An Underestimated Opponent

Story by Vantani Fraye on SoFurry

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Just another fantasy-themed short story. I rather enjoyed writing this one, especially the combat part. It was quite fun and I'll definitely have to think of some more fantasy short stories.

As always, leave me a comment and let me know what you think! Happy reading and hope you enjoy!

Aayrie stretched his stiff back and rolled his shoulders, his recently polished armor clinking lightly. His soft green eyes were glazed over with boredom as he watched the other inhabitants of the palace scurry about across the marble floors. At least he was happy he didn't have a job where his responsibility was to run to one end of the palace grounds, and then run back to the other end. His job was not hard, but it sure was dull. It was an honor to be part of the royal guard in the palace, and Aayrie was proud to be part of it, but after ten years had passed of standing in the same place every day, he began to feel the itch for a change.

The white wolf rested his paw on the hilt of his sword as he watched a rabbit, one of the scribes for the lord, scurry by. Aayrie knew his watch was almost done when that rabbit passed him. He had memorized the schedules of everyone who lived in the palace. His post was in the main entrance of the palace, so he learned exactly who and where everyone was going just by watching them. Aayrie nodded to a coyote soldier as he passed by, who gave a curt nod in return. The coyote only wore common soldier armor, and Aayrie could see the jealousy in the other canine's eyes as he jogged past him. It was almost every soldier's dream to become a royal guard. Not only did you get the shiny armor with the royal blue cape draped over the side, but you also made a good bit of gold for just standing in place half the day. Aayrie remembered when he was just a common soldier ten years ago. He remembered the jealousy and longing for the day where he could put that armor on and stand proud. That day did come, and now here he was.

The familiar clinking of armor met Aayrie's ears, and he turned his head to the right to see the royal guard, who would be taking his place, approaching him. Aayrie silently greeted the tiger with a bow of his muzzle, which the feline returned in same said silence. Aayrie allowed the royal blue cape drape over his left side as he finally walked across the marble floors, his nails clicking lightly with each step. He was looking forward to getting some food inside his rumbling stomach, taking a long and hot bath, and getting some sleep. The palace's entire left wing was mostly made up of the royal guards' barracks and armory. The barracks were actually quite pleasant. The wing was cordially decorated and maintained constantly, and had several amenities. A large bathhouse, training area, armory, individual rooms for each guard, kitchen, and common area were just some of the rooms. There were a total of fifty royal guards, and at least half of them were out in the palace at all times. The rest were confined to the barracks unless given special permission to leave the palace grounds for specific reasons. It sounded claustrophobic, but the barracks were quite a large area. You weren't exactly confined to a small area, and it was actually quite easy to get the privacy you wanted.

Aayrie reached the door to the barracks and opened the fine wooden door. The entrance led into the common room, which was filled with tables and chairs for the guards to relax and socialize with each other. A few guards who were off for the evening glanced in his direction briefly, but returned back to their conversations. Aayrie waved at them and made his way into the kitchen to the right of the common area. The aroma of cooked meats and baked bread met his nose and made his stomach growl loudly. He walked to the table where the food was made by the cooks and took a plate of roasted chicken and warm baked bread. He took his plate and sat down at one of the tables. The room was empty besides him, but Aayrie enjoyed eating his evening meal in peace. He had barely sunk his fangs into the chicken when he felt the wooden bench shake underneath him as someone sat down beside him.

"Chicken and bread again?" The voice grunted next to him.

Aayrie glanced beside him as he chewed on his food.

"Hello Risch." Aayrie greeted the other wolf with a muzzle full of food.

"Aayrie. How was your watch? Uneventful, I predict?" Risch asked as he poured himself a cup of ale.

Aayrie nodded as he took a bite of bread.

"Of course it was. Same for me too. Actually, I did hear something quite interesting." Risch said as he grinned at Aayrie. "A little bird told me you were looking at becoming a trainer."

Aayrie swallowed his food and took a sip of ale before he answered. "What? What do you mean?"

The gray wolf chuckled. "Don't play dumb. I know you were speaking to the lord's assistant about getting out of the royal guard and becoming a trainer for the soldiers. Half of the other guards know too."

Aayrie sighed as he glared at his friend. "I swear Risch, if you were the one who spread this around-"

"Aye, calm down Aayrie. It wasn't me. You should be careful about who you tell around here though. You know secrets don't stay secret long around here."

Aayrie huffed as he returned to his meal.

"So, just between you and me, what exactly is your plan?" Risch asked as he started on his own meal.

"Didn't you just say to be careful about who I talk to?" Aayrie said with a smirk.

"You can't talk to your best friend about this?" Risch replied with a mock frown. "I'd never reveal any of your secrets, and you know that."

"I know." Aayrie paused as he looked around the room, making sure no one was within earshot. "I talked to Captain Sessler yesterday about withdrawing from the royal guard to become a trainer. He said as long as I had my ten years in, I could do that."

"Really? What kind of trainer are we talking about here?" Risch asked as his ears perked up in curiosity.

"I don't know. I asked if I could be a combat mentor, especially with bladed combat." Aayrie replied with a shrug.

"Bladed combat? Really?" Risch asked with a deep laugh. "Enough jestering, Aayrie. Really, tell me the truth."

"I am telling you the truth!" Aayrie snapped back as his ears lowered. "Why are you laughing?"

"How can you even be a mentor when you can't even beat a young pup?" Risch said as he chewed his food.

"What are you talking about? I know how to handle a sword! I wouldn't be a royal guard if I didn't know how to!"

"Ah, there's a difference though. Anyone can handle a sword, but that doesn't mean you can handle it correctly."

Aayrie felt his blood start to boil. "Do I need to remind you of my commendations?"

"No, but I believe none of them were earned in combat." Risch replied, still chuckling.

"Three of them were!" Aayrie shouted back, his paws clenched into fists on the table.

"That was ten years ago."

Aayrie was quite angry now, and the smug grin spread across the older wolf's muzzle wasn't helping his temper. Risch was his best friend, but he certainly knew which buttons to press to get Aayrie fired up.

"W-well...I bet I could beat you in combat!" Aayrie stammered in frustration.

Curiosity and amusement gleamed in Risch's blue eyes as they stared into Aayrie's.

"Oh? Are you challenging me to a duel? Is that what I'm hearing?" Risch asked calmly.

Aayrie's tail thrashed against the bench as he stood up. "Yes! I am challenging you! Me against you, in the sparring ring, broadswords only! First one to make the other submit is the victor!"

Risch took the last bite of his meat before he stood up calmly so his muzzle was level with Aayrie's.

"Are you sure? Maybe you'd like to think about this before you take a bite of something that will bite back harder." Risch said softly as he grinned.

"All I'm hearing is you're afraid to accept the terms." Aayrie scoffed.

The younger wolf smiled as he saw Risch's muzzle twist into an annoyed frown.

"Very well. I accept those terms. I will meet you in the training room." Risch replied as he pushed his empty plate away. "One condition though. No armor allowed."

"No armor? Why?" Aayrie asked, confused.

"Well it's only fair I get a part in making the terms too. You said broadswords only, and I say no armor."

"We're using training swords though. They don't have actual blades on them." Aayrie protested.

"Aye, but they are still iron, and iron doesn't hurt when smacked against metal. If we're going to spar, I want you to know when you lose by the amount of bruises and welts you'll sport by the end."

"You'll be the one who's hurting!" Aayrie spat back. "Very well, no armor! Undergarments only!"

"Agreed. Meet you in the sparring room, young pup." Risch replied as he left the room.

Aayrie remained standing, silently fuming as he clenched his paws into fists. Risch may be ten years older than him, but he certainly was no match against his combat skill. He knew how to handle a sword, and he didn't have any doubts about losing. Aayrie sighed angrily as he gulped down the rest of his meal and shoved his plate away.

So much for a relaxing evening.

The sun had set by the time Aayrie pushed open the wooden doors to the sparring room. The room was dimly lit with a few torches scattered across the room but Aayrie could see there was no one else in the room. Well, no one else besides him and the half-naked gray wolf standing at the opposite end of the room.

"I almost thought you wouldn't show." Risch chuckled lightly as he crossed his strong arms across his naked broad chest.

Aayrie just sneered in reply as he walked to one of the weapon racks that held the training swords. He picked one up and weighed it in his paw. Decent weight, besides not having a real blade. Definitely heavier than the real thing though. It still stung though when you got hit, and would definitely leave a nice welt.

"Choose wisely now, Aayrie." Risch taunted as he stretched.

Aayrie growled under his breath as he walked to his side of the sparring ring and set the training sword down on the stone floor. He began to remove his armor, starting with the chest plate which he gently set on the floor, making sure the cape was carefully folded up. He removed his pauldrons, gauntlets, and then finally his greaves. All of his armor was set aside neatly, along with his real sword.

"Now, now, Aayrie. We agreed on nothing but our loincloths, so the leather has to go too." Risch chided as he stripped out of his own black leather trousers.

"Of course." Aayrie muttered in reply as he stripped his leather shirt off and loosened the drawstrings of his leather trousers. He slid them off, feeling the relief of the cool air against his fur. He stood up straight and stretched his arms and legs, making sure he would be limber enough for whatever his friend had in store for him.

"I see you're still keeping up with your training." The older wolf commented as he eyed Aayrie from his side of the ring. "Glad to see you haven't become fat and lazy like some of the guards around here."

Aayrie remained silent as he picked up the training sword and twirled it in fluent arcs. He took up a combat stance, his feet planted firmly against the stone floor, but his body relaxed. His paws firmly gripped the hilt of the sword as he glared at his opponent. Risch just flashed a smile of amusement as he readied himself in a similar posture.

"Eager now, are we? Before we start, let's go over the terms again." Risch said as he held his sword steady. "First one to make the other submit wins the match. Body strikes only, nothing to the face or groin. No stabbing either. Kicking and open paw strikes are allowed. Am I missing anything?"

"No." Aayrie growled.

"Good. So you agree on these terms of combat?"

"I agree."

"Then let us begin."

Aayrie kept his eyes focused on the wolf across from him. He remained still, waiting for any slight indication when his opponent may strike. Risch's cocky grin had disappeared, replaced by a stern and focused grimace. Aayrie calculated the space between him and the other wolf in his head. Four quick steps and he would be within reach of Risch. He knew he was faster than Risch, but what Risch lacked in agility he made up in brute strength. He would have to run circles around the older wolf, parry and retreat. Soon Risch would become exhausted, and that's when Aayrie would strike. Risch hadn't made a single move yet though. The other wolf's body was relaxed. What was he waiting for? Aayrie knew it was dangerous to make the first move, but he didn't want to give the wolf any more time to think. He cautiously put one paw in front of the other. Three steps remained. Still no movement from Risch. Aayrie took another step. Two steps. Still nothing from his opponent. Another step.

A sudden flash of movement, and Aayrie barely had enough time to parry a deafening blow aimed at his right side. He felt the thunderous strike reverberate through his arms. He went to bring his own blade around to retaliate, but Risch quickly danced away. Not wanting to retreat, Aayrie closed the distance between him and Risch and went for a strike at the older wolf's side. Risch blocked it with ease and blocked Aayrie's next strike. The clash of iron against iron echoed in the room. Aayrie sidestepped a strike from the older wolf and went for a lower slash to the abdomen. Risch jumped back and returned to his combat stance. Aayrie realized he was dangerously close now, and retreated somewhat. Risch's cocky grin returned, and suddenly Aayrie realized the older wolf was quicker than he looked. His arms were already beginning to ache from the other wolf's blows. He would have to rethink his strategy here.

Risch drove forward for an upper body strike. It was Aayrie's turn to smile as he easily blocked the incoming strike. Risch's sword grinded against Aayrie's and the white wolf entered a deep stance to prevent him from being pushed back. He pushed back against Risch's blade, and laughed out loud as he felt his opponent struggle to stay grounded. Aayrie's amusement didn't last long though as Risch suddenly backed away against Aayrie's momentum. Aayrie stumbled forward as he lost his balance and suddenly felt a firm kick against his chest. The force of the kick knocked the wind out of him and sent him flying backwards. He remained on his feet though and quickly blocked another harsh blow from Risch. Aayrie growled as he composed himself and sidestepped. He faked a high blow and twirled the sword in his paw for a low strike. He was rewarded with the dull smack as the flat of the blade connected with his opponent's left thigh. Risch growled in slight pain and quickly retreated. Driven by his success, Aayrie drove forward, wildly swinging his sword. Risch deflected each blow with his own sword, but he was unbalanced now. Each strike Aayrie gave caused the older wolf to retreat a step back to the edge of the sparring ring. Aayrie clashed his blade against Risch's, and slid it down so the iron racked skipped past the guard and racked against the gray wolf's knuckles. Risch dropped his guard and Aayrie returned a strong kick which sent the older wolf to the floor.

He had him now. Aayrie rushed forward but miscalculated Risch's agility. He yelped in surprise as Risch swept his leg out and connected with Aayrie's own legs. Aayrie felt to the floor, his sword clattering across the stone as it flew from his grip. The white wolf managed to roll away from a slash that would've left a nasty bruise on his side. He scrambled for his sword and bruised his fingers against the hilt as he got back on his feet. He was panting now from exertion, and the dread started to settle in that he definitely underestimated the older wolf's skill. Risch was back on his own feet now and didn't look winded at all.

"Very good, but not good enough." Risch taunted as he twirled his sword around.

Aayrie snarled and lunged forward, his arms high above his head for a deafening strike. Risch was waiting for such a reckless move though, and Aayrie barked as he felt Risch's blade smack against his stomach. The blow caused Aayrie to double over, and he was barely aware as Risch circled behind him. Aayrie went for a risky backhand strike, but it was easily parried by the gray wolf. Aayrie tried to turn his body around but felt his right leg buckle as his opponent gave him a swift kick to the back of his knee. Aayrie felt himself fall, and then felt a swift kick to his back that sent him sprawling to his stomach. Before he could get back up, he felt the cold tip of the sword pressed firmly into the small of his back. The fight was over. He had lost.

"I do believe we have a victor." Risch said coldly from above him.

Aayrie growled as he stared forward, his ears flat against his head in shame. He didn't want to accept it, but Risch had bested him.

"Very well! You win!" Aayrie snapped as he looked behind him at the gray wolf who stood behind him. "Now let me back up!"

"Oh, I forgot to mention about another term of the fight." Risch said smugly as he knelt down.

Aayrie yelped in surprise as he was suddenly flipped over on his back with a rough push. He attempted to stand up but was weighed down as the stronger wolf sat upon his chest.

"W-what are you doing! Get off of me!" Aayrie snarled.

"Not until I receive my reward for my victory." Risch grinned as he moved his loincloth to the side, revealing his gray sheath.

Aayrie's eyes went wide as he stared at Risch's private area in front of his muzzle.

"What are you playing at? I didn't agree to this!" Aayrie shouted as he struggled under Risch's weight.

"You didn't think I'd let you lose without some kind of consequence?" Risch whispered as he unclasped the leather straps to his loincloth and took it off. "Now get to work, or the entire royal guard will know you lost to an old wolf like me."

Aayrie huffed as he realized struggling was getting him nowhere. He stared at Risch's swollen sheath in front of him. He couldn't think of a more humiliating situation.

"And just to make sure you don't try anything reckless." Risch said as he pinned Aayrie's paws together above his head and quickly bind them together with his loincloth.

Aayrie winced as he felt the leather straps dig into his skin. He tried to move his paws, but the leather held strong.

"Now you can either get to work, or I'll do it myself." Risch growled as he looked down at the helpless wolf.

Aayrie flattened his ears in defeat. He knew there was no way for him to get out of this situation. With a defeated whimper, he flicked his tongue out and slid it upwards against Risch's swollen sheath. Risch murmured in approval above him. Aayrie trailed his tongue against Risch's sheath as he watched the tip of red start to slide out from the entrance. The wolf's musky scent grew stronger with every lick Aayrie gave, and soon his view was filled with Risch's throbbing member.

"Open up now, pup. Let's see what else you're good at." Risch rumbled.

Aayrie hesitated as his gaze settled on the entrance to the room. "W-what if someone walks in on us?"

"If you're worried about that, then I suggest you make this quick." Risch growled.

Aayrie whined softly as he obeyed and opened his muzzle. He felt the heat of the wolf's member as it slid into his muzzle. Risch moaned softly as his length slid against Aayrie's tongue. Aayrie had only been with a few other males before, and he was always the one getting sucked. He had never had another male's member in his muzzle before, so he awkwardly began to suck on Risch's length.

"Aye, watch the teeth!" Risch warned as he grabbed ahold of Aayrie's own balls and gave them a light squeeze.

Aayrie winced and carefully rolled his tongue over Risch's massive length. He had never seen someone as big as Risch, and he couldn't believe how the wolf hid something so massive in his sheath. Aayrie felt his own arousal start to grow as he continued sucking Risch's member. He didn't want to admit it, but he was actually enjoying pleasuring the older wolf. He looked up at Risch's muscular body and admired the toned structure. For being thirty-five years, Risch sure had a lovely body.

Risch started to take control and Aayrie struggled to not gag as Risch started to thrust his hips. He forced his throat to relax as he felt the throbbing length enter and exit his muzzle. He kept his head still and allowed the older wolf to take full control. His tongue occasionally slid against the sensitive tip, causing Risch to moan in pleasure above him. The wolf's muskiness clouded his mind and soon he felt his own throbbing length slip out of his sheath.

"Looks like you are enjoying this after all." Risch murmured as he ran his paw up Aayrie's member, causing Aayrie to moan around Risch's length.

Risch continued thrusting, his slick member sliding in and out against Aayrie's tongue. Aayrie could taste the sticky musky fluid that started to leak from the other wolf's throbbing member. It coated his tongue, leaving a sweet and slightly salty aftertaste as Risch pulled his length free.

"Enough of that now. Time to move on to the real thing." Risch said with a menacing smile.

"T-the real thing?" Aayrie stammered as he licked his lips.

Aayrie huffed as he felt the weight leave his chest. He yelped in surprise as the older wolf moved farther down and felt his legs spread apart forcefully by Risch's strong paws. Risch grinned as he positioned his body between Aayrie's spread legs, his erect member throbbing between his legs.

"Y-you can't be serious." Aayrie whined as the gray wolf knelt down on his knees and pulled Aayrie towards him so his legs rested on Risch's thighs.

"Nervous, are we?" Risch asked, amused.

"I-I've never done t-this before!" Aayrie whimpered as he eyed Risch's length nervously.

"Never had another male inside you before? Well you're in for quite the experience." Risch chuckled as he rubbed a single finger against Aayrie's entrance, causing the white wolf to shudder. "Oh, quite tight indeed."

Aayrie felt his face flush as the wolf fingered him. He had never been touched this way before, and the pleasurable sensations that ran through his body were almost too much for him to take. His own pink member throbbed against his abs.

"Now just take a deep breath and relax, pup. If you clench up, it will just make things more uncomfortable." Risch said as he rubbed his slick tip against Aayrie's entrance.

Aayrie grunted and closed his eyes as he felt the slightly painful pressure of the wolf's tip entering him. He struggled against his restraints as he tried to force himself to relax. Risch growled lowly as he continued to push forward. Aayrie felt a burning sensation as the wolf entered him.

"O-ow! S-stop!" Aayrie pleaded, but Risch did not relent.

"You really are a virgin." Risch grunted as he continued to press forward. "Just relax, pup."

Aayrie tried to take his mind off the burning pain as Risch continued to penetrate him. He felt like he was being split apart and he prayed that the pain would end soon. He finally let out a gasp of relief as he felt the wolf hilt against his backside.

"See? That wasn't too bad." Risch panted as he gave a comforting pat on Aayrie's thigh.

Aayrie panted hotly as he clenched around Risch's throbbing member. Risch allowed him to adjust to the engorged intrusion inside him, and soon the pain diminished and was replaced by pleasure. Risch tightened his grip on Aayrie's thighs and slowly began to thrust. Aayrie moaned softly as he felt the wolf's member slide in and out of him. His own length was now starting to drip against his abs. His white fur became wet and matted as his fluids spurted from the tip of his member with every thrust Risch gave. The sensations of pleasure that traveled through Aayrie's body felt like fire. His moans became louder as Risch picked his pace up. The sticky fluid that flowed from Risch's member now made Aayrie's insides nice and slick. Risch growled lowly in pleasure as he thrust his hips forwards and backwards, his thighs slapping against Aayrie's backside. Aayrie felt his body shudder with each thrust. His tail thumped against the floor in pleasure as Risch continued to fuck him. Aayrie no longer tried to stifle his moans of pleasure. He didn't even care if someone walked in on them right now. All he cared about was letting the older wolf fuck him as hard and fast as possible.

Risch panted hotly as he gripped Aayrie's thighs tighter and started hammering into him. Aayrie yelped and barked in pleasure as his bound paws scrambled to hold on to anything for leverage. The rough stone floor beneath him scraped his back, but Aayrie was oblivious to the slight discomfort. His engorged knot had fully formed now, and his cock ached for release as it bounced against his abs. Risch noticed Aayrie's throbbing length and wrapped his paw around it as he continued thrusting in and out. Aayrie couldn't help but cry out as the other wolf started to slide his paw up and down his shaft. Aayrie felt the pressure start to build up in his balls and he knew he couldn't last much longer. The sensations of Risch's cock slamming in and out of him combined with the teasing from Risch's paw on his own length finally sent him over the edge. With a howl, Aayrie saw fire flash across his vision as he released his seed. He felt the warmness spurt out of his throbbing length and streak across his abs and chest. The contractions of his orgasm caused his body to shudder, and he felt himself squeeze around Risch's member.

Aayrie's orgasm sent Risch over the edge, and Aayrie gasped as he felt Risch slam into him. There was a brief flash of pain as Risch's engorged knot spread his entrance wide, and then an intense wave of pleasure as the knot popped inside him. Risch growled furiously as his member pumped ropes of hot seed deep inside Aayrie. Aayrie gasped as he felt the warmness coat his insides. Risch dug his nails into Aayrie's thighs as he grinded his hips against Aayrie's backside, his member releasing his seed into the younger wolf. Risch's orgasm finally tapered off and his body relaxed as he rode out the diminishing pleasurable sensations.

After several minutes, Aayrie finally found the strength to move again. His entire body ached, and it wasn't just from the fight. Risch panted softly as he rested his gray paw against Aayrie's sticky chest. Aayrie winced at Risch's touch. His chest was already starting to bruise from the kick he had received from the other wolf.

"How are you feeling?" Risch asked softly.

"I...I think I'm feeling fine." Aayrie panted.

Risch gently pulled out of Aayrie, causing a soft moan to escape Aayrie's muzzle. He was finally able to close his stiff legs, and he felt the wolf's warmness start to leak out of him.

"I hope you didn't feel too much discomfort." Risch said as he leaned over and unbound Aayrie's wrists.

Aayrie slowly sat up, wincing as his entire body screamed in protest at the sudden movement. "I think I'm going to be sore no matter what."

"As will I." Risch replied with a grimace as he stood up.

Aayrie slowly stood up as well and covered his sticky cock with his loincloth.

"Are you angry with me?" Risch asked as he retrieved his own loincloth and slipped it back on.

Aayrie looked at the older wolf with tired but happy eyes. "Angry? After an experience like that? I think I can forgive you."

Risch seemed to relax as he smiled. "If it makes you feel any better, you were quite the formidable opponent. You just need to work on a few things."

"Well you are correct about that." Aayrie sighed as he rubbed his sore rear.

Risch smiled softly. "Maybe we can have a private training session tomorrow? I could show you a few things."

Aayrie chuckled softly. "I would like that. Maybe not tomorrow though? I think I need a few days to recover."

Risch nodded. "I will too. I think you received the worse end of things though."

"Aye, I'll definitely be sore tomorrow."

Risch chuckled softly as he looked around the room.

"Well now the real challenge begins." The older wolf said as he started walking towards the exit.

"What? What real challenge?" Aayrie asked.

Risch looked over his shoulder as he gave the white wolf a wink. "The real challenge is getting back to our rooms smelling like sex."

Aayrie felt the color drain from his face. So much for not being humiliated.