Coaxing and Coaching

Story by Equusaz on SoFurry

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#3 of Aikens Cleaning

Erin Sandford, Studly Lion and Personal Trainer has been in a rut. Cole, the little subby horse has been sent in to try to coax the cat out of it and maybe see if he can get the guy to move on. Oh. And the lion doesn't like horses. Looks like Cole is going to have his work cut out for him. Based on my Carrot and Stick story.

Erin sighed as he glanced up at the clock. Almost an hour late. He wondered if he should pick up the phone and call Darren. Again. He'd been calling for a solid hour now every ten minutes. Six calls in total. He was worried, but then again, anxious at the same time. Jacob was supposed to have been here at ten to start cleaning, just as he had every other Tuesday and Thursday since he started. The dobie's presence had become a welcome return to normalcy for the lion.

The harsh screech of his ringtone made him jump involuntarily in his seat. The caller ID read Aiken's Cleaning. Hurriedly Erin swiped to answer and put the phone up to his ear.

"Hello?" He tried to keep his voice calm, but there was a bit of a desperate edge leaking in.

The warm laugh on the other line surprised the cat. "Easy there Mr. Sandford, we have a replacement on the way. Jacob had a little mishap with his car, nothing serious, just a flat tire, but he's going to be seriously delayed. Cole will there shortly."

"Darren, what do you mean Cole will be here? I ordered Jacob!" There was a whine to his voice, and he knew it. He'd been enjoying the young canine's company for several weeks, watching him flit around the house, his muscles bunching and gleaming, and the fat bulge in those little Speedos made the kitty's mouth water.

The horse nickered on the other end of the line. "Relax Mr. Sandford. Cole will do an excellent job. I don't normally send him out solo either, reserving his skills for special cases. I think he'll do well for you in any case. He's quite...adapt."

Erin sighed. It didn't seem fair. He'd finally started to take an interest in someone again, and then like always, something causes life to change course. "Ok fine, when will he be here. He's your brother right?"

"In about ten minutes. Yeah, he takes after mom though and looks nothing like me."

The lion thought about that. In fact he thought about it really hard. Darren had been one hunky horse. He had a big build, like Erin, worked out long and hard, like Erin, and had a totally hot dominant attitude. Unlike Erin. He would have been perfect, had he been canine. Like Jacob.

"Ok, well, tell Jacob I hope he's ok and that I'm thinking about him." He put a paw over his mouth. He had a habit of not thinking things through before he said them. As a personal trainer, this was fine, as a normal fur, this was not. It's one thing to say stuff like "Come on, you're just lazy and those fat rolls aren't going to melt away on their own" when you're pushing a middle aged tigress who wants to impress her husband for their anniversary. It's another when it makes you sound like an absolute emotional basket case.

"Heh, I will. Talk to you later Mr. Sandford." Darren hung up without commenting much to the lion's relief.

Well, since he had ten minutes he figured he'd get in a few more sets before he rested for the evening. He pulled himself up and stretched.

Hrm, my tris are still a little sore from that injury, but I still need to work them.

He made his way into the second bedroom. George's old office. He shunt any thoughts of his ex aside as quickly as he could. After he'd cleared everything out he'd set his workout equipment in here instead of keeping it in the garage. Even though he was a personal trainer he preferred to work out in private. He could stand and flex as much as he wanted and look at his progress in the mirrors here an not judged as some type of over-zealous meat head.

He peeled his t-shirt off leaving the red lycra shorts on he used to work out in and glanced at himself to see how he looked. He'd let his mane grow out over the last year or so since George had left. The canine had liked it short, so Erin had kept it short. The lion however liked to keep his headfur long. It looked better. So did his body. He'd been in really damn fine shape before, now? He could have graced any body building magazine cover if he'd gone back into competition. There really was no need, however. George had been the one pushing him to show off, to try to make a huge name for himself. Now? Now he did it for himself. Out of a need to prove himself to himself.

This isn't about George.

He didn't know why he kept thinking that every time he began a workout, but he did, and it seemed to drive him further. He flexed a little watching the horseshoe lines of his tris as they bulged, judging their size and contours. He was tall, especially for a lion. Add in to the fact that he was a body builder and he knew he was probably one of the most intimidating felines in town. He had gone from a solidly built football player in college, to a feline Adonis in less than ten years. Most of that in the last year since George had left.

All the hard work had paid off. Pegs that bulged and had that plump look most men would die for, a back that was lined with perfect muscle definition. Especially his traps. Most men ignored them, but he found them hot. His legs were impressive as well. With core comes strength, and Erin had all of the strength reserved for Oak Trees.

He was a bit narcissistic though, but took it as a virtue, not a vice. His pelt was golden, fading to a light cream over his pecs and abs, his russet mane setting him off, along with a healthy dose of fur between his pecs and a thick patch covering his lower abs. George had made him cut those short. He preferred his bottoms smooth.

Gah! Fuck George!

The thought of his ex set him on edge and he snarled at the image of the studly lion in the mirror, baring his fangs and trying to stare himself down. He snatched one of the heavier dumbbells and took up his position, leaning over, his left paw supporting his weight on the bench and he began to kick back with his arm, forcing it straight and back, working the sore tris.

Fucker left me, left me alone, and for what? For that fucking little twink. I hope he gets cancer and dies!

His thoughts ravaged his brain and sent him more energy. It had been like this since He'd left. Erin wasn't about to just sit and mope though, he worked out. He pushed himself further every day as if he was trying to push the past into a hard little ball that would barely register.

He was on his last rep with his other arm when the doorbell rang. He tossed the dumbbell down on the rack and growled. Figures. Here he was all ready to see that cute Jacob, he'd looked so much like George and instead he'd have to deal with some little sub equine.

He padded his way to the front door wiping his soaked face on a towel he had snagged.

Well it's just this once, Jacob will be back soon.

He opened the door swiftly. Great. Another equine. They seemed to be everywhere, and they were all so cock sure of themselves. This one wasn't one of the big studs though. He was a lot shorter than Darren, and if he hadn't already known he'd have never that this trim little horse was related to the big stud. His coat was also a nice bay, and Erin was happy to see that at least the little guy kept it clean and neat. He took great stock in people who did their best. His eyes were a startling blue sapphire.

"Erin Sandford?" The coltish stallion smiled hungrily at Erin's muscled body. The lion rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, you're Jacob's substitute, come on in." Erin waved the small horse in.

The sound of hooves on tile grated on Erin's nerves. He couldn't stand ungulates. He didn't even keep any of the soft rubber hoof pads, but it seemed that Cole had come prepared. He sat down on a small foot bench and pulled a pair out from the bag he had slung over his shoulder.

"They didn't say you had tile!" His voice was light and cheerful. Erin grimaced. "Jacob knew."

He was curt and rude. He knew it, and it made him angry. Angrier really. He'd liked seeing the dobie padding around cheerfully.

"Well, get started then." Erin looked over his shoulder at the horse as he padded his way back to his gym. Normally he didn't do arms on Thursdays, but today he wanted to get a good workout in, and change things up. Besides, he didn't have the canine's hot bod to look at, and he wasn't interested in seeing what the horse had to offer.

_So not my type at all. I like my men strong, capable, and able to make me feel good. _

He lost himself to his workout, throwing his disappointment into everything he had. His arms burned and he could feel the sting of a good workout flooding his body. He checked himself out in the mirror one last time. It had only been an hour. He struck a pose, admiring himself, and pulled off his shorts and his jock, leveraging both down over his broad thighs. Naked he was absolutely perfect, even if he thought so himself.

"Ahem." The horse knocked on the open door. Erin rarely closed the door and had almost forgotten the horse was there.

"Yes?" Cole stood there in his 'work' outfit. A pair of cut off shorts, a tight shirt that showed his tummy off and left very little to the imagination. Just the sight of him made the lion's blood boil. He was probably just as submissive and demure as that Leopard that George had left him for.

"Um, sorry, didn't mean to interrupt, but one of the pictures fell down in the hall, and I wanted to let you know." The bay equine was looking everywhere but at Erin obviously trying to be polite. The cat had received the services of Aiken's Cleaning for 'ONE FULL YEAR' as a prize at work. He'd been voted most popular trainer for six months, and had accepted the prize. When he'd picked Jacob to clean his house, it was because the little canine stud was a perfect match for his George. Sure he didn't have him in his life anymore, but he had something to look forward to every now and then.

But then today, his day where he'd get to watch that sweet little stubby tail flit around the house as the college jock cleaned was ruined. Instead he had some stupid little horse who just told him he'd knocked down one of the hall pictured.

He snarled. "Useless!" He strode past the horse pushing against the slender equine and went down the hall. There on the floor was the picture. A smiling George and Erin on vacation in Florida. The sky was clear, the waves were white against the cerulean ocean, the sand was golden, and the two figures smiled broadly.

He bent down to pick up the brass frame and fingered the broken glass.

"I-I'm sorry Mr. Sandford. Erin." Cole laid his paw on Erin's shoulder, the lion swatted it away.

"Save it." He stood up, the frame digging into his hands as he whirled. "Useless. You are fucking useless. You're nothing that I wanted today, and seem to just do everything wrong. Just, get out."

He pushed past the horse and wasn't paying attention, his paw shot our as he shoved the equine in the chest.


Too hard.

Cole slammed into the hallway with a hard thud, four or five of the pictures falling from their place and cracking on the tile floor. The picture of George at work on the phone, the one of Erin and George at dinner. Smiles and flashing grins rained down, the sickening sound of cracking glass and the tinkle of it as it skittered away.

"No. George..." Erin tried to dive for one of the pictures, but was too late, it slipped through his fingers as he came down on the tile sliding on his belly fur as the picture frame shattered, a piece of glass cutting the glossy image as it came to rest, the dobie face removed from the image by the cut.

"George." The lion whispered holding the frame in his paws, his shoulders beginning to shake with sobs. He'd held it in for too long. Far too long. The pain and sorrow of being left for someone else finally far too real.

He sat up and sobbed into his paws for a few seconds when a soft paw patted his mane. "Erin, its ok."

"He...he left me. Alone. So alone." The lion whipped the ruined frame and picture into the wall where the remains broke further.

"I know big guy, but hey, why the tears?" A warm muzzle pressed against his neck. God he hated horses, but Erin leaned into the soft nose.

"Look at me. People think I'm this big strong guy, a top. Do you know how long it took to find someone that could see past that?" His paw in his mane really was gentle and comforting.

"Well, look at me. I'm this small guy and everyone thinks I'm a little bottom all the time. No one bothers to ask me what I want. Sometimes I just really want to be a top you know?" The nose left his neck and suddenly he felt the little guy's arms reach around his neck.

He loved being held. The one thing he missed most was being held by someone. Even if the guy was a small little horse, he loved the sensation. The feeling of being held.

"Besides, you are one big hot guy. I'd definitely sink myself between those hot buns of yours if I could coax you out of your comfort zone." The blunt teeth bit down at the nape of his neck. Erin mewled.

Oh God...oh God.

He got hard, his cock filling and throbbing as the little guy began to ravage his neck, the strong muzzle of the equine biting down and claiming him like a little bitch.

He felt the small paws roam over his wide shoulders and trace little lines around his lats. "And I bet this back looks amazing with a nice horse cock reaming you, each little muscle dancing. Want to dance big guy? Want to show them off for me? Come on, you know you'd love to. You don't work out and look the way you do and not enjoy showing off at least a little."

Erin shook his head sadly. "No...I couldn't. He...left me for some little twinky leopard. Why would anyone want someone like me?"

He felt the warm paw lift his chin, his yellow green eyes gazing upward into the stallion's blue. Cole stood before him, looking down, and a playful smile on his cute little black muzzle. "Listen cat, do you want to get fucked or not?"

His mouth worked silently for a moment. "Yes?"

Cole tried to haul him to his feet, Erin stood up and looked down at the little horse shyly. "Where?"

The equine cocked his head back down the hall to the workout room. Erin smiled and lead the way, his longer legs moving him faster than Cole could keep up.

"Slow down there Goliath!" The colt chuckled. "Us little guys have to work harder to keep up."

Erin slowed down and stepped back into the weight room. Cole didn't hesitate but sat down on the weight bench, his ears flicking in excitement as he watched the muscle lion take up a position. Erin stood facing away from the bench and struck a posse, letting his glutes shift slightly, the furred mounds rippling as he twitched them. His tail swished. He really did love to show off, and missed this part. Being adored.

"Very hot big guy. Tell me about how much you work on yourself." Cole called out behind him. Erin turned to the side, dropping his arms, glancing back at the horse showing off today's work on his triceps.

"Every morning I work out at least a little, but I alternate days with hard heavy workouts. I push myself as hard as I can each time, and I make certain to get rest in between on my days. That's important."

Cole was starting to shift in his seat, his bulge pressing against his denim. "Uh huh" He stared at the God-like lion as the feline shifted to a classic Atlas pose, showing off his chest and arms.

"Its hot little guy, working out, seeing people glance at you when you're at the store, picking up a gallon of milk because you know it's going to show your arms off. The this" He imitated picking up a jug in his broad paw.

Cole stood up and stalked close to the cat, his paw reaching forward confidently. "Oooh nice little kitty. Very nice. Bulges like that can produce bulges like this"

The denim of the horse's shorts pressed against Erin's nude thigh, the medial ring visible as he looked down. He wasn't a fan of horses, but he might be persuaded that this horse was pretty hot. He normally went after big burly guys, not little guys, and not equines in particular.

"Oh." Erin's paw reached down and he ran his claws over the thickness there, the warmth bathing his fingertips even through the cloth.

"Heh, go ahead big guy. Go ahead and say hello properly now." He felt Cole's teeth nibble at his chest, the flat teeth pinching at his fur covered skin. His fingers deftly reached for the fly and he worked the pants off the equine, slowly sliding them down the wide, almost feminine hips.

"Ah, there you go now." The horse whispered. Erin looked and gaped. Equines, go figure. This little guy was packing for sure, the black and pink length jutting out and hardening as he watched. He ran his claw tips along the fleshy shaft as Cole hissed out his teeth appreciatively. He tried to wrap his hand around the medial and was surprised that he couldn't, his claw tips an inch apart. He wondered, a little belatedly why he'd never given a horse a try.

"I think I like you little cat." The horse winked, turning the big male around with his paws, dropping to his equine haunches. Erin craned his head around to see what Cole was doing and realized that was stupid. The accidental glance in the mirror and the warm huff of breath across his cheeks told him exactly what was happening.

He gasped as the slender snout was pressed between his golden ass, the muscles slipping to the side as the colt pressed forward, the warm tongue deftly stroking Erin's hole.

"Oh. It's been far too long since...this!" He huffed at the sensation pushing back against the pleasant feeling. "Far...far too long. Ah!" He squeaked as the blunt horse teeth nibbled on his taint, his tail thrashing about in a wide circle.

He scrabbled on the floor, working his way over to his weight bench as quickly as he could, Cole gripping his hips and keeping himself burred against the sweet treat he'd found. The lion lifted his ass back and up, his claws pricking his skin as he spread his cheeks wide.

"Hrm. Good kitty!" Cole cooed at the muscled cat before pressing his tongue roughly against the winking hole. Erin shuddered as the smaller horse pressed his advantage and delved in for a deeper taste.

The little colt flicked his tongue once or twice, spearing the cat open.

"Oh...oh" Erin whimpered as the long appendage reached his prostate. He really wished he'd given horses a chance before. He didn't realize that broad tongue could be used to expertly. He shifted his weight again, lifting his huge rump skyward, his barbed spiky cock soaked with his own warm pre as he gave in to the horses insistent urging.

"Ah yes." Cole pulled back. "Nice and prepared. Slick, and willing. Just how I like my guys. Now big guy, are you ready to really find out why horses are so good?"

Erin nodded, his breath coming in deep pants. "Ah, go easy. It's been over a year, and I never...ohfuck"

He hadn't had a chance to really realize what was going on before Cole had slipped his broad cock flare to his rear, and just pushed in with one smooth shove.

"Oh, little kitty. So tight!" Coal swung his paw at the broad golden bubble but and gave it a good hard solid smack.

"So tight and firm. God you are a stud aren't you?" He pressed forward, the medial ring kissing the Lion's hole.

"Oh big" He huffed, his muzzle in a scowl as he let the horse press further into him."

The nickering laugh caught him by surprise. "If you think I'm big, you should see my brother. He's much thicker."

Erin whined. "Thicker? How is that even possi...oof!" The little stallion pushed roughly, the thick ring popping inside the cat with a lewd squelch.

"Yeah thicker. You'll have to train hard to take him. Think of me as, you're new workout buddy." Cole laughed as the cat pressed back onto him, riding his long meat.

"Oh. Oh tell me little guy, what type of a regime would you put me on?" Erin closed his eyes, images of him laying down like this, twice a week, after a long workout, the little colt coming in, shedding his clothes.

"Hrm...I think some nice stretches first..." Erin sighed happily as he felt Cole's rough fingers prod his stretched ring, the digit gliding around the muscle.

"Then we'd work you into a nice...unf set of reps" The meat slid in all the way to the base, Erin cried out in bliss as he was reamed. "Just a few to get your muscles all nice and loose and bulging." That finger ran around the thick pucker almost fondly.

Wight shifted and Erin felt the horse's paws on his chest, gliding over his traps and lats. "Then to finish off, cardio." Cole slid out to his ring then pushed in, grunting as he hilted in the warm slick tunnel.

" cardio" Erin whispered, his broad paw slinking down to his raging hard member already wet with his tangy pre, the slick skin sliding in his paw pads.

"Oh, fast?" Cole chuckled, and suddenly that horse cock slipped back and into his guts with a mighty shove. The little colt had some definite skill. He angled himself perfectly, the flare and ring giving the cat a double assault to his prostate.

"Fast...faster" the cat pleaded, his voice rumbling in a growl.

"Sure." Cole bucked into the warm hole, sliding his cock in and out with ever increasing speed.

"Ah fuck!" Erin whined, his own nuts tightening as he began to shoot his load into the red vinyl bench.

"Fuck is right!" Cole whinnied, pressing himself deep into the tight ass, his paws clasping the larger male's back. He came hard and deep into Erin, his breath huffing out of him as he filled the feline with cum.

"Ah" Erin sighed happily, his tail slowing down, his body spent, and a warm feeling deep inside of him spreading out.

"Heh. Maybe you can return the favor sometime big guy. I don't top often, but hey, I think you might be able to scratch an itch for me every now and then." Cole lay down onto the monstrously muscled and sweaty back sighing.

"Yeah...sounds good" Erin agreed. Jacob, George, and canines, the furthest things from his mind.


"Hey! How'd it go?" Darren smiled as Cole opened the door. The little stallion stank of feline sweat and musk.

"Good. I don't think Jared will need to go out to Mr. Sandford's house again. Here." Cole dropped a new contract down onto the table. Darren picked it up, eyeing the new agreement.

"Wow. One year? Hey! What gives little bro? How come we're both down to clean his house once a week, and you're down another two times? Our schedule is tight enough as it is! You're going to be stretching it thin here!"

Darren huffed looking at the schedule on the whiteboard behind him in contemplation. Cole laughed. "Oh, something is going to get stretched, but this time it isn't me."

He loved his job.

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