That Scent Act I and Prologue

Story by Structure on SoFurry

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#2 of That Scent

Something I wrote just for fun. Please enjoy.

Our scene opens up to a dragon in a shop tending a cash register, while the sun is just letting loose its very last rays before going to sleep. The dragon was named Allen. Allen ran a dusty old shop in the quiet end of the town. Business in the dragon's shop was slow, but steady. The adult was around 35, but he didn't show. He wasn't like any of those muscled freaks who drink steroids for breakfast and protein shakes for dessert, but one could tell from looking at him that the dragon took care of his body. His muscles pressed against the fabric of his shirt (which the dragon preferred to cling tight to his chest), as if to lure the eyes of the world a bit downward from the dragon's face. Dark scales adorned his arms, head, back, and tail, while lighter scales plated his chest all the way down to his nethers.

The bells attached to the door of the convenience store sounded their signature song, striking the silence asunder, and Allen looked up to aknowledge their performance. The bell's sonata finished, anouncing the start of a new episode. Upon the black carpeted stage a lithe youngster joined the cast to signify the start of Act I: Enter the Wolf. Our new actor was nigh as tall as Allen's heart, and fur blacker than the night he stepped in from. His dance was graceful, if nervous, and fleeting too. Around the aisles he did float. Never lingering in one pose for long, before drifting to another. The dance included various crouches and leans, examining the contents of the shelves. Back and forth across the set, one got the feeling that he was searching for one ware in particular.

The only audience (save you) of the ballad was our friend Allen. Without moving his body, his eyes traced the path of the boy that bustled about the business like a bee or some other manner of insect. At first the performance annoyed him, but when the canid did one last twirl, Allen knew the dance was over, and was dissapointed he would no longer see the show.

The boy approaches, now with the prize he found. He is no longer dancing, but not the bit less nervous. No, even more so now that the boy stands before the figure that towers over him so. Allen could grow in height by almost a foot by extending his lengthy neck, which he did now, stretching, and giving out a groan. If you could call it a groan, but you could have also called it a roar. The lizard had not moved for some time, now that the times struck him to move again, his muscles decided it was time for a stretch. So they stretched, along with the dragon, and all his scales and clothes. But mostly his clothes. His shirt was already tight at the chest, but with these arms extending upward the way they were, the threads felt right like bursting, or at least tearing a little. And his pectorals strained as hard as they could. As if freedom were theirs would they only push a little further. Strain as they might, their confines held fast. But, oh! the sight. And quite a sight the young wolf had too. So distracted was he by the mountanous muscle of the masculine monster that he...

"Oops" and dropped the package. Fumbling to pick it back up.

"Don't worry about it," grained a gruff scaly voice, and scaly hands did reach out for the box. Scaly fingers plucked it from trembling hands. And scaly eyes scanned over the case of...


"Heh" came a fake laugh that the audience knew was fake, but the actor knew it was fake. He faked faking a fake laugh and then...

"Yeah." came a corny yeah. As if to distract the dragon from...

"How old are you?" he asked, not so much concerned with the kid as he wanted to tug on his leash. But that's not to say that Allen wasn't concerned. He was. It's just that...

"I'm sixteen." protested young wolf, "And I don't need you telling me that I--"

"That you shouldn't be messing with things like this?"

--Now the lights go down as the set is changed, getting ready for Act II: The Battle--