Worldwide Sex Wrestling League, 2nd Round: Enter Your Name

Story by Kernog on SoFurry

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#2 of Worldwide Sex Wrestling League

A new chapter, and the start of Lucas' career in the sex wrestling federation.

Partially inspired by this drawing by Zerofox1000

Expect a lot of wrestling talk and development, wrapped around a sexy scene between our hero and his new trainer.

I am not an expert in wrestling, albeit I remember that, as a kid, I watched the shows on TV almost religiously, every Saturday. I hope that I got most of the terms right ^^

A week passed in utter excitement for Lucas. The Lucario was going to be a sex wrestler. And not just any wrestler, one trained by the veteran star, Whitemane! I will not waste that chance, he told himself constantly. He still played some tennis to pass time, but most of the remaining days until the meeting were spent either at the fitness center, doing various cardio exercises in preparation for my future training, reading books about wrestling, or watching old wrestling shows featuring his coach-to-be. The Solgaleo did not lose any of his charisma during his twenty-two years long career.

And the long-awaited day came. Lucas headed to the sex-wrestling gymnasium, in the main city. It was a big building with the Worldwide Sex Wrestling Federation logo on its facade, and tainted windows to discourage peeper-toms from looking inside. Lucas entered the building and went to the reception desk, where a rather elegant Braixen was classifying the daily mail. A multitude of framed photos were decorating the entry hallway, and the Lucario realized that he knew most of the photographed wrestlers. His mind wandered for a moment: soon, his own pic may adorn the walls of this building. "Hello. May I help you, my pretty?" the Braixen opened the conversation, startling Lucas as he realized that he reached the desk while daydreaming. "Hello, um, Betty," Lucas greeted back, after the name plaque that was placed on the wooden furniture. "I have an appointment with Whitem- I mean Mister O'Reilly." "Oh, Patrick," the clerk reacted. "Which means you are Lucas. We are used to call people by their stage name around here, so don't feel stupid if you call your future coworkers that way. By the way, did you already choose your own name?" "Not yet," Lucas replied, glad to calm his nerves through the small talk. "I have a lot of ideas, though." "That's good," the Braixen approved. "Patrick became officially an agent and a manager last week, but he has been counseling newcomers for years now. I am sure that the both of you will work something out." The Lucario nodded. "This is really a big place," he remarked matter-of-factly. "Most of the building is occupied by the offices of the Federation, but the first floor and the basement is entirely dedicated for the wrestlers. Do you want me to show you the place before I lead you to Whitemane?" "Sure," Lucas agreed after checking the hour on his phone.

After ensuring that a coworker could replace her for a short period, Betty gave the impressed Lucario a tour of the first floor. It was only two main rooms, but they looked gigantic. First, right after the reception desk, there was an elegant locker room, with wooden bench and lockers; most of the lockers had the name of their owner engraved on a golden plaque nailed to each locker. Betty explained that each locker kept the plaques of their previous owners, a fact that Lucas could confirm when walking through the room, waving at the few wrestlers present, who were in various stages of changing into their wrestling costume. Forecasting what the Lucario was about to ask, the Braixen showed him Whitemane's locker, and the one next to it, which bore a new, blank plaque; Lucas did not need to be a soothsayer to understand that this would be his future locker.

The pair passed into the next room, where the training mats and the fitness equipment were. A big room, with a classy mood. The wooden floor creaked under the Lucario's paws as he made his way between the pillars which supported the rest of the building, and delimited the various spaces. A dozen wrestlers were already starting their training despite the early hour; one was pushing weights, spotted by another wrestler, several pairs were rehearsing various moves and submission holds and another pair, isolated in a corner, was practicing their sexual stamina, to the two onlookers unashamed enjoyment. "Are there women training here too?" Lucas asked in genuine curiosity. "There are," Betty informed him. "Sex wrestling is far from being a male-only sport, you know? Not that I would mind." After a short pause, she added: "We have divided training hours into men-only, women-only, and mixed gender periods, to cater to everyone's sensibilities. We know that, even if we enforce tolerance rules and that everyone abides by it, not everyone is comfortable with training while there's a lot of distracting gazes or activities happening around them. I get a pass because I'm from the staff, but mind the time tables when you will start your training." "Sure thing, Betty," Lucas nodded.

After concluding the discovery of the training room, the Braixen guided her charge to stairs leading to the basement. They arrived in a smaller locker room. "We will stop here, because you need to be naked to continue, and these facilities have the same rules than upstairs. At this level, you will be able to find showers, a hammam and a sauna, as well as a few rooms, if you want to 'decompress' in relative privacy." Just as Betty finished her explanation, the door leading to the facilities opened and a familiar Incineroar appeared, in all his naked glory. "Hey! Lucas!" Blazer roared in joy. "What are you doing here, skinny dog?! The offices are upstairs, you know?" "It's good to see you, Kyle," Lucas replied warmly, as he shacked arms with the Incineroar. "Betty was showing me the place." "And getting an eyeful at the same, don't you, you cunny vixen," Blazer joked. "I'm doing my job, my good sir," the Braixen replied, affecting a scoff. "Why don't you hide that big sausage, if you're so mindful of me getting an eyeful." "Suuure," the cat replied as he changed into mini-shorts; something perfect if you did not want to show off your goods outside of training, Lucas appraised. "I guess that you're going to see the old lion now? May I accompany you? I'll assist to the meeting anyway." "Of course," the Lucario approved.

The pair having turned into a trio, they went back to the reception desk at a slow pace, as Brazer insisted on greeting everyone else in the training room, taking the opportunity to introduce Lucas. The Lucario was humbled as he realized some of them were big names of the sex wrestling world, such as Night Owl, 'Wiz' the Wizard, or Burly Bartold. All of them were cordial to the newcomer, and acted completely differently from their public appearances. The three peddlers eventually made their way to the second floor, where the offices of the managers were. Betty left Lucas and Blazer to their own devices after leading them to Whitemane's door. Lucas noticed with amusement that nobody batted an eye at seeing an Incineroar in skimpy clothing walking through the hallways. "There are mostly veterans and former wrestlers here, so everyone is used to this kind of sight," Blazer explained. "Do put on something decent when going to the upper floors, though: you want to look good to the upper brass."

"Come in," the soft voice of the Solgaleo rose from behind the door, right after Blazer knocked. The confirmed wrestler and the newcomer stepped inside a tidy room, filled with trophy shelves and framed pictures. Whitemane was waiting for them in a comfortable looking reclining chair, behind his desk. He had the most formal wear of the three, with a blue shirt and an red tie which leaned on the orange, and complemented the outgrowths adorning the feline's white mane. "My dear Lucas. It's a pleasure to see you again," the Solgaleo greeted the Lucario, taking the time to stand up from his seat to shake the canine's paw. Afterwards, the old lion invited Lucas to take a seat, and sat back on his own chair. Blazer simply leaned on the sturdy desk. "I'm glad that you accepted our proposition," Whitemane began. "After that performance with my dear Incineroar, I had to have you in my stable for this sexy wrestling league." "Your stable? Do you mean that you will be building a small team?" Lucas asked. "Yup," the Solgaleo nodded. "Three is a good number for now, and with you and Blazer, I have two fighters already. And I have an idea for our last member. But first things first... Mind if inspect the goods?" Lucas' cheeks flushed red at the proposition and fidgeted a little. The white leonine male sensed the embarassement of the Lucario and stated: "Now, let me be clear on one thing. I am not, and I never will force you to do things that you do not want to do. I already know that you are comfortable with having sex with other men and in public, but you do not need to conform to this lifestyle out of the ring. Long story short, do not be afraid to say no if I go to far." Lucas stared at the Solgaleo's eyes, which glowed a soft blue hue behind his visor. How could he say no to such a gorgeous hunk. "S-Sorry. I was caught short by your request, that's all." he managed to say." He stood up and was about to take off his shirt when he asked: "By 'goods', do you mean all the goods?" Whitemane simply smirked and said: "All the goods, boy," while waving his finger to say that the bottom had to go too.

Lucas took off his sweatshirt and his shirt, then his denim and his boxer underneath. Blazer enjoyed the show, while helping Lucas by taking his clothes and folding them. Whitemane oogled the young Lucario's naked body from top to bottom. "What a nice body. It lacks some muscle to be worthy of being called a wrestler body, but this will not be hard to compensate," Whitemane judged. "May I touch?" "Not at all," Lucas accepted. He was not hard yet, but he was one good touch away from popping a boner. Whitemane checked the firmness of Lucas' muscles; he passed his hand through the soft patch of brown fur, before getting interested into the spikes that prodded from the Lucario's chest and forearms. "Do you use products on your fur? Like conditioner, dyes?" the Solgaleo asked. "No," the Lucario replied. "A wrestler is a sportsman first, but also a showman. I'll give you the address of a good barber, who will take care of your fur. I will also ask you to soften these spikes. An accident can happen real fast, especially with the ones on your arms." "How much?" Lucas asked. "Until you can press your hand on them and not feel an uncomfortable pressure on your hand," Whitemane described. "There are specialized limes for these kind of things, you will have no problem finding them in a shop or in a beauty salon." With that being said, Whitemane examined the lower body of the Lucario: "I can see that I do not need to tell you that, but I will say it anyway: keep it clean down there, on both side, especially the inside of the sheath and the ass. For enemas, use only water, and do them at a moderate frequency, only when you know that you are clogged down there." "Er- Um- Okay," Lucas nodded, a little embarrassed to talk about these things.

"Now..." Whitemane said as he groped the Lucario's balls. "Ah!" the blue-furred male squeeled. The lion kneaded the plump scrotum, and could not retain a chuckle as the canine's red dick slipped out of his sheath with each knead, like a party toy. Lucas stood at attention, a little nervous, while Whitemane kneeled down, putting his hand mere centimeters away from the hard canine rod, whose knot was concluding its slow engorgement. "Mmm, not bad," the Solgaleo said, before licking his chops, visibly impatient to have his own turn with his new protege. "Blazer, would you give me a moment while I give our boy a test run?" he asked. "Sure thing, boss," the Incineroar agreed with a chuckle, before closing the door.

Whitemane went to lock the door after Blazer, and quickly came back by Lucas' twitching cock. "C- Coach," Lucas stuttered. "Are you really going to..." The leonine Pokémon answered before the younger male could finish his question. His firm muzzle gulped down the Lucario's maleness down to the knot, while his hand gave the fuzzy ballsack a good squeeze. "Ah-!" Lucas moaned, surprised. But Whitemane did not stop there, and he could feel the veteran suck the air around the bulbous organ, sending it further down his trained throat. The feline's throat produced lewd swallowing sounds: "Gck. Gggck." "Ah! Aaah!" Lucas moaned again and again. Eventually, Whitemane left the Lucario's cock slip out of his mouth, with an audible plop. A thread of pre and saliva still linked the Solgaleo's chin to the tip of the blue canine's penis, and the feline slurped it back in his mouth with eagerness. "I used to be a champion, you know?" the older male asked rhetorically, as we rose up. He took off his shirt and his pants with surprising dexterity and went to fetch a bottle of lubricant from one of the drawers of his desk. He squirted a liberal quantity of the oil on his hand and pressed a finger against Lucas' taint. The Lucario gasped from the cold contact of the lube, but leaned forward on the desk while Whitemane pushed a finger inside of him, and then a second after some wiggling. "Call me your initiation," the white-furred manager explained while he prepared Lucas. "If you can outlast me and my onslaught, you'll have the markings of a true champion!" He was already half-hard, and quickly stroke himself to full hardness, before pressing his cock against the tenderized hole of the other male. With a soft squelch, the head pushed in. Whitemane gave his partner's sphincter a few nudges, before going further in. The air escaped from the Lucario's lung in the form of a long moan of pleasure: "Nnnn..." "Damn, you're tight, boy. I feel almost guilty to stretch you up," the male twice his age teased. He waited until Lucas's inside eased around his maleness before pushing the rest in and starting to pump.

Lucas lost the notion of time. It felt like an hour passed, as the only noises filling the room were the two men moaning, as well as the soft "plops" resulting of the Solgaleo's balls impacts against his perineum. At an indeterminate moment during the intercourse, Whitemane had switched positions, placing a leg on his desk and using the added leverage to perform smooth, deep thrusts inside of the wannabe-wrestler. "Still holding on? What stamina," the Solgaleo huffed. Lucas did not answer. His eyes were close, trying to keep his breathing in order and to not collapse on the desk. "Haa... Aaah... Uhnn..." the Lucario panted. "D-damn... I'm actually... Close," Whitemane admitted. There was probably no use keeping up with the test, as the Solgaleo picked up Lucas in his big muscled arm and, after turning around, lied on his back on his own desk. One arm securing the Lucario's torso against his, and the other grabbing and stroking the canine's cock, the feline plowed the blue ass at full speed while cum pulsed out from his cock, in enough quantity to drop out from Lucas' asshole. The young man climaxed not long after, the firm hands of the leonine Pokémon squeezing out rope after rope of sperm out of the trembling Lucario; the thick liquid fell back down on his hands and on the canine's belly, coating his black fingers and the brown belly-fur white. "Ugh... F-fuck! You are SO signed on, Luke," Whitemane declared out loud, as they slowly came down from their pleasure height.

After a short but calm downtime, and a good towel scrapping, Lucas and Whitemane were back at their seat, and the manager called back Blazer to discuss more serious business. "Okay," Whitemane said once everyone was back in the room. "First, let's choose your gimmick and your angle. Since I was a face, the members of my stable need to be as such, which means you will have to play a good guy. Probably something justice-themed, since Justice is my shtick. Do you have any ideas on your own? A theme that you particularly like, for instance?" Lucas stormed his brain and answered eventually: "I always liked ancient Egypt. You know, pharaos, the old gods." "Mmh mmh," Whitemane nodded. "What could we find that brings both together..." "Does it not have that legend, with the feather?" Blazer asked. "Oh, that's right!" Lucas shouted as he realized what the Incineroar was talking about. "They say that, in Ancient Egypt, the dead had to be judged by Anubis in front of the king of the Underworld. Their hearts were weighted and if they were found to be heavier than a feather of the Justice goddess Maat, the heart was devoured by a beast." Whitemane's eyes lightened up behind his visor: "That's it! That's great! And you'd totally look the part with the right props! Kyle, does somebody have this kind of gimmick?" "Not to my knowledge," the Incineroar eventually said. "There's the Grave Digger who has the same kind of death theme, though." "No, actually that's perfect. He's a heel, and his gimmick is that he resurrects the fighters who 'died' in the ring, to use as his minions. Someone a Judge of the Dead would totally be opposed to." "Which means, I'm going to be Anubis?" Lucas asked for confirmation. "Yup," Whitemane confirmed. "Anubis, but a special Anubis, one who judges the wrestlers in the ring, and wants to bring the Grave Digger's necromantic activities to an end. That's perfect. We have your name, your gimmick, and if the Digger and his agent are okay with this, we found you a heel to have a feud with." "There's also Quetzalcoatl, the Winged Serpent, who plays a mayan god," Blazer added. "Egyptian god versus mayan god, that could be a nice matchmaking." "True, but he is also the acting champion, and I don't want to give Lucas- sorry, Anubis, here, too much of a push."

The animated talk continued way after Lucas signed, and officially became the wrestler known as Anubis. Whitemane invited Blazer and Anubis to lunch, and afterwards they went together to a shop. The shop was filled with fighting sports goods, with a big separated space dedicated to sex wrestling. The shopkeeper, an energetic Mareep, welcomed the Whitemane and his friends. "It's always a pleasure to see you in this store, honey," the shopkeeper greeted the Solgaleon. "And the pleasure is the same, Lou," Whitemane greeted back. "I'm here to find something for the kid here," he explained, putting his big hand on the Lucario's shoulder. "Hello, sir," Lucas politely presented himself. "My name is Lucas." "Nice to meet you, cutie pie," the Mareep smiled back at him. "What are you looking for." Whitemane looked at his new protege.You're in the house, boy. You make the choices, his eyes seemed to say. "I chose Anubis as my stage name," Lucas started to explain, "and we- I was looking for something egyptian-themed." "I see," Lou mumbled. "Face or heel?" "Face," the Lucario replied instantly. "Okay. I'll go fetch everything I can find," the Mareep asserted. "Take your clothes off and wait for me by the fitting room." "Shouldn't it be the other way around," Blazer joked. "Hush, you mean cat. You're spoiling the eye candy," Lou complained as he left for the storage room.

"First things first: the pants," Lou started immediately as he came back, carrying a cardboard box filled with items. "It really depends on your style. Most of the wrestlers choose a speedo or a thong, with a minority choosing a more exotic piece of cloth: loincloth, fundoshi, cup, and so on. We could go on a loincloth, since you're going for that 'ancient warrior' thing, but I actually found this."The Mareep proudly handled Lucas a black speedo, like the one he wore not so long ago, only this one had a white ankh painted on the front part. "Ankhs are some of the most well-known egyptian symbols, so the more the better," she justified."But ankhs are a a symbol of life," Lucas objected."They are also a symbol of divinity, and honestly I do not think that the Ancient Egypt geeks will be angry at you over this." Lucas tried the speedo. It felt comfortable, and he actually liked the design. "Okay, let's keep it for now and see the rest," he said. "Okay. Next comes this," Lou resumed, pulling out a white and blue headdress. "Ooh, a neme. Nice," the Lucario whistled. He put it on instantly, and looked at himself in the mirror. "It looks good on me," he conceded. "True," the Mareep agreed. The costume pieces followed one after the other. Among the many items that Lou showed to Lucas, the young wrestler selected golden rings with an ankh motive for his dreads, and a golden neckguard, set with a crimson stone that matched the color of his eyes. Finally, to reinforce the 'god of mummification' part of the old God, Lucas put bands of linen on his forearms and around his ribs. He pondered adding more trinkets, but Whitemane stopped him in his track. "It's best to keep it simple, Anubis," the Solgaleo said, having instantly adopted the Lucario's stage name out of habit. "That headdress is a good choice, by the way. We'll add a crook and a flail for your entries, and it will be perfect as it is." "I can not thank enough, coach," the newly minted Egyptian god answered. "Be on time at your first training tomorrow; it is the better way to thank me, boy," Whitemane said. "Before that, how about we take a picture? To celebrate," Blazer proposed. "Yeah, let's do this," Whitemane agreed. "Then we'll do another one at the end of your training, so that you can realize your progress." "Good idea," Lou approved. "Can one of you give me a phone?"


Click! "Aaand, done!" Betty said, as she came back towards Whitemane, Blazer and Anubis who had just posed for the picture. "Good, now let's put this one and the one from six months ago side by side," the Incineroar said, grabbing his own phone from the nearby table. Anubis was aghast. The Lucario from six months ago looked like a fan disguised as him, rather than his past self. "Hoooly shiiit, how many more centimeters of muscle does that make," Blazer whistled, honestly impressed. "Not only that, you went for the pose straight away, and you look way more confident," Whitemane added, smiling. Anubis knew he has changed, thanks to Whitemane's intensive training, but it has been so progressive that he did not realize the overall tranformation. When he was fit, but slim, he had gained muscles, and his guns were showing whenever he flexed his arms; when he was slightly hunched and a little unsure of himself, now he stood upright and exhaled an air of confidence. When he looked like a fan who was hanging out with his idols, now he totally looked the part. "I... Just... Wow..." the Lucario stuttered. "And I am pretty sure that you can gain another centimeter or two," Whitemane judged. "But not more. Having too much muscles can be unhealty." "I can see your point," Anubis agreed. "But, you know, I don't even think I want to become a mountain of muscles. Right now, I feel... Fine... Yeah, that's it... Fine." "And to celebrate the end of your training, I have awesome news for you," the Lucario's trainer said. "The Grave Digger and the Fed finally agreed to have you fight the Digger. Your first real match is next Saturday. Make us proud!"