Hiking Woes: Friends Over For Dinner

Story by Ben332 on SoFurry

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#5 of Hiking Woes

It's a gloomy, rainy, and noisy morning. Storms cover the sky and roaring thunder distract Evan from his studies. It's a lazy morning with the two off from college, but the day ends up being a bit more than expected when Gregory calls. An evening with his newest companion? Of course Evan can't say no! When the dragon suggests an evening of erotic, lewd fun, and adding the hyena to the fun? Well, the awful morning turned into a relaxing evening with friends. Friends over for dinner, and a bit of entertainment besides!

"Ugh!" Evan ran his paws through his headfur.

"Dude, it's just some weather." Maxwell commented from the kitchen.

"I know, but it's really screwing with my concentration." He flipped to another page.

"Well, as if this food wasn't... It'll be ready in a few, anyways."

The scent of frying meats and eggs and vegetables was still somehow less distracting than the thunder outside. The wolf frowned. The morning was off to a shitty start. One of his laptop batteries finally bit the dust, leaving him with only one. On the plus side, his phone had been replaced, warranty finally coming in handy. This let Gregory and him talk far, far into the evening. Sometimes for good bits of the night, too. It had been a few weeks since he'd last saw the dragon, too. Both of them had been all too busy with life. Evan with the rigors of college and studying for semester finals. And Gregory with his magic. It drove him mad. While theirs was hardly a long-distance relationship, it sure felt like one.

"Y'know, I really don't understand why you're studying when we're supposed to be off from all that." Maxwell padded into the room, two plates in hand.

"Well, I want to make sure I pass with flying colors. Gotta keep that 3.0+ GPA." He flipped the book shut.

"Well, it's rather ineffective right now, what with all the thunder and lightning. Take a break and eat."

While they may have had a kitchen dining set, it never got used, and this wasn't the exception. The low livingroom table served as good as any other. And Maxwell had cooked another lovely meal. For once, though, the timing for the food was appropriate. Breakfast foods, rather early in the morning. Early enough, that neither of them were usually up at this hour. It was barely even seven AM.

"Thanks for cooking." Evan said between mouthfuls of food.

"You know I like to do it. That being said, I wouldn't mind if you loaded and unloaded the dishwasher afterwards."

"Heh, if you cooked it, then that's more than a fair deal."

They both dug into their food with eager gusto. Evan had gotten up earlier to the sound of a roaring thunderclap, and the food was helping to settle his nerves. Maxwell had somehow slept through it, but another pair of the noises woke him up too. It was looking awful outside, rain coming down in sheets against their windows. They could even hear the rain falling on the roof, a deafening roar only barely muted by the two apartments above them.

"Y'know, I'm still surprised they replaced that." Maxwell gestured towards the cell phone.

"It's good business. And, it WAS a rather expensive protection plan. Ended up getting my use out of it." Evan shrugged.

"Bet it's handy for talking to your big, scaly dragon." A smirk crossed his muzzle.

Evan would have choked if the comment had been a few seconds earlier. He decided against stuffing his muzzle as much.

"You really aren't going to keep that up?"

"I only rib you occasionally, y'know. Personally, I'm wondering why you haven't been back over since last time."

"We're both busy, that's all. He's got his magic, and I've got semester finals." He scraped the last bits of egg onto his toast.

Maxwell leaned back, ignoring his food for the moment.

"Man, I would have such a case of blue balls if I waited weeks before seeing anyone..."

"Max!" Evan sputtered.

"What, just saying, is all. I mean, when you're muzzle-deep in studying when you could be seeing your lover, it's a bit strange is all."

"... I guess you do have a point. But, it obviously wouldn't happen today. Too stormy outside." As if to punctuate and confirm his suspicions, a loud thunderclap cracked overhead.

"It could clear up. What then?"

"Then I'd call him, I guess. Why so curious, though?"

"Like I said, it's been a while. And, while I'm sure magic is intensive and all, I'm sure he'd like a break from the grind, too."

"That's his business, and, since he doesn't live in town, he could have a break whenever he liked."

"Speaking of in town... what if he's got some business to see to?"

"I honestly don't know. He might. Too much 20Q right now though." Evan was starting to get irritable with Maxwell asking so many questions.

"Ok, ok." He put his hands up in surrender. "Just really curious is all. And since you two have been talking every other day, was wondering if you'd made any plans."

"No, not yet."

"Ok, then."

The rest of the morning was uneventful. Evan did as Maxwell asked, and dealt with the dishes. The hyena disappeared into his room. No doubt to play some games, or something. The both of them were off from classes for the next two weeks, though. But, when they got back, they had a series of finals. Well, quarterly semester finals, anyway. Maxwell was getting along in his classes just as well as Evan. But, the wolf wanted to cram as much as he could into his brainpan during the break. The hyena wanted a bit more relaxation than that, though. As well as they got along, sometimes they clashed a bit. This time though, the hyena was right.

"_He's right. Why am I trying to study in all this noisy din? It's a Sisyphean task."_Evan let his thoughts ramble.

Even with all the noise, he still managed to get through the chapter. But, his brain felt fried from the effort. It was scarcely even nine, and the storm showed no signs of letting up. With the warm meal sitting in his stomach, he felt a bit sleepy. A new red-ray disk caught his attention, though.

"The Rogue Wanderer" was emblazoned on the plastic case.

"Eh, good as any." Evan mumbled to himself.

The VR movie would distract him as well as anything else. It took a few moments to swap out Maxwells' custom lenses for his own. The head-mounted displays' weight felt reassuring on his neck as the movie began to play.

A long time ago... in a galaxy far, far away...

Meanwhile, elsewhere.

"Fuckin' distracting shit storm..." Gregory cursed up a storm to rival the one outside.

His phone was soaked after he'd left it out to charge last night. It was weatherproof, but soaked. It'd take hours to dry to a usable level. A scowl marred his muzzle, and his mood soured even more. The damned storm had ruined his magic training, and he couldn't go out to get food, it was so bad. It was an uncomfortable, irritating morning thus far. And, all he wanted to do was tell Evan all about it. But, he couldn't even do that.

"I was so close, too..." His experiment for the day crumbled in his paws.

It was a small flower, riddled with holes from bugs eating through it. The leaves were brown, dead, and lifeless. But, as his gaze traveled a bit lower, the beginnings of new life traveled through the base of the stem. Right where he'd been focusing on, and closest to his paws. As cliché as it was, it was a green hellebore. A color he'd always liked, but ruined from the bugs eating it. He was trying to restore it to vivid, bright life. A half-hearted smile erased the frown from his muzzle. A half-smile, for a half-success. He set it down, along with the clump of dirt he'd also taken. It wasn't entirely dead, and that was progress. He could try again later.

"What day even is today..." He padded back into his cave.

Since last time Evan had visited, he'd brought in a few more creature comforts. A small bit of furniture, some cooking essentials, and a small battery-powered fridge. Just enough to make it not so spartan anymore. Of course, with the furniture came the dragons' favorite addition. He flopped onto a large stack of soft, fluffy covers.

"Hmm..." Gregory rumbled.

Sleeping without a bed, or even anything to sleep on made it all the nicer now. Cold cave floor had nothing on his pile of assorted covers. As hungry as he was, it only took a while for him to close his eyes and rest a bit. While his body rested, his mind whirled, trying to remember what day it was.

"First was last week, it was December before that, making this month... January?" He talked to himself, reasoning it out.

"And if it's the twelfth, that means... FUCK." His comfort was shattered. Sudden distress made him let out a bestial roar of frustration.

As quickly as he'd scrambled to his feet, he fell back down onto the covers. His paws fell onto his muzzle, not believing the sheer amount of noise that had just emanated out of it. His throat wasn't even sore afterwards.

"Ugh. I have to go to town, yes, but there's no point in going out in that. A nap first, then I'll deal with that."

As frustrated as he was that society and its' obligations was encroaching on his solitude, it had to be done. A few people needed to know he was still alive, and he had to check on some things. It wouldn't honestly take that long. But, it'd mean he'd have to deal with people. To temper that though... a plan rumbled inside his head.

A smile crossed his features as his paws slid off onto the stack of fluffy things. Oh yes. That idea would be grand. But first, he had rest to obtain. And maybe a meal afterwards. He'd be flying into town soon enough. And by then, the phone would be dry....

"Oi, Evan, your phone is ringing!" A muffled voice from down the hall startled Evan awake.

The headsets main menu had been playing for a while now. At some point, he must have fallen asleep. Sweat rolled into his eyes as he scrambled to detach the display from his face. The phone kept ringing.

"I'm... awake! Getting it momentarily!" Even his voice sounded groggy. It had been a while since he'd fallen asleep watching a movie.

His phone was in the kitchen, and he stumbled towards it. A familiar number graced the screen. The lack of din from the rain felt odd.

"Hey!" It sounded windy on the other end, but the voice was unmistakable.

"Gregory?" Evan rubbed at his eyes, still trying to wake up.

"Yep! I just got done finishing up some-" the dragon cough-growled "shit in town."

"Wait, you're... in town?" The wolfs' brain was underclocked seemingly to the point of uselessness.

"That's what I said! Care for an evening over?"

Evan bolted awake, the last bits of grogginess falling off of his mind.

"Of course! But isn't it a bit early to call it an evening?" He looked at his phone. "Never mind that. I just saw it was three."

"Hehehe. But yeah, I got fitted for a saddle and everything. Figured I'd bring you over for the evening, maybe a day or two, then shuttle you back. If you're willing of course." The dragon rambled on.

"Yeah, I'm fine with that."

A voice yelling from down the hall distracted him for a moment.

"And I can hear Maxwell saying something or another."

"Yeah, he says hi. I think." Evan meandered over to the blinds, opening them to a bright, if a bit rain-streaked, day.

"Ok, I'll be over in about ten. Obviously I can't come in, so pack what you'd like, there's more than room for it."

"Never thought you'd like a saddle." The wolf smirked.

"Purely functional, I assure you. Bring lube, too."

Evan was drinking day-old coffee, and took a moment to process what the dragon had said.

"O-okay. So an evening rendezvous, huh?"

"Sort-of. Be there in a few. Love ya!"

"Love you too, I'll be ready."

His dreary day just got a lot better with the prospect of getting to hang out with Gregory. And... more than likely a bit more. Evan could barely restrain his happiness. He pumped his fist and softly whispered "Yes!".

"Hey, that Gregory!" Maxwell was still yelling across the apartment. Evan yelled back.

"Yeah! He's coming over in a bit!"

Maxwell canceled the next round, and exited out of the game. If Evans' scaly companion was coming over, he definitely wanted to talk to the drake for a bit. They got along fairly well together, and he was an interesting enough guy. And that was before you factored in the curiosity of him using magic. He stuffed his footpaws into shoes, sans socks. The sooner he was ready, the better. Besides, he didn't have anything else better to do for the day, either.

Evan jumped a bit when the buzzer rang. The familiar scratchy voice of one of the older staff members rang through.

"Ahrm. A Gregory for Evan and Maxwell. Waiting just outside. Seems to have some stuff." The door buzzer ended its' annoying, scratchy sound.

Evan grabbed his half-ruined backpack, now stuffed with all the things he'd need for a short stay. Maxwell opened the door and followed behind him, locking it as well. It took a while for the wolf to realize he was following him. The elevator opened and they both stepped in.

"You got an appointment too, or something?" Evan ribbed Maxwell.

"Actually... I wanted to talk to the guy. If you don't mind, of course." Ding, three floors down.

"Sure. I think I forgot to mention that he wanted to cart me over to his place for a while." The doors opened as the last two floors went by in a flash.

"No, you didn't. Wow, that is adorable." Maxwell pointed and tried to contain his laughter.

Gregorys' muzzle was peering through the glass double doors, watching the both of them. The rest of his body was out of view, so all the two say was a giant pair of eyes and a scaled muzzle. Evan smirked at the amusing sight. All the same, he didn't keep the dragon waiting, hurrying his walk up. He backed up a bit when they passed through the door.

"Gregory!" Evan hugged the dragons muzzle.

"Evan. Hi Maxwell." A smile stuck to his face as the wolf hugged him.

"Hi Greg." The hyena peered around the dragon. Was that a saddle in a bag on his side?

"Hmmm..." He nuzzled against Evan, pushing him back a bit. "I've got the saddle, but I haven't quite put it on yet."

"I can help!" Seeing Gregory again felt like a massive load was taken off of his shoulders. He fished around for the equipment as the dragon kneeled down further.

"A saddle? Y'all are into some kinky stuff." Maxwell flashed the dragon a toothy smile.

Gregory chuckled, and smiled back. "It's only functional-" Evan yanked the bag off of him. "And I opted for the two-seat plus cargo model."

True to his word, it was quite a bit of gear. But, Evan sorted it out quickly. Several straps needed detangling, but that was done in a flash. It was a bit heavy for one person though. Maxwell stepped in.

"Mind if I help, as well?" He asked, mostly for Evans' sake.

"Yeah, it's fairly heavy. Help me haul it up and on." They both took hold of it, and between the two of them, got it onto the dragons' back easily. Straps and bits dangled down on both sides as he laid on his belly.

"Oh, and while I'm at it, and while you two are fiddling with that. Maxwell." Gregory craned his neck over towards the hyena.

"Yeah, big guy?" It was a bit intimidating to have the dragon staring at him, but his curiosity was piqued.

"Well, I should really be asking Evan first, but..." He looked back over at Evan as the wolf was sorting out the equipment. "Would you mind if he came over as well?"

Evan froze for a moment, dropping the buckle he'd been working with. Having Maxwell over, when the both of them planned for... rather carnal pleasures? It was a strange proposal. But, if the dragon trusted him enough to invite him over to his personal abode, and to witness the goings-on as well?

"Can if he wants to, but he's not packed. And-" The wolf whispered into the dragons ear. "Aren't we planning on certain explicit things?"

Gregory nuzzled at the wolf, and whispered as quietly as a dragon could. "Yes, yes we are. Sharing pleasure, remember? If you have any qualms, though..."

"No, I'm fine with it."

Maxwells' ears flicked. It was a side of Evan he hadn't seen often.

"Yeah, I could come over a while. So long as neither of you mind. But, since Evan said yes..."

"We don't mind!" Evan almost squeaked, and Gregory said it at the exact same time.

"One at a time guys, even if you said the same thing. Are you sure, though?" The hyena let the strap down, having wrapped them around to the appropriate places.

"I'm fine with it, yes." Evan affirmed.

"And, so long as he is, I am as well. But, uh..." An uncharacteristic bit of uncertainty crept into Gregorys' voice. "You don't mind sharing a bit of pleasure between males, right?"

Maxwells' ears flicked again, once, then twice again. Did they really just invite him to an evening of that kind with the dragon? And with Evan, too? Previous thoughts of them being exclusive fluttered through his mind. All the same, if they were both willing...

"S-sure." His voice cracked a bit, dropping a bit lower than he'd liked.

"It's settled then!" Gregory sprang to his footpaws. A wide, knowing smile spread onto his muzzle.

Evan grasped at the straps and buckles, following the manual word-for-word. After tightening each, he passed the manual to Maxwell to do the same. After cinching them all tightly, he gave the saddle a firm push and shake. It stayed put, barely moving an inch. Looked a bit uncomfortable, though.

"And you're sure it's not too tight, or cutting off blood flow to any... places?" He glanced back, noting the pair of straps that ran around his hind legs.

"No, it's quite snug, actually. Scales itch a bit under the saddle itself, but that's fine." Gregory walked around a bit, noting how it shifted with his muscles.

"Well, since that's installed and on, mind if I grab some stuff before we go?" Maxwell cracked his knuckles. Even if he wasn't staying as long as Evan, it was best to be prepared.

"Go on, grab what you need. We'll be out here." Gregory waved him off as the hyena disappeared inside. When he looked back though, Evan was standing there with a quizzical look on his face.

"Sure you want to bring him over, too?" Evan had his arms crossed.

Gregory laid back down onto his belly, getting eye-level with his companion.

"Yes. I figured we'd bring him over and see how it goes. If he gets to be annoying, or squicks out, I can just cart him back. It'd only take about fifteen minutes." He stared at Evan.

"If you trust him, then sure. I'm a little unsure, though." The wolf put a furred paw-hand onto the dragons' muzzle, rubbing between his nostrils.

"Remember, Evan. It's only for pleasure. And if you don't want him to, it's your call. Even if we do integrate him into that, know that doesn't make me love you any less." The dragons' large eyes met Evans' own.

Evan looked away, uncomfortable with the staring contest.

"Promise me you'll chuck him out if he gets annoying?"

"Of course. Here he comes. Remember, if you have any qualms, now is the time to say so."

One out of breath hyena burst through the doorway, again.

"Aight, I'm back. Thank you much for waiting. And thank the both of you for letting me come with." He panted.

Evan took a sideways glance at Gregory, only to see the dragon was doing the same. The wolf shrugged.

"Figured an evening of fun would do you good, too. Since you were complaining of blue balls this morning." Evan teased.

"That's not what I said at all!" Maxwell rolled his eyes.

"Oh boy." Gregory laid down once more, feeling the straps get flattened against his scales. "Get on, already."

"WHOOOOOOOOOO getting to ride on a dragon!" The hyena shouted, not bothering to contain his excitement.

Being the taller of the two, he gave Evan a leg up first, then hauled himself up as well. Retrieving the manual from his pocket, he glanced over it, before passing it to Evan.

"Even has seat belts."

The both of them strapped themselves in, and Evan whiteknuckled the grip on his seat. If he knew anything about Gregory...

"AAAAAHHH" Maxwell wasn't expecting the sudden start.

As empty as the street was, Gregory used it to build up some speed before leaping into the air. His wings beat hard, once, twice, then the ground began to get more distant with every flap. With the both of them on his back, his lungs and wings labored. One person was easy, two and cargo was a bit much. He'd be absolutely famished by the time he got there. He glanced back at the hyena, barely able to crane his neck back far enough. The look of shock on his muzzle, and both of his handpaws gripped around the seat grip told him everything. He chuckled between heavy breaths. The first time was always the most exhilarating.

After they'd reached cruising altitude, Evan had settled in. One paw was resting on Gregorys' neck, feeling the muscle there ripple with every beat of his wings. The other was only loosely wrapped around the grip. They'd be safe enough, even if the dragon tried any acrobatics. Maxwell wasn't doing as well, though. Every time he leaned over to look at the ground below, he jerked back. Though, when he noticed Evan looking, he tried to look manly and tough. It didn't work.

"Afraid of heights, Max?"

"N-no!" He was lying through his teeth. Though, those were chattering with the cold air.

"Look at Mianka. Really tiny from up here."

They were just getting past the autofactories on the edges of the city. Small plumes of exhaust and smoke rose into the sky. Gregory kept a wide berth of them. Even with environmental regulations, those emissions were nasty stuff. The dragon tried to make small talk.

"Ever been up this high before, Maxwell?"

"Yes, but it was in a plane! It's cold!" His paws didn't dare move from their grip, though.

"Might help if you put a paw on Gregory. All that exertion has him really, really warm." It was no lie, too, his paws felt toasty just laying them on the dragons' neck.

"Ok..." Maxwell trailed off. His remaining paw tightened its' grip further. Maybe he should have walked.

Sitting between the wings limited his options a bit, but the bit of muscle that attached the wing to the back was rather steady. And watching it flex was almost hypnotizing. His paw drifted towards it, feeling the warmth radiate off it sealed his decision. His paw gripped it like another handle.

"Hmmhrrrrr." Gregory growled, muscles twitching a bit. His flight became a bit erratic.

Maxwells' paw recoiled like it had touched fire.

"Did I hurt you, shit, I am sorry, sorry, sorry." The hyenas words flowed out of his muzzle like a river.

Gregorys' flight returned to normal, but the dragon smirked, and let out a low growl.

"Didn't hurt me. Did quite the opposite actually..."

Evan leaned over a bit, gripping the handle for safety. Heh. Just that little bit of stimulation was enough to get the dragon poking out. It took a while for Maxwell to put two and two together. By the time he had, the mountain Gregory called home was in sight.

"Wait, you mean-"

"Yep." Evan cut him off with a knowing smirk.

"And believe you me... it feels really close to the real thing in terms of pleasure." The dragon sloped into a lazy spiraling descent.

"Good to know." The hyenas paw instead laid on the dragons' shoulder. It was quite warm, though not as much as the wing joints' muscle.

"Almost there, so if you didn't like the take-off, now would be the time to hold on."

"_Wait, we're a bit low, bu- SHIT"_Even Evan wasn't expecting the dragon to dive downwards.

He dived, picking up speed, missing the cave mouth. They were both shoved roughly into their seats as the dragon pulled up. Maxwells' muzzle bumped Evans' back as the dragon gave one last pump of those large wings. And then weightlessness again as they fell back downwards. And then, finally, another jolt through the dragons' form as they finally found the ground.

Evan smacked the dragons neck as they padded inside. It stung a bit, but didn't at all stop the smirk on the dragons' muzzle.

"God dammit Greg!" Evan swore.

"I think I might be sick..." Maxwell mumbled, his field of view almost entirely obscured by Evans' back and the saddle.

"What? Just a bit of fun." He padded into his den, and sat down, laying on his belly once more.

"I should leave the saddle on you and make you try to take it off yourself." Evan huffed.

Much to his surprise, Gregory laughed. An uproarious, loud, echoing laugh.

"I could have put this on myself. I just wanted you two to poke and prod at me."

"Dirty dragon..." Maxwell mumbled, finally finding the wherewithal to begin undoing his straps.

"I second the hyena." Evan slid down the short bit of dragon before his footpaws found the ground.

Maxwell slowly slid down, not trusting his legs. Leaning against the dragon, he somehow ended up leaning against one of his hindlegs. His legs barely held themselves as the dragon stood up again. His eyes, though, widened in shock at the sight in front of his muzzle.

"You told me it felt good, but not that good!" He looked away.

"I figured you figured that out. It is a very sensitive area, and feels very good when stroked. Much like wing membranes. It's why a lot of dragons like flying. I just so happen to like it like that as well."

Maxwell reached a paw up, to test that theory, but Gregory was having none of it. He flexed his wings up, and out of the way.

"Let's not, though. The wingjoint is sensitive, but wing membrane even more so. Give me a while to relax first."

"Not to change the subject on dragon anatomy, but you added a lot since last I was here." Evan commented, flopping down onto the covers.

"Yeah, I did. Got a bit tired of living so plainly after you ... visited." Visions of the shattered wolf caused him to shake his head to clear them.

"Really was a mess, wasn't I?"

"It took a lot."

"Sorry, but you mean when you healed him, right?" Maxwell commented.

"Yes. Anyways, make yourselves at home. I need to give an experiment another try, and if it works, perhaps a bit of hunting. If not though, we'll see about some... entertaining."

Evan followed him, and so did Maxwell. They remained quiet, but the dragon noticed them all the same.

"You can watch, but please stay quiet, and don't touch me. I'll warn you if I'm going to use fire." Greg's voice turned a bit harder than usual. A bit more demanding. His practice was not to be interrupted.

"Yes, sir." Maxwell affirmed, whereas Evan just nodded.

"Please, call me Greg or Gregory. No sir. Anyways, quiet for now, please." The dragons' eyes locked onto the plant. It looked a bit better than before, but not by much.

Both of them sat down at the cave mouth, and simply watched. For Maxwell, it was an awe-inspiring sight. Maybe once in a lifetime, even. Whereas it gave Evan a chance to watch him work his magic, and another to study his lover a bit more.

He scooped the plant into his paws again, and focused. The flow of energy started up again, as it always did. It felt tight, restricting, and pulsing. A bit different than when he did it solo, but it only mattered a little. All that mattered was getting it to the right place... He sat down, cradling the flower gently to his chest. Dirt marred his scales, but that hardly mattered. The flow pulsed, individual streams of what could only be described as a tingling, electric sensation pooled in his chest, and both paws. A bit in his jaw as well.

He slowly dispersed the energy in his jaw, breathing out slowly. That wasn't energy he wanted or needed. A slow flow of embers fluttered out into the evening. It was like he was breathing bubbles, but with fire instead. Maxwell began to gasp, but Evan covered his muzzle. His own paw reached up to further block any noise. With the extra energy dispersed, the dragon focused more intently on the pools that mattered. Magic out of the body was easy. Magic into the right places... He hummed a bit as the tingling sensation filled his chest and paws. It was no tune, just random humming. The buzz of energy flowed through him at all points that contacted the plant.

It was slow, so very, very slow. But, he slowly made contact with the plant. Inside, it was much more vibrant than before. He carefully poured little rivulets of energy where the plant didn't have any. The plants' own energy, or magic, fused effortlessly with the dragons' streams. Warmth began to seep into his chest. The flow came even slower, and his own pools felt depleted. The last few mystical drops flowed into the plant, and he severed the connection abruptly. His lungs felt on fire, and he panted. A few small embers shot out again.

"Wow." Evan mouthed, not daring make a sound.

The dead plant was alive again. The holes in the leaves had healed right before their eyes, and the flower had bloomed into vibrant green life. But, the dragon himself was looking a bit worse the wear for it, too.

Gregory broke the silence.

"You can talk now. It felt... different with you two here." His eyes opened, surveying his work. A smile crossed his features.

"Dude. I didn't even notice the plant on the way in. But, when I saw how sad and dead it looked, and you just- Wow." Maxwell poured out praise.

"You've been practicing. Cool trick with the embers, too. But... are you okay?" Evan almost touched the dragon, but he slunk away from the contact.

"Don't touch me just yet. I can feel... everything. But, yes. I am a bit beat from that. I need to eat." The look in his eyes said it all. A growl from his stomach said the rest.

"Sorry, didn't know..." Evan looked down.

"It's alright. You haven't seen me practice." He looked at the plant. "I like these. And, seeing it dead and covered with bugs. I had to." The dragon justified it to himself.

"You don't have to explain it to me. You have your reasonings. But, can we help you recover at all?" He gingerly laid a paw on the dragon. His fur stood up on end, and it felt like static.

Gregory winced a bit, but let him.

"Maxwell. Chest freezer. Bring out the package called 'beef quarter' It'll be heavy. Please." The dragons' command came in staccatto bursts.

"Will do. A small price to pay for a show." Maxwell scrambled to his feet.

Evan was about to do the same, but Gregorys' tail nudged him closer.

"Do you feel the static too?" He asked.

"Yes, bu-" Gregory cut him off.

"It feels like that in my paws, and my mouth, and chest right now. Know where else it feels like that?"

"Where I'm touching you?" He guessed.

"Yes. Stay with me, and tell me if you feel tired or sleepy or hungry. Something is different with you two here, and I want to find out."

Evan leaned on the dragon, feeling the static slowly fade. While he couldn't quite pinpoint where it felt static-y like the dragon could, he did feel static. And, while he didn't feel as tired as the dragon seemed to, he felt slowly drained. Like he could go for a nap at any moment. But, not hungry or tired. Just sleepy.


"Evan." The dragon glanced at him with concern.

"I feel the static stopping, and a bit sleepy." Scales shifted underneath him.

"Ok. As much as I love your warmth and closeness... step away a moment."

It felt like moving through molasses, and like he was magnetized to the dragon, but he managed. One step, then two, then his paws let go. Almost immediately afterwards, he felt as chipper as ever. Like he'd slept for years. The static was gone ,as well.

"You feel better?" Gregory asked, first.

"I was about to ask the same thing."

They both appeared to perk up a bit. It was a strange feeling, and Gregory looked distracted, and his paws felt seemingly random places on his body. He even sat up for a moment, and felt rather... low on his stomach.

"Don't go feeling yourself up, now." Maxwell commented, lugging the heavy bit of food out with him.

"Odd happenings. I think one of you might be a battery. Or maybe even both."

"I'm not going to pretend to understand magic. But, here's your food. It's rather frozen though." The hyena rapped on it with his knuckles. It sounded more like tapping concrete than an edible food item.

"That's fine. You thought the sparks were cool, yeah?" The dragon smirked.

"Yes..." Maxwell held the meat out.

"Set it down at the cave mouth. You're about to get a show." As revitalized as he was, he wouldn't need the cooker for this.

"Now, you'll definitely want to stand by my hind legs for this one." The dragon sat upright, motioning the two back.

"Totally going to breath fire." Evan commented.

"Actually..." A thought crossed Gregorys' mind. "Evan."


"Touch my side flank. You too, Maxwell."

"It feels all static-y though, but you don't have any fur..." The hyena commented.

"Don't worry about it. Both of you tell me how tired you are afterwards. But, for now, stay quiet once more."

Evan leaned against the dragon, and Maxwell laid a paw gingerly on the dragons' flank. Listening to the dragons' heartbeat was relaxing, but this impromptu experiment was anything but. But, he did trust the dragon, and so, he humored him.

The dragon breathed in deeply, concentrating on the energy once more. Whether they were aware of it or not, their pools felt... close to him. But, no matter how much he drained of them, it only seemed to last as long as they were touching him. This technique was very draining, and if so, they'd know it. But, that was for him to know, and for them to confirm. He cleared his throat, and breathed in deeply. The separate pools once again began to flow. They felt revitalized, propped up by the two. The currents felt a bit thicker, but with a few more blocks in the flow. All the same, it flowed around them.

He breathed. Once. Twice. And again. His mouth felt fuzzy, and far too hot to be comfortable. Embers began to flow, and fall out of it. The energy paired with his breath, but only a bit per breath. Cold, blue embers flowed out of his muzzle. The flow was more like napalm than breath, but he controlled his breath, and brought to bear on the meat. Tongue felt like it was on fire, and that was mostly because it was. But, it would be worth it.

Maxwell and Evan both watched with eager interest. The hyenas' paw felt stuck to the dragon, but he scarcely noticed. Evan leaned on the dragon, letting the larger creatures' bulk prop him up. The longer it took, the more and more sleepy he felt... The cold blue flame and eager, piercing eyes staring at the slowly cooking meat fascinated him. But, he could only hold on so long. Maxwell, on the other side, felt magnetized. But, not towards the dragon. Away from him, instead. It felt like his muscles were rebelling, but he propped himself up against the dragon.

"I know I'm not supposed to talk, but it feels like you're repelling me." Maxwell commented, using his other paw to keep his handpaw on the dragon.

The meat was slowly cooking, juices already leaking off of it. The outside was getting to be a golden brown, and Gregory tapered off the stream of magic. Using the last of it with coughing, slow spurts drained what was left. It was done, and he barely felt as tired! A heavy weight leaned against his side, and it felt like someone was poking his other flank...

"It's done. Max. How do you feel?" He glanced back, seeing the almost comical look of the hyena bracing himself against the dragon.

"Like I'm the same polarity magnet."

"Let go then."

It was an odd sensation, feeling the hyena 'disconnect'. It was like part of his pools went with it, in addition to seemingly the hyenas'. Did they have latent magic? Did everyone?

"Evan." He glanced to his other side. "Evan." He shook his side a little.

Evan slid down the side of the dragon, barely able to speak.

"Max. Get him off of me. NOW!" The dragon growled.

Maxwell panicked. What went wrong? Was there something wrong? He clambered over the dragon, ignoring proper etiquette and decorum. Seeing Evan slumped down was unsettling. But, as he yanked him away from the dragon, he came back to life with a start.

"Sorry, I was really sleepy." The wolf apologized. How long had he slept?

"Evan. Evan. Are you okay?" Even Gregory sounded panicked.

"Yeah, I'm fine? What's the matter?"

Gregorys' scales felt static underneath them. He wasn't nearly as drained, but it had seemingly taken a toll on Evan. But why? He was using his own stores... His muzzle burnt, but that could be fixed later. Right now, he focused on Evan.

"You fell asleep while attached. Not good. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes." He found his way to his feet quickly.

"I'm going to make sure. Max, again if he falls asleep." He stared at the hyena. He had no idea how handy he'd been.


Gregory laid his paws on the wolf, one on his back, another on his chest. The too-warm paws came with more static. It was a different static now, one that felt less electric, but static all the same. He let the dragon grope him through his clothes, and relaxed. It felt odd, but he let it happen. Whatever the dragon was concerned about, it was best he let him do his thing and be satisfied with it.

It took a moment or two, and the dragon adjusted his paws several times. But, eventually he withdraw them.

"You're fine, but you gave me a heart attack. Again, you're sure you feel fine?"

"Yeah. Not even sleepy right now. Feel charged and ready to go! And a little... well." If Evan could blush, he would have.

"Horny is the word you're looking for." Maxwell commented, still uncertain and uneasy.

"Hmm..." Gregory rumbled. "I'm still not sure how you recharge so quickly. But, I don't feel like I discharged at all, either..." He trailed off, lost in thought.

"So, can we not do that any more?" Maxwell sounded anxious.

"I'm fine..."

"No, no more tonight. I need to think this over some more. Maxwell."


"You feel fine, right?"


"Okay." The dragon turned his attention to the roasted meat. It was rare, exactly the way he liked it. But, was it worth it to show off?

"At least the food smells good!" Evan commented.

It broke the dragons' uneasy, anxious brooding. He found himself chuckling. And, so did Maxwell. The earlier events did nothing to quell their appetite, even if it was a bit less than he was expecting. The series of tests and experiments gave him a bit to think about though. Was what he was doing safe? Why was Maxwell repelled, and more so, why was Evan attracted? Books were only so helpful with every strain of magic being different. Dammit. It frustrated him as he tore off chunks of meat for all three of them.

"You could totally sell this in a restaurant." Maxwell commented, between large muzzle-fulls of meat.

"It's really tasty. Like, unexpectedly so." Evan threw his two bits in.

"It's just beef..." Gregory refused to believe his taste buds. Even the food tasted different!

More mysteries every time he practiced. He was already sitting on a large pile of them, anyways. Perhaps it would be best to upgrade a bit, though...

"Hey Greg."


"You weren't expecting stuff to change with people here, right?" Maxwell commented.


"Ok, so, maybe get mad at Evan or me later, but... He told me about why you live out here. What if it gets amplified if you have 'more' to draw off of?" He made airquotes around more.

A light bulb went off over the dragons' head. That would explain how he'd been able to completely restore a mashed foot when he stomped it. There were at least fifty people in that room. But, if any of them had reacted like Evan... They didn't though. He was the only one that had been exhausted.

"I see your point. But, I wouldn't get mad at you or Evan for pointing it out. It was an angle I didn't think of, though, so thank you for pointing it out."

"No prob big guy!"

Evan remained quiet, chewing his food thoughtfully. It was odd to see Gregory so worked up over his magic. And, even though he felt fine, the amount of care the dragon had shown when he'd fallen asleep... It was comforting. But, not something he wanted to experience again. Not soon, anyway. A stirring in his sheath reminded him of why he came here though.

"Mmm. Good stuff." Gregory pushed the rest away. A pile of bones grew at the mouth of the cave, the evening sun setting low.

"Didn't you mention before that you could eat a whole deer and still be somewhat peckish afterwards?"

"Yes. It's strange." He glanced at the both of them. "But, this evenings' dalliances with magic have been strange in general."

"Agreed." Maxwell nodded his assent, as well.

"But perhaps we get onto more pleasurable things now?" Evan broached the subject.

"Can if you're feeling up to it. I'm a little anxious, but still up for it, myself."

"I uh... can just hang around somewhere or something..."

Gregory grinned. "Nope. You're going to be involved somehow if you're here."

The hyena gulped. Surely the dragon didn't mean he was going to spear him on... that?

"I call dibs on his lap." Evan piped up.

Maxwell visibly relaxed. That was a close call.

"Aww, you're sure that you don't want the hyena to get a good stretching?"

"Yes. Mine. I'm sure you'll figure something out though."

Gregory rolled over a bit. The food could be put away later. Well, what little was left of it. Bones could be disposed of another time... but now was a time for a different sort of burying his bone. Already, his tip was poking out of his slit. Evan looked as hot as ever, too. His mind recalled last time they were alone... He rumbled deep in his throat. A wet dollop of pre rolled down his shaft, or what little of it was exposed.

"Damn Greg. Been holding out for me or something?" Evan teased, slowly drawing closer. Rubbing his paws all along his dragon.

"Well, I certainly haven't stopped the self-love about once a week... but recently it's been more like once every other day."

"Naughty dragon. And yet you still have so, so much more." His paws brushed the wet mess that was the dragons rod.

A zipper unzipping broke the semi-silence. Evan glanced over his shoulder. Maxwell was already stiff, and had a handpaw wrapped around his rod.

"Enjoying the show already? Well, don't just unzip. Get undressed!" Gregory suggested.

"Maybe I should do a bit of disrobing as well..." Evan tossed off his shirt.

Gregory growled appreciatively as each article of clothing came off. His earlier worries were being replaced by a much more overpowering set of thoughts and instincts. One of his eyes caught the hyena undressing hurriedly. Shedding his clothes as quickly as he could. Evan, on the other hand, teased him with each article. His pants were tossed onto the bridge of his muzzle. They were drenched in the wolfs' scent. And, unmistakable arousal as well. The pants landed at just the right place where the scents fell easily into his nose.

But, the striptease came to an end rather quickly. That just meant that there was more for the dragon to stare at, though. Maxwell had already settled back down, stroking himself slowly to the scene unfolding before him. He'd get his pleasure soon enough, if he didn't pop before the rest of them. Even if he did, Gregory would just have to give him a round two. He brought a forepaw up to his neck, tapping lightly.

"Come up here. Even if you brought lube, I prefer adding my own, too."

"Certainly doesn't hurt!"

It was a bit awkward, but Evan managed to clamber atop the dragons inky black scales. The warmth sitting beneath his pawpads oozed into his flesh. The dragon leaned forward a bit, and Evan had more than a bit of the dragons' rod still within his reach. His muzzle dropped open. It'd be a bit much fitting it all in. But... he did it once. Twice would just be another notch.

"fff-fuck this is hot." Their voyeuristic third commented.

Both of them ignored him for the moment. His tongue lashed out, softly rubbing against the dragons' spire. His reward was immediate, another hefty dollop of pre. The more, the better, because as much of that as possible was getting stuffed inside the wolf. And since he hilted it once.... The dragon let his own tongue unfurl. Thick strands of saliva fell out of his muzzle. It had been so long since he had his wolf over. It took more than a bit of restraint to not bend him over and rut him here there. Or Maxwell. Gregory doubted he'd welcome that sort of advance, though.

He maneuvered his tongue like a muscular tendril. Evan shook as the warm, wet feeling trailed along his legs. The humid air hit him even before the tongue did. The dragon licked at his legs, starting at his calves and drawing that heated, slick appendage all the way up past his tail. It left long, soaked streaks of wet fur. Truth be told, it felt relaxing, and intensely arousing. More of his own rod spilled out of its' sheath. A third lick trailed over that as well, drawing from his belly back toward the dragon. The wolf whined nasally, his sensitive shaft running over the dragons taste buds. It trailed upwards on another stroke, finally hitting his intended target.

More saliva was making his fur a mess, but he didn't care. He was too far lost in the intense arousal of the moment. Glancing over at Maxwell, it seemed he was too. Small bursts of steam floated out of his muzzle every time he panted. Knowing the hyena was watching them was more of a turn-on than he thought it'd be. But, his thoughts were shattered as the dragon applied gentle, yet firm pressure to his backside. The wet saliva on the tongue made it easy as the dragon pried him open with his thick, oral muscle.

It wasn't easy going, but it was intensely pleasurable all the same. Gregory rumbled deep in his throat, and the electric sensation traveled through his tongue ,and into Evan. He panted heavily, basking in the filling, slick sensations inside him. But, he didn't forget about the dragon underneath him. That thick spire popped into his muzzle, eliciting a rumbling groan from the scaled beast. Each inch he managed to work into the wolf was an inch hard-won. The wolf was tense, but he'd fix that soon enough.

Maxwell watched from the sidelines. While he usually wasn't one to just... watch, this was an altogether different experience. Watching Evan let the dragon have at him, and submitting fully... He lightly stroked himself, not eager to finish first. While Evan was getting to be more and more of a mess, Maxwell certainly wasn't any cleaner. Pre made every stroke all the more pleasurable. And hearing the two go at it was... Well. It was hot.

Evans' throat stretched as the dragon gently rolled his body up. The gentle pressure pushed the thick rod deep into his throat. It took a bit of relaxing, but he managed. Of course, the longer it went on, the more of the dragons' pre would help in that regard. And, with the way his tongue was pushing into, and out of him, he had no doubts he'd want the main course, and soon. The wolfs' tail flicked as the dragon found a particularly sensitive spot. A thin shot of pre splattered across his scales. Already, Evans' knot was beginning to form.

The dragon was more than content to sit there and drill Evan with his tongue all year. But, he also wanted a bit more than the wolfs' muzzle. It was nice, and tight, and all sorts of stimulating... but there was something about how the wolf took him that was so much better. One last, deep thrust, and he paused for a moment. Only long enough for the wolf to question what he was doing. But, that was answered as he slowly drew his wet, slick tongue out of that well-eaten backside. His saliva made a mess of his fur, and just as much got deposited inside, if not more.

"Hmmmm... Time to move on?" Gregory suggested, his voice thick and rumbling.

Evan let the meaty rod pop out of his muzzle, his lungs already burning from both exertion, and lust.


"Now would be the time to grab your lube. Even if I rather enjoyed adding my own, a bit more wouldn't hurt."

Maxwell was closest to his pile of clothes and equipment in general. Evan wasn't expecting the off-green pack to be tossed at him. But, he caught it anyway.

"Well, aren't you the handy wingman." The dragon commented.

"Nothing but helpful!" The hyena had a wide, toothy grin, and hadn't missed a beat.

Evan ignored the two for the moment. One unzip later, and the admittedly rather large bottle was in paw. It caught more than a few curious glances from the other two.

"Never thought I'd be using the dragon-sized bottle of lube with a dragon, heh." Evan chuckled.

Even Maxwell chuckled a bit. Gregory just made a bit more room, pushing away the discarded saddle. Things were about to get a little bit messy, and it simply wouldn't do to stain his new equipment just yet. As distracted as he was pushing that away, the cold, slick sensation of lube on his rod made him wince a bit.

"Sorry." Evan apologized.

"It's f-fine..." Gregory shivered at the cold sensation on such a sensitive, hot piece of his body.

Evan spared no expense, adding the messy lube, and working it in with both of his paws. With the mess before, and the added lube, the dragon had a wet sheen on his rod now. Almost looked like a polished statue. Even with all the lube on his rod, he saw Evan work some inside himself as well. Seeing the wince and shiver on his muzzle made the dragon grin a bit. Perhaps next time he'd warm it first.

Maxwell watched the two, both of his hand-paws rather occupied with himself. But, his eyes were quite ready for the feast about to unfold. However, his ears flicked when the dragon growled a bit.

"Well, Maxwell. You didn't want to have a spin... but perhaps I could interest you in something else?" He let his muzzle fall open, showing off his slightly off-white teeth.

"Maybe... "The hyena was shy with the sudden attention.

"Get over here then!" Evan stroke the dragon slowly, noting the slickness.

Maxwells' tail wagged involuntarily. Whatever the dragon had in mind had to be better than just watching the two. Maybe it was his paws? But with the way he showed off his muzzle, the hyena was unsure.

"I see you eying up my paws, but perhaps you'd enjoy my muzzle a bit more?"

"I mean, it's all fine with me." Maxwell shrugged. In all honesty, he'd rather the dragon chose for him.

Evan was too preoccupied with not slipping on the dragons' wet, messy scales. Even so, his paws never left the dragons' hot, thick, and far too slippery rod. The saying 'never can have enough lube' may not have applied to dragons. Especially not with all of the previous lube being applied. All the same, his paws pointed the rock-hard rod right where he wanted it. He lowered himself carefully, and slowly. Initially, it felt like he was sitting on a bar stool with a tiny seat pad, but, eventually, the pressure opened him up.

Maxwell almost stumbled a bit, watching Evan lower himself onto the dragon. Even with the dragon watching the hyena intently, he couldn't help but stroke himself a bit as he walked. It may have only taken a few moments, but it felt like an eternity. It wasn't until he bumped into the dragons still-open muzzle did he even notice how far he'd walked. The impact broke his hypnotic stare, only for him to turn his muzzle and be staring right into the dragons maw.

"Ohmygoddon'teatme." The words ran together as he apologized.

"Only if you wanted me to. But, banish your thoughts of that, I'm too full to even consider it." Gregory rambled on.

"Okaaaay..." The hyena laid his paws on the dragons muzzle, feeling the finer scales there.

"Relax. I'm here to show you and Evan a go- hrrr- A good time." The dragon growled as Evan sunk lower onto him.

Maxwell tentatively grasped his rod, and pointed it into the dragons' muzzle. It looked so incredibly unsafe, but exhilarating all the same. Of course, any thoughts of anything were blotted from his brain when the dragon dragged his tongue along the hyenas' rod. The large jaws slowly hinged shut, sealing him into incredibly hot wetness. The wet sounds of Evan dropping onto the dragon reached his ears, but he was too far distracted to focus on anything but himself.

Evan felt stretched, at first, but with the dragon remaining stone-still, he adjusted quickly. His brain left him with no doubts that Gregory was a LARGE dragon, but still small enough that he could take it. But, with him being large, he scraped, pressed against, and rubbed all the right places inside the wolf. It was ecstasy.

Feeling the wolf stretch around him, and greedily take all he could handle was intense for the dragon. Adding the interesting sensation of Maxwell slowly wriggling back and forth in his maw added texture to the distraction. All the same, he wasn't one to disappoint. He let Evan do as he wished, and remained as still as he could. It wasn't quite time to rut him into the ground, not yet at least. But, what he was getting now was every bit an amazing substitute. His lips pursed a bit as he began gently suckling on the hyena. While the dragon was no bottom, it could be an interesting sort of pleasure from time to time. His muzzle was far more open to these experiences, anyway.

Maxwell was a mess. Watching the wolf with quick glances, only for his eyes to dart back to the dragon. And with the dragon doing his worst on his rod, it was amazing he didn't pop instantly. His knot felt overfilled, begging to be stuffed inside something, or someone. The dragon took it without a single qualm, drawing it into his maw. Inside it, the dragon used his tongue to add even more to the experience. It felt like he was on fire, and shivering at the same time. Electric sensations traveled through the hyena. Mixed arousal, lust, and a tiny sliver of fear flowed through his mind. All of them combined to make a heady cocktail of pleasure.

Evan dipped down as low as he could each and every time. The lube was doing its' job very well. Almost too well, it reduced the textured feeling inside him, but that didn't matter. Less of that feeling, in exchange for even more of a filling, stretched feeling. It drove the wolf mad with determination, and lust. He'd hilt this dragon again. His paws searched for the dragons' forepaws, gripping them firmly. Kneading at the soft flesh on the underside of them, between the pads. The dragon gripped back, gently. A small twinge of pain as his fur finally met scale. But, it subsided quickly. However, the response from the dragon was immediate.

It was all he could do to not rut the wolf right then and there. He felt so close to letting loose inside the wolf. So very, very close. His forepaws gripped the wolfs' own, giving him a pair of handles to work himself downwards those last few inches. The hyena yanked his knot out of the dragons muzzle, and pushed it back inwards. Every fiery moment felt like he was going to explode. The pressure building inside him just confirmed it. But, when the wolf finally took him to the root, his reaction was immediate.

Evan felt the dragon pulse inside him. As deep as the stiff rod was inside him, it was a surprise he didn't see a bulge already. But, with the rhythmic sensations inside him, there may just be one in the next few moments. One of his paws relinquished his death grip on the dragons'. His own knot popped free of its' sheath. Just a little bit more... He got up a bit, feeling the dragons' length stop filling him. Only to drop back down moments later. The wolf fucked himself onto the rod, tugging gently at his own. Every deep stroke brought him closer, and feeling the first spurt of many work its' way up the thick spire of meat embedded inside him... It was more than enough. His legs shook, and so did the dragons' body.

Paws found their way to Evan, gripping his legs in an iron vice. Gregory felt like he was on fire, his orgasm hit him so roughly. It bowled his rational mind over, and drove him to roll his hips into the wolf. With him on his back, there was only so much the dragon could do, but he felt each and every pressurized jet. His seed roped into the wolf, adding to the mess already there. Evan moaned wantonly, more than welcoming it. The wolfs' seed splattered against his chest, but paled in comparison to the dragons' own. Spurt after spurt shot into the wolf, more than a bit of it only coming right back out. Even with his rod plugging his tight entrance.

Maxwell groaned, feeling the dragon almost vibrate in pleasure. His own rod was so close that it took one, maybe two more strokes before he joined the party. With the couple in front of him already in the throes of orgasm, he joined them. Short, sharp thrusts punctuated each of his jets of hyena jizz. The dragon rumbled, whether from taste, appreciation, or distraction he didn't know. What he did know, was that the rest of the world didn't exist. Only the cave, his cock, Evan, and the dragon. Especially the dragon. His eye screwed shut, and his muzzle scowled as he unloaded his pent-up stress and frustration. Just watching the two was an experience in and of itself, but this? This was something altogether better, and even more interesting. And the most satisfying thing he'd shared in, in quite some time.

They were done. Exhausted, and well-satisfied. Even Maxwell had no qualms. Evan was still plugged with the dragon stuck deep inside him. Stomach a little more rounded than usual, too. Warm feelings emanated from his lower stomach. And warmth flowed off of the dragon in spades. Well, they had been enjoying each other for quite some time... His ears flicked, hearing the dragon rumble softly. The drake was as satisfied as he was going to get, too, apparently. Another noise, more muffled reached his ears. Something had triggered his push notifications from his phone. Probably an email. It could wait a while, though.

It beeped again, but all three of them were far too sleepy and tired to bother. Even the hyena was laying down, propped up against the dragon. A bit of mess matted his fur, but he couldn't care less. It had been an enjoyable evening. The last vestiges of light filtered through the cave mouth, adding a warm ambiance to the already comfortable scene.

"Hey Evan, just dug out my laptop and checked my email! As was plenty obvious by the message, heh. But, anyway, I'm up at a spring a ways out of Mianka, and business has been booming! Also met a new... companion? Friend? Lover-friend? Don't know what to call them. We've been having a lot of fun here. I'm still a bit busy with freelancing, but it's been going better. But, enough about me. How has it been going for you? I know you went on that hiking trip that you told me about beforehand. And what with falling down the mountain and all. How'd recovery from that go?

Meet anyone new? No rush to reply, though! I know from the college website that you're off from classwork for a week or two, so enjoy it! Anyway, keeping it short and simple since we're enjoying the amenities. Enjoy your week!

P.S. Managed to snap a shot of the both of us together. It's attached below. He says it's cute, but I dunno? Yes, it's a he. Weird. Lovely guy though."

Of course, it wasn't until much later that Evan would get to read it. Besides, with the way the dragon was snoring, he was as wiped as the rest of them. Perhaps round two would happen later. A smile crossed his muzzle as he fell asleep. It went a lot better than he expected. A bit different sort of dinner with friends, but a likable, enjoyable one. He was snoozing far before Maxwell even dozed off. Gregory, being the pile of scales he was, made as good a bed as any for the both of them.


(Hey! Yeah, you! I'd appreciate it greatly if you helped me out by voting in my poll!


Whether you did or not, thanks! A year is a bit long for a series update, but it happens sometimes. As per usual, though, vote, fav, comment and watch! Another episode of Evan and Gregory's hijinks entertained you, I'd hope. Again, thanks for reading my works! Enjoy your morning/afternoon/evening/night!)