A Simple Request

Story by Casca on SoFurry

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"Can I suck your dick?" the tiger asked, immediately regretting the choice. He wanted to pluck those five words right out of the air before they reached the pointed ears they were destined for then chew them to tiny little pulverized pieces so there would be no evidence that he'd been so lewd and so easy. But he knew it was too late and, besides, he had steeled up all his nerve to seem calm and now his body seemed paralyzed by the facade of his bravery. He was stuck with it now. He would just have to face the music.

The question however was answered with a cough. Cigarette smoke puffed out in clumsy billows from the foxes mouth as he struggled to piece together the request that was put to him. He moved the smouldering cylinder as far away from him as his fingers could reach so he could right his breathing with some fresh air. Emmett waited with his heart in his throat and his gut bottomed out as the object of his uncontrolled affection straightened his spine and observed him with disbelieving, glittering brown eyes.

"Are you joking?" he finally responded. The tiger tried to run and find the darkest corner in the darkest alley where he could will himself out of existence but his body seemed intent on following things through. Instead, his ears turned attentively to the surprising rich tenor voice, admiring the lyrical sarcasm draped over his words which would never betray the smoking habit that would mare another set of vocal cords. Emmett watched the curl of his lips as they sneered cruelly at him and his very forward question and couldn't help but imagine how soft they must feel.

For a tiger his size it felt wrong somehow to be so afraid of a fox like him. Of anything really. People had described him as a "refrigerator" more times than he could remember and not long ago he was working as a surprisingly busy bodyguard. He'd been in big scrapes and stood up to men with guns without one of his own but he was absolutely terrified of what this vulpine and his short, soft, curvaceous body might say.

"No," he replied as nonchalantly as his lips knew how. He could think of a dozen ways to pass it off. To end the conversation and give him the chance to walk away but he leaned against the wall of the windy train station and smiled unassumingly. He let his eyes drift down from his face to the round shape braced by a light winter jacket. His frame curved gently around the middle, giving him a "cuddly" aura, at least when he wasn't being defensive, and wide hips that might be considered feminine on a thinner fellow. Emmett had caught glimpses of his rump, tightly constricted by a pair of flattering slacks which only augmented the roundness of them. Like perfectly shaped scoops of ice cream. His mind raced through the fantasies he'd conjured over the last couple hours of their trip and it steeled the resolve that had taken over his body. "I want to suck you off."

He must have seemed very amorous or sincere, maybe both, because his soft sweetheart relaxed suddenly. He looked around as if checking for hidden cameras or spying figures waiting to pounce on an opportunity to catch him in the act but the tiger had made quite sure they would be alone for this conversation. He just wanted it to be the two of them. He was feeling as greedy as he was nervous. He wished he hadn't mysteriously swallowed a swarm of bees or they would at least quit buzzing around his belly but his knees wouldn't even quiver like he felt they should. He just looked and watched.

"You're serious. Why? I could be a... " The fox stopped, scanning the tiger, checking the sheer girth of his biceps and the broad expanse of his chest and rethought his rhetoric. "Vehemently straight guy and call the cops for sexual harassment."

Those deep brown eyes sparkled in the dim light which shone down from the distantly spaced lamps. The feline found them mesmerizing. "Because I like you. I think you deserve one." He said, keeping his words short and simple as much for his own sake as for his. Emmett still felt those urges to run and hid but the fear was melting at just the same pace his fox's resistance was doing the same.

He smiled a little more warmly, or perhaps lewdly, as the fox returned the cigarette to his mouth. He drew a slow breath, sucking the flame closer as he looked down at his feet. It seemed like forever before he blew the smoke up into the air in a wispy pillar. He watched it for a long time while his admirer watched his face and the softened angles that made up his muzzle. "Well what's your name? It's kinda weird to talk about this and not know you at all."

There were a couple more minutes before the conductor made the last call and the train started moving but frankly the tiger could stay here all night on the concrete if it meant spending the night with the todd who was dominating his mind. So he just adjusted himself so his shoulders were flush with the brick wall and shoved his pockets. "I'm Emmett. Moving out to Vermont," he explained.

The fox cycled through another breath of acrid smoke then offered his free paw to shake. "If you're not dicking around with me then it's nice to meet you I'm Darell."

Darell. It seemed perfect. Darell. Emmett shook the paw, savouring the warmth of his fingers against his, the crush of flesh on flesh as the fingers which would have been the fingers of a pianist if not for the extra weight on them. They were strong though, betraying the muscle that must lie under the the soft cushion. He parsed the name over and over in his head as his fox took his paw back and fished out his watch.

"It's about time be on board," he mused as he tossed his butt aside. Both men looked down his front and both were mildly surprised to see a tent beginning to form in those slacks. Darell looked at the tiger then back down to his pants and shifted the swelling erection to the side. He laid his pointed ears back and spoke slowly as if the fear that had gripped Emmett was now finding its way into him instead. "So if you really wanna do this... Where... well, y'know, the train isn't very private."

The tiger nodded as he moved toward their car with his todd following. His long tail flicked at the tip as he pondered the question. As nice as the bathroom was he was not particularly keen on spending time in a restroom for any reason but the unfortunate side effect of eating. He looked over his shoulder at Darell then was suddenly struck with an idea. "You know that cabin beneath the coach seats?" Emmett offered as they approached the steel coloured vehicle. "I don't think anyone will be there tonight. I'll be hanging down there. If you want to let me do it just come down. If not I'll leave you alone. Deal?"

Darell thought about it for a moment and nodded adjusting his erection again as they climbed the stairs to the seating level and took their places on opposite ends of the car. Emmett fidgeted in his seat. His own erection, throbbing for a long time now had been tucked neatly over his hip, hidden in the dull folds of his jeans, ached for attention but he at least wanted to wait until the train was underway before he got up to deal with it. His whole body tingled at the potential to touch that fox, to feel his heat sink into his mouth. It was torment to just watch his head from the back and not do anything about it. After far too long though the vehicle found its clip and the few passengers who had stayed the night for the long trip were starting to doze.

He stood quickly losing much of the poise he once had out on the platform and hurried down the aisle. He hoped the bulge in his pants was not as obvious to the few patrons still up as it was to him. It never occurred in his addled mind that they would barely notice him at all so he hurried to avoid a stray glance. As he made his way to the stairs he noticed Darell looking back his arm shifting back and forth as he obviously mulled his options over in his head. The tiger didn't wait though. He went down the steps in a rush and checked to make sure that chamber was unlocked.

The door swung open easily and quietly much the cat's relief and when he turned around he was greeted with yet another. Darell was right there, looking at his feet like they had taken him down there without his permission. He rubbed his leg nervously, checking his watch with the other paw before looking up. "I'm not so sure this is a good idea anymore," he muttered as he looked around the little foyer. His tail, so soft and plush curled over itself as if to make sure his trepidation was clear. Emmett nodded and pushed the door all the way open and leaned in close to those handsome red ears.

"Please, if I don't get to do this for you I'll be kicking myself in the ass forever." He didn't mean to sound like he was begging but honestly that was exactly what he was doing. He was overwhelmed and he couldn't do anything about it. He lowered a paw to Darell's belly and rubbed it slowly, not to seduce but to satisfy his alarming need to touch him, to feel his body and its heat. Even the spiced perfume of his fur mixed with the sharp odor of tobacco seemed miraculous to Emmett. It drifted through his mind like magical tendrils and lassoed him into deeper adoration. He honestly felt that he might die if he were rejected now. "All you have to do is sit back and enjoy it. We can lock the door and cover the window. Please...."

Darell bit his lip and walked in without another word. Emmett followed closely behind, shutting the door tight and locking it with fumbling fingers as his foxy love slowly undid his belt. His erection had grown painful between the sight of that gorgeous pair of mounds accompanied by the growing scent of Darell's arousal. He peeled off his shirt clumsily, glad to point that he wasn't being watched as he struggled to free his arm. Finally he was bare and hung the shirt over the door to hide them from the window as he was finally rewarded for his diligence.

The fox turned, a blush turning the inside of his ears the same ruddy colour as the rest of his fur as his pants were held open revealing a beautiful column of flesh. It throbbed gently in the cooled air of the compartment, the swollen crown of it glistening with smeared precum. Emmett slowly sunk to his knees then crawled closer, drooling, despite himself, as Darell watched in self conscious excitement. Emmett grabbed the length, surprised at its thickness, and licked around the head slowly. He purred quietly while his mind was engraved with the musky flavour of Darell's lust then kissed the flared helmet adding a flicker of his tongue drink up more. He looked up at those pools of shining brown and was greeted with a panting pleasured look. At least he knew that he was enjoying it.

Rushing was the last thing Emmett had on his mind, so he just kept licking the head over and over as the taste of skin and precum overwhelmed his senses. A soft paw landed on his head, running absently through the thick fur there until the cat finally relinquished the tip in favour of the shaft. He smiled to himself at the hearty vein trailing up one side then ran his fingertip slowly against it. Darell shivered at the touch and teased a finger around the rim of the tiger's ear appreciatively.

After a moment and another kiss, he sunk a little lower to admire the meaty tool from below, memorizing each of it's steely inches and the straight, thick shape of it before he curled his tongue out and slowly began to bathe his hanging orbs. Each lick was slow and careful, each droplet of spittle an offering of worship for the heavy balls as he washed sweat and musk and cum out of the wiry fur drinking up the flavour greedily. Darell tried to moan but bit his knuckle so not to rouse suspicion of anyone taking a late night visit to the nearby facilities. Emmett stroked slowly along the rod throbbing harder now keeping it warm and slick with precum while he sucked on one orb which hung just so slightly higher than the other. His tongue bounced it around his warm, moist maw teasing the skin one way then the other until he released the first orb and treated the second to the same attention.

The tiger could feel his todd tremble so reluctantly he sat on his feet and smiled up, letting him get a breath and recover, even sit down if he needed. Darell sat heavily in the nearest seat, leaving his legs wide open so his adoring feline could resume his work which he did quite readily, licking up the vein that led to the mushroom head then wrapping his lips tight around it. His tongue swirled in a gentle spiral cleaning the precum again and teasing him softly. Emmett knew that before long his fox would remember where they were or at least get impatient and start thrusting so he had to enjoy the moment while he could. He made shallow strokes down his length, each one drawing more into his mouth until it was pressing against the back of his throat. With just a little shift he opened his neck enough that it could plunge in, choking him slightly as he suppressed his gag reflex. The taste was heavenly but he pulled off to catch a breath of sex stained air.

"This is...." Darell panted as he replaced the tiger's lips with his fingers. "You're good at this." He cradled his tool a bit underhandedly so his thumb could caress the top side of his crown while his tiger watched quietly. "Can I....."

Emmett nodded opening his mouth wide, obligingly trying to take the awkwardness from his delicious vulpine's request. He immediately understood and stood up, grabbing the tiger's firm square jaw in one paw and the seat in front of him and pushed his length in deep. His thick member shoved deep into the cat's throat while those weighty balls slapped his chin. He gagged for real, managing to keep down his bile but still struggling to accept the tool filling his mouth so well. It slid free quickly, barely leaving enough time for a breath before it slammed back in to the root. Emmett's nose was buried in thick, musky pubic fur over and over while Darell took his mouth enthusiastically. His head spun as the wet sounds of his lips and the smell of their sex and the taste and feel bombarded his brain with lust and need. His whole world shrunk down to the space between Darell's legs and the soft pudge pressing against his face and he was glad.

Seconds turned to minutes and in Emmett's mind minutes turned to hours when heavy grunts turned to needy pants. The tiger tried to pull away but the fox was too lost in his pleasure to realize it and finally with a muffled yell he spilled his load deep down his throat. Emmett swallowed, knowing that there was no other choice, but he tried again to free his mouth and found himself only free enough to taste the thick, salty goo on his tongue. As if woken by a snap, Darell instructed: "Don't swallow." It seemed an odd instruction to the kneeling, still the tiger just let the last drops of seed fill his muzzle with its warmth. He looked up at the fox once he finally pulled his dick free, letting it fall limply against his balls and watched him sit back in the plush seat. "I've always wanted to do this."

He leaned in and kissed Emmett's pursed lips, parting them messily with his tongue as he scooped out every last drop of his cum. Understanding after a long moment, the feline moved to help him wriggling his tongue against the intruder to guide more of the cloying juice into his mouth until finally with a dramatic gulp and few licks on both sides the evidence of their liaison was clean. They panted and stared at each other in silence for a long time before the train shuddered over a link in the tracks and they finally stood up again restoring their clothes to the proper arrangement of belts and buttons without another word.

Emmett was glad either way. He'd gotten to adore his beautiful Darell and slaked his sexual thirst. He didn't want to weigh the moment down anymore or make the fox feel awkward so he moved to leave but rather than reach the door he felt a pair of paws close around his waist, holding him still despite the ease with which he could pry himself free. "Look it's still a long way before we reach Vermont. Maybe after the next stop we could do this again. And maybe after we get off we can go out and do something some time?"

The tiger smiled brightly, brighter than he had in weeks and nodded. He started to say something but the fox slipped between him and the door and winked before hurrying up the stairs leaving Emmett alone with the lingering scent of their communion. He really didn't believe in love at first sight though any outsider would tell him that's what it was. But he knew that the way his own tool was screaming for release he wouldn't get that fox out of his mind anytime soon.