Breaking in Modruk

Story by Logan Ice on SoFurry

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#1 of Breaking in Modruk

Modruk comes from the story series Tales from a Dark City by Ogrebear and Hooves. It's awesome. You should check it out.

Just lying there, I couldn't help but think to myself how handsome he looked. He was a few feet away, lying on the bed and though human he looked green. Well to me he did anyway. The handheld JVC digital camera had terrific night vision. I zoomed in and tiled the camera up to each of the kid's outstretched arms, each slack wrist spread out over his head, connected to handcuffs on either side of the bed frame at the posts. Likewise his feet were similarly restrained at the ankles.

I rolled the camera to the nightstand next to the bed. There were several bottles of ether, tranquilizer needles, a bag of weed, several blunts and a handful bottles of orange prescription bottles, which so far as I knew only 2 had high concentrate Viagra.

I moved the camera back to the human. He was blindfolded, which really wasn't necessary. The lights were off; it was night, and because of the clouds no light came in from window which softly rattled from the wind. Outside wasn't raining, but looked like it could.

Moving across the room I made my way to the side of the bed. I felt so absorbed getting a steady shot that I didn't notice the sides of one of the others in the room. The brute grunted, but saw I was filming and moved out of the way.

"Yuh think he's got any idea what's coming up," The brute began to rattle off.

"Ohhh no. I was able to nab him with a tranquilizer right after he regularly fell asleep." The brute nodded knowingly. "He's got no idea what's coming."

Not one bit. And with that I turned the camera to the brute's direction. His tusks gleamed bright into a wide leering smile. He reached up to prod at one of his pointed ears and immediately I turned the camera away not wanting to catch that. Orcs weren't the best hygienic creatures.

But oh yes...there would be orcs.

There were four of them in the room, including myself. All three were husky, hairy and hung. I wasn't so much. Being younger my pectorals were built but mostly free of any hair. I also had abs. The others had shapely abdomens that were contoured into nice beer bellies. The human wasn't too bad either. He was young, being only a freshman in college. He had the muscles of three years of playing high school football with a healthy chest and biceps. But as I scanned the camera down, it became apparent with his stomach that he had been letting himself go a bit. Moving downwards his cock laid over his thigh like a slug. The human was naked, so were the other orcs in the room and myself. Indeed all that had come into the home was.

The other two orcs in the room were feeling each other up, playing with both their thick bodies. The sounds of their lewd behavior was the only noise in the room aside from the wind beginning to pick up outside. I was refocusing my camera on the human's pink cock when the orc I had bumped into gruffly spoke.

"Oye! He's wakin' up."

At once I moved my camera up to the human's head and indeed he begun to stir from his slumber. I was able to catch him in those few moments when he surely thought he was in some uncomfortable position. The metal cuffs suddenly pulled taut when he tried to lower his arms, then harder again. The beam loudly creaked but the frame held its place easily, and the semi-lucid human started to breath hard. Moving his head up he made a soft whimper. I rolled my camera out to catch it all. It was obvious the lad's mind was still swamped from the tranquilizers, but his muscles were weakly pulling against the bed frame. He was just beginning to understand the predicament he was in when the door swung open and several heavy frames began to enter the room. One of the orcs had left to gather the others. I smiled to myself knowing the festivities were about to begin. More footsteps from out in the hall followed behind, and the already small room became suddenly cramped.

Like the others many of them were orcs. The sweaty green skinned beasts grunted, and talked quietly amongst themselves as they filed in. I was shoved to the side to make room, and moved the camera to the stirring human, who was quite aware of the sounds of the entering bodies.

"Hello! Who's there?" The human began. "Look guys if this is part of some hazing frat ritual, I gotta say I never signed up to be in one, ya got the wrong guy."

The room remained silent. My camera did a quick sweep of all those who had entered. Indeed they were all specimens of fierce masculinity. Their strong bodies rubbed up against each other but none seemed to mind. Many openly groped over their neighbor's bare chests, tweaking their rumps or nipples. Peppered amongst the naked bodies, there were some who wore black harness gear over their girthy frames. Thick black straps covered chests. Some wore thick collars with metal spokes, some complete face masks that only showed their eyes.

The pointy eared monsters were all different too. Some were ridiculously muscle packed; some were just fat, while most had that terrific combination of both that made their body mass. All of them were hung and in various states of arousal.

Not all were orcs either. In the green crowd were furries of different types. I made sure the camera got several wolves that had collected together in the back. There were a few rhino's as well. One very powerful looking gorilla, with a cock thicker than the others made his way to the foot of the bed, and stood shoulder to shoulder with the orcs. The brawny studs made a wall of mass, muscle, cock and flesh that wrapped around the bed frame.

"Wha-...who's there. Really guys this ain't funny!"

The lone voice cut through the soft mumblings. The human was more alert now and began to slide himself up but stopped after a few inches. The cuffs at his feet wouldn't let him withdraw any firther.

"I, I can hear you. What's going on?"

The room was deathly silent. In the dark a set of think fingers made their way to the human's face and undid the blindfold. Because I had the camera I was one of the orcs up front and I made damn sure to concentrate on his face. Many others were craning their necks to see over each other's shoulders. To create an eerie ambiance one furry, a stallion that was indeed hung like a horse placed a florescent black light tube on the ceiling.

The tube was flicked on and in a flash the near pitch black room was bathed in the soft UV purple light. I switched off the night vision and turned my cameras light on. The effect wasn't as good but I still got a good shot.

I had made sure to catch the pure look of awe and horror on the human's face, when he saw all the burly hairy brutes surrounding him, with their fat pectorals, rolling bellies and sweaty skin. He gulped loudly when his attention was directed lower to the very erect state of many of their uncut, members.

The black light did an especially good job, making the whites of their tusks eerily glow. I couldn't imagine the terror that the human might have been feeling at the moment.

Oh no human, this isn't no frat hazing.

"Oh gods...don't hurt me."

I just held the camera on his face and gave a smug grin while a few other orcs chuckled. Everyone here knew what was in story for the lad. And hurting him or causing any lasting damage at the very least was off limits. But as far as what was going to happen... there was a wide variety we had in store. The tension was thick but cut short when one of the orcs suddenly spat directly at the human, and hit him square in the face.


Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!

Danny couldn't blink in time, when the wad of phlegm came at him. Not like he could even see it, or make out which one of the monsters had done it. It seemed to have hit in square in the left eye, and quickly he clenched it shut, but could feel the warm goop trickle down his cheek over the side of his mouth. What was once a mixture of fear, panic, and intense anxiety now suddenly turned to shock.

_What the fuck is this! _

He wasn't sure what to say next when another wad of saliva hit him square on the chest. He heard a deep snorting from a third and anther glob smacked his forehead. To his utter revulsion many of the orcs caught on to the act. All of beasts around him, and those who could get at him from behind the others began hawking slime and snot rockets at him.

The powerful feeling of terror griped the human's small frame. But mixed with he had and hot waves of shame coursed up his spine the as each stick glob smacked against his naked flesh. Several orcs were muttering harsh obscenities at him before adding their own strands.

Oh god, noooo! What are they, uhg...

Outside the soft patter of rain began hit the window, but Danny felt as though it were raining inside. Laying back his head, his attempts to pull free were useless.

"Worthless trash, baby human giving up are ya?"

With his head reclined back on the pillow Danny felt several foamy shots of spit smacked him right on the nose, with such a force that it splattered over his forehead. The feel was disgusting as warm glob smacked after another. His shoulder, stomach, thighs and face receiving blow after blow.

"Fuckin' look here slut!" A deep voice boomed from over head. Danny looked directly above, and the onslaught slowed. One of the fatter orcs at his side was positioning himself right above his face. To Danny's horror he knew what was coming.

God just get away! This can't be happening to me!

For a long chilling moment the chubby green thug grossly inhaled, collecting all the slimes that were inside his throat and nostrils before pursing his lips together. A thick long line of drool followed out, painfully slow and the human's eyes narrowed at the tip as it lowered. Fear kept him in place though and finally the strand connected right on his nose. The snotty strand flowed further down, covering around his face like thick icing on a pastry.

Cheers and low grunts of approval filled the room only increasing the human's level of humility. He could feel his cheeks become hot red as the line of drool continued, almost for a full minute.

Danny meanwhile did his best to have his mouth remain shut now, but a lot of the mucus was getting into his nostrils. His face was so covered when he opened his lips some to breath, streams could leak past his lips and into his mouth. Danny sputtered at the feel of the grown orc spit getting into his mouth.

"Bawww, the pussy boy doesn't like the taste of a real male's spit." A mocking voice said in the back.

"Bullshit! He jus ain't had enough" yelled another from across the room.

Danny got wide eyed as the giant gorilla was the first to make a move to touch him. He shifted away as the animal hot fur pressed down on his sides. The creature moved upwards blocking the human's form from the other's view, it sagging down from the added weight. The human twitched and pulled at the restraints, afraid that he was going to be smothered but as giant gorilla beast propped up easily covered his frame. Danny felt something hot and hard slap his stomach, and to his fear the ape's giant cock was pressing up against his lower belly. That proved to be the least of his problems though as the gorilla's large hand grasped the boy's cheeks and clenched them hard together, forcing his mouth open.

"NNGGMM!!! NOOTHHH," Danny tried protesting, through his open mouth.

But the gorilla just smirked. "Shaddup bitch," and moved his hairy ape face close to the human's. His hot rank breath filled the boy's nostrils.

It was at this untimely moment and to Danny's absolute terror, one of the orcs was holding a digital camera. The orc had moved in close to get this image over the gorilla's shoulder and easily caught the image of the long line of snotty spit slowly drooled, from the ape's maw the human's open mouth. The line touched the back of Danny's throat and slowly filled up his gullet.

The human shut his eyes tight at the torturous feel of his tongue being coated by the disgusting ape's warm saliva. He refused to swallow any of it. But soon, when his mouth felt half full, it was suddenly closed by the gorilla's hand. Various taunts filled the air and from all around

"Taste it slut."

"Bet he likes it, all pussy human boys do!"

"Mmm, fuckin love that look on his face."

But the most frightening one came when the gorilla grasped the human's nose and shut it tight. "If you wanna breath then you gulp it all down"

A wave of nausea filled Danny's mind. His cheeks bulged with the syrup thick fluid and with a shudder he opened his throat and swallowed. The room full of grinning orcs watched the lad's adam apple bob up and down. To the human the revolting feel of the snotty liquid wasn't unlike swallowing a mouthful of cough syrup- warm, gooey cough syrup.

The gorilla grunted his approval and slide off the bed. The orcs to the side let him stand again, next to him. The room began to slowly rotate, with the orcs all around him like some obscene merry-go-round. Danny was sure it was the drug's effect.

He breathed out hard, then sucked in again. It was becoming more difficult with the air suddenly becoming rank and thick. The body heat from all the males in the room began to make it feel like a sauna. The human could see their green skin bodies becoming slick with sweat. His eyes though suddenly became wide.

The beasts all around him were pounding away at their large members. The gorilla that had just gotten off the human's was grunting like an animal as were all the orcs. Danny looked over and saw that even the orc holding the video camera had a hand down to his own hefty package.

In the midst of the grunts of lewd pleasure that surrounded the human a orc was quick to point out.

"OYE!" One of them pointed. "The human's enjoyin himself. Knew he'd enjoy this, eh?" Several chuckles followed.

The dazed lad looked down and to his surprise between his legs was his own meat, erect. Danny couldn't comprehend why he was erect, especially since there was nothing he was enjoying about his predicament. His own 7inches of pink cut flesh stood proud. Rolls of saliva made it shimmer in the black light from above.

What the fuck... how? Am- am I enjoying this?

"What a tiny baby dick. My cock was that size when I was jus an orckling," An orc grunted. Another wave of humility coursed up and down Danny's frame when suddenly an orc, the tallest one at his right foot began to jerk hard. His face clenched up like he was in pain, and his cock erupted. Globs of cum shot out from the green boar's jerking member, with the load spraying Danny's chest and shoulder.


Fuck this is such a turn on!

I let my camera span all those fat fists beating their huge cocks. My own bouncing as I jerked it up and down. I'd almost feel sorry for the kid if this wasn't so hot, and if I wasn't so sure he wouldn't he was enjoying it himself on some level. The human did have a boner himself after all. Of course, half a Viagra will help. But that just opens up the blood vessels in the body. For it to work at all the human had to be somewhat aroused. That was enough for me.

The orc that had shot his load was quickly ushered aside for a brand new beast, ready to deposit his load. It was another few seconds when an orc right next to be begun to growl loudly. His cock exploded its load as well, mixing with the first one on the human's torso. I took my time with my own member. I didn't need a body behind me pushing in front.

Another glob of white cream unloaded over the side of the human's head, coating his wear. When he tried to rub it against his arm another orc got the other side of his head. There just seemed to be no escape. The air was getting thicker too now, though none seemed to mind. Mixed with the rising stench of sweat and grime was now the musk of sex lust, masculine juices and arousal. And the shots I was getting were too good to be true! The human looked like he was soaked. Not just from the spit, but now by the glowing aura of white, purple goo. My lens was even capturing the various strands of cock pre that was flinging from the number of bobbing orctail tips, most of which landed on the human. A couple more orcs were grunting a little louder as well and I made sure to zoom in on their erections as they gushed out their salty nectar over the lad's chest and stomach.

The gorilla stood there fingering his crown with one hand. His other viscously stroked off right under the tip. When he came it easily was one of the largest loads thus far, aiming right at the kids face.

"Ok, cum dump open up and take yer medicine"

He reached over for the last few ropes and squeezed the human's nose again. When the kid opened his mouth to breathe a couple shots landed square in the kid's mouth. No one made him swallow it, and the human sputtered the slime out, with rolls of bright slime rolling down the sides of his mouth.

It kept going like that with one orc or furry right after another unleashing their carnal desires on the poor strapped lad. Many were aiming for Danny's face, which now looked like it was covered in a facial cream of dick snot. Others aimed for his erection and gave that a good coating.

"Stop..."Danny muttered. "Too many... no more nnngggh!!"

"Da quit yer belly achin yuh know ya love it." A Russian accented orc responded before he added his collection to the boy's erect cock. He reached a meaty hand over to lightly fondle the human's ball sack, which I was sure to get.

Too many...I couldn't help but smirk. The poor kid had no idea what he was in for. If he was throwing in the towel already he was in for a real treat. Almost two dozen pheromone laden fiends of muscle and brawn had unloaded their scum all over the boy. He was indeed almost entirely covered in the eerily glowing dick snot. The best part was we were no where near over. I knew how many were in this house and were going to share this ungrateful kid their bodily fluids... 36 orcs, 6 wolves, 4 stallions, 8 rhinos and one gorilla in all, making 55 of us in the house to share this one human kid. All of them were going to coat this kid down again and again.

There were a few more rounds of green sweating bodies before a few of the furries got their chance. Eagerly lining up, after patiently waiting their turns 3 wolves and a rhino stepped up, slowly stroking their thick sausages. I made sure to get nice body shots of the rhino. His frame was quite impressive, like some titanic sized pro-wrestler with a large smooth gut. His grey flesh thick like some leathery hide and had a few tattoos over his bulking biceps. The rhino had a menacing black mask over his face.

What was most impressive was his huge hunk of thickset fuck meat. It may as well have been a third leg. The cock at the base morphed in color from a dark grey to deep purple tip near the crown but most distinct, it had the tattoo of an oriental dragon that twisted around the shaft. Its head was at the tip, making the piss slit look like its open roaring maw.

Both massive hands wrapped around it, and stroked from base to tip. The human looked in horror at it, like the shaft was going to attack him. He didn't have to wait long though. Soon the rhino was yelling "FUCK YEA" between animalistic grunts. The cock blasted its seed all over Danny's groin.

I made sure to get all of it recorded. Then aiming the lens up I zoomed in on the lad's cum covered face. He looked right at me, with a thick layer of black light glowing fuck slop and gave a low moan. The human was shooting his own load, and hard. His own seed arched up in the air then splattered against his chest while all orcs and furries cheered their approval.

"What a bitch!" "There didja see that? The cum dump just creamed himself."

The sight was enough for me. Waves of pleasure coursed up and down my spine as my hand gripped my own orc flesh hard. My bare toes curled and my dick throbbed, blasting my balls contents over his frame. I hadn't that much time to recover when I heard several voices.

"Outta the way!"

"Move it lardo!"

I felt someone roughly elbow my knee away and frowned to see who it was. But soon grinned seeing who was climbing atop the bed.


By now the human felt like he was wearing a blanket of cum. Danny's mind was still trying to get the room to stop rotating. Word's couldn't quite convey the situation he'd found himself in. Mixed with the ever present terror he felt from his predicament was the hot shame of being used in such a degrading manner. What was more embarrassing was the wave of euphoria he felt when he climaxed himself. His body felt hot, relaxed almost. Seeing all those studs around him, shooting their own loads made him feel to his own surprise, slightly turned on.

Fuck that, I can't like this. I'm strapped to a bed; this is being filmed... yea. It's the drugs that are messin with my mind.

His drifting mind was brought back too though when one of the wolves began to howl. Danny's frame shook, and he jerked back in his restraints. Outside lighting boomed and the deep red canine cock gushed its load. The fuzzy wolf was more towards the foot of the bed and took aim spraying all over his toes on his left food. A few more orcs, and a large stallion took the example, directly aiming their members at his feet.

Though new voices spoke up, and walking around the orcs and furries upfront were too much smaller orc makes.

The fuck, they letting their kids in on this?

The three smaller orcs couldn't have been more than four and half feet high, but all were impressible built. They climbed atop the bed and Danny realized they weren't kids. They were midgets. Danny went wide eyed as their chests were tattooed, as well as their thick arms; one of them even had a looped nose piercing. One of them must have noticed as they surrounded Danny, one at each side, and the last at his feet.

"You like what you see, bitch?" The one at his left gloated.

The little orc to his right grabbed his dick by the base and wagged it up and down. The lengths on them looked obscenely huge compared to the size of their bodies.

"Oye I think he can't wait to get our loads, right guys?" "The one on his right added.

"What say you slut? You want us to give you our milk?"

"Beg for it bitch. I wanna year you moan like the true cum slut you are and beg for it." The orc at his feet taunted.

Danny couldn't help himself. "FUCK NO!" Despite his condition, and already being coated, he wasn't going to beg for it. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU LITT - MMMFFFFGGHH!!"

At once Danny was cut off. The little orc to his left had quickly moved his foot up and pressed the meaty sole down on his face. The heel pressing into his mouth and those fat toes clenching Danny's nostrils shut.

"Little... the slut was just about to say little!"

"The only one little here is you bitch, our cocks are just as big as yers. But only cuz were obviously of a smaller stature. What's yer excuse fer that puny dicklette?" The midget orc pressing his foot down responded. He seemed to have no issue at all pressing his smelly foot down despite the jizz covered face.

"The ungrateful whore doesn't want our juices."

"Now, now I don't think he asked the right way."

"Yea mebbe he just doesn't understand."

The orc looked down at him and let his toes go. Danny tried desperately to turn his head but the foot followed.

Ohhh god, its rank!!

"Cum slut!" The orc above barked, and Danny's looked over head.

"You beg all good and proper like for our cream or I suffocate you with my foot again, until you pass out. When you wake up we'll just keep going until you do!"

Quickly Danny nodded. Anything to get that fleshy foot from his face, but the orc did seem like he was finished.

"Now then, because of your stupidity, my foot is all covered and messy because of your face." And with that he lifted it off some. Danny saw the sole was indeed thickly covered in cum.

"Lick it off first, and then beg."

Danny stammered. "I- but..."

"You do it to me right now or you'll be licking the feet from everyone in this room!"

That seemed to do the trick. The human blushed something fierce, and leaned up some to reaching the small foot. Sticking out his tongue, he licked over the sole and heel and gave a grimace. The mixture of salty jizz plus the sweaty underside of the orc foot tasted aweful, but the stern look from the orc above kept him going. After a few more licks, Danny moved up to the toes and got them as best he could, tracing the tip of his tongue along the slimy underside of each toe. The midget orc let this continue for a bit before pulling back his foot.

"My foot's still covered you worthless piece of shit. But it's as good as your slutty tongue is gonna do fer now. You'll just have to try harder next time."

The orc grinned when Danny looked up with shock.

"Now beg like ya said ya would."

Danny was silent for a bit before. "Please shoot yer load."

It was almost to quiet to be heard and one of the orc's grunted. "Fuck this, I'll suffocate him with my ass until he starts screamin!"


The three orcs stopped and looked down at the human.

"What was that bitch?"

"Please, I need it, I need your cum. God please shoot it all over me!"

Danny felt his shame intensify, partly because he was thrilled at the idea of asking something so lewd. The warm feeling in his groin began to return, and his own cock began to awaken again. The orc's above began jerking their cocks.


I couldn't help but give a low snicker as the triplets worked over the human. Ace, Bull and Clint were always fun to have around for any raunchy party. Clint the one who had his foot on the lad's face slowed his stroking.

"Go on, continue to tell each of us how bad you want it."

When the human began to go off in his shaky voice about how he needed their loads, Clint looked back at me with a sly wink. The little fuckers always knows how to put on a good show for the camera.

Danny was still going on about needing their cum when Bull, the one with the nose ring began to grunt and unleash his essence over the human's stomach. The human made a look of disgust, but groaned when Ace began to rub his foot over Danny's erection.

Poor kid. I filmed on, knowing just how much a tape like this could make. That was one of the motivations for starting all this. But the others, none of the orcs or furries here had anything against Danny personally. But the society we live in. Humans are the man, the boss, and the rulers. They own the businesses, and they get the jobs..

I looked down at the human covered in luminescent slimes. He tried to pull away his feet as several orcs collected around them to shoot their load. No Danny this ain't anything personal.

And why him, why this particular human? Well the answer bobbed with his pink erection. I've had my eye on Danny for quite a while. I knew this kid enough to know that despite his struggles and protests he loved this. Looking at the camera window I saw that I was running out of battery life. I turned off and smirked at the gasping human. He was writhing at yet another onslaught of new fresh males who were going to drench him in their carnal desires.

Danny I'm going to show you the light, even if it means dragging you kicking and screaming all the way. That's a promise.

I stepped away from the bed, and brushed past the sweaty frames waiting their turns. I had to get another fresh battery, though I was in no rush. Indeed walking out into the hallway, I saw that several orcs that went first were back, ready and heading into the room to give the human their second load.