Tails of Perverted Youth I

Story by WEREWOLFMAN on SoFurry

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#1 of Tails of Perverted Youth

Title: Tails Of Perverted Youth I



Copyright laws protect all characters and material used in

this story. No portion of this or any following stories may

be copied, reproduced or used by anyone in any way without

the author's written permission.

This story is intended for adult viewing only. You must be

of legal age to look at this material. If you are not an

adult, or if material of an adult nature offends you, do not

read any further. It is up to you to be aware of your local

laws concerning the viewing of this material. This story

concerns acts of a sexual nature between underage (to us)

fictitious beings and characters, which as far as I know, do

not exist in the real world, as we know it.

Main characters at start:

Wer-a gray wolf, light color, 14 years old.

Arru---a gray wolf, darker color, 13 years old.

Sim---a golden colored lion with a darker mane, 15 years


Kye---an orange and black-stripped tiger, 14 years old.

Place: An isolated private school for anthropomorphic


I guess every school is always a drag for a student

during the day. The time drags so slowly when you are stuck

doing something you have to. And then when it comes time for

the things you enjoy, the time passes so fast. It doesn't

seem fair. I am Wer E. Wolf, a student at this school. I got

this name of course, from my parents who had a sense of

humor. And I guess I like it, it sings.

I met the other three furs a few weeks before at the train

station when we arrived at the school for the start of a new

semester. We come from all over the country here, because it

is isolated and we won't attract attention. We get some

static from non-furs sometimes because we are different, so

here we are. The school is co-ed, but the femmes are kept in

separate dormitories for obvious reasons and we only get

together at school functions on special occasions.

The schedule is pretty good, and I'm not going to complain.

No one else does either.

Schedule: 6 AM - Wake up call.

7 AM - Breakfast.

8 AM - Classes.

12 PM - Lunch

1 PM - Classes

4-5 PM - Physical Education

5-6 PM - Showers, and rest

6 PM - Supper

11 PM - Lights out

After supper, we can do as we wish until 11 PM, lights out.

The schedule isn't bad since we have two study periods, one

morning, and one afternoon in which to do our schoolwork,

and then the evenings are free to play games, watch

television, or other interests. The school doesn't mind as

long as we all get along and there are no fights or other

disruptions. We are two to a room for now, and we get to

arrange our roomies as long as there is agreement, and no

problems. The rooms are large and could easily hold four

students comfortably. So we have a lot of elbowroom to spare

without intruding on the other furson.

My name is Wer. I am a 14 year old light color gray wolf and

room with Arru, a 13 year old darker gray wolf, one year

younger than I. Next door are Sim, a 15 year old gold color

lion with a darker mane, and Kye, a 14 year old orange tiger

with black stripes. Between us, we get along fine. We always

eat together in the lunchroom at all times. The femmes have

a separate dining hall.

Since we met and got our rooms, there were no problems,

until about after 3 weeks, when I noticed that Sim, Arru,

and Kye would talk together at supper and then gather in

Sim's room for some meeting after supper several times a

week. They didn't say anything to me, and I felt left out.

This time, when they started talking together, I asked what

they were up to, and maybe could I join in? The three of

them looked stunned at first, then spoke together, and

turned to me.

Sim said, "Why not," and the others agreed together with

him. "Let's give him a chance," they said.

Arru said, "Please promise that what we tell you and maybe

show you, will be kept a secret between us no matter what it

is. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. No one

will force you, but it could be a lot of trouble for us all

if word gets around. O.K.?"

"OK," I said, "I agree as long as there is no rough stuff.

I'll see you upstairs shortly."

We broke up and went to our rooms, and I took care of a few

minor items, such as putting away some books and brushing

out my fur. This was a Friday night. I didn't know what to

expect, and I wanted to look my best. Arru was already gone,

and I expected that he was already with Sim and Kye in the

room next door. So I went there and knocked on the door. Sim

answered and invited me inside. There were Sim, Arru, and

Kye easily sitting around in chairs. Since the rooms were so

large, we were quite comfortable in one room. We discussed a

few common interests and then Sim asked the others, "Are we

were ready?"

All said, "Yes, we guess so."

Sim asked me, "Do you agree to what we asked you in the

lunchroom before, that you would never talk about what we do

here tonight?"

"I agreed before, and I will now, now can you let me in on

the secret?" I said.

Sim said, "OK, strip off all your clothes, right now, or we

go no further."

"What is this all about?" I asked.

Sim said once more, "All clothes off right now, or we stop

now, no more questions or answers."

The others were taking off their jeans and shirts, and I

figured it was no worse than in the showers, so I began

taking my clothes off too. I pulled off my shirt, then my

jeans, and they started to laugh softly. I looked up and

asked what was so funny and they pointed at my dick, as the

red tip was starting to push out of the sheath. So were


Now Sim asked, "Do you still want to be a part of the group,

or do you want to leave?"

I said, "I want to be a part of the group and stay, if you

will have me."

Sim said, "One thing more, we do NO pain here. There is no

force. We do what both agree to. If there is pain, we stop.

There is discomfort sometimes, but that is part of the game,

and should not last but a moment or two. If you feel

uncomfortable with what you are asked, say so, and we try

something else. We all have likes and dislikes, so be honest

and speak out. There will be no secrets here."

Arru spoke up, "I am glad you want to stay, Wer. Now I feel

like I have a brother with me all the time here. I have been

very lonely in school all these weeks. Sim and Kye are

almost brothers, and now I have a real nice partner."

Sim said, "Now we are all agreed with each other, let's get

down to fun and games. Arru, will you introduce Wer to what

we have in store? I think he may have a lot to learn, and it

should be done gently."

Arru came over to me, and taking me by the paw, led me over

to one of the beds and asked me to lie down. Sim and Kye

were already on the other bed and stroking each other's fur

gently. Arru asked if there was anything I did or did not

want to try first.

"I will leave it up to you, Arru, you know better what and

how to teach me, since I never did anything but paw-off

alone before."

Arru said, "Ok, how about we start with the petting like Sim

and Kye are doing?"

I said "Good with me, let's do it"

Arru began with stroking me gently at my head, and then

around my muzzle, slowly moving down to my neck and chest. I

had not had this done to me since I was a cub in my mother's

paws. I forgot how great it felt to be caressed this way. My

dick was rising again out of the sheath, and soon it was

fully extended. I started to follow Arru's lead and do the

same to him. This had the same effect on him as he rose

quickly to full erection too. The stroking continued down my

arms and then to my waist. He paused, then went on down to

my hind legs and paws. He returned to my waist, and then

started licking around my sheath, which caused me to start

to groan with the pleasurable sensations I was feeling. As

he licked my sack, I was filled with warmth that I had never

experienced before. Soon, I was groaning more and more with

tingling feelings around my dick. He drew his tongue up the

length of my shaft from the knot at the base to the very tip

where he lingered for a moment. He stopped and asked if I

had ever shot off before. I told him "no", that I had done

only paw jobs before, but nothing ever came out. Arru said

that I was now leaking a little early juice that was normal,

and would soon shoot off the full load after a little more

practice. I was wondering what he meant by that, but I was

enjoying myself too much to care at this time. Since I was

getting so aroused, and by the groans and whining I was

doing, Arru suggested that I might try doing the same things

to him, if I was willing. Yes! I was certainly willing. I

started to paw his fur gently as he did mine earlier,

licking and stroking him as far as I could reach with his

muzzle in between my legs. I slowly stroked his shaft, and

he growled with excitement too. I was being worked up to

having an orgasm as he had my shaft in his muzzle and was

working his tongue around it driving me to new heights. I

thought I had better catch up with him, or I would shoot off

before he did. I was hoping we would do it together. My knot

was very hard and so was his as I had him in my muzzle now

and could feel the twitching of his shaft in my mouth while

I was working my tongue around his dick too. This was the

finest experience I ever had, but I didn't know what was in

the future. Now Arru was whining and growling more and his

dick was pulsing. Mine was too, and I felt the beginnings of

shooting off. Then I started shooting, and licked and sucked

harder on him. He responded by shooting his juices into my

muzzle, and I gagged at first, but the taste was good, and I

kept on licking and swallowing as he shot. After we both

shot off, we lay side by side for a while. Resting and

waiting for our knots to shrink and relax before doing

anything else. As we lay there, we talked about what we had

just done. I said it was wonderful, and thanked him for

getting me through my first time with him. He said that I

did fine and that he would be glad to work with me anytime.

He also said that I did shoot some juice into him, and soon

I would be shooting a lot more juice. He apologized for not

warning me about what might happen when he shot into my

muzzle, but I reassured him that my gagging was probably not

going to happen again since I now knew it tasted so good. He

rubbed my muzzle with his and licked me, cleaning up some of

the stuff that leaked out of my muzzle during our activity.

I licked his in return and it felt good doing it. Now we

were ready for the next act.

Arru had me get on my paws and knees on the bed. I did, and

he stroked my back fur gently for a while all the way back

to my tail. I was getting some nice feelings, and then he

was licking my fur around the tail. In a few moments, he was

licking my tailhole with his strong tongue. He was actually

getting it into my hole, and giving me a most satisfying

warm sensation. My shaft was emerging from the sheath, and

he couldn't help but notice. He gave it a few gentle

strokes, and said, "Not yet, there is a lot more to come."

I was ready for just about anything, and Arru didn't

disappoint me. He took some slippery cream from the stand

next to the bed, and began to work it into my hole with his

finger. As he did this, I was getting shivers down my back

wondering what was next. I thought I might have an idea, but

I was willing to do whatever he had in mind. I now had full

trust in Arru. I could hear Sim and Kye on the other bed

doing something, making a lot of purring and mewing sounds,

but in the position I was, I could not see. Now Arru was

working a second finger into my tailhole. It was feeling a

little full inside, but there was no pain, so I kept quiet

and let him continue.

"How are you feeling?" Arru asked.

I replied, "Real good, so far, let's keep going on like


Arru said, "I am going to do something else now, and I want

to warn you that it might hurt a little, but it will only be

for a few moments and if you relax, it should not hurt at

all. Are you willing to stick with me on this?"

I said, "Ok, I trust you, just let me know what to do."

Arru said, "You don't have to do anything, but relax, and

enjoy. Here we go."

As he barely pushed the tip of his dick into my hole, I

instinctively clamped down with my muscles, and it did hurt

a little. I made a small sound like "eeep." He repeated,

"Relax the muscles, it will not hurt so much."

I did relax, and it stopped hurting, and I could feel him

sliding slowly farther into me. He was right. As he went

further in, I was feeling full inside. His shaft was about

six inches long, and about an inch in diameter. He slowly

pulled it out, and pushed it back in several times. There

was no more pain or discomfort at all, now. I could feel it

swell larger as he worked it in and out. I really felt full

back there now. He reached around me and grasped my dick in

his paws and began to gently stroke it in time with his

thrusting. I was in heaven with him doing this to me. I

hoped I could do this for him as well. He was so gentle and

considerate with his actions. He said that he would not tie

with me this time, since it ws my first. But later, I would

learn when and how to do the tie. He continued thrusting,

until I was about to shoot off from his stroking of my dick.

When I first started to shoot off, I clamped my tail muscles

tight and this made him shoot off inside me. As he did, I

was shooting a little juice on his paw. Still just a little

bit, but more than last time. He was filling me up inside,

it seemed. I was feeling that warm juice of his inside me.

And it was great. We lay over on our sides without him

pulling out, still grasping my dick in his paws, on the bed.

He slowly went limp and slid out of me as I too went limp.

We lay there for a while resting as I saw for the first time

that we were being watched by Sim and Kye. They were smiling

broadly and clapping their paws softly. I smiled back and

asked if we put on a good show for them.

They said, "You sure did, you both looked great, what is


I asked Arru, and he said, "Now you can do the same to me,

if you wish."

I said, "Yes, I wish, tell me what to do."

He said, "Ok, I do not need the cream, and do as I did to

you, but when I tell you to, I want you to tie with me by

pushing your knot all the way inside me. It will give you a

great thrill, and I will have a fine pleasure."

Sim and Kye got back to their business, and this time I

would be in a position to see a little of what they were

doing, but I would be busy with Arru, and not concentrating

on them. Arru got on his paws and knees as I had, and thrust

his butt up higher for me to work on. I licked and poked

around into his hole easier, I thought than he must have had

with me. He was obviously stretched out a little more than I

was. I lapped as strongly as I could, and he was moaning

softly. I was able to get my tongue into him pretty far.

When I thought I had him slicked up enough with my saliva, I

placed the tip of my now hard dick against his hole and

pushed slowly in. He groaned more, and pushed back until I

was fully inside him, except for my knot. I was now aware of

what the knot was for, but had never had the opportunity to

make use of it. We were going at it for a while, and the

longer we were coupled, the faster we moved. We moved

together in a close embrace. I was getting near to shooting

off and I think he was too. I was gripping his shaft in my

paws and sliding them back and forth like he did to me, and

he told me to give him the tie right now.

I thrust several more times, and the knot popped into Arru's

hole. He moaned and howled softly with delight. It felt

wonderful to me too. I had never done this before. I had

only performed paw jobs on myself until now. The feeling on

my knot was something new and fantastic. Now his hole

clenched around my knot and I started to shoot off inside

him. Another thing I had never done was shoot off in

anything but my paw. Arru's dick was throbbing in my paw as

he was leaking juice all over it and the covers. Now,

however, we were tied together for a while until my knot

would shrink to a point where it would pop out of his hole.

If I tried to pull free, I would certainly do some damage to

his hole. And the same for him, he could not pull free from

me either. We were stuck for a time, possibly 20 minutes or

more. We lay down on our sides with him cuddled in my paws.

When my knot had shrunk and popped out of Arru, we cleaned

up each other and the covers, and lay on the bed softly

caressing each other. I was so involved with Arru, that I

didn't get a chance to watch Sim and Kye do their things.

But there was always another day. Sim and Kye were lying on

the other bed looking at Arru and I. They were both smiling.

I am fascinated at the way a lion and a tiger can smile. It

is very sexy and almost hypnotizing. They told me later that

wolves have a similar kind of smile in their viewpoint.

Now, we took all the pillows and blankets and put them on

the floor, and lay down on them and cuddled each other

together in a group. Feeling, petting, stroking, and licking

each other all over just to relax was a wonderful ending to

this evenings pleasures. I had never felt so much a part of

anything before this. I was a member of a loving group with

so much in common. I was sure the future would hold more for

me from this day on. Little did I know what the future would


Saturday morning: After last night, I was tired, and slept

longer than usual. When I awoke, there was Arru, sitting in

the chair, pawing himself off, and staring at me. I asked if

anything was wrong, and he said, "No, Nothing wrong. Last

night was a lot of fun, and I was having more fun just now

watching you lying there on the bed, naked. How about a

shower, and then we can go next door, get Sim and Kye, and

then to lunch?"

"Sounds good, let's get that shower." I said, and grabbed a

towel. Since we did have a shower in each room, it was easy

to just get up and go. As I turned on the water, it took

only a moment to get warm, and I stepped inside. A moment

later, the shower stall door opened and Arru got in with me.

Hey, this was cozy, and unexpected, but welcome. We both got

wetted, and I grabbed the shampoo and began rubbing it into

Arru's fur. He started to do the same for me. Soon we were

both lathered and rubbing each other in the warm water. The

soothing feeling was exquisite to each of us, and we really

got into it with a will. Soon, both of us were hard as rocks

and our dicks were standing up against each other's bellies.

As we continued in the confined space, we couldn't help but

rub against each other's wet fur, until we were both about

to shoot off. And so we did, both at the same time. We held

onto each other as if we were one furson. After we finished,

we rinsed again, and then licked each other clean, then

toweled off dry. Arru's fur shown with a gentle glow in the

sunlight through the window. And he told me that mine did

too. I find it difficult to imagine that until now, I had

never known such love for another. I had always been alone

in the past. Now I had a furson that I would always think of

as a close brother. Closer than that, even. My life was

taking on a new direction that I could not deny.

After putting on clean clothes, we went next door to Sim and

Kye's room. They were ready, and we all went down to lunch.

Breakfast had long passed. We discussed the previous night

for a while, and then we went swimming. The school pool was

always available to all students on Saturdays and Sundays

all day for relaxation, and entertainment. And there was

entertainment to be had for anyone who wanted it, as to his


It was a pleasure to watch Sim and Kye swimming in the

water. Their sleek furred bodies gliding through the water

had a grace to behold. Sim was a little more powerfully

built, about thirty pounds heavier than any of the rest of

us. Not too muscular, just all round a little bigger. His

sheath and sack appeared larger, too, although covered by

his swimming trunks. Kye also was just as graceful in the

water, with a slighter build than us, but still well endowed

under his trunks. Arru and I jumped in the pool and swam

over to Sim and Kye, on the other side. As we did so, I now

noticed the other students more and how they appeared from a

different perspective. I seem to have gotten a different

point of view on life overnight. About an hour later, we got

out of the pool, and went back to Sim and Kye's room after

drying off.

When we arrived there, we all sat down and talked for a

while about how each other looked in the pool water while

swimming. I was flattered when the other three described

what they thought of my swimming ability, and I joined the

others in comments of the same kind about each of them

respectively. I guess it was a mutual admiration on all our

parts. We also remarked on several of the other students as

well. Some of the others were particularly attractive, but

since we did not know them personally, we did not approach

anyone for fear of notoriety of our group. Some things are

not talked about openly, in front of, or to, others outside

our group. Big rule, don't ask, don't tell!!

I found myself staring at Sim. I couldn't help noticing the

quiet grace of this beautiful lion. His fur was a deep

golden color, rich, and fine haired, with a darker mane. He

was not muscular, but had a little thicker bone structure

than the rest of us. He had a soft gentle voice that was

soothing, yet impressive. There was a sense of power about

him that said he would not be taken advantage of. And yet, I

felt so absolutely comfortable with him. He also noticed me

staring at him, and he asked in that soothing gentle manner

of his, "Would you like to get a little closer with me? "

I said, "Yes, I think I would, if no one else has any


Sim asked, "Does anyone have any objections? "

Arru and Kye said, "Of course not, go right ahead, we'll

take the other bed. "

So Sim and I lay down in the bed and I slowly caressed his

soft golden fur with my paws, starting at his muzzle and

then to his head, down the mane and his shoulders along his

arms to his paws. On the ends of his paws' fingers he had

claws as had I, but his were retracted, reminding me that he

could do a lot of damage if he wanted. Arru and I also had

claws on the ends of our fingers, and we kept them cut short

and dulled. Sim's claws were also dulled, but longer since

he could retract them out of the way when not needed. His

paws were soft and smooth, and I was anxious to feel them on

my body. I worked my way back to his powerful looking chest

and rubbed him gently causing him to start purring. From the

chest I went on down to his waist, and I continued to his

hips and hind legs to the tips of his hind paws, which were

like his forepaws. What a beautiful body he had.

Sim then went over my body as I had just done to him. His

touch was electrifying, and sent tingles all over me from

head to hind paw pads. He was so gentle in his touching. I

looked up at his muzzle, and licked him as he then licked me

getting his tongue into my muzzle. His tongue was rough, but

still gentle and soft in me as he continued licking me and I

licked him. Sim lay back again, and I looked at his sheath

and saw the tip of his shaft emerging. So was mine, and he

couldn't help but see it. I took his sheath in my paws and

drew it back to expose more of his shaft, and then starting

at the base, I drew my tongue slowly up to the tip. His

purring became more intense and his shaft harder and longer

as well as thicker. He was also softly mewling as we

proceeded. He had a slightly salty, but spicy taste. I then

began licking more strongly and he reached for my dick with

his paw and stroked it gently. I reached a full erection and

he pushed my sheath down exposing the knot.

He said, "I want to warn you, that we felines have some

barbs on the ends of our dicks and at the time of shooting

off, they will spring out. So please expect this to happen

and don't forget the juice that I shoot will be a little

more than Arru's. I thought you should know what to expect

and be prepared. I will tell you when I am about to shoot,

so you can back off if you wish. It's Ok, I will understand

if you do."

"Ok," I said, "I'll see what happens, thanks."

I went back to licking and lapping at his dick, wrapping my

tongue all around it up and down the length of his shaft.

Sim was purring and mewling with pleasure and shifting,

trying to stroke me as I worked on him. He gripped my dick

harder with his paws as he was stroking until I was nearly

ready to shoot. Then he said, "I'm about to shoot off, here

it comes." And then I shot off and he did too. Yes, he did

have barbs on the tip, but they were not sharp yet at his

age, and they felt good in my muzzle. I was swallowing his

juices as they shot from the end of his member, and it

tasted musky and spicy. This was not bad at all. I shot all

over his paw and was surprised at the amount I did. I

continued to lap and suck until he softened up slowly, and

finally retracted back into his sheath. I was still jerking

and my knot was still hard and would remain so for a few

more minutes yet. Sim leaned forward and licked my muzzle of

the juices that had leaked out the sides, and then licked

all that was on his paw from me. He said I tasted pretty

good, and he would like to get a better taste later if I

didn't mind. I said, "Ok, whenever you want."

By this time Arru and Kye were finished too, and sitting

there on the bed watching Sim and I finish. They said we

made a nice pair and put on a good show. I thanked them, and

they said, "No. We thank you."

We lay around for a while, relaxing, since it was near

suppertime, and we didn't want to get involved again and

miss supper. We were pretty hungry after the swimming

earlier, and our entertainment afterwards.

During supper, we talked about a lot of various things.

School, classes, assignments, and so on. We also discussed

some of the other students we saw swimming, and their

qualities as relating to what we were doing at our meetings.

We came to some interesting conclusions. It was considered

that we might allow a likely candidate for another partner

to join our group if the situation presented itself. After

all, just between us four furs, it could become a little

monotonous depending on how long we were together. There is

only so much variety. So we agreed that if some furson

appeared to be of similar mood as we, he might be approached

carefully with the thought of bringing him into the group if

all agreed. And so it was decided.

After supper, we walked back up to our rooms and after

taking care of a few needs, we joined again in Sim and Kye's

room. Sim asked me to join with him again, and I was more

than happy to do so. I couldn't wait to get my paws on his

wonderful body once more.

Sim asked me to get on my paws and knees on the bed and he

started out with stroking my back fur from my neck to the

tail tip. Having this done to me was soothing and calming.

He kept on stroking until I was showing the tip of my member

from my sheath. When he saw this, he asked if I felt good.

I said, "Yes, it's great, I feel fine." He then proceeded

to lick all around my tail, and then he was licking my

tailhole. His tongue was slightly rough and was giving me a

really fine feeling as he worked around the hole. It did not

hurt at all, but stimulated me to new intensity. He tried to

work his tongue into the hole, but I was still a little

small for this and he went to the table and got some

slippery cream that he began to massage around the hole. He

then slowly worked one of his fingers into the hole with the

cream as a lubricant and it was soothing and not painful. I

just felt full with his finger up my rear working slowly in

and out. A few minutes later, and he was trying to fit a

second finger up my hole. That didn't hurt either, but I was

feeling fuller yet. Sim leaned over me and asked, "Are you

ready to try something else in that nice tight hole of

yours, or would you rather wait?" Then he went back to

fingering my hole.

"If it's what I think you mean, then I will give it a try,"

I said.

Sim then told me, "I have to tell you again, once I'm

inside, and I start to shoot, my barbs will open out and if

you try to pull away, it may hurt. Or, if I try to pull out

it may hurt. I cannot control that a lot, but it's usually

short after I finish shooting off. Just relax with it as

though we were tied. I don't want you to feel any pain. If

you're ready, then here we go."

Sim put a little more of the cream on my hole, and then he

lined up and pushed the tip of his dick into my hole. I

clamped down on him instinctively, and he stopped, and

reminded me to relax, and it would not hurt so much, but

feel better as he worked his way inside deeper. He had both

his paws on either side of my hips to brace me with my hind

legs spread slightly apart. I relaxed, and he slid a little

deeper and pulled out slightly, then pushed gently in again.

This was feeling pretty good, now. I growled gently with

delight as he probed deeper and deeper. Again he asked if I

was comfortable, and I said it was fine and to continue. He

speeded up a little more in and out and going deeper with

every thrust. I was now growling and moaning more with each

thrust. Now, Sim reached around my waist and took my dick in

both his paws, and was stroking it in time with his

thrusting in and out. He was pushing in so deep, I could

feel his sack bumping against mine every time he went in. He

was mewling and purring in as much ecstasy as I was. We were

locked together in a passionate embrace. His paws around my

body felt very comforting, and exciting.

Sim said, "Are you sure you are willing to risk the barbs?"

I said, "Yes, go all the way."

And then he began to shoot off inside me. He couldn't help

but give another thrust or two, and I felt the barbs in me,

but not as bad as I thought from his earlier description. He

stopped, and the discomfort went away and I then began to

shoot off in his paws. As I did so, I moved back and forth a

little, and the barbs actually made me shoot more strongly,

feeling them inside me as my muscle clenched with each

spurt. As my muscle clamped during my orgasm, Sim purred,

and moaned with pleasure. This was not pain at all and I

would not hesitate in the future to mate with him, or any

other feline. I was enjoying the warm juices flowing inside

me from Sim. We lay down on our sides with me cuddled up in

his strong paws and he was gently licking my muzzle and

face, while stroking the fur on my belly. This was getting

better as time passed. All the fondling, licking, petting,

cuddling, I had experienced as a wolf pup, from my mother

and others in the pack, when I was still so young, I thought

was lost forever. But now it ws brought back to me by those

whose group I now joined. I was elated.

Sim and I lay in that position for a time enjoying each

other, and then Sim rolled me over and cleaned up my

tailhole from his juice that was leaking out. Again, his

tongue was so exciting to feel as it gently rasped over the

tender flesh back there. I was feeling a warm glow all over.

"Now, would you like to give me some attention in return?"

Sim asked me.

"Of course I would, if you would just get in position, I

can't wait to do this for you." I said.

"Don't bother with the cream, I don't need it, but if you

do, then go ahead."

Sim got on the bed and on his paws and knees just as I had

earlier, and I started to lick his tail area. Slowly, I

progressed down to his hole and licked around it for a

while. It had a musky taste and a strong scent, as I guessed

I had when he did me. We each have a distinctive scent,

which tells us who is who even in the dark. I worked my

tongue deep into his hole and was surprised at first, until

I remembered that he was older, and had a bit more

experience than I had. I went I in as deep as I could, and

Sim was purring up a storm. Wow, can he purr. It actually

makes a vibration that can be felt. He was also mewing

softly. I stood up behind him, and he said he was ready and

waiting, "Just push in," He said.

I got in position, and grasping his hips between my paws, I

slowly mounted him. As I put the tip of my dick into his

hole, he pushed back, and I was fully inside him, but for my

knot, which had not yet become hard or large. My saliva from

the tonguing was enough lubrication for me, and he was all

right with it too. I reached around him and took his shaft

in my paws and stroked it for him. Having his body in my

paws was a thrill almost beyond belief. As I did this I was

becoming more excited and my knot was hardening up. I was at

full erection and the knot was fully formed and I was

thrusting in and out steadily in no time. I was enjoying

mating with this wonderful lion. He was matching my

movements by pushing back as I was pushing forward, getting

as deeply inside as possible. At the same time, I was pawing

his dick in time with our movements. Sim was purring louder

than ever, and mewling softly as well. I happened to glance

up and I saw Arru and Kye watching the two of us in action.

They had stopped to look at what we were doing, I guess. It

was apparent that they approved, because they both were

smiling and nodding their heads at me. Then they went back

to what they were doing and I paid all my attention to Sim,

once more. I was thrusting harder in and out of Sim, and

then I felt his tailhole clamp down on me. Sim said, " Give

me the knot, now." And so I thrust twice more and my knot

slipped inside his hole. Now we were tied for at least 20

minutes. Sim was shooting off in my paws, and I could feel

his barbs extended. They were not too stiff in my paws, but

feeling them in my hole earlier, they felt like bristles on

a brush. I slid my paws back and forth around Sim's dick as

he was shooting, and he purred, mewed, and groaned as he

enjoyed the stimulation. When he stopped shooting, we lay

down on our sides and relaxed until my knot would shrink,

and pull out without hurting him. I kept my arms around him

and rubbed his belly fur, enjoying the feel of his supple

body. When he relaxed, it was as if he were a soft towel,

all fluffy and fine. I could not help but deeply love this

lion for the friend and companion he is to me. At last my

knot shrank to the point where it just slipped out, and we

cleaned each other up. He licked my paws clean of all the

juices he shot on them, and then I cleaned up his tailhole

of what was leaking out of the juices I had shot into him.

When we were done with the cleanup, we lay on the bed with

Sim cuddled in my arms this time and me licking him around

his muzzle and head, grooming him. Arru was just finishing

up with Kye on the other bed. And after breaking the tie,

and cleaning each other, they curled up together like Sim

and I did.

We all talked together for a while discussing the various

methods we were using, and feelings we were having with

ourselves. We all have likes and dislikes, but we seemed to

agree well on what to do with each other. We never objected

to anything in any form as long as there was to be no

painful experiences in doing it. There was no jealousy, or

favoritism. Again we agreed to watch out for some other

furson to share our mutual interests, but with great care.

We also agreed that there would be no jocks, since they

usually tried to be dominant in any group. We all were by no

means jocks or potential jocks. Sim was only a little larger

and heavier because of his being a year older and more fully

developed than the rest of us, but he was never trying to

lead anything. Sim always remained completely neutral and

agreed readily with the rest of us, or asked our opinions

before trying, or wanting to do anything. We all had this

attitude and this is what made us bind so tightly together

in our group. I am sure there are other groups in the school

such as we, and they also keep quiet, although we do

overhear rumors of some activities among other students from

time to time similar to ours. But we never heard anything

about anyone or any group for certain.

We took all the pillows and blankets and spread them on the

floor, and we all lay down together cuddling each other in

one big heap, pawing each other's fur and grooming. Gentle

feels and caresses of each other were much appreciated by

all as we relaxed in a pile. The warmth of our furs mingling

with the scents of our bodies was very comforting.

Since it was getting late, we finally got up, straightened

out the room, and Arru and I went back to our room, next

door. After a shower, again with Arru washing me and I

washing him, and having a lot more fun drying each other off

with the towels, we went to bed. Tomorrow was Sunday, and I

was sure there would be more to do. After all, I had not yet

had any experience with Kye, yet. I was looking forward to

finding out what he was like.

Sunday morning: Waking up as usual, with Arru sitting in the

easy chair watching me and pawing himself as I was still

sleeping, I wondered why he did this every morning. When I

asked him, he replied, "I love to watch your relaxed body

lying on the bed, and imagining what I would like to do with

you when you awake. I dream a lot about you. Until now, I

didn't have anybody so close to me as you are now. We are

like brothers. I don't have anyone else but my parents, and

they would not understand my feelings for you, so I can only

tell them that we are roomies and that we get along very

well. They would like to meet you sometime, but unless they

come to school for some reason, I don't think you will ever

see them, being so far away from where I live with them."

I now realized Arru was pouring out his soul to me about how

lonely he had been in the past. He was only thirteen years

old, and I was a year older, but I didn't have any siblings

either, and I never thought of it this way, before. Now I

realized that I had felt the way he did at times in the

past, and wondered why I didn't think about it as he did

now. I took him in my paws and kissed his muzzle and told

him that I felt the same way toward him, and that as long as

we were together we would always be brothers. I also told

him that even though we might be apart at times for

vacations, we would still remain brothers for life. He began

to sniffle, and I held him tighter and cuddled him and he

calmed down enough to see that we both were emerging from

our sheaths. I thought we might take a shower, and he

readily agreed, so we went in the shower and had a good time

washing and rinsing each other, then rubbing each other dry.

During this, we both shot off, and then lay on the bed for a

while wrapped in each other's paws. It was a good way to

start the morning.

There is always something in the lunchroom on Saturdays and

Sundays at all times for the students who sleep in or are

doing something to miss breakfast or lunch, or supper. So we

went down to get a snack and met Sim and Kye on the way up.

We said after a snack, we could meet them in one of the

rooms, and they said we should come to their room after we

were through for some continuing studies. That sounded good

to Arru and me, so we had a small snack and then went back

upstairs to Sim and Kye's room. When I knocked on the door,

Sim answered, and invited us inside. Kye was sitting in

their easy chair, and was staring at me as soon as I walked

in the door. Arru was looking at Sim. I guessed what was up,

and asked if we were going to study some more. We all

laughed and took off all our clothes.

Kye asked me, "Would you like to work with me?"

I said, "Of course, I was waiting for you to ask. I want to

run my paws all over that beautiful fur of yours. I can

hardly wait to feel it with my tongue." I was really turned

on by this tiger.

Sim and Arru were smiling and giggling at this, and they

said that they would pair off and stay out of our fur for

the time being. So now I would have that handsome orange and

black-striped tiger for my own for the rest of the morning.

Kye said, "How about we try something different this time

from the usual start? I want to get into that cute tailhole

of yours as soon as possible. Is that Ok with you?"

"Sure," I said, "I was thinking the same about you too, but

I thought you wanted to do some prep work first."

"No problem, I can do it either way you want to. I just

thought you might want to get out of the rut."

"I'll go along with your way of thinking. We need a change

every now and then." I said.

I lay down on the bed, and raised my backside up for Kye to

reach easily, and he eagerly got up behind me to lick at my

tailhole, while stroking my fur along the length of my back.

His gentle raspy tongue was running all round my tailhole.

Then he tried to get his tongue inside and succeeded quite

well. The feelings were marvelous. I loved his tongue

roughly caressing the inside of my hole. My dick was already

emerging from my sheath, as I am sure his was also. I

couldn't see back there as he was directly behind me. But I

could see that Sim and Arru were watching us from the other

bed across the room. They had great smiles on their muzzles

as they looked. Kye reminded me about the barbs on his

member as Sim had done, and I assured him that I could stand

it without any problem. He rubbed some cream on my hole and

prodded with his finger, then two fingers into my hole, and

it felt good and comfortable, just full. I was not sure how

big Kye was. He asked if I was ready, and I said I was, so

he put the tip of his dick against my hole and pushed in

about an inch or two. Then he pulled out, and I groaned at

the loss. He put it in again and went a little further, and

I whined this time. He backed up a little, and then pushed

further still and I was groaning more. He was purring by

this time and the vibrations were getting me more excited. I

was now fully erect and he reached around and grasped my

dick with his gentle paws, and stroked me slowly as he

pushed all the way in until his sack was touching mine. He

stopped for a moment and I could feel him expanding inside

me. There was no pain, just a fullness that I found

pleasant. He was thrusting in and out with short strokes and

stroking my member the same way, and I was working with him.

As he pushed in, I backed up to get the fullest depth of

penetration for him and I. And his paws on my dick felt

great too. He pushed my sheath all the way back exposing my

knot, and he rubbed that too. I started to shoot off and

clenched my tailhole in a spasm that caused him to shoot off

at the same time. His barbs spread inside me and I felt his

warm liquid spurt into me. I was getting dizzy with the

sensations this was causing me. The barbs didn't bother me

at all. In fact they felt good. Kye was purring, and mewling

all this time with pleasure, but holding me firmly with his

paws on my dick, so I wouldn't pull forward. We both lay on

the bed on our sides still locked together until his barbs

relaxed. Soon we were separated, and we cleaned each other

up. I licked his paws clean, and he licked my tailhole. When

we were cleaned, we lay down again to rest for a while, and

stroked each other's fur. After the mating, this was the

most enjoyable part. We lay like this for a while, until

rested, and then I wanted to do him.

Kye said, "I would like you to tie with me, Ok?"

"Ok," I said

Kye got into position as I had, with his butt up high. I

licked around his tailhole, and the musky taste and scent

was exciting to me. I was getting stiff fast. Kye was mewing

with excitement and pleasure, and the tip of his dick was

out of the sheath already. So was mine. I put the tip of my

dick against his tailhole, and he quickly pushed back and

drove me into himself without any effort on my part. Kye was

one hot tiger. I was thrusting in and out with a slow steady

pace, and reached around to grab his member in my paws. On

the way, I felt his soft velvety fur. It was soothing, and

yet exciting to me. I slowly stroked him, as I drove into

him from behind. He was doing the opposite movements driving

me deep each time, and getting a long smooth stroke on his

dick. The feel of his dick in my paws gave me as much

pleasure as it did him. His purring was increasing and I

thought he was about to shoot. His hole clenched my member

and as he began to shoot, I drove my knot inside him. Kye

grunted, and then mewled softly with pleasure as we locked

together. I was spurting inside him and he was doing the

same all over my paws. We lay on the bed for a long while

until my knot shrank enough to let go, and then we were busy

cleaning each other's fur. After he licked my paws clean, I

cleaned his tailhole of what leaked out from our mating. Sim

and Arru were just having their orgasms and Kye and I were

able to watch the finish. Sim was just shooting off inside

Arru and Arru was spurting over Sim's paws. Arru was whining

and Sim was purring and mewling as they reached a climax to

their pleasures.

Now it was nearly suppertime, so we decided to wait for a

while, cuddling together, until supper, and have our evening

meeting after. As we talked, we got around to the subject of

gaining other members to our group. We agreed before that we

would be very careful and try not to publicize our

activities, and this led to the conclusion that it might be

difficult to find someone else to join without offending

them if they were not of our inclinations. Personally, I

think most of the others in school are inclined as we are,

but are afraid of what others would say if there was any

outward showing of what they really felt. It is a confusing

situation. And, with that in mind, we went to supper.

We took a leisurely supper, and then retired to our room for

a further meeting. Having had sex earlier, we were all a

little tired from the day's workout, so we just lounged

around on the pillows and blankets spread on the floor,

cuddling and grooming each other. This was a lot of fun and

pleasure in one. We did a little of everything to one

another in all forms we could think of. I mostly enjoyed the

feeling of running my paws through Sim's fur. Of all of us,

it was the fullest and densest. Thicker and longer than

ours, and the feel of his body was a real turn-on. Sim was

not so muscular as he was just larger than the rest. He was

about thirty pounds heavier just by his bone structure and

being a year older, but not fat. He was purring all the time

during this. Kye had short fur that was as smooth as velvet

and laid flat on his body, showing every ripple of bone and

muscle on him. I also loved to run my paws over his fur and

body for pleasure. He purred steadily as I rubbed his fur

too. Arru had smooth medium thick fur that had a thicker

overcoat and a finer haired undercoat as I had. He just

usually groaned from the pleasure. We had some fine times

with each other, pawing our fur. I groaned a lot too. As we

lay there, we didn't talk so much as we just played with

each other like a bunch of cubs. These evenings were very

special to me, and I suppose to the others as well. I felt

very safe and comfortable when we all cuddled together. I

had never felt this good in all my life before. Just before

lights-out, we broke up and Arru and I went to our own room

for the night.

When we got to our room, Arru and I had a shower together,

as we now did always, giving each other a fine scrubbing and

pawing. I am sure that we were the two cleanest wolves in

the school now, with all the showers and grooming we did

together. I thought that our furs shown with a sheen and

polish that I did not see on anyone else. Or maybe I was

just vain and biased in our favor. I really loved and

appreciated Arru as a brother that I didn't have before.

Well, tomorrow was another school day, and I had to get some

rest and so did Arru. We fell asleep in each other's paws in

my bed. There would be more pleasures to be had in the

future, and I dreamed about them many times.

Watch for chapter II.