That Scent Acts II and III

Story by Structure on SoFurry

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#1 of That Scent

I hope you enjoy this. Be warned though, I haven't proofread it yet. Be careful, the typos may be dangerous.

As the lights come back on, the characters are looking at eachother. One in dominance, the other, totally and helplessly intimidated, but he wouldn't let it show. (Our young wolf is quite the actor, both not letting the dragon know his true feelings, but letting the audience have full view.)

The boy starts.

"It isn't illegal for me to buy those."

"Yes, but it's more than illegal to use them."

Our boy wolf plays the role of a clever fellow. From the start, he had alterior motives, and was just going the roundabout way to ensure he got what he wanted, the first of such a display we will soon witness. Bear in mind though, that his fear of the dragon is real, as are his tremblings, his whimperings, and his fitful sighings.

"Isn't it dangerous not to use them?" The black wolf grinned as he spoke, bolstered in confidence by his cunning, and he waits to see the reaction from the beast, now that he's striked.

"Yeah, but I....Well....Hmm..." the dragon offered, stammering. But lo! then reverted to his same stoic disposition, with one change. A grin had snuck its way onto the face of Allen. The same grin the young wolf was just wearing.

"Very well. I'll sell them to you. Tell me first though, who are you going to use them for."

"That's none of your business!" the wolf blurted.

But calm as a stone came, "Then I'll just be taking these back."

"Wait! You can't--"

"Why not?" the tall Allen interrupted. "It's not such a big deal, I just want to know."

Now the boy takes a step back to balance himself. He was defeated, and mostly embarrassed. All he could do was to stammer out an "I-I hadn't planned that far yet," and hang his head down low, as if to stare into the heart of the world.

His brooding was cut short however, by a roar of laughter. Wait, laughter? The boy was sure the adult would scold him, then angrily send him out, but instead...

"(Beween breaks of dragon sized giggles and chuckles) You tell went through all that trouble when you didn't even want to use them?"

"No. I do want to use them," the adolescent defended.

"Oh? With who?"



The dragon's jaws drop, his eyes widen, his stance unbalances, and the curtains fall for the intermission.

The lights come back on, and various other furs exited the main theatre for a drink, or a smoke, or a piss, or what have you. You joined the massive river of bodies, and lumbered your way towards the butt end of the building. Quite short you are, and slender too. But your cheetah's legs could carry you faster than most, and you're proud of that. You reflect on the play while starring and your bare feet. One moving. Then the other. Then the first. Then the next. Then the "Hello!" Wait what? You look up and around, and notice the tall Siberian Husky who was sitting next to you during the play. Then you notice his unbuttoned shirt and bare feet. Ah, he's like you. Bare it better anyway. It means you get a good view of a defined husky's chest, and broad feet and toes and oh no! you're rambling again. And the dog was talking too. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" The tall one laughed a good hearty laugh and then asked, "What did you think of the play so far?" "Oh," you start, "It's good so far, that wolf is a good actor." "You know," the Husky continues, "When we stand close to eachother like this," he pulls you close, and presses you against him for emphasis, "We kind of resemble the two actors. Don't you think?" "Uh...Erm, yeah. I guess." You tried to answer more clearly, but you're distracted my some sort of pressure on your neck, coming from the the tall dog behind you. "I just meant," he goes on, "that you're short, I'm tall, I'm a bit muscular, you're a bit...feminine," he said feminine a little slowly. And you respond, "Maybe, but I'm much shorter compared to you than the wolf to the dragon. He goes up to the dragon's chest, I only come up to your..." You turn around to size yourself up, and you're meeted with a friendly bulge, "...your um...belly." He laughs again, "Haha, yes, you're a bit shorter aren't you?" and with a deeper slower voice, "I don't mind that though." He turns you around by your shoulders and ushers you further in the advancing line. As you near the door the two of you part, but not before you hear, "Nice meeting you. My name's Matt." You turn and see his eyes are closed and he's grinning pretty wide, "Oh. Yes. My name's Brandon."

You scurried off and do what ever it is you were wont to do during an intermission. You get back to the seat before Matt does, and there are less furs in the theatre now that they know more about the kind of play this is. When Matt comes back, he strafes in from between the rows of seats that sandwich him. You pull your legs up to your chest as he passes and you "Hi" and then he goes "Hi" back at you before sitting down one seat over from you. Then in one swift movement, he lifts up his large legs and plops his paws up on the seat in front of the two of you. Now you have a good view of the stage, and some husky feet. You start staring at them, until the lights go down, and the curtains come up. It's time to start Act III: The Wolf Learns.

The lights come back on. The scene is of the store, now closing, all dark and empty, with only two moving shapes within. The First, our friend Allen; tall, dark, handsome, strong, and handsome. The second, the mysterious newcomer; young, nervous, and excited.

The dragon was at a loss for words. This teen just asked for him to do the unthinkable, a teen he'd never seen before too. But, no. Wait. Now that he thought about it, he had seen the teen before. He'd come in often, linger about, then buy something stupid like a bag of chips or a key ring or a lighter. Now Allen's curiosity had been sparked.

"Have I seen you in here before?"

The wolf answered, "No, um...I mean, maybe."

"Maybe?" Allen pressed.

And the wolf responded, "Well, I may have come in here a couple times before. Just for a drink. Maybe admire the view..." The wolf kept talking but Allen ignored him and thought to himself, "The view? What is he talking about? Whatever view you could get of the city, you'd see a lot more of it elsewhere. Unless....unless he wasn't talking about the city."

Now Allen spoke, cutting the wolf off from his ramblings; "So are you sure you want to take me for a ride?"

The wolf just gasp and stared with his mouth slightly agape. Pretty soon you could see his skin flush where the fur was thin near his nose and eyes, but especially on his ears. All the wolf said, and very quietly, so much so that it was almost a whisper, "Yes."

"Follow me," said Allen, who began putting the shop down for bed, then walked out the door and onto the area of the set that was the parking lot. He got in the door, and the canid followed suit. Aside from what the dragon said next, the ride was mostly quiet; "Now I know I've seen you around the shop before. Tell me the truth. Did you walk in there every time just to get an eye-full of me?"

"Well," came the wolf's timid voice, "not every time. I remember once I was just thirsty and wanted a soda." The dragon laughed real heartily at that. Some kid had a crush on hi. "What's your name kid?" "Huh? Oh. It's Jack."

"And what about your parents?" Allen inquired, "When will they expect you home?" "They're out of town. My older brother is watching me, but he's out on a date. He probably won't be back till tommorow."

"If that's the case," the dragon said, "why should you be home any earlier? Hm?" The dragon took advantage of the red light to turn his gaze to the wolf inquisitively. The wolf was only able to stammer out an, "I-I uh..." The dragon laughed again as the car started to move. "Relax, I can get you home before then if you want." The wolf, more loudly than he intended, quickly responded, "NO! I mean, uh. What's the rush?" Allen laughed yet again and chimed in, "It's settled then, we're having a sleep over."

The wolf was excited. He was panting heavily by the time the garage parted her opening and was penetrated by the car. It made her shiver all over and she moaned a great loud mechanical moan as the electric motor closed the door. Then two figures exit the car and head into the house. When the first door opened, the wolf was all at once hit by the musk of the dragon's laundy room. He coughed and blinked and heard the dragon laughing. "Like the smell eh?" said Allen, pointing at the wolf's middle. Jack looked down and saw his bulge trying to upstage him; to get into the spotlight. The efforts were soon snuffed when Jack quickly re-arranged his junk as not to be noticed.

"Oh come now, you aren't gonna be shy the whole night are you?" Allen asked a little condescendingly. But then he laughed and headed into the living area, the wolf in tow.

"Well then," said the reptile, "let's not waste any time, shall we?" and with that he pulled down the shorts he was wearing, along with his boxers, turned, and sat in a lazy chair. "How about you get on your knees boy?" The wolf let slip a "Meep!" while he dropped to his knees, which got the dragon to let off a low rumbling chuckle. The dragon shifted to the edge of the seat, to give the wolf better access to his cock, which was now beggining to firm up. The boy's nostrils were again assailed with the strong scent of a sexy scaly. It was so powerful, so indescribably male, it threatened to overtake him. Not before he would claim his prize however.

The boy crawled ever closer on his knees. When he got even more near, the dragon let a palm rest on the dark furred head, scratching. He wasn't pushing down very firmly, but now the boy would have to fight to get his prize. And so he slunk closer while grabbing the base of the reptilian penis, trying to get it fully hard. A mouth opened its doors and was penetrated, slowly, always slowly. The young wolf felt the meat in his maw stiffen up, growing right inside his mouth. Each pulse of the dragon's heart reacted with the wolf pressing with his tongue against the top of his mouth slightly, and caused the ever growing flesh to add a new amount to its length. The boy closed his lips around the edges and began sucking gently, along with continually massaging the manhood with his tongue. Even when he started bobbing his head, it was mellow, and the dragon knew they'd be there all night if he let the boy keep his pace. So he started "encouraging" the boy with the hand on his head. Pulling the boy in a little more each time, then pushing him all the way off, till he made a dilectable slurping sound. Then he would admire the trail of spit and pre connecting his meat to the mouth, and then pull the boy in, parting his lips once more.

The boy quivered with this new treatment. It was gentle, but it was clear Allen was in control. Eventually Allen found the point just where his cock stopped entering his mouth and started entering his throat. Just at that point, he was only one third engulfed by the teenage mouth, and it looked like the boy was already struggling slightly, with the cock in his mouth forcing his jaw wide open. He hadn't passed that point so far, but who was he to deny his guest such an honor? And so he got his meat just at that point, and then he reassured the boy, "If you stay relaxed, it'll be over before you know it, and won't hurt a bit," and then he continued, "but what fun would that be?"

And with that, he removed one hand from the top of the boy's head, and added two behind. Allen slammed his hands down as he flung his hips up, forcing his meat all at once down the poor unprepared throat of the wolf. Jack's eye's went as wide as they could, imitating his mouth, as he inhaled through his nose sharply, and out of instinct, but he was only allowed air tainted my the powerful, sweaty musk. It caused him to choke and he started gagging, started pushing off with his arms, but Allen held steadfast. The strong dragon was watching, and wished he could just leave the wolf there, and admire his handiwork thusfar, the sweet silky skin of the small esophogous was seductive, warm, and inviting. Even more so now that Jack had thoughtfully started massaging the entire length. But alas, he had work to do, didn't he?

So just as quickly as he brought the boy down, he peeled Jack's face from his cock, just far enough to leave Jack's mouth straining. Then, quick as before, with just as much force, brought the intruder back into Jack's sacred insides. Swiftly, Allen gave sweet relief to Jack by pulling out again, if only for a moment. And the next moment, Jack was again flung downward, hips driving up to meet his nose.

This is how the two went on for the next few minutes. By the end, tears began to stream down his face as he clenched his eyes shut. His jaw was burning, and his tongue and lips were tired. He tried to relax his throat, but it was already being stretched, even while relaxed, it wouldn't have done him much good. Not only that, but the dragon above him was quite ferocious, and gave him no time to recover, it was hard not to squeeze with his throat to push the fat dragon cock out, and the harder he squeezed, the more the dragon above him grunted.

As the dragon grew nearer to giving the young wolf his gift, he picked up a frantic pace. The fucking could begin in earnest, because in Allen's mind, what had come before should have been enough "preparation" for the boy. It wasn't. But the only noise Jack was making was "Mrffrghl" which translated to Allen as "Please, go harder on me!" Now Allen was always a hospitible host, how could he not indulge the boy after he had so kindly asked?

So the dragon took up his new furious pace. Spearing all his meat into the lad's face, then pulling out fully, letting his cock breathe. Jack didn't get much of that, not when his mouth would be filled so quickly, so forcefully. Large dragon balls came up and slapped the underside of Jack's muzzle at the end of each thrust.

Jack was still pushing off with his arms while the dragon gave his all to Jack's face-fucking. But it was no longer to try and get away, Jack had given up on that. The wolf was only trying to steady himself, so that it could be over quickly. He tightened the grip with his lips and began sucking and squeezing and hard as he could, in order to usher the end of this. It didn't take long and that rate, Allen traded his speed for power, for three final pumps. On the first, he grunted, pushing the boy's head in harder than he had before. The second, Jack whined, it was even more powerful than the previous, and Allen jutted his hips up like he was proving something. Into the last, final thrust went all of the dragon's strength. Allen was really trying to make a good impression on his guest, he was so hospitible, he ROARED and took to Jack's face and throat one last, powerful time.

Ropes of dragon seed painted Jack's insides all over. The first jet was hot. Jack felt it half fill his stomach. The poor wolfy wasn't prepared for a dragon sized load, each time the dragon's cock twitched, it injected hot cum into him. The pressure inside him was building up, and the boutiful gift Allen had so kindly given his guest was overflowing from its container, and spilling back onto the balls they came from, then dribbling to the floor. Allen was panting heavily, and Jack was drawing quick, short, shallow breaths, for the two hands keeping him prisoner were frozen in pleasure. Long after he had finished cumming, Allen was pressing Jack into is crotch. Letting him get all the scent he wanted. That's what he liked right? The slutty wolf just loved his manly scent. He intended to give it to him, just like a good host should.

Allen finally let go and Jack lifted himself, and his head, up immediately. Now that the plug blocking the path, keeping the pressure up, was gone, all the confined seed sprayed out of the boy's mouth, upward into the air. Most of it came back down all over the wolf and his face and his chest, but some landed all over Allen's feet.

"Uh oh, someone's a dirty little wolfy," goaded Allen, "Aren't you going to clean up your mess?" He lifted his foot up to Jack's tired face. It made an audible sucking sound as he peeled it off the floor. Allen planted his large foot right on Jack's face, blocking out all his senses other than the feeling of being totally covered in dragon cum, inside and out, along with the overpowering smell of dragon foot. Jack took one last whiff and came; right in his pants, which he hadn't had time to take off. Then he passed out. "Hey!" Allen chastized to the narrator. Oh, sorry. Then Jack 'fell asleep dramatically.' "Thank you."

The large dragon stood up, taking note of the wolf's predicament, being all caged up for no one to see. "Oh bother. That wasn't very hospitible of me, was it? No matter," Allen consoled, "I'll just make it up to him in the morning." Then he lifted the wolf up, rubbed some of his cum deep into his chestfur, so that he could have Allen's scent dried into him when he woke, then laid down on the couch with the tired wolf. And then, Lights out.