Christmas Surprise

Story by Mattydb on SoFurry

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 Mark has gotten a few days of relaxation after getting his assignment from headquarters. He was nervous about this one though because he usually didn't work up front on enemy lines. He was a technician in the back after all, He had enough training to be prepared for a heavy assault but he didn't like the whole force method. This time it was an armed rat and a magic wielding Dragon. Mark never shown signs to his family he was special but on enemy lines he knew a little magic himself. The clock on the shelf read eight pm. He yelled downstairs, " Bye guys I will be back later". He didn't hear anything but left the house and went to the tree to the right just outside the house. He looked around before pushing a few buttons high up on a limb. The trees bark pulled up and out a door showed and was open. Mark slid in shut the door and pushed the button, he slid down this chute that was like a tube.

 There was a human standing at the other end when the fox finally made it. The man said, " Hey there agent 56765 you ready for the mission" Mark just nodded as he finished reading the report. The man was standing by the computer now and was showing this building in New York. The man said, " This is the main area and it is by the town square we need you to stop Dr. Cornacopia again he is up to his old ways of trying to mess up new years and Christmas" Mark nodded and was being suited up for the mission with the latest gadgets. A laser gun that stunned the target was the earliest and most used agent gadget. Mark sighed and the man said, " I know we need new gadgets soon". Mark walked with the man to the jet which was being disguised as a 747. Mark walked up the stairs and took a seat with other agents. He noticed a familiar face behind him but didn't saw a word he was just shocked to see Max. The human came behind Mark and said, " This is our new spy agent he is known as 876565" Mark acted professional he shook the hand of the wolf and smiled.

 Max said, " Hey there thanks for introducing yourself as you can see my first day is hard" Mark knew it was too because he remembers his first assignment was rough even though he was behind scenes. Max said, " Don't worry I scope out the scene before you as a passing bystander to make sure the doc isn't planning something bad for us". Mark nodded and checked the computer for the area they will be staying at. Max was surprised as well to see Mark but didn't show any sign he was nervous to be working with his son's boyfriend. They both wanted to be professional and didn't even show signs they knew each other. Max looked at Mark and noticed he wasn't as shy as he made it seem. They were practicing with each other in the back room sparring.

 The pilot said over the intercom, " We will be taking our descent into the cold city of New York in a few minutes please get to your seat and buckle up" The two came from the back took a random seat and buckled up as told. The computers that were recently on tables were now being pushed into briefcases and flipped from the table to a secret compartment. Max sat next to Mark and they had a conversation about Christmas coming up. The pilot landed the plane with no real turbulence problems and said over the intercom, " Welcome to New York city and enjoy your stay please fly again real soon". They all boarded off the plane one by one. Mark and Max had to act as a couple and held hands as they got off. They had gotten a few stares but some were aweing it up and others were looking at them disgusted.

 Mark looked over at Max and hugged him for being here for him. Max said, " Kiddo we aren't out of the ball game yet we have a lot to go one of us may not even make it back" Mark just nodded and they both went outside to see a white stretch Limo and they got in. Their trip was short but they noticed laptops in the limo for a quick brief of were they will be staying for a few days. They got to the Bolton hotel and noticed how nice their hotel was. The passed by Dr. Cornacopia but he didn't notice them. They however, noticed and wondered why he was here and not setting up his project yet. Max said, " We have reservations for two under Smiths". The receptionist looked at the two and then typed some stuff into the computer.

 The receptionist looked up at the two again and said, " Welcome to the Bolton Mark and Max and enjoy your stay" but he was really thinking man I wish that I could have a cute wolf like him. The receptionist added before they left, " Your room is number 343 you need help with your bags"? and winked at Max. Max thought for a second and Mark noticed the fox at the reception trying to flirt with him. Mark pulled Max in and fake kissed him. Max looked astounded and shocked for a second realizing he had to be professional. The receptionist said, " You two make a great couple and your one lucky fox" Mark just smiled.

 Max said, " Sure we will like our bags sent up if you please kind sir" the wolf at the reception called to the back but no one came. The receptionist went to the back and noticed the two kissing. The receptionist laughed and walked away. He went back to the desk and shooed the couple away. He grabbed their bags and followed them to the room. The two had a fake conversation and the receptionist tried not to pay attention but couldn't help but eves drop. He overhear max say, " I was not flirting with him honey you're mine".

 Mark said, " Then why did you use your signature wink dear at the receptionist". Max just sighed and didn't say anything. Mark said, " Fine after this vacation we can break up and you can go back to Cameron and I will have Pancho" The receptionist was stunned at what he was hearing and stopped for a second they realized when they didn't hear footsteps and turned around. Mark said, " Are you okay deary"? The wolf didn't say anything but just watched as the fox sat down trying to cool himself down.

  The fox said, " I am fine you can go ahead I will catch up I just kinda got over excited" The two looked at him and wondered what he meant when they noticed the buldge in his pants. They chuckled and picked him up. The fox said, " My name is Dave but I think you two make a great couple don't break up cause of me" They laughed and started walking again with him in front this time. The fox turned around and noticed the two were blushing.

 Mark said, " I am sorry you overheard us we aren't just breaking up for that reason we have a lot of problems and this relationship isn't working no matter how hard we try" The fox frowned and Mark replied, " Besides I noticed the real look in your guys eyes you like each other more" Dave smiled and hugged Mark. Mark said, " When is a stud like yourself off of work"? Dave thought for a second and didn't say a word.

  Max whispered into Marks ear, and Dave was curious when Mark nodded. Max said, " Dave I need some help when we get to the hotel and it is your honor to help me right"? Dave just was wondering exactly were this was going but hadn't the slightest idea. Mark laughed and thought to himself this fox must not want sex. They reached the door and opened it after a few attempts. Max said, " Mark go to bed early please I need Dave here to help me with you know my back problem in the shower"? Dave was looking for the right words to say but as fate wouldn't allow he stood there with nothing to say. The time on the mantle read ten pm and Max said, " Well Dave your choice stud shower with me and have some fun for a few nights or pretend you never came up here and leave" Dave started leaving because he didn't want to break up the couple. Max said, " Mark guess were stuck with each other for our needs" they both sighed at the same time and Dave chuckled.

 The fox was now curious and had to ask, " Do you guys really hate each other that much"? they nodded and he laughed. Dave said, " I am sorry to hear that you two are hot" They blushed. Dave looked at his pants and knew he needed relief and his 1 hour break might be a good idea since he cant work behind the desk with two horny dogs in the back taking bags to notice. Max winked at Dave and pushed him out the door because even though he had a wife who wasn't really his anymore they are only staying together for the kids. He didn't want Mark to think otherwise. Dave stopped at the door and said, " If you need help I will be glad to take care of anything kind sir" for some reason Max's dominant side took over and grabbed the fox and picked him up. They got to the shower and Max turned it on. He got fully naked and his hot body was showing off the fox felt weak in the knees seeing his musculiar body. Dave said, " Um.. sir do you really have to be naked for this"? Max chuckled and got in the steaming hot shower.

 Max said, " If you don't want to have some fun with the guest you can always go to the workers in the back and by the way it was the musk of them that gave it away I have a great sense of smell". Dave was now more curious and wanted Max but was still nervous since they came here to try to work it out or so he thought. Max replied, " This was arranged by my parents they love the kid but I don't not like that anyway me and him are like family, and besides you look like you need relief if you don't want it from me who you were flirting with I won't stop you from leaving I can jack off by myself" Dave sighed and started undressing. Max said, " That is a good fox and don't be shy you are one hot fox" Dave blushed and got in the shower.

 Dave said, " Wow these showers are nice and woah is that your cock good sir"? Max was rubbing his crotch and looked at the fox who liked what he saw. Max chuckled and pulled him closer. He started kissing Dave and rubbing his crotch against Dave's already unsheathed cock. They both moaned into the kiss and after a few minutes of rubbing each other and kissing they stopped. Dave said, " Wow you really know how to turn a guy on" Max smirked at him and started jerking off Dave. Dave said, " Cowboy, Cowboy, riding in a rodeo can I be the bottom for you" Max had a devilish grin on his face and took some water from the faucet. Dave smirked back and turned around lifting his bushy tail. Max put the tip to the opening and started pushing in slowly while still letting the water run over them for some extra support. Dave grimaced as he was being invaded by the big wolf. They both moaned and Max hilted to a halt when he was all the way in. Dave winked at him and gave him the go to start. Max pulled out to halfway then started thrusting slowly. The water made it easy for him to go in of the nice tight hole. he started picking up speed as his dominant side took over. Dave said, " Looks like moan.. you want to try it moan. rough and wild huh"? Max smirked at him and their bodies became one as Max fell on top of Dave. The wolf's knot was forming and he wanted to tie but knew what that meant for the few hours. He bit down on Dave's shoulder as he was thrusting harder. Dave moaned from the pain and pleasure he was taking. The final thrust came all too fast for Dave, Max moaned loud and poured his seed into Dave. Dave started jerking off himself when Max pulled out.

  Max said, " No bad fox you will have pleasure no jerking off today" Dave smirked at him and stopped jerking off. Max pulled him off the floor of the shower and around. Max bent down and started sucking off Dave. He started real slow and easy to tease the kit. Dave moaned in pleasure as he was watching the wolf. Max started going a littler faster and Dave couldn't help but buck, he was having a hard time trying not to continueously. Max didn't care though he was still sucking. Dave grabbed the back of Max's head fur and started guiding him. Max knew he was getting close because he started pumping faster into his muzzle. Dave did a hard thrust but max could take it all. He swallowed the seven strings of seed that came out of the cute fox. They cleaned up and then turned the shower off. They each took a towel off the rack and dried off. After they got their clothes on they kissed again. Max said, " I will be here tomorrow as well if you need more action cause that was fun" gave him a smirk and Dave said his goodbyes. Before Dave could leave he was turned around and kissed. Dave smiled and left, Mark came over after finishing the book he brought. He looked at Max and smiled.

 Mark said, " I won't tell Caren but next time try not to be so loud with a fox in the other room". Max blushed, and Mark said, " Also I know what you were thinking earlier I won't tell Sanchez about it either" Max looked at him puzzled not knowing until Mark said, " I read minds I accidentally found out" Max blushed again and started tearing. Mark hugged him and said, " Do not worry about it dear Sanchez will understand when you guys are ready to tell him" Max looked up and stopped tearing.

 Max said, " I see why Sanchez likes you, you can make anyone stop being upset so easy" Mark chuckled and hugged him again. They knew that it would be a long day tomorrow and now that it was twelve they decided to go to bed. They only had one bed but didn't really bother them since they both slept clothed. They said goodnight to one another and Mark turned off the light as they went to the bed and slept peacefully.



Coming out

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Holiday fun

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