho noted that married lions usually had a small part of their mane braided. He knew the lion had unbraided it himself. "There something you wanna talk about?" Korcho asked as he slumped down on the sand, sitting beside the large feline. Lukas continued to stare into the moon. His eyelids began to droop. "Just a bad day." "I think it's more than just that. Tell me what happened? It's good to talk to others about bad days." Korcho was surprised with himself. His sudden sympathy contradicted his carefree personality. He usually was never good with talking to depressed friends. Lukas closed his eyes. He held out his right paw revealing bandage wrapped tightly around the appendage. Korcho finally noticed the side of his face had a large piece of gauze taped to the side of his head. To his surprise, Lukas ripped the pad off his face. The long gash had already scabbed. "Wifey beat you up?" Korcho joked. Now he was being his insensitive self. Lukas grumbled. "More like she got beat up; a tiger was slamming into her as if his life depended on it." Korcho frowned. Lukas continued to stare aimlessly to the sky. "My scar was from quite a car accident. I guess I was lucky that I wasn't killed, only to find that my boss demoted me and cut my pay nicely in half. Well I guess I was lucky that I wasn't fired." "You already sound optimistic." Lukas looked up, puzzled. The alcohol was already beginning to sink in to his blood. "W..wha?" Korcho gave him a concerned look. "Well, you already claimed yourself that you didn't get fired, or was severely injured in a car accident. Think of it as two for good luck. Physically, you're quite well, and who needs a high-paying job? Even with your pay cut, you still probably make 70 times more than me. However, I still wake up every day, happier than ever with my life. You should enjoy what you do, even if it doesn't pay you much." Lukas laughed deeply. He shook his head before taking another sip from the bottle. "Yea yea, that ol' 'do whadulike' saying. Keepin mind that not everyone is as lucky as you." Korcho had to agree with him. "Whether or not you like your job, you should still cherish life every second you have..." Lukas snapped. He tipped the bottle over his head one last time before throwing it far into the ocean. "Shaddup 'kay? None of tha' bullshit. I lost m'wife. My job. How can I live like this? I work every single day of m'life with all my effort, and it all goes down the drain in one day of horrible bad luck. You just happy cuz you got nuttin to lose!" The lion began holding the sides of his head, shaking furiously. "Lost all in one day. My hard work. I give up!" Lukas suddenly got up and bolted towards the ocean. "Wait!" Korcho yelled before chasing him. The lion was much to fast for him on land. He leapt into the water, trying to swim as deep as he could in the cold ocean. "Drown I say, drown!" Korcho ripped off his clothes before diving into the ocean, gripping the lion. Lukas violently lashed back and forth trying to writhe out of his grip. The loud splashes of the struggle began to attract attention from the nightclub. The furries began to turn towards the ocean at the struggling sight. Lukas let out a deafening roar. "Lemme go! I don't need this anymore!" The lion could easily pummel the poor orca into submission, but in the water, Korcho had the clear advantage. He quickly locked his arms around the lion's neck, using his legs to keep the lion still. "Calm yourself!" Korcho cried, using his tailfin to propel the both of them back to shore. "Lemme go! Lemme go..." Lukas suddenly gave in. He closed his eyes in hopelessness as Korcho dragged him back to shore. The lion collapsed on the sand; his mane dripped heavily of sea water. His breathing was heavy, sputtering water as he wheezed. Korcho knelt beside him; his naked skin reflected the calm moonlight. Beads of water dripped down his waterproof skin as he looked down at the lion caringly. Lukas slit his eyes open to look at the orca beside him before passing out. *** Lukas slowly opened his eyes; his body surrounded by warmth. He found himself submerged in a warm bath in a bathroom surrounded by wooden walls. "You were shivering." Lukas looked at the door. The orca almost had to duck under the doorway. He stood tall with a towel around his waist below his muscular upper body. Lukas looked down. His head was slightly throbbing from a hangover. "I...I guess I really made a fool of myself this time...thanks for saving me." Korcho laughed. "I wouldn't consider that saving you if you intended to drown yourself. Let's just say I just had a lucky catch while fishing." Lukas turned his head at the orca, smiling slightly. "You're a funny one. A guy like you doesn't look like he would be modest." "So, you think I'm just some egotistical orca who thinks he's all that?" Korcho joked. "You're the one with the pride issues." Lukas laughed heartily for the first time in many years. He felt relieved for once; carefree of what was around him. "Well, me jumping into the water really shows that I don't have an arrogance issue; more like a suicidal tendency." Korcho beamed, laughing loudly. He was glad to see a smile across the lion's face. "Well, you're all warmed up now. Dry yourself off. I'll have an extra bedroom so you can sleep there for the night. By the way, I never introduced myself. I'm Korcho." Lukas clumsily lifted himself out of the bath, displacing some water onto the ground. He stood on all fours and shook his body vigorously, spraying water in every direction. The lion then stood up and reached his paw to the towel nearby. He began drying his well-built body before he noticed the orca, now soaked with water, glaring at him. Lukas smiled sheepishly. "Oh, I'm Lukas." "Nice to meet you, and you could've at least dried yourself before shaking yourself like that." Korcho said. Lukas sighed with a grin across his face. "Sorry, I don't have waterproof skin like you." "Well, it's not really waterproof..." "Oh cut the crap. It's waterproof enough!" Lukas laughed, "but thanks again." Korcho smiled and left towards his bedroom. He slumped lazily onto the bed with his hands behinds his head, staring into the ceiling. The sound of the waves echoed across the beach as Korcho reflected his thoughts before throwing off his towel and burrowing himself deep within his covers; his mind slowly drifting off to sleep. He was suddenly awakened by the sound of sniffling one room away. Curiously, Korcho slipped out of bed and walked towards the other bedroom. He found the large lion, pacing around with a disturbed look. He then collapsed onto the wall, sliding down with his paws covering his face. Korcho dashed towards Lukas, hearing his muffled sobs. "I...I still feel so empty." Korcho heard him say under his breath. "Don't worry. I'm here. Come on, let's talk" the orca said, helping him up. They both sat on the edge of the bed. Lukas kept his paws over his face. "I don't know what to do now...I don't want to go back." Korcho felt the need to comfort the gloomed lion. The urge to support him grew within him. He laid his hand around the lion's head, gently stroking the black streaks of his mane. "It's alright. You don't have to go back. I'm here. I'll help you get back on track 'kay?" Lukas looked bemused. He shook his head again and again. "What will I do? I'm so lost. I...I..." He suddenly needed someone to support him. A shoulder to lean on. Lukas never felt so lost before; so utterly helpless. He turned to see the only individual that seemed to care for him; that still believed in him. As Korcho continued to stroke his mane, Lukas suddenly laid his head down on the orca's lap. Surprised, Korcho squeezed the lion closer to him, stroking his mane softly, whispering words of encouragement. Lukas purred. He enjoyed the comfort he needed after his frightful day. Korcho continued to stroke the feline's mane on his lap, feeling deeply compassionate for the poor lion. Lukas suddenly felt a small rush of guilt build up in his chest. Korcho had done so much for him, yet he hadn't given him any sign of appreciation. He was like a soul mate; a friend; a lover who cared so empathetically, and Lukas felt he needed to do anything to thank him. "Korcho..." "Mmm?" "...thanks for being so kind. You picked me up from such a grievous state. I don't know how to thank you." Lukas said softly. Korcho paused. "You don't have to. Anyone would've done the same in my position." "Hmph. You haven't been in the cruel side of the world have you?" Korcho realized that his life had always been surrounded by optimism on the beach. He never visited the city and judging by how Lukas described it, it wasn't too pleasant there. "I guess not. But stay with me for a while; just get back on track. Trust me, you'll totally enjoy the beach life" Lukas gazed into Korcho's deep eyes. "Enough of that! You've given me too much. The only way I can repay you is by being your slave." Korcho smiled. He couldn't resist the idea. "Well..." Lukas began gently licking the orca's rippled chest, interrupting him. "I was yours ever since you saved my life. I would do anything you wanted, whether I made that slave comment or not" he winked. "Now it's my turn to repay you." Korcho gasped as the lion planted a gentle kiss on his mouth. Korcho slowly closed his eyes, feeling the feline gently massaging inside his mouth. The warmth melted him as he fell backwards, losing control of his body. The lion was sprawled on top of Korcho, his lazy eyes meet affectionately with him. "What does master what me to do first?" the lion pleaded. Korcho laughed. Lukas really wanted to show his thanks. He suddenly felt dominative, reacting to the lion's subordinate behavior. 'After all,' he thought, 'I did help him a lot. Let's see how much appreciation he can give.' Korcho grinned deviously. "Is master's slave hungry?" Lukas smiled, drool pooling down his jaw. "Lukas wants fish meat!" Korcho couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, come and get it!" Lukas turned 180 degrees over the orca, nosing his package as Korcho spread the lion's cheeks apart, exposing his tight tailhole. He quickly sniffed instinctively at the orca's crotch before lapping it teasingly, his tongue soaking Korcho's nutsack and cock. Korcho let out a mild groan before fiddling his tongue over the lion's tailhole. He licked the hole thoroughly, felling the soft flesh slide across his tongue. Before he knew it, he stretched the tawny cheeks further and began swirling his cetacean tongue around the rim before inserting it within the walls. Lukas moaned quietly immediately after he felt the warm ribbon of flesh penetrate his ass that continued to wet the edges of his anal walls, flickering itself speedily, tickling the warm walls. He continued to groan, only to be suddenly silenced as his mouth the entire soaked cock in front of him. Korcho pulled out his tongue from the warm lion's ass and gasped, felling his meat hardening quickly within the lion's mouth. Lukas swirled the thickness within his maw, suckling it until it was fully erect. He wrapped his paw around the member, stroking it slowly up and down while licking the beads of pre that began to leak from the tip. Korcho forced himself to resist the enticing feeling in his loins and continued to dig his tongue deep within Lukas' ass. Lukas continued to tease the orca, lapping the tip and trailing his tongue up and down the entire thick shaft. Feeling the urgency, the lion wrapped his mouth around the spewing tip, and shoved his head down as far as he could. Korcho moaned lustfully as he looked down his body to see the lion bob his head up and down over his shaft, the sucking noises feeding his lust. Lukas kept his lips tight around the throbbing shaft, trying his best to vacuum the meat within his mouth as he slid his head up and down. Korcho couldn't ignore the felling of his cock being suckled greedily, feeling the salivating walls of the lion milking him relentlessly. "Korcho will feed Lukas some of his milk. You want some don't you?" he said with a hint of power in his voice. Lukas released his oral grip on the throbbing malehood, a trail of saliva attached to the tip and his mouth like stretched, chewed bubble gum. The lion looked savage; his maw dribbled hungrily of his saliva and the orca's pre, the shaft beneath him throbbing wildly in the air, coated with a sticky, clear film. "Yes please! Lukas is thirsty!" Korcho nodded and moved his hands over the lion's head, tightly grasping his mane. He then forced the head down over his cock, feeling the lion gag slightly as his tip reached partially down Lukas' throat. Korcho manually pushed and pulled the lion's head up and down, while thrusting his hips up and down contrary to the lion's moving skull. Lukas heard the orca moan behind him as he simply massaged his tongue around the shaft that pumped in and out of his maw, tasting every single surface area of orca meat. He emphasized the savage suckling sounds, driving Korcho wild as he quickened his pace, thrusting harder into Lukas' mouth while forcing his head up and down harder as well. Occasionally while skull fucking the lion, Korcho would hold his hands down all the way so his cock was fully mouthed, and gently shake the lion's head. Lukas would gag as his head was forced down all the way feeling the hot member swirl around the back of his throat which tightened in surprise. This awarded a loud moan from Korcho every time he dug his length deep, before resuming his upward thrusts. The pressure around his cock sent a surge of pleasure down the orca's convulsing body, and with one final thrust, he strongly gripped Lukas' mane as he howled with pleasure. Lukas kept his warm maw around the aching shaft, quickly feeling jets of warm, sticky cum splatter within his mouth and down his throat. The lion milked the appendage, suckling the length as streams of Korcho's seed ebbed within his mouth. Lukas released the thickness, panting for breath before licking the dribbling cum that trailed down the throbbing member, then mouthing it one last time, bobbing his head up and down to enhance the after-feeling. Korcho sighed, breathing heavily. "Did you like master's milk?" Lukas turned around again to face the orca beneath him. His maw was white with orca cum as he kissed Korcho deeply, sharing the taste within his mouth. "Mmm..tartar sauce goes good with fish." Lukas mumbled. Korcho looked offended. "Orcas aren't fish. I'm more related to you than a shark." He chuckled. "You will now pay the price for your offence." Lukas whimpered as Korcho flipped himself over the lion, the bed bouncing slightly to their momentum. He looked up at the orca with his eyes glazed with slight fear, but full of curiosity. "Be a good boy and open your legs wide for me" the large mammal above him said. Lukas obeyed, stretching his legs apart giving Korcho full access to his hole. He watched the spectacle above him wet his fingers and slid them in suddenly, lubricating his hole. "Don't worry. I will be gentle." Korcho grinned. Lukas could only watch as Korcho lifted his rump off from the bed, wrapping his legs around the orca's waist. Korcho would literally pull the lion off the bed if it weren't for his claws that dug deeply into the sheets with anticipation. Sweat trickled down his fearful face; his mane slightly ruffled. Lukas felt the tip rim against his hole, coating it with a layer or pre before teasingly jabbing itself along his ass. "Relax. I will be nice, but you cannot cum until I'm done, or I'll fuck you dry and mercilessly." Lukas nodded as Korcho pulled the lion's legs around him slowly as his rigid member pierced the sphincters of the beast below him. Lukas whimpered slightly as he inched forward; the feeling of a throbbing shaft slowly inching within him. Korcho also moved himself forward, closing his eyes in ecstasy as his cock slowly disappeared within Lukas. The warm walls were tight around his thick length, but Lukas only looked up lovingly into his blue eyes, purposely tightening his anal grip around the shaft. "This isn't your first, I see" Korcho smiled. Lukas looked embarrassed. "Let's just say my wife liked putting stuff up me during make-up sex." "Well, it looks like her revenge was sweet. You really pissed her off a lot if you could take me without whining" Korcho said. Lukas stared his lustful eyes at the orca above him. "Lukas wants master to fuck him, now!" Korcho couldn't help himself snickering at his sudden, submissive response, and suddenly rammed his whole member deep within. Lukas roared as his ass was suddenly filled; every single cubic inch within him was occupied by a thick slab of orca meat. His own cock emerged from his sheath, quickly erecting itself high. Korcho leaned forward to kiss Lukas, feeling the feline member trail some pre across his chest. "Sorry for that my love. I couldn't resist." Lukas gritted his teeth as he tore the sheets with his claws beside him. He still had a small grin across his face. "Do continue." Korcho nodded and leaned back again. He gripped the legs around him and began to thrust slowly in and out of Lukas' hole. His cock slurped as his length inserted itself smoothly within the lion, the smooth muscles around it vibrated in welcome. Korcho threw his head up and moaned as he rocked forward while pulling the lion backward; reversing both motions continuously and finally formulated a rhythm. Lukas could only watch with his claws digging deep within the bed as the orca humped slowly but rhythmically, keeping his yellow rump high off the bed. Lukas couldn't describe the wondrous feeling within his ass that no toy gave him. The warm rod of flesh pumped around his walls, touching every corner of his anal walls. It slowly retracted itself, giving Lukas an empty feeling. The feeling quickly vanished as Korcho thrust forward again; his length refilling the empty space. Lukas loved the hot, throbbing shaft stretch his walls as he gripped his sphincters firmly trying to invite Korcho to quicken his pace. Unbelievable waves of pleasure surged throughout the orca's body as his meat was enveloped tightly. He felt the muscled around his shaft tighten invitingly, trying to prevent the cetacean from pulling out. Korcho almost had to force himself out of Lukas, before pushing forcefully back in, slapping his balls loudly against his rump. Korcho then gripped the lion meat that flung wildly in the air and began furiously sliding his hand up and down the hot shaft, using his other to juggle his testicles around his digits. Lukas gritted his teeth, trying to restrain himself from letting go in fear of the orca punishing him further. Korcho managed to keep Lukas' rump high off the bed with his hardened shaft that pumped back and forth, in and out of the lion's ass while he abused the cock and balls in his hands, trying to make it erupt with seed. However, the smooth flesh that tightly gripped his own meat began to send a powerful rush of pleasure in his loins as Korcho continued to literally thrust within the lion in the air. The orca moaned loudly in response, gripping the lion by the legs again to finish his final plunge deep within Lukas. Hot, thick semen exploded from his throbbing member, coating every square inch of Lukas' inner walls with the sticky fluid. Lukas whined slightly, trying to resist his own cock from erupting with the same fate as he slowly felt his anal area warm up with orca seed. Korcho fell forward, using his depleted strength to hold himself above the lion below him. Lukas gave the orca a teasing lick on the face. "You're already spent?" Korcho growled mockingly like Lukas. "You want more?" Lukas nodded. "Only if you can give it!" "Hmph." Korcho grunted as he lifted himself back up. "Get on all fours then." Lukas obeyed, turning himself over with a semi-erect stick of meat still within him. Korcho leaned forward, pressing his chest on the lion's back and whispered in his ears. "Remember, no cumming. You'll regret it." Lukas purred in conformity as Korcho firmly held the lion by his hips and guided it backward towards his hips. His cock quickly sprang to life as the rectal walls began to tighten around his swollen member. The midnight gust breezed over their naked bodies dripping with sweat, carrying the strong musk that emanated from the couple. Korcho couldn't keep his movements at a slow pace, and quickly pummeled himself in and out of Lukas quickly; their balls colliding with a loud slap every time the orca propelled forward. He spread the ass cheeks apart, awarding him with a spectacular view of his cock penetrating the muscular sphincters and sliding itself smoothly in and out of the tight hole. Lukas bared his teeth and growled each time Korcho slammed his cock deep within him; the bed rocking unstably with each thrust. He tried to hold back his own orgasm as long as possible, but the thick meat within him continuously pressed on his prostate. In his attempt to seal off any flow of his seed, he clenched his ass muscles with all his might. Korcho groaned loudly as the walls around his shaft tensed, almost preventing Korcho from freely sliding himself in and out. Korcho panted heavily as he instinctively gripped the dangling feline cock under Lukas, stroking it furiously. Lukas let out an ear-splitting roar, rocking himself back into the orca's length. Korcho couldn't hold himself anymore and pulled out with a loud slurp. Waves and waves of his own seed spattered itself on Lukas' back and mane, staining the fur. He then shoved his spewing member back within Lukas, ejaculating his final jets within the feline. Korcho panted. "Let's see how close you were." He grabbed the neglected shaft and rapidly slid his hand up and down while using his own to put pressure on Lukas' prostate. It was only a matter of seconds when Lukas roared and his cock twitched under Korcho's grip. A river of lion cum splattered all over the bed sheets. Ropes of Lukas' seed continued to splash on the bed until it slowed into a light trickle. Both of them collapsed onto the bed, smearing their own semen all over their chests. Korcho lovingly gazed at Lukas, who turned his head around and teasing licked the orca's face again. Korcho chuckled and returned a long kiss, hugging the warm feline below him. Lukas wanted the moment to last forever. He never felt so thankful for Korcho's care for him, which quickly turned into affection. He never knew a bond would bridge so quickly between two individuals, much quicker than with Marla who turned her back on her husband. Lukas yearned for this attention that he lacked throughout most of his life, purring softly with Korcho laying above him. "I guess that's lucky number 3 for both of us." Lukas smiled, nodding in agreement. He adored the orca's carefree, optimistic lifestyle. When Korcho lifted himself off of the lion, withdrawing his spent member with a loud slurp, Lukas felt slightly empty as the weight above him lightened. "I have something to show you." Korcho said as he pulled out a large sex toy that was placed strategically under the bed. Lukas turned his head in question. "I need a quick bath in salt water. I'll be back though. In the mean time, just press this button and it'll turn this baby on." Something about the grin on Korcho's face was blatantly suspicious, but Lukas nodded his head. As Korcho got off the bed and walked out of the room, Lukas turned over and spread his legs open, inserting the dildo in his ass. He sighed in relief, before pressing the button; his eyes suddenly widened with shock.