One More Hit [Trade]

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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I actually finished this story quite a while ago, but some stuff came up and couldn't work on his part... but everything's good now!

I've gotta run to school soon, so I'll copy over what i put for the FA upload:

Subject was a little odd for me 'cause - fun fact: I've tried smoking weed more than a few times (yes, with different techniques, and yes, I hit hard enough and held long enough) and have never quite felt anything off of it. So all of the feelings and responses here are based off of what my brother and friends always did and said they felt when high. So some of it might be a bit off. oh well.

check out my patreon:

and I'll be uploading the art he did soon!

Damian had woken up this morning to a familiar soreness beneath his tail and two different arms draped over his body. Fresh memories of what had gone on the previous day illuminated and guided his dreams: scenarios of being pushed down onto all fours, of having a soft sheath beneath his tail with the end slickened with saliva to provide easy lube, of being released from his weeklong chastity to soon have a tongue slipped into his own sheath, and then that and a pair of lips bringing him to the edge of an orgasm - but just not quite...

And then that cage had been locked back around his sheath and he'd been kept plugged up for the night, "since all foxes should be ready for action at a moment's notice", his master had told him while sliding the plug under his tail. It was of a fair size, small for their usual play, because anything too large overnight would leave him too loose in the morning; and, even with this one he'd had a bit of trouble getting to sleep, as each little movement and repositioning caused a sweet pleasure to ripple through him and almost made him moan out.

When he'd awoken, he actually had to scratch a small track of dried pre off of the front of his cage, which he'd noticed after slipping into an apron to cook breakfast for his master, Eithen, as well as Eithen's mate. After smoking more than a few bowls last night alone, this morning would be the first time in about fifteen hours that he'd had a head clear enough to recognize that he could make pancakes with whatever was scattered around in the kitchen. Perhaps he'd just gotten used to the cloying scent of weed that hovered around all corners of the house - it had made his eyes scrunch pleasantly up a little when he'd first arrived - but the smell of cooking pancakes hit him easily as soon as he'd poured the batter into the pan.

Damian made no real attempt to keep his cooking quiet; after all, Eithen would be a little upset with him if he woke up to a cold breakfast. Displeasing his master - a tall, stern husky, snow-white fur and juicy reddish-pink cock - was hit-or-miss when it came to rewards: sometimes the punishment would be a little longer spent in his cage while Damian got pounded into the mattress, and sometimes it meant he wouldn't be allowed to cum at all (though it often happened anyway, even _with_the cage on). Last night had been fairly exhausting, at least for the fox, so he wanted Eithen as well as his mate James to have a good meal to eat.

After finishing the first stack and sliding it onto a plate, Damian turned to pad across the kitchen to get the butter from the refrigerator - but halfway there ended up feeling someone's paw firmly gripping his rump. Surprised, he stopped in his tracks and almost dropped the pan, but another paw came out and steadied his, and then he felt a muzzle press against his neck from behind.

"Look at you, being a good fox..." cooed James, Eithen's mate. He was a raccoon, and a bit shorter than Damian, so he likely had to stand up on his tiptoes to nuzzle the fox's neck. Damian leaned over and pressed back against him - and this time felt the raccoon's paw descend down his rump towards the plug wedged under his tail. Fingers drummed on it, again and again. "How's this doing, then, hm?" -and he gripped the plug, gave it a little twist, tugged it out-

Damian breathed in a small gasp and almost dropped the pan at the feeling that shivered through him. Cool air beneath his tail, slightly stretched... while he was regaining control of his breathing, James swirled his tongue around a finger in his mouth and then pressed it up into the fox's tailhole, which clenched weakly around it.

"Good," the racoon murmured, and dug it in further. Damian shivered again; after all of his experience, fingers were neither the most pleasurable thing nor the most challenging, but a well-placed one still made him moan, and James certainly knew the right places. "You're not too stretched out. He'd have my tail, in more than one way, if we picked something too big for you... but, just to be safe..." Another finger traced briefly around the ridged rim before sinking in beside the other. Damian reached out and let the pancake pan clatter against the kitchen counter in dropping it there. "...I'll have to be careful with you."

Damian flicked his tongue out over his lips and swallowed. What with two fingers plunged up to the knuckle in him, his cage had started to feel a little tight again. "Careful?" he managed, through clenched teeth; the relative ease with which those fingers slid out of and pushed back into him let the both of them know just how 'well-prepared' he was, though some resistance did remain.

Hell, half the fun of getting fucked lay in being able to feel the cock pull out of him, being able to grind back against whoever was topping him at that time and have to put in effort to touch his rump to their hips. And then there was also having the weight of their body press down onto his back if they fucked him from behind, or the tight feeling of being bent over himself when they railed him on his back with his legs pushed up towards his head-

Without warning, James slid his two fingers all the way back out of Damian and then grinded up under his tail, a firm warmth pulsing behind the fabric of his boxers. That was all that he and Eithen had slept in last night, while Damian had remained in his chastity cage after he'd been led to a forced orgasm, thanks to this same raccoon who now humped against his stretched tailhole. About halfway through the night (though it was hard to tell when 'the night' began, thanks to the haze of smoke that had hovered around the room and the warping in his sense of time that came as a result of the smoke), Damian had been awoken by a firm weight on his chest and warm, supple skin draped over his nose - and had opened his eyes to find Damian's sack resting over the end of his muzzle with his sheath, just barely showing pink, waiting above.

But, that wasn't relevant to the current situation, and besides, the rough ache of having a hard husky cock pound repeatedly against the back of his throat had gone away already. Now there just lingered a ghost of soreness beneath his tail from the multiple poundings that had taken yesterday, magnified by over a week of having gone without any action, though that seemed less and less important the more firmly James pushed against him. Then, with a quick movement of his paw, the raccoon tugged the waistband of his boxers down and pushed the end of his length against Damian's waiting tailhole.

Just slightly slickened up by the saliva from his fingers, Damian could feel the rim of James's foreskin press against the rim of his tailhole, roll back a little, resist movement, roll back a little more... and then came the sweet, familiar sensation of having a thick cock sink into him, different from a plug being kept under his tail. He leaned forward and braced his paws on the edge of the counter, at the same time pressing back another half-inch onto the raccoon; James reciprocated the action and pushed in just a little further before starting to tug back out, just at the right distance and speed to make Damian shiver again and clench around him. He felt his foreskin rolling back to cover his head, and then again came the resistance of it pulling back as he pushed back into him...

The scent of the pancakes had dwindled and been gradually replaced by a combination of the raccoon's natural scent, his musk, and the aroma of weed; he must've taken at least two hits before coming out here. That scent in itself only further heightened Damian's arousal and made his cage twitch with the attempts of his cock to press free from his sheath - and James knew it, too; after hilting in the fox, hips pressed up against his rump, the raccoon reached a paw around and ran his thumb over the hole at the end of Damian's cage, out of which a small amount of pre already dripped.

"Christ, talk_about being a fox..." he cooed, and wiped his thumb off in Damian's bellyfur. The fox churned his hips on him, breath shallow in his throat. "Jam two fingers and then a cock into you, and you're _already leaking. Eithen chose well when he decided to take you in as his pet. You're as good on a leash as you are on a cock, and if something gets into you - such as disobedience, rebellion, whatever - all we have to do is get you one toke. Yeah?"

Here, James tugged back and then slammed his hips forward, with enough force to push a moan out from between the fox's lips. "Yeah," the raccoon went on, "that's right. Otherwise, and he was talking to me about this yesterday before your arrival: we can get you locked up, paws tied behind your back, keep that nice mouth of yours open with a ring gag... and then tease you. Naughty puppies need better training, right? Eithen can stand right in front of you, pawing off, not even an inch away so you're forced to smell his shaft and sheath, his pre, his musk - and then with me under your tail, but you're not allowed to lean forward and lick him, or move down and fuck yourself on me. That would only prolong the time you're in this cage of yours." He grabbed the cage again and shook it, providing enough pressure to make Damian shudder yet again and leak out another drop of pre. "How does that sound? Since we only see you on the weekends, maybe we can save that for tomorrow - or next time, if we get distracted. See how long you can go with one cock in front of your muzzle and one a half-inch inside your rump before you either cum from anticipation or give into lust."

"Yes... sir," Damian managed, still churning his hips deep on the raccoon. James hadn't pulled out again since he had first sank into the fox, apart from that rather fierce thrust to get him to stop wriggling. By continuing, he hoped to earn another similar thrust.

Right before he spoke again, though - his mouth already hung half-open, as it usually did when he had a cock six inches inside him - there was the soft tack, tack of claws on the tile from the other side of the room, and he looked over to see Eithen approaching the pair, the snow-white fur covering his body revealed in its entirety. In one paw he carried a bong, haphazardly angled so that the weed wouldn't roll out of the bowl, while he clutched a small brass lighter in the other; pale wisps of smoke hovered out of his nostrils, like a pair of lazy ghosts.

"How's he feel, James?" were the first words out of the husky's mouth, though he looked like he was heading straight for the fox in which James was still buried.

"Good..." the raccoon drawled, and lifted up to squeeze just slightly further into him. "Not too loose; just enough so that sliding into him... isn't much of a challenge..."

"Might be a little bit more of a challenge for me, though. You're thick, though, but not quite as thick as me, James." Eithen placed the mouth of the bong against Damian's half-parted lips and flipped the lighter, holding the flame just above the bowl. "Ready?"

The difference between a bong and anything else was that smoke doesn't trickle up your throat when you're unprepared. Damian closed the gap, let out the last of the air in his lungs through his nose, closed his eyes, started sucking in through the bong... the familiar heavy, musty taste of fresh bed washed over his tongue like a many-tentacled thing, lightly taunting, intoxicating. It carried a hint of... fruit, too, some sort of... berry... his muzzle bounced against the lip of the glass with each small movement from the raccoon behind him. At the last moment, Eithen tugged the bowl out of it, and Damian sucked in the last of the smoke and held it for a moment.

"Good, huh?" The husky rolled the little metal bowl around between his fingers, careful to keep the product upright. It fizzled and smoked faintly, muted moss-green tinged with purple and embellished with bright orange glowing embers. "It's some 'Blue Dream' blueberry hybrid I picked up off some otter during the week. Very nice. Was saving it for today..." And with that he continued around the pair towards the table, scraping the chair out across the floor and sitting down in it a moment later. "Who made the pancakes?"

James was the one to reply. "Damian right here. Isn't he a good pup?"

"Mhmm. A good pup, indeed - one who deserves a good fucking. Have your fun, James. Make him moan. Think you can get him to cum through that cage of his?"

"I'll try, Master..."

Whatever smoky breath Damian still held between his lips was forcefully pushed out when James drew out and then slammed back into him again, also making the padlock hanging from the lower front of his chastity cage rattle. He did it again, and this time earned a low, breathy moan; after, the raccoon started a slow but deep rhythm in the fox, burying himself to the hilt in him before drawing back, all the way to the tip so that his foreskin covered his head again, in preparation to sink back in.

"The pancakes are good..." Eithen mused, paying alternating attention to his meal and to his bong. Every now and then Damian would hear the bubbling of the water take over the clinking of silverware on the plate. "...hey hon, d'you think he'd eat it if we bent him over it and made him empty his load on it? Are there any more?"

"Those are..." Damian swallowed, jaw hanging open from the sensation of a thick cock sliding in and out of him. His mouth felt wetter than usual, probably in part due to getting fucked and in part from having just inhaled that rather aromatic weed. "...the only ones I-I made..."

"Ah. Shame. Guess it'll have to wait 'til later. Oh yeah, James - if you're gonna cum, go ahead and do it deep in him. I'll let him ride you out, then choke on my cock a little, and then pound 'im myself."

"Yes, sir," and James kicked up the pace of his thrusts a step. Damian now bent further over so that his head hung between his arms and his rump stuck out for the raccoon to thrust into; James kept one paw on the fox's hip and brought the other around to rub his sack. He had a bit of a habit of clenching around whoever topped him to make it feel even better for both of them, especially now when he'd been deliberately loosened up overnight.

"Turn to the side," called Eithen from the table. "Put on a show for your lovely master."

"C'mon, pup..." James growled into Damian's ear, before following the order. He slid out of the fox for a brief moment and pushed him over to the adjacent counter; wanting to be an obedient puppy, Damian places his paws against the counter, spread his legs, and lifted his tail again, and breathed in a low, shuddering gasp when the raccoon's cock sank back into him again. Then, also from the husky while he ate:

"Fuck him hard, James. Make him moan like the bitch he is. Forget what I said about trying to make him cum - he's here to please us, and he knows it."

"You know you're here for that, fox, and..." James leaned in close to Damian's ear as he spoke, starting to thrust even faster. Damian knew that if he hadn't worn the plug all night, fucking like this would leave him rough and sore - already a gentle slapping could be heard with each time James's hips collided with the fox's rear. "...and you like it, too. Isn't that right? You come over so you can suck on a blunt and then on a dick."

Being high usually made Damian just want to be fucked even more. He couldn't really explain it, but it just came along with the wave of relaxation that washed over him after taking a hit or two, a crest of arousal on top of the pleasant buzz rippling through his body... that one hit from the bong was hardly enough to get him high, but he could still feel its effects. It would be out-of-place for him to ask for another, though. James was right: Damian was the service pup. He was here to be used, and he loved it.

"Mm..." James's breath caught in his throat and started to come faster and louder with the movement of his hips. Damian pushed back against him, intentionally positioning his leg so that Eithen could get as full a view of the action as possible. Having a thick cock repeatedly slam into him, even though he remained locked up, still made warm pleasure bolt through him as if he were hard and riding of his own accord...

Past this, it didn't take the raccoon long to finish. Damian felt it coming by the tightening of the paw on his hip, and the movement of the other paw to his belly - and James grunted, bent him a little bit further over, buried himself in him and just churned his hips in him... and then let out a low shuddering gasp and shoved in a few more times, each one with a throb of his shaft under the fox's tail accompanied by a small warmth blossoming inside of him.

James remained hilted in the fox for a short time after, probably waiting for the last of his cum to ooze out; then, pulling in a breath, he tugged backwards out of Damian and slumped against the wall. Damian just angled his rump towards Eithen, still at the table, and waved his tail. He could feel the raccoon's load dripping down the back of his sack.

"That's a good pup." Hearing his master's praise always made his tail wag. "While James is catching his breath, why don't you come over here? Under the table, where you belong."

Of course he obeyed - to disobey would be wrong, after all - and crawled beneath the table, paying no mind to the kiss of the cool tile floor against the pads of his fingers. White-furred legs spread apart for him, and the husky scooted closer to the edge of the chair until his soft-furred sack hung over the edge; Damian was just about to lean forward to nuzzle up against it when the bong came into his field of view.

"Hit this," the husky said from above the table, "'til you can feel it. It's strong stuff - shouldn't take long. But I want you to breathe that smoke out around my cock, y'hear?"

And again, he obeyed. Damian put his mouth to the end of the bong again, flipped the lighter open, held it above the bud until it fizzed and crackled and smoke - and he pulled the sweet smoke in, slowly, tasting the berry that seemed as closely entwined with the flavor as the natural taste of weed. After hitting it once, he leaned forward, ran his nose up along the side of his master's sheath - Eithen's reddish-pin cock stood about two inches out of it, half-aroused - and flicked his tongue into it against the base of the husky's cock, letting the cool smoke billow out around it.

The taste of skunky blueberry mixed with morning musk... after swirling his tongue around the end of Eithen's length and urging him a little further out of his sheath, the fox retreated to take another drag off the bong. It still had a few more hits before it'd be cashed... he took long, slow draws, swallowed the smoke down, felt its smooth energy radiate out through his body and dampen his nerves and thoughts, and then breathed it back out over the twitching cock in front of his nose. Soon the beginnings of an unswollen knot throbbed at the base of that length, and Damian made sure to circle his tongue beneath the tight muscle to tease it out.

"Good puppy..." A paw came down and scratched behind his ears, in part pushing him more firmly down onto the bong one last time. The spice of bitter char followed this one, letting him know the bowl had been taken to its limit; he set it to the side and dived down on his master's length, now fully hard and oozing a small bit of pre from the end. Then, to the raccoon: "James, why don't you go join us and get high? There's still a fair amount of Blue Dream on the nightstand - go hit that..."

There was just something about being used for this, about giving pleasure to his master while the husky focused on or did something else, that made it so much better for Damian. He kept his lips tight around the canid cock and made sure to flick his tongue over the slick, rich-tasting surface, warm flesh throbbing with each heartbeat and each little spurt of pre. The tingling ghost of blueberry on his tongue also only made it more interesting, mixing with the heated and admittedly more familiar taste of cock-

-and then Eithen's paw tightened on the back of his head and pushed him down, down, so that his nose almost came to be buried in the husky's rough pubic fur, his descent stopped by the bulge of the knot against his lips. Damian wriggled his tongue out against the bulging flesh, licked along the side, around the bulge; he felt his master's resultant shiver of pleasure, followed by him leaning back in the chair and spreading his legs further apart, and continued.

The effect of the weed on him not only relaxed his thoughts, but also his body: after slowly bobbing along the husky's length, Damian adjusted his angle and slid down a little further, pulling the bulge of his knot past his lips and relaxing at the tapered tip pushed against the back of his throat, tried to press down further, slid along in his muzzle... and then, unkempt white fur tinted with the scent of arousal tickled his nostrils, and he found he couldn't descend any further.

"'f only I hadn't sent James off..." Eithen rumbled, lifting his hips up into his pup's throat. Damian started to pull back, but instead of retreating entirely off of it, moved back so that only the husky's tip remained between his lips and then started bobbing on him again in a slow rhythm. "Woulda been nice to have him down here under you for you to sit down. Fun for both of you: you can't ride him, and he can't fuck you... can only sit on 'im."

"Yes, Master." Damian ran his tongue up along the underside of Eithen's cock.

"I was thinking out loud; you had no permission to speak." To enforce his command, the husky tugged Damian's head back down along his length and held him in place while he thrust up into the fox's muzzle. Under the table with his cock between my lips - just where I belong.

Damian could feel himself twitching against the restrictive enclosure of his cage, and when he reached a paw down to fondle his sack, the feeling sent a shiver up his back. He so, _so_wanted to cum, but knew that he wasn't allowed, which only made him want it more. Last night he'd been pushed through at least one forced orgasm, thanks to James pounding him over the bed... if there had been more following that, he didn't really remember. Eithen had set out a fist-sized cache of pot for the night, and near about two in the morning only a few small nugs remained. Most of the night was likely lost to that.

Leaking pre all out along the front of his cage, thanks to James first sinking under his tail, and then with his master Eithen now thrusting up into his muzzle, over his tongue, against the back of his throat - almost constantly pulling him back down into his pubic fur so that the husky's scent, rich and familiar, remained in his nose with each inhalation.

The cool, smooth aroma of blueberry weed hovering on the back of his tongue from the bong, almost numbing his senses and effectively relaxing him... it came only as a slight surprise when the husky suddenly started lifting up more forcefully into his muzzle and then, with a low grunt and a tightening of his paw on the back of the fox's head, shot out a few ropes of thick cum into the back of his throat, which the service fox gladly swallowed down. Then, he remained down on his master's length, feeling the last of the husky's seed ooze out onto the back of his tongue; he brought a paw up, closed a finger and thumb around the base of Eithen's length beneath his knot, and gently tugged, wishing to draw out all of his reward.

Eithen's paw on the back of his head didn't move, either. Certainly by now the husky had finished his breakfast, and now just leaned back in his chair with his legs spread and cock all of eight inches between the lips of a dutiful pet, twitching in squeezing out the last of his load. Because of this, Damian found himself forced to continue to breathe Eithen's musk, making him only shiver with anticipation even more and throb in his cage; when his master finally released him, he drew slowly back up, nuzzled underneath the husky's warm sack, let out a light huff...

Then James's voice carried over from the other side of the room: "Fuck, that stuff hits smooth..."

"Ah! You're just in time." Eithen scooted the chair back and tugged Damian up, then bent him over the table. The fox stretched out, lifted his tail, and spread his legs. "C'mere, James. Ready to go again?"

Between the raccoon's fingers hung a rather well-rolled blunt. He brought it to his lips and took another drag off of it before stepping over. "Hell yeah I am..."

"Keep that tail raised, pup," commanded Eithen, "while I go find your collar and the handcuffs. Do whatever James tells you."

As the husky left the room, Damian felt James press down onto him and angle his cock towards his already-used tailhole. "Right now," purred the raccoon, "I'm telling you to hold still and be as loud as you want..."