A boy and his dog Part 3 - Not alone

A boy and his dog Part 3 - Not alone It was nearly dark in the room, just the moonlight showed the two bodies lying together in the bed. There was the cute human Michael and the black Labrador Dusty. The boy felt the soft fur on his naked...

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A boy and his dog Part 2 - It wasn't a dream

A boy and his dog Part 2 - It wasn't a dream The sun was tickling at Michael's eyelids and he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep much longer. The dream he had was amazing, he didn't want it to end yet. The guy he liked was kissing him and it was...

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A boy and his dog Part 1 - First feelings

A Boy and his Dog Part 1 - First feelings "Go get it!" with these words a black labrador ran down the big green field, only watching the flying ball in the air. With a high jump he caught the ball before it could hit the ground, he just...

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