Tails of Perverted Youth II

Story by WEREWOLFMAN on SoFurry

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#2 of Tails of Perverted Youth

Title: Tails Of Perverted Youth II



Copyright laws protect all characters and material used in

this story. No portion of this or any following stories may

be copied, reproduced or used by anyone in any way without

the author's written permission.

This story is intended for adult viewing only. You must be

of legal age to look at this material. If you are not an

adult, or if material of an adult nature offends you, do not

read any further. It is up to you to be aware of your local

laws concerning the viewing of this material. This story

concerns acts of a sexual nature between underage (to us)

fictitious beings and characters, which as far as I know, do

not exist in the real world, as we know it.

Main characters at start:

Wer-a gray wolf, light color, 14 years old.

Arru---a gray wolf, darker color, 13 years old.

Sim---a golden colored lion with a darker mane, 15 years


Kye---an orange and black-stripped tiger, 14 years old.

New characters added, this chapter:

Ho-a black panther, solid black color, 13 years old.

Giy---a white Siberian tiger, white with black stripes, 14

years old.

It has now been about three weeks since I was accepted into

our group. Three weeks of pleasure and the feeling of

belonging with others of a similar need and feelings. It has

had a wonderful effect on my life. I am more at ease, and

calm all day, knowing that each evening I will sleep with

Arru, or that the four of us will get together in one room

for close friendships, and relations.

I was learning a lot and having much fun with the group. In

the coming weeks, I would learn more yet. We all had other

friends around the school, and occasionally meet with them.

But not for what went on within our little group. That was

never mentioned outside the group.

In any kind of gathering, there will always be those that

for one reason or another you cannot get to like, even

though that furson might be a good friend of one of those

you love. We each have a different personality. We all have

likes and dislikes. Some of these are unexplainable. They

just are that way. I did not care for some of Sim's friends,

or Arru's or Kye's, and in turn some of my acquaintances did

not appeal to them. Don't know why, just happens that way.

We are all individuals. We never let this interfere with our

relationship in the group. Until you get to know someone

closer, it is not certain how he or she might affect you.

It was on a Friday, at lunch, that I first noticed as Sim

was approaching our lunch table, there was the most

beautiful jet-black colored panther just behind him. It

appeared that he was following Sim, but it must be my

imagination, I thought. As Sim reached the table, he invited

this great looking feline to sit down with us. I had been

sitting there with Arru, talking, waiting for Sim and Kye to

join us. Just as they sat down, Kye walked up to the table,

and looked at the new guest, and sat down with all of us.

Sim said, "I would like to introduce each of you to Ho, a

black panther, 13 years old, and looking for some friends. I

thought we might like to have lunch together and get to know

each other better. Ho, I would like to introduce you to Wer,

Arru, and Kye, the members of our lunch group," as Sim

indicated each of us in turn to Ho. Ho greeted each of us in

turn, looking a little embarrassed, and scared. He seemed

shy, as though he was afraid we might not care for his

presence. We assured him that he was welcome at our table

anytime, and he thanked us profusely for allowing him to sit

with our group for lunch.

We all talked together through lunch, discussing various

things about our mutual interests. After lunch, we invited

Ho to join us for supper also, if he wished. Ho said that he

didn't want to intrude, or be a bother. We all assured Ho

that we would be glad to have him as a regular at our table


Ho said, "Really, you don't mind if I come back again?

You're all such nice furs to let me join your group. All the

other groups either say to stay away, or make me feel

unwelcome, by ignoring me. I don't know why, but I think

it's because I am still young and new to this school."

I spoke up and said, "You are welcome, without any

conditions. We are not so particular about other furs, as

long as we can get along and cooperate in harmony." All the

rest agreed on this. "So we will see you for supper then?"

Ho said, "Yes, of course, and I want to thank you all again

for letting me join you."

As Ho walked away, I thought I noticed what looked like

tears in his eyes. Ho looked pretty emotional to me and I

asked Sim what was going on with Ho. Sim told us that he

noticed that Ho was always alone and without any friends

around him. Sim thought Ho might be a good candidate for our

group after watching him for a few days before bringing him

to our table. But we all had to agree before making any

proposal to him. We didn't want to hurt Ho's feelings if he

wouldn't fit. Ho could always be welcome as an eating

companion at our table, at least. We all agreed on this, and

waited to see what supper would bring.

I was in Phys Ed class with Arru and Sim later, and we saw

Ho in the class too. We watched as he was diving and

swimming around the pool. He did not seem to notice us

there. No one else was paying any attention to him as far as

we could see. No one else approached him. He spoke to no one

else all the time. Everyone else left Ho alone. But we were

watching. I was particularly noticing his smooth lithe body,

and the way he swam in the water. His movements were pure

beauty in motion. His wet fur accentuated his bodylines,

especially the noticeable (to me, anyway) bulge in his

swimming trunks. At one point, Arru remarked that Ho had a

fine look about him. Sim also was intently looking at Ho. I

think we decided then what we would do at suppertime. At the

end of the period, in the locker room, the three of us

managed to pass Ho's area, and get a good look at him as he

was dressing. He was really good looking. I cannot figure

out why any one else would not want to be friends with him,

for whatever reasons. Other than being a little shy and

reserved, Ho appeared to be quite likeable to me. Well,

supper was next, and I would find out, maybe.

We went to the dining room, and were seated and eating when

Ho arrived and stared apologizing for being late. Sim said

there was no need to apologize for anything. We got there

when we did, and no one was expected to be there at a

particular time. Ho seemed relieved and got his food and sat

down with the rest of us to eat. We had a good time talking

and Ho appeared to be more comfortable with us as time went

on. Just near the end of the supper period, Sim broke the

momentary silence with an invitation to Ho to join us for

further discussions in his and Kye's room after eating. Ho

was almost overcome with joy at the thought that he was

being invited to our rooms for an evening get-together. I

guess this had not been done to him before.

Ho said, "I've never been invited to join any activities or

groups before you furs did. Are you sure you want me there?

I don't want to be in the way or bother you."

Kye said, "You only have to do one thing for us. You must

agree that whatever we do, or say, will never be told to, or

discussed with anyone outside our group. There in no rough

stuff involved, or damage. If you feel you cannot abide with

this, then it might be best not to come up, but you will

always be welcome at our table, no matter what you decide.

Can you agree to this? Will you come up?"

Ho readily said, "Yes, I agree. No matter what it is, I will

never say anything to another about our group. I solemnly

promise you."

Sim said, "Ok, let's go up to our room and we can let you

decide for sure what you want to do."

We were all there when Ho arrived. He was on another floor

and farther away from us, so it took a little time for him

to go to his room and then get to ours. In the meantime we

decided what to do when Ho arrived, and were ready for him.

Ho knocked at the door, and Sim greeted him. We all sat down

and got easy, and then Sim told Ho, "This is our group. We

all agree on anything we do at these meetings. We never do

any harm, or pain. If there is any objection to anything, we

stop, and consider what to do. You are very welcome to join

us. This is your decision to make. No one is forced to do

anything they do not want to do. Do you still agree to what

we asked you downstairs?"

"Yes, I still agree. I will do whatever you ask of me, as

long as there is no rough stuff or harm to anyone. I wish to

be a part of your group. You are the only furs I know who

will talk with me," Ho said.

"Very well," Sim said, "Now, take off all your clothes."

"What?" Ho said, with a smile on his muzzle.

"All clothes off, right now, or we stop, and go no further."

Sim said.

We all started to take our clothes off then and there, and

so did Ho, with a great smile on his muzzle. As soon as he

had his jeans and shorts off, we could see why the smile. Ho

was nearly at full erection. About half of his member was

out of the sheath. We all began to smile and realized that

Ho was going to fit in nicely. I figured possibly the reason

Ho had trouble fitting in with others might be his

inclination toward our style, but this would come out later.

Ho said, "I was not sure that this is what was going on, and

I was being careful not to make a mistake about what you

wanted. I did not want to offend you, and especially anyone

else for fear that they might treat me badly for my needs,

but now I feel more at ease knowing that someone will want

me for what I am. I want you to know how grateful I am to

you for finding me and helping me."

Well, we all knew where we stood now. Since Sim sponsored

Ho, it was only fair that he get to initiate Ho into our

habits. But Sim begged off this time, because Ho had no

group experience and Arru was the most likely to start

because he was the same age and it would be easier on Ho due

to size. Ho accepted, and Arru led him to a bed and they lay

down next to each other to begin.

Ho didn't need much coaxing, and he eagerly joined Arru in

starting the petting and stroking of their furs. I watched

for a while and was getting turned on by seeing that young

panther's body up close and totally naked. Sim and Kye were

on the other bed, and I was the odd fur out, so I just

watched and began to paw myself off while watching the

others. I hadn't done it this way before. I wondered what

Sim, Kye, and Arru did before I came into the group. I was

thinking of possibilities for the future so no one would be

left alone, without a partner.

Arru was licking Ho's muzzle and he was returning the same

as their paws were stroking their furs. Arru was aroused

fully as was Ho. Arru changed position and began licking at

Ho's dick, and Ho began purring and mewling with pleasure.

Ho then did the same to Arru. This continued for some time,

and I slipped over and asked Ho if he had ever had another

fur shoot into his muzzle before. Ho shook his head "no" and

I told him what to expect, and do. Ho nodded, and I took

that to mean he would be Ok with the situation. It soon

became apparent that they were both getting ready to shoot,

and I saw Ho's dick was twitching in Arru's muzzle and Arru

was licking eagerly and enjoying it. Then Arru's dick was

jerking in Ho's muzzle, and Ho was lapping just as strongly

as Arru did on him. I guess Ho didn't have a problem with

it. My pawing produced results too, and I was cleaning

myself up too. Arru and Ho lay on the bed for a while

deciding what to do next, petting and stroking each other.

Evidently they decided since Ho got on his paws and knees

and thrust his back in the air for Arru to work on. I heard

Arru tell Ho that he would not tie yet until he thought Ho

could stand it. Ho said, "OK, next time." And they went to

it. Arru licked all around Ho's tailhole, and then took some

slick cream and worked around Ho's tailhole, massaging him

for a while and then working one finger into the hole. Ho

was purring again, and grunting as Arru got his finger into

the hole all the way. After pushing in and out for a time,

Arru was working a second finger into the hole with the

first. Now Ho had two fingers buried up to the hilt in his

hole, and he was mewling more. Arru asked if he was all

right, and Ho said, "Yes, keep going, it feels great." Arru

then pulled out his fingers and placed the tip of his dick

into Ho's hole about an inch, and then pulled out, then

pushed in about two inches and out repeating until Arru was

all the way in, except for his knot. Ho was going wild with

passion as Arru was thrusting in and out. Arru reached

around Ho to grasp his dick in his paws and stroke it in

time with his thrusting. Now, Ho was moving in time with

Arru's thrusting, getting the most exciting feelings. It was

obvious by the sounds they were making together that both

enjoyed the same pleasures we all did. I could hardly wait

to get my paws on that beautiful panther body, and bury my

dick up his hole. At this, I shot off a second time. Arru

was moving at a faster pace now and Ho was moving faster

too. Ho gave a small yelp, and the juices were leaking

through Arru's paws, then Arru softly howled and was

thrusting wildly into Ho, but it was evident he was holding

back with his knot, not wanting to hurt Ho since it was his

first time. Arru held onto Ho around his hips as he sent a

stream of his juice into Ho. Ho was panting and purring, and

working side-to-side enjoying Arru's dick inside him. I can

imagine what it felt like as I had the same experience with

Arru every day. Soon, they separated, and lay down and

licked each other clean. I badly wanted to join in, but I

could not bring myself to break the passion that was theirs

to enjoy that first time together. I myself know how

important that is to them.

I watched Sim and Kye for a while as Ho and Arru were

getting cleaned up. I didn't want to interrupt them either

in their activities. So I went it alone. I was thinking that

we would need at least one more furson in the group for all

to be happily engaged at the same time.

Now, Arru was on his paws and knees on the bed and getting

his tailhole licked by Ho. Ho learned fast how to get into

action. Ho did a good job of it and was working on placing

the tip of his dick into Arru's hole. Arru didn't need any

cream as Ho slicked him up with his licking. As soon as Ho's

dick poked into Arru's hole, Arru backed up on Ho and had

him fully inside himself. Ho looked surprised, but began the

thrusting in and out as he grasped Arru's dick in his paws

and stroked him. Now they were in full action moving

together to the greater feeling for both. Arru was groaning

and Ho was purring and mewing. Their passions showing to all

of those present, caring to watch, that is. I cared to

watch. I loved seeing that panther in action. I loved to

look at his fur rippling with the muscle actions along his

hips and ribs. It was very stimulating to me. I had almost

as much enjoyment as Arru must have. Arru gave a moan, and

his dick started to leak in Ho's paws, and I knew that he

was shooting off as his dick gave a series of jerks. Ho

purred louder and mewed more as Arru's hole muscle clamped

on Ho's dick, causing Ho to shoot off too. I could see his

look of pleasure and hear it too as Ho's barbs extended

inside Arru and Ho kept stroking Arru's dick. What a sight

they made. I could not stop watching. About that same time,

I shot off again, for the third time. They lay down on their

sides with Arru cuddled in Ho's paws slowly licking each

other wherever they could reach. Arru licked Ho's paws. And

Ho licked at Arru's muzzle. After Ho's dick slid out of

Arru, Ho licked Arru's hole clean.

I watched them on the bed. I was imagining myself holding

that panther in my paws as I would be mating with him. As

much as I loved Arru, deeply and passionately, there was no

jealousy involved here, just the thought of having Ho to

myself for a while was exciting me to another erection and

pawing off. I am sure that Arru was not thinking about me at

the time he was with Ho. We usually concentrate on our

partner at the time we are engaged, and not the others. I

did notice Sim and Kye looking at Ho and Arru from time to

time, and also at me to see how I was reacting. I hope I

didn't do anything to make them think I was having any bad

feelings of Ho and Arru. I really did not. I just wished to

be with Ho sometime soon. That black-furred panther was

something hot, all right.

By now, Sim and Kye were finished, and sitting on the bed

watching Ho and Arru, and me. As usual, we gathered the

pillows and blankets on the floor, then lay down in a heap,

tangled together, as we petted, stroked, and licked each

other for the rest of the evening grooming ourselves before

lights out.

Ho seemed quiet, and I asked him if everything was Ok with

him. Ho said there was no problem, and would we do this

again sometime. I said that we did this mostly on weekends,

and every night we could get together if there was no

homework or other studies to do. Sometimes, we would not do

anything just because we were tired, but we always made

arrangements by suppertime for a meeting. Also, we didn't

have to all be there at the same time. Just a couple of us

could get up a meeting. Ho brightened up at this, and said

he wished he could get a room nearer to ours if possible.

Sim knew the dormitory administrator, and said he would ask

if there was a way. Now Ho was glowing with excitement. Ho

was showing a lot of emotion at this time, and Kye asked him

if there was anything else he had on his mind that we could

help with. Ho asked if we were really interested. We said,

"Of course we are. We are a group. We care about each other.

And we will care for each other. No matter what it is, if it

is possible, we will work it out as a group. What is your


Ho then said, "The main reason I didn't get in with another

group or have other friends here was because I didn't think

I fit in. I have always been a loner. I never had a sibling,

and my mother and father thought I was a runt. I never felt

I could fit in here. It seemed others thought I was wrong

somehow and avoided me. I was worried about what they

thought of me. Some called me names; you know what I mean,

and eventually I guess that's what I became. So I avoided

confronting anyone, or approaching others until I met Sim,

and he seemed to think I was all right and invited me to

meet the rest of you. And you all accepted me for what I was

and welcomed me into your group whether I fit or not. You

can never know how happy I was to have met you and be

accepted. I sincerely love all of you, and would do anything

for you anytime. You have but to ask, and I will do it, no

matter what." By this time Ho was pouring tears from his

eyes, and we all felt his personal frustrations as if they

were our own.

I said, "I think I speak for all the rest. We will never ask

you to do anything you do not want to do. You are the judge.

You are not expected to do or like everything we do. If

there is ever anything that you question, do so, and we will

discuss it, or do something else, or not at all. There is no

force, no pain, and no demands on you. You can come or go

anytime for any reason or none at all. We care, but each is

his own furson. No one owns anyone here. No one rules. We

all agree to it, or it is not done. I think we are a family.

Not blood related, but we are all furs of like minds and

feelings. We are sensitive to the needs of each other in the

group. This is the way it will always be between the group

members. Does everyone else agree with these thoughts?"

By now we all were wrapped up in this expression of

emotions, and I think there were some tears in all our eyes.

Everyone agreed on this philosophy I spoke. I did not mean

to get eloquent, but I expressed my personal beliefs, and

found that they were very similar to what the other members

felt too. To finish the evening, we had about a half hour to

go before lights out, so we all cuddled as tight as possible

until the five-minute warning bell, and then broke up.

Tomorrow is Saturday, and more adventures wait.

Saturday morning:

Arru and I had our usual morning shower together, and after

drying each other off, and grooming ourselves, we went down

to breakfast. We found Sim and Kye at the table already with

Ho. They were eating and Arru and I got our food and went to

sit with them. They were talking in good humor and as we sat

down, we joined in the discussion. Ho wanted to try to get a

room on our floor, or somewhere nearer to us. Sim was

friendly with the dormitory administrator for our building

and thought it would be no problem. There was an empty room

just down the hall, and although it was the rule of two to a

room, he might let Ho have the room if someone else would

join him soon. We were allowed a lot of flexibility in our

roommates and rooming affairs as long as we kept it quiet

and no arguments or other problems. Later that day, Sim got

permission for Ho to use the room. Now we would have to find

a roomie for Ho. After breakfast, we went to Sim's room and

settled down for some good times. I was wondering who would

be paired with Ho this time. I was getting anxious to get my

paws on that incredibly gorgeous Black Panther.

Sim, Kye, and Arru were smiling broadly as I looked at Ho,

and then I noticed that all talk had ceased. I looked at

them, and asked, "Is there something going on that I don't


Kye said, "If you don't know, we don't know who would. You

haven't taken your eyes off Ho since he walked through the

door. He seems to have made an impression on you for some

reason." And they all laughed. "Why not ask Ho what he

wants, as if we didn't know already?"

Now it was my turn to laugh gleefully. "I didn't want to

presume anything, but if no one has an objection, I would

like to workout with Ho, if he would be willing."

Now Ho said, with a big smile on his muzzle, "I would like

that very much, if it's ok with the rest of you."

Sim said, "Ho, you do not have to ask permission of any of

us, and you are free to choose anyone you wish, at any time

for a partner. Or you can refuse. No one here will ever

demand you go with him. You choose, or accept by your own

judgment. No one will complain, ever."

"I would very much like to workout with Wer. Ok, Wer?"

"Yes, I will," I said breathlessly.

We all had a great laugh. Sim said that they all knew I had

a bad case of the hots for Ho since I laid eyes on him the

day I saw him. I didn't realize it was so obvious, but they

did. They said it was in my eyes and body language. I just

couldn't wait any longer. I pulled off my jeans and shirt,

as Ho did his. The others followed us in kind.

I took Ho in my paws and hugged him, then led him to the bed

and we lay down. Ho responded in a like manner, and wrapped

his paws around me, holding tightly as we lay there.

Stroking his smooth, velvety fur was a delight to me and he

was petting and pawing me too. I loved the feel of his claws

as they gently ran down my fur from my head to my tail. It

was an electrifying, tingling feeling. Looking into his

fantastic deep yellow eyes sent more waves of passion

through me to my hind paws. I licked his muzzle, and he

licked mine, running his rasping tongue against the roof of

my mouth. I was emerging from my sheath, as was he. He

reached for my sheath and as soon as he touched it, I felt

another thrill of ecstasy rush through me. I didn't know

what or where to start. Ho lapped my sheath as I reached

full erection, and I had to try to keep up with him, or

spurt sooner than I wanted. I lapped at his sheath in turn

and was gratified to find his dick leap out at me in a rush.

It tasted unusually sweet and spicy, with a hint of musk I

expected as normal. He mewled and purred with pleasure and I

was murring and groaning with the same. Did we make a pair!

I was almost out of my mind with all that I wanted to do

with him at the same time. I was at full rise and my knot

had formed like a rock at the base of my dick. His tongue

was driving me to nearly shoot off. I was wrapping my tongue

around his shaft and sliding it up and down the length. Ho

gave a louder meow, and I felt his barbs emerging, and his

purring increased. He was going to shoot off, and so was I.

We did go off at the same time. He was lapping and sucking,

and I was doing the same for him. His taste was delirious to

me as I swallowed and licked him as he was still spurting. I

was thoroughly and completely enjoying myself at this

moment. I was still running my paws through his fur as we

lay there. His claws dug deep into my fur, but they did not

hurt me, being dulled, and the thickness of my fur protected

me, but I still felt them and it was wonderful on my flesh

under the fur. Ho squirmed with delight and thrust farther

into my muzzle as he spent his juices. His barbs were like a

massage on my tongue and the rest of my mouth, not sharp at

all, but very pleasant.

In the afterglow, we thoroughly cleaned each other up,

licking the juices and petting and caressing the other in

passionate embrace. I could not get enough of this panther.

He was so soft and tender in his touches, and the slender,

graceful lines of his body were already bringing me to a new

need for other things to do with that lovely furson. We

still lay there for a while cuddling together until we felt

the urges rising again and I thought of what we would do


I asked if he had a preference as to what to do, and he said

anything I wanted to do was all right with him, so I asked

him to mount me first. I so badly wanted his dick in my

tailhole. Ho went to my tail, and licked all around the

base, until he got to the hole, and I felt the most

wonderful feelings as his raspy tongue licked across the

sensitive flesh. I moaned, and growled softly in pleasure,

and Ho licked faster. He knew what to do. He took a little

slick cream and worked his finger into my hole, pushing in

and pulling out slowly, then before I realized it, he had

two fingers buried inside me to the hilt. I was ready for

anything he had. He put the tip of his member into my hole,

and slowly pushed in. It felt so good. Soon he was all the

way in and the thrusting started. He reached around me and

grasped my dick in his paws and was stroking me gently with

his soft pads. I was in a world of pleasure. I happened to

look up just then, and saw Sim, Kye, and Arru intently

watching us. I didn't care; I was in my own world of

happiness with Ho. He was thrusting faster, and as he

thrust, so also did he run his paws back and forth in time

with every movement. My knot formed and as I shot off, my

muscles clamped on his dick and Ho shot too. His barbs

rubbed against the inside of my hole giving me more to

appreciate. I softly howled and moaned, as Ho mewled and

purred with passion. We lay down on the bed and relaxed

until we were rested and then licked up all the spilled

juices mingled on the covers. Then we cleaned ourselves. We

cuddled for a while and Sim, Arru, and Kye were still

watching us. They seemed pretty intent. I wondered why?

Now it was my turn to do Ho. I wanted to be as gentle and

considerate to him as he was to me. I talked with him about

the meaning of my knot, and he was a little concerned about

what he would feel. Ho was hesitant about it so I told him I

would not tie with him until he felt he was ready. He was

willing to try, but I reminded him that I would not

knowingly cause him any pain, and in this case I thought he

was a little too small yet for that experience. We agreed

that there would be no tie this time, and until Ho was fully

aware of what it was, we would wait for him to be

comfortable with it. We also shared agreement with the

others that Ho could watch closely one of us tie with

another so he could be aware of what was to be and how. I

thought that this was a good arrangement for all concerned.

Ho got on the bed on his paws and knees, bending over to

expose his tailhole for me. I licked all around his tail and

worked my tongue into his hole as far as possible. His hole

was tight and I was glad that we agreed not to tie. I would

have hurt him, and I really didn't want to do that. Ho was

purring and mewling as I washed his hole with my saliva. I

took some of the slick cream and with my fingers I worked

around the rim of his backside entrance. He was showing a

lot of pleasure at this. I finally worked two fingers inside

him and he was opened up enough for me to enter. I gently

placed the tip of my dick just inside his hole and he gave a

good moan of satisfaction. As I proceeded to enter further,

he appeared more pleased the deeper I pushed. Soon I was

inside that tight smooth hole and thrusting slowly in and

out. Ho was purring louder and mewing more. Once more, Sim,

Arru, and Kye were watching closely what we were doing. I

was now more curious why they were taking the time to watch

Ho and I perform. They just watched us and pawed themselves

off. I reached around Ho to grab his dick with my paws and

stroke it gently as I was pushing in from behind. This set

Ho to moaning more and purring louder still. I was murring

and quietly howling in Ho's ear as we coupled. Together, we

worked as one furson, enjoying ourselves to the maximum. My

knot had formed solidly and I was getting near to bursting

forth, as Ho's muscles clenched on me, and I shot my juices

into his rear. As I was doing this, Ho was spurting over my

paws wrapped around his member, as it was it was throbbing

and jerking while he mewed and purred so strong. He had his

claws buried in the bed covers in ecstasy. I held him

tightly in my paws until he was spent. We lay down and

cuddled for a time to catch our breaths, then licked one

another clean of all the juices we had shot out. Licking his

soft paw pads was exciting and pleasing. I cleaned his

tailhole and he licked my paws afterward too. He was so soft

and limp as we cuddled, I didn't want to let him loose. But,

all good things must end and there would be other times for

our passions to flow.

We got up, and I went to Arru, and asked, "What was so

interesting about Ho and I that you three watched us so

carefully while we worked out? Was there something wrong? Or

did I do something bad?"

"No," he said, "You two did everything right, so right that

we were fascinated at the sight, and couldn't help but watch

you two in action. You both were great to watch and we

couldn't bear to miss the action. We hope that you're not

offended, we didn't mean to bother you."

Ho said, "I was not bothered, I was flattered that you paid

attention to me, and I had a great time with Wer while you

watched. I hope Wer was not upset?"

I said, "No, I was not upset, just curious about what was so

interesting about our coupling."

"Well," Sim said, "We saw from the start that Wer had a real

thing for you, Ho, and the way you two went at it was real

good to watch. We didn't watch others much before because we

were involved with our own partners. This time there was an

odd fur, and so as not to leave him out in the cold, we

joined in watching you together. Ok?"

"Sure, I don't mind as long as Ho didn't." "I didn't mind at

all," Ho said.

We went down to lunch and after lunch, back to the rooms for

some more discussions about finding a roomie for Ho. While

we discussed this subject, we did a lot of other stuff as

usual. Now, it was my turn again to be a spectator. Sim was

to pair with Ho for a session. I was not jealous, but I sure

wanted more of that beautiful panther. I knew I would get

him again, eventually, but I hoped it would be soon.

While Sim was working with Ho, I asked if Arru would like to

try to do a three-way with Kye and me. Arru and Kye agreed,

and we lay down together on one bed and it felt good with

the three of us cuddled side by side. I was on one side, Kye

was in the middle, and Arru was on the other side. This made

a sandwich of furs for pleasure. It felt fine to us to lie

this way. In no time at all, we were licking everywhere and

anything within reach of our tongues. The sensations were

different from anything we had tried before. Kye was being

licked by two tongues at once at different ends. I was at

his muzzle and Arru was doing his tailhole. Kye was already

groaning and mewing with the pleasure of it all. He was

emerging from his sheath and I worked my way down his chest

and belly to his sheath and soon his member was in full

view. Kye was so excited by us working on him that he was

shifting around, and almost hard to hold onto. Arru and I

held Kye in an embrace as tightly as we could in order to

get him ready for more play. He cooperated by keeping his

claws retracted and not actually fighting us. As Arru kept

licking at his tailhole, I was licking and sucking at his

dick, wrapping my tongue around it and sliding up and down

the shaft. His excitement caused him to have a sharp taste

and a musky scent, which I thought was very good. He was

also purring loudly, and shaking. Arru had Kye well

lubricated and was placing the end of his dick into Kye and

I was lapping eagerly as Arru entered. Kye gave a gasp as we

both gave him a pleasure he never had before. His eyes were

round as saucers and his muzzle was open and deeply

breathing in and out. I was sure that Kye would shoot in a

few minutes. With all the excitement, I was ready to shoot

too. Now Arru was howling gently as he was about to shoot,

and he thrust his knot into Kye, as Kye shot into my muzzle.

I then shot off too. This was the greatest yet. All three of

us were shooting off at the same time. I couldn't wait to

try this way again. Arru was tied with Kye, and I was

licking all the juices up from Kye and myself. We lay on the

bed to rest since this was a pretty good workout for all of


Sim and Ho were still working, but near to finished, and

Arru, Kye, and I watched as they climaxed. They both looked

good and I was happy that they had as much fun as we did.

But I was still going to keep a close watch for an

opportunity to have Ho for a partner again soon. As Ho and

Sim were getting into position for more fun, I wanted Kye to

get into me while Arru did the work on my dick. We agreed,

and got into position again with me in the middle this time.

Arru was licking my muzzle and Kye was doing my tailhole. I

was also licking Arru. Our tongues were working together and

the taste was fine. Arru worked down to my sheath and I was

expanding out as Kye was about to enter my hole. As Kye ws

pushing into me, Arru was sucking me and my knot was forming

hard. Thrills were going through my body like electric

shocks. Now Kye was thrusting hard into me and Arru was

wrapping his tongue around my shaft, as I was able to lick

Arru's dick too. Again we were at the point of exploding

together in a grand climax. Arru was the first to go in my

mouth, and I was the second as he licked all my juices, Kye

was going off as my muscles clenched on him and he shot his

juice into me in a warm wave of pleasure. It was so intense.

I was going to want to try this with all the others. I don't

think any of us had tried this before today. The three of us

were spent and had to recover for a time and watched as Sim

and Ho were finishing their second joining.

We decided to go down to the pool for a short swim before

supper, and cool off from our vigorous activities. While in

the pool, we were looking over some of the other students.

There was a wide diversity there, and they were all on

display in their swimming trunks. Some were definitely good

looking and attractive, but unknown as to their preferences.

It was fun to look, but we could not ask. Kye seemed to have

some interest in one in particular, but would not say which

one. We talked a little about what we saw, and would have to

try to decide what to do.

It was getting near to suppertime by now so we decided to go

to eat and return to our rooms for more fun. While in the

locker room, I took a good look at a white Siberian tiger

just down the aisle from me and saw what he had for

equipment. He was pretty good from my point of view, and had

a nice looking body as well. I watched him from the corner

of my eye as he dressed. After I got dressed, Arru and I

went to our room to shower with each other, while Sim, Kye,

and Ho showered in Sim's room. We did need another partner,

for Ho, and soon.

At supper, Kye was a little late, which was no cause for

worry, and we soon saw him coming our way to the table, but

didn't realize at first that a white Siberian tiger followed

him, until they both came up to us and Kye introduced Giy.

This was the beautiful white tiger I was looking at in the

locker room just a short time earlier. After introductions

all around, we found that Giy was a white Siberian tiger

with black stripes, and he was 14 years old. For the most

part he had similar classes and interests as ours, and he

seemed open and considerate. We did not mention our other

interests yet. We were careful to watch ourselves as this

was a stranger to the rest of us, and we didn't know what

Kye had in mind. Of course, we suspected, and hoped, but

could not be sure of making a mistake and admitting

something private. We had a good time talking at the table

and as we were finishing our drinks, Kye broached the usual


"As I know you from some of our classes together, and the

others appear to show some interest in you, I think I can

ask something of you on a personal level. If you have no

interest, or if you object to what I ask, will you agree to

never say anything about what I ask you to anyone else, and

keep a total silence?"

Giy said, "Yes, I agree to keep anything you ask me quiet. I

think I have some idea what it might be, and I think I would

like to do it, but if I am wrong, no harm done, and I will

keep silent, no matter what it is about. I promise."

"Ok, then we would like to invite you up to our room for a

further discussion and you will have one more chance to

decide to join us or not, as you wish," Said Kye.

"I'll see you upstairs in a few minutes." Giy said.

We went up to our rooms and got ready for our guest. When he

knocked at the door, Kye invited Giy in, and we all sat

down. Giy seemed to suspect something since I saw he was

getting a bulge in his jeans as he stood there and we all

sized him up with our eyes. He was good looking, and his fur

was neat and shiny with good grooming. All round, he was

pleasing to look at.

Now Sim asked him, "Do you still wish to join our group? We

will never ask you to do anything that you do not want to do

of your own choice. No one will force you in any way. No one

will hurt you, and you will never hurt anyone else at any

time. No one outside these rooms must ever find out about

what we do, nor will we discuss anything we do with

outsiders to this group. Do you still agree to these simple

rules, or would you rather leave now?"

"I would like very much to be allowed to stay. Kye said

nothing to me about what I am in for, but I am willing to

trust you, if you will trust me." Giy said.

"Very well then, everybody, clothes off, right now."

As I was pulling off my shirt, I saw Giy already had his

jeans off, and was yanking his shirt over his head. He was

the first to get bare and waited for the rest of us to catch

up. He was already emerging from his sheath and ready for

some action. The rest of us were laughing and looking at

him, as he stood there naked as birth. Giy had a wide smile

on his muzzle, and was laughing too. Kye looked shocked, as

if he couldn't imagine what Giy had done. Kye evidently had

no idea for sure about Giy's interest.

Giy said, "I had some hopes when Kye approached me, but I

didn't know for sure what you were doing. I was trying to

find someone I could room with of a similar interest, but I

was afraid to say or do anything that might be offensive to

others, or get ridiculed for what I feel. I thought this

might be some kind of special group, and I would not fit in,

but your kindness at supper, and the question you posed to

me indicated that you would not hold it against me if I

admitted what I felt. So here I am, having found what I was

looking for."

Ho spoke up, "Do you have a roomie? I am alone just down the

hall, and would like to get a partner. Would you like to

room with me?"

"Sure, I can't stand the furson I'm with now, and he doesn't

like me either, so if the dormitory administrator doesn't

complain, I could move right away, I'm all packed and ready

to move. I have been ready for some time to get away from

the other fur and he wants someone else he has in mind to

take my place."

Sim said, "The dorm admin will not complain, he is pretty

good with us since we don't cause any trouble for him. And

Ho needs a roomie, so you can move in right now."

We all went to Giy's room, and picked up his bags and books

and brought the stuff to Ho's room. Ho was happier than I

ever saw him. Now he had his own roomie for himself. Later

we would all get to know Giy better. The rest of us went

back to our room and got ready for some activity, when there

was a knock at the door. Ho and Giy were there and asked if

they could join us for the rest of the evening. We thought

that they would want to be alone to get settled, but they

wanted some company, since it was still early evening, and

besides, it was Saturday. So we joined and got undressed

again and paired off. Sim paired with Kye, Ho paired with

Giy, and Arru paired with me.

Giy had some prior experiences and showed it as he and Ho

joined on the couch and began licking each other. I was

lapping and sucking with Arru, and Sim was doing the same

with Kye. It was exciting to have group entertainment. We

could see each other at this point, before we got deeply

involved with our partners. This evening got off to a good

start, and all of us were having fun. The sounds as the time

passed proved that no one was unhappy with this arrangement.

We continued on this way until about a half hour before

lights out. Then we did our group cuddling, which turned Giy

on very much. He was having a great time with us all laying

on the floor grooming, petting, and licking all around at

whoever was within reach. When the five-minute bell sounded,

Giy was sad to go, but he would have Ho to enjoy for the

night. And, I suppose, the morning shower, as we all did

now. I went with Arru, and left Kye and Sim in their room.

I didn't think of it before now, but we might consider

trading roomies for the night sometimes for the fun of it. I

would bring this up tomorrow, Sunday.

Tonight, however, I was going to shower with Arru again and

we would sleep again in each other's paws through the night.

How I waited each day for this time alone with Arru. We had

a lot of fun with the others, but our time together was

special to both of us. We were indeed brothers in spirit and

love, if not in blood. There could be no closer bond than

ours. There would not ever. I truly loved Arru, and I wanted

to be with him forever. He told me he felt the same way

toward me many times.

Sunday morning: I woke up before Arru for a change, and as

he did in the past, I sat in the chair watching him as he

still slept. I admired his supple naked body, as he lay

totally relaxed on the bed, uncovered. I spent this time

thinking about the past weeks and the pleasures we had with

one another. As I did, I was emerging from my sheath slowly,

and softly murred to myself. Then Arru's eyes opened, and he

looked at me and asked what time it was. I said it was time

to shower, and he agreed readily, so we went into the shower

together to start the day off right. As we each were licking

the other dry and grooming, I was thinking what we would do

today. It would be fun, of course. I had no doubt. And it

would probably involve our entire group. Arru and I went

down to breakfast, and there was a crowd at the bulletin

board. We pressed in to see what was so interesting. We

found an unexpected surprise.

NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS: Due to increased enrollment, it now

becomes necessary to ask you to double up four to a room.

There will be a new dormitory built soon, but for the time

being, we need additional rooms for added students. Please

cooperate and the administration will try to accommodate any

preferences as to groups. Anyone wishing to form groups will

be given first choices of rooms, and furnishings will be

moved and added as needed to make the most comfort. Students

will be allowed as much freedom as reasonable for this

period. Please help us, and we will help all of you in turn.

Thank you all for your help. (Signed) THE ADMINISTRATORS

Well, this was a surprise development. None of the students

saw this coming. There was no prior warning, although we

knew that enrollment was increasing, but we all thought

there would always be enough rooms for all. We would have to

give this some thought as to what to do to keep together.

Watch for chapter III, coming soon.