A New Lover

Story by Hidden Heart on SoFurry

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#3 of Recovery

Recovery A New Lover

John sighed as he cleaned the glasses behind the bar. It had been a few days since Frank had been in the bar. He was happy that His brothers former lover had found a nice lion to settle down with, he just wished he had more time to play with them too. It had been busy lately and with his other tender leaving for another state he was working hard. He had hired another bartender and would be getting more time but just his luck Frank and his new mate were out of town for the next couple of weeks. He finished the cleaning and closed up shop deciding to get a drink himself at home. He walked down the sidewalk just wishing he had found someone to play with even a drunk customer at closing would have been fine.

He was about a block from home when he saw a raccoon run out of an alley in front of him and down the street. He ignored it till he was walking by the alley and saw a wolf out cold bleeding in the snow in the alley. He rushed over to see the nicely dressed wolf seeing a minor cut on his head and another on his paw. The raccoon had probably robbed him and left him for dead. It was cold and the wolf already felt cold, he had to get him into a warm place. He tried to wake the wolf and got him to stir but not awaken. He hailed a passing taxi and got the driver to help him pull the wolf inside, he paid the driver to get him home and help get the wolf inside. Once inside he called a doctor and tried to help the wolf by warming him up with heat packs.

John took off the wolfs' shirt and pants putting the wet clothes in the washer. He came back and decided since the underwear were wet he should take them off too. As he slid them down his mouth watered as he saw the large plump sheath and the wolf's large shaven sack. He threw the underwear in the washer and came back to the couch drying the wolf a bit with a towel. After a few minutes of this he couldn't resist any longer and picked up the soft skinned sack in his paw feeling it's full loud and the warm feel. He rolled them softly in his paw getting a small moan from the owner. He leaned down to lick the sheath to slowly take it into his muzzle as he realized what he was doing and took his paws away sliding a blanket on the sexy canine. He quickly went to the bathroom and pawed off yipping at his quick orgasm thinking of the wolf.

John went to the door as he heard the doorbell ring, normally getting a doctor this time of night would be impossible but he had an old friend he could call. He answered the door and saw the bear he knew so well letting him inside. It had been a long time since he had last laid eyes on the polar bear such smooth fur. He had missed him more than he realized.

"Hello Tim thanks for coming I didn't want to bring him all the way out to a hospital," John smiled softly.

The Bear chuckled, "don't be silly, you know you can call me any time we were lovers once after all and I still feel for you."

John let out a soft sigh and lowered his muzzle, "how is your mate?"

The bear smiled softly and lifted John's chin giving him a long soft kiss, "don't be that way sexy, I care for you but I wanted kids and I love my wife as much as I loved you."

John smiled softly a tear running down his cheek, "thanks Tim I needed that."

Tim smiled, "your welcome now where is our wolf friend?"

John smiled and led Tim into the living room to the couch and let him work. He patched up the wounds and checked for broken bones. He bandaged a few bruised ribs but that was all. Tim and john then moved the wolf to the spare bedroom and let him sleep for a while. John and Tim sat and had a bear talking for a while and catching up a bit.

After Tim had left he heard a soft moan from the bedroom. John entered with a soft smile and saw the wolf slowly awaken. He moved to the side of the bed and felt the wolf's head for fever but it seemed fine. The wolf slowly opened his eyes and saw the red fox next to him. His eyes opened more and he looked around confused as he realized he was in a bed and in a strange place.

"Who are you?" the wolf asked confused.

"I am John, don't worry your safe here," John smiled.

"Where am I?" the wolf inquired.

"Your in my home I found you right after a mugger ran past me on the street you were hurt so I brought you here. The doctor said you have a couple bruised ribs and a concussion but you'll be ok," the fox said softly.

The wolf reached out trying to get up but fell back still dizzy, he then tried to talk but passed out. John sat by the wolf for a little while and yawned deciding it was time to go to sleep. He got up and went to his room slowly sliding off his clothes and sliding under the covers. He had a dream of the wolf mounting him and using him wildly as he slept and woke up with a raging hard on.

Jeff slowly started to wake, his head hurt as did his side. He went to get up but after his side shot out in pain he quickly laid back down. He looked around and realized he wasn't in his home and all the memories started to flood back. He had been attacked by someone, then he remembered waking up in this bed. A very handsome red fox had been sitting next to him the shiny fur glistening in the lamplight. They had talked for a couple minutes before he blacked out again. He felt warm and a bit hungry but he was in no shape to be moving around and it would be rude to walk around someone else's home uninvited.

It wasn't long after he smelled the fox coming, the scent of arousal light in the air, it was the fox's home after all and surely his bed smelled of his own musk so this wasn't unusual. As John walked in Jeff looked him over in his blue robe, he was cute and obviously a very nice guy after all he had taken him into his home without even knowing his name.

"Feeling better this morning?" John asked.

"Yes, thank you my name is Jeff, it was very nice of you to help me," Jeff said hoarsely.

"Well your welcome Jeff I am just glad your all right. The doctor said you have a few bruised ribs but you should be ok," John replied.

"I feel a bit dizzy still and my head is killing me," Jeff replied rubbing his eyes.

John brought in a glass of water and some aspirin and handed them to Jeff. Jeff smiled and downed the pills as he sighed in relief, he looked at john and smiled.

"Is there something I can do to repay this kindness, could I take you to dinner maybe?" the wolf asked coyly blushing.

John giggled, "I think I would like that but you have to stay in bed for a few days. Where do you live I can get you there?"

Jeff frowned, "well I have been staying in the Tor' De Kan Hotel I haven't been able to find a place I like yet, I just moved here."

John smiled softly and put a hand on Jeff's, "well you rest a couple days here then and we will see if we can find you one I am covered at the bar for a few days anyways."

Jeff blushed deeply and almost cried at such a generous offer, "well ok but there is one condition, I want to pay for the space I won't accept otherwise."

John chuckled softly, "ok, ok, I'll charge you half what that expensive hotel does but meals are included."

Jeff's stomach rumbled and they both laughed, "my stomach accepts your offer John."

"Good I'll go make breakfast your clothes should be dry by now," John said as he stood up.

Jeff yipped as he reached under the covers to scratch his nuts and looked under the covers realizing he was nude and then blushed again, "umm thanks."

John giggled as he walked out of the room, "don't worry you don't have anything I haven't seen before," he winked at Jeff, "at least not in a smaller size."

Jeff blushed deep red and hid under the covers till John was out of sight. He had to admit this fox was sexy and was very nice. He was very happy to have a few days to get to know him although he still needed to get his stuff from the hotel. John came back from the kitchen a little while later and they ate. John asked Jeff to call the hotel so they would know he would be coming to pick up his stuff. After he got back he helped the embarrassed wolf get into the bathroom and then back to the bed. All the while Jeff was so embarrassed that the fox was seeing him all this time in his underwear.

John had spent the bulk of the day at the bedside talking to Jeff about various things. They had drank some whiskey and had some snacks as they watched a couple of movies. Jeff was feeling a bit adventurous, and with the concussion finally gone and his ribs healing nicely he felt it was time he gained some small amount of dominance back from the sexy fox that had been calling all the shots. As the slightly tipsy fox was leaning over to fix the pillow Jeff had behind him the wolf slid his paw under John's robe and slid it skillfully around John's sack eliciting a soft moan from him. John looked at Jeff wide eyed seeing the predatory gaze looking back at him and giggled.

"What are you doing Jeff?" John smiled.

"Well I figured you have been watching me all this time in my underwear and you have been in that large robe making it impossible for me to see you back I figure it was only fair," Jeff replied.

John blushed, "well I don't think that would be right I had to help you and your still not at full health."

Jeff ended John's talk with a light growl and a soft gentle squeeze to the balls in his paw, "don't treat me like a helpless animal you sexy little foxy I want to see what I'm fondling."

John gasped and moaned softly looking at Jeff. He needed this bad, he loved being dominated especially by large predators like Frank and this wolf. Without another word he slid a paw down to his sash and pulled the knot making his robe fall open. He blushed as Jeff let out another growl seeing the white patch that ran down from John's chin to his balls a nice deep red finger sticking out from the plump white sheath. John moaned again as the wolf leaned in and licked his sheath and cock while giving the balls a soft squeeze. Jeff murred and slid his other paw onto John's hip and slid him onto the bed next to him smiling as he started suckle the hot and quickly hardening cock.

Jeff pulled back slowly from John's cock licking his lips of some precum, "I know I wanted to take you out to dinner first but you look like your enjoying this besides I'm thirsty and meals were part of my tab here."

John blushed, "well admittedly when I undressed you I couldn't help but fondle your shaved sac a little."

Jeff growled as he pushed john onto the bed rolling on top of him, "well then I guess it's only fair I explore you too."

John closed his eyes and relaxed smiling broadly as he felt the wolf's paws on his chest.

He felt the wolf slowly moving down his body obviously still feeling weak. He stopped himself from trying to help the hurt wolf knowing that Jeff needed this. He had been dominate this whole time and he knew Jeff wanted him, it was customary for the predator breeds to dominate someone they wanted sort of an instinct imbedded into them. He felt the paws reach his thighs and spread them softly as he quivered. He felt the large tongue roll out of Jeff's mouth and lick on his inner thighs making him moan softly.

"Please Jeff I need to cum bad," he whimpered.

Jeff growled and squeezed John's sac in a rhythmic fashion as he dove his muzzle onto John's cock sliding it easily into his muzzle his teeth brushing over the already formed knot. John arched his back and groaned, whined and whimpered like a little slut. It took only a few moments for John to reach orgasm. He howled bucking his hips and rubbing the wolfs head firmly as he came hard his nuts being milked and his cock sucked dry of all it's fluids. John fell back to the bed panting loudly and shivering with absolutely no strength left. Jeff slowly crawled over him sniffing at him poking him with his nose as he nuzzled into the foxes neck and throat nibbling lightly at the soft fur as he slowly laid on him. John giggled and murred rubbing Jeff's back as Jeff raised his muzzle to John's and gave him a long slow passionate kiss their eyes closed in bliss. Jeff slowly rolled onto his side blushing as he snuggled the fox who smiled at him.

"Why are you blushing?" John asked.

Jeff giggled, "well two reasons first I was scared I'd scare you off if I made a move but you were so receptive and second well," he giggled, "normally I am a bottom but you just well make me feel so feral."

John leaned in and kissed Jeff again as he gave him a firm swat on the ass making him yipe, "we'll take turns puppy."

The end for the moment