Part 1: Draconic Relations

Story by Saereth on SoFurry

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#2 of Draconic Relations

Everyone knew that there was a dragon living in that cave. The whole village knew this. A dragon lived in the cave high in the hills, and it enjoyed dining on human flesh. So everyone knew, so every mother told her son as she dandled him on her knee. Every little boy knew that the dragon would eat him if he was bad. Everyone knew that venturing near the cave meant instant death. Though no bones were ever found, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that the dragon thrived on human flesh and enjoyed dining on the poor hapless villager who got too close.

Alex was a young boy in the village, barely 17 when the last one was taken. The one that had dissapeared had been his boyhood friend, Salem. Both boys had grown up knowing the stories, but both boys hadn't cared. They ahd often stared up at the high cliffs, watching and wondering...just what was up there. they had both found the copper scales that littered the slopes, and both of them had enjoyed the silky smooth feel of the scales on their skin. Alex had always known...someday...he would climb the cliff, and if he died in the dragon's mouth, he'd at least satisfy his curiousity.

The day it happened, Alex was alone, sitting on the slopes, staring off into the distance. His favorite scale was with him, a large oval piece that shined like a miniature sun, but was as flexible and soft as the skin of a baby animal. He had gone there to tend to urges...since within his village, it ws not something that was done for young boys to enjoy teh pleasure of their bodies. Alex had been lectured before for his sexual deviancy and the fact that he spent so much time with his hand in his pants. So he had learned...sneak away to indulge, and never let anyone see him.

So there he sat...his pants off and set aside, neatly folded, his shirt also neatly folded...his body relaxed. He was sprawled on top of the soft scale, stroking it softly with one hand while his other hand was gently stroking his cock. He wasn't yet into a full state of arousal, just a sleepy, soft sort of quiet that he seemed to only attain when he was alone except for his beautiful musky dragon scale. His eyes were closed, his head back...nothing was disturbing his alone time. The breeze that blew in the grass around him felt heavenly on his naked body, and he was simply content, laying there stroking himself.

Because the wind was already blowing, he didn't hear or see the presense that was sneaking up on him. Something with massive wings was slowly, gradually stalking up to him, watching him with wonder and amusement as he pleasured himself.

That someone was Aerie, the last remaining female dragoness in that part of the world. She was the creature that everyone spoke of...the horrible man-eater that the villagers warned children of. She knew of her reputation of course, though she could not correct it. Had she tried, the villagers would have killed her. So...she was forced to wait for the people like this boy, to come to her domain, to show that spark that they could love a dragon.

Aerie felt her empty womb clench, her body shivering. It had been a long time since she had taken a male...and here, laying on one of her cast-off scales, lay the perfect specimen. She watched him, quite fascinated by his long fingers gripping his slender shaft, the glistenign fluid that was smeared across it. She ached to lick taste a male once more...but she knew...she had better wait, wait and see.

Very slowly, she reached into her belt pouch that she wore, and pulled out the thin dragon-gold chains that she had brought with her. She would have to be careful timing this...she didn't want him to be hurt, and she didn't want him to be scare more than he had to be. But she was going to keep this male...and to do that, she needed to keep him chained.

The boy was obviously nearing some sort of climax. She could smell the salty tang of sweat coating his skin, could see the veins pulsing in his member...the liquid pouring freely from it. When she heard a groan escape his lips, she knew the time was right. She quickly pounced from her hiding place in the tall grass, and straddled him, her massive mouth closing over his, keeping him from crying out as she secured her chains to his wrists and ankles. She could feel the wet splatter of his seed as his member spilled itself over her thighs, and she regretted for a moment that she had not chosen to be more slow and slip him into her achign sex before she captured him.

She licked his lips then, her thin reptile tongue snaking between his lips and stroking his tongue before retreating. She heaved her massive form off of him, and stood there, staring at him.

Alex just laid there, staring up at her, seemingly unaware of his bound state. His cock continued to pulse, and he actually felt MORE aroused now, as the dragon (dragoness?) stood over him, staring down at him. he looked at her, noting the beautiful sleek copper scales, the high and firm looking breasts, the slim waist, the long elegant tail, the long spines and horns. His eyes traveled further, and he saw that between her legs, she had the appearance of a human female...a soft looking mound complete with a tiny piercing at the highest point.

He licked his lips, tasting the remnant of her saliva. He looked up at her, then he looked down at himself, seeing the chains for the first time. He fell to his knees then, his head down. He whailed "DON"T EAT ME!"

Aerie looked down at him, then laughed. "Silly human..." she said in his own language "I don't EAT human males. I fuck them..."

She moved closer to him then, standing just in front of him so that his head was level with her crotch.

"That is...of course...unless you're not willing to work with me...I do have you bound afterall. You belong to me now."

Alex looked up at her, craning his head to stare at her face. "You want me to have sex with you?"

Aerie laughed. "That, and a number of other things. For now, I'd like to see if you're any good. You seem aweful young..."

Alex went wide-eyed at that. "I"m 17...and I'll do whatever you ask. Just don't eat me!"

Aerie shook her head, a strange smirk on her face. "Let's start with this then...pleasure me with your mouth. Just something quick, so I know if it's even worth taking you back to my cave..."

Alex nodded, and scooted towards her, his face level with her groin. He looked up once, hesitant, then tentatively stuck out his tongue, and licked the fleshy mound.

He jumped then, startled. It was as soft and warm as a human's flesh, not cold like he thought a dragon would be. He licked more firmly now...getting his bearings. He had pleasured a human before...a dragon shouldnt' be anything different. He crept even closer, his face firmly wedged between her thighs, and slowly, he started stroking his tongue across her flesh, gradually moving between the soft cleft, tasting the inside of her sex. She tasted of rain...soft and moist, and he found that he greatly liked this flavor, so he lapped more eagerly, his mouth open wide against her, his entire tongue licking her, suckling the sweetness that dripped from her as his actions aroused her.

He found the juicy little nub that was her clit, and slowly, he pulled it into his mouth, rolling it around on his tongue, suckling it, making her gush fluids across his face as a sharp gasp escaped her. He nibbled on the clit, knowing that this was causing her great pleasure, and was rewarded with another flood of liquids. His naked body was rapidly being coated with the juices of her lust, and he didn't mind. The slick mess made for the perfect lubricant. He knew then...the beast way to pleasure her would be to get his hands involved.

So, he reached up with both hands, and started to stroke her flesh. One hand stroked between her legs, the fingers slipping deep between the lips of her sex, stroking the soft flesh as his mouth worked on her clit, the other hand circled the soft little hole beneath her tail, making her quiver and jolt against him. She didn't argue however, so he knew...she was liking this as much as he was. He pressed his hand further into her, all the way to the wrist, and wiggled his fingers, stroking the soft flesh, making her moan higher and louder.

As he stroked her, he could feel her muscles tightening, and he knew...this female was nearly ready. So, he stroked harder, suckled faster, moving his hands rapidly against her, his mouth pulling and tugging at the little nub, his fingers insistant on being inside her. He was rewarded then, as she let out a loud roar, and with a sudden and sharp grasping of his face and hand, her sex tightened unbearably so, then her juices cascaded across him as she climaxed, roaring so loud and so hard that he thought his eardrums would explode.

he fell backward then, away from her, falling on his back with his chains all askew. He waited...hoping he had done well. Just because he has satisfied her did not mean he had *satisfied* her.

He dared to open his eyes, only to see the dragoness sitting down, her tongue delving between her thighs, licking herself clean. She looked up at him then, and smiled.

"You're pretty good at this. I think I'm going to keep you..."

He stood up then, and bowed to her.

"If the dragoness wishes it, so will it be..."


~Aerie chuckled softly, and picked up his chains once more. Then she picked him up in her strong arms, and held him. "I want you to hold tight...I'm going to take us up to my cave, and I don't want to hurt you."

The way she was holding him, his groin was so close to hers, he could feel the dripping gooey heat of it against his body. His cock twitched, the semi-flaccid form already starting to stiffen once again. he kept silent though, not wanting to do anything that might make her hurt him or drop him.

She flapped her wings once, and with an impressive thrust of muscles, she was airborn, clutching him to her. His face was pressed between her breasts, and he felt stifled, barely able to breath. But his cock knew where it was, and the cold air rushing between his thighs and caressing his genitals felt REALLY good. He could feel his cock growing...hardening, and he was going to spear right into this dragoness, here in the air. He felt such horrible fear, he wanted to struggle away from her, but he knew...if he did, he would fall.

He tried to think clean thoughts, anything to make his growing erection subside, but the grinding of his face between her ample cleavage and the moist slickness of her thighs against his made that impossible. Every second, the head of his cock grew closer to pressing itself between the lips of her sex and snuggling into her core. He moaned, so afraid, so scared that she would be offended and drop him.

Then he felt one of her hands move from where they held him, at his waist, and move across his butt, stroking the naked flesh. He heard her whisper then, "Go ahead...let it be. I want to see how it feels, midair. Your heart is beating so fast, little human. Go ahead...dont' be afraid."

Alex groaned then, pressing his face deep against her chest, letting his hips relax, allowing his cock to slip into the depths of her sex. She was well-lubricated, so he entered with no trouble, his cock sliding its full length into her bountiful chamber. The air rushed around them as the dragoness whirled in midair, twining her wings around his pumping body, letting them both fall. He panted hard, trying to scream even as his hips pistoned against hers, the fear of falling and the fear of death making him even more aroused, his cock felt like it was 10 times the normal size, filling the dragoness who was wrapped around him. her muscles gripped him tightly, so tightly he knew he couldn't pull out even if he wanted to.

She whispered then, licking his ear gently with her long forked tongue. "You're so small...little human. We'll have to fix that. I want a male who can fill me completely..."

Alex shivered then, her hot breath on his face making his entire body quiver. His groin felt hot and tight, more aroused and throbbing than it had ever felt in his entire life. The depths of the dragoness pulsed around him, so hot and soft and wet, the air around his naked body so cold, the fear of falling so strong...Alex couldn't help himself.

With a heavy groan, he climaxed, his seed spurting into the greedy sex of the dragoness. She purred softly against him, but in his mind, Alex was so afraid...he had climaxed, and he hadn't given her the pleasure she desired. Would she drop him now? Had he come this far, only to fail?

Aerie laughed at him when she felt him start to shake. "Don't fear, little human. I'm not going to drop you. Soon enough, you'll satisfy me...a little magick, and you'll do just fine. Just lay still, and we'll be at my cave soon enough."

She clutched him tight to her, her arms circling around his entire body, one massive hand cupping his bare butt, the other hand around his shoulders, clutching him between her breasts. She continued to purr softly, the feeling of his small little cock inside her making her ache with the desire to be rutted. She sighed then, and turned her thoughts to the matter of flying. She pumped her wings, and moved faster towards her cave.