Dream Breaking

Story by Sleths on SoFurry

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#3 of The Breaking Game

It took a long time, but I've been asked too many times to write a third part to this small series, so here it is. Also, I failed at making it short, so it's not.

This is as dark as its predecessors, so please check the tags to know what to expect and read at your own risk!

The tavern was bustling with activity that night. A dozen big, round tables occupied the wide space and most of them were full with wolves talking, laughing, drinking. Ferien was no exception with a large, empty mug right in front of him and his whole squadron to keep him company. Soldiers were always admired by the people, specially in a time of war like that and the grey wolf and his whole company were supposed to leave to fight off those dragons in a week or two, so they had to enjoy the taverns while they still could.

Lamp oils burned bright hanging from the walls and fire crackled in the big hearth at the center of the large building, making the whole environment feel warm and cozy as opposed to the cold night outside. The wolf soldier was no doubt having fun with his companions, but for a while now he had been more interested in something else.

That wolfess by the counter had been stealing looks at him all night, he knew. He'd smiled at her, she'd winked at him, and he couldn't help but stare at her as she stood there, her tail swishing from one side to the other in a tantalizing motion. She was a very young girl, couldn't have more than twenty summers to herself, but she had developed such a nice pair of breasts. Though she was well dressed, he could still see her curvy body every time she leaned forward in ways he was sure was on purpose. It made the wolf lick his lips in desire. He could feel his cock tight inside his pants from watching that display all night. His ears perked up when she walked in their direction. He knew full well what sort of profession she probably had, but there was a distinct, growing part of him that did not care about it at all.

"What brings such a brave bunch of soldiers to this small tavern?" She asked in that sweet voice of her. She put her paw over his shoulder, all sweet and caring, and even though pretty much all the other wolves on the table were staring at her, she was touching him. He could smell her then. Ferien took a whiff, to hell with subtlety, and he could catch a small, pleasant aroma of herbs on her alongside her delightful scent.

"Good drinks and, most of all, pleasant sights," the wolf said, grinning at her. She giggled and her other paw came down to his chest, feeling his lean, yet muscular body over his loose shirt.

"I think the drinking is starting to get to you, mister soldier," she said with a wink. Preposterous, he was barely lightheaded! He was about to point that out when she leaned forward to speak right against his ear. "We have a room upstairs you can use to rest for a while, I'll show you."

The wolf's cock throbbed inside his pants. Ferien didn't waste a second, pulling his chair back and standing up grinning like an idiot. The wolf wasn't discreet now, either, his going around her waist to pull her close, which brought more giggling.

"Yeah, think I'm preeeeeetty drunk. Gonna get some rest, fellas," the wolf announced, which brought laughter, howling and whistling from his companions. The wolfess took his hand and guided him up the stairs towards the corridors, into one of the first rooms which was very simple. Oil lamps, a bed, a nightstand and a wardrobe. Only one of these items interested him, however, Ferien taking the lead to guide her towards the bed as soon as the door had closed behind her.

"Oh, mister soldier, what lack of decency!" She giggled again, her paws again coming over his body, one slipping right under his shirt to feel his chest, lean and muscular under his soft fur while the other, more daring, coming over the clear bulge over his pants. She could feel the outline of his hard cock, pressed against his legs, and she kneaded it. It made Ferien grunt, his member pulsing with sheer arousal. The wolf pulled her close, shoved his nose on the fur of her neck and sniffed it again. So fucking good. He gave her neck a few licks, which had her letting out soft moans.

He growled right up at her ear and it was the only answer he had to give her. She groaned, then both of her paws went down to his pants, started to undo the laces. Ferien pulled his shirt off and threw it aside, leaving his chest exposed and he couldn't wait to undress her. Those breasts, that body... and most of all, he could smell her arousal now. It drove him crazy with lust, he had to have her. She was still fiddling with his laces, doing it slowly only to tease him, since her finger sometimes went down to tease the his member trapped inside his pants. The lamps on the walls were burning very brightly, so much that he had to look away for a moment, but it didn't matter, he just wanted to look at her. He buried his muzzle on her neck again, licking it, felt her paw squeezing his formed knot over his pants, then felt the same damned pants finally loosening around his waist. She pulled them down, his underwear coming next and then finally, his thick, bright red wolf cock sprung free from its prison. It was a big relief and fuck, he was so hard. So aroused. He felt her fingers coming around his length, grasping it, pressing against it ever so softly. The wolf's paws went down to her hips, as he was ready to throw her in the bed, tear off her clothes, spread her legs... When Ferien lifted his eyes, the fire of the lamps was too bright. It left him blind for a second, interrupted his thoughts, and then he blinked.

Ferien gasped and woke up. The wolf sat up immediately, looking around confused, and then he had to cover his eyes with his arms. The brightness coming from the cavern's entrance was swarming inside, the sun right there on the horizon, just starting to come up. Ferien felt his heart still racing and he looked down to see his cock standing right there, as hard as it had been in his dream, pre dripping from its tip down the length. He could swear he could still smell her, too. That scent of herbs lingered in his nose, but when he sniffed the air, trying to get just a little more of it, all he could smell was his own musk, the stink of the ragged blanket he called a bed and, of course, faint traces of the dragon's smell.

The wolf's heart sank. He'd been having those dreams for a few nights now and every time they seemed so fucking real. They always stopped right when he was about to get what he wanted. They were memories, he knew, for he remembered very, very well how hard he had fucked that wolfess that night. How he had knotted her and laid there sniffing her for an hour afterwards. Ferien growled. Those were happy times, different times. Times before the war, before the damned dragon, who was certainly the one tampering with his dreams with some cheap, dirty sort of magic just to make him frustrated.

Ferien decided he wasn't going to let the dragon win. He was sick of the damn lizard's games. He did his best to ignore his aching erection as it slowly faded away and just did his best not to think about his delightful dream while he let himself slouch back, sitting with his back against the cavern's entrance. Dawn was here and soon the dragon, Verinax, would be up. Maybe he would just leave to do whatever the hell he did out there and leave him alone for the rest of another terrible day being the dragon's slave or maybe... he wouldn't. Ferien just sat there hoping for the former, as he did every single morning.

There was another thing itching on his mind, too. The punishment. It had been four days since he had cummed without permission while the dragon fucked him. Just remembering it made the former soldier's muzzle feel hot in embarrassment, but he couldn't deny it had felt great. The only reason it did, of course, was because the dragon forced him to keep edging himself all the time, to perform all sorts of degrading sexual acts, all of that without any sort of relief on his side. Ferien was quick to tell himself that, because he certainly didn't enjoy any of it. No, he needed his dignity, or at least what was left of it.

At any rate, when he did cum without permission, even though it wasn't his fault, the dragon had promised punishment for it. It wasn't the first time he had done that and the previous ones... oh, the wolf pressed himself against the wall and shivered just thinking about the punishments he received for the previous time. A soft whimper came from his throat without him willing it and Ferien shook his head, pushing it out of his mind. It filled the wolf with dread to think that another punishment was coming his way, but the dragon hadn't acted on it. After that night, he announced there was going to be punishment and then simply left the wolf to lie in a puddle of his own cum.

Ferien had barely slept that night, dreading the punishment that would certainly come in the morning, except it didn't. Verinax left, spent the whole day outside and then at night, when he came back, he simply ignored the fact that there was punishment pending. He made Ferien clean his footpaws, serve him orally until he released all over the wolf's face. He made Ferien edge himself while doing it, made the wolf thank him for the cum that was left drying on his fur, and then went to sleep. The next three days were the same with Ferien always dreading, always terrified that the next would be the day the dragon would announce it was time for punishment, but it didn't come. It was driving him crazy! Part of him was hoping Verinax had forgotten it. Hoping that he had forgiven him, perhaps? He knew that wasn't true, though. The dragon never forgave him. Never missed an opportunity to mess with him, to torture him, and the wait was just another form of torture.

It crept up Ferien's mind with every waking moment, when he wasn't busy dreaming about a better life or hating the dragon with every fiber of his body. It made it harder to keep the erections the dragon demanded him to have, harder to fall asleep at night, harder to hear the dragon calling him into his chambers, always afraid it was finally going to be the time for punishment.

For about an hour the wolf's mind went back and forth between such thoughts. Finally, his ears came up hearing movement and soon enough, Verinax, the big, black scaled quadruped dragon came out of his chambers, head held high as always. Ferien scrambled to stand up and straight, lowering his head in respect as he know he was expected to. The dragon simply looked at him with those deep, piercing yellow eyes. Ferien met them for a second, then quickly looked away.

"Good morning, slave. Did you sleep well?" The dragon's voice was rough, yet delicate at the same time. It always carried the same tone of mocking, as if every word he directed towards the wolf was him making fun of the canine.

"Yes, master," Ferien lied. His member was right back to his sheath by then and he caught the dragon staring at it. Even after all that time, a hint of embarrassment still surged through the wolf for standing there bare naked like that.

"Good," Verinax just said, then he kept walking. He was going out of the cave, passing right by Ferien and the wolf just observed. Part of him was relieved there wasn't going to be any torture in the morning, but the other part of him grit his teeth. He was going to spend another day wondering if his punishment would come at night. What if it did? The thought made Ferien's tail curl itself between his legs. He decided he couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't take this torture and wasn't going to.

"Master?" Ferien took a step forward, looking at the dragon, who stopped in his tracks to look back at him. The wolf found that he couldn't face those eyes, so he just looked down. He was so nervous. Once, he'd been such a great soldier. He had fought dragons with those same eyes head on. Stared at them, growled and charged, slashing scales, attacking with his comrades, an example of bravery. Now he was there, standing naked inside a dragon's cave as a mere slave that felt terrified to even look at them. Thinking about how far down he had come made him flush, his face growing red, he could feel, but he shook it off, willing himself forward.

"...The, uhh, punishment you mentioned a few days ago. Is it still... I mean, am I going to be punished, master?" Ferien tried to stand still, to be at ready like a good soldier did and a slave was expected to, even if for this hateful dragon. He tried to stand firm and at least look brave as he always did so that he could keep himself from looking weak in front of his enemy, but this time he felt himself wavering. He could hear his heart thumping inside his chest as Verinax simply kept staring at him. The seconds stretched on and no answer came, just that gaze, the silence, the suspense.

"Of course." The dragon's answer was calm and direct, Verinax speaking as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Of course you're still getting punished. You released your worthless seed without my permission after I had strictly told you that slaves cannot do that."

Ferien couldn't keep his ears up, couldn't keep his expression from changing to one of fear. The wolf's hands curled into fists, his teeth clenching as he tried to pull himself together. The wolf just nodded with a "Yes, master" and looked away. It hadn't even been his fault that he cummed without permission! And not allowing him to do so was just plain cruelty in the first place. He hated the dragon more than he ever remembered hating everything. If only he could get a sword again...

"Since you're so eager to get punished, I think that we should get started, then," Verinax commented, breaking the silence. Ferien looked up to see the dragon coming towards him and all the strength he was building up collapsed at once. The wolf's tail went straight down between his legs and he took a step back.

"No, master, I only meant-"


The dragon still spoke calmly as ever, but his words held such impact. Ferien didn't dare speak another word. He wanted to protest, wanted to complain. It wasn't fair! He was already regretting asked. Maybe that had been the dragon's intention all along? Make him ask for his punishment? No, it couldn't be. Could it? The wolf took another step back and felt the cavern's wall behind him, the dragon coming closer until he was standing right in front of him, eye to eye. Verinax had shrunk. When had he done that? Had he already been smaller when he left his quarters? The wolf wasn't sure, but he sure as hell knew what that could mean. The dragon was too big to take him in his actual size, that much was obvious, but now he still held the size of a large horse. Ferien could mount and ride him with ease. There was no way he could take someone as big as that in his...

"Down. On your back," Verinax ordered. The wolf hesitated for a second, but then, reluctantly, he obeyed, lying down on the ground. He was over his small blanket of a bed and, though he didn't like the thought of messing it up with dragon cum like last time, it was better than having his back against the rough rocky ground. He could still smell the dragon's faint musk over it every time he slept. Ferien looked up at Verinax, who in turn looked back at him directly at his eyes. Those deep yellow eyes of his always made the wolf's ears flicker back without fail.

"Hands down," the dragon ordered, and Ferien wasn't sure what he meant. The wolf put his arms down by his side and then, a moment later, he felt something against his wrists. Ferien looked down to pull at it, but they were locked. Iron manacles shackled his wrists to the ground , keeping his arms by his side unable to move. The wolf pulled at them for a moment, testing their strength, but they did not move an inch. The canine couldn't do anything but look back at the dragon wide-eyes. There had been no shackles there before at all, then how...?

Verinax was smirking. Some sort of magic, of course. Ferien had never seen one such as this before. The former soldier tried to keep his breath steady, to keep himself calm and brave. He was a dragon's prisoner, sure, but he wasn't going to let him see fear even through this punishment.

"What a good dog," the dragon idly commented. Ferien still hated to be called a dog. It showed how the dragon had no respect for his kind, but the wolf was wise enough not to show it through more than a small clench of teeth. He recomposed himself. Even though he was lying on his back, naked, with his hands by his side stuck to the ground, the wolf kept himself steady. He kept looking at Verinax, his eyes going as far as having that hint of defiance in them. Sure, he was still terrified about this punishment, deadly scared it was going to be as bad as the last ones he got, but now that he was in it, he was going to get through it. He was. He had to. That's what he kept telling himself.

"There are not many things I like about dogs. Your kind is filthy, savage and just downright inferior," the dragon started, that casual tone of his back. The dragon's paw took hold of one of his ankles, then the other. Suddenly, there were manacles there as well, though these ones had just a chain joining both ankles together and keeping the wolf from spreading them much. The weight of iron was right there on his legs! Another small chuckle came from Verinax, then with a paw, the dragon started lifting his ankle up and that, in turn, pulled the other one alongside it. "If there's one thing I like about you dogs, however, is just how flexible you are." The dragon kept lifting and, without his hands, Ferien had absolutely no leverage to do anything about it. He stiffened his legs, sure, but that resistance was easily beaten. The dragon pulled his ankles up more and more, bending it over himself, until the wolf was looking straight at his own sheath with his ankles going past his head. It made his back curve and left his tail swishing up in the air.

Ferien grunted. It was an uncomfortable position to say the least, his back a little strained, but the dragon was right. Wolves were flexible and he was a soldier in good physical condition. Or at least had been a few months ago. Ferien tried retreating, but the dragon was holding his ankles right there, leaving the wolf little room to do anything but grunt in discomfort and shame for his compromising position. Though it all, the dragon kept looking straight down at him, eye to eye. Always those yellow eyes, always that damned smirk, that superior of expression of victory Ferien hated so damn much.

Verinax let go of his ankles, the dragon's paws retreating and the first thing Ferien did was jerk himself forward to go back to his lying stance. He found himself stuck, however. Another set of chains had come out of nowhere to hook his ankle manacles to the ground, keeping him bent over himself like that. The wolf growled. He could smell the faint traces of precum coming from the fur of his own matted sheath, stare up at his balls and tailhole right above him. It was an humiliating position. He felt defenseless, helpless, weak. He hated it. A small part of him, the trained part of him, wanted to beg his master for a little mercy, but he growled at himself just from having those thoughts. No, he was going to stick to his plan. He would own this. Ferien simply looked at the dragon again, knowing struggling would be useless.

The dragon patiently waited at the side, watching him test the chains, then watching it die down. He was always staring, always mocking him. Finally, a bigger smile crept up his captor's muzzle. Verinax turned himself to the side a little, enough to expose his hard, deep black ridged cock dangling down from between his legs, apparently out there just from the act of binding the wolf down alone. The size of it made Ferien swallow. He didn't remember ever taking it this big. He wasn't sure if even the horses he used to mount were that big. The wolf held a whimper back, and did his best to keep his brave face. He had gone through that many times, it would be over soon.

"I thought you should have the privilege of watching yourself get fucked today as part of your punishment," the dragon said, moving closer. He did not get into position, however, his face simply coming closer to the wolf, eyes always over his. Ferien turned his muzzle away, but he kept his eyes looking at the dragon's. He was afraid the beast was going to jump and mount him somehow at any moment and he wanted to be ready.

"Tell me, slave. Tell me you want to get fucked. Tell me you want to get fucked like the little soldier bitch you are." Verinax's smile faded alongside his order, his voice taking a serious tone. Ferien knew he had to obey. He felt his muzzle getting hot, red from the humiliation of the words he had to utter, but he told himself they had no meaning. They were just words. He could do it.

"I... want to get fucked like the little soldier bitch I am," the wolf said, looking straight up at the dragon. He blinked once, and then everything changed.

"Oooh, is that so? Fuck, Ferien, and here I thought you had at least a shred of male dignity in you!"

Ferien's eyes went wide. Suddenly, he wasn't in the dragon's caverns anymore. He recognized the training yard inside the wolf city keep, where he and a hundred other wolves had spent so much time training in their youth to be soldiers. The sun was bright up in the sky over the open courtyard, the training dummies made of straw were slashed and pierced with arrows. He could even feel the light breeze over his fur, breath in the clean air full of all the smells he remembered.

None of that was good, though. Despite the new place, Ferien could feel the breeze all over his fur. He was still naked, bound and shackled to the fine built stone ground just as he had been on the dragon's cavern a few seconds ago. Above him it wasn't Verinax. No, it was... what was his name? Tarrin. A black furred wolf from a different squad he didn't know very well. He knew him by his features, though. Big, quite a bit of muscle, a chipped left ear. The wolf was on one knee behind him and had one of his hands right over the inside of Ferien's thigh, feeling up his fur in what was a very invasive touch and the wolf could feel the furry hand, too.

Ferien's confusion lasted a few seconds, but he finally blinked and tried to snap out of it. This had to be some sort of magic, some sort of trick, but it all felt... heck, it WAS very real. Ferien could smell Tarrin, too. He could smell the wolf's lupine, distinct male scent. It was strong, and as the black wolf above him shifted himself a little, Ferien caught the size of the wolf's pants open with a deep red, veiny and very hard canine cock right above his black sheath. The wolf's other paw was stroking it lightly.

"W-what the hell?!" Ferien didn't even know what to say. This time he struggled against the manacles, but the iron held him tight, still bent over himself. The wolf just laughed at his attempts.

"What's wrong? Having second thoughts now, pup? Don't think you can handle my size, is that it?" Tarrin's voice was overflowing with smugness, proud at himself. "I gotta tell you, I usually prefer females and, fuck, by the stories I heard I thought you did as well, but... a hole to fuck is a hole to fuck, right? Who am I to complain if I'm being offered something nice like this to get off on?" As he spoke, Tarrin's paw on his thigh felt him up, going to his rump, giving it a small squeeze and then those wolf claws teased around Ferien's exposed taint.

"Get the fuck away from me, Tarrin!" Ferien growled and struggled some more. It seemed to work, because the black wolf's ears flickered back and he looked surprised, or maybe not, because his claw didn't stop circling the bound wolf's taint.

"You just asked me to fuck you like a bitch, now you're being a brat? And after I've already gotten work up? Is this part of your little game?" Even though Tarrin was asking a question, he seemed pretty sure of the answer himself. The wolf's smug smirk returned to his face and his teasing hand went downward. "I could even be tricked to think you're not enjoying this, since..."

As the black wolf teased him, that paw of his went to his sheath. Tarrin pulled it back, exposing the pink tip of Ferien's member and started stroking and teasing it. All the grey wolf did was growl and struggle with his legs some more wanting to kick him away, but despite the terrible humiliation of the situation, he felt incredibly pent up. The touch alone, especially since it wasn't his own, soon had his member reacting accordingly, which meant hardening and growing. That spurred Tarrin on even more, causing him to stroke the bound wolf's member even faster.

"Don't touch me! Fuck, this isn't what I want! The dragon..." Ferien started to complain, but he stopped. Something in his mind wasn't quite grasping what he wanted to say. The dragon. What dragon was it again? He knew there was one and it was important for something, but he wasn't managing to remember. It was part of why it seemed to make sense, somehow, that he was bound to manacles on the floor in the middle of the training yard, but he wasn't quite being able to remember why that made sense, either. There was a dragon and... black...

"Dragon? Do you think of dragons when you're worked up, Feri? That's messed up, man," Tarrin said, pointing out the fact that Ferien's cock was acquiring its red tone, getting harder and harder. Ferien was well aware of that, since he was looking straight at it, smelling his own musky scent and, most of all, definitely feeling it. The bound wolf was very confused. There was something he was supposed to know. To remember. But he couldn't think straight, not with someone stroking him like that. He grit his teeth to hold back a moan. Why was the touch over his member so damn pleasurable if it was coming from another male? And with him bound! Over the threat of getting fucked!

"Stop it, Tarrin! I.. gnh.. I don't want this!" Ferien tried to sound imposing on that one, but his voice was faltering. His cock was pretty much fully hard, pointing at his face, and it would touch his muzzle if he wasn't turning it to the side. The scent of his own arousal was strong. He couldn't remember why he felt so, so pent up, either, but there was something!

"Oh, yeah? That's not what your cock says," the black wolf just replied with a chuckle. Satisfied with Ferien's arousal, the wolf gave that hard cock a few pats and stood up. Ferien could swear that his companion's cock was harder than before and it looked just as intimidating as it had been the first time. Red, pulsing, long and thick. It looked simply too big, just like... like something else he couldn't remember. "Ready for the main event? Before the other guys get here?"

"What other guys? No, I'm not ready! Get away! Unlock me from these, Tarrin!" Ferien glanced nervously at the big door leading up to the courtyard. They were out in the open. No soldier's reputation would ever survive getting seen like this. Having another male fuck him was already enough to screw everything up, but bound on the floor? Bent over himself with his own hard cock pointing at his face? He might as well quit in disgraceful shame.

"Not ready? Too bad. Your games are boring and I'm just too fucking horny." Tarrin didn't wait any longer. The wolf stepped over him, turning around and squatting down just enough to be able to point the tip of his tapered, pulsing cock right against Ferien's tailhole. What was worse was that he could see all of it. He could see the black wolf's rump and balls hanging just above him, could see that huge cock pointed downwards straight at his ass and see his own cock not retreating at the prospect, despite how freaking nervous and anxious he was feeling. Ferien shook his head. He was about to protest, to freaking beg him not to do it when, after blinking, everything changed again.

The wolf's eyes went wide. He was at the cavern again, bound just like he was with his hard cock pointing down straight at him, but instead of Tarrin it was Verinax above him. The dragon's muzzle was very close to his, his eyes looking down at his with that red color that signaled magic in the works. All the memories Ferien couldn't grasp rushed back at him at once. That's what it was, of course! Still, Verinax just chuckled above him.

"Good slave. So easy to get worked up," the dragon said in that same mocking tone he always had. Ferien felt his face hot. He wondered if the dragon had seen what he had, but of course he did. He was probably the one making it all happen, but it were his memories! Ferien growled, a low rumble coming from his throat discreet enough not to get himself in trouble. He hated the dragon more than anything.

"Suck it," Verinax said, his order dry and direct. The wolf simply looked up at him confused. For a few seconds, he didn't understand the order, but the red cock pointing straight at his muzzle was an obvious answer. Still, it was his own member!

"What?" The wolf played dumb, at least to some extent. He didn't want to suck on his own cock like a horny teenager trying stuff out! Specially not in front of Verinax. The failure of obeying the order straight away, however, had a direct effect on the dragon. The smirk in his face vanished, replaced by a seriousness that was just on the borderline of anger. Ferien's ears went down. He had seen that look before and every time he did, he paid for it.

It was because of that that the wolf didn't argue any further. As much as he didn't want to, he turned his muzzle towards his cock, pressed it forward a little, opened it and enveloped the upper half of it inside. The warmness embracing his dick made it throb. It felt wonderful, for he hadn't felt a blowjob in many, many months, but at the same time, it was his own damn muzzle. He felt a drop of his own salty pre hit his tongue, tasted his own musk. The feelings of pleasure he was feeling were closely tied to shame and he felt his face burning in a blush as he made small suckling movements over his own member to please Verinax, whose eyes were still narrowed towards him.

The dragon didn't say anything. No praise, no reprieve, he simply stared at Ferien suckling his own cock. Out of nowhere, however, the dragon's paw came down. It pressed at the small of the wolf's back, forcing it down to make him to bend over himself further and, without him expecting it, to shove his own cock down his muzzle almost completely. Ferien gagged for a moment as his own tip pressed against his throat with his lips pretty much kissing his sheath and the base of his cock where his knot was just starting to form. Ferien struggled a little, but all he managed was to move his ankles in the air and force against the manacles keeping his wrists down with pleading eyes towards the dragon who wasn't allowing him to retreat.

Finally, Verinax's paw let go, but when it did, even though Ferien tried to throw his weight back he suddenly felt the chain connecting his bound ankles to the ground to be much, much shorter. He couldn't get them up, so he couldn't unbend himself or even go as far as taking his cock out of his muzzle. The forced position was way more uncomfortable on his back, too.

"Plhmmsf, mmhnstr," Ferien begged. Though he hated the position, he couldn't deny the effects his own warm, wet muzzle, his hot breath was having over himself. His member was fully engorged and with it so deep into his muzzle, he couldn't help but feel his tongue over it even if he didn't want to, all soft and wet. Another drop of pre came, but this one straight to his throat. The dragon, of course, did not bother to respond. Instead, he just came closer, standing in his big size. The wolf could see the dragon's member still dangling between his legs, fully hard, and that very sight got closer and closer with Verinax moving to position himself to line his cock up with the bound wolf's upwards, exposed tailhole. All of this because he had cummed without leave. Ferien trembled, his own cock pulsing with need inside his muzzle, taking up all the space, making it hard to breath. The wolf got to see every single ridge in the dragon's cock from up close, lining itself up against his tailhole right there, and then his wet eyes blinked and the cavern was gone once more.

"I see you're really getting into it! Good!" Tarrin commented. Ferien's eyes met the other wolf's looking down at him from above, still in position with his cock lined up right there. The black wolf laughed at the way he gasped with his own member poking at his throat. Again, Ferien struggled, but the chains felt tighter than ever, barely allowing him to move at all. His jaws were uncomfortably parted to take in his own whole size and still he had a perfect view of his own knot starting to grow, pushing his own sheath back further and his member yet a little bit further into his muzzle so that his lips were right there, kissing the biggest bulb of flesh. That wasn't Ferien's main concern, however. What was was the wolf above him stroking that monstrous red cock some more, lining up the tip directly against his hole. He could feel it touching it...

"Tthrrn, nnh!" Ferien tried to protest, he really did, but it was to no avail. Tarrin made no move to show that he even heard his muffled pleading. This time, Ferien was well aware of what was happening, at least for the time being. It was all an illusion, some twisted sort of memory manipulation coming from the damned dragon. None of that was real! Ferien told himself that again and again, but that didn't change the fact that he could feel the other wolf's precum being smeared against his entrance. He could smell the musk coming from Tarrin's maleness, mixed with his own. He didn't distinctly remember ever smelling that! Most of all, he could definitely feel the wolf pressing his cock forward, forcing Ferien's tailhole to give way to the tapered tip, then another inch, then another. Tarrin groaned in pleasure while Ferien, on the other hand, tensed up and grunted heavily through his 'gag'.

"Fuuuuck... tight bitch," Tarrin said with a pleasurable moan. The chains holding Ferien down rattled with him trying to pull at them again. Tarrin stopped, that paw of his gripping Ferien's ass for support with about a quarter of his cock inside. Just a quarter! Ferien could see how much bigger it got from there right there in front of his face, but it already felt big enough. The bound wolf panted, his breathing noisy and clumsy with his own cock stuck inside his muzzle, but as much as he hated to admit it, it too let out an occasional drop of precum for him to swallow.

Tarrin didn't give him nearly enough time to adjust. His other paw gripped Ferien's inner thigh for support and he pressed himself forward once more. All Ferien could do was close his eyes shut and keep grunting, feeling inch after inch of that deep red, pulsing cock entering him. It was too fucking big! With the small glimpses he dared to take, he could see Tarrin's knot forming at the base, which was just plain huge. He got to feel it, too, or at least some of it, since the black wolf did not stop until the larger base of his growing knot was touching Ferien's fur on his backside. The black wolf's whole cock inside Ferien felt simply too big to ever be comfortable. Not that the straight soldier would ever admit or consider anything to feel 'comfortable' inside him like that, but it was just... too much. Ferien panted. The whole process was kind of forcing him to wriggle, to gasp, to do a bunch of things that felt too much like sucking for his own needy member, so when he opened his eyes again, he could see his own knot fully grown right in front of his muzzle, his furry balls right there, Tarrin's above them and, worst of all, the humiliating sight of his tailhole widely stretched to take in the bright red member of the black wolf.

"Too fucking tight. Juuuust how I like 'em!" Tarrin was panting too above him, but the wolf's voice made it pretty damn clear he was enjoying himself. With time to think and focus again, Ferien remembered that he was forgetting something. That there was something important about all this that he very much should be able to grasp, but he had lost it somewhere between the time Tarrin was wedging that huge thing inside him. He looked at the courtyard's door with the corner of his eye. It was the fact that he was risking being seen, wasn't it? Ferien wriggled a little in his chains and let out a small whine. He couldn't stay there like that!

"What's that? You want me to fuck you harder, is that it?" Tarrin's question came with a chuckle. Ferien shook his head as best as he could, but what was the point? He could only stare up at Tarrin's ass anyways and the wolf wasn't really interested in hearing him. "My pleasure!"

If Ferien thought that having Tarrin's big cock stuck inside him was bad, he quickly discovered that was just the beginning. The black wolf pulled himself almost out, only to shove himself in again, but now much faster, much more roughly. Ferien whined like a pup. He grunted, groaned, tried to speak and to struggle, but nothing he did caught Tarrin's attention again after he started fucking. He could feel the wolf's claws pressing hard against his leg for support, but even that hint of pain was completely overshadowed by the sensations rushing through him for having something so big shoved in and out of his tailhole.

Ferien could see all of it, too. He had no choice but to stare right at the sight of his tailhole getting stretched over and over again to accommodate another male's tool. It felt incredibly humiliating. The wolf's face felt hot and that feeling just wouldn't go away, no matter what he did or felt. It was always there, on the side, alongside the many other things occupying his mind. To add to the shame, alongside the pain of getting fucked so roughly like that, there was... something else, too. All the spots Ferien could never name, could barely even know were there, were getting pressed, hammered inside him. It somehow translated directly to his own cock, which pulsed and throbbed inside his muzzle.

Ferien remembered cumming. He had cummed.. once, not too long ago. When was it? He wasn't sure, but he remembered cumming and he also remembered that it hadn't been enough. He remembered he was very, very pent up and that cumming once wasn't enough. He wanted more, his body needed more, but he didn't want it like this, at least at first. The faint desire and lust growing on him felt incredibly shaming and humiliating in the beginning. He wasn't going to suck his own cock while getting fucked by another soldier! He would never want to cum into his own maw like that! Those thoughts started like that, but as the fucking went on, they started to shift. Ferien's need started overpowering the shame, even though it was still very much there, and he found himself suckling on his own cock ever so slightly sometimes. The pleasure, which was incredible despite the discomfort, made the whole process a little easier. It filled him with shame, but it felt better.

It went on and on. Tarrin growled above him, fucking him with remarkable stamina and strength while Ferien watched it all from below while forced to suck on himself. He could both see and feel the black wolf's huge, fully engorged knot pressing against his tailhole on every fast thrust, but it would never fit. It could never fit, it was just too big. At the same time, Ferien felt himself getting frustratingly close to his own orgasm. He was going to cum into his own muzzle, but... what was the harm? If he swallowed everything, which he didn't think he was going to be able to avoid even if he wanted to, Tarrin wouldn't even know, and it all felt just so damn pleasurable. It felt humiliating to admit, but he was feeling pleasure from being fucked by another male. There was undeniable pleasure from the maw around his cock, even if it was his own. There was plenty of 'harm' to be done by cumming in his own maw, deep inside Ferien knew, but he got to the point where his body just wanted that too badly for him to care. Slowly, the wolf's suckling became more aggressive, his tongue actively milking his own member. When he started trying, closing his eyes and doing his very best to push the shame away despite everything, to not think about what he was doing, he felt himself getting closer to his climax fast. By the way Tarrin was speeding up, he didn't seem so far from it himself either anyways, so Ferien just tried harder. He felt it rising, felt the pleasure getting higher, felt the edge drawing closer and closer...

"Fuck, Ferien, fuck! I'm gonna knot you. I'm gonna fucking knot you," Tarrin growled from above him. It worried Ferien, made him open his eyes, broke his focus. He saw and felt the black wolf pressing hard against him with each fast thrust. The large knot on the base of the wolf's cock pressing against his entrance again and again, trying to wedge its way in, but it was just too large. Ferien saw it pressing in and, well, it seemed like his tailhole was starting to give in, that maybe it could indeed go in. The thought didn't alarm Ferien nearly as much as it should, however. Even watching that big thing threatening to go into him right in front of his eyes, at that moment Ferien was just too busy feeling his blood boiling with the rush of pleasure. He sucked his own cock hungrily, actively trying to get to the spot he was so close to, trying hard not to think, not to feel the shame burning inside him. Ferien closed his eyes shut again, blocking everything off but his shameful pleasure, but then he felt Tarrin pulling out of him entirely for the first time and not pushing back in.

Ferien opened his eyes again to see his tailhole empty right in front of him and definitely feeling after having had something so big inside it. Worst of all, however, he was in the cavern. The damned cavern, with the damned dragon. Ferien's ears went straight down. He stopped sucking, stopped everything. He had let himself forget again, fell for the dragon's tricks! Verinax was right there above him, the dragon's cock dripping wet with precum, as if it had been fucking something. It didn't take the wolf long to figure out what.

All the shame Ferien had been trying so hard to avoid came crashing right over him. He still felt himself a little too close to his edge, but it was retreating fast with the whole situation. Had the dragon seen him sucking on his own cock? Somehow, the thought of Verinax noticing it felt a hundred times more humiliating than Tarrin seeing it. By the way the dragon was looking at him, that known smirk of superiority wide in his muzzle, the answer to that was obvious. Ferien had never felt so humiliated in his life.

"I see my slave enjoys the thought of being fucked way more than I anticipated," Verinax said in a deep mocking tone. Ferien had no answer. He wished very hard he could take his muzzle away from his cock. His back was hurting, his tailhole felt sore, his pleasure... was still very much there, as much as he hated it. The dragon's muzzle drew closer, those red eyes... those red eyes always staring at him, as if they could see his soul behind his eyes. It made Ferien's face, already burning hot with shame, grow even redder. What really surprised him, however, was the dragon raising his paw to touch the wolf's knot, right in front of his lips. One of his long claws trailed alongside the big, most sensitive part of his cock, making Ferien grunt with arousal and spurt pre into his throat once more.

"My slave enjoys it so much that he was about to be bad again and cum without permission, wasn't he?" The dragon held that mocking tone, but the trailing over his knot didn't stop. It was just hard enough to be pleasurable and his knot was just so freaking sensitive. Ferien could still feel his instinct to hump, to tie himself with something and just cum his heart out. He had no desire of shoving his knot past his own teeth, however, so he just held back, but the pleasure was still there. Oh, it was still so very much there.

"Wasn't he?" Verinax repeated his question, which made Ferien painfully aware that the dragon expected an answer. What was he supposed to say? He couldn't deny it, it would make things worse, but he didn't want to say it. Verinax's eyes staring down at him left him no choice, however. Somehow, the dragon always managed to make things even more humiliating than Ferien thought possible.

"...Ysh, mhstr," Ferien tried to say through the cock lodged in his muzzle, nodding ever so slightly. The dragon's smirk grew a little, showing his satisfaction, but he also shook his head.

"What a bad slave. We are punishing you to remind you that you shouldn't release your worthless seed without permission and here you are, trying to be bad again." Another claw joined the first, both of them now gripping the wolf's knot and squeezing it. The movement alone made Ferien groan involuntarily, a rush of pleasure rushing through him, drawing him closer to the edge he had just left again, threatening to past it. As the squeezing continued, Ferien found himself holding his breath so that he wouldn't as much as breath around his cock not to risk cumming. He didn't want to do it. He didn't want to do it in front of the dragon, didn't want to do it into his own throat. That's what he told himself. Those were the reasons he didn't want to do it, it wasn't because he was scared of making his punishment even worse. No, it wasn't that. Screw the dragon, it wasn't!

Ferien was starting to worry that he wouldn't be able to hold himself back despite the whole situation. The squeezing on his knot was just too much. The bound wolf whined, soft whimpers coming from his throat sure that the dragon was going to force him to go against his orders again, but either the whimpering worked or Verinax just knew when Ferien was at the very, very edge of blowing, because the squeezing stopped. Ferien still had to fight to keep his tongue from touching his cock, to do anything to push himself over the edge. Over the edge he really, really wanted to go over, but at the same time didn't.

"Don't worry, dog, I'm a very merciful master," the dragon started. He always sounded so fucking calm. Ferien looked up at him, red eyes looking back and a grin on his muzzle. He hated the dragon so, so much. "I'm going to help make sure you don't disobey again during your punishment."

Saying that, as cryptic as it was, the dragon's paw returned to his knot. It squeezed it again, more aggressively than before, rubbing and pressing into it. Ferien gasped. The warmth around his cock, the teasing to his sensitive knot... the dragon went as far as coiling his clawed fingers around it, making it, for the wolf, as if he had actually tied with something. That proved to be too much. Ferien felt his balls churning, drawing back, felt that knowing tingle coursing through his body that every male knew, signaling he had passed the point of no return. He couldn't hold himself back anymore. He let his tongue go wild, started sucking on his own cock again. He dreaded getting shots of cum right at the back of his throat, but he craved the pleasure that was coming too badly. The seconds went through, Ferien already starting to groan for the imminent... except it didn't come.

The dragon spent a few extra seconds squeezing his knot tight, making the wolf tremble, sure he was about to reach the orgasm he both craved and dreaded in the next second, but it wasn't coming. It was only when Verinax withdrew his paw with a chuckle that the wolf could see the ring. A silver, smooth ring right at the base of his cock, behind his engorged knot, glowing faintly. How had that even got there? The ring was far too small to get past his length, let alone his knot! He didn't have it on before, so how the hell had it got there? That was a confusing question, but it wasn't what mattered the most. What really mattered was that Ferien was still sucking his own cock, teasing it with his tongue, desperately trying to reach the orgasm he had been given just a small taste of, but he couldn't. The wolf had already figured out that the ring was blocking him, that it was the dragon's 'help', but fuck, his body didn't care about that. He was stuck at the very edge, desperate to go through, and yet at the same time, getting blocked from the thing he wanted the most gave him time to think about how he shouldn't want it again.

It was that fact, the fact that the damned dragon was watching him suck on his own cock desperate to cum into his own maw even after getting fucked that gave Ferien the strength to stop. He needed to retain his dignity... if there was anything left to retain in the first place. The wolf's eyes were wet with rage and frustration towards Verinax, who was just standing there, watching with the same look of superiority on his face.

Ferien couldn't see how things could get much worse than that, but that changed as quickly and abruptly as it had the previous times. One small blink, a split second, and he was back at the courtyard. He only had time to look up, to see Tarrin grunting and muttering a curse, paw grabbing his ruby red cock to line it up back with Ferien's tailhole as if it had just slipped and, without any ceremony, he just shoved it back in there.

The bound wolf grunted heavily again. He could feel the rumbling of his own wailing over his length, could feel the warmth of the gasp of surprise he let out and that, combined with having that big wolf cock shoved deep inside him once more, was enough to trigger him, to get him past the edge that he couldn't get past.

Ferien had thought the fucking had been intense before, but it was twice as much with him in that state. He had brief periods to wonder if Tarrin would see the ring, if he would ask about it, if he would take it out, perhaps? The black wolf above him was far too busy taking his own pleasure for now, though. He resumed right where he had stopped before... before what again? Ferien couldn't think, he couldn't reason, he could barely do anything but gasp and pant. Getting fucked by something that big while constantly at the very verge of orgasm was just too much. Mindlessly, the wolf sucked his own cock. He suckled, licked, swallowed the constant stream of pre he was letting on and moaned in need when the despair to reach what his body needed overcame his rational thoughts of both dignity and the impossibility to reach it. He just. Needed. To cum.

It went on and on, but lucky for him, not for long. The only thing that managed to snatch Ferien's mind from the most primal need was the sudden urgency that came when he saw, right in front of his eyes, his tailhole starting to get stretched wider, much wider, for the huge wolf knot that was pressing so freaking hard to get into it. It hurt. It fucking hurt. It all happened in a matter of two seconds, at most, but he saw it all. In one thrust, it almost went in and just the attempt was enough to hurt like hell, and then in the next one, stronger than before, it popped inside.

Tarrin pretty much howled above him, shamelessly enjoying his pleasure. The rush of pain for Ferien only lasted a few small moments, enough to draw him back a little from his own edge. Enough to make him aware that he had been knotted by another wolf like a bitch, and then to hear Tarrin's howl reaching a higher pitch at the same time he felt a sudden warmth coming deep, deep inside him. Through the lewd sight of his own tailhole stretched wide, he could see Tarrin's cock pulsing in tandem with the warmth as the wolf cummed inside him. Many, many different things went through Ferien's mind while he panted, watching himself getting defiled, tasting his own cock and, despite the deep discomfort he was feeling from having something just so big inside him, there was still pleasure. A part of him, a bigger part than he'd like to admit, was feeling jealous. He wanted to howl, wanted to cum like that, too, and he was surprised to see it was the first thing that popped in his mind, but it was solely out of need! The usual followed, of course. He was a soldier. He had been fucked and marked by another male. It was disgraceful, humiliating, dishonorable! There was more in there, too. Shame, but hate too. So much hate and frustration, but for who? Tarrin? That didn't feel right.

The black wolf's howl faded, the pulsing of his cock weakening. Tarrin panted, letting himself relax even if he still had to stand up, to keep himself squatting. His paw that held Ferien's inner thigh for support gave it a few pats, which only felt degrading for the wolf underneath.

"Fuuuuuck... that was... that was fucking great. You're as tight as a bitch, Fer. Sorry, but you just are," Tarrin said with a small laugh. He pulled himself back, but he couldn't, of course. He was completely and utterly tied by his engorged knot. All that did was bring up a grunt from both wolves. "Ungh.. sorry, guess I should've held back. Couldn't though, just couldn't."

Tarrin adjusted himself as best as he could, every small movement from the wolf above him was felt by Ferien through the cock lodged deep inside him. Able to think logically, Ferien was just making a big, big effort not to stimulate his own cock too much. He knew he couldn't cum, he wanted it really, really badly, but he knew he couldn't, so what was the point of getting frustrated? That was almost working. Ferien was able to gather his mind, to try to think. Maybe now that they were done Tarrin would release him from these bounds. He would be able to retreat from his own damn cock, would be able to pull the cock ring... where had it come from again? Well, he would pull it off, jerk off right away and fucking cum. That was his plan, but fate wasn't with him. Or, well, something wasn't, because Tarrin casually reached downwards and, with his paw, he found Ferien's cock. Or, rather, his knot, which was the only thing not shoved into his muzzle.

"You didn't cum? I thought you were really into this. You need some help?" Ferien's eyes went wide. It took a wolf to know what a wolf needed and Tarrin knew. Readjusting himself as best as he could, the black wolf improved his grip on Ferien's knot enough to enclose it with his paw, grip it and squeeze. It felt just like a tie, pleasure rushing through Ferien in and just throwing him right past the edge he had been avoiding. The wolf moaned, the sound muffled by his own cock, and he was right back there. Right back at the edge he couldn't go past, every second feeling like the next would be it, but never reaching it. As much as he hated it, the wolf couldn't help but use his tongue, to try desperately to reach it again, but he just couldn't! Wasn't Tarrin feeling the ring brushing against his fingers? Ferien wanted to scream at him both to stop and to press harder at the same time, but Tarrin only went with the latter. Seeing it not working, the black wolf tightened his grip, rubbed that knot a little and all of it felt like both utter torture and heavenly bliss to the bound wolf.

The squeezing went on and it would have continued were it not for the sound of the heavy wooden door opening. Tarrin let go of Ferien's knot right away, but the bound soldier took a few seconds to recover until he could pay attention to what was happening.

"What the FUCK are you guys doing?" The newcomer was a grey wolf Ferien could not name, but he had a full set of leather armor on and a wooden sword on his hand. He was laughing, too, and much to Ferien's dread, another wolf came from inside behind him. Then another, and then yet another, all of them shocked with what they were seeing.

Shame rose inside Ferien and took lead of what he was feeling. He felt his face hot, felt exposed and his mind rushed to try to think of a possible explanation to give them, but what could he possibly say? He couldn't even get his own cock out of his muzzle. Tarrin above him didn't look pleased either, though, for Ferien could see his tail curling itself between his legs above him.

"Fuck you, Garrett, never seen someone fucking before?" Tarrin replied, clearly at least trying to look imposing. The black wolf tugged himself back, but his knot was too wide. He grunted himself, but Ferien underneath him almost whimpered.

"I did, but this is a whole new level," the grey wolf replied with the amusement. The three others behind him didn't look like they had even recovered from the shocking sight yet. Tarrin kept tugging. The wolf was resolute on getting himself out of the predicament, but it was just too big! Ferien grunted again and again in complaint for the black wolf's attempts, that cock jostling back and forth inside him, his own maw around his cock... damn, he was feeling pleasure. He was overcome with same and still feeling pleasure.

"Well, fuck you. I get offered an easy fuck, I don't refuse," Tarrin just said, spitting towards the wolves. He tugged harder and harder, Ferien starting to struggle in his chains underneath him to make him stop, but his stubbornness was well rewarded. It was hard, but he managed to pull out even with his knot still a little too big. Tarrin was quick to step back, but Ferien was forced to look at his tailhole still a little stretched and, at the same time, watch the other wolf's cum start to drip out of it onto the back of his own balls in direction of his muzzle. Tarrin gave his rump a few pats, but the other wolves approached him. They all circled the bound wolf, laughing, commenting, mocking.

"Lmmh ggh!" Ferien complained through the cock in his muzzle, but that apparently amused them greatly. None of them were commenting about the chains or about the ring at the base of his cock still glowing. Why wouldn't they talk about that? One of the wolves, a big, brown one put his hand on Ferien's thigh, fondling him.

"Is he still looking for more? Are you, slutty little wolf bitch?" The wolf asked. Ferien met his eyes, deep yellow like any wolf's would ever be, but for a moment he thought he saw them glowing in red. Nevertheless, he shook his head wildly, as best as he could. The wolf ignored that, however, and looked at Tarrin for an answer, who was now trying to tuck his cock into the pants he had just put on. The black wolf just shrugged.

"He asked me to fuck him and he hasn't even cummed yet. I don't see why not." Ferien's eyes went wide, but the brown wolf grinned. He wasted no time in opening his own pants to reveal a hefty furry sheath and a semi-hard wolf cock that was at least as big as Tarrin's had been.

"Dude, you're gonna fuck him after he's been used like that? There's cum all over him!" The grey wolf asked, but the brown wolf didn't seem bothered at all. He finished removing his pants altogether so that he could step over the bound wolf bent over himself, one paw stroking his cock, which Ferien was forced to watch grow bigger and bigger.

"So? A fuck is a fuck. Nothing like some incentive before the day's training."

"I wanna be third," another wolf said, much to Ferien's dread. He tried to protest, but they didn't care. He couldn't form words anyway. He struggled desperately. His back was already starting to bother him a little from being bent over for so long, his own precum was all that he could taste and he was pretty sure he would be riding the edge of his denied orgasm the whole time if he got fucked again, as much as he hated to admit it.

For a split second, everything got dark. The wolf glimpsed some sort of cave, but it felt like just his imagination. What else could it possibly be? He had bigger things to worry about because the brown wolf was holding his cock so that it could line up with his used tailhole and this one didn't linger before he pressed forward.