Reasons why....

Story by james mikoto on SoFurry

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#15 of poetry


  • I.....AM.....A POTATO!!!

  • I've been aching to find my home again

  • People picking me up and touching me(pause on that)

  • My body is shacking like an earthquake

  • But this dog won't stop licking me

  • But I'm making my way there

  • But I can't see cause of the fog and the bear "fuuuuck"!

  • The wind sways me from left and right

  • But I'm buzzed and heading to the light

  • But I'm in Toledo Ohio at night...

  • Awwww sheeeiiit......

  • I'm as high as a kite in the night

  • Stranger don't look at me we are not tight...That came out wrong

  • Touch me and I'll bite yee

Just cause I'll have another later before 12 probably