Judy and Nick in: Kit Play

Story by Liariv on SoFurry

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A collab with panthercub about Nick and Judy doing some age play.

Pic is by Plinkie_Poi and can be found here. Go check it out and fave it! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/22690442/

This is a sequel of sorts to night Wetters, and also to a story of Panther's

Warning: This story contains minor age play and diaper use. If you are AB, DL or ABDL, you will probably like it though.


Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps entered a small cafe near the police station in the Zootopia city center. They were on their lunch break, and had decided to go somewhere nice.

"Wow, we should come here more often!" said Nick as he eyed the food on display, as well as the menu.

"Yeah, we should" said Judy quietly. She was nervous. She had been wanting to get Nick alone for quite a while, and now was her chance. They ordered and sat down, and after a bit of small talk she decided to speak up. "Umm, Nick, you know that thing that happened to me recently? That..." she lowered her voice. "Diaper related thing..."

"Yeah? That sure was an interesting report to read." asked Nick, raising an eyebrow at the bunny.

"Well, ever since it happened, I haven't been able to stop thinking... I'd like to do it again." she murmured, hiding her face in her hands.

"And why are you telling me?" asked Nick, sounding taken aback, but Judy was sure he was faking it.

"Well... Finnick..." said Judy.

"Oh, just because my best friend is an adult mammal who sometimes wears diapers, you think I know all about that?" said Nick, sardonically. He then leaned close to Judy, lowering his voice and flashing her a wide smile. "As a matter of fact, I do."

Judy winced at little, looking around to see if someone had overheard her partner. "Keep it down!" she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

"So why are you telling me this?" asked Nick, lowering his voice even more and leaning so close his face was only centimeters away from Judy's. "Just looking for someone to confide your naughty baby bunnie fantasies to, or did you have questions?"

Judy's ears drooped as she blushed in embarrassment as she leaned back a little. "Well... I was kinda wondering where you and Finnick get... diapers... and if maybe they're discreet, and where do you use them?" Judy looked around guiltily again, worried that someone she knew was going to walk in and overhear their private conversation.

"Where do we go?" Nick repeated. "Where else would we go, you've seen what we do! Finnick is small enough he can pass as a toddler in public! Do you think we did that for the sake of a hustle? No, there are far easier ways to get a jumbo pop. You even booted our stroller, remember?" Nick chuckled at the memory.

"Anyway, We just use normal baby diapers, they fit him fine. I'd say one size bigger would fit you just fine carrots! It's not weird buying them, everyone just thinks he's my son. As for being discrete? Sure he doesn't wear them without anything over them, but if he's pretending to be a baby he doesn't care who notices." Nick leaned back in his chair again, and said slightly louder. "So what are you implying? Am I gonna be a daddy to a cute baby bunny as well as a little fox?"

Judy blushed and said nothing as she checked to see if the server was about to bring them their orders.

"I, uh, I haven't really thought this all the way through Nick." she said quietly before turning back to face him. She took a deep breath. "I just, think that maybe I would like, to try them again, p-privately." Judy said. She tried to gauge Nick's reaction. She could feel that she was still blushing profusely.

Nick's face fell slightly, but he quickly gave an encouraging smile once more. "So what do you want? To borrow some stuff? I'm sorry but all that belongs to Finnick! Though I could tell you where to buy" he lowered his voice and leaned close again, whispering the word in Judy's ear. "Diapers." he chuckled. "We could even go in together and I could pick out what would look cute on you!" Judy froze to the spot, processing this information. She took another deep sigh, her left foot tapping against her seat.

"Well, would you really? Help me pick out something to, test?" she asked, her voice faltering.

"Well, if you'd rather, I could just get them myself and show up at your place tonight. Surely the great officer hops would never be seen at such a babyish place." said Nick with a sly grin. "Don't worry I'll get just the right size." Judy sat there, mulling it over.

"Okay, I'll trust you Nick. But I swear, if you tell anyone..."

"I wouldn't dream of it" said Nick with a wink.


Judy sat anxiously in her apartment, waiting for Nick. It wasn't the tiny one room affair she had stayed in when she first moved to Zootopia, now the police department was paying her enough to afford a nicer place, not glamorous by any means, but comfortable. Suddenly, the Doorbell rang.

Judy sprang up and rushed over to the door, standing on the tips on her feet to look through the peephole. Seeing the smirking face of Nick, she felt a flutter of excitement before she unlocked and opened the door.

"Uhm, come in." she said.

"Nice to see you" said Nick, walking across the threshold holding a shopping bag. Judy closed the door behind him, and Nick showed her the bag. Inside was a very thick pack of diapers, which Nick lifted out and gave a squeeze. "I got the thickest ones I could in your size!" The bag wasn't empty however, as Judy looked inside again she saw a few objects. One was a pacifier, the bag also contained a pack of baby wipes and a box that said "Glycerine suppositories. Fast and effective constipation relief" Judy looked back at Nick, and for the first time he blushed slightly. "Thought I'd get you a couple of gifts, you know, to get you started."

"Oh, uhm, Nice to see you too Nick, and thanks, for this." Judy said, her blush returning as she examined the pack of diapers. "So, uh, I guess I should, uhm g-get started. There's some leftover spring rolls in the fridge if you're hungry." Judy said as she continued to stare down at the package, nervous. She then turned to start walking towards the bathroom.

"Sure thing" said Nick with a nod. He went to the fridge and picked up the spring rolls, poured himself a glass of water, and sat down on the sofa to eat them. By the time he had finished, Judy emerged from the bathroom wearing pajamas. The diaper was so thick that Nick could clearly see the outline of it through her pajama bottoms, and he could see the top of it peeking out over the waistband. As she walked, her diaper crinkled slightly. "I must say you are looking particularly adorable" said Nick, eyeing her. "So how does it feel to be wearing one willingly?"

"First of all, I believe that I've told you a thousand times that only a bunny can call a bunny cute!." Judy said in an attempt to lighten the mood, her cheeks still beet red. She gulped before continuing to waddle over to the sofa. "Second, I-I think that this isn't so bad. Actually, this feels really, nice." she said with a smile as she climbed up onto the couch next to Nick.

"Of course it does. Why do you think so many mammals wear them?" said Nick. "So, is this your thing?" he asked, grabbing the pacifier out of the bag, tearing off the packaging and holding it out to her. "I mean, if you're going for the Baby Bunny look, I think this will complete it."

Judy didn't say anything, she meekly nodded to his question, before tentatively reaching for the pacifier, almost afraid of it. Slowly she took the pacifier from his paw, and gently guided it to her mouth. She sat perfectly still, completely nervous.

"That looks perfect!" said Nick with a chuckle. "You just sit back and relax. So, want to watch a movie?" he asked, getting up and flicking through Judy's DVDs.

"Uhm, yes." She said, her pacifier giving her a lisp. She reached over to the coffee table where the plate of spring rolls had been set, stopping with her paw out stretched as she realized that she had to pee. Slowly, she started to slide herself to the edge of the couch cushions, her pajama bottoms sliding down the crinkly plastic of the diaper, exposing them even more.

Nick looked around as Judy stood up. "Now where do you think you're going, young lady?" he asked as Judy hitched up her pajama bottoms, blushing hard, the thickness of her diaper making it hard to do in a hurry. Her ears drooped as she briefly felt like she did when she was a little kit, about to be scolded.

"I need the bathroom." she confessed, the paci makes her lisp sound even more babyish.

"What do you think you're wearing?" said Nick, jovially. "Come on Carrots, if you're gonna do this, you should do it properly" he said, grabbing Judy by the sides, lifting her, and placing her down on the sofa again. "It feels good!" he said quietly. "Finnick and I always do it!"

Judy looked shocked at the revelation, but nodded. She looked up into Nick's green eyes as he stood there with his arms crossed, his casual smirk plastered on his face. After a few seconds of think about how to do this, Judy closes her eyes and began to concentrate. At first, all she could manage was a trickle, but soon she was flooding her diaper.

Nick smiled harder. He wasn't sure exactly what tipped him off, but he could tell Judy had wet herself. He was surprised she had gone for it so fast. It had taken loads of convincing to make Finnick do it for the first time. "Good girl." Nick whispered, patting Judy on the head. Judy gasped and sucked on her pacifier hard. She had never felt anything like this. At first, it had been wet and very warm, but now it was starting to dry already. The fur inside her diaper felt only slightly damp, but the front felt a whole lot thicker. She reached down and touched her crotch with her hand, her diaper felt like it was bunching up at the front, and it felt a whole lot thicker than before

Judy tried again to pull up her pajama bottoms, slower this time, but the diaper was now too thick to wear them comfortably. After a minute to struggling with them, Judy sighed and blushed as she kicked them off, now just sitting there in her pajama top and her wet diaper. She sucked on her paci as she looked up at Nick.

"What do we do now?" she asked, her small and nervous voice lisping once more, making her sound just like the toddler she felt that she looked like at this point.

"Well, how about we put on that movie?" said Nick, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a DVD. "It's that new 'Meowana, Adventures in the south purrcific' thing. I thought it'd be perfect for a baby bunny!" he showed the DVD to Judy. It appeared to be a burned disc with a printed label glued to it.

"Uhm, okay." Judy lisped, sucking on the pacifier, looking down and poking the front of her diaper experimentally

Nick put the DVD on, then sat down next to Judy again. He lifted his arm and motioned to put it around Judy. "Now how about giving daddy a cuddle?" he asked, softly.

Judy blushed but nodded, gingerly leaning closer to Nick, smiling as she decided to do something that she had been wanting to do for a while now. She gently grabbed his poofy tail and hugged it close, sucking on her paci as she did so.

"Hehe, fluffy, isn't it?" said Nick, flexing his tail, causing the hairs to fluff up even more than normal. He pulled Judy close so her head was resting on his chest and she was still hugging his tail, and put an arm around her.

Judy giggled in a way that sounded like a little kit, and hugged it closer, relaxing to the sound of Nick's heartbeat, sucking her paci in sync with it.

After about an hour into the movie, Judy started to squirm a little.

"What's wrong?" asked Nick, stroking Judy's head gently. "Uncomfortable?"

"Bathroom." Judy lisped as she tried to climb down again.

Nick held Judy gently in place. "Now now, I thought we'd been over this" he said. "Use your diaper silly bunny! Don't worry about leaks, they're thick enough to take it."

"But I gotta... do number two." Judy whined a little behind her pacifier as the need started to grow.

"Oh, I see." said Nick. "Well, I won't stop you, but I would really suggest you try going in your diaper at least once, just to see if you like it." he said, stroking Judy reassuringly. "It's fine, I do it sometimes. It's kinda gross, but I like how it feels. I'll even change you if you don't want to do it yourself."

Judy blushed as she heard this. She looked up into Nick's eyes. She whined once, but nodded. "If you say so Nick, but if this ends up gross I'm blaming you." and leaned closer into Nick's chest, pulling her legs up close to her chest. She began to push. She felt incredibly embarrassed doing it right there on Nick's lap, but part of her really did want to do this. She pushed as hard as she could, her face turning even redder, but nothing was coming out.

"I... I can't do it." she said quietly, "Maybe I should just go to the bathroom."

"Nonsense!" said Nick. "I thought you might need a little encouragement, that's why I got those suppositories." he said, reaching over to the bag and pulling out the medicinal looking box.

"It's simple" said Nick as he got the suppository out of it's packaging. It was a piece of hard and clear jelly in the shape of a bullet. "Just get this wet to make it slippery, and put it up your bunny bum. It'll make you fill your diaper in no time. So what do you think? Want to put it in yourself, or want me to do it for you?"

"I don't know... I've never had one of those before... I guess?" Judy began, but Nick interrupted her.

"Come on, just try the suppository" said Nick, dipping it in the glass of water he had gotten to drink with the spring rolls. "If you don't like it I'll let you use one on me." he slipped his hand down the back of her diaper, ran his finger down her buttcrack until he found her anus, and gently pushed the suppository inside. Judy gasped loudly as she felt it slip past her anus, her own muscles pushing it inside her. Nick quickly withdrew his hand from the back of her diaper.

Judy just lay there, a look of shock on her face. She slowly sucked on her paci, as she reflected on just how helpless and small she had been made to feel so far, and how much she realized that she was enjoying being made to feel to small. She then found herself picked up under her armpits, and was sat back down on Nick's lap. Nick ruffled her hair playfully, before he started to bounce his knee. Judy tried to ignore all of this and focus on the movie, unable to resist the giggle that escaped from around her paci

"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" asked Nick as he bounced her. "Now, if you still want to go to the bathroom, just say the word and I'll put you down, but something is telling me you don't want to anymore." he said, Judy shook her head as he gently stroking her.

At first, Judy hadn't felt anything out of the ordinary from the suppository, but as a bit of time passed, she started to feel it. She felt warm on the inside. It wasn't exactly burning, but she felt like the suppository was certainly doing something. After another few minutes, the urge got stronger and stronger. Far stronger than it had been before the suppository. She felt like she would fill her diaper with the slightest push.

Blushing, Judy decided that it was either now or never. She looked back at Nick's smiling face as he continued to bounce her on his knee like she really was a little kit, and then she turned away. She hesitated, wondering if she really wanted to go this far. Then she felt a slight cramp, bit down on her paci and grunted as she pulled her legs up a bit, and pushed.

Nick stopped with the bouncing and held Judy slightly off his lap once he felt a bulge in the back of her diaper. Judy kept pushing as Nick held her there, but she hardly needed to. Once she had started, she didn't think she would be able to stop. Her poop, now softened by the suppository, slipped out of her butt and filled the back of her diaper. The space between her buttcheeks felt totally full. It was so sticky and squishy, she wasn't sure she liked it. Suddenly, before she had time to object, Nick let her down and she sat on his lap once more. She felt the contents of her diaper squish and spread out all over her butt!

Judy's mouth worked overtime with her paci. She had to collect her thoughts as she was bounced. She felt gross, but at the same time, there was something about being bounced on someone's knee while in a full diaper that she found herself enjoying. She reached out and grabbed Nick's tail, her eyes watering a little, and hugged it close.

"I don't think that I can change myself." Judy said quietly around her paci.

"In that case, Daddy had better change you before you stink up the place." said Nick. "Wait there." He placed her on the sofa, and went to the bathroom. He got a towel, cleared the coffee table, and laid the towel on it. He picked up Judy and laid her down on the towel, causing her diaper to squish all the more. "Now, real talk for a minute" said Nick. "If I change you, I'm gonna see you naked, and unless you wanna wipe yourself, I'm probably gonna be touching you quite a lot too. You okay with that?"

Judy looked up and mulled it over for a few seconds. After a brief internal debate, she nodded and laid back, unsure of what to do to help.

"Okay!" said Nick. He untaped her diaper and opened. "Whew, what a stinky bunny!" he said as he used the clean part of the diaper to wipe the majority of the mess off of her butt. "Not nearly as bad as Finnick" he added, after he saw the expression on her face. He took a pack of baby wipes out of the bag he had brought the stuff in, lifted Judy's butt by her legs, and balled up the messy diaper and put it in the now empty bag. He opened the pack of baby wipes and began to wipe her. Judy jumped a little at the coldness of the first wipe. She held as still as possible as Nick wiped her. At a certain point, it really started to tickle. She had to resist the urge to start kicking her legs and giggle. She sucked on her paci, the corners of her mouth turned up in a smile. Judy noticed he was taking special care not to touch her directly on the pussy.

"Thank you for this Nick, I don't think that I would have been brave enough to try this on my own." Judy said as Nick wiped her bottom.

"No problem, I'm having a good time! I'm glad you are too. Hey, what does that song say? 'Try Everything' right?" he said with a chuckle. "Anyway, you're as clean as I'm going to get you" he said, throwing the last wipe in the trash. By the looks of it he had used about a quarter of the pack. "You'd better take a quick shower while I take out the trash, then I'll put a fresh diaper on you. "

"Okay Nick." Judy said as she pulled her pacifier out, setting it on the coffee table, climbing down. She couldn't help but smile as she headed towards the bathroom, stripping off her pj top once the door was closed, starting the shower.

Nick washed his hands and put the diaper bag in Judy's kitchen bin, then he took the bag of that, went out into the hall and put it into the disposal chute in the hall. By the time he got back to the apartment Judy was still in the shower.

Judy hummed to herself as she scrubbed her fur. Eventually, she finished and rinsed herself off. After climbing out and drying herself profusely, she put her pajama top back on and walked back out to see Nick standing there with a fresh diaper in paw.

"Uh oh, I'd better get my bottomless baby bunny diapered before she has an accident on the floor!" said Nick, unfolding the diaper on the table and picking up Judy, placing Judy on top of it. Judy lay back and Nick taped up the diaper tightly. "So, how did you enjoy being diapered? Think we should do it again?"

"Yes!" Judy said as she sat up lunged into a hug in Nick's arms, snuggling tightly into his chest. "That is, if you would like to, Daddy." Judy whispered the last part, not entirely realizing that she had said that. Nick picked up her paci and popped it in her mouth, which she instantly started to suck as Nick cradled her, tickling her tummy and making her titter and giggle. Judy let out a large yawn, and rubbed her eyes.

"Hehe, I'm so glad you like it!" said Nick. "Looks like baby bunny is getting all tuckered out though, I guess I should put you to bed after the movie" he said grabbing the remote and pressing play. "I guess I'll go home after that... Unless you think I should stay the night?"

"Would you stay, please?" Judy asked innocently as she looked up at him, before she was shifted and gently rocked a little as she started to get lost into the movie.

Nick nodded, and didn't say anything else as he let the movie play out. Judy's eyes started to droop as she rested her head on Nick's chest again, falling asleep to the soothing sound of his heartbeat.

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