The great wolves IV

Story by Benshee on SoFurry

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#4 of The Kiroth Wars (old)

_Here comes part four - seems like Im on a roll, but I have a friend looking at these before uploading them so I guess it can't get too bad or superflous work for the reviewer like this :)

Warning to kids - stay away, this one contains sex between a human and at least one sentient wolf._

The Kiroth Wars - The great wolves IV

Kor gently ran the fingers of his left hand up and down Tessa's back while using his right to hold her close even though, by the feel of it, a crowbar would not have managed to get the young female from this unexpected pleasure that so far exceeded all her dreams and fantasies of the past months. Eversince he had become their alpha male she had wanted to give herself to him, to pleasure him, to show him that she was worth his affection.

He pulled her closer and they shared a deep and loving kiss, tasting each other, with her feeling like she would melt away from what he was giving to her, but he was by far not done yet. He broke the kiss and his left hand began to roam to her chest, feeling through the soft fur of her underside until he found her nipples. Not wanting to overwhelm her too much he looked deeply into her wide eyes and waited a moment before squeazing and kneading one nipple after the other, causing her to whine almost at the same pitch as she had some minutes before when she had pleasured herself on his leg.

His right hand had reached down to her hips by now and he rubbed her there and right above the base of her tail which she raised almost instantly, giving him access to her rear and inner thighs. Very slowly he shifted position, moving from his side to a position on top of her while he still caressed her soft tits and began to rub her between the legs, carefully avoiding her moist hole to tease her abit.

Pleasuring Tessa was so much different then what he was used to from fooling around with Luscia. She didn't struggle nor growl nor bite - she just let him explore and obviously enjoyed every moment of it greatly. By now he was sure that he wanted to mate the young female. He didn't know if she was still a virgin, but he could tell that she was in need and already very much lubricated - and she was the first that had given this kind of pleasure to him. He slowly moved his mouth closer to her ear as he kept slowly rolling above:

"I want to mate you Tessa - I want to make love to you, beautiful girl", he whispered to her.

At this she shivered and tensed up abit. For a moment he almost thought she didn't want it, but then she raised her head high, exposing her throat to him and rolling entirely on her back, giving him complete access to her in whatever way he pleased and he knew that it was excitement that had made her move. She was offering herself to him, waiting for him to claim her completely and he would.

Savouring the moment he gently reached down and grabbed his penis, then slowly ran the tip of it over her moist netherlips. Listening to her soft whines he still used his other hand to knead her nipples and tenderly kissed her throat, before beginning to slowly inch into her tight sex. She writhed abit, but tried to stay still in her submission. He soon felt a barrier that kept him from moving further and he prepared to break it, steadying his virgin lover with soft and gentle words:

"Seems like you are still a virgin, girl", he whispered into her chest fur and added, "Dont worry this will only hurt for a brief moment, but afterwards it will be pure joy."

He kissed her again, then he lowered himself onto her completely, holding her tightly as he pulled out slowly and then lunged himself deeply into her. In his arms her breath came in short ragged pants as she prepared for his impact, the fear that mixed with her lust only working to intensify her pleasure. As his member pushed down and tore her virginity she couldnt avoid the little shriek that escaped her muzzle. He stopped moving at once, now lodged deeply inside her, still holding her close while kissing and comforting her, but she was in heaven - the sensation of him tearing through her hymen was beyond any other she had had before and she felt like she was about to orgasm right there and then. When minutes passed without him moving inside her, she dared to whine at him questioningly while clenching her vaginal muscles, hoping she wasn't being unsubmissive.

He took the hint and resumed her pleasure as he began to thrust into her. She was so incredibly hot and tight, he thought as he speeded up his motions. He was already getting close to the breaking point, when he decided to hold back and allow her to have pleasure first. He kept a fast pace that would bring her to orgasm soon while not taking away his self-control. Gently he whispered little tender words between the kisses and licks to the fur of her throat while riding her breathlessly.

By now she was almost sure she had died and gone to heaven or would wake up from one of the best dreams ever, when her orgasm suddenly pounced and shook her more violently then a lion would pounce his prey. She moaned, whined and trembled under him, no longer in control of her movements, bright colors dancing in front of her eyes. The sudden tightness as her soft walls clenched down on his throbbing length together with the wild music of her pleasure sent him soaring high over the edge and deep into his lover's body. Panting loudly he pushed and pushed while he emptied his seed to her womb, extending both their orgasms and bliss, before sinking down on top of her and deep into her silky fur.

The sweet afterglow seemed to last forever as Kor snuggled with his lover, who was still connected to him. The experience of mating her seemed to have changed his perspective on her quite abit. Before she had been a subordinate, a lesser member of the pack. He had believed that he loved all members of his pack, but now he knew that he had subconsciously labelled them more or less expendable and he felt ashamed. He really should not start having favorites now that he was getting so close to them, he thought. He ran his fingers gently through Tessa's fur and listened to her soft murrs for what seemed a small eternity.

Looking up he noticed, to his surprise, that six pairs of eyes were fixed on them, one of them Luscia's. Her eyes were wide with lust and there was an obvious puddle on the ground below her hindquarters. He sighed in a mixture of displeasement and anticipation. It seemed like this was going to be a long long day.

_Okay, I think this isnt a cliffhanger for once, but a good hint at what comes next. I dont intend to turn this into an all-yiff series so there will be more story soon too.

Thanks to all those who kept reading until here, I hope you had a good time and will vote and/or comment :)_