A boy and his dog Part 3 - Not alone

Story by Fox on the run on SoFurry

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#1 of A boy and his dog

A boy and his dog Part 3 - Not alone

It was nearly dark in the room, just the moonlight showed the two bodies lying together in the bed. There was the cute human Michael and the black Labrador Dusty. The boy felt the soft fur on his naked chest, the warmth from his mate's body.

The rough licks on his member let Michael moan. The dog's tongue played gently with the glance, licking some drops of pre of it. Another stroke and the meat pulsed lightly again, oozing only more pre in his muzzle.

Michael groaned loudly, while he stroked the dog's balls in front of his face. He felt his orgasm coming up and tried to hold it back a little bit longer. But the licks and little sucking actions made it hard to resist. Dusty's tongue started at the balls moving up over the shaft, licking the whole length of it. He repeated this three times, before he took the tip in his muzzle to suck the cum out of it. The boy moaned loud. "I'm coming, hon. Get your reward."

Michael shot his full load in the dog's muzzle and "beep, beep, beep, beep..."

He slowly woke up looking around for the pervert sounds. Realizing the source, he switched off his alarm clock and groaned "Just a dream...damn it...just a dream...."

By his side laid his dog. He watched him a minute, still sleeping and deep breathing. He gently stroked Dusty's head and kissed his nose. "Time to get up, sugar." Slowly Dusty pulled up his head. Yawning he stretched his legs and then licked Michael's face. The boy smiled and jumped out oh the bed. "What the hell...?", he turned back looking at his dog. "Did you just... - Yes, you just did it." He shook his head and smiled. "You know, hon, you're really a horny beast. And at least... there's some cum on your muzzle." He turned around and left the room to take a shower.

After the shower and a little breakfast he packed his school stuff kissed his dog and left the apartment. Michael didn't like to let Dusty alone and he didn't like school either. But he had no choice. So he went straight to his school. Trying not to think about what lay before him or what laid behind him. The one thing made him hard and the other one was awful..."I hate Mondays. I really hate them..."

At his locker he took some of the books he would need in the first period. With his arms full off books and his mind at some other places he automatically went to his first lesson.

But he didn't come to it. On the half way he ran straight into a guy, lost his balance and fell to the ground. He blushed and started to pick up his stuff, looking to the ground he muttered "S...Sorry. I haven't seen you" - "Don't worry about that. Let me help you."

Michael knew this voice, he heard it so often. He looked up and saw the cute face of a boy. The one boy he had a crush on. He was about 5 feet and 10 inches high, a little athletic, short black hair and green eyes. Starring at him he still was grabbing on the ground, suddenly picking up something.

"You know, this is my hand." The guy laughed. Michael let go off it and blushed even more. Red would be understated to explain the color of his face. "Sorry..." The guy just smiled and laughed again. He held some books in his other hand. "Your books. Perhaps you need them." - "Thank you....", he took his books, still blushing lightly. "Alright Mike, see you." With these words the guy turned back to the black board he just studied before the crash. Michael starred at him while he walked to his first lesson. He thought about what happened. This cute boy knew his name, but why? *BANG* without getting his eyes away from him, he ran straight against the showcase of the school cups. The guy looked up saw Michael and smiled again, going towards him. "Are you alright?" with these words he helped him up. "Yes thanks. I just wondered why you know my name?" he laughed loudly "That's easy. It's printed on the booklet of one that I picked up. By the way my name is Samuel, but just call me Sam." Michael took his hand again "Nice to meet you." Together they picked up the books for the second time this morning. "You know Mike, your clumsiness is cute. See you." he left before Michael could react. A bit confused he went to his lesson.

The rest of the school day was routine and went by quickly. After returning home, Michael was just saluted by his dog. They cuddled a while and kissed each other. "I missed you too, sugar." He crawled Dusty's head. "Wanna go out?" Barking and jumping Dusty picked up his leash. Together they left the apartment and went to their normal playground. They arrived after half an hour on the field, again the boy was throwing the ball and the black Labrador was catching it in the air. The time went by and soon Michael put the ball in his pocket and went back with Dusty. He just remembered their last playing and smiled, feeling his member pressing against his trousers. In his thoughts he forgot to use the leash and Dusty just walked by his side, until he saw someone in a small backyard, shooting some goals. He started to run and Michael just shouted at him to come back. But like every time when he plays, he doesn't notice his boy's advises. Followed by him, he jumped over the fence, running to the other one, who just caught the ball. Dusty jumped right against him and pinned him to the ground, licking his face.

"Dusty, stop it! Stop!" he pulled the dog away from the person, fixing the leash on him. "I'm terribly sorry, he just wanted to play." Michael turned around and froze on his spot. "You know, this is the third time we met this day, so someone has to offer a drink. I suppose this one is you." Sam laughed. Michael blushed again and wasn't sure what to say. Sam smiled and came closer to him. "Well, I...I...you mean..." Sam reached the stuttering boys face and gave him a gentle kiss. "Wanna go out tonight?" Michael released from his spot, looking at Sam, he was confused, he felt the pleasure of the kiss, he liked this boy, he loved him and he just kissed him. "Of course, I like to!" and he knew, this time his tongue was faster than his mind. "Let's say we meet at eight pm at the cinema. Don't be late cutie." And Sam left the two where they were.

Wearing a light blue jeans and a white polo shirt Mike put some of his after-shave on and made his way to the cinema. He stood at the entrance at quarter to eight. But eight went by, without a sign of Sam. Mike felt depressed now, it was ten past eight and he was alone in front of the cinema. But it was a nice dream he had this afternoon, about himself and the boy he loved. A tear formed on his left eye, when he suddenly felt to hands on his face, covering his eyes and a familiar voice. "Guess who cutie?" Mike smiled feeling himself great now. "Could only be someone I own a drink." He turned around and was standing in front of Sam. He looked absolutely handsome in his black t-shirt and black trouser. His muscles stretched the shirt a bit and gave him an athletic look. Michael loved it. Sam smiled and gave him a fast kiss. "Sorry for being late. But I had to get our tickets. I just know the owner so we can see a special tonight." Mike smiled, thinking of what to say. But Sam was faster; he grabbed his hand and took him into the cinema. They entered their theater hall. It was already dark and a commercial was running. "Come on, this way Mike."

Sam took him to a near row and showed him the seats he prepared. There was a big seat with small tables at both sides. Candles were fluttering and a bottle of champagne was placed in a cooling bucket. "It's the couple's seat. There won't be a support between us. Hope you like it?", Mike was amazed "It's great." They sat down and Sam laid his arm around his fellow's shoulder, pulling him closer. The blond boy laid his head at Sam's side enjoying his warmth.

Then the title came up "BOLT" Michael laughed. "Great, I wanted to see this movie. But I thought it will come next week?" - "It will, but I thought we should see a nice new movie. So I asked the owner to show it for us. For us alone of course." Michael looked at Sam, going up and kissed him gently. Sam opened the bottle and filled two glasses. They toughed glasses and cuddled together.

After they had left the theater they walked hand-in-hand to Mike's apartment. "Sam, ähm...would you like to stay at my home tonight?" A big grin went over the boy's face. "Even if you haven't asked me, I would do so."

After closing the door behind them, they got into the living room and were saluted by a black Labrador. "Hey Dusty, look who I brought with me."

Sam petted the dog's head and said that he likes him, because he's such a cute pal.

They sat on the couch together, immediately starting to kiss and cuddle. It didn't take long before Michael grabbed Sam's hand and went to his bedroom. They fell on the bed and Sam undid the polo shirt and the jeans, which covered the cute body in front of him. Mike did the same to his partner and stroke the bulge in his boxers. "Lay yourself down." Sam did as he was told and lay on his back and closed his eyes, his hands on the other boy's head. Mike pulled away the tented boxer and looked at the nearly eight-inch cock in front of him. He wanted to suck and lick it, but before he could start his actions Sam was moaning loudly. Mike was frightened to see Dusty licking the cock furiously. He couldn't move, only watching the dog's tongue flying over the human meat. Mike slowly jerked it off and the labrador's tongue played with the freed glance. Pre cum was dropping from it, but every drop was just licked up and swallowed. His own member now rock hard, Mike guided his left hand to Dusty's crotch and massaged his already big balls.

"I'm gonna come soon, honey.... *pant*, your moth is incredible:" It needed only two more strokes of the rough tongue and three more jerks, Sam groaned loud, exploded hard and shot his load in the dog's muzzle and over Mike's hand. Dusty hungrily licked the whole mess up, from the cock and from the hand. Mike licked the spouts of his muzzle away, tasting his new lovers sweet cum. Sam panted heavily and got his head up to look at the picture in front of his crotch. He needed a moment to realize what just happened. "What the hell is this?!" Sam jumped up the bed looking from Dusty to Michael. The boy blushed deeply. "...Ähm...mean Dusty is..." - "Boy, are you fucking with your dog? I mean did your dog just sucked me off?" Michael was near his tears, scared of the thought to loose Sam he looked at him "Yes, I do love Dusty and yes we had have sex. He just started to lick your cock...I got really horny by seeing this...I'm sorry, I should have stopped him " Now tears were running down his face. Dusty lay his head on top of Mike's crotch and Sam sat down at the bed looking at them, thinking of what just had happened.

Sam was thinking about what had happened. Then he smiled and laid his hands at Michael's face. "You know, you and your dog... you're really cute. Both of you. And now come back in bed and lets do something more romantic." Mike looked up in the smiling face and nodded. He laid next to Sam and kissed him. "I'm sorry Sam, I really am." Sam kissed him again and looked at the dog, lying at the ground. "What's up Dusty? Won't you join us?" The canine's head tilted up and he jumped on the bed.

A confused look in Mike's face made Sam laughing. "Well, I'm ok with him joining us. I wanted to do a threesome for long." With these words he got up and kissed the dog's nose. They met in a nice tongue kiss and the boy stroked the soft fur on the belly. After breaking the kiss he got down and licked on Mike's rock-hard erection. A long moan came from him. It got even louder, when not only the human tongue, but also the canine's tongue was licking at his member. Sam gently sucked the balls, while Dusty licked the cum-covered glance. Mike felt waves of pleasure rolling throw his body. He panted and groaned heavily enjoying the tongues on his member.

Sam let his tongue go up, to reach the tip. Tasting his boy's cum, he gently closed his lips around the cock softly sucking on it. Meanwhile Dusty licked the pre of the shaft. Each hand on one head Michael groaned loud. "Oh, you two *pant* are *pant* incredible." Saying this he knew his orgasm was near. He tried to hold it back as long as possible. He was in ecstasy now, nothing around him counted, only the love he received on his member. Sam took the entire cock in his moth sucking hard on it. He wanted more of the creamy cum and deep-throated the erected member. The canine tongue was stroking over the balls, getting some little drops of pre and salvia running down the shaft. Mike's heavy moans made him to take the sac in his muzzle. Gently biting on the testicles, he let his tongue flick over every reachable point. "Oh this feels wonderful..." Mike was still able to hold it back, but Sam knew what to do. He guided his hand down and rubbed his index finger over the tight hole in front of him. Groan after groan came form Mike and Sam let his finger slid into his anus. A scream of pure joy and Mike shot his semen into the boy's waiting mouth. He swallowed as much as he could, but streams of cum were running down the shaft, but not loosing them Dusty furiously licked them up.

The two boys were panting, while Dusty just stood up to lick the cum of Sam's face. "I have your sweet juice, now I want that ass of yours." A big grin was on Mike's face. "Just be welcome, cutie." Sam took the legs on his shoulders and placed his rock-hard erection in front of the boy's hole. "Give me your nice eight inches." The black haired guy smiled and pressed his cock against the pre and salvia covered hole. With a moan half of his member slid into the tight ass. Groaning Mike griped the blanket feeling more joy than pain. His hole quickly got used of the big member in it. Slowly Sam pulled back, so only his cock tip was still inside. His second trust let him went in three-quarters of his cock. Dusty stood at the side and now guided his tongue to Michael's crotch. He started to lick the cum from the genitals, what caused the boy to moan even more. Now in a rhythmic trusting Sam pushed his whole cock in and out of the guy underneath him. Mike took Dusty's hip, while he was licking his member and pulled his crotch over his face. The full erected doggy cock hang above his nose. He smelt the salty cum on it and gave the tip a gentle lick. The whines of the dog showed his enjoyment and so Mike kept going to lick the shaft of the light red meat, while in this 69 Position Dusty licked his again hardening member. Sam got faster now, trusting heavily into the boy. Mike never felt better; his ass was fucked hard by this big cock and massaged his prostate. His own one pleasured by his dog and in his mouth a thick and rock-hard doggy cock, oozing pre on his tongue. The loud whines and moans filled the room, showing the enjoyment of all three lovers.

Sam felt his balls contracting, the warmth and tightness of Mike's ass pleasured his member and the dog nose touching his belly with every trust send shivers trough his body. With a final hard trust he forced his cock as deep as he could into his mate's anus and with a loud moan of joy filled it up with his hot cum. Mike felt the warm sensation filling up his ass. Cum was dropping out of his hole and he groaned in excitement. Sam pulled his cock out and collapsed next to the two in their 69 position. Mike and his mate panted heavily, but he was now again absolutely horny and hard. Dusty was licking the cum of Mike's hole. The boy wanted to get his mate the same he got from him. He reached his lips and kissed him passionately. "I wanna give you the same pleasure, Sam." A grin on his face, the blond one got on his fours stretching his ass in the air. "So just take it."

Mike got up and moved behind him. But before he could do anything the black dog jumped on the cute body in front of him. Without any warning Dusty mounted the boy underneath him, trying to hit his target he spouted his pre over Sam's hole. The blond haired boy watched the two and smiled. With his third try the canine got his target and pressed his eight inches of doggy cock into the anus in front of him. Wild trusting he forced his cock deep into Samuel, who just was moaning in pain and pleasure. The dogs knot was hammering against the entrance, while the boy's cock was getting hard again. Mike got even hornier by watching the boy and the canine fucking. With every flick of the tail he could see the pink pucker of his dog. He couldn't resist he get his face to this pink area and placed his tongue on it. He furiously licked over it, pressing his tongue against the hole. This made also Dusty whining and so the boy got up and moved his cock to the lubricated doggy ass. He get grip of his hips and pressed his member at the hole. Slowly sliding his cock tip into it he moaned in pleasure. He pressed a little more, to get two inches in; he paused to let Dusty get used of his cock. A few thrusts and the boy slid the next three inches into the canine. The boys and the canine moaned together, making their joy a way out. With a hard trust the boy entered the rest of his cock into the doggy ass. The three moved in unison and enjoyed their feelings. Dusty got furious because of the great fuck he received at his rear and humped harder. With one powerful trust he forced his knot into the boy's ass and made him cry out in pain. Shortly after the pain, the boy got to cry out constant with every trust he received, but now in pure pleasure. The cries aroused Mike even more and he jack hammered the dog's rear and moaned loudly. "This ass *pant* of yours is tight, sugar. *Pant* But it feels great." Trusting again he groaned "I'm going to *pant* fill you up." Another hard trust brought the boy over the edge and he fired his load deep into the canine's anus. The warm creamy liquid guided the dog to new highs and he felt his knot swollen. He braked out loudly, filling the guy's ass with his thick doggy cum and tied Sam to him. They collapsed on each other heavily panting and moaning. Mike dismounted his dog and laid himself in front of the two tied lovers. Dusty turned himself and lay down, panting heavily, he let his tongue slip out of his muzzle. The blond guy now hungrily eyed the other boy's erection, all covered with pre cum.

He got down and started to lick Sam's rock hard member. "You can't get enough, can you Mike?" the boy grinned and gave the shaft another stroke. "No, I don't think so.", he sucked lightly before locking at Sam. "As horny as you are now, I though you may need some "relief"." He grinned and guided his tongue over Sam's member.

Still feeling the big knot in his anus and the hard dog dick pressing against his prostate Sam couldn't resist the pure pleasure. He moaned out loudly "I wont be able *pant* to hold myself *pant* back long. *Pant* that's simply *pant* to much.... *pant*"

Mike stoked his tongue over the full length of Sam's member. "Just give my the reward." Sam panted heavily. "It's on its way..." In this moment, Dusty locked up and sniffed. Trying to get some precum of Sam's dick he got up and pulled his knot against the boy's hole. Sam cried out in pain but the dog just pulled harder and with a loud sucking sound his still half erected knot plopped out of the boys anus. He arched his back and right when Dusty and Mike's tongue licked over his rock hard twitching shaft, he exploded again and shot his big third load in the faces of his lovers. Mike grinned while he licked his lips. "Tasty!" Sam smiled, seeing Dusty licking Mike's face swallowing the whole seamen.

Mike laid on top of Sam and started a gentle tongue fight. They stroked each other feeling nothing else then their love. The kissed long when a loud whine took their attentions. Dust laid on his back showing his dog member oozing pre. Lightly panting he looked at the boys and whined again. Sam and Mike grinned. "Mike I think someone else needs some "relief"." Smiling Mike shifted himself and stroked Dusty's belly. "Yes, again." Also smiling, Sam positioned himself and put his tongue to Dusty's balls. Mike gently sucked on the tip, when Sam sucked on the dog's testicles. Whining and panting, Dusty let his tongue droll out of his muzzle. The streams of pre ran down Mike's throat and he enjoyed the salty taste just sucking harder to get more of it. Running their hands over the canine's belly the boys worked at the genital. Sam got a bit up to lick at the now fully erected knot. Gliding his lips up and down the shaft Mike felt Sam's tongue touching his face. The boys' eyes met and they found each other in a lovely kiss. Sam tasted the creamy cum on Mike's tongue. Sam broke the kiss and grinned. "You taste great." Mike kissed the boys nose. "Who? Dusty or me?" Sam smiled again. "Both of you." A loud growl reminded the boys what was to be done. They laughed and laid their tongues around the pulsing shaft. Precum was squirting from the tip, covering the boy's faces. The whines got louder and the pants heavier. Dusty howled when Mike squeezed the knot, while Sam started to massage the big balls. A long big lick, one tongue on the right, one the left side, just from the knot to the tip brought the canine over the edge. The creamy cum squirted in the air dropping all over Mike and Sam. The dog tried to catch his breath, when the boys started to lick the cum off each other. Hungrily swallowing every drop. After their cleaning they moved up and laid next to their lovely dog. The canine licked his cock a few times before he turned himself around.

There they laid, the canine in the middle and the two boys at the sides. They met in a big kiss, fighting with each other's tongue. The boys petted the dog, feeling his soft fur on their bellies. They broke the kiss after what was like an eternity. They grinned and cuddled close together. The first beams of the sunrise were falling throw the window shades. Sam smiled "I love you boys.", Mike kissed Dusty and then Sam. "Yes, I love you, too." Dusty gave Sam and Michael a lick to the face, his way to show them his love. Arms around each other, they soon fell asleep in their lovely cuddling.


So far about part 3. I hope you enjoyed it. Hopefully it was a well payback for the shortcut in part 2 and the long time you had to wait. Leave your comments please and don't be shy to say anything good, bad or whatever ;P

And this time, I promise not to need as long as this time.


Fox on the run