Untouchable: Chapter 47: Steadfast: Xander

Story by Dars on SoFurry

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"Oliver did you hear me?" Xander asked"Hear what, no I'm sorry, what did you say?" Oliver

asked glassy eyed."I asked if you wanted lunch," Xander said."You did? Oh... I'm not hungry... where is Paul he

was just here?" Oliver asked."Oliver he left to go to the store... to pick up

stuff for when Jill gets here, he talked to you about it that was twenty minutes

ago," Xander said then thought, "crap Sean's messed up today and so

is Oliver.""Oh sorry I'm just distracted," Oliver said."Yeah, I noticed, this is about your family, Oliver

I saw this with Sean I know you're not ok. How can I help?" Xander asked."...I don't know, I don't think anyone can fix

this," Oliver said.Xander sat next to Oliver on the couch angled towards him

and took his paw."Like I said, Paul, Sean and I have claimed you as

our family," Xander said, "you are welcome in our homes.""You and Paul have, Sean said he couldn't be family

because it's a sin..." Oliver slumped onto Xander's shoulder but there

hundred pounds difference just crushed Xander onto his back. Oliver cried on

his chest wetting his shirt and fur. Xander held Oliver till it was getting

harder to get enough air."Why are you so heavy?" Xander asked."Are you calling me fat, cause I'm not!" Oliver

said."No, just unnecessarily large," Xander said,

"Translate that however you like.""Thank you, Xander," Oliver said then kissed

his cheek."...You are family," Xander said while he

pictured Paul and Sean, and tried not to get hard from the warm body nestled

against him. The tangy cinnamon sweet feline scent made him lightheaded. Xander said, "Uhm, you're crushing me.""Oh sorry, I needed that, I'm going to get water and

blow my nose, do you need anything?" Oliver asked.When Oliver Got off him Xander checked his phone and

adjusted himself before things got obvious.Neal texted, "Sean's not responding, but he's at

city hall, did he really tell Oliver what their were doing was a sin?""Yeah, Oliver seemed shaken up about that, then he

used Paul's phone to call his parents and they basically cursed Paul and

threatened a restraining order against him and Oliver," Xander messaged."How could someone do that to their kid... I had a

tough time with my super religious step mom but we worked it out," Neal sent."Yeah how?""I moved out kinda simple you know.""I don't think that'll work here... you know if you

hadn't tried to have sex with him, you might have been helpful talking to him

about this," Xander sent."I was not exactly sober," Neal sent."Well if and when you guys do talk you wouldn't

flirt, right, or get turned on by him, will you?" Xander asked."There are tons of guys I'm attracted to doesn't

mean I'd instantly try and... well I did when high on pain killers... but I

wouldn't sober," Neal sent.";) sure buddy," Xander sent."Who are you texting?" Oliver asked when he

came back to the couch."Neal," Xander said, then continued after Oliver

flinched, "He was on a large dose of some pills Pence had him take after

he choked me. He wanted to apologize for that.""So he gets violent?" Oliver asked."Only when you force him to relive that camp

shit," Xander said."Ah... you were interrogating him about the camp

like you interrogated me about being raped?" Oliver asked."Kinda, I don't want to interrogate, I just feel

that we should talk to each other about everything, so we can help each

other," Xander said."Well it hurts now but it will help, or it should.

We need to find Sean," Oliver said."He went to city hall, I'll head over and track him

down," Xander said then noticed he was holding Oliver's paw again. In his

surprise he squeezed Oliver's paw and Oliver squeezed back. "Xander, I'm glad to know you, and that Paul has

you, you're a really great guy," Oliver said."Thank's Oliver so are you, I mean your house is

open to all of us," Xander said."Well like you said we are family, but I have to get

work done, I'll be able to do that knowing you're taking care of Sean... I wish

he would reply to texts, there all unread," Oliver said."So are mine... shit I better get going, Oliver in a

different world a better world you'd have the family that a guy like you

deserves," Xander said then stood.Oliver rose with him, and said, "You and Sean are so

loving, thank you."Xander felt an embarrassing warm stirring with Oliver

standing so closely. He needed to go but before he could leave Oliver hugged

him and the stirring grew. Xander hugged back, in a rush trying to hide things, but Oliver

looked down with an eye brow quirked, his confused expression flashed to a

bemused knowing.Xander thought, "Alpha fucking damnit.""So Sean said you get turned on really easily, but I

had no idea," Oliver said."Oh shut it, I'll be going now," Xander said

then ended the hug."Well there's lube in the bathroom if you need to

take care of things," Oliver said grinning one of those infuriatingly cute

feline grins."I'll save it for later," Xander said then walked

to the door."Lucky Paul, see you later Xander," Oliver said

from behind his laptop in the kitchen.Xander called Paul."Hey babe, what's up?" Paul asked."I thought I was Otis?" Xander asked."You are but not always," Paul said."Oh... ok, anyway, I'm heading into city hall, it

may take a while to track Sean down, when will you be at your place?" Xander

asked then stopped at the bus stop."I'm going back to Oliver's he has that guest room

for Jill, but I have to head over to Bellevue, Northgate mall didn't have what

I wanted," Paul said."Why didn't you try Alderwood?" Xander asked."The manager said they had it in Bellevue and they

put it on hold, I'll be back late," Paul said."Oh, ok well I'm looking forward to cuddling," Xander

said."And what else?" Paul asked."Everything else, just like you like it," Xander

said."Sweet I can't wait," Paul said, "but I

got to focus on the road.""My bus is here talk to you soon," Xander said

climbing aboard.Xander debated telling Paul about getting turned on by Oliver,

but Paul would just tease him about it. He sat on the bus as it trundled its

way down town.He wished he had more coffee, the espresso was now

running thin for four hours of sleep.The buildings moved past hypnotically.  "Ma you and Pa

have to let me go, please it's the last one before college... Pleeeease,

Pleeeeeease! Sean will be back from camp," I said.Mom's black and

white muzzle unhappily looked over the family photos on the living room wall

while she folded more laundry, then said, "I will talk to Pa about it and

we'll see.""If you said

yes he'd have to say yes," I begged."Oh put away

those puppy dog eyes, they don't fit you anymore," she said."Growing up

sucks, next year I'll be in summer classes unable to go," I said, knowing

mom would want me to have summers off to see the family."What do you

mean you're taking summer classes?" Mom asked."Well, if I

don't have things to look forward too, what's the point in taking that time off

from school," I said."I see cute

failed so you're going for coercion?" Mom said."I'm going

marketing mom, I'm just practicing," I said unable to stop my tail from

wagging."Well mister

confident, take this pile to your sisters room," Mom said as the front

door closed. Dad must be home."Sure mom...

how long do you need?" I asked."Oh hush, and

get going," She said smiling at me.I scooped up the

laundry and darted up the stairs before dad circled back to the living room.Nora and Claire's

door was closed, I kicked it in lieu of knocking."Go away Xander

no boys are allowed," Claire said threw the door."I thought it

was no adults not boys," Nora said."Xander's

pretty much both now," Claire said."Hurry up, I

have your laundry," I said tired of how ridiculous they were being."Gross he's

getting his scent all over them," Nora yelled the door flying open,

"Give me those.""Xander are

you going on vacation with the Miller's tomorrow?" Claire asked."I will if mom

and dad, say its ok," I said."They always

do," Claire said jumping on me with a hug."I'll miss you

Clairebear," I said.Nora jumped on me

too, "You won't miss us you'll be having too much fun.""Nora I always

miss you two, but aren't you worried about my scent?" I asked hugging them

back."Not if you're

leaving," Nora said.I said, "Will see

what-""Xander can

you come down for a minute," Dad called up the stairs."Coming,"

I called back, then said to Nora and Claire, "Well I'll be packing, when I

come upstairs."I ran down the

stairs jumping the last six steps.Mom and dad sat in

the living room on the couch by the bay window."Hi, Pa, what

did you want to talk about?" I asked then worry settled on me with their

reserved eyes."Son we aren't

sure you should go on the trip with the Millers this year," Dad said."But I haven't

seen Sean in four months!" I said."I know but we

thought we could invite Sean to go camping with our family this year

instead," Mom said, "we feel he should have a safe place, to be,

well, himself.""Why would our

trip be safer than theirs?" I asked mentally weighing a tent with Sean versus

a hotel room with Sean. I settled on the hotel room in case noise was a factor."Xander you

understand what type of camp they sent him too...right?" Dad said."It's one of

those pray the gay away camps, we both tried praying, it doesn't work. Sean's Sean,

it'll be fine," I said."Xander how

long did you pray?" Mom asked."A couple

weeks off and on," I said, and wished we would talk about something else."Xander honey,

this was seventeen weeks everyday praying, coaching and Alpha knows what

else... We don't want to tell them how to parent but we don't want you under

their care anymore," Mom said."So you're

saying no to Disney?" I asked."No, we're

explaining what we think you should do. You are, however weird it is to

imagine, an adult now," Dad said, then added, "Don't answer now talk

to Sean first.""He is always

welcome in our house, and it's much less crazy and full since, Thomas, Ronan,

and Kerry moved out," Mom said."So I should think

on it?" I asked knowing my decision."Yes and pray

son," Dad said.Mom said, "His

mom should be picking him up today, we are going over there-""I'm

coming!" I said."-there to

talk to them about the trips and our misgivings." Mom continued."Oh you all

are going to argue again aren't you," I asked while I fidgeted."Well hopefully

not, but you're gay and there's nothing wrong with that honey," Mom said,

"I don't want them making you think that you're anything but ok.""Mom it will

be ok, I know it will," I said, "So when are we heading over?""Yes after we

pray, remember Sean might not be the same as he was before," Dad said."Let's

pray," mom said patting the cushion between them.I sat on the couch

Ma and Pa hugging me as we held paws then prayed.?"Alpha

our father and Shepherd, we ask for your guidance, please help us know what to

do that will best further your love in this day and this world," Dad

prayed, while I wondered how Sean might be different."Alpha,

provider and protector, please help us to be able and capable of being the

helping home to Sean if he needs it," Mom prayed."Alpha, please

help me know how to love Sean for who he is, was, and wants to be, amen,"

I prayed.


and Pa chorused the Amen and both gave me another squeeze.